Interesting questions on ecology for primary schoolchildren. Scenario of the environmental quiz "ecological assortment"

Educator: Native nature - this is a powerful source from which the child draws many knowledge and impressions. Children notice everything. They discover new world: they try to touch everything with their hands, look at it, smell it, if possible, taste it. While maintaining a child’s sincere interest in the environment, one should remember to foster a caring attitude towards nature. It is very important that adults themselves love nature and try to instill this love in children. Nature- a great teacher.

We are insanely rich:

In our thickets and groves

You're just amazed

But ask something else:

What does he know about birds?

Let him answer intelligently

And look, you will be surprised

What about the fauna, they say,

What about our wealth?

In the fields in the copses,

So to speak, the bird kingdom...

Well, blackbirds, well, titmice...

Where can you remember their nicknames?

Just birds and that's all,

Do we even know flowers?

Do we really appreciate it in the meadows?

We call everything grass

And cut down with hay,

And with trees too:

The grove in general,

We can’t spruce from fir

Distinguishing is a sinful act.

And, of course, it’s alarming

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

I'm not responsible for anything,

Like just a little

To us on this planet

Left to live and rule

Not like the owners,

This is how we destroy our goodness,

And we are proud of nature

And we love the fatherland.

Educator: Dear Parents! Today we want to do a quiz on ecology.

1 competition “Riddles and jokes”

1.When is a person a tree? (when he comes from sleep)

2.What does half an apple look like? (for the second half)

3.How do both day and night end? ( soft sign)

4.Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)

5.What kind of comb no one itches with (cock's comb)

6.What is between the river and the shore? (AND)

7. Which month is the shortest? (May, only three letters)

8. Can a sandpiper bite its tongue? (the bird has no teeth)

2nd competition “Find the animal”

Words are written on the cards. Find the names of animals in them.

Bank - boar; luggage - toad; ears of corn - elk;

Cinema is a pony; pipe - hoopoe; peony - pony;

Siege - wasp; umbrella - whale, cat; wave - ox; frame - cancer;

The casing is a beetle; salon - elephant.

3 competition “Continue the proverb”.

- A bird is recognized in flight, and ..... (a person at work).

- There is space in the steppe, in the forest .... (- land).

— Forest and water are relatives….(brother and sister).

- Birds of a feather flock together).

- What fell into the water, then... (disappeared).

- Cut a strong, rotten tree... (it will fall on its own).

- The bird is red with its feather, and ... (the man is with his mind).

A stupid bird has its own home... (not nice)

4th competition “Ecological puzzles”

Parents solve puzzles and receive chips for the correct answer.

5th competition "Charades"

1. I flow through Russia,

I'm known to everyone, but when

Add a letter to me from the edge,

I change my meaning

And then I become a bird.(oriole).

2. My beginning – letter of the alphabet,

It always hisses angrily

The second ships are afraid

And they try to get around it.

And the whole thing flies and buzzes in the spring

Then he will sit on a flower,

It will fly again(w – aground).

3. The first is a note, the second is also,

But in general it looks like peas.(beans).

4. The beginning and the end are prepositions,

And the middle syllable is one of the notes.

The answer is in the forest; who will wander there,

He will pick a basket of mushrooms(po-la-na) .

5. Write the charade like this:

Two notes letter soft sign.

All-bush, you can easily

You will find it in parks and gardens.(lilac) .

Educator: Dear parents, while you are counting your chips, we would like to read you E. Asadov’s poem “The Queen is a Caterpillar.” And think about whether we are doing the right thing in relation to “our little brothers.”

The teacher reads a poem.

Eduard Asadov “The Queen Caterpillar”

- Look, look, how beautiful she is.

The boy looks joyfully at his mother -

The queen is the caterpillar! Do you really like it?

Let's feed her and protect her.

Indeed, like an ancient queen,

Akin to mysterious tales,

On a red-sided apple in the shade

The golden caterpillar was shining.

But the woman exclaimed: “Empty!”

And she laughed: “Oh, my little cricket!”

Ready to protect living things everywhere,

It's a pest, you fool!

At four years old you have to be a man!

Think about it. You see: right here

She will crawl in and ruin the core,

And at least throw away the apple then.

No, this is not good for you and me.

Now we'll see what kind of hero you are -

She shook a caterpillar from a branch:

Come on, crush her with your foot!

And the boy puts on an angry face

And secretly suppressing nausea,

Stepped my foot onto the warm, living

Pearly golden beauty...

- This is wonderful! Clever girl, I praise you -

And he, trying to end kindness,

He screamed with his leg raised brutally.

Throw more! I'll crush the other one!

Mother has been in the world against evil since ancient times.

But how was it not clear to this one,

That saved the core of the apple,

But she lost something in the boy.

Educator: Woe to us if we do not teach children to love, to spare nature, to admire it. And for this we need to do everything possible: set an example of a kind attitude towards all living things, constantly enrich the child with impressions.

Take care of these lands, these waters

Loving even a small epic

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself.(E. Yevtushenko).

Winner's reward ceremony.

Slide 2

Take care of this Earth

  • Slide 3

    Slide 4

    Planet Earth

  • Slide 5


  • Slide 6

    Take care of the Earth

  • Slide 7


    Bulgarian scientists have proven that only three such large families can provide comprehensive information about the degree of environmental pollution. And they will do it more objectively and quickly than any of the most equipped environmental organization. Who is the owner of these families?

    Slide 8


  • Slide 9

    What medicinal plant do people call the “green travel companion”?

  • Slide 10


  • Slide 11


    British environmentalists demanded that the current Queen Elizabeth deprive Sir Walter Raleigh of his knighthood for introducing into the country something that kills over 300 Englishmen every week. What kind of infection is he accused of, if the main culprit in this matter is X. Columbus?

    Slide 12


  • Slide 13


    In the 14th century The English government banned the use of coal as fuel because of its stench. Only representatives of one profession were allowed to burn coal. Which?

    Slide 14


  • Slide 15


    In 1918, ordinary rain caused an environmental disaster off the coast of Australia: then all life in the ocean died at a depth of 6 m. How could a week's rain do this?

    Slide 16

    Desalinated sea water

  • Slide 17


    In the 1980-1990s, despite the asphalt and gas pollution, major cities In the United States, the number of mosquitoes has increased tenfold. According to environmentalists, cars were to blame for this. How?

    Slide 18


    Stagnant water accumulated in old tires, an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.

    Slide 19


    What is the name given to thick fogs containing dust and harmful gases?

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  • Slide 21


    IN Lately The desert in Arizona (USA) began to be protected from thieves. And it's not about oil or gold. They steal that without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?

    Slide 22

    Cacti (it turns out that even deserts need protection!)

  • Slide 23


    What common insect serves as a carrier of microbes, contaminating unsealed food products.

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  • Slide 25


    Where do they come from? acid rain?

    Slide 26


    Any rainwater has a very weak degree of acidity. However, during combustion of processed products natural fuel- in automobile engines, factories and power plants - are released chemical substances, greatly increasing the acidity of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This moisture eventually falls to the ground in the form of acid rain.

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    The science that studies the relationships of living organisms with each other and with the environment.

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  • Slide 29


    • All over the world, nature reserves are being created to preserve a corner of unique nature. But in the city of Kyshtym Krasnoyarsk Territory prohibited the use of all the land around it for completely different purposes. Whose lives did the caring state save?

    Answer: people (there was a major accident with a leak of radioactive materials in the 60s).

    Slide 30

    Wolves are called forest orderlies because they destroy sick, old and weak animals. What are they called the orderlies of the sea of ​​mussels?

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    They purify the water

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    A group of ecologists who studied the ecology of Antarctica for a month came to a shocking conclusion: in second place for environmental pollution are ocean currents. What's on first?

    Slide 33


    Activities of the group itself!

    Slide 34


    Complete the slogan of the medical and environmental organization of Belarus “Green Cross”: “To prevent medicine from becoming food, it is necessary that...”

    Slide 35


    " has become medicine."

    Slide 36


    As you know, the Earth's atmosphere consists of several layers. In March 1985 in Vienna it was adopted international convention about the protection of only one of them. Which one?

  • Answer: Pakistan (all listed countries- owners nuclear weapons).
  • Slide 41


    • Ministry of Ecology South Korea banned the use of these items in restaurants. Numerous complaints from farmers whose pigs died eating waste from these restaurants have taken their toll. What kind of dangerous objects are these?
    • Answer: toothpicks
  • Slide 42


    What happens to various garbage, which we throw away?

    Slide 43


    Some of it is burned, which leads to further air pollution and contributes to global warming. Most of it is either buried in the ground or dumped into the sea - again polluting the environment. And only a small part is recycled and reused, although glass, metals, paper and plastic are easily recycled.

    View all slides

    Environmental quizzes for high school. Quizzes with answers.

    Quizzes for grades 10, 11 on the topic “Ecology around us”

    Quiz “Organism and habitat”

    1. What is ecology? (Ecology is the science of the interaction of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment in which they live. A living organism is a microbe, an animal, and a person. Habitat is soil, forest, air, water - everything that surrounds organism, with what it interacts.)

    2. What is the biosphere? (The definition of “biosphere” belongs to the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess (19th century). The doctrine of the biosphere was created by V.I. Vernadsky, an outstanding Russian scientist. The biosphere, according to Vernadsky, is a special active shell of the Earth. It is inhabited by living organisms. In the biosphere, the activities of all living beings together with the person is the most important factor, which transforms the planet.)

    4. Once a naturalist scientist who was studying the life of birds noticed a very big nest on a tall pine tree near the lake. He climbed a tree and saw in the nest big fish. It was fresh pike. What bird settled in this nest? (This nest belongs to a large bird of prey- osprey She hunts for fish, like an experienced diver: she rushes down, dives and grabs her prey.)

    5. What do you know about Biosphere-2? (It is located in the Arizona desert. This is a huge structure. Created by American scientists. It is isolated from the environment. The purpose of the experiment is to obtain the information necessary for scientists to improve the state of affairs in the large biosphere. All systems of Biosphere-2 operate in accordance with the laws functioning of natural ecosystems based on closed cycles.)

    6. Which plant is called a living traffic light? (This is a lungwort that is listed in the Red Book. Like all snowdrops, it is in a hurry to attract the attention of pollinating insects. It regulates insect visits like a traffic light, that is, it changes its color: it becomes alternately blue, purple and pink. Pink color informs insects that the sweet treat, nectar, has ended.)

    7. What is the most important substance on Earth? (Water is a liquid without taste, color and odor. Water is part of all living substances, it is found in soil and air. No form of living organism can exist without water. Plants and animals contain from 50 to 99 percent water. Water - source of oxygen in the atmosphere (photosynthesis). Water is a factor that determines climate (it warms and cools slowly, hence the moderating effect on climate). The hydrosphere contains about 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water; 5 thousand cubic kilometers of water are used annually and are polluted (due to the active technological activity of mankind) almost 10 times more.Some countries are experiencing a shortage fresh water. There is a lot of it on Earth, but people have not learned to use water rationally.)

    8. What did Leonardo da Vinci call water? (He called water the juice of life on Earth.)

    9. How much water does an adult need per day? (70 kilograms of mass human body contains 50 kilograms of water (70%!). If a person loses 12 percent of moisture, he may die. The adult body needs up to 10 liters of water daily. Of these, most of the body’s tissues are created themselves (endogenous water), and a person should receive 2 liters of water as part of food or in its pure form.)

    10. Unique lake our country. (This is Lake Baikal. Its approximate age is 25 million years. The lake is fresh. In a clean and clear water Lake Baikal, you can observe objects with the naked eye at a depth of more than 40 meters. The inhabitants of this lake are Baikal omul, golomyanka, seal, sturgeon, taimen. The life of Baikal depends on phytoplankton (a community of algae), zooplankton (representative - the crustacean epischur) and the small fish golomyanka. The golomyanka accounts for 70 percent of the mass of all Baikal fish (about 200 thousand tons). Golomyanka is viviparous. Is in constant motion from top to bottom, to the very deep points lakes. Thanks to its constant movement, the mass of water moves and is enriched with oxygen. Recently, scientists and environmentalists have increasingly had to raise their voices in defense of Lake Baikal.)

    Quiz “Man and the Biosphere”

    1. What is pollution? (Pollution is the entry of harmful substances into the environment. Some pollutants have bad influence for the development of the entire biosphere. Anthropogenic pollution (the result of active human activity) exceeds natural pollution, which can be caused by floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Types of pollution: chemical, biological, electromagnetic, radiation, noise, thermal.)

    2. Why is the climate changing? (The causes of climate change are the greenhouse effect, a decrease in the water-regulating capabilities of the land, which occurred due to the deforestation of a large area forest areas, draining swamps, plowing large steppe areas, building cities and roads. The control of water evaporation from the land surface is disrupted. Forests have the best water-regulating properties.)

    3. Which sea is dying? (The Aral Sea. The beginning of this process is the 50s of the 20th century. This is all due to the increase in areas for cotton and rice crops. An extensive network of irrigation canals took water for crops from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The volume of water in the sea has decreased. The surface of the Aral Sea has become three times smaller. The water became salty, the fish died. Even the climate has changed. From the former seabed, the wind lifts dried salt into the air. The result of human activity is an environmental disaster. The yield of fields has decreased, and people’s health has deteriorated.)

    4. What is one of the most dangerous sea pollutants? (This is oil. It goes into environment as a result of the mining process and various accidents. People and sea creatures suffer. But some bacteria find it tasty. These are oil-eating bacteria. But during accidents, an amount of oil spills out that bacteria cannot cope with. People have learned to artificially grow “healing” bacteria for the sea. They are stored dry. In case of accidents, they are sown on the oil slick.)

    5. What are the dangers of increased energy use? (Increasing energy use is dangerous due to heating earth's surface and ground layers of the atmosphere. Modern technologies are such that approximately one third of the energy of thermal power plants and up to half of nuclear power plants is lost when the units are cooled. Waste water pollutes water bodies. Electromagnetic fields influence the development of living organisms. Average temperature Greenhouse gases also increase the earth's surface. Energy production pollutes the air with nitrogen and sulfur oxides. This contributes to the formation of acid rain.)

    6. What is the most environmentally friendly source of energy? (This source is energy saving (opinion of the German scientist D. Seifried). To do this, it is necessary to build and produce houses and appliances with high thermal insulation.)

    7. Why are synthetic detergents so dangerous? (Washing powder, soap, shampoo, soda are serious pollutants of water and soil. They change the surface tension of water, disrupting the vital activity of many organisms that live at the interface between water and air. Getting into water bodies, they impede the access of oxygen. Detergents have a detrimental effect on fish eggs and the development of amphibians. Phosphorus, which is so rich in detergents, promotes the growth of algae (water blooms). Detergents are made on the basis of synthetic substances, which makes it difficult for them to decompose in the natural environment.)

    9. When did running water appear? (The Indians kept water in copper vessels. This was about 4 thousand years ago. In Ancient Egypt laid wooden and copper pipes. IN Ancient Rome there was a system of aqueducts. In the 11th century, a real water supply system was built in Novgorod. In the 15th century, a spring water supply system was installed for the Moscow Kremlin. A real water supply system in Russia was built in St. Petersburg in the second half of the 19th century.)

    10. What do you know about radioactive fallout? (The polluted atmosphere returns to us the most dangerous consequences human activity(accidents at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons tests) in the form of radioactive fallout. They are dust and drops of atmospheric moisture. Radioactive atoms (radionuclides) settle as dust on the soil. They also get into our homes, reservoirs, on the skin of animals and people, on the leaves of plants, etc. Radionuclides enter the human body and destroy living cells, weaken its resistance to disease, destroying the genetic apparatus.)

    11. What do you know about ozone holes? (Ozone is a form of oxygen. The formula of oxygen consists of two atoms, and ozone - of three. Ozone, which is formed near the surface of the Earth, is harmful (formed during a thunderstorm, the operation of an X-ray machine, etc.). Sun rays, acting on ozone oxides, cause this dangerous phenomenon, like photochemical smog. Widespread use of freon leads to the appearance of ozone holes. The proportion of ozone in some places of the ozone shield is reduced by up to 50 percent. Ozone holes can move. And their existence was first established in the 80s of the 20th century. The holes allow excessive levels of ultraviolet radiation to pass through, leading to skin cancer.)

    12. What are pesticides and nitrates? (Pesticides are pesticides that are used to protect plants from pests. Modern Agriculture uses up to 2 million tons of various types of pesticides. They pollute the soil, water and air. They also enter the human body and disrupt vital processes (cancer, allergies, kidney, liver, and stomach diseases). Nitrates are salts of nitric acid. Used as fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers increase crop yields. But their excess is deposited in plants in reserve and, together with food, enters the human body. Nitrates help form nitrosamine in the body, an active carcinogen that causes cancer.)

    13. Why are accidents at nuclear power plants so dangerous? (Accidents at nuclear power plants are real environmental disasters. They harm the health of millions of people. During accidents, a huge amount of radioactive substances enter the air (isotopes of cesium, strontium - during the Chernobyl accident). The consequences of such accidents affect many decades. The soil is polluted, forest, water.Genetic changes occur in the organisms of animals and people. The immune system people and the gene pool are under threat.)

    Quiz "Nature Conservation"

    1. When did the idea of ​​creating the Red Book arise? (In the 20th century, at the end of the 50s. The International Red Book was first published in 1966, the USSR Red Book in 1978 (six years later - a new, updated edition). The purpose of the Red Book is to identify endangered species of organisms, those that require special protection measures. There is also a Black Book for those species that have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.)

    2. Name the nature reserve Pacific Ocean. (This is the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve with its Ussuri taiga. The forest occupies more than 90 percent of the area of ​​the reserve. Here you can find rare plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, the taiga is being intensively inhabited by humans, which negatively affects its inhabitants.)

    3. What do you know about tropical forests? (Their flora and fauna number up to 3 million species, of which only a sixth are described. More than 4 thousand scientists are studying. Tropical forests are rain forests. This is a storehouse medicinal drugs, many chemical compounds that have great biological activity. Extermination tropical forests will negatively affect the climate, clean air, water bodies, and even food production.)

    4. What do you know about folk traditions nature conservation? (Such traditions appeared in ancient times and were passed on from generation to generation. Many peoples, for example, have especially revered trees. For Russians this is birch. And in ancient times the Slavs revered oak. Entire groves were declared sacred. Until relatively recently, Arkhangelsk and Siberian peasants gathered at gatherings. At these gatherings they announced a ban on cutting down trees in forest lands for several years. The ban was called a reserve. This is where the word “reserve” comes from.)

    5. Where is the most large nature reserve? (Antarctica is considered the largest nature reserve. Any human activity is prohibited on the mainland and the adjacent water area (according to international treaties). Despite the thickness of the ice, almost 800 species of plants were discovered on the continent that were able to adapt to difficult and unfavorable conditions life (frosts up to 70 degrees). Bryozoan and Antarctic amulus are two species of flowering plants in Antarctica. Plants, including lichens, actively develop only a few weeks a year.)

    6. Why do we need zoos? (Some people believe that a zoo is a prison for animals. But if you adhere to all the rules for keeping animals in captivity, then they can live in the zoo longer than in the wild. Many animals in the zoo give birth. In this way, a person saves rare animals. This way Moscow Zoo employees preserved the sable.)

    7. What is the Noahide principle? (The Noah principle is the name of the theory of species conservation. The criterion of value is the existence of the species itself. This gives it the right to life. Man learns to see the beautiful and amazing on the planet. People decided that destruction biological diversity It's not profitable for them. The world's population is growing. And he needs to be fed. And also solve many environmental problems.)

    8. What do you know about the bird zoo? (It's located on Canary Islands. Its area is more than 20 hectares. The zoo is specially equipped to ensure that 300 species of animals and almost 500 species of plants thrive there. The bird zoo is very popular among tourists.)

    9. Tell us about the Askania-Nova nature reserve. (It is located in Ukraine (Kherson region). The area is 11 thousand hectares; 400 species of plants, more than 150 species of shrubs, peacocks, pheasants, eagles, parrots and ostriches feel good among the steppes. The water surface is for black swans, pink flamingos, geese and ducks. In the pastures you can meet Przewalski's horse and buffalo, camel and zebra, roe deer and deer. Scientists are working on creating new breeds of domestic animals.)

    10. What do you know about the reserve in western Russia? (Russian nature reserve in the southern part Bryansk forest protects nature (since 1987). Area - 12 thousand hectares. All life in the forest is protected by law. The reserve has many species of mammals and fish, almost 200 species of birds and about 20 species of reptiles and amphibians. Black storks live here - honorary members Red Book. Unauthorized entry prohibited from entering the reserve.)

    11. What is the Children's Rainforest? (A 12-year-old Swedish boy named Roland Tiendsuu decided to make an attempt to save the rainforests. He really wanted them not to be lost while he grew up. Together with their classmates and their teacher, the guys began selling cookies for local residents. Things were going well, and they managed to buy 4 hectares tropical forest V South America. This forest was purchased for a nature reserve in Costa Rica. Other Swedish schoolchildren followed suit and bought another 7 hectares. The grateful management of the reserve called this part of the forest “ Children's forest forever". The guys have followers in other countries.)

    Quiz game with answers for students primary school"WOOD ROBINSONS".

    GOALS and OBJECTIVES: to arouse children’s interest in natural phenomena and broaden their horizons; introduce books about nature.


    Presenter 1:
    April 25, 1719 A book was published in England that was destined to survive centuries and become one of the most popular and read. This is Daniel Defoe's book "Robinson Crusoe". Her hero became loved by many generations of children who see in him a man who found the strength not to lose heart in difficult circumstances. Today we received a letter:
    “I have been living in the world for about 300 years now! Who would have thought that fate would play such a joke on me! Having thrown me ashore and almost taken my life, she subsequently made me a long-liver. Apparently, it was not destined to die in the depths of the sea! 28 for long years I stayed for desert island almost completely alone. True, from the very beginning I was very lucky. The island on which I was thrown was truly a paradise, where all year round summer. From the ship I managed to take everything that my strong hands could carry: weapons, clothes, tools...
    The only problem was that I didn’t know the wild plants around me. I would really like to understand their properties. But, alas! I never managed to discover their secrets. Luckily for me, grapes and orange trees that were familiar to me grew on the island.
    What if fate had thrown me into the taiga or, for example, into the forests middle zone Russia? Oh, it would be bad for me. So my friends, be curious, explore. the world, so that you are fully armed with knowledge to meet the blows of fate if they befall you! Sincerely yours - Robinson Crusoe!

    Presenter 2:
    The name Robinson Crusoe has become a household name for us. This is the name given to people who find themselves alone with nature.
    This is how a person is made that he strives to test himself in the most difficult tests. To this day, the most difficult transitions through the deserts are made; daredevils cross oceans alone on a boat; they land on uninhabited islands, trying to find a means of subsistence there; They go to the taiga without food and, in the full sense, eat pasture. What helps people emerge victorious from all these situations is fortitude, good physical training and, of course, knowledge of native nature.
    And today you and I will become such Robinsons, learning to recognize plants, show dexterity and dexterity, as well as the ability to navigate the terrain.
    And so they began! The first "Warm-up" competition. Your task: answer as many questions as possible larger number questions.
    1. The name of which plant is associated with ringing? Bluebell.
    2. The juice of which plant produces warts? Celandine.
    3. Smallest bird? Hummingbird.
    4. Is the hare sideways? No.
    5. Which one scary beast Craving raspberries? Bear.
    6. Which thread is the thinnest in nature? Web.
    7. Where do crayfish spend the winter? In burrows along river banks.
    8. Eyes on the horns, and a house on the back? Snail.
    9. Which fish resembles a chess piece? Sea Horse.
    10. Is a whale a fish or a beast? Beast.
    11. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? Filthy.
    12. What happens to a crow after three years? 4 years.
    13. Most big snake? Anaconda.
    14. What animal crawls out of its skin? Snake.
    15. Name carnivorous plant. Sundew.
    16. What is the herb that the blind know? Nettle.
    Presenter 1:
    And so, we did the warm-up. The next competition is “living pharmacy”.
    Each team is given a card with the names of plants and mushrooms. It is necessary to answer where the following plants are used:
    a) chokeberry; b) pumpkin; c) Scots pine; d) sphagnum moss; d) plantain; e) bird cherry; g) rose hips; h) chaga; i) fly agaric.
    Cards with questions are also issued:
    1. Which of the proposed plants can be used as cotton wool? (G)
    2. What plant is used for indigestion? (f)
    3. Which plant is used for goiter? (A)
    4. What is the best medicine for moose? (And)
    5. Which plant is used for inflammation and burns of the skin? (d)
    6. What is the best anthelmintic? (b)
    7. Which plant is the richest source of vitamin C? (and)
    8. What has been used since ancient times in the fight against cancer? (h)
    9. From which plant is turpentine used for radiculitis obtained? (V)
    (Answers are scored on a 9-point system.)
    While the teams are working with the cards, I invite the fans to guess the riddles:
    Tail with patterns,
    Boots with spurs.
    Sleeps in winter
    And in the summer the hives turn back.

    Fast little animal
    Jump and hop through the trees.
    There's a palace on a pole,
    There is a singer in the palace.
    Who is cold in winter
    Walking in the forest angry and hungry?
    Swimmed in the water -
    It remained dry.
    He is friends with the owner,
    The house is guarded.
    Lives under the porch
    And the tail is a ring.
    Which owl hunts during the day?
    What bird sings at night?
    Presenter 2:
    The next competition of our quiz is “FOREST BAROMETER”
    In this competition you need to use folk signs to predict the weather for tomorrow.
    Pillar of smoke - (towards frost)
    There is dew on the grass in the morning - (there will be no rain)
    There was frost at night - (there will be no snow)
    The cuckoo makes sounds similar to croaking - (it will rain)
    The rooks arrived early - (to warm spring)
    Fish jump out of the water - (to the doge).
    For each correct answer the team receives 5 points.

    Presenter 1:
    And now it will be "CAPTAINS" competition.
    (Captains are asked one by one questions to which they must answer - “BELIEVE” or “DON’T BELIEVE.” Each correct answer is worth 1 point.)

    1. Do you believe that bees and ants lead a social lifestyle? (I believe)
    2. Do you believe that England has completely abandoned cars and switched to cycling? (I do not believe)
    3. Do you believe that a tick can live without food for up to 7 years? (I believe)
    4. Do you believe that eggs themselves big butterfly Agrippinas are equipped with a pair of wings and are capable of flying to more sheltered places in case of danger? (I do not believe)
    5. Do you believe that polar bears do not feed on penguins in the wild because they live in colonies and it is dangerous to attack them? (I do not believe)
    6. Do you believe that the housefly adapts to changing conditions faster than humans? external environment, because it has numerous offspring? (I believe)
    Presenter 2:
    And here is the fourth obstacle on the way of our Robinsons - "PROBERDS". Individual parts of phrases must be selected so that ten can be read folk signs about birds. Maximum amount points – 10.

    1. The cuckoos began to cuckoo - ... (e). A)…spring is just around the corner.
    2. Swallows are flying low -…(c) B)…winter is in the yard.
    3. Tit to the hut -…(b) C)…rain is predicted.
    4. The sandpiper is not big, but... (g). D)…praises his swamp.
    5. The nightingale sang - ... (d). D)…soon the thunder will thunder.
    6. A sandpiper flew in from overseas -…(h). E)…there will be no more frosts.
    7. The swallow flew in - ... (j) F) ... after all, a bird.
    8. The goose flies - ... (and) Z) ... brought spring out of its seclusion.
    9. Rook on the mountain - ... (a). I)…has the winter on its tail.
    10. Every sandpiper... (d) K)...the water has subsided.
    Presenter 1:
    Well, now we’ll see how our Robinsons can solve riddles about animals and plants. The next quiz competition is “Take a Riddle.”
    Black and not a raven
    Horned, but not a bull,
    Six legs without hooves
    It flies and howls,
    He sits down and digs the ground. (Bug)
    Berries are not sweetness
    But it's a joy to the eye,
    And decoration for the gardens,
    And the blackbirds have a treat.
    There is a palace on the pole,
    There is a singer in the palace.
    Fisherman, here’s the thing,
    Got hooked...
    Small, white,
    Jump-jump along the forest,
    One snowball at a time.
    ь Red-haired bird-house
    I came to the chicken coop,
    I counted all the chickens,
    She took it with her. (Fox)
    Who are they talking about:
    Backing away?
    (about cancer)
    Hiding from toothy pikes,
    Swam by...
    (crucian carp)
    In the forest under a birch tree - a baby,
    Just a head and a leg.
    Pied Quack
    Catches frogs.
    Winged, loud-mouthed,
    Red flippers.
    Grow at the bottom
    They provide shelter and food to everyone.
    Into a golden ball
    The oak tree hid.
    All the beetles, insects, flies -
    Delicious breakfast for…
    Presenter 2:
    Forest Robinsons, in addition to knowledge, need to be able to overcome the bumps of a swampy swamp, climb through forest rubble, penetrate caves, etc. Therefore, the next stage of our quiz game is "FUN RELAY"
    1. “Each grain in its own bag.” Robinsons must be able to not only search, but also collect plant food. (Carrying cubes from hoop to hoop).

    2. “Sharp Shooter.” Animals have been killed since ancient times to get food. And for this you need to be accurate. Darts are in front of you. Each participant performs one throw. The team that scores the most points wins.

    3. "Disguise". For the hunt to be successful, you need to be able to camouflage yourself so that the “enemy” does not notice. Each team begins to move around the hall in different directions. When the signal “Bumps” is given, everyone must sit down and tilt their heads forward. Signal “Kopna” - the team must quickly gather, stand in a circle, hold hands and raise their arms up. “Path” - stand one after another, put your hands on your neighbor’s shoulders.

    4. "Drag". Robinsons must not only get food, but also carry it to their home. Now let's see whose team is stronger. The teams stand opposite each other, in a row. They put their hands on the neighbor’s belt, and the team guides hold hands and, on command, try to pull the opponents over.

    5. On a desert island, Robinson must milk a wild goat or cow himself. The strongest representative from each team must come to us (we are given a bucket and glove with water). He will be a Burenka. The rest will act as hostesses. At the start, you put on a scarf and an apron and run to milk the cow. And so, one by one, until you have milked all the milk.
    Presenter 1:
    Our quiz game is over. Now we know how to survive in difficult conditions, but we also need to remember about nature. Now the jury will sum up the results and announce the winners. (Word by the jury). Rewarding.
    Presenter 2:
    And I would like to end our meeting with the words of Vl. Shefner:
    You, man, loving nature,
    At least sometimes you feel sorry for her:
    On pleasure trips
    Don't trample her fields,
    Don't burn her recklessly
    And don’t exhaust it to the bottom,
    And remember the simple truth:
    There are many of us, but She is one!

    Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna
    Educational institution: MBDOU "Totemsky" kindergarten No. 7 "Sun"
    Brief job description:

    Publication date: 2018-02-26 Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts” Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna With the help of game tasks and questions, children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants was tested,

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    Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts”

    Target: Improving the environmental culture skills of students;


    Expand children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants,

    Strengthen children's ability to behave in nature;

    Develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a complete meaningful answer to them.

    Bring up careful attitude and love for them;

    Materials:Letters (NATURE), ball, picture (Old Forest Man), tokens, box, medals, easel.

    Preliminary work: reading encyclopedias, observations, solving riddles, crosswords, looking at illustrations in albums, books, watching presentations.

    Move quiz games.

    Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to show your skills and knowledge, and help us with thisQuiz game. And now it’s time to guess the topic of our quiz. Her you you'll find out Having answered my questions, you and I will attach the first letter of each answer to the board and at the end we will get a word.
    1. Bright red tomatoes
    They are keeping watch on the bushes.
    We'll prepare salads
    Let's say: “Delicious...!” (Tomato)
    2. The sun is shining, the rain is pouring

    The ray shines golden

    A bridge is thrown across the river

    Seven-color painted. (Rainbow)
    3. Early morning in the yard

    The ice settled on the grass.

    And the whole meadow turned light blue.

    Sparkles like silver... (Rime)
    4. A wet woman runs on the ground -
    Great joy for all the children.
    People escape from the heat in the summer,
    In winter they go ice skating and sledding . (River)
    5. There is one such flower,

    You can't weave it into a wreath,

    Blow on it lightly

    There was a flower and there is no flower. (Dandelion) .
    6. Who beats on the roof all night,

    yes he knocks
    And he mumbles and sings, lulls him to sleep. (Rain)
    7. Long-legged, long-nosed,
    Long-necked, voiceless.
    He flies to hunt.

    For frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

    Well done, the guys completed the task. Keyword we made it - NATURE.

    And we begin the quiz game “Nature Experts”.

    Everyone should know the rules of our game:

    1. Listen to the question or task to the end.

    1.During the game you cannot give hints to each other.

    2.If someone does not answer the question, the next participant answers.

    3.A token (circle) is given for the correct answer

    You guys are funny and you won't be bored.

    We will answer the quiz questions with you!

    You answer unanimously and there is no doubt about it.

    Today friendship will be the mistress of victories.

    Our guest from the forest will evaluate your knowledge Old man forester. For each correct answer he will be given a token. At the end of the game - quiz we will see the result.

    So let's begin! Everyone is ready!

    WARM-UP "Name it quickly"
    White-sided bird. (Magpie)
    What plant can burn us? (Nettle)

    Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
    The time of year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
    Who is the forest's animal health officer? (Wolf)
    What is the name of the hare's domestic relative? (Rabbit)
    What is the name of a bear's home? (Den)
    Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
    What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
    Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
    What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)

    Quiz questions:

    1. How do you understand what a forest is?

    2. What trees grow in our forests?

    3. Why do people go to the forest?

    4. What does edible mean? Name them.

    5. What does it mean - poisonous? Name them.

    6. How should we treat forest inhabitants?

    7. Why can’t you make noise in the forest?

    8. Which tree sap is very useful for people?

    9. What benefits does the forest bring to people?

    Ball game “I’ll start, you continue”:
    - The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree... (cones)
    - Birch is curly, and pine... (prickly)
    - Rowan has leaves, and pine has... (needles)
    - In autumn, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree... (green)
    - Aspen stands without leaves in winter, and pine... (in needles)
    - Apples grow on an apple tree, and on an oak tree... (acorns)

    10. What types of birds are there?

    11. What does migratory mean? Name them.

    12. What does it mean - wintering? Name them.

    13. How can you guys help birds in winter?

    14. How does a hare prepare for winter?

    15. Where does the squirrel live?

    16. What wild animal has horns and hooves?

    17. What is the “Red Book”?

    Presenter: Guys, you were great today, how much do you know about nature of our region, and now it's time to take stock.

    old man -Lesovichok is ready to sum up the results of our quiz. (Counting tokens).

    Presenter: Let's put all the tokens in the box, close it and I will say the magic words that I told you Old man forester and you listen attentively:

    The hero stands rich, treats all the guys.

    Vanya - strawberries, Tanya - boneberries,

    Mashenka - a nut, Petya - russula.

    What kind of hero is this, guys? (FOREST)

    After magic words open the box and see what kind of gift - a surprise the FOREST and the Old Man - the forest boy have prepared for you.

    Presenter: What a gift - all our tokens turned into medals. Thank you, Lesovichok!

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