Who lives the longest on earth. Which animals live the longest?

– 34, ordinary – more than 20 years, cats – 23 years, dogs – 22 years.

These statistics have not been averaged and refer to individual animals, not the characteristics of a particular species.

The following pattern is typical for mammals: the larger they are, the longer their life expectancy. So, a two-ton elephant is very likely to live to be 70 years old - knowing average weight mammal, its maximum age can be accurately predicted. However, this rule also has its exceptions, since a person in this situation would have to live no more than 30 years. Another law is already in effect here - with the same body weight, those with a larger brain size live longer. In this case, slow aging is explained by the fact that large brain manages all the vital functions of its owner more efficiently.

Unconditional record holders

Among land animals, the elephant has been repeatedly recognized as the longest-living, with an average lifespan usually ranging from 60 to 90 years. True, only a few representatives of this species, distinguished by their enviable health and amazing thickness of skin, survive to the respectable age of 90 years.

Scientists believe that elephants owe such a long life to their vegetable diet and a very measured, leisurely existence.

Which is recognized as the longest-living on Earth? The record holder in this area is the bowhead, or polar, whale, which can live to a ripe old age of 130 years. Whales are the largest animals in the world - they can grow up to 35 meters in length and weigh 150 tons. Newborn whales reach 7 meters in length and consume about 7 buckets of milk per feeding.

However, if we consider not only mammals, then the oldest centenarian is the common Moorish tortoise, which lived 152 years and, according to some biologists, has every chance of quietly “creaking” to a record 200 years. At the same time, its relative, the royal tortoise, living in America, can live up to 123 years.

There is no exact information about the lifespan of birds. Such facts can only be interpreted as incomplete or fragmentary. They are based only on information about birds that lived in captivity or ringed individuals. Reliably determine age appearance and the structure of the bird is quite difficult. One can only say whether she is old or young, but her exact age cannot be said.

Birds living in captivity

Data on the age of birds kept in captivity cannot fully reflect the actual picture of their real life expectancy, because they live in conditions very different from theirs natural environment a habitat. Here, all the problems associated with living are taken upon by the person. It protects birds from hunger, enemies and cold.

At the same time, in captivity, especially birds large sizes limited in swimming, flying or running. In addition, the food they eat does not correspond to the food they obtain in natural environment a habitat. And the climate in captivity is often very different from usual climatic conditions. All these factors cause in birds various diseases- tuberculosis, vitamin deficiency, obesity of the heart, which leads to premature death.

Banded birds

Data on the lifespan of ringed birds also cannot be considered completely reliable. Once caught and banded, the bird is released into the wild, but no one knows when it will be caught next in order to register its age. In addition, ornithologists do not always come across chicks for banding. Quite often these are adults whose age is not established.

But despite this, with the help of mass ringing, scientists were able to find out the approximate age of several bird species. It was found that out of 10 thousand ringed ducks, only one lives to be twenty years old. Most commercial bird species die in at a young age. Among the general causes of mortality of game birds, an important role is played by human factor.

Official centenarians among birds

Today there is information about the life expectancy of about 70 species of birds. It is so certain that African ostrich lived 40 years, herring gull 44 years, albatross 46 years, white-tailed eagle 48 years. The king vulture reached the fifth decade of life - 52 years, the raven - 51 years, the eagle owl - 53. The gray goose reached its advanced bird years at 65 years, and the macaw parrot - 64 years.

The most reliably known case of bird longevity among ornithologists relates to a large predator, the condor, living in the South American Andes. In 1892, he was brought to the Moscow Zoological Garden when he was quite old. It was recorded that the male condor died in 1961, having lived for almost 70 years in the Moscow Zoo, and if we take into account that predators receive adult plumage only in the fourth year of life, then the long-lived condor probably lived at least 75 years.

The saying that a small dog will be a puppy until old age is also true because small dogs live longer on average. lapdogs are recognized as long-livers.


Lapdogs are the names of dogs of various breeds that can be classified into one group with the same characteristics. Their height, as a rule, does not exceed 30 cm, they are covered with thick and long hair, mainly white. These dogs are used only for decorative purposes. There are several types of lapdogs.

Small dogs with long hair are called Maltese dogs. Their lifespan is from 12 to 15 years. Their coat is most often pure white, but a shade of ivory is also allowed. Weight does not exceed 4 kg. These snow-white dogs have bulging, round-shaped eyes. Their character is playful and good-natured. This breed has a feeling self-esteem, elegant and very aristocratic. The lapdog is an easy-to-train dog; it is devoted to its owner and gets along well with children and friends of its owners.

The Italian lapdog is often confused with the Bichon Frize breed, and this breed of dog also resembles a small poodle. Its lifespan is from 15 to 20 years. This is a kind and friendly indoor dog that enjoys spending time with its owner. The owner of an Italian lapdog needs to walk his pet a lot, as this dog requires constant exercise. The Italian lapdog loves children very much, gets sick little and lives a long time. Owners may find it inconvenient just to care for its long hair, but if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, you can simply cut it shorter. This breed is not at all suitable for the role of a watchman, as it is very friendly even to strangers.

A cute dog called the Russian Colored Lapdog, with good health and high intelligence, is truly worthy of attention as a pet. The lifespan of this breed is from 15 to 20 years; its representatives rarely get sick. The Russian colored lapdog breed includes any breed of a single color except white. The dog is miniature, strong built, characteristic features are a high-set neck, a small head with a convex forehead, floppy ears and large round eyes. The tail is thrown over the back and curled into a ring. The coat of the Russian colored lapdog is thick, long, and can be curly or wavy. This dog needs companionship and long walks.

Another miniature long-liver is the Havanese Bichon or Havanese lapdog. They are curious and energetic animals with an elastic gait. The color can be different: black, brown, tobacco, rarely - completely snow-white. Life span is from 12 to 16 years. The dog can be used as a guard due to its natural alertness and clear voice. Hawaiian lapdogs become very attached to their owner and follow him around.

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Below is a list of the ten longest living animals on Earth. If you know of other long-lived animals or we made a mistake, be sure to let us know in the comments. So.

Depending on the breed, content and environment, the modern domesticated horse has a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. Although there is a known case related to 19th century- the oldest horse named “Old Billy” died at the age of 62. A recent documented example was the horse Sugar Puff, who died at the age of 57 in 2007.

The Asian or Indian elephant is the second largest land animal after the savannah elephant. They are considered one of the most dangerous herbivores in the world. Their lifespan is wildlife averages 60 years, in captivity 80.

These rather large parrots, ranging from 30 to 70 cm in length, live in Australia. They are considered the most fun and interesting parrots to keep indoors. They become very attached to the person who cares for them and pays attention to them. They can live 60–80 years in captivity.

The hatteria is a reptile that lives on several small islands in New Zealand. The only one modern representative ancient order of beaked heads (extinct approximately 65 million years ago). The body weight of the tuateria reaches 1.3 kg, and its length is 76 cm. The average life expectancy in captivity is 60 years, but they can live 100, and according to some scientists in the wild, up to 200 years.

Koi carp are used for ornamental purposes in outdoor ponds or water gardens. Very popular in eastern Asia, primarily in Japan. They are considered one of the most beautiful fish on the planet. They grow up to 90 cm or more, and their lifespan is 100–200 years.

Fifth place in the list of ten long-lived animals is occupied by the Red sea urchin - an animal that lives in shallow waters in Pacific Ocean from Alaska to California, usually along rocky coastlines. Their spherical body is completely covered with sharp spines, which can grow up to 8 cm. The average lifespan of a red sea urchin exceeds 30 years, but scientists have discovered several specimens that are more than 200 years old.

The Greenland shark is widespread in the North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Greenland and Iceland. It is believed that their lifespan is more than 200 years, although it is difficult to give an exact figure. It is one of the creatures that can survive in extreme conditions.

The elephant tortoise is an endemic species found only in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Known as the largest turtle on Earth. Adults reach a weight of more than 400 kg and a length of more than 1.8 m. Although it is not known exactly, average duration their life, according to scientists, can reach more than 200 years. All captured individuals lived in captivity for at least 170 years.

Bowhead whale - large mammal, living in the Arctic Ocean. The bowhead whale can grow up to 20 m in length and weigh about 100 tons, this figure is the second among animals after the blue whale. The average lifespan is 60 to 70 years, similar to other whales. However, individual individuals, as studies have shown, can live about 210 years.

Arctica islandica is a species of mollusk that lives in the northern part of the Atlantic and in the waters of the Arctic oceans. In 2007, studies conducted on several specimens of this mollusk found off the coast of Iceland showed that they were between 405 and 410 years old. The species was later confirmed to have a maximum lifespan of over 500 years, making it the longest living known animal on Earth.

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African elephants They are the largest terrestrial centenarians and can live from 60 to 80 years. The oldest elephant died at the age of 86 years old in 2003.


New Zealand longfin river eel- long-lived among fish. There is a known case when a female lived to 106 year old age and weighed 24 kilograms. These fish grow slower than other eels, growing by only 1-2 cm per year.


Native to Central America, Mexico, South America And Caribbean Sea The colorful and showy macaw parrot can live for about 100 years. The oldest macaw on record is a blue and yellow parrot named Charlie, who lived 111 years. Like humans, the average lifespan of most blue and golden macaws is approximately 60-80 years. They are very friendly and sociable. In the wild they live in groups, but in captivity they become close to people and become a full-fledged member of the family. Since their lifespan is so long and they can easily outlive humans, it is worthwhile for owners of such birds to write their beloved pet into their will so that it is taken care of in the event of its owner's death.


Sea urchins are one of the most ancient creatures: they appeared in the Paleozoic era. There are now about 800 species of sea urchins. But the red sea urchin, which lives in the shallow waters off the west coast of America, is also known for being the most venerable centenarian. Studying sea urchins, it turned out that they grow slowly and evenly, but they almost never stop growing. And now biologists make a sensational assumption: sea ​​urchins may be immortal. Because the largest – and therefore the most “adult” – specimens do not show any signs of aging. Sea urchins are now known whose age about 200 years, and this may not be the limit at all. Moreover, it is unclear how long a sea urchin could live if it lived a quiet life, without the need to run as fast as it could on stilt needles from predators and fishermen.


About 200 years ago, this mammal was found throughout the Arctic Ocean. Today their numbers have noticeably decreased. Now it can be found in the Chukchi, Bering and East Siberian seas, rarely in the Beaufort Sea. In the west of Northern Arctic Ocean found in the northern part Barents Sea and near Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen. Famous 211 year old bowhead whale The reason is so long term life is apparently explained by their habitat: low water temperature and, accordingly, slow metabolism.


Koi carp are a variety of beautiful domesticated carp that are bred for decorative purposes in garden ponds. Varieties of koi carp vary in size, scale pattern and color. The most common colors are black, white, yellow, cream, blue and yellow. Age is determined in the same way as for trees: by the number of rings located on the scales of most fish. Thanks to this method, the age of the oldest koi carp, Hanako, was determined, who died at the age of 226 years.


The lifespan of turtles depends on many factors: their size, location and living conditions, and the presence of predators around. The lifespan of animals that live in captivity significantly exceeds the lifespan of natural animals, that is, animals that were born and raised in nature far from humans. In zoos and nurseries, the turtle is protected from predators, and in case of illness or injury, it will be immediately provided with health care. Most turtles die in the first years of their lives, and sometimes even before they are born, precisely from predators. The record holder among long-lived turtles is Samira, she lived 270-315 years.


Greenland sharks are one of the slowest sharks. Their average speed- 1.6 km/h, and maximum - 2.7 km/h, which is half as much maximum speed seals. Therefore scientists for a long time marveled at how these clumsy fish were able to hunt faster prey. There is evidence that Arctic Greenland sharks lie in wait for sleeping seals. The Greenland shark is recognized by scientists as the longest-living vertebrate species. Biologists believe that the animal is capable of living about 500 years. Females reach sexual maturity at 150 years.


In October 2007, researchers from Bangor University in Wales determined that a clam caught off the Icelandic coast was between 405 and 410 years old. The age was determined by sclerochronology, that is, by drilling into a shell and counting the number of its layers (similar to the dendrochronology method for trees). It was later confirmed that the maximum lifespan of this species exceeds 500 years. This age makes the mollusk the longest-lived animal with a confirmed maximum age. The record holder for life expectancy among them was recognized as a specimen named Min, whose age was determined at 507 years.


The jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula can rightfully be considered immortal creature. This animal, having reached maturity, settles to the bottom and turns into a polyp covered with a chitinous cuticle. Then, buds form on the polyp under the cuticle, in which future jellyfish are formed. The most interesting thing is that such metamorphoses are repeated countless times, and the death of this creature is possible only if it is eaten by other predators. Initially, Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish lived in the Caribbean Sea, but gradually began to expand their habitat. Now this jellyfish can be found in almost all seas of the tropical and temperate zones.

In terms of life expectancy, humans are inferior to many representatives of the animal world. Many of them live longer than a century, and some even live for five hundred years.

1. Bivalve mollusk of the species Arctica islandica

In first place in our ranking of long-livers of the animal world - bivalve, family-owned Arcticidae. It lives in the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean at depths from 7 to 400 meters. Today, these mollusks are considered the longest-living animals on Earth. Studies of the shells of several mollusks conducted in 2006-2007 at Bangor University in Wales showed their maximum age - more than 500 years. The oldest specimen, named Ming, was 507 years old.

2. Giant turtle

Giant tortoises are land reptiles, endemic to Aldabra Island (Seychelles). These turtles are one of the longest living animals on Earth. In captivity they live on average up to 150 years. The record holder for age among known to science The largest turtle in the world was a 250-kilogram turtle named Advaita (Sanskrit for “the only one”), who lived in the Calcutta Zoo. At the time of her death she was 256 years old. Turtles are not only long-livers, but also one of the most ancient animals. Turtle fossils are over 220 million years old. The question of their origin is still considered debatable. Most scientists assume that the turtle predecessors were Permian cotylosaurs.

3. Koi Carp

Koi carp are also called brocade carp. This is a domesticated ornamental subspecies of common carp. Koi carp can be considered a fish that has gone through 6 selective selections. After all stages of selection, she is assigned a certain category. There are more than 80 koi breeds in total, they are divided into 16 groups. The world learned about the longevity of koi in 1966. During a radio appearance, Japanese doctor Komei Koshihara told the story of the Hanako carp. When Komei was born, beautiful fish already lived in a small pond near his house. Years passed, the boy went to study. Every time he returned home, a large 70-centimeter fish was still swimming in the pond. Koshihara asked his grandmother how long Hanako had been living here. According to the grandmother, the fish was at least 100 years old. As an adult, Komei Koshihara decided to find out Hanako's age. He asked his friend Masayuki Amano, who worked at a fish farming station, to help with this. Analysis of Hanako's scales showed that Hanako is the oldest carp known to science. At the time of verification he was 217 years old. The fish died in 1977 at the age of 226 years.

4. European pearl mussel

The European pearl mussel is currently on the verge of extinction. Previously, these mollusks were fished for mother-of-pearl, but today this has become unprofitable. The fact that the pearl mussel can be of great interest to gerontologists became known only in 2000, when the Russian researcher Valery Zyuganov established: the pearl mussel, which lives in Europe and North America, lives 210-250 years, and is the record holder for longevity among all known freshwater invertebrate animals. Pearl mussels are characterized by the phenomenon of negligible aging, that is, the rate of their aging is difficult to statistically distinguish from zero within a single sample. Also called negligible aging is the phenomenon of “non-aging” - the lack of correlation between age and the probability of death. Interestingly, the phenomenon of neglected aging is also observed in people who live to be 90-100 years old. After reaching this age, their chance of living to each next year does not decrease over the years. It was also noted that all people who lived to these years are genetically similar to each other.

5. Red sea urchin

Sea urchins are amazing creatures. These are the most “many-legged” representatives of the animal world. Moreover, they use their numerous needles as legs, the number of which can reach up to a thousand. In addition, sea urchins have a spiral-shaped intestine and an organ unique in its structure - the Aristotelian lantern, consisting of five pyramidal outgrowths, shaped like drills. Inside each outgrowth there is a sharp tooth. Sea urchins are one of the most ancient creatures on Earth. They lived on the planet back in Paleozoic times. IN early XIX For centuries, scientists believed that sea urchins do not live long - about 15 years, but recent studies of sea urchins provide amazing results. It turns out that red sea urchins can grow and develop throughout their lives without showing signs of aging. These creatures live for more than 200 years. And it’s unclear how long they could have lived if they hadn’t had it in the ocean natural enemies, from which hedgehogs have to run away on their thorns.

6. Clam Guidak

The Guidak mollusk looks rather strange. It consists of a small shell relative to the size of the body and two long fused siphons, which can reach one meter in length. "Guidak" is translated from the Indian language as "digging deep." This is the largest burrowing mollusk in the world, so this name is quite justified. Guidaks are long-lived. Their average lifespan is 146 years, but scientists also found a 160-year-old individual. Guidaks have almost no natural enemies in nature; in addition, they have a slow metabolism, which ensures Guidaks' longevity. Damage to the mollusk can be caused by sharks and sea otters, as well as by humans - the meat of geoducks is eaten in China and Japan. Mollusks are softened by external fertilization. Over the course of their more than century-long life, female Guidaks release about five billion eggs.

7. Bowhead whale

We couldn’t do without whales in our rating. Whales are the largest animals on our planet and yes, they are long-lived. The bowhead whale is the longest living vertebrate. The average lifespan of mammals of this species is not so long - 40 years, but some representatives live more than 200 years. Whales are also interesting because they develop, grow and reproduce throughout their lives, and the intensity of these processes does not weaken with age. Whales are of interest to gerontologists because even the oldest whales show no signs of aging when studied. That is, whales, like some other animals (such as, for example, mole rats) do not become decrepit. There is still no exact answer as to why whales die. Interestingly, the age of a whale can be determined by the protein content in the lens of the eye. Its turbidity is the only indicator of whale aging. Scientist Vladimir Skulachev, who has been involved in gerontology for many years, believes that it is possible that whales go blind and then simply crash.

Animal world Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

Who lives the longest?

Who lives the longest?

They say that the black raven lives the longest. He is even credited with special wisdom, which he acquires over the years, and the lifespan of the oldest ravens is called up to 300 years. When you look at someone who has lived so long, you feel uneasy. Could he really have seen Pushkin or even Peter I and watched how he drove his first boat along the Neva as a boy?

There are also legends about elephants. They say that among them there are those who live 150 and even 200 years. So how many years do animals live and are there any long-livers among them?

Unfortunately, stories about long-livers are just legends. Neither a raven, nor an elephant, nor any other animal lives so long, except for the bacteria found in deposits rock salt, which formed several thousand years ago. When the salt warmed up in the air, the bacteria came to life.

This has never happened before with large animals, although eternal ice in the North, every now and then mammoths, birds, and other animals are discovered completely frozen into ice blocks. However, they do not come to life when they are released from their ice shell and warmed up.

By observing the lifespan of various animals, zoologists have established their optimal life spans. Thus, elephants usually live no longer than 60 years, like horses, whose average lifespan is 50–55 years, but some also live up to 60 years.

Among other animals, hippos live the longest - 41 years; rhinoceroses live a little less - on average 40 years. Bears live about 34 years, cats - 23 years, dogs also 23 years, and monkeys - a little over 20 years.

Birds also have their long-lived lives. Thus, some eagles and parrots can live up to 100 years, although most die at the age of 54–55 years.

As for other birds, scientists have found that the condor, for example, lives 52 years, the white pelican - 51 years. Small birds live even less. Of these, the cardinal lives the longest - 30 years, and the starling lives the least - 17 years. Canaries and sparrows live 22–23 years.

Fish do not live very long in the world. For some time, carp was considered the longest-living fish, but it has now been established that it does not live that long - about 20 years. The oldest carp is known to have lived up to 25 years, and this is already a record for longevity among carp.

Other fish also set various records. Thus, one American eel reached the age limit for them - 50 years, and one of the European catfish, living in English lakes, lived as long as 60 years. But this is an exception to the rule. Although among other animals there are real long-livers. One turtle is known, which was called the “Moorish turtle”, and it has been living for more than 60 years, and, according to the scientists observing it, it is not going to die. It is possible that she will live 200 years. The “royal tortoise”, which can live 123 years, is also a long-livers.

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