Training for teachers “relieving emotional stress.” Psychological lesson for teachers “relieving psycho-emotional stress

Mini-training For teachers of MKOU Novochanovskaya secondary school

« WITH concept emotional voltage"

Target: withdrawal psycho-emotional stress, harmonization of internal state.

    Acquaintance with new ways and methods of self-regulation.

    Mastering the technique of self-regulation of emotional state and relaxation.

    Accumulation of new experience in relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Prepared And held: teacher-psychologist MCOU Novochanovskaya secondary school Kotlyarova A.P.

The date of the: _____________

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Quantity participants: 20 – 25 people.

Required materials: sheets of paper, colored pencils, music center, relaxation music.


Dear colleagues.


A study of the problem of psychosocial well-being of teachers in NSO and Novosibirsk was conducted in 2006 by specialists from the Regional Center for Monitoring Education, the Center for Conflictology and Research social problems NSTU as part of a grant from the NSO administration. Objective reasons for the negative dynamics of psychosocial health were identified. Psychosocial well-being of teachers influences quality educational services, accordingly, affects children (“Healthy teacher - healthy child”). Psychosocial health is the degree of adaptation, success and self-realization in the social space.

One of the factors of teachers’ psychosocial well-being is “Emotional burnout”.

    The work of a teacher requires great emotional, mental, and physical costs, after which it is necessary to recover.

Let's start with "acquaintance". Continue the phrase: “I am the one (the one) who (which) ...” (along the chain, optional)

Thank you!

Let's try to do an exercise called “Give the subconscious the floor.” You need to sit comfortably, relax, turn on your imagination and imagine everything that I will read in the smallest detail. After completing this exercise, I will explain what it means and talk about the capabilities of our subconscious.

Exercise "Give word subconscious"

Instructions: Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Inhale, exhale...

    Imagine that you are walking through the forest. Describe what kind of forest this is. Is the sun shining? Are you walking along a path or through a thicket? Are you happy here?

    You need to climb over the fence. How do you do this? Will the obstacle be easy to overcome?

    You go to the river bank. Imagine it very clearly: what kind of water is there, the speed of the current, the bottom... are there any stones at the bottom? How will you get across to the other side?

    Having overcome the next obstacle, you see the house. What is it (size, decor, etc.)? You opened the door and entered the house. Look around. Do you feel comfortable here? Cleanliness or a terrible mess? How many rooms are there in this house? What are they? Name and describe them.

    There is a sign on the door. It says on it that the house belongs... to you. What is it made of and what is the inscription?

    You went up to the attic. What does he look like? What is stored there? Order or maybe full of junk?

    Seagulls fly over the sea. High or low, close to you or far away? Can you hear them? How do birds make you feel?

    You see a ship. What is it like, how far from the shore? Can you reach it? And in general, will you do this?


    1. The forest is a symbolic reflection of your childhood and children's ideas about life. The happier you are in the forest, the more positive your childhood memories; if your imagination painted a dark, frightening picture, then perhaps your childhood was quite difficult and your previous ideas are now affecting your life.

Key - your attitude towards everything new that life brings. If you picked up the key or were happy about it, then you are at least ready to accept change.

River - represents the course of your life. Remember how fast the stream seemed to you, how clean the water in it was. The stones at the bottom symbolize the difficulties you have overcome since childhood.

Fence - a symbol of obstacles that await a person on life path. Pay attention to which fence is a symbolic fence or the Great Wall of China.

Nora – your perception of hidden danger. If you boldly climbed into a hole, you are a reckless or overly inquisitive person.

House – it’s you. As much as you like it there, you feel as good as yourself. The rooms you saw are the most important aspects life. Everything is fine where you like it, but if one of the rooms is a mess, you may have problems in this area.

Tablet on the door says who you consider yourself to be (some have their name written on them, others have all their regalia and merits, some just have them scrawled in chalk).

Attic - a metaphor for education, culture and the various skills instilled in you. If everything is neglected there, then you probably don’t know why you once put so much effort into getting a diploma.

Seagulls - these are your relatives. Ideally, there are quite a lot of them and they decorate the landscape. If they shout annoyingly and almost hit your face with their wings, you probably have tense relationships with your loved ones. The complete absence of seagulls on the horizon is an alarming signal of loneliness.

Sea your sensual side of personality. By how stormy it seems to you, you can judge what kind of relationships with people you like: quiet and calm or a surge of emotions and feelings.

Ship – the embodiment of your main dream today. How achievable and beautiful it is is determined by what kind of ship it is and how far from the shore it is.

And one more thing... The way you climbed over the fence and crossed the river shows how easily you overcome obstacles. If you answered honestly and you don’t have any special fears (water or heights), then the nature of overcoming both obstacles will be the same. If in your imagination, out of nowhere, an assistant appeared, a bridge, a boat or a person materialized, that means. You rely little on yourself.

A game« Magicalmorshchinki"

Remember:aftergraduationexercisesIneed towillpronounceaboutmyselforaloudapproximatelyHeresuchwords: Ibecame(A)young(th)Andstrong(th), calm(th)! IAllwilldoFine!

Inhale and exhale several times. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. And once again inhale and exhale. Great! Let's smile broadly at our neighbor on one side, and now at the neighbor on the other side. Wrinkle your forehead - you will be surprised, frown your eyebrows - you will get angry, wrinkle your nose - you don’t like something. Relax your facial muscles, your face is calm. Raise and lower your shoulders. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. Well done!

Say something like this to yourself or out loud:: "I became(A)youngAndstrong, calm! I will do everything well!”

I suggest doing an exercise that will help relieve fatigue and gain inner stability. In order to perform the exercise, you will need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing.

RelaxationEffectwilldependfromstrengthimagination.Need tointroducemyselftree(whatto youlike,Withwhatmyselfassociate).DetailsloseVconsciousnessimagethiswood:hispowerfulAndflexibletrunk,intertwinedbranches,swayingonthe windfoliage,opennesscrownstowardssunnyraysAndmoisturerain,circulationnutritiousjuicesBytrunk,roots,firmlyingrownVland.Importantfeelnutritiousjuices,whichrootspull outfromland.Earth- Thissymbollife,roots- Thissymbolstability, stabilitycommunicationspersonWithreality.

    Let's try.

Exercise "Tree"

    Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Feel your feet, feel how firmly they stand on the ground. Imagine - you are a tree and your roots grow deep into the ground. Some of them are thick and strong, others are thin, they encircle the entire space of the earth around you. Imagine that these roots are firmly holding the trunk, and you are standing firmly and confidently on the ground. If you want, you can spread your arms and imagine that these are branches that also spread out in all directions. Leaves grow on the branches. A light breeze blows through your branches, they sway easily. Powerful roots feed and support the trunk, and no hurricane will harm you...

A terrible storm begins, shaking the trees. The trunk tilts from side to side, some branches may break, but you are so firmly rooted in the ground that the storm will not break you.

Feel your roots, trunk, branches, feel how strong and flexible you are. Let the wind blow - your branches bend under its force, but do not break...

Gradually the wind stops. The sun comes out from behind the clouds and you enjoy the tranquility. You become yourself again. Stretch, take a deep breath and open your eyes.

To achieve harmony of internal state, you need to draw your tree, its roots, trunk, branches.

Followingexercise(called"Mood")Youyou canexecuteHouses.

U exercise"Mood"

If the guidelines for a calm and constructive conversation have been destroyed, then an unpleasant aftertaste remains after such a conversation. It needs to be "removed".

Take colored pencils (or crayons) and Blank sheet paper. Relaxingly, with your left hand, draw an abstract plot - lines, color spots, shapes. It is important to completely immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw the lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Try to imagine that you are transferring your sad mood onto paper, as if materializing it. Have you finished your drawing? Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 5-7 words that reflect your mood. Don't think too long; it is necessary that words arise spontaneously, without special control on your part.

After this, look at your drawing again, as if reliving your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.

Let's try some relaxation exercises:

"Interiormassage": Imagine a black board. Then imagine how the letters of your name slowly appear, one at a time, in the upper left corner of the board. Then try to see the letters of the word “Relax” also appearing one at a time, but in the upper right corner. Pause for a moment and look at these words again. Then watch how they appear in the line below.


Target: complete relaxation, rhythmization of the breathing process, increasing internal stability, achieving harmony of emotional reactions. (3-5 min.)

Take a comfortable position. Relax your body. Direct your attention to your breathing. Try not to change the natural type of breathing, but only monitor it. Tell yourself: “I feel my inhalation,... I feel my exhalation...”

After regular training, periods of distraction are reduced, and periods of concentration increase. Note: despite its simplicity, this exercise is one of the most effective breathing techniques.

"Deliverancefromalarms"(visualtechnique): Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day... The sky is illuminated by a rainbow and a particle of this radiance belongs to you... It is brighter than a thousand suns... Its rays gently and affectionately warm your head, penetrate your body, spread throughout it, all of it is filled with cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dissipated by a gentle wind. You are freed from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!

"Yes Yes Yes"

Goal: transforming negative experiences into positive ones, tuning the whole organism to a favorable perception of the upcoming event.

Within 5-10 minutes. Try not to be distracted by anything “yes-yes-yes” with different intervals, intonation and volume.


Goal: cleansing consciousness, relieving tension from the articulatory apparatus.

Speak, without thinking, any meaningless sound combinations that come to mind, imitating colloquial speech.

Note: during the exercise, a lot of things that bother you, hidden in the subconscious, are “blurted out.”


Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, open your mouth slightly and sing “A-U-M” with different intonations.


Goal: liberation of consciousness, release of negative experiences.

Sitting, relaxed, with your eyes closed, make a mooing sound.


Goal: relaxed state.

Take a comfortable position. Taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Exhale. Take a deep breath again and hold your breath. This time, accompany the exhalation with the sound “haaaaaaa”. Now breathe normally, focusing your attention on this. When you inhale, say to yourself: “I am”; when you exhale, say “relaxed.” Repeat the exercise 5 times.

During the day you expend a huge amount of energy. Give every muscle, every cell a chance to rest. Lie down, feel how your consciousness slows down, there is no rush, no fuss. You don't have to go anywhere, you don't have to do anything... Tension and grief gradually leave you. With each inhalation, imagine that you are absorbing the beauty of relaxation, and imagine each exhalation as getting rid of tension, fatigue, anxiety... You are washed by a feeling of peace and tranquility... Everything is so quiet, so calm. Silence gives rise to a feeling of warmth, confidence... You are relaxed, you are in complete agreement with yourself and the whole world around you... (The pulse rate before and after the exercise should differ by 10 beats)


Purpose: reset muscle tension in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and back, control over posture and self-confidence.

It can be done while standing or on the go. Raise your shoulders as sharply as possible, spread them wide back and lower. This should be your posture all the time.

    To restore your strength and energy after hard work, you need to be able to relax and rest. The simple relaxation techniques that we learned today will help you relieve psycho-emotional stress. The recommendations I have prepared for maintaining psychological health will help, if necessary, improve your emotional condition, maintain mental health.


    Fruitful cooperation.

Teacher-psychologist: Satybaldina Raushan Alimzhanovna

MSE "Kostanay Polytechnic College"

Direction: social direction

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of participants.


  • introduce training participants to some techniques of psychological self-regulation;
  • create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself;
  • improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing internal spiritual harmony.

Training form– a circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, adopt a comfortable body position during relaxation.

Progress of the training:

Cheerful music is playing. The training participants enter the office.


Dear participants, we are glad to welcome you!

Greetings(all in a circle, turning to each other):

First let's:

Let's say "Hello" with our hands! (took the neighbor's hands)
Let's say "Hello" with our eyes! (looked at each other)
Let's say “Hello” with our lips - (we say in chorus to each other)
It has become more joyful for you and me!

How nice it is to see you in a good mood! American psychologist Don Powell advises: “Find a reason to laugh a little every day.”

The healing power of laughter is known to everyone, but our life consists not only of bright spots, there are also moments when laughter replaces stress and emotional tension.

Probably each of you has found yourself in stressful situations. So, our training today is aimed at developing stress resistance skills and relieving emotional stress.

Exercise "Name the associations»

I would like to know from you, what associations do you have with the word “stress”?

Passing the ball to each other in a circle, participants name associations with the word “stress.”

(Stress - This is our body’s reaction to external physical and emotional irritation. People deal with stress differently)

Exercise “Nonverbal communication”

Target: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Time: 5-7 minutes.

Progress of the exercise: Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The psychologist gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the psychologist’s command, the outer circle moves one step to the right.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

  1. Say hello using your hands.
  2. Fight with your hands.
  3. Make peace with your hands.
  4. Show support using your hands.
  5. Feel sorry with your hands.
  6. Express joy.
  7. Wish you good luck.
  8. Say goodbye with your hands.

Psychological meaning of the exercise: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement between the participants due to physical contact. Mutual understanding between them improves and non-verbal communication skills develop.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to convey information silently? For whom is it easy? Did you pay attention to the information from your partner or did you think more about how to convey the information yourself? What do you think the purpose of this exercise was?

Exercise “Close Company”

Target: rallying of participants, dance therapy

All participants draw out colored cards with shoes on them. Participants who have the same cards are united into teams. Once the pairs are created, their task is to come up with a team motto and then perform the dance found on the back of the card.

Indoor slippers - lezginka, galoshes - gypsy, children's sandals - kara zhorga, bast shoes - lambada, felt boots - modern dance.

Exercise “Tale of the City”

We had a rest, we great mood. We want ours peace of mind preserved for as long as possible.

We'll compose "Tale of the City" in which there are no conflicts, where all people are happy and loved. And the fairy tale begins like this : « Everyone has gathered in one beautiful city...”

Each participant in turn, passing a soft toy, names one sentence for composing a fairy tale.

We all wanted to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and complete!

Final part.

Now, dear participants, I bring to your attention the “Formula for Today” by the American psychologist D. Carnegie.

But there is one condition. You need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and silently, silently pronounce the words that I will pronounce. Calm music sounds. The psychologist slowly and calmly reads out the formula.

“Formula for Today” by D. Carnegie.

  1. Exactly today!

I will try to adapt to the life that surrounds me.

  1. Exactly today!

I will take care of my body.

  1. Exactly today!

I will try to pay attention to developing my mind.

  1. Exactly today!

I will be friendly towards everything.

  1. Exactly today! I will outline a program of my affairs.
  2. Exactly today! I will love and believe that those I love love me. So today is your best day!

"Basket of Tips"

People can learn to cope with stress and emotional tension and lead healthier, more happy life. Here are some tips to help you overcome stress.

Assistants distribute advice on overcoming stress to all training participants.

How to overcome stress

  1. Get regular sleep
  2. Try talking and walking more slowly
  3. Take more walks in the fresh air
  4. Make a to-do list for today
  5. Set yourself only realistic goals
  6. Set aside at least one hour a day for yourself

7. Smile and compliment yourself when looking in the mirror

  1. Tell your loved one about your troubles
  2. Try counting to ten to yourself when you feel stressed.
  3. Prepare a cup of warm herbal tea, take a warm bath or shower
  4. Avoid unnecessary promises, evaluate your capabilities
  5. Know the ups and downs of your mood
  6. Live for today, don't demand too much from yourself
  7. Remember how you felt when everything was fine

15. Don't try to please everyone - it's unrealistic

  1. Remember that you are not alone

17.Be optimistic! This will help you find much more joy in life than gloom.

  1. Don't rush into making any decisions. Calm down first.
  2. Accept your failure! Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.
  3. A job you love can be a good cure for stress.

In any case, remember: stress is normal, it is part of our daily experience. What you are experiencing is something that many people have already experienced. This means that you must always remember: “Everything will be great for me!” I can do everything!"

Performing the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!”


A web is made using a ball of thread

1– The most useful thing for me was...

- I like it…

2 – wish.


I love positive people in life.
They have their own special glow.
And no matter how many dark days there were in their lives,
Only light has influence there.
They know how to radiate goodness
With their warmth they warm part of the World.
Alas, not each of us is given this,
But under their warmth, our souls melt.
I really want each of us to
Got a small grain of happiness,
So that instead of bitter and cold phrases,
Smiles settled on our faces.
In a difficult life situation, prefer to actively act rather than worry. Have a positive and friendly attitude towards everything around you: people, nature, the world.

Thank you everyone for your work!

Training for teachers: “Relieving emotional stress”

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional stress, strengthening the psychological health of the teacher.


    introduce training participants to some techniques of psychological self-regulation;

    create favorable conditions for productive work on yourself;

    improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing internal spiritual harmony.

Organization of the training: group of teachers from 15 to 20 people.

Training form – a circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, adopt a comfortable body position during relaxation.

Duration – 90 minutes.

Training leader: educational psychologist Zakharova V.A.

Progress of the training

Introduction. Relevance of the chosen topic.

The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous intense contacts with other people, the teacher experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in emotional exhaustion. The teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional stress, which leads to a progressive deterioration in his health. According to the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, 60% of teachers are prone to neuroses. I believe that modern teachers educational institutions need psychological support and training in techniques for relieving emotional stress. This is exactly what we will be doing today.

Main part.

Music is playing. Training participants enter the office and choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. They sit in a circle.

1.1. The principle of insufficiency occupies a large place in our lives. We don't have enough time to meet, caress and pay attention to each other. We run all the time, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's stop this running for a moment and talk to each other.

Perhaps in Lately Is something bothering you?

Or do you feel tired?

Or even minor events throw you off balance?

If you answered “yes,” then today we should talk about the fact that nature has endowed humans with the ability to self-regulate, that is, no one else, but only you yourself can manage your emotional state.

1.2. To begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being you have prevailing. The psychologist comments on the meaning of the chosen color. Cards"Color Meaning" ( )

Cards"Color Meaning" Annex 1

Blue color – calmness, contentment, ability to empathize, trust, devotion.

Violet - anxiety, fear, grief.

Green – confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, need for self-affirmation.

Red – aggressiveness, excitement, desire for success, desire to dominate and act to achieve success.

Brown – the color of peace and stability, the need for home comfort.

Yellow – activity, cheerfulness, desire for communication, expectation of happiness.

Grey – anxiety and negative state.

Black – security, secrecy, desire to “go into your inner world.”

1.3. Exercise"Acquaintance"
Everyone in a circle continues the phrase: “I am the one (the one) who (who) ...”

1.4. Exercise"Molecule"

All participants will mix freely around the room. The psychologist calls it: “Diatomic molecule.” Teachers form pairs and say:

I'm generous!

Yes, you are generous, and also beautiful!

Similarly, the psychologist asks to make triatomic, quadriatomic and pentaatomic “molecules”, and teachers try to form groups and communicate with their colleagues.

Now hold hands, stand in a circle and say in unison:

“It’s great that we are all here today!”

1.5. “A teacher combines the intelligence of a scientist, the talent of an actor, the conviction of a politician, the endurance of an intelligence officer, the discretion of a sapper, and the flexibility of a diplomat.”

The work of a teacher is everyday work not only with students at school, but also regular work on oneself.

1.6. The psychologist callstopic and goals psychological training.

2. Relieving emotional stress.

Every person strives for success and well-being. He wants to be loved and respected. But look around, how many people are dissatisfied with the life around them. It was as if a burden of problems hung over them that they were unable to cope with. And as a result, anxiety, fear, a feeling of uncertainty, and emotional stress arise.

The ability to control oneself has been a human dream since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or restrain yourself, to relieve physical and emotional stress.

2.1. Auto-training and aromatherapy .

The impact of smell on a person’s mental and physical state is combined in aromatherapy with the healing properties of essential oils.

Essential oil“Orange” stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, sadness, and anxiety. Helps increase optimism. Opens the heart to goodness and joy.

Slow music is playing. The group members take a relaxed “coachman” pose, close their eyes and listen to the words AT ( ).

Autotraining Appendix 2

Music is playing. The psychologist pronounces the words.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With every breath your body relaxes. You enjoy being at peace.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand surrounding you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the seashore...

The sun is setting. You feel the warmth of the evening sun...

Take a deep breath and feel the salty smell of the sea. Sea air fresh and a little damp. You feel completely calm.

Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that stresses you out.

I am gradually moving away from my worries. I'm completely calm.

Gradually the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.

3-2-1 Open your eyes. Stretch. You are cheerful and full of strength.

2.2. We rested and are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.

We'll compose"Tale of the City" in which there are no conflicts, where all people are happy and loved. And the fairy tale begins like this: I lived in a beautiful city wonderful family

Each teacher takes turns, passing a soft toy, and names one sentence for composing a fairy tale.

We all wanted to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and complete. But this doesn’t happen!

Probably each of you has found yourself in stressful situations.

Stress – This is our body’s reaction to external physical and emotional irritation. People deal with stress differently.Alone – quickly overcome the “alarm phase” and immediately “pull yourself together.” These are calm, balanced people who are not inclined to make quick, rash decisions.Other – quickly “give up.” These people are impatient, unrestrained, their movements are fast and abrupt.

2.3. Test "Hidden Stress" ( ) .

Appendix 3

Test "Hidden Stress"

You are offered 9 situations. Note which ones bother you the most.

1. You notice that someone is watching you.

2. You want to make a phone call, but the desired number is constantly busy.

3. You are driving a car, and those sitting next to you continuously give you advice.

4. You are talking with someone, and the third person constantly interferes in your conversation.

5. If someone raises their voice for no reason.

6. When someone interrupts your train of thought.

7. You are annoyed by a combination of colors that, in your opinion, do not go together.

8. When, when shaking hands, you feel your partner’s palm limp.

9. Conversation with a person who knows everything better than you.

Result: if you noted 5 or more situations, this means that everyday troubles are hitting your nerves painfully. Try to avoid such situations or pay less attention to them.

All training participants are given prepared test forms. There are many tips and psychological techniques for relieving emotional stress.

2.4. Exercise"Basket of Soviets"

Each teacher takes turns taking cards and reading out loud the suggested tips ( ) .

Appendix 4

How to overcome stress?"Basket of Tips"

1. Get regular sleep.

2. Try talking and walking more slowly.

3. Walk more in the fresh air.

4. Make a to-do list for today.

5. Set only realistic goals for yourself.

6. Set aside at least one hour a day for yourself.

7. Smile and compliment yourself when looking in the mirror.

8. Tell a loved one about your troubles.

10. Prepare a cup of warm herbal tea and take a warm bath or shower.

11. Avoid unnecessary promises, evaluate your capabilities.

12. Know your mood ups and downs.

13. Live for today, don’t demand too much for yourself.

14. Remember how you felt when everything was fine.

15. Don't try to please everyone - it's not realistic.

16. Remember that you are not alone.

17.Be optimistic! This will help you find much more joy in life than gloom.

18. Don't rush into making any decisions. Calm down first.

19. Accept your failure! Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.

20. A job you love can be a good cure for stress.

If you find yourself in stressful situation, then the most important thing is calmness, even if only outwardly. By maintaining your composure, you can prove to yourself that you strong man. And most importantly, you will maintain your health.

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of all human diseases are related to stress.

Exercise“Name the emotion.” Participants stand in a circle, throw the ball to each other, naming positive emotions, then negative ones. Make sure that negative emotions much more and draw the appropriate conclusion.

How nice it is to see you in a good mood. Success at work improves mood, but a teacher needs to constantly regulate his mood.

2.5. How to relieve stresslaughter , sotears.

American psychologist Don Powell advises: “Find a reason to laugh a little every day.”

The healing power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, and helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

Most people admit that they feel better after crying. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Don't be afraid to cry!

2.6. Bioenergetic healing.

Recently, many have begun to listen to biorhythms, to the type of weather, to horoscopes for every day. The energy of the cosmos is pure and identical, but it is distributed among people differently, according to the level of their spirituality.

Around every person there is an invisible aura that represents his spiritual territory. Intrusion into this territory causes us unpleasant feelings (irritation, discomfort, indignation, mental pain).

It is known that many diseases arise from energy imbalance. When there is an abundance of energy in one part of the body, there is a lack of it in another. For example, if excess energy in the glands internal secretion, then hormonal metabolism is disrupted.

2.7. Exercise"Art therapy".

Cosmic music sounds.

Those interested come to the table, where paints, brushes, gouache, whatman paper, and jars of water are prepared. They begin to draw, expressing their feelings from music in the drawing ( ).

Exercise "Art therapy". Cosmic music sounds.

The rest of the training participants close their eyes. The psychologist gives the instruction: “Imagine yourself as the center of the Universe. Focus only on yourself. Feel that you are unique and inimitable." Time 2-3 minutes.

Open your eyes. Tell us about your feelings.

2.8. In all techniques for relieving emotional stress, you should Special attention devote to yourbreathing.

Ancient Chinese medicine says that all diseases are caused by improper breathing. Our breathing is usually shallow. Approximately 1/3 of the lung volume is filled clean air. Every person needs to master the “Breathing Gymnastics” complex.

Exercise"Full Breath" ( ).

Appendix 6

Breathing exercises

Exercise"Full Breath"

Sit comfortably. Focus your attention on your breathing. Take a deep breath. The stomach rises, then the chest, shoulders. Air occupies all the lungs.

Hold your breath.

Exhalation. Slowly through the nose, accompanying sound s-s-s. Suck your stomach in so that all the air comes out.

Relax. You will feel like rib cage will fill itself with fresh air.

Repeat the exercise several times.

Better exercise perform in comfortable clothes, in a well-ventilated room, you need to breathe slowly with pleasure, concentrating your attention on your breathing.

Advice: Start your day with breathing exercises!

The blood and brain are enriched with oxygen, relieving the body of excess stress.

2.9. The voice is a precious gift of nature.

The teaching profession requires skillful use of your voice.

Screaming is a natural, natural and widespread way to relieve nervous tension.

But as a teacher, the energy of screaming can and should be directed in a positive direction.

Exercise "Meditation" to manage your emotional state ( ).

Appendix 7

Memo "Meditative exercise to manage your emotional state"

I can breathe easily, pleasantly and calmly.

I'm completely calm.

Now I mentally imagine a situation in which I might scream.

I clearly imagine this situation, but at the same time I remain completely calm.

I watch and hear my beautiful voice from the side.

I take on the image of a calm and confident person who doesn’t need to shout. I calmly explain to those present what and how to do in this situation.

All the muscles in my body remain relaxed.

My breathing is even and calm.

Final part.

1. American psychologist D. Carnegie suggests"Formula for today."

A tape recording of words sounds. The psychologist shows cards with these words. Participants in the training whisper the words ( ).

Appendix 8

“Formula for Today” by D. Carnegie.

1. Exactly today!

I will try to adapt to the life that surrounds me.

2. Exactly today!

I will take care of my body.

3. Exactly today!

I will try to pay attention to developing my mind.

4. Exactly today!

I will be friendly towards everything.

5. Exactly today! I will outline a program of my affairs.

6. Exactly today! I will love and believe that those I love love me. So today is your best day!

2. Feedback.

The most useful thing for me was...

I like it…

I would like to change...

3. Thank you everyone for your work !


In a difficult life situation, prefer to actively act rather than worry. Have a positive and friendly attitude towards everything around you: people, nature, the world.


    Vasiliev V.N. Health and stress. Moscow, 1991

    View V.D. Good mood- it's simple! St. Petersburg, 2001

    Gracheva L.V. Inner freedom training. St. Petersburg, 2005

    Zaitsev G.K. Your health. Relaxation of the psyche. St. Petersburg, 2000

    Nikiforov G.S. Psychology of health. St. Petersburg, 2003

    Samukina N.V. Games that are played... Dubna, 1996

    Selevko G.K. Assert yourself. Moscow, 2006

    Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school. Moscow, 2005

    Fedorenko L.G. Psychological health in a school setting. St. Petersburg, 2003

    Cherepanova E.N. Psychological stress. Moscow, 1996

Elena Tabanakova
Psychological training for teachers “Relieving emotional stress”

Target training: Decrease emotional fatigue and mood lifting.

Tasks: 1. Neutralization and suppression of negative emotions.

2. Preservation and strengthening mental health.

3. Strengthening in pedagogical a team of goodwill, openness and mutual assistance.

Materials: colored cards (several pieces of the same color, ball, "Basket of Tips",

Leading: "Hello. Today we are meeting to discuss a very interesting and important topic, but first I suggest we say hello.”

Exercise "Hello".

Target: relieving muscle tension, switching attention.

Materials: ball.

Instructions: Now I propose to say hello, but in such a way that the greeting is not repeated even once in our circle. I start and then pass the ball around in a circle until it comes back to me ( For example: Hello, good day, hello, etc.)

"Group rules": basic principles of group work.

After the greeting, the presenter explains to the participants the basic principles of social psychological training and features of this form of work. Then the group members begin to develop rules for the work of their particular group. In each training A group may have its own rules, but the following should be the basis for its work.

1. We are one team.

2. You can say whatever you think.

3. Everyone has the right to their opinion (no one interrupts anyone, does not laugh, does not evaluate others).

4. When discussing what is happening in a group, you should not evaluate the participants, but only their actions. Statements cannot be used type: "I do not like you". Should speak: "I don't like your way of communicating" and so on.

5. All questions that arise are answered comprehensively, and incoming proposals to change the rules or add new ones are discussed.

6. Turn off cell phones.

The finally agreed upon and accepted rules are the basis for the group's work.

Progress of the training.

The topic of our training - relieving emotional stress.

And so we begin, in order to begin fruitful work, let’s see what mood and well-being prevails in you. To do this, you need to choose a card of the color that you like best at this moment.

Exercise "Your mood"

Target: establish contact with teachers, relieve tension.

Materials: colored cards (several pieces of the same color).

Psychologist comments the meaning of the selected color.

Cards "Color Meaning"

Blue color – calmness, contentment, empathy, trust, devotion.

Purple – anxiety, fear, grief.

Green – confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, need for self-affirmation.

Red – aggressiveness, excitement, desire for success, desire to dominate and act to achieve success.

Brown is the color of peace and stability, the need for home comfort.

Yellow – activity, cheerfulness, desire for communication, expectation of happiness.

Gray – anxiety and negative state.

Black – security, secrecy, desire "go to your inner world» .

Every day situations arise in our lives that make us worry and nervous. When such situations become more and more common, it leaves a negative imprint on our psychological condition. We begin to get more and more nervous, and hidden stress quietly enters our lives, which negatively affects both our well-being and our perception of life.

To answer the question of whether you have hidden stress, I suggest you take a small but very revealing test.

Instructions: Read carefully the descriptions of the nine situations that are presented below. Mark for yourself those that irritate you the most. You are not limited in your choice and can choose any number from 0 to 9. At the end, write down the total number of selected situations.

1. You want to make a phone call, but the number you need is always busy.

2. You are driving a car (or doing other usual work), and someone nearby is constantly giving you advice on how best to do it.

3. You notice that someone is watching you.

4. You are talking to someone, but someone appears and constantly interferes with your conversation.

5. You are thinking about some question, and someone interrupts your train of thought.

6. You are talking to someone who raises his voice at you for no reason.

7. You start to feel bad when you see a combination of colors/items that you think don't go together.

8. You shake someone's hand and don't feel any reciprocal feeling.

9. You are talking to a person who knows everything better than you.

Results: If you have marked 5 or more of the proposed situations for yourself as those that make you nervous, then we can confidently say that hidden stress is present in your life. And if you cannot change your attitude towards minor troubles and calm down, then this state of affairs will have an extremely negative impact on your health and performance, and ultimately, on the Joy and Pleasure you get from life.

How to overcome stress? "Basket of Tips"

1. Get regular sleep.

2. Try talking and walking more slowly.

3. Walk more in the fresh air.

4. Make a to-do list for today.

5. Set only realistic goals for yourself.

6. Set aside at least one hour a day for yourself.

7. Smile and compliment yourself when looking in the mirror.

8. Tell a loved one about your troubles.

10. Prepare a cup of warm herbal tea and take a warm bath or shower.

12. Know your mood ups and downs.

13. Live for today, don’t demand too much for yourself.

14. Remember how you felt when everything was fine.

15. Don't try to please everyone - it's not realistic.

16. Remember that you are not alone.

17. Be optimistic! This will help you find much more joy in life than gloom.

18. Don't rush into making any decisions. Calm down first.

19. Accept your failure! Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.

20. A job you love can be a good cure for stress.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, then the most important thing is calm, even if only outwardly. By maintaining your composure, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. And most importantly, you will maintain your health.

The ability to control oneself has been a human dream since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or hold back, relieve physical and emotional stress.

Auto-training and aromatherapy.

Impact of odor on mental and the physical condition of a person is combined in aromatherapy with the healing properties of essential oils.

Essential oil "Orange" stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, sadness, anxiety. Helps increase optimism. Opens the heart to goodness and joy.

Slow music is playing. Group members take a relaxed pose "coachman", close their eyes and listen to the words AT.


Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With every breath your body relaxes. You enjoy being at peace.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand surrounding you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the seashore...

The sun is setting. You feel the warmth of the evening sun...

Take a deep breath and feel the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You feel completely calm.

Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that belongs to you annoying.

I am gradually moving away from my worries. I'm completely calm.

Gradually the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.

3-2-1 Open your eyes. Stretch. You are cheerful and full of strength.

We rested and are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.


Most people admit that they feel better after crying. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Don't be afraid to cry!

American psychologist Don Powell advises “Find a reason to laugh a little every day”.

The healing power of laughter is known everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, and helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

Exercise "Beasts"

Everyone stands in a circle. Instructions for participants: Now I will tell each of you in your ear what kind of beast he will be (For example, cat, white bull). After that everything "beasts" must hold hands tightly (bent at elbows). I will loudly call some beast. The task of the named beast is to sit down, and everyone else’s task is to prevent him from doing this. The joke is that the presenter assigns only a few participants different names, and calls the rest the same (For example, chipmunk). All players try their best to hold the named "beast". This exercise gives a strong emotional release, causes a positive charge emotions, laughter.

Exercise "Fly"

Target: stress relief from the facial muscles.

Instructions: Sit down comfortable: Place your hands loosely on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Yours task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect using your facial muscles.

Exercise "Painting on the back".

Players are divided into pairs. The partners independently decide which of them will be A and which will be B. In the first round, B stands behind A and points his finger "draws" on his back are individual letters. Player A must guess them. At the same time, A's eyes are closed. It is advisable that players wear thin clothing. If A guesses the letters, player B can write simple words and even phrases. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. In the next round, players switch roles. Reflection:

How satisfied was everyone? "artist"?

Were you able to get ready to work together?

Which role was more doable and more fun?

Exercise "Smile".

Japanese proverb says: "The strongest is the one who smiles".

A smile is an effective tool for positively influencing yourself and others. If the facial muscles "work for a smile", then much more happens than you can imagine introduce: muscles activate the nerves located in them, and thereby into the brain "sent" positive signal. You can check it right now. Smile (it doesn’t matter if it’s a grimace, the point is that the right muscles are working). Maintain this position for approximately 30 seconds. If you honestly do this experiment, you will definitely be able to state: still something "happens". It would be good if you described your impressions without delay.

If this is your first time doing this exercise, then now you know that you always feel better after it, and you are ready to start regular exercise. training.

Smile training.

The essence training is that you study several times a day "keep a smile on your face" approximately 1 minute. This exercise can be done anywhere whatever: in the car, on a walk, watching TV. The following effect is interesting, which occurs with this training. In the first seconds, instead of a smile, you may end up with a grimace, especially if you are in an irritated state. But after about 10 seconds you start to seem funny to yourself. This means that your grimace is already transforming into a smile. Then you start to slowly make fun of yourself. You are asking whether you really need to be annoyed in this situation. A few seconds later, you notice that there is relief. And from now on everything will go for the better.

Exercise “Ha!”

Participants form a circle holding hands. By command trainer raise their hands up. Then, on the count of “three,” they sharply throw their hands down and exhale, saying “Ha!” (repeat 4 times).


Broadcast soft toy round. Everyone expresses their opinion about what was done training. For example:

The most useful thing for me was...

I like it…

I would like to change...

Our the training has come to an end. I hope that you will remember these methods of self-control and improve your mood both at home and at work and do not forget that at home for withdrawals stress and everything negative can also be use: breathing exercises, aromatherapy, film therapy, music therapy, meditation, and withdrawal Both laughter and tears help relieve stress.

Do not forget: work is just a part of life that needs to be spent in joy and harmony with yourself.

Thank you everyone for your work!

Exercise “Look at an object”


Participants are invited to choose from those proposed by the presenter or find some small item that will interest them. appearance, and take it in your hands. “Sit comfortably, relax and just look carefully at the object that is in your hands. Concentrate on it. Now only this item exists for you, everything else has faded into the background...

Why are you interested in this object?.. See what its color and shape are?. . What does it feel like?.. Examine it from all sides, in all details... Concentrate for a minute or two on this object, notice its features that are not visible at first glance...”

The meaning of the exercise

“You see how many interesting things can be discovered even in the simplest thing, if you look at it carefully! We are running somewhere, worrying, fussing and have simply lost the habit of looking at what surrounds us. If you want to relax, feel calm and confident, stop your fuss for a minute, open your eyes wider and just carefully look at what is around you. And you will probably see a lot of interesting and unusual..."


Each participant demonstrates his object and tells what interesting things he was able to notice when examining it in detail.

Exercise "Balloon"


Participants take a comfortable position, close their eyes, breathe deeply and evenly. “Now we will learn to relax with the help of breathing. Imagine what's in your stomach balloon. You inhale slowly, deeply, deeply, and feel how it inflates... Now it has become big and light. When you feel that you cannot inflate it any longer, hold your breath, slowly count to yourself to five, then exhale slowly and calmly. The ball deflates... And then it deflates again... Do this five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and sit quietly for one or two minutes.

The meaning of the exercise

An effective stress relief technique that includes both breathing exercise, and an element of meditation. When you feel that you are very frightened or are losing control of yourself due to irritation, it is enough to breathe in this way for two or three minutes, and it will become much easier.


Exercise “Seven Candles”


“Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely.

The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven...” The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music, in a semi-darkened room.

The meaning of the exercise

A simple and effective relaxation technique that combines concentration on an imaginary object and breathing exercise.


How did the participants' condition change as they completed this exercise? Where in real life situations might such a technique be useful?

Exercise "Lampshade"


Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instructions: “Imagine that inside you, at chest level, a bright lamp covered with a lampshade is burning. When the light comes down, you feel warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns upside down... The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine this situation. But we have the power to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down and returns to its normal position. The blinding light disappears, you again feel warm, cozy and comfortable..."

The meaning of the exercise

This technique can be used to expressly regulate your emotional state and quickly relieve stress.


How detailed were you able to imagine the situation described? How did the participants' states change as they mentally turned the lampshade? Where and how in real life Can this self-regulation technique be used?

Training to relieve emotional stress in a group

Emotional stress is a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by adequate expression of emotional reactions. This state allows the best way achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional stress is resourceful over a certain period of time. Prolonged exposure to emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

1. Breakdown and reduction strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any matter or situation that is important to you, and distance yourself from the significance of the result.

“It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, but it is possible in parts and gradually.” Concentrating on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant as to be very emotional. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and common goal so as not to get confused in the details. The strategy of breaking down and reducing allows you to shift your attention, which helps reduce the level of emotional stress.

2. Comparing a situation or any activity with something larger, more important. Decrease in importance.

“It’s all nonsense compared to the world revolution.” This is what the revolutionaries said and steadfastly endured the hardships and deprivations of the revolutionary struggle. In business you can think like this. The project you are worried about is much smaller compared to the projects of the entire company. Others have already done this, it worked for them, so it will work for you too.

3. Establishing certainty. Anxiety often occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision.

Get the information you need, find necessary resources to eliminate uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, prediction of the result, possible options for action.

4. Simulation of a set of acceptable results.

Calculate everything possible results activity or resolution of a situation. Find them positive points. Some options will suit you more, some less, but in any case, it’s better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to make the most of each result obtained.

5. Postponing for a while (if possible) making a decision, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, redirect attention, and removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

People are designed in such a way that it is difficult to worry when you need to work intensely physically. Emotional stress subsides with intense swimming, visiting a bathhouse, or running. Any physical activity balances emotions and makes them more stable. For example, in a village where hard physical work begins at 4 a.m. and ends at sunset, people are more emotionally stable than city dwellers. There is no time to worry - we need to work.

7. Written recording of the situation and causes of emotional experience.

It can be difficult to reflect your condition on paper, however, this effective method reduction of emotional experience. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for it. By describing your condition on paper, you will clearly formulate what is in this moment. Awareness and formulation problematic situation reduces the level of her emotional experience.

8. Humor and working with negative emotions.

Particularly worth noting is humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, betrayal, love, business - how many tragedies have been written about this. And just as many comedies reconcile people with reality, when we laugh at jealousy, betrayal, love, business, and more often than not, other people. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings you closer and helps you move through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating positive emotions for yourself.

It is useful to know anecdotes and aphorisms that are relevant to life events that are relevant to you. And not just know, but tie them to life situations, where they will be, as they say, on topic. You can simply create your own collection of positive jokes and aphorisms that you like; they will be, in a way, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something means to devalue, to reduce the significance of difficult experiences. Even simply holding a smile for 5 minutes can improve your mood. There is a phrase “try to be polite, then you will get used to it,” by analogy, “try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood.”

9. Bringing the experience to the point of absurdity, for example, exaggeration or understatement, softening.

Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate or minimize the experience, observing how the emotional state changes. For example, if you are worried about an upcoming negotiation, imagine that it is the biggest world problem, much more serious than famine in Africa, war, death. After all, if the negotiations go wrong, the sun will stop rising in the east, the rivers will flow back, earthquakes will begin, and life will stop. On the other hand, you can downplay it. Negotiations are a small part of your great life, how many years have you lived, regardless of the result of some negotiations, it will continue to be so, it’s just one moment in the endless communication of people, how can it be important, etc.

Purpose of the training: relieving emotional stress through group interaction, forming a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

1. Exercise “Getting to know each other” (7-10 min.)

Target: abstraction from real - social roles.

Materials: badges, pens.

Progress of the exercise.

Participants create a role (preferably abstracted from everyday life). Come up with names by which they will be addressed throughout the training. Then, in turn, each group member gets acquainted with the others, in accordance with the pleasant role.

Issues for discussion:

    Was this exercise easy for you to do?

    What are your impressions of the exercise?

    Did you get confused while completing the task?

2. Exercise “Nonverbal communication” (5-10 min.)

Target: set up participants to actively complete tasks, train figurative expressive communication skills, develop abilities for group creativity.

Materials: No

Instructions: All participants stand in a circle (with their backs in a circle). “Let one of you think of any object that we will non-verbally pass around in a circle. The subject must be one that can actually be passed on to each other.” The trainer waits until the idea for the subject arises, asks the participant who conceived the subject not to name it out loud and gives him time to prepare for the transfer (1 - 2 minutes).

Progress of the exercise: “So, now the first participant will give his item to the neighbor on the left. At the same time, he, and then all of us, will only use non-verbal means, and the one to whom the item is transferred must understand what item he received. The person who receives the item, in turn, passes it on to his neighbor on the left, etc. Thus, the object will move around the outer circle counterclockwise and should eventually return to Eugene, if everyone is careful and does not allow any transformations of the object. By this moment, all participants will be facing the circle, since everyone, having passed the object, can turn to face the circle. Let's start".

After the item returns to the sender, the trainer, moving from the last one, but now clockwise (in the opposite direction), asks everyone in turn what each received and what they passed on.

To complicate the exercise and increase activity, as well as to get more material for discussion, you can offer to simultaneously begin transferring your objects to three group members standing at approximately equal distances from each other. different places circle. During the discussion, the participants' attention can be drawn to those points that promote or hinder mutual understanding. In particular, we can talk about the fact that in communication each of the participants is responsible for the result. The one who conveys the information must try to do it clearly, clearly, and understandably for the other, i.e. the person transmitting information spends some effort to think about how the gestures and movements he uses can be perceived, understood, and interpreted by the person for whom they are intended. On the other hand, the recipient of the information must, first of all, think about what meaning his partner could have put into this or that gesture and not rush to interpretation.

Issues for discussion:

    Did you encounter any difficulties while completing the task?

    What hindered and what contributed to the effective achievement of the goal?

3. Main part (35-50 min.)

Plasticine therapy is a soft and deep method of working with your personality. This training is for those who are tired of negative emotions and who want to regain peace and tranquility. The technique can be successfully used to prevent and overcome “professional burnout syndrome,” which is well known to specialists in social professions.

Target: learn a new way to relieve tension, stress, fatigue; "throw out" negative energy in a safe way and transform it into a positive one; harmonize emotional state; understand yourself more deeply; feel a surge of creative energy.

Materials: plasticine, whatman paper, simple pencils, music appropriate to the work and the imagination of the participants.


    Sculpt your emotional state.

    “Talk” to him, telling him everything you want.

    Transform it (very roughly) into whatever you want.

    Prepare many balls of different sizes from any plastic material.

    Closing your eyes, mold these balls into whatever you want.

    Make a group composition on a given topic in a short set period of time.

Progress of the exercise: The group sits around the table, they are offered whatman paper, plasticine and simple pencils. Instructions are given, after which participants begin the task.

Issues for discussion:

    Was it easy to do the exercise?

    What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

    Did any disagreements arise during the work?

4. Relaxation (5-10 min.)

Target: demonstrate and teach a way to normalize the emotional sphere, relieve negative emotions, and activate positive experiences.

Progress of the exercise: participants sit down comfortably, lights turn off, lights on musical accompaniment and a certain text is read out.

Reference text for the exercise:

    My eyes are closing.

    I'm calming down.

    I am relaxing.

    I feel calm and easy.

    My body relaxes.

    With each exhalation my body relaxes more and more

    I am calm.

    I'm relaxed.

    I feel calm, easy and pleasant.

    With every exhalation I feel calmer, lighter and more pleasant.

    I'm resting, I feel good.

    My face relaxes.

    My forehead relaxes.

    The forehead is completely relaxed.

    My nose relaxes.

    The nose is completely relaxed.

    My cheeks relax.

    The cheeks are completely relaxed.

    My face is completely relaxed.

    My head is completely relaxed.

    The right hand relaxes.

    The right hand relaxes.

    The right forearm relaxes.

    The right shoulder relaxes.

    The right hand is completely relaxed.

    The left hand relaxes.

    The left hand relaxes.

    The left forearm relaxes.

    The left shoulder relaxes.

    The left hand is completely relaxed.

    Both arms are completely relaxed.

    Pleasant warmth fills my hands.

    My hands are filled with a pleasant heaviness.

    I am completely calm and relaxed. My right leg relaxes.

    The right foot relaxes.

    The right shin and knee relax.

    The right thigh relaxes.

    The right leg is completely relaxed

    The left foot relaxes.

    The left shin and knee relax.

    The left thigh relaxes.

    The left leg is completely relaxed.

    Pleasant warmth fills my feet.

    My legs feel pleasantly heavy.

    I am completely calm and relaxed. The pelvic muscles relax.

    The back muscles relax.

    The abdominal muscles relax.

    My body is completely relaxed.

    My body is filled with pleasant warmth and heaviness.

    I'm a calm person.

    I'm a strong person.

    I rested.

    I feel filled with lightness.

    I feel energized.

    I am filled with freshness and vigor.

    I'm full of energy!

    I want to get up and take action!

    Eyes open.

    I get up!

Exercises to relieve excess tension

Exercise 1.

While standing and sitting, check from top to bottom, from head to toe, muscle tension, achieving a calm, neutral state of the whole body.

First of all, facial expressions are checked. Some people involuntarily move their eyebrows, squint their eyes, curl their mouth, etc. All this can be eliminated with the help of a hint from the outside or with the help of a mirror. Very often, nervousness causes the neck to tense and the shoulders to rise. We need to free them.

Then freely lower or fold your arms, which tend to “shorten” from tension.

Then mentally check the spinal ridge, removing both its excessive lethargy, which leads to stooping, and its excessive rigidity, when they say that a person “swallowed an arshin.”

Often tension occurs in the legs, knees and feet. It disfigures the gait, making it harsh and “wooden.” And vice versa. Relying on your toes gives flexibility and completeness to your gait.

Exercise 2.

Task: first you need to relax the muscles of your body from your toes to your head, and then gradually restore the necessary tension.

In this case, it is necessary to explain to participants that complete muscle relaxation is possible only when performing the exercise in a lying position. Sitting on a chair, you can completely relax only the muscles of your arms, legs, neck, and face. The necessary amount of tension remains in the back, which prevents the person sitting from falling out of the chair. When lifting the arm or leg of a person sitting, the leader of the activity should feel the heaviness of the “limp” muscles. If you suddenly lower your arm or leg, it should fall freely.

Sometimes people mistake muscle relaxation for muscle freedom. Relaxation is the same obstacle to normal well-being as excessive tension, as it deprives people of the ability to act. Muscle freedom is the dose (degree) of muscle tension that is necessary for action. If, when lighting a match on a box, you use less force than necessary, the match will not light; if you apply more force, it will break. The movement will be free if exactly as much force as necessary is expended on holding the match.

The muscle release exercise should be continued until you can at will instantly tense and release any muscle. This ability to mechanically find and remove excess stress is only possible with significant independent work. Every day, systematically, at all moments of your existence, you need to develop this habit. Only if the muscle controller will help you if you introduce it into your physical nature, make it your second nature.

Exercise 3.

Work on muscle attention skills - the ability to quickly and accurately direct muscle control to any muscle group.

Bend and strain as hard as you can forefinger right hand. Check where the muscle energy is located, where does the tension go? In neighboring fingers, and also? In the hand. And then move on. In the elbow, in the shoulder, in the neck. And for some reason my left hand gets tense. Check it out!

Try to remove unnecessary tension. Keep your finger tense, but release your neck. Release your shoulder, then your elbow. The hand needs to move freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Remove excess tension from thumb. Now from the nameless one. But the index finger is still tense! Relieve tension.

Tighten up left leg- as if you were driving a nail into the floor with your heel. Check how muscle energy is distributed in the body. Why did my right leg also tense up? Is there any excess tension in your back?

Stand up. Bend over. Tighten your back, as if a box with a large load was placed on your back. Check the tension in your body. Are your knees too tight? And why do the eyes pop out of their sockets?

Exercise 4.

Let's train the mechanism of muscle control. Sit down. Check for excessive voltage. The body is light and free. You are ready to get up, ready for any action.

Now stretch and tighten the whole left hand, from shoulder to fingertips. Can you move your hand? It means she's not stressed enough. Push it as hard as possible. Now remove as much tension from your shoulder as possible, but try to keep the same tension from your elbow to your fingertips. Eat?

Remove tension in the elbow, leave only the hand tense. Check that your shoulder and elbow should move freely. Now do the hardest thing - remove excess tension from the hand, concentrate it only in the last joints of the fingers. Try to leave the tension only in the tips of your fingers, in the pads themselves. Release all tension except that which is keeping your arm extended. Eat? Release all tension and lower your hand.

Exercise 5.

Try walking with your right leg tense, leaving the rest free. Then, according to one’s own or external signal, the leg is released while walking, and instead, the arm or neck, for example, tenses and then releases. In this exercise, it is important to learn how to tense and release the muscles as you go. Therefore, such exercises are performed until they master it well.

Exercise 6.

Take some favorite position and, without changing it, determine where you have excessive tension. Remove it, leaving as much tension as needed for this pose.

Exercise "Openness"

Goal: creating a state of internal openness for communication.

To eliminate emotions that block dialogue and create an internal state of openness, we offer this exercise. In front of you is an interlocutor (student, work colleague, family member). Try to give your face a friendly face, smile, nod to your interlocutor as a sign that you are listening to him attentively. Open your soul to the person you are interacting with, try to get psychologically closer to him. Happened! Well, now enter into dialogue.

Exercise "Hands"

Goal: relieving fatigue, establishing mental balance.

Sit on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your arms hanging down. Try to imagine that fatigue “flows” from your head to your shoulders, then along your forearms, reaches your elbows, then your hands and “flows out” through your fingertips. You physically feel the weight sliding through your hands. Sit like this for 1.5-2 minutes, and then lightly shake your hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Stand up lightly and springily and walk around the room.

Exercise "Head"

Purpose: relieving tension, headaches, heaviness in the occipital region of the head.

Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head slightly tilted back. Try to understand in which part of your head you feel heaviness. Imagine yourself wearing a bulky headdress that puts pressure on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove this headdress with your hand, expressively and emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of a headache.


    Sakovich N.A. Art therapy manual. -SPb, 2005 - 42 p.

    Kopytin A.I. (ed.) Art therapy. Reader. - St. Petersburg, 2002. - 320 p.
