Methods for recycling solid municipal waste. Rules for handling municipal solid waste

TKO is an abbreviation that appeared relatively recently. Previously, the name “MSW” appeared in all documents. In addition to changes in the name of the waste group, some amendments were made to the law regarding the rules for handling MSW and the procedure for calculating standards. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant for most of our population.

The concept of “municipal solid waste” (MSW) was established and defined in Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ(as amended on November 28, 2015). Aspects of this law regulate certain waste management requirements.

According to the law, MSW is waste that is constantly generated in residential buildings as a result of the use of any goods by residents. MSW also includes items that have become unusable as a result of their consumption by residents of houses for personal and household purposes. In addition to waste accumulated during the life of individuals, the MSW group consists of waste generated in the work of organizations and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs, which in its component content is close to residential waste.

Composition of MSW

The law specifies the rights and obligations of government authorities different levels in the area related to MSW management. It also specifies the rules for obtaining a license for organizations that wish to collect, transport, process, and dispose of municipal waste.

In each subject Russian Federation According to the law, special organizations must be created to carry out all actions with MSW - regional operators. When selecting regional operators that are legal entities, a competition is held, as a result of which the winning organization receives permission to carry out activities for the management of solid waste in the regions of the entire subject of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years.

Manufacturers and importers of products are required by law to dispose of waste generated after consumption of these products. If this obligation is not fulfilled, then importers and producers will pay a certain amount environmental collection.

This law came into force on January 1, 2015, except for some of its aspects, for which other effective dates were determined (or changed).

Hazard Class

The entire list of types of waste that make up MSW can be viewed in the FKKO. According to this classification catalog, it is also possible to determine the hazard class of a particular type of municipal waste. Usually, larger number different groups of MSW are classified as waste hazard class IV or V.

Rules of circulation

All rules for the management of MSW are specified in detail in the document “On the management of MSW” established by the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156. Let's get acquainted with some aspects of the Rules.

The document states that all manipulations with MSW must be carried out in conditions of safety for people and the natural environment.

The organization appointed by the regional operator draws up an agreement with consumers, according to which this organization becomes responsible for all stages of municipal waste management. The operator’s activities are determined by the region’s program in the field of MSW management and are carried out in accordance with the corresponding territorial scheme.

Actions related to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and storage of MSW are carried out directly by the regional operator itself or with the help of other organizations working with waste.

MSW storage locations for consumers are determined in an agreement concluded with the regional operator. Waste collection can be carried out:

  • in houses in garbage collection chambers equipped with special containers;
  • in containers of various sizes located in specially designated areas on the street;
  • in disposable (bags) or other containers provided by the operator himself.

Bulky waste should be stored:

  • in bunkers on sites;
  • in a specially designated area for large-sized waste.

According to the Rules, the priority technology for processing MSW is the one that allows automated waste sorting. Also, preference in waste disposal is given to technologies that ultimately ensure the production of secondary raw materials for various industries.

An important point when processing MSW is its exclusion from the total mass. hazardous waste(Classes I and II) to prevent them from ending up at landfills.

Everything is stated in the Rules possible reasons, in accordance with which the activities of regional operators may be terminated.

Accumulation standards

The standards for the accumulation of MSW are specified in Decree of the Russian Government of April 4, 2016 No. 269.

Note! When determining standard values The garbage generated during the cleaning of local areas is also taken into account.

For any differentiated category of objects, standards are determined separately. To establish standard values, waste is measured in accordance with established rules.

In order to calculate standards, special formulas are used that determine the following indicators:

  1. The average daily standard for the season, which can be expressed in different units of measurement depending on the use of mass or volumetric values.
  2. The average daily standard for different seasons (periods of the year), which can also be expressed in units of mass or volume per 1 calculation unit/day.
  3. Average monthly and annual standards.


The density of MSW (formerly MSW) is determined in the process of calculating waste accumulation standards. This important indicator, to establish which it is necessary to know the volume and mass of garbage. For this purpose, the accumulated waste is leveled and its parameters are measured using a special ruler. After this, the MSW is weighed and the mass of the container is subtracted from the resulting total mass. Using the obtained numbers, the subsequent calculation of the average density of waste is carried out, in which it is necessary to determine daily norm savings (depending on the number of residents), average monthly and average annual standards, annual MSW standards. Only by calculating the standards can the average density be determined.

Additional Information! The above calculations must be carried out by specialists in compliance with the standards and formulas specified in our legislation. In addition, certain equipment is required to carry out such work.

MSW disposal

Every year, over 70 million tons of MSW are generated in our country. Almost all waste can be recycled. However, in Russia, most municipal waste is simply stored in landfills, the area of ​​which is constantly increasing. This method of waste disposal is irrational both from an economic and environmental point of view. Therefore, the issue of proper processing of MSW requires close attention of the authorities and environmental services.

Let's look at the main methods of municipal waste disposal that exist today.

Burial. The cheapest way. However, it has many disadvantages. When waste decomposes in landfills in external environment toxic substances are released that pollute water, atmosphere and soil. At the same time, huge territories are required, which after the liquidation of the landfill will be unusable for a long time. When implementing this method, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the location of polygons: they must be created outside the boundaries settlements, recreation areas and water protection, medical institutions.

Burning. A common method today. The product of the process is ash, the volume of which is much less than the volume of MSW before combustion. The ash is usually taken to landfills. This method also has certain disadvantages associated with a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, they are trying to improve it through the use of afterburning furnaces with a gas purification system and an electrical energy generator.

An environmentally more sustainable method is pyrolysis - the decomposition of waste in the absence of air at high temperatures.

Composting. A method for decomposing the organic component of waste. Its essence is to create compost heaps in which waste is stored. In such heaps, decomposition of organic components occurs due to the activity of microorganisms. The disadvantage of this method is that during biodegradation of waste an unpleasant odor appears. The method also requires preliminary sorting of waste.

MSW recycling. Most waste can be recycled to produce new materials and products. The method allows you to save natural resources, protect the environment and obtain a cheap raw material base.

Different components of MSW are processed in different ways.

Metal materials are sorted, pressed and packaged, after which the processed waste is sent to metallurgical enterprises for the purpose of melting down.

Plastic components serve as raw materials for the production of new products: polyester sheets and fibers, etc.

From glass residues it is obtained technical glass, used in construction work. During the processing process, raw materials are sorted, cleaned, dried, crushed and heated for further melting.

Paper waste (together with fresh raw materials) is used to produce new paper. The collected waste paper is sorted, cleaned, in some cases bleached, and then sent to pulp and paper mills.

Wood waste produces many building materials(for example, fiberboard, chipboard), fuel briquettes, pellets, etc.

Discarded electrical appliances are often a source of non-ferrous metals and polymers suitable for further use as raw materials.

Oily waste (asphalt, bitumen) is also processed.

Thus, the processing of each type of MSW is carried out using different technologies, therefore the most important stage This method of disposal is waste sorting.

Television correspondents talk in a video about one of the modern landfills for solid waste located in the Vologda region, the principles of its operation and the problems of unauthorized landfills

Innovations regarding the rules for working with MSW are not yet clear to every resident of our country. The change in the name itself (MSW to MSW) and the updated process for making payments for the provision of waste management services caused a lot of controversy. Unfortunately, only outdated methods of recycling solid municipal (household) waste remain unchanged.

Garbage is the dark side of human life. For us, recycling of household waste ends with throwing it into Plastic container, which stands near the house. Rarely does anyone think about what happens to him next. Today we will try to figure this out. Answer the question of what municipal solid waste (MSW) is, where it is transported and how it is processed.

The concept of MSW

Municipal solid waste (MSW) refers to household waste generated in places where people live. This includes both urban multi-storey buildings and private houses. In addition, MSW includes waste from activities various kinds companies and firms. Provided that this garbage is similar in composition to garbage from residential areas.

There are several types of waste that are included in the concept of MSW.

What is considered MSW?

  • Tree. This is old furniture and fittings. This group also includes cellulose-based waste: paper, some types of fabrics, etc.;
  • Petroleum products. These are different types of oils that contain one or another percentage of hydrocarbons;
  • Biological waste. This includes food residues, leather goods and other waste, which is based on organic compounds;
  • Synthetic waste. These are all kinds of polymers: plastics, plastic bags and other components obtained by chemical synthesis.

MSW does not include in its concept dangerous species waste. Those that can cause significant harm to human health and environmental safety environment: radiation debris, waste of chemically and biologically active substances.

Change in the law dated December 29, 2014 No. 458

The end of 2014 was marked by a series of fundamental changes in the law on industrial waste and its consumption. New clauses and concepts were introduced that completely changed the rules for the removal, disposal and processing of waste. Let's consider the most significant of them:

  • Actually, the introduction of the term municipal solid waste. Previously, the broader wording used was municipal solid waste, or MSW for short. The concept of solid waste is still used and includes, in addition to garbage from residential buildings, waste that is generated by manufacturing enterprises and companies;
  • The emergence of a “regional operator” is a private organization that directly removes municipal solid waste from the territory of residential buildings. This means removal, transportation to the disposal site and recycling of waste. This process takes place on the basis of an agreement with the owners of residential buildings. The duration of the contract must be at least 10 years. Previously, all the above-described responsibilities were assigned to the managers of residential complexes, which turned out to be ineffective due to the lack of their material interest in this;
  • Changing the payment procedure for the types of services provided. Standards for the accumulation of MSW were established - the amount of garbage that is generated per unit of time, based on the needs of one person. In accordance with these standards, tariffs have been developed for calculating the cost of services for the removal of solid municipal waste. It is worth noting that previously management companies were responsible for setting prices for waste removal. As a rule, they proceeded only from the total area of ​​the territory;
  • After the law has been changed, the owner of a residential property is obliged to enter into an agreement with the regional operator and ensure the systematic removal of MSW from his territory.


After filling the waste containers, the regional operator takes them to places where direct disposal of MSW takes place. Recycling should be understood as the process of reducing the harmful effects of waste on the environment. There are 3 most popular methods:

  • Burial;
  • Burning;
  • Composting.

Let us now examine the pros and cons of each method in more detail.


It is the storage of MSW in specially designated areas. Garbage dumps, which are located outside the boundaries of almost every city, are a clear example of this. During burial, a hole is dug, the depth of which depends on the volume of MSW supplied. The garbage is stored directly in it and then buried with a layer of earth.

Among the main advantages of this method is its low cost. It is this factor that attracts regional representatives to increasingly turn to this method of disposal. But there are also disadvantages. And they are significant.

Landfills cause significant harm to the environment of the surrounding area. The soil is poisoned by harmful substances released by MSW, so that subsequently it is incapable of developing any kind of vegetation. As garbage decomposes, it forms toxic gases that can spread tens of kilometers from the site where MSW is stored. For this reason, trash cans should not be located near water bodies, medical institutions or places of residence.


Such disposal is a more advanced disposal method compared to landfill. MSW here, when burned, turns into ash, which in its volume is significantly inferior to the original size of the garbage. All this will reduce the waste storage area by several times. In addition, the heat generated as a result of combustion can be used for industrial needs or as heating for residential buildings and premises.

The disadvantage of burning MSW is increased toxicity. The gases released as a result of burning plastic are deadly to both humans and nature. To reduce their negative effect, it is necessary to use afterburning furnaces with modern cleaning systems. This makes this method less attractive from a financial point of view for entrepreneurs and companies involved in the disposal of municipal solid waste.


This recycling of MSW occurs due to the impact of living microorganisms on it. The peculiarity of this method is that only organic waste can be subjected to it. And for different types household waste Certain types of bacteria are suitable. For this reason, waste sent for composting must first be separated into categories.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, efficiency and, most importantly, low financial costs for its implementation. In addition, the resulting compost from garbage can be subjected to reuse. They are high-quality fertilizers and are widely in demand in agriculture.


This is recovery useful properties waste, which makes it suitable for use in production activities. It allows you to significantly save natural resources, on the one hand, on the other hand, it significantly reduces the area of ​​landfills, and, consequently, improves the ecology of the environment.

Not all types of MSW can be recycled. This is due to the characteristics of the chemical structure of different types of waste. Below are the types of MSW that are processed in modern industrial conditions:

  • Wood;
  • Waste paper;
  • Glass;
  • Waste metals.

In total, a proper attitude to the problem of waste disposal can significantly reduce the factors of MSW pollution. If we develop technologies for its processing, then in general we can even stay in the black. Everything, as in most cases, depends on our desire not to think about this momentary gain and look a few steps ahead.

The issue of municipal waste disposal is becoming more and more acute for the inhabitants of the Earth. In order to avoid the “X” time for all of us, when garbage “covers” the cities, at the moment there are dozens of IT and technology companies in the world that solve digitalization issues in the field of solid waste transformation. It is they who have the future in solving one of the most serious environmental problems humanity.

Recently, the results of a study by the international consulting company Frost & Sullivan were published, according to which by 2020 the volume of the global market for digital transformation technologies in the field of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in monetary terms will increase to $3.6 billion, compared to 3 .3 billion dollars in 2017. At the same time, the average annual growth rate (CAGR) of this market will be 2.74%.

Global trends in solving the issue of waste disposal

Authors of the study TheImpactofDigitalTransformationontheWasteRecyclingIndustry write that the development of the market for digital solutions in the waste processing industry is proceeding in four main directions:

- Production of smart systems for waste collection (so-called “smart containers”),

- Optimization of supply chains and equipping the fleet with specialized software and sensors (“smart waste collectors”),

- Production and implementation of intelligent systems for processing and disposal of MSW,

- Development and application cloud technologies and user interfaces.

As of October 2018, the largest number of smart technologies and equipment for waste management are being developed in countries Western Europe And North America. In addition to “smart” containers and waste collectors, these also include robotic systems for sorting MSW, specialized mobile applications, accounting and analytics systems, software, etc.

“The largest segment of the market remains the development of cloud computing platforms, user interfaces and software - in 2017 it accounted for $2.8 billion, while the share of intelligent MSW processing systems was about $138 million. At the same time, the pace of digitalization in the recycling segment remains one of the highest - according to our forecasts, by 2020 the volume of this market will be $232 million,” says Alexey Volostnov, managing director of Frost & Sullivan in Russia.

World market size digital technologies in the segments of software development and intelligent systems for processing MSW, million US dollars. Source: Frost & Sullivan

Moreover, Frost & Sullivan analysts name several main trends in the market for digital transformation technologies in the field of solid waste management:

Presenting the project passport, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Vladimir Yakushev emphasized that this is only “a starting document that outlines guidelines. We are ready to discuss and polish it.” For this reason, the text of the draft has not yet been published.

But it is worth noting now that the project pursues two main goals: ensuring sustainable development cities and improving the quality of life of people living and staying in cities through the digital transformation of the urban sector; increasing the efficiency of using municipal resources through the use of digital technologies and expanding public-private partnerships.

The document also includes the objectives and results of the federal project “Digital City”. By the end of 2022, it is planned to implement the best innovative projects in the field of urban management, selected through annual competitions, and implement a set of activities as part of pilot projects. And by December 31, 2024, it is planned to organize a replication system best projects, including through their inclusion in the Smart Cities Knowledge Base and the introduction of government support mechanisms.

In addition, by December 31, 2024, digital platforms for managing city resources, services for informing citizens and providing them with access to municipal services in digital form, services for involving citizens in city decision-making, increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services, taking into account new information standards, etc. Further.

Preliminary funding for the federal project is expected to be 132.221 billion rubles.

As was told, by mid-July, 25 municipalities from 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation had submitted applications to participate in the Smart City, which are ready to become pilot sites for testing technologies, the list of which is provided by the publication.

It is worth recalling that back in January 2018, the 17th meeting of the Professional Energy Club (PREN-Club) took place, at which club members discussed the problems and prospects of transition to the best available technologies (BAT) for energy complexes of large cities and the issues of recycling solid municipal waste. waste (MSW) in heat and power systems.

From 2019, it was noted at the conference, the procedure for obtaining comprehensive environmental permits (IEP) will begin. CER is a mixture of energy and resource conservation programs, environmental safety and an environmental passport.

To date, the NDT Bureau has developed 51 reference books, all of which are posted on the bureau’s website. Most directories are industry-specific. 7 pieces - so-called horizontal, intersectoral. The introduction of the BAT principle provides new levers for industrial modernization.

Sergey Beloborodov, member of the PREN club, vice-president of the NP “Energy Efficient City”, then spoke about his article, in which he compared the efficiency of energy systems different countries with the energy system of the Russian Federation on the issue of CO2 emissions in terms of the structure of electrical energy production, fuel heat utilization factor (FTE), installed capacity utilization factor (IUR) of RES, the cost of RES electricity and the cost of electricity for end customers, as well as the impact of RES load priority on volume of combined electricity generation from thermal power plants.

As a result, it turned out that the Russian electricity sector is one of the world leaders in reducing CO2 emissions. Specific CO2 emissions for electric energy production (g CO2/kWh) in the Russian energy system as a whole are lower than in the USA, Germany, China, significantly lower than the world average, and correspond to Denmark .


As for cloud technologies as such, including with an eye to the near future, and in solving the issue of solid waste disposal, then, as international experts say, there is every chance of signing cooperation agreements with Russia. NetApp, for example, is already implementing a number of cloud projects in our country, although for now in the financial sector, oil and gas industry and private business. But, as Thomas Kaiser, director of NetApp in Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia and the CIS, notes, it is Russia that is most ready to embrace new technologies, as Russian customers look one step ahead. “It seems to me that even in Europe they still use more traditional approaches in these industries than in Russia,” said Thomas Kaiser.

We'll see how soon this happens. In the meantime, on October 23-25, 2018, the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in Moscow will host the 15th Anniversary International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Recycling, Waste Management and Cleaning Wastewater WASMA-2018, where at the same time a seminar of industry specialists will be held.

1. Collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are provided by one or more regional operators in accordance with the regional program in the field of waste management and the territorial waste management scheme.

2. Accumulation, collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste are carried out in accordance with the rules for handling solid municipal waste approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the rules for handling solid municipal waste).

(see text in the previous edition)

3. Management of municipal solid waste, which is waste from the use of goods, is carried out taking into account the specifics established in Article 24.2 of this Federal Law.

4. A legal entity is assigned the status of a regional operator and its area of ​​activity is determined on the basis of a competitive selection, which is carried out by the authorized body executive power subject of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The status of a regional operator is assigned for a period of no more than ten years. A legal entity may be deprived of the status of a regional operator on grounds determined by the rules for handling municipal solid waste.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

7. The area of ​​activity of a regional operator is the territory or part of the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the regional operator operates on the basis of an agreement concluded with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with this article.

8. The area of ​​activity of the regional operator is determined in the territorial waste management scheme.

9. Unless otherwise established by federal law, the areas of activity of regional operators must cover the entire territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and must not intersect.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Clause 10 Art. 24.6 applies from the date of conclusion of the agreement on MSW between the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the regional operator; in terms of the agreement between a city of federal significance and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation - from the date of entry into force of the agreement, but no later than 01.01.2021, after 01.07.2020, disagreements under the agreement are considered by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Municipal solid waste management operators, regional operators are required to comply with the municipal solid waste flow scheme provided for by the territorial waste management scheme of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the territory of which such operators operate. Municipal solid waste management operators who own municipal solid waste treatment, neutralization, and burial facilities, the location data of which are included in the territorial waste management scheme, are required to accept municipal solid waste generated on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and received from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Federations, taking into account the agreement concluded between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, only on the basis of agreements concluded with regional operators on the implementation of regulated activities in the field of municipal solid waste management and do not have the right to refuse to conclude such agreements.

Recycling and disposal of household waste - current problem modern world. There are more and more landfills on earth; extensive littering threatens an environmental disaster. The solution to the problem is recycling of solid waste at specialized waste processing plants. Following the conditions of objective reality, humanity needs to improve waste disposal methods in order to achieve the most effective processing of solid waste at minimal cost.

3 reasons why competent recycling of solid waste is necessary

Waste can be divided into the following: kinds:

  • Household waste. We include human waste in this group. The garbage that is thrown out of residential buildings and administrative buildings. Plastic products, food scraps, paper, glass and other items. Many wastes are classified as hazard classes IV and V.

The issue of plastic waste should be resolved as follows: the waste is subject to mechanical grinding, followed by chemical treatment with solutions, as a result of such manipulations a mass is formed from which polymer products can be made again. Paper and food scraps can turn into compost, rot and benefit the agricultural sector of the economy.

  • Biological waste. This type of waste is produced by biological species (human and animal). A large number of such materials are produced by veterinary clinics, hospitals, sanitary and hygienic organizations, catering establishments and other similar institutions. Biological waste is destroyed by incineration. All organic materials can be disposed of using this method.
  • Industrial waste. Such waste is the result of production processes. Construction, operation industrial equipment, installation and finishing work - all this leaves behind a huge amount of wood, paints and varnishes, thermal insulation materials, some of which can also be burned. For example, wood releases energy during combustion, which can also be used for purposes beneficial to society.
  • Radioactive waste. Often, biomaterials and other waste contain radioactive substances that pose a danger. This group also includes gases and solutions - that is, those wastes that cannot be used in the future. Some of this waste can be destroyed by burning, but the rest can only be buried.
  • Medical waste. This is waste from medical institutions, 80% of which is non-hazardous household waste, and the remaining 20% ​​poses a risk to the human body. So is recycling. radioactive waste, the destruction of this type of waste has many restrictions and prohibitions in Russian legislation. The methods of its burning and burial are described in detail. For medical waste, as well as for radioactive waste, special burial grounds are created. Some people dispose of medical waste this way: they put it in bags and burn it. But many drugs belong to hazard classes I and II, so this disposal method is clearly not for them.

All waste is classified according to the degree of its danger to the environment. There are four hazard classes in total. The first class is garbage, which poses the most serious threat to the planet and all organisms living on it. If you do not process first class solid waste in the manner prescribed by law, harm ecological system may be irreparable. Waste of the first hazard class: mercury, lead salts, plutonium, polonium, etc.

Waste of the second hazard class can also greatly harm the environment. The effects of such damage will continue to impact for a long time. The planet will recover within 30 years after being polluted by such waste. These include arsenic, selenium, chlorine, phosphates, etc.

After waste of the third class of danger, the ecosystem can recover within a decade. Of course, restoration is possible only after processing solid waste, otherwise the waste will not stop harming the environment. The third class includes zinc, ethyl alcohol, chromium, etc.

The fourth hazard class is low-hazard waste (simazine, sulfates, chlorides). After their removal from the contaminated object, the ecosystem needs three years to recover.

But fifth class waste is completely safe.

Let's consider why is it necessary proper processing of solid waste:

  1. Waste pollutes the environment, which is already oversaturated with emissions from factories and vehicle emissions.
  2. Resources that are extracted from nature or created industrially are seriously limited, so it is advisable to recycle and reuse them.
  3. It turns out to be cheaper to use recycled raw materials, so recycling MSW is economically beneficial.

The most common methods of processing solid waste

Method 1.Garbage disposal.

Landfills are created specifically for the purpose of processing solid waste on their territory. The waste stream enters these areas (up to 95%), and then the organic part decomposes spontaneously. In the landfill area there are formed special conditions for an intense biochemical dissociation process. The resulting anaerobic environment promotes recycling, enhanced by methanogenic microorganisms that form biogas (otherwise known as “landfill gas”). What is the disadvantage of such polygons? Landfill gas toxins enter the atmospheric air and spread in the direction of the wind over vast distances. And if industrial emissions are mixed in with them, then the environment is exposed to even greater danger.

Considering the accumulation of microorganisms that enhance the flow chemical reactions, fires may occur locally due to excessive heat. At the same time, polyaromatic hydrocarbons are released into the environment, causing cancer. Such emissions are thousands of times higher than the permissible concentrations of such substances in the air. Formed in the air aqueous solutions fall out in the form of precipitation, the evaporation of which, as well as the combustion of polymeric substances, releases dioxins. Thus, through precipitation, harmful chemical elements enter ground and surface waters.

Since it is impossible to set up such landfills within the city, areas outside large populated areas are allocated for them. If you calculate the cost of allocating territories, their arrangement according to all the rules, transportation costs for transporting waste to such a solid waste processing site, you will get a rather impressive figure. Add to this the pollution atmospheric air, associated with the release of combustion products of motor fuel, wear and tear of suburban roads. The picture is not rosy.

Due to the fact that the qualified development of solid waste processing sites is associated with high costs, some people prefer to organize unauthorized landfills. In such places of unauthorized storage there is no any sealing; liquid waste directly enters the environment without going through the neutralization stage, creating a high danger for the population. And these landfills are only multiplying and growing.

Thus, storing unprocessed waste in landfills is very dangerous, and therefore this method of disposal should be prohibited at the legislative level. And there are many reasons for this:

  • lack of bacteriological and epidemiological safety;
  • rapid spread of substances hazardous to the human body over large areas (penetration into air, water, soil);
  • release of dioxins during fire;
  • the high cost of land and landfill development, as well as the need for subsequent reclamation of the site;
  • contradiction to the “Fundamentals of state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030”.

Method 2.Composting waste.

This method of processing solid waste is based on the fact that some of the waste can be disposed of independently - through biodegradation. Thus, organic waste can be composted. Nowadays, there are special composting technologies food waste and unsegregated waste.

Mass composting is not common in our country, but is used by that part of the population that has private houses or summer cottages. However, in general, it is possible to organize the waste composting process centrally, by allocating special sites for this. The resulting compost can later be successfully used in the agricultural industry.

Method 3.Thermal waste processing (MSW).

Organic matter can also be easily destroyed thermally. Thermal processing of solid waste is a sequential procedure for exposing waste to heat in order to reduce its mass and volume, as well as neutralize it. Such processing of solid waste may be accompanied by the production of inert materials and energy carriers.

Advantages of thermal processing:

  • Efficiency in terms of neutralization (destroys pathogenic microflora).
  • Significantly reduces the volume of garbage (up to ten times).
  • Using the energy potential of organic waste.

The most common method of thermal processing of solid waste is combustion. This one has simple way there are many advantages:

  • It has been tested many times.
  • Combustion equipment is available and mass-produced and has a long service life.
  • An automated process that does not require the involvement of labor resources.

If previously garbage was simply burned, modern technologies make it possible to use this process more efficiently, simultaneously extracting the fuel fraction from it. As a result of such techniques, the incineration procedure turns into not just the elimination of waste, but also the production of additional energy - electrical or thermal. The most promising technology at the moment is plasma combustion technology, which provides more high temperature combustion. As a result, useful energy is released, and the remainder is a completely harmless vitrified product.

Method 4.Plasma waste processing (MSW).

Recycling of solid waste using the plasma method is a process of converting waste into gas. This gas is subsequently used to produce steam and electricity. Non-pyrolyzable residues solid waste act as one of the elements of plasma processing.

The advantage of high-temperature pyrolysis is that this process destroys a wide variety of waste without any preliminary preparation, without harming the environment. From an economic point of view, this is a very profitable technology, since there is no need for additional costs for drying, sorting and other procedures for preparing waste for disposal.

The output is slag, which does not harm the environment and can even be reused.

What equipment is used for processing solid waste?

The industrial world does not stand still; more and more equipment and waste disposal plants are becoming available. The most common types of equipment for such enterprises include:

1. Presses.

It is impossible to imagine any solid waste recycling and recycling plant without waste compaction. After compaction, the waste is more convenient to store and transport. Presses can have different dimensions: from the most gigantic to relatively small ones that can fit in the territory of a regular store. In Russia, two types of presses are used:

  • Baling presses.
  • Briquetting presses.

According to the method of loading the press there are:

  • Vertical (front loading).
  • Horizontal (able to compress debris more tightly).

If the dimensions of vertical presses are quite compact, then horizontal ones are usually installed only in large factories, since they are difficult to fit in a regular room.

According to their purpose, presses can be universal (for all types of waste) or specialized (for only one type).

2. Compactors.

Compactors are considered very close to presses. As the name suggests, they also make the garbage more compressed. This type of equipment mainly uses PET bottles, polyethylene films, aluminum cans, as well as paper and cardboard. For shopping malls, this type of equipment is indispensable, because there is always a need for compression large quantity garbage.

Waste hauling companies unanimously claim that transportation and storage costs are significantly reduced by compacting waste using compactors. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the compactor is mobile or stationary.

Stationary and mobile equipment have their pros and cons. If mobile compactors are monoblocks, then stationary compactors contain a press and a replaceable container, which allows you to load much more waste than into a single monoblock. The continuous cycle of operation also significantly distinguishes the stationary compactor from other recycling equipment. Just have time to change containers.

But the mobile compactor can be used in different places, and it does not need to be mounted and dismantled again each time. This is a hermetically sealed design, which allows it to work even with wet waste.

3. Shredders.

Shredders have a completely different type of operation than presses and compactors. They help in waste disposal by shredding or crushing it. This is why Russian-speaking users call shredders crushers. Not a single solid waste processing plant can do without them. Shredders are designed for shredding:

  • glass;
  • wood;
  • plastics;
  • paper;
  • rubber;
  • metal;
  • organic and mixed waste;
  • hazardous substances.

Some shredders only work with one type of waste, such as glass. But there are also many models that are designed for shredding a wide variety of waste.

4. Containers.

We encounter this type of equipment every day. These are our usual garbage containers that we use regularly. The material from which containers are made is usually plastic, although metal is sometimes found. Containers can be used for separate waste storage or for mixed waste. Not so long ago, containers were stationary, but now we increasingly see containers on wheels. Containers equipped with wheels make it more convenient to transfer garbage to garbage trucks.

5. Sorting lines.

It is much easier and more efficient to process solid waste in sorted form. As we have already said, different types of waste have their own disposal methods, and that is why it is so important to first separate one type of waste from others. For this purpose, waste sorting lines are now mandatory at waste processing plants. Sorting lines are designed to separate municipal solid waste into fractions for the purpose of their subsequent pressing, compaction and transformation into secondary raw materials, which can then be sold. Sorting lines have become an integral part of the waste recycling process.

How is a solid waste processing plant equipped?

The set of equipment for any plant is selected taking into account its specialization. There are wide-ranging enterprises that process various types of solid waste. But small plants usually deal only with a specific type of waste. It can be construction waste, tires and other rubber products, household waste, etc.

It is safest to invest in functional and powerful equipment that can serve large area, working without interruptions and breakdowns.

An example of such a complex is the waste incineration mini-plant MPZ-5000 (manufactured by Sifania (Russia)). It is designed to process huge amounts of solid household waste; for example, it will cope perfectly with five thousand tons of garbage per year. A mini-plant involves a set of equipment for burning waste. The example we are considering is suitable for serving a small area with a population of about 25 thousand people. The equipment set includes not only a waste incineration machine, but also units for:

  • waste sorting;
  • shredding plastic bottles;
  • waste paper compaction;
  • pyrolysis of non-degradable materials.

The cost of the equipment is quite high. Its simplest standard configuration will cost the enterprise ten million rubles.

But this example is suitable for a small-scale organization. For larger production, you can purchase a sorting station capable of passing up to ten tons per hour. The productivity of such equipment is much higher than that of a mini-factory. This station is capable of separating 16 types of solid waste from a mixed stream. Maintenance of the station requires at least 40 people. A good option for such equipment is the JSSORT complex. It has impressive dimensions. To install the entire station, an area 40 meters wide and 80 meters long will be required. Such equipment is capable of servicing about 15 garbage trucks in one eight-hour working day.

Such a complex of equipment will cost three times more than a mini-plant. Its cost is about 30 million rubles. This includes the cost of constructing suitable premises for the station.

A very profitable option for making money on waste disposal is a rubber products processing plant ( car tires) into fine crumbs. After the operation of specialized equipment, only rubber powder remains, crushed into granules, which is ideal for recycling.

It is in demand in production:

  • asphalt;
  • road speed limiters;
  • materials for sound insulation;
  • mastics with anti-corrosion properties and other products of the construction industry.

A set of equipment for rubber processing is capable of processing up to three tons of waste per hour. An imported mini-plant of this type costs about 25 million rubles.

It should be noted that all processing plants have approximately the same set components. The differences lie mainly in the degree of their power and the level of automation of the process. The solid waste processing plant includes the following equipment:

  • receiving conveyor;
  • inclined belt conveyor;
  • sorting line;
  • packaging press machine;
  • pyrolysis unit;
  • plastic shredder;
  • glass container.

Sometimes this set is complemented by a receiving workshop with magnetic equipment for separating scrap metal.

Let's consider the operation scheme of a mini-plant for processing solid waste:

  • First of all, the waste stream goes through a magnetic receiver to sort the metal;
  • a vertical conveyor transports raw materials to the sorting line;
  • sorting complexes can be automated and separate waste using optical devices or semi-automated and use manual labor;
  • all waste paper is sorted and sent for packaging;
  • plastic products fall into the shredding device;
  • glass waste is sent to a collection container;
  • all other waste goes into a receiving hopper, from where it subsequently goes to the press for compaction. The further fate of such waste is burial.

If recyclables are packaged, they can be sold or processed, depending on which direction is provided by the plant itself. For example, one of the divisions of the enterprise may be a workshop for the production of toilet paper.

The main problems of solid waste processing

Problem 1.Lack of funds.

Currently, waste is removed mainly at the expense of the population. But the tariffs for the disposal of household waste established by regulations are prohibitively low. So much so that they are not able to compensate for the costs of even transporting garbage, not to mention its processing and disposal.

Of course, the funds collected from the population are not enough, so the rest of the resources are allocated by the state. But for unknown reasons, housing and communal services never have the opportunity to develop and modernize the waste disposal system. We still don't have any separate collection, as is customary throughout Europe. And on the material level there is no stimulation for sorting. If you dump all the garbage into one container or separate the waste by type, you still pay the same tariff for recycling solid waste.

Problem 2.Of secondary importance.

Solid waste processing is currently carried out by organizations whose main activity is the provision of various public services.

Only if specialized enterprises undertake waste collection and processing will they be able to plan for more efficient waste collection, improve the equipment used, and optimize income and costs for solid waste processing.

Problem 3.Lack of responsible persons.

All activities related to the disposal of household waste are dispersed across various departments. A unified structure of hierarchy and responsibility in this matter has not been built. In European countries everything is different. There is a question of handling household waste controlled by the Environmental Protection Agency. In our country there is a similar government agency - the Ministry of Natural Resources, however, the issue of solid waste processing has not been transferred to the jurisdiction of this body.

As a result, existing ministries and departments deal with this area to varying degrees, but shift responsibility to each other, and the process of issuing bills in this area is delayed due to the lengthy approval procedure.

Problem 4.Concentration in the hands of government agencies.

Government agencies zealously hold on to the recycling of solid waste, although, as we have seen, they do not have enough funds, desire and understanding to organize the process at the proper level. European states are showing the effectiveness of involving private companies in this issue. In Europe, organizations have long been cooperating with municipalities in matters of waste collection and disposal. Perhaps someday in the future our authorities will reach a similar level of cooperation, but for now landfills are piling up and continue to poison the environment.

Foreign experience shows that private companies are more enthusiastic about solving this problem, since it is directly related to commercial benefits. So, they are looking for the most effective and economical ways to process solid waste. By building large factories and attracting foreign investment, commercial organizations They work with great dedication, and the results of their activities are obvious.

Problem 5.There is no work with the population.

The fact that the population practically does not understand the advantages of separate waste collection is a sad flaw in the domestic management of this issue. After all, if you inform citizens about the problems of solid waste processing, their awareness and desire to correct the situation may increase, including on their own. After all, this planet is our home, where we live and plan to inhabit it for a long time.

Problem 6.Lack of fixtures.

The abundance of data in the public domain allows many conscious citizens, despite the lack of centralized information, to come to an understanding of the problem of waste disposal. But even if people have a desire to throw garbage into separate containers, they are not given such an opportunity. The only equipment for collecting waste is an ordinary garbage chute. There is only one way out of the situation: seal all existing garbage chutes and set up a waste sorting system.

It is more expedient to design new houses without garbage chutes, since in general this will not only provide the possibility of separate waste collection, but will also increase cleanliness in the entrances.

Problem 7.Recycling of recyclable materials is not organized.

In Russia there are organizations that are engaged in the processing of solid waste. There are not as many of them as we would like, but even these units often have problems with the disposal of secondary raw materials. And this is sad, because in fact, using scrap can provide significant economic benefits.

Motivating the use of recyclable materials in production is again a state task. Moreover we're talking about not only about establishing obligations for enterprises, but also about developing a system of rewards, benefits, and incentives that could encourage business representatives to establish markets for the sale of scrap and its use.

Thus, when carrying out public procurement in European countries Benefits are often provided for organizations that produce products from recycled materials.

Problem 8.Lack of planning.

To ensure that solid waste recycling and the use of recyclable materials do not become local and episodic phenomena, it is necessary to draw up detailed plans aimed at achieving the desired results. Thus, this waste management plan should cover a long period during which the necessary activities are envisaged, as well as the timing of their implementation, sources of financing, goals and persons responsible for the implementation of such actions.

All of the above problems actually arise due to the same factor: the task of competent processing of solid waste is not a priority at the state level. In addition, we have not yet come to the realization of making the most efficient use of available resources. Therefore, environmental issues have not yet been resolved, and an effective waste disposal system has not been built.

What are the prospects for recycling solid waste in Russia?

In Russia, the idea has not yet been developed rational use waste. IN Lately This area is receiving a little more attention. But only a little. A number of waste processing enterprises have been created in our country, but their operation has not yet been put on a wide scale. The process is not streamlined, there is no competent interaction similar organizations with the state. In general, so far such companies operate mainly in the central regions of the country - Moscow, St. Petersburg. But ideally, such activities should be carried out everywhere.

The fact is that in large cities there is a lot of space for waste processing enterprises. more possibilities earnings. The waste disposal business is very profitable where there is an abundance of it, and there is a catastrophic lack of areas for storing and slowly destroying waste. Not so on the periphery. Most often, waste is transported to lands that are located on the outskirts of cities and towns. This method is harmful to the environment and is also economically unprofitable. While recycling ordinary household waste is a profitable business, and in this period of time in domestic economy this niche is free.

Let us note that until municipalities begin to perceive this problem as urgent, it is unlikely that anything will change radically. Foreign experience shows that a significant part of waste disposal issues can be resolved by a simple action - installing containers for separate waste collection. This step will greatly simplify the recycling of solid waste.

A criticism of this assumption is the judgment about the inertia and laziness of Russians, who will not want to sort their waste at home. But the polls public opinion this idea is not confirmed. For example, half of Moscow residents are already ready for separate waste collection. And this is without any propaganda and work with the population on the part of those in power. It is not difficult to guess that, subject to government action in this direction, a quick and effective transition to modern technologies recycling waste and using secondary raw materials.

Expert opinion

Solving the problems of solid waste processing using integrated management

L.Ya. Shubov,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, member of the Russian community of experts on rational environmental management

HE. Borisova,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, RGUTiS

I.G. Doronkina,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, RGUTiS

Solid waste recycling management consists of the following elements:

  • garbage collection;
  • export;
  • processing (preliminary preparation);
  • actual processing;
  • disposal;
  • burial.

All these components are connected into a single system and are connected to each other.

To ensure solutions to the problems of solid waste processing, it is necessary to be guided by modern requirements for resource conservation and environmental management:

  • recycling of waste as sources of raw materials and energy;
  • reducing the cost of cleaning settlements;
  • transition from the method of solid waste disposal to industrial recycling;
  • ensuring environmental safety.

Transformations are not so easy to achieve, because they are associated not only with the establishment effective system waste removal and recycling, but also with improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the city, and this is already a matter of reforming the housing and communal services. At the moment, there are a number of tasks, not least of which are the creation of a service market and the development of competition in the field of solid waste processing. Introducing all these innovations is not so easy.

At the moment, there is a serious shortage of specialists in the processing of solid waste. Universities annually issue diplomas to general ecologists who do not yet possess technologies for the effective processing of technogenic raw materials; it is difficult for them to immediately find a solution to the problem of solid waste.

Some foreign organizations are rushing into the Russian market, offering a way out of the difficult situation with solid waste using advanced technologies. But often we are talking only about burning garbage. There is still no well-thought-out waste disposal system. At best, industrial facilities appear chaotically, dealing with only one technology in a set of measures necessary for the systematic destruction of waste. This is a road to nowhere.

It is impossible to solve the problem of recycling solid waste by constructing waste incineration plants. While one is being built, he is finishing his life cycle another. Therefore, haphazard construction has already proven its ineffectiveness. In this direction, one cannot rely on one single processing method - combustion.

Practice shows that such a policy does not lead to a solution to the problem, but only contributes to increased pollution of the environment.

It is necessary to follow the example of European countries. Here's what they've achieved so far in terms of solid waste management:

  • We have developed a recycling industry based on the separate collection of waste, separating usable elements.
  • We have organized and continue to develop a system of specialized sorting plants, thermal and biothermal waste processing enterprises.
  • We have developed a system for recycling recyclable materials.

Burning all the garbage is simply unacceptable. The fraction of waste that has already been freed from both hazardous and resource-valuable components is used for thermal processing. Such production can be called environmentally friendly.

In our country, all solid waste processing points are built haphazardly, without communication with each other. The entire waste stream is sent there without prior sorting. Such actions create the threat of an emergency.

If the issue of solid waste is resolved, the problem of environmental safety of the country as a whole will be partially resolved.

There is an urgent need to build a solid waste processing system for the Moscow region and the cities of the resort area. Until government policy on this issue is normalized, crime and corruption will continue to flourish. That is why the development of a scientifically based solid waste recycling strategy is task No. 1.

A strategy for optimizing integrated solid waste management is needed, first of all, to create an advanced effective waste management system and the use of secondary raw materials. The goal of such a program is to develop ways to introduce waste into industrial processing, plan a sequence of actions to massively reduce the flow of waste that is currently going to landfill, and reduce environmental risks and waste disposal costs. The strategy should look like a solid document with understandable and clear terminology, containing a real model for optimizing the use of waste.
