Lynx: description of the lynx's habits. Common lynx

The European lynx has typical feline features and reaches the size of a large dog. As the name suggests, the lynx lives in Europe.

The body length of the European lynx ranges from 82-105 centimeters, plus a tail 20-31 centimeters long. Body weight reaches 8-15 kilograms. IN winter time The weight of males reaches 18-20 kilograms.

It is widespread in countries such as Finland, Scandinavia, Albania, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, and the Ukrainian Carpathians. European lynxes also live in Russia.

Description of the European lynx

The body is dense and short. The tip of the tail is chopped off. Limbs are strong and long, Ears triangular shape, the ends are pointed and decorated with tassels. The head is round, small, with sideburns on the sides. The muzzle is short. The eye shape is wide, the pupils are vertical.

The fur of the European lynx is thick and soft. The fur is longest on the belly. The coat color is gray-red, with a reddish or silver tint. Shedding occurs twice a year: in autumn and spring. In summer, the fur is shorter and coarser, and its color is brighter than in winter. In winter, the fur becomes very thick.

Lifestyle of European lynxes

European lynxes live in diverse different places habitat, giving preference to mixed forests, especially dense and heavily overgrown ones. Outside the breeding season, European lynxes lead a solitary life.

Males mark the boundaries of their territories with excrement, and they mark hunting trails with urine.

European lynxes are excellent hunters. During the day they rest in the den, and become active at dusk. They are excellent tree climbers and excellent swimmers. Victims are ambushed: they select a place from good review and wait for the prey to appear. A lynx can remain motionless for hours; it completely blends into the background of the area. The predator's vision is very sharp and its hearing is subtle, which helps during hunting. Having discovered the prey, the lynx patiently sneaks towards it.

Lynxes do not run very well; they are able to pursue prey for about 80 kilometers, and then lose strength. Ungulates are attacked by lynxes in winter, when they cannot get out of the snow. In winter, one male eats 2.5-3 kilograms per day, and when hungry, it eats 5-6 kilograms. Like many predators, lynxes crush larger animals than they need.

Listen to the voice of the European lynx

European lynxes are such cautious animals that rarely anyone has been able to spot them in nature. They drive sedentary image life, but when there is not enough food or in very coldy go on a trip. In one night, a lynx can cover 6-10 kilometers. The lynx completely covers its territory in 5-10 days. Although lynxes are cautious, they are not too afraid of people and in times of hunger can climb into settlements, even in big cities.

The mainstay of the European lynx's diet is snowshoe hares, and the rest of the diet consists of partridges, grouse, squirrels, roe deer mice, reindeer and sika deer.

The main enemy of the European lynx is humans. In winter, they are hunted by wolverines and packs of wolves. If a lynx encounters a fox, a domestic cat, a raccoon dog or a marten, it will mercilessly kill it. The lifespan of the European lynx is 15-20 years.

European lynx breeding

The breeding season for European lynxes occurs in February-March. The female is courted by several males, who fight fiercely with each other. When members of the opposite sex meet, they greet each other by sniffing their noses and then begin to butt heads.

The female creates a den in which she will raise her offspring. The hole is made under the roots fallen trees, in pits, caves and other secluded places. Badger burrows can be used. The female lines the den with feathers, grass and wool. Both parents take care of the babies.

Pregnancy lasts 63-70 days. Gives birth to 2 or 3 deaf and blind kittens, weighing 250-300 grams.

Their vision appears after 12 days. At one month, babies begin to receive solid food as a subcortex. The milk feeding period is about 4 months. Until the next breeding season, the young remain with the adults, they hunt together. Puberty in male European lynxes it occurs at 33 months, and in females earlier - at 21 months.

The benefits and harms of European lynxes for people

The fur of the European lynx is very beautiful, so it is highly valued. In the Middle Ages, the meat of these animals was considered a delicacy.

These predators attack people and domestic animals extremely rarely. Previously, European lynxes were considered as pests, but their role in forest biocenoses is extremely important. Young lynx cubs caught in captivity are well tamed and trained.

Lynx is a very beautiful predatory cat that lives in the taiga. These wild animals have not been fully studied by humans, they are secretive and cautious, and it is not so easy to get close to them. With such a character, it remains completely incomprehensible that they easily put up with human proximity, live near populated areas and are not even afraid to visit villages. In winter, they can freely use paths trodden by people. very unusual, so it will be interesting to know how she lives in wildlife, what it eats, how a lynx defends itself from enemies, how many kittens it gives birth to per year... All these questions can be answered by reading this article.

European lynx: description

Like a real cat, the lynx differs from other predators in its excellent ability to climb trees. She feels more comfortable among the branches than on the ground. This is facilitated by the structure of the animal's body. The lynx cat's body size resembles big dog. The body is short, dense, the tail is cut off. The legs are long with unusually developed strong muscles. The head is round in shape with cute “whiskers” on the sides, decorated with beautiful triangular-shaped ears, the tips of which have tassels. The muzzle is short with wide eyes. Body length - 85-110 cm, tail - about 25 cm, weight - approximately 10-15 kg.

The fur is very thick, long and soft, especially beautiful on the belly. The color of the lynx coat is simply beautiful: red with a bluish-silver or reddish tint. Brown specks are scattered on the back and sides; on the belly, the fur is white with sparse specks.

Characteristics of the lynx

The animal lives in mixed forests, especially likes to settle in heavily cluttered parts of the forest. Sometimes, when necessary, it can travel, climbing into the forest-steppe and tundra. The lynx is a very skilled hunter; the taiga gives her the opportunity to hunt to her heart's content. She always attacks from ambush. First, it chooses a convenient place and waits for suitable prey. A lynx can lie and wait, without moving, so as not to detect its presence, for hours. As a result, her efforts are almost always rewarded - the cat is provided with dinner or breakfast.

The predator is very careful, it is almost impossible to see it in the forest. During the day she rests in her den, and in the evening, when it begins to get dark, she goes out hunting. How does a lynx protect itself from enemies, because it is relatively small in stature and its weight is not impressive, like that of other predators? Nevertheless, it does this very well, because it climbs trees well, climbs rocks easily, swims well, and jumps far. To all of the above we can add that she has acute vision and keen hearing.

Diet of a predatory cat

The lynx's main prey is white hares, but the predator cannot cope with them alone. She will happily snack on a bird or rodent. Favorite foods are partridges, black grouse, squirrels and mice. In addition, the menu includes not very large ungulates, such as musk deer, roe deer, spotted and To prevent a lynx from being hungry, a twenty-kilogram individual requires about 3 kg of meat per day, and if the animal is too hungry, it can easily absorb as much as 6 kg.

Meat is meat, but the spotted predator also requires fresh fish, but the lynx can only feast on it in the spring, at that happy time when it spawns in shallow water. Then the cat can simply fill his paw with as many fish as his heart desires.


The mating season for lynx begins with the beginning of spring. Several suitors follow one female, they fight among themselves, meow loudly, and sometimes even scream furiously. When the female makes her choice, of course, preferring the strongest male who has distinguished himself in battles, the lynxes create their own family. The lovers sniff each other's noses, as if kissing, lick each other's fur and affectionately butt their foreheads.

Future parents together set up a family den, which is carefully lined with wool, feathers and grass. The place for the house can be a rock crevice, an earthen cave, or the inverted roots of a fallen tree.

Pregnancy lasts 62-70 days, after this period the family is replenished with 2-3 kittens. A lynx cub is born blind and deaf and weighs about 300 g.

Little kittens begin learning to hunt seven days after they are born. Parents bring home a rodent or bird, but do not give it to the kids. The prey is hidden nearby, and the lynx cub begins to look for it. Every day mom and dad make his task more difficult. In the end it turns out excellent hunter, in no way inferior to his parents.

How does a lynx protect itself from enemies?

The main enemy of the lynx is man. People hunt this animal because of its beautiful fur and because the predator destroys a lot livestock. How does a lynx protect itself from human enemies? When meeting, it tries to hide in a tree; the cat rarely attacks a person first. If the hunter does shoot, the wounded lynx becomes uncontrollable! She jumps on his chest and digs her fangs and claws deep into his body.

In winter, packs of wolves and wolverines are serious enemies of the lynx. It is still unknown why wolves hate lynxes so much. Either the meat is tasty, or there is competition from predators. If the lynx is mature and experienced, then it escapes from wolves in a tree, but sometimes a young cat cannot withstand a wolf siege under a tree and tries to escape. As a result, certain death awaits her; the wolves cut the lynx off from the trees and kill the fugitive who fell on her back. She will defend herself to the last with all four paws, but she will not be able to resist the pack.

Many habits and habits of a beautiful wild cat are inexplicable. The abilities of this animal are sometimes simply surprising!

1. The lynx’s habit of hiding its prey and never returning to it is completely inexplicable.
2. The tassels on the ears serve as a natural antenna for catching barely audible sounds.
3. The lynx is an amazing jumper, jumping up to 4-4.5 meters in length.
4. The Eurasian lynx can withstand temperatures down to -57 degrees.
5. The hind legs of a wild cat are 20% longer than the front ones, which gives it the ability to make stunning jumps.
6. A lynx can raise its tail and wag it like a dog. It is still not clear what mood makes wild cat do so.

In the northern hemisphere of our planet, there are quite large areas where lynxes live. These predatory animals can be found not only in forest areas, but also in subtropical forests, but even in the tundra.

External description

The lynx really looks like a very big cat, differing only in a short tail and tufts on the tips of the ears. Its weight usually does not exceed 25 kg, and its body length can be from 75 to 130 cm. The body is dense with a small round head. The muzzle is framed by elongated, coarse hair, similar to sideburns. The fur is very thick, especially in winter period when the undercoat appears. Most often, animals are found with a reddish-gray color and dark spots, randomly located throughout the body. But the color of the coat depends on the species and on where the lynx lives, in what zone, so it may be of a different shade.

The limbs are somewhat different in structure from those of cats. The lynx's hind legs are longer than its front legs and have only 4 toes. In winter, the pads are overgrown with thick hair, which allows the animal to easily move through the snow without falling into snowdrifts. The paws seem too wide for such a small animal, but it is this structure that helps the predator successfully hunt and obtain food. Beautiful tassels on the ears act as an antenna, thanks to which the lynx perfectly hears the quietest sounds. This animal jumps superbly (up to 4 meters in length), climbs trees and runs very fast. Like all representatives of the cat family, it is distinguished by strength and extraordinary agility.


The genus of lynx has several species: Pyrenean, Canadian, red, and Eurasian. The smallest is found in North America. Its height is no more than 35 cm at the withers. The largest representative of this genus is considered to be the common Eurasian lynx, which lives throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, including the Arctic, and can be found in completely impassable areas of Siberia. Deep forests and thickets of young animals are the places where lynxes most often live.

The closest relative of the Eurasian is significantly smaller in size. This North American cat inhabits almost the entire territory of Canada and the northern American states, preferring to settle in areas where there is dense undergrowth.

A special species is the brightly spotted Iberian lynx. It is on the verge of extinction. Only in Portugal and southern Spain are these animals still occasionally found. Deforestation has led to the fact that the territory where lynxes live is becoming smaller. In addition, because of the beautiful fur of bright leopard colors, hunters often shoot these animals.


Lynx is found in almost all European countries, as well as in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Greece, China, Azerbaijan and Georgia. On the American continent, the largest numbers of these predators are observed in the southeastern United States, Canada and Mexico.

In Russia, the largest lynx population is recorded in the taiga regions and in the zone mixed forests. Relatively recently, animals settled in Kamchatka. Our country is huge, so the areas where lynx live in Russia can be very far from each other. As a result, animals of the same species can differ greatly not only in size, but also in color and degree of spotting.

The favorite place for lynxes is thickets of young animals - it is most convenient to set up a den there. Basically, this predator chooses to live in any forest (coniferous, mixed, mountainous) where bears and elk live. Lynx can also be found in the forest-tundra, where there are many bushes and other low-growing vegetation, and even beyond the Arctic Circle.

What does a lynx eat?

This is a predator, and accordingly, it prefers fresh meat, which requires at least 2-3 kg per day. The objects of hunting are a variety of animals - from voles to roe deer and food depends on the habitat. But the lynx's main prey is usually the hare. It is on its numbers in the region where lynxes live that their well-being depends. One caught hare lasts a predator 4 days. As a rule, she hunts them mainly in winter, when the choice of food is small. In the taiga, wild boars often become prey for this dexterous animal.

The lynx knows how to deftly and quietly get close to its prey and kill it with one blow of its powerful paw. In addition, the predator’s huge fangs are similar to those of a leopard or leopard. And among the birds there are many victims who fall into these fangs. Usually these are black grouse, capercaillie and hazel grouse.


The lynx is a solitary animal. During her life she rarely makes any sounds. The sharp cry of a lynx, similar to a cat's, can be heard only during the rutting period, which usually occurs in February. This animal is extremely careful. The lynx spends the whole day in its den, which is located in a deep thicket. Late in the evening she goes hunting. It leads and only when food resources in its habitat run out does it migrate to another territory. It can cover a distance of up to 30 km in a day.


You can find a lot of information about the lynx - what it eats, where it lives, but its unusual habits also deserve attention. For example, this animal eats exclusively fresh meat, disdaining carrion. She never returns to the remains of her prey, although she buries them in the ground. Moreover, she does this very carelessly, and foxes and wolverines following in her footsteps often use the remnants of the feast.

Each individual has its own territory for hunting. Lynx is bloodthirsty. She almost always hunts and often kills animals much more than she can eat. The lynx has a particular dislike for foxes, which is caused by food competition. But after killing a fox, he will never eat it. Hunting for lynx usually ends in success. Waiting for her prey on a tree, she rushes at her like lightning. Thanks to its developed hind limbs, the lynx can even catch birds flying from the ground.

When there is not enough food in the forest, the predator can visit nearby villages and farms. There it is not difficult for him to steal a chicken or even a lamb.


During the mating season, the female is accompanied by several males, who are constantly in conflict with each other. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months. About 5 hours before giving birth, the lynx begins to make a den. Usually it is done at heights - in tree hollows or rock crevices. The cubs are born at the end of April - beginning of May, blind, weighing up to 300 grams and open their eyes only after two weeks.

The mother feeds them with her milk for a month, then begins to bring mice and hares to the babies. At the age of 3 months, the cubs already follow their mother, and another 2 months later they begin to acquire their first hunting skills. When they turn one year old, the mother drives the cubs away from her, and they begin an independent life. At one and a half years, females become sexually mature, males mature a year later. The lifespan of a lynx is on average 15-20 years.

Despite the fact that there are not many places on the planet where lynx do not live in the wild, the population of this animal is declining. The reason is destruction natural environment habitat and excessive hunting of these beautiful animals. In some European countries they have already been practically exterminated.

Lynx is a large predatory cat. Which can be found in the forests of Russia, North America, Eurasia and the Arctic. On the territory of Russia, the Siberian lynx is mainly found.

What does a common lynx look like? It has a body length of 80 cm to 130 cm and a height of about 70 cm. It is the size of a sick dog. The weight of males reaches up to 30 kg, in females up to 18 kg. The body is dense and short. The difference between the lynx and other felines is the presence of tufts on the tips of the ears. It has a short “stump”, that is, a tail.

The head is proportional to the body, small and rounded. The muzzle is shortened, the eyes and pupils are round. Due to the long hairline along the edges of the muzzle, it gives the impression of having “buoys”.

Lynx fur is considered very valuable; there is nothing like it in the family. It is distinguished by its silkiness, height and density. The fur is renewed, like that of any individual, in spring and autumn. On the belly there are small speckles on a pure white background.

Powerful paws and elongated pile, which becomes dense in winter, distinguish the northern individual from its peers.

Good winter furry makes the lynx's paws "skis", due to which it can easily move on snow, which has a loose consistency. This is the main difference between the northern lynx and its relatives.

The color depends entirely on where the lynx lives. Southern individuals are red in color. Northern - from brownish-red to fawn with haze. The back, sides and paws have pronounced spots. The belly has white soft ones, long hair, which in rare cases are diluted with specks.

The lynx is the closest individual to a domestic cat. Although it has significant external difference. The tracks resemble those of a cat, without visible signs of claws, hind legs they follow each other closely with those in front.

Where does the lynx live?

The lynx's habitats have a wide geographical area. You can meet her at:

  • Azerbaijan;
  • Albania;
  • Belarus;
  • Hungary;
  • Georgia;
  • Spain;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • Ukraine;
  • Mongolia;
  • Russia;
  • Romania;
  • Estonia.

Is not full list predator habitats.

Lifestyle of the common lynx

A predatory cat prefers to live in cluttered, hard-to-reach dark coniferous forests. But its habitats can be found in different places: forest-tundra, mountain forests, forest-steppe and polar regions. Spots on the fur help the animal hunt while getting food. During the day, due to the spots, it is lost in the glare sun rays, which are reflected from the crowns of trees, and in the evening and at dawn are disguised as twilight.

The lynx leads a sedentary lifestyle, but when there is a shortage of food supplies, it migrates to other places richer in food. The distance covers up to 30 km per day. What does a lynx eat? Its main diet is hares, beavers, small rodents, partridges and hazel grouse. Less commonly - small roe deer, fallow deer, wild boar and moose. May eat black grouse and raccoon dogs.

The predatory cat is easy to tame. When completely accustomed to a person, she allows herself to be picked up and purrs like an ordinary domestic cat, only loudly, like a running electric motor. During the existence of lynxes, not a single case of attack on a person has been recorded.

In terms of her power, she can do this easily, like a cheetah, tiger or lion, but no, she doesn’t. But it can kill your pets.

The cat also feels good in zoos, under conditions created for it that are close to natural.

Hunting and food

The lynx's main hunting time is twilight. She lies in wait for prey while sitting in ambush or slowly sneaks up to the victim in order to overtake him in one jump. The lynx never jumps onto its prey from a branch; it hides behind trees, fallen branches and stumps, and sometimes sits on a thick branch.

Having creeped up to the victim at a distance of 15 meters, she pounces on her in several jumps. At unsuccessful attempt kill the prey the first time, the predator begins the chase, usually the fleeing animal manages to escape. The cat is not endowed with endurance and lasts for 60-80 m of pursuit.

When attacking a large animal, the predator bites into the throat and digs its claws into the front of the body. Torments until the animal gives up and falls dead. The lynx attacks foxes and martens, thereby protecting its hunting grounds. She eats a small portion of food at a time. He hides the rest, burying it in the snow or in places inaccessible to other predators, but he does it without trying, so he is often left without supplies.

Therefore, it happens that a lynx remains to guard its uneaten food in place, even if it is full. Since smaller lovers of fresh meat - sables and weasels, quickly take away the sloppily buried remains of food. And the wolverine, knowing the hunting abilities of the red cat, often pursues it during the hunt. At the first opportunity, he selects the food he has caught or waits until the huntress is fed, and then disposes of the leftovers.

On average, one roe deer is enough to feed a lynx for 3-4 days; for a brood this is the daily norm. The cat eats salmon for a week. The hare is eaten within two days.

The lynx is a very cautious animal, but even so it is not afraid of people. The animal is located in secondary forest plantations created by people, in young forests and burnt areas. And where there is not enough food, for example, in mountainous areas, it visits settlements. There have been cases where she has been seen in urban areas. She does not attack people herself, but if she defends herself from an attack, she can seriously injure her.

The common lynx brings great benefits to forests. Along with the “doctors” of the forest - wolves, she mainly exterminates sick, wounded and weak animals.

Reproduction and lifespan

Predators breed from mid-February and throughout March. In nature, per individual female Several males can walk. Who sometimes, in cruel battles, win for themselves the honor of being the father of future offspring. The place where the offspring should appear is prepared by the mother in advance. She finds a secluded hole and lines it with bird feathers, dry herbs and animal hair for future kittens. The gestation period lasts from 60 to 70 days.

The litter usually occurs from the end of April to June, it depends on the geographical location of the lynx. The average weight of a newborn kitten is 300 grams. Babies are born blind and deaf. Over time, these feelings develop fully. They feed exclusively on mother's milk until the formation of baby teeth. After two months of age, the babies begin to be fed with food that their mother gets. Feeding with milk continues for several more months until the lynx cubs are fully strengthened. The male does not take any part in raising the offspring. After three months, the kittens begin their first forays out of the den and follow their mother everywhere.

The color of the young offspring is light brown. True coloring appears only at nine months of age. A features in the form of “whiskers” and tassels on the ears appear only at the age of one and a half years in already matured lynx cubs.

The family continues its common existence until the next rut. If for some reason. The female did not bear offspring, then the family remains together for one more term. Lynxes become sexually mature at the age of 1.5-2 years.

Average duration The lifespan of a lynx in nature is 12-15 years. Long-livers are considered to be individuals that live up to 20 years; such cases have been recorded by lovers of the animal world.

In Russian zoos, the lynx is a permanent resident and is not rare species. It adapts well to life and reproduction in captivity.

The breeding season, just like in nature, falls at the end of spring and beginning of summer. Since they do not have to move in search of food, they mostly sleep. Things are different with kittens; these restless little ones have destructive and omnipresent abilities. They are usually activated in the evening. Their restlessness continues for up to 1.5 years.

In zoos, predatory cats are litter trained.

After breastfeeding, they feed exclusively meat. Rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. An adult eats up to three kilograms of meat per day, and up to five in winter.

If in February - March you suddenly hear loud purring, meowing or purring in the forest, then most likely there is a lynx somewhere nearby. This animal is the largest representative of cats inhabiting the forests of Europe. This predator will be discussed in this article.
A species of common lynx lives on the European continent, including Russia. It is also called Eurasian or European.

Body length can reach 125 cm, height - no more than 75 cm. The weight of adult animals is from 18 to 26 kg. Females are smaller than males. The tail is short but fluffy - no more than 25 cm.

Lynx fur is very warm and thick, especially in winter. Its skin is highly valued and is not inferior in quality to the fur of fur-bearing animals. Coat color may vary depending on the region where it lives. There are lynxes with an unusually beautiful smoky color with dark spots to brownish-red. The skin on the belly is thick and white.

The paws are strong and large. From the outside they appear thick due to their thick fur. The claws are long and sharp.

A special decoration of any lynx are the tassels on the ears, see photo:

However, these black brushes are not for beauty. With their help, the predator picks up the slightest sounds, which helps it in the hunt. In addition to acute hearing, the lynx boasts a good sense of smell and keen eyesight.

The muzzle of this animal is generally similar to that of an ordinary domestic cat.


The European lynx is currently very small in number, and also leads a secretive lifestyle. For this reason, it is not so easy to see it in the wild. The hunter’s task of finding this cat is further complicated by the fact that it lives in strongholds where it is very difficult to get to. Old cluttered windfalls, dark taiga forests with very dense undergrowth, dominated by coniferous trees- Pine and spruce trees are its typical habitats.


Although it can also be found in young forests. Trying to avoid the person. She senses the approach of people several hundred meters away and tries to leave silently, periodically stopping and listening. Although in hungry years the lynx enters cities in search of food. Can attack cats and dogs. This predator is so strong that it can kill an adult shepherd.

But cases of lynx appearing in populated areas relatively rare. Her element is a dark coniferous forest.

Life of a lynx in the forest

Like many predators, it is nocturnal and twilight image life. It goes out in search of prey as soon as it begins to get dark. The common lynx hunts mainly hares. If possible, it also attacks ungulates - roe deer, musk deer, wapiti, and young wild boars. Can catch a squirrel, marten. He loves the meat of hazel grouse, black grouse, and wood grouse. In winter he can catch them in holes.

It is also known that the lynx has a fierce hatred for foxes... and kills them at the first opportunity. However, it does not eat it. One can only guess where this cat has such hostility towards Patrikeevna.

Lynx is a born hunter. Even such predators as leopards and wolves can envy its hunting qualities.

When evening comes and darkness falls, there is silence in the forest. It would seem that all the animals fell asleep - you couldn’t hear anything around! But at this time the lynx goes hunting. Now she hears a barely audible sound - a hare is gnawing on a bitter aspen twig.

Having sensed prey, the lynx carefully, without unnecessary noise, makes its way through the thickets and bushes. Having approached a convenient distance for attack (10-20 meters), it prepares for decisive jumps. The unsuspecting hare is still gnawing on the aspen bark. Our spotted predator makes a powerful leap and overtakes the prey in 2-3 leaps. Suddenly the bunny finds himself in the clutches of a lynx. If the long-eared one senses a threat in time, then it immediately rushes to run away. The lynx chases him for 50-100 meters, then runs out of steam and stops.

In addition to stealth hunting, she can also ambush prey. This predator can lie in wait for its prey near hare trails and at ungulate watering holes. It does not jump from a tree onto its prey, although it can simply lie on a branch and rest with all 4 paws down.

One bunny lasts her for 2 days. Roe deer - for almost a week. A large prey that cannot be eaten immediately is buried in the ground (in summer) or covered with snow (in winter), while it itself remains nearby.

Leads a sedentary lifestyle. Although in search of food it can travel more than 30 km per day. By nature, lynxes are loners. But females and cubs live together for several months. During this time, the mother teaches them hunting skills. First, she brings them live animals - mice, hares, etc., with which they play. Then the lynx cubs go hunting with her. In February, the female drives away the kittens, which by this time have grown up and are ready for independent life in the taiga.

In adults, in the last winter month the race begins. During this period, several males follow the female. Fights occur between males, which are accompanied by screams, loud meows and hissing.

Pregnancy lasts 60-70 days. One female gives birth to an average of 2-4 blind kittens, which open their eyes in the second week of life. They feed on milk for 4 to 6 months, but already at the age of 30-40 days they switch to animal food. Lynx cubs grow very quickly - by autumn they are indistinguishable from their mother in size.

In Europe and in Siberian taiga their main enemies of the lynx are wolves, who try to catch and strangle it at every opportunity. She often escapes from danger in trees - thanks to her sharp claws and strong paws, she climbs them very well. She can also swim perfectly.

The lifespan of a lynx in the forest is about 15 years. In captivity - up to 25 years.

In the last century, the number of common lynx in European countries has sharply declined. There are only a few hundred individuals left on the entire continent. Currently, thanks to timely conservation measures, the population has increased significantly.
The number of this animal is negatively affected by deforestation (cutting), forest fires, reduction of their food supply and poaching.

Photo of a lynx in the forest
