How to celebrate the New Year in Tunisia. To Tunisia for the New Year: combining business with pleasure

Tunisia is an amazing country where African exoticism is combined with comfort and developed tourist infrastructure. His main feature- thalassotherapy, treatment with seafood, the traditions of which were borrowed from the French colonialists. Trip to Tunisia New Year will take you from winter to sunny summer and will allow you to celebrate the holiday in a very unusual way: according to European traditions, surrounded by palm trees and the French language.


The weather in Tunisia for the New Year is perfect for excursions, rejuvenating in spa centers and getting to know the local eclectic culture: the air temperature on the coast is around +19 ° C and approximately +21 ° C in the south of the country. The turbulent sea warms up to +17 °C and attracts only rare daredevils. It may rain, but the month is still at least 20 sunny days, so moderate humidity, absence of sweltering heat and comfortable temperature create all the conditions for a pleasant winter holiday V exotic country.


Since December and January are not the time for beach holiday, then going to the coast is absolutely not necessary. In many cities, carnivals, music and dancing await you on the New Year, but the holiday is celebrated on a larger scale in the capital of Tunisia, the city of the same name, as well as in popular resorts and. In the capital, you can see how European, African and Arab traditions are combined in the celebration, and the resorts are mainly visited by guests of the country. In Sousse you will find numerous discos and modern centers thalassotherapy, Hammamet offers more relaxing holiday in expensive hotels and spa centers.

Many tourists in December and January like to stay here - even at night the temperature here does not drop below +17 ° C, and there is practically no rain. In addition, the island is very picturesque, it is decorated with olive groves and cozy lagoons where people live pink flamingos.


Tunisia is a Muslim country, but thanks to many years of French colonial influence, European traditions are very strong here, so locals love to celebrate the New Year. Usually everyone gets together with their family and has dinner, but in big cities they always organize a large-scale celebration with fireworks and street entertainment. There are always decorated pine trees on the streets, gifts are given to relatives and friends, there is even a week New Year holidays- everything is like in Russia.

Locals believe that the more sweets you eat in New Year's Eve, the more “sweet” it will be next year, therefore, numerous European desserts and oriental treats, such as makrud and halva, always appear on the menus of hotels and restaurants. Another traditional treat is lamb ribs, couscous and other legume dishes.

The popularity of the resort among Russian tourists, which makes it possible to celebrate the holiday, on the one hand, exotically, on the other hand, traditionally, without language and cultural barriers.


On New Year's Eve, many hotels organize a magnificent celebration with animation, dancing and food. In inexpensive hotels, the celebration can be very modest; in this case, it is better to go to a restaurant, bar or night club. Tables in expensive restaurants begin to be booked in the fall, but you can get into clubs without a reservation. Entry is often free for girls.

In cafes and restaurants you will be served lamb, sweets and wine. By the way, Tunisia produces several dozen varieties of wine, many of which are known in Russia and Europe.

We are glad to receive various guests shopping centers, especially the capital's Carthage Land, decorated with lights and garlands. Here you will find souvenir shops, a huge amusement park and water park, a mini-Disneyland for children and even a small petting zoo.

In general, holidays in Tunisia for the New Year are mainly excursion - mild weather promotes trips to the ancient ruins of Tubourbo Mayus and even to the Sahara, because the temperature in the desert at this time of year is only +22 °C. You should definitely go to El Jem and visit the Colosseum - the largest amphitheater in Africa.

In January, the town of Tatavin in the south of the country hosts an interesting folk festival dedicated to ksars - the traditional dwellings of the Berbers. As part of the festival, guests are introduced to the customs and traditions of the indigenous people of Tunisia and ancient rituals are demonstrated.

At any time of the year, thalassotherapy centers are open in Tunisia, offering various healing procedures using algae, healing mud and sea water. Water for therapy is obtained from special water areas, with great depth and away from the coast. Small spa centers are often located in large hotels, but you can visit hospitals separately, ordering small courses for relaxation and wellness. Guests are offered body wraps, baths, Charcot showers and massages. The main Thalassotherapy centers are located in Hammamet and on the picturesque island of Djerba.


The cost of tours to Tunisia for the New Year 2018 starts from 30 thousand rubles for a three to four star hotel. The low price is explained by the fact that at this time in the country low season, but the weather is still comfortable enough to have a good time.

Is it worth going

Celebrating 2018 in Tunisia is definitely worth it for those who:

  • Doesn't like it too much hot weather, but wants to spend the holiday in the warmth, under southern sun
  • Wants to relax and improve his health in one of the best thalassotherapy centers in the world
  • Wants to save on New Year's holiday
  • Interested in African and eastern culture
  • Dreams of looking at the ruins of ancient cities or visiting the endless Sahara

If you are looking for a beach holiday, want to swim in the sea and spend time at traditional resort activities, then it is better to consider alternative destinations, for example, not very expensive Thailand, Vietnam and Goa or the more prestigious Maldives or the Dominican Republic.

Tunisia is considered warm country, where you can travel comfortably, regardless of the season. The Tunisian climate is not characterized by sudden temperature changes. Here even in January there is no snow, and in some areas there is no rain for years.

Guidebooks recommend to travelers holiday in Tunisia in spring and autumn. During the winter season, the Mediterranean resorts of the African state can be very cool, which is not at all conducive to a beach holiday.

In summer in Tunisia, on the contrary, the air can warm up to 35 degrees and even higher. And when the daytime sun mercilessly scorches and the drying sirocco blows, travelers no longer care about walking through parks and the ruins of ancient settlements. The only people who don’t pay serious attention to the Tunisian weather are those guests who like to visit the country for rejuvenating and wellness treatments.

Weather in Tunisia in January

After the New Year, in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia, the temperature for days remains on average at +15 degrees Celsius. And here sea ​​water at this time it warms up to about 13-15 degrees.

Midwinter in Tunisia weather very changeable.

If you are very lucky, you will even be able to sunbathe a little during your January trip to this country. However, very often in January the weather in Tunisia tests travelers with strong winds and rain.

However, this period is very suitable for sightseeing, such as the ruins of Carthage.

Sometimes in Tunisian resorts in January you can even swim in the Mediterranean Sea, which is often quite calm. There is no less fresh fruit here in January than in any other month. January in Tunisia is considered the coldest month of the year. During this period it also falls a lot of rain.

Weather in Tunisia in February

In terms of tourism, February in Tunisia is one of the quietest months of the year. In Mediterranean resorts the sea is very choppy during this period, which, however, gives the coast a very attractive appearance.

Tunisia is very beautiful in February. This month can even be considered the beginning of spring.

Tunisian nature, which did not even think of withering away for the winter, but only dimmed slightly, begins to come to life in February. During this period, birds sing louder here than in January, and the plants amaze with the brightness of their fresh colors. Despite the fact that the air at this time warms up only a couple of degrees more than in January, tourists should not discount February.

During this period, fans of thalassotherapy and everyone yearning for the measured eastern life like to come to the country.

Weather in Tunisia in March

March in Tunisian resorts is a time of waiting. Hotels and restaurants are actively preparing for the tourist season.

There are already more sunny days in March than in winter, while the amount of precipitation decreases sharply.

March walks along the Mediterranean coast are wonderfully invigorating and refreshing. The heat has not yet arrived, but its approach is very well felt, because in March the air in Tunisian resorts is already warming up up to 19-20 degrees.

March in Tunisia ideal for relaxation for everyone who does not like the sizzling sun and is quite ready to swim in hotel pools instead of the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in April

In April, the Tunisian resorts of Monastir, Sousse, Djerba and many others lure tourists clean beaches And fresh fruit. It is quite warm during this period on the island of Djerba, where the average daytime temperature is 22 degrees above zero.

However, April nights in Tunisian resorts can be quite cool due to sea winds. During this period, the water in the sea has not yet fully warmed up for swimming.

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Although in April in Tunisian resorts you can already meet daredevils who are not afraid of waters that have not warmed up after winter Mediterranean Sea. In April, guests of Tunisia beautiful tan guaranteed. On cool April days, you can diversify your holiday in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia with excursions to the city of Kairouan or see the remains of an ancient amphitheater in the city of Dougga.

Don’t forget about the sultry Sahara, whose climate is not affected by winds from the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in May

In May at Tunisian resorts swimming season starts. During this period, hotel and municipal beaches are already much busier than in winter and early spring, when only the most desperate people find themselves in the sea.

It's already possible in May don't be afraid strong winds , however, for evening walks it is still worth putting at least warm pullovers and sweaters in your suitcase. After all, if a May day in Tunisia looks like a warm afternoon on tropical islands, then in the evenings it can be as cool as on a winter day in some European capital.

The sea in May is not yet warm enough for comfortable swimming. However, if the body is not susceptible to colds, then you can take a risk and make several swims.

May, like all other months of spring, is ideal for sightseeing tours of ancient Tunisian settlements. May is also wonderful in gastronomic terms. During this period you can enjoy yourself to your heart's content citrus and almonds.

Weather in Tunisia in June

June in Tunisia is a period of sweet oriental bliss, when, under the yoke of the hot rays of the sun, all nature plunges into peace.

average temperature June in the country is 27-28 degrees above zero, while the water in the sea warms up to +24 degrees.

By the second half of the month, the sea in Tunisian resorts “calms down” and becomes the best escape from the heat.

During this period you can swim completely without fear.

Weather in Tunisia in July

As befits resorts on the Mediterranean Sea, coastal Tunisian cities in July are simply buried in flowers, fruits and greenery.

During the day, the temperature in the country already rises above +30, so if you are in the sun during this period, you should definitely use sunscreen.

July in Tunisia is perfect for the relaxation of all beach lovers. During this period, life in resorts such as Sousse and Monastir is simply in full swing. Hotels actively entertain tourists with animation programs, and vendor stalls abound rare species fruit.

Weather in Tunisia in August

August in Tunisia is considered the hottest month.

Air and water temperatures reach their maximum during this period. In the sea, the water warms up to about +25 degrees, so swimming and exercising aquatic species sports during this period are very comfortable.

But it’s best to forget about long sightseeing walks. Traveling around Tunisia in August is not very comfortable even in air-conditioned transport.

Weather in Tunisia in September

By September, the heat in Tunisian resorts subsides somewhat. The average temperature during this period is +31 degrees, which is favorable for swimming in the sea.

Although number of tourists at the resorts in September already decreases somewhat, and there is no less entertainment during this period. Restaurants continue to delight with fresh fruit and seafood dishes, and hotels continue to offer interesting parties.

Weather in Tunisia in October

Sea water in the resorts of Tunisia, having warmed up well over the summer, continues to remain warm in October. And here air temperature are already falling to +25-26 degrees. During this period, people actively come to the resorts of Tunisia lovers of a relaxing holiday.

October is ideal for trips to local national parks.

During this period there is no danger of getting sunstroke, so you can spend whole days outdoors.

October in Tunisia is loved very much by those travelers who... light heart sea ​​breeze and gentle sun.

Weather in Tunisia in November

November in Tunisia, first of all, will be appreciated by all fans of the gifts of nature. This month you can enjoy melons, grapes and dates here.

It is still warm in the country in November. Air temperatures continue to remain above +20 degrees.

However, the autumn cooling is already beginning to make itself felt, abundantly irrigating the earth with rain and bringing winds. Swimming season ends by November. But walking through the ancient ruins during this period is quite comfortable.

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Weather in Tunisia in December

When going on a December trip to Tunisia, you must take care of warm things. Nights in December can be very cold here. In the evenings, air temperatures at resorts drop to +8. Cold showers are also inevitable during this period.

The onset of December in Tunisian resorts is always marked by empty beaches and cafes. During this period, tourists can easily get the best rooms in hotels with views of the beaches and seascapes. Many establishments are significantly reducing prices.

In December, Tunisia is suitable for visiting by those travelers who want to undergo high-quality spa treatments, take a break from the noise of big cities and walk along deserted but still beautiful beaches.

When planning a Tunisian trip, it is absolutely not necessary to pay attention to the calendar. After all, every season in Tunisia is attractive in some way.

The east coast (from the Gulf of Hammamet to the south) receives less rain than the north, and in the south, as it approaches the desert (from the Gulf of Gabes to the border with Libya), it rains less and less. The air temperature on the coast is about 16-18 °C in winter, and 31-35 °C in summer.

It all depends on the winds blowing from the sea or the Sahara. For example, the northern coast is often exposed to sea breezes, which cause a significant drop in temperature, reducing the heat in summer and bringing precipitation in winter. In the wind, you may not feel the power of the sun, and you can get sunburned very quickly. Therefore, while relaxing, do not forget to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

In the south of Tunisia, dry, hot winds blow across wide desert areas and plains. In spring and summer it's sirocco - hot wind, coming from the Sahara, which can easily raise air temperatures above 40 °C.

Weather table in Tunisia by month

It is worth knowing the weather forecast in Tunisia in advance in order to plan a comfortable vacation. The weather table in Tunisia by month will help you get an idea of ​​what the weather is like here in different seasons.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +15…+16 +6…+8 +13
February +16…+17 +8…+9 +12
March +18…+19 +9…+11 +14
April +20…+22 +11…+13 +17
May +23…+24 +14…+16 +22 Beach
June +27…+29 +18…+20 +24 Beach
July +30…+32 +20…+21 +27 Beach
August +31…+32 +21…+23 +28 Beach
September +29…+30 +20…+22 +24 Beach
October +25…+26 +16…+18 +23 Beach
November +20…+21 +12…+13 +17
December +16…+17 +8…+10 +12

The favorable season for a beach holiday lasts quite a long time, especially on east coast, where resorts are sheltered from Atlantic influence. We recommend tourists to visit Tunisia from May to October. However, summer is not the best season to visit the Sahara due to very high temperatures at that time. A compromise between excursions and relaxation in the pool can be found in spring and autumn, i.e. in April and October.

Spring and autumn are also ideal times to visit local resorts: it is no longer as stuffy and hot as in summer, and the sea is quite warm. Winter - perfect season for a tour to the south of the country (Zarzis). During these months, it is relatively warm during the day and fresh and cool at night. , located closer to the south of Tunisia, also offers a mild climate at this time of year, as do some other seaside resorts along the eastern coast (Hammamet, Sousse). The northern coast (Tabarca, Carthage), however, is more exposed to the cold climate that prevails in Europe and descends to the Mediterranean.

In the beginning of December tourist season ends, all-inclusive hotels sharply reduce the cost of daily accommodation, so New Year's tours to Tunisia are distinguished by their accessibility and economic benefits for family budget. average cost travel during the holidays with flights, accommodation in a 4-star hotel for 7 days and meals is approximately $1,500 per person. Big advantage African country is good warm weather, perfect not only for walking, but also for entertaining excursions.

For tourists traveling with children, tour operators recommend paying attention to holidays on the island of Djerba. Due to its location, few vacationers get to it. During the New Year's season, the situation in Djerba is much calmer than in the resort towns, which is not the last argument in favor of holidays with children. Calm atmosphere islands does not mean that the New Year will be boring and measured. Hotels and restaurants host entertainment programs, specially prepared by animators.

On New Year's Day in Tunisia, the air temperature, as a rule, does not fall below +15°C daytime and +8°С at night. However, swim in sea ​​water It’s unlikely to work, the thermometer doesn’t rise above +18°C, which makes swimming in sea waters uncomfortable. Soak up under sun rays It won't work on the beach either, January weather loves to present “surprises” in the form of rain. Experienced travelers recommend going on vacation during the New Year holidays, not forgetting to take jackets and raincoats with you.

New Year celebrations in Tunisia

Tunisia is a Muslim country, but unlike other countries that adhere to this faith, the inhabitants of this state We are used to celebrating on a grand scale on the night of December 31 to January 1. The indigenous people of the African country prefer to stay at home on New Year's Eve, celebrating the holiday with their family, close relatives and good friends. However, just like in Russia, city streets and central squares crowded with happy citizens. Traditions in Tunisia resemble those of many European countries. Both adults and children enjoy decorating the New Year's tree, which is a pine tree. Tunisians love to give each other gifts, make New Year's surprises and visit friends during the New Year holidays. Most of the country's inhabitants are Muslims, so Orthodox Christmas, celebrated by Russians on January 7, is not celebrated.

A classic treat festive table served on New Year's Eve are pre-cooked dried lamb ribs and dishes based on legumes. Couscous is considered a favorite dish for children. Its main ingredients are millet or any other grain stewed with meat and vegetables. Couscous is served on a plate made of wood; a caramel figurine is traditionally placed in the center of the dish. The caramel sweetness is mainly represented by the image of a rooster or deer.

Climate in Tunisia

The main advantage of the Tunisian climate is the opportunity to have a great rest, find interesting and unusual entertainment and have a lot of fun positive emotions in any season of the year. The country receives thousands of tourists from all over the world all year round. Some people find the local climate so suitable that they decide to buy holiday homes here. This is especially popular among families in the UK and Italy. Not only accessibility and comparative cheapness attract travelers to the country, but also its fairly comfortable weather conditions, especially when you compare the weather in Tunisia with other countries in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Undoubtedly, Tunisia belongs to the category of countries with a warm climate, the formation of which is strongly influenced by the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. The coldest month in the country is January, when the daytime air temperature does not rise above +15 degrees. The second half of summer is the hottest season in the country. Average daily air temperatures range from +25 to +27 degrees, although there are incredibly hot days when the air warms up to +50.

Any weather is a reason to relax

IN summer period the air temperature ranges from +22 to +35 degrees. An indicator of a mild climate is that even in August the air temperature does not exceed +36 degrees. Summer heat Well tolerated by vacationers, especially on the coast. A light sea breeze cools you down coastal zone. Thanks to this, relaxing on the beach turns into pleasure.

Given these weather features, the country has become very popular for family vacation with kids. In Tunisia there is rarely sweltering heat on the beaches fine sand and a gentle entrance. And in the summer the country harvests large quantity fruits and berries. So many advantages of holidaying with children in the country make it ideal for long summer holidays!

It never gets cold in Tunisia. All year round the sun generously gives everyone warmth; even in winter the air temperature rarely drops to +10. And the temperature difference between the hottest and the hottest cold months is about 15 degrees. If we describe the climate of the country in scientific terminology, it is Mediterranean subtropical with cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Every season of the year is different from the rest weather conditions. Because of this, holidays in Tunisia are never the same; they always present unexpected, more or less pleasant surprises: strong winds Sugar and the cool breath of the summer breeze by the sea, incredibly beautiful sunsets and severe storms, giving way to complete calm.

Travelers who prefer an active holiday with water sports and golf know that the period from October to May is considered the most suitable. The sun doesn't burn Maximum temperature the air is about +27 degrees. By the way, geographical position Tunisia, its topography and coastline create ideal conditions for surfing and sailing. Natural bays, fine sand at the bottom, the expanses of the Mediterranean - everything for the perfect wave!

Adventure seekers and people interested in history and architecture should plan a trip to Tunisia in May or June, as well as in October. And here in early spring The expanses of the country will delight travelers with lush blooms. Experienced travelers recommend visiting the Sahara in the south of Tunisia in March. They say that this is an indescribable spectacle! The desert is in bloom: apple trees, almonds, pears, wild poppies and matthiola. IN summer months You can also enjoy the blooming of local plants, especially beautiful jasmine and mimosa.
