In the process of play, the child forms an organization. Game is the main form of organizing the pedagogical process

About the role of games for children 5-6 years old

Play is one of those children's activities, which are used by adults for the purpose of raising preschool children, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication.
Play plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child.- the most important species children's activities. She happens to be effective means formation of the preschooler’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities, the game realizes the need to influence the world. Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “a game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child receives a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”
Didactic game is one of the teaching methods and mental education children. Thus, the child’s initial acquaintance with objects and their properties occurs in real life. In didactic games, this knowledge is consolidated, and ideas are clarified, children master various ways actions.

IN middle group didactic games are an almost obligatory part of many knowledge. The teacher’s participation in games taking place outside of class can take two forms. One of them is when the teacher leads the game using observation and personal participation. Children act independently, operating with well-known material (games: “Assemble a tower”, “Assemble rings”, “Colored dishes”, “Dominoes”, “Object and shape”) or solve problems under the supervision of a teacher. Thus, by completing the “Dress the doll” task, the child receives items of clothing to which the missing parts need to be attached. For example, in order to put an apron on a doll, he must pick up and attach to it straps of the same width and the same color as the belt on the apron.
After introducing children to the work of workers kindergarten You can play the game “Who needs what.” Children select pictures depicting their items that are needed by a cook, janitor, nurse, etc.
The child is 5 years old, if he has had experience communicating with peers, the level of goodwill is quite high. Children know each other’s favorite games and roles in them well; while playing they unite into groups of two - four people. Games of family, driver, and kindergarten arise on their initiative; games of “shop,” “hospital,” “zoo,” and “street traffic” are organized with the help of the teacher. It is better to form the relationship of preschoolers in the game by influencing the content of the games, and not by influencing the children’s choice of roles and their performance. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage those playing “in the family” to ensure that the father is kind, caring, and tries to help in the house; the mother is friendly in her relations with the children, and they, in turn, respected their parents and obeyed them: so that the drivers helped each other, the doctors provided assistance at the first request of the sick person. In play relationships with each other, children should mainly show kindness, caring, and responsiveness.
In the middle group Games are widely used - dramatizations, the content of which encourages children to positive forms of communication. The following games are played: “Mashenka is at home”, “Mashenka is sick”, etc. Outdoor games “gifts”, “hares and wolves”, “traps”, “fox in the hen coop” and other games contribute to the formation of children’s ability to agree on the implementation leading role, take into account the interests and desires of each other, behave in accordance with the rules.
In the fifth year of life, children develop a strong interest in playing with building material. This is facilitated by the children’s previously acquired constructive skills: laying bricks on a large surface; apply them tightly to each other or, conversely, place them at an even distance from each other.
The program sets a number of tasks for the teacher: to develop interest in construction games, to use created buildings in role-playing games, to encourage children to create buildings; to achieve greater constructive complexity and to develop the ability to outline a theme. Children are building a house with great interest. The teacher encourages the children's ideas and helps with advice in selection the necessary details asks where to start building a house, what to add to the foundation so that the house is strong. During the construction process, the child learns the role of a part of the building in creating a complex whole, and practices establishing the spatial position of children relative to others. This is important both for the design process itself and for the subsequent development of children’s creativity.
Children of four and five years old are characterized by emotional responsiveness, so they especially need approval and evaluation of play from adults.

Game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children.

One of the provisions of the pedagogical theory of play is the recognition of play as a form of organizing the life and activities of preschool children.

Scientific background Games as a form of organizing the life and activities of children in kindergarten are contained in the works of A.P. Usova. According to A.P. Usova, the teacher must be at the center of the child’s life, understand what is happening, delve into the interests of the children at play, and skillfully guide them. In order for the game to perform an organizing function in the pedagogical process, the teacher needs to have a good idea of ​​what tasks of education and training can be solved with the greatest effect in it. It is useful to plan tasks that apply to the whole group and tasks that concern individual children.

Based on the characteristics of the type of game, the tasks that can be solved with its help, the level of development of play activity in children, the teacher determines the extent of his participation in it, management techniques in each specific case.

However, when directing the game towards solving educational problems, it should be remembered that it is a unique independent activity preschooler. In play, the child has the opportunity to demonstrate independence to a greater extent than in any other activity: he chooses the plots of the game, toys and objects, partners, etc. It is in the game that it is most fully activated public life children. The game allows children to independently use certain forms of communication already in the first years of life.

During the game, two types of relationships develop between children:

Relationships that are determined by the content of the game, the rules of the game;

Real relationships that manifest themselves in relation to the game.

Real relationships, being personal, are formed not only in the game, but also throughout the child’s entire life in kindergarten. Having selective sympathy for someone, the baby strives to communicate with him: he talks, plays. Due to liking and interest in peers, the child is able to give up a toy, take on a not very attractive role, that is, he sacrifices his interests for the sake of communicating with partners. Children with low level relationship development. Thus, on the basis of real relationships, children develop the qualities of “sociality”: the ability to enter a group of children at play, act in it in a certain way, establish connections with partners, obey public opinion. In other words, the qualities of “sociality” allow the child to successfully interact with other children.

At favorable conditions children master skills social behavior. A.P. Usova rightly noted that the ability to establish relationships with peers in a game is the first school of social behavior. Social feelings and habits are formed on the basis of relationships; the ability to act collaboratively and purposefully develops; comes an understanding of common interests; the foundations of self-esteem and mutual assessment are formed. The high importance of play activity lies in the fact that it has the greatest potential for the formation of a children's society.

However, without the help of an adult, the path to developing social behavior can be long and painful, especially for children with developmental problems.

In influencing children’s behavior and their relationships with each other, the teacher must take them into account individual characteristics, development trends. But all preschoolers, without exception, must be encouraged to desire to be independent, to develop skills that will actually ensure independence.

As a form of organizing the life and activities of children, play should have its own specific place in the daily routine and in the pedagogical process in general.

The teacher must think about what routine processes can be put into the form of a game in order to arouse children’s interest, increase their activity, and evoke positive emotions.

The educational potential of the game increases if it is organically combined with some other type of activity. It is most advisable to connect the game with labor, visual and constructive activities. During the game, the need arises to make a new toy, to design existing attributes differently.

Already at the age of 2-3 years, children are instilled with the habit of maintaining order in the “toy household”, observing the rule “When you’ve played, put the toy back in its place,” and are involved in cleaning the doll’s corner and washing toys. Older children develop the habit of treating toys and play materials responsibly and with care. On their own initiative or the teacher’s indirect suggestion, they repair board game boxes, wash doll clothes, and clean soft toys.

Thus, the teacher, organizing the life and activities of children in the form of a game, consistently develops activity and initiative, and develops self-organization skills in the game.

The lesson is a game as a form of organizing students' cognitive activity.


Preparing students for life, work and creativity is laid down in a comprehensive school.

To do this, it is necessary to restructure the learning process and teaching methods in a certain direction so as to widely involve students in independent cognitive activities to assimilate new knowledge and applying them in practice.

The lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process. The efficiency of the teacher and the cognitive activity of students depends on how it is built, what it is rich in, and how interesting it is. active subjects training.

Classes using the traditional “explanation and consolidation” scheme limit the possibilities successful preparation students to life, developing their creative activity, initiative, ability to independently replenish their knowledge and navigate the rapid flow of information.

Its solution is associated with the selection of forms, means, methods and methodological techniques of teaching, tasks for students who in the best possible way would meet modern requirements for a mathematics lesson, would awaken interest, observation, and thinking, so necessary for the education and development of students.

The central place in pedagogy and methodology is occupied by the problem of intensifying the learning process. It is associated with the search and use of effective methodological techniques in lessons, the use of various forms of teaching, providing the student with an active position in learning activities, stimulating him mental activity. One of these forms is a game. The pedagogical significance of the game is very diverse and covers almost all aspects of the student’s personality development. Researchers of play activity emphasize its unique capabilities in the physical and moral education of children, especially in the formation of collectivistic personality traits, the development of cognitive interests, the development of will and character, sensory development, and the formation of the ability to navigate the surrounding reality. Learning is carried out through active forms. In the learning process, it is important to ensure the emergence of positive emotions in students towards learning activities, their content and forms of implementation, comprehension and memorization educational information students become more productive.

Chapter 1. Game as a means of organizing students’ cognitive activity

1.1 Game as a type of student activity

Any pedagogical technology has ways and means that activate and intensify the activities of students, but in gaming technologies they are the main ones and determine the effectiveness of the results.

On modern stage development school education the problem of students' cognitive activity becomes particularly important in connection with society’s need for educated people who are able to quickly navigate the environment and think independently.

The main conditions under which it would arise and develop interest in learning:

  1. First of all, this is an organization of learning in which the student is involved in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge and solves problem-solving problems.
  2. Academic work, like any other, is interesting when it is varied. Monotonous information and monotonous methods of action quickly cause boredom.
  3. To develop interest in the subject being studied, it is necessary to understand the need, importance, and feasibility of studying this subject as a whole and its individual sections.
  4. The more new material connected with previously acquired knowledge, the more interesting it is for students.
  5. Material that is too easy or too difficult is not interesting. Training should be difficult, but feasible.
  6. A differentiated approach to learning, taking into account their personal qualities and level of training in the subject.
  7. The more often a student’s work is checked and evaluated, the more interesting it is for him to work.
  8. Brightness educational material, emotional reaction and interest of the teacher himself with enormous power influence the student and his attitude towards the subject.

The given set of conditions at proper organization Active forms and methods of learning, in particular games, respond.

Any pedagogical technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of students, but in some technologies these means constitute the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. Such technologies include gaming technologies.

A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating social experience in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved (G.K. Selevko, 1990).

1. The essence of the game is that it is the fulfillment of desires, but not of individual, but of generalized affects. Their main content is the system of relationships with adults.

2. The specific pleasure of play is associated with the continuation of impulses, with submission to the rule contained in the role. It is through relationships, according to L.S. Vygotsky, through the continuation of immediate impulses, the behavior of the individual is corrected.

L.S. Rubinstein puts forward an idea that most accurately explains the mechanism of the influence of play on a child’s behavior. In his opinion, “a game is an activity, and this means that the game is an expression of a certain attitude towards the individual, towards the surrounding activity.” The educational role of play lies in the diverse experiences that are significant for the playing child (1973).

Chapter II. Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the game and the conditions for its implementation

2.1. Psychological requirements

Game activity, like any activity in the classroom, must be motivated, and students must feel the need for it. The psychological and intellectual readiness of students for the game plays a big role. The environment in which the game takes place should help create a joyful mood and be conducive to communication in an atmosphere of friendliness, mutual understanding and cooperation. A large role in this is given to the teacher, who must take into account the individual characteristics of the students: character, temperament, perseverance, organization, discipline, will, and well-being of each participant in the game. The psychological mechanisms of gaming activity are based on the fundamental needs of the individual for self-expression, self-determination and self-realization. The ability to engage in a game is not related to a person’s age, but at each age the game has its own characteristics. Requirements of a socio-psychological nature imply a combination of conditions that ensure interaction, communication and cooperation of game participants. The content of the educational game should be interesting and meaningful for its participants, and any game action should end in obtaining a certain result that is valuable to them. Game action should be based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom, and provide the opportunity for students to make rational and effective decisions, while critically assessing themselves and others. One of the most important socio-psychological requirements is the combination of play with the practice of real communication.

2.2. Pedagogical requirements

When using a game as a form (methodological technique) of teaching, the teacher must be confident in the appropriateness of its use. He determines the objectives of the game, in accordance with the purpose of the educational process, its content, and draws up a plan for its implementation, suggesting a certain sequence and gradual complication of the stages of the game. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the group of players as a whole and its individual members. Every educational game solves a specific problem that is feasible for its participants.

Practice shows that there is no universal game suitable for absolutely all students, groups and classes. The game is effective only in combination with other methods and means of teaching.

All age periods following preschool with their leading types of activities (junior school age educational activity, middle - socially useful, senior - educational and professional activity) do not displace the game, but continue to include it in the educational process.

The leading type of activity preceding a given age stage does not disappear, but remains, obviously, as a form in which the content can be most successfully absorbed new activity. The presence in a student’s life of a previously learned activity (game) is an emotional support for the individual. This type of activity facilitates adaptation, in it the child draws models for solving new life problems and, thus, is provided with mental comfort, which is important for the normal development of mental, moral, and physical strength. Game for teenagers remains the most mastered activity, they feel confident in it: they master the methods and techniques of communication, they know how to set goals, coordinate actions, foresee the result and at the end of the game come to a common opinion in its assessment. Positive samples collegial activities from the gaming experience of a teenager, then independently or with the help of a teacher I can successfully transfer them to other types of work of my student team (I.P. Anikeeva, 1999). Communication as component games are among the practically undeveloped problems of pedagogical research.

To classify games is to create orders of games, subordinate to their purpose, compiled on the basis of taking into account the fundamental and common features and natural connections between them.

According to SA. Shmakov (1994) games can be classified as follows:

According to the form

1. Board games

a) crosswords;
b) lotto;
c) teawords;
d) dominoes;
e) game cubes;

A special feature is the presence of a game rule that contains the game task. They develop imagination, intelligence, observation, and teach them to think quickly and logically.

2. Competition games. They are used both in academic and extracurricular activities. An important motive of the game is the motive of collective and individual competition in the game. For example: KVN.

3. Quizzes. The main goal is to increase interest in the subject, consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired during the learning process.

4. Olympics. A wide range of issues covered in the Olympiads helps students engage in independent work.

5. Role-playing games. They assume the presence of an imaginary game situation in which imaginary characters act. Basically, role-playing game content poses real-life problems. It is successful if students debate and defend their views during the game. For students in grades 6-7, the most interesting are role-playing games such as press conferences, travel games, dramatization games.


Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, generalization of the work experience of teachers and their own experience on the research problem considered in the work, the following conclusions were made:

  1. Development cognitive interest learning is facilitated by such an organization of learning in which the student is involved in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge, i.e. active cognitive activity of students.
  2. Game as a form of teaching and upbringing stimulates learning motivation, influences the development of cognitive interest and activation of cognitive activity, thereby forming a positive attitude of students towards mathematics as an academic subject.
  3. Developing game lessons is one of the aspects of creativity of a mathematics teacher.
  4. The algorithm for describing games should include: type and form, pedagogical possibilities of the game: orientation recommendations on the age composition of the players; a brief and step-by-step description of the preparation and progress of the game, a set of roles, props.
  5. The optimal game forms for students in grades 7-8 when studying the topic are educational and creative games in the form of competitions, travel, conferences, etc.
  6. Important role plays a role in the psychological and intellectual readiness of students to participate in the game.
  7. The content of an educational game should be interesting and meaningful for its participants, and any game action should end in obtaining a certain result.
  8. Game action should be based on knowledge and skills acquired in other lessons.
  9. There is no universal game suitable for absolutely all students and classes. The same game plays out differently in different classes, so it needs to be adapted to specific conditions.
  10. The game is effective only in combination with other forms, methods and means of teaching.

Methodological development of a game lesson

Lesson-game “In the city of numbers”

Type - educational, creative travel game.

The form is a competition between teams.

Brief description - the city of numbers is captured by the villains; in order to free it, the team must complete all tasks and take all the keys to the city from the villains. By adding up all the keys, the team receives a password word - the main key.

Pedagogical opportunities - the game develops schoolchildren’s cognitive interests, imagination, and creativity. Expands and deepens their knowledge about numbers and signs of divisibility of numbers. Fosters a sense of responsibility for a collective cause, unites the team.

Age: 5th-6th grade students

Number of participants: 2 teams - “rescuers” and “villains” (8-10 people each)

A set of roles: presenter, decorators - prepare the necessary props, sound engineer - carries out sound design.

Props: costumes of villains, letters for the password word (keys), packages with tasks, map, applications, decoration of the office (hall) according to the theme of the game.

Step by step description

Preparatory stage: decorating the office (hall), preparing costumes and necessary props. Formation of teams. Preparation of assignments. Selection of sound design. Establishment of prizes.

Game action: the presenter introduces the teams of game participants and explains the rules of the game:

Once, the rescue team has the right to ask the leader for help;
- take a time-out once for 3-4 minutes;
- the team needs to collect all the letters of the password word (keys) and create a password word (master key) to free the city of numbers;
- the game ends after completing the last task of the “villains”.

Rear 1. A very “good villain” - an easy task

Write the name of the digits of the numbers in the six-digit number 123456

(Answer: 6 - six units; 5 - five tens; 4 - four hundred; 3 - three thousand; 2 - two tens of thousands; 1 - one hundred thousand)

Task 2. “The villain is a lover of clear rules.”

Formulate the criteria for divisibility by 10; by 5; on 2; by 3; on 9; by 4; on 6 and give examples.

(Answer: - a number is divisible by 10 if and only if it ends in zero.

A number is divisible by 5 if and only if it ends in a zero or a five.
- a number is divisible by 2 if and only if it ends with an even digit.
- a number is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
- a number is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
- a number is divisible by 4 if and only if the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4.
- a number is divisible by 6 if and only if it is divisible by 2 and 3 at the same time.)

Task 3. “Evil artist.”

Look at large tables with examples of the divisibility of a product and a sum and small cards with the correct answers to these examples. Match the answers with the tasks.

250* 31: 5 = 1550
12 * 111: 2 = 666
(105 + 15): 5 = 24
(68+22): 2 = 45
(90 – 33): 3 = 19
(99 – 18): 9 = 9

Task 4. “Intellectual Villain.”

The team needs to answer questions and come up with examples.

What numbers are called prime? (A prime number is a number that has only two divisors: one and the number itself.)

What numbers are called composite? (A composite number is a number that has more than two factors.)

Unit - prime or composite number? (None)

What is a power of a number?

What is an exponent?

What is the basis of a degree?

Task 5. “The villain is a musician”

The team needs to remember lines from songs where numbers are heard

« Once little word, two a word - there will be a song..."

« Three happy day I had..."

"Two by two is four…"

“In two, in two winters, in two, in two springs...”

“I picked three white lilies...”, etc.

Task 6. “The villain is a theater lover.”

The team is given a script and costume attributes. They distribute roles among themselves and perform in front of the villain. The dramatization involves: the host, Cowboy Joe, the bartender and the bar visitor.

Presenter: Tired cowboy Joe, after a long journey, came into the bar for a drink.

Joe: Hey! Bartender! Give me a bottle of whiskey for 9 dollars, cigars for 6 dollars, 3 identical chocolates and 12 handkerchiefs.

Bartender: Please, sir. Yours is 28 dollars and 46 cents (1 dollar = 100 cents).

Bar Patron: Joe! Kill the bartender! He is a thief!

Narrator: Joe silently takes out a gun and puts it to the bartender's head.

Joe: Buddy! Aren't you mistaken?

Host: How did the bar visitor figure out that the bartender wanted to deceive Joe?

(The purchase amount must be a multiple of three, and 2846 cents cannot be divided by three.)

Having collected all the keys (letters), the team collects the password word (PRISM) and says what it is. This is where the game ends. The winners (the most active) receive prizes. All participants in the game are awarded incentive prizes.

Brief tips for conducting:

  1. It is important to prepare the rescue team well so that questions and tasks do not cause difficulties and the game goes without a hitch.
  2. When forming a team, the intellectual abilities of the players should be taken into account.
  3. The leader must control the pace of completion of all tasks.

Currently all preschool educational institutions operate within the framework of the transition period for the introduction of federal government requirements. Federal government requirements generally reflect modern approaches to the development of a general education program for preschool education.

Educational tasks are solved in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children within the framework of educational activities, when carrying out regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education and involve the construction educational process in forms of working with children adequate for preschool age.

In the domestic psychological and pedagogical literature, play in preschool childhood is considered as a leading activity, as a form of personality development, but at present it is advisable to say about play as the main form of work with preschoolers, because teaching children in FGT conditions is structured as an exciting problem-based game activity that ensures the child’s subjective position and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.

Play, being a simple and close way for a child to understand the surrounding reality, should be the most natural and accessible way to mastering certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Game as a cultural phenomenon teaches, educates, develops, socializes, entertains, provides relaxation, introduces various plots and themes into the life and activities of a child, while maintaining its intrinsic value.

Russian writer Yu. Nagibin, paying Special attention, children's game noted: “The game reveals the child’s character, his views on life, his ideals. Without realizing it, children in the process of playing are getting closer to solving complex life problems.”

Attempts to unravel the mystery of the origin of the game have been made by scientists for many hundreds of years. A little about the importance of preschoolers’ play according to researchers?

Games, according to Freud, cleanse and heal the psyche, relieve traumatic situations, which are the cause of many neurological diseases.

Researchers such as Schaler, Patrick, Steinthal considered the game not so much compensatory as balanced, and therefore relaxing. The game allows you to engage previously inactive organs and thereby restore vital balance.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky argues that play is a kind of activity, moreover, free and necessarily conscious, by which he understood the desire to live, feel, act. “We must not forget,” writes K.D. Ushinsky, that a game in which a child’s soul works independently is also a child’s activity.”

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky believed that the game arises in the light of spirituality and serves as a source spiritual development child. His statement confirms this: “There is nothing more complex and richer in the world than the human personality.”

Yan Kamensky rightly considered children's play as a form of activity necessary for a child. He demanded that parents not interfere with children’s games, but take part in them themselves, wrote: “Let children be those ants who are always busy: rolling, carrying, dragging, folding something; you just need to help the children so that everything that happens happens wisely.”

According to Alexandra Platonovna Usova, the teacher must be at the center of the child’s life, understand what is happening, delve into the interests of the children at play, and skillfully guide them.

According to Alexandra Usova, the following principles underlie the understanding of play as a form of organizing the pedagogical process of children:

The game is designed to solve general educational problems, among which the tasks of forming the moral qualities of the child are of primary importance. The teacher should take into account the specifics of each type of game;

game, especially in older children school age, should be of an amateur nature and increasingly develop in this direction, subject to proper pedagogical guidance;

An important feature of play as a form of life for children is its penetration into different kinds activities: labor, regime processes and others.

The game performs certain functions in the pedagogical process: organizing, educational, educational, but in order for it to perform an organizing function, the teacher needs to have a good idea of ​​what tasks can be solved in it. It is advisable to plan tasks that relate to the whole group (teaching children to unite in a familiar outdoor game), and tasks that concern individual children (to involve shy Seryozha in outdoor play).

There are various types of children's games (didactic, role-playing, theatrical, experimental games). Based on the characteristics of the type of game, the tasks that can be solved with its help, the level of development of play activity in children, the teacher determines the extent of his participation in it, management techniques in each specific case.

Yes, new didactic game the teacher explains and plays with the children himself: first as a leader, and then as an “ordinary” partner, for example, seeing that the family game has reached a dead end, he will take on the role of a mother who will help swaddle the baby doll; boys arguing about who will play with white and who with black checkers will be reminded of the existence of lots.

However, when directing the game towards solving educational problems, one should always remember that it is a kind of independent activity of a preschooler. In play, the child has the opportunity to demonstrate independence to a greater extent than in any other activity: he chooses the plots of the game, toys and objects, and partners.

The game most fully activates the social life of children. It is play activity that allows children to independently use certain forms of communication.

During play, two types of relationships develop between children :

Relationships that are determined by the content and rules of the game;

Real relationships that manifest themselves in relation to the game (distribution of roles, way out of conflict). Real relationships, being personal, are formed not only in the game, but also throughout the child’s entire life in kindergarten. Thus, with qualified guidance of the game on the part of the teacher, the qualities of “publicness” are formed in children. Alexandra Platonovna Usova considered the quality of “publicness” as: “The ability to enter a group of children playing, to act in a certain way, to establish connections with partners, to obey public opinion. In other words, the qualities of “sociality” allow the child to successfully interact with other people. Social feelings and habits are formed on the basis of relationships; the ability to act collaboratively and purposefully develops; comes an understanding of common interests; the foundations of self-esteem and mutual assessment are formed.”

The high importance of play activity lies in the fact that it has the greatest potential for the formation of a children's society.

Let's consider the game as a form of organizing the pedagogical process of children containing two principles: cognitive and playful (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn. However, the methods of guiding the game are different in different age groups.

In junior preschool age children need to be “taught” to play, otherwise the game will not develop properly. The teacher creates a play environment, an imaginary situation, directly communicating with children, and primarily uses methods of direct influence. At the same time, there is also an indirect impact, but not yet through a children’s group, but through toys and simple staging. Already in early preschool age, children are instilled with the habit of maintaining order in the “toy household”, observing the rule “When you play, clean up after yourself”, they are involved in the work of cleaning the doll corner, washing toys through play activities.

In older preschool age Methods of direct guidance continue to be used: in the form of suggesting a theme for the game, recommendations on its development, and involving certain children in the selection of game materials. The specificity of managing the game is that the methods of organizing it must be closely related to the game task and the imaginary situation, and the teacher must take the position of a benevolent accomplice. Older children develop the habit of being responsible and careful with toys and play materials. On their own initiative, boys repair toys, and girls wash doll clothes.

Thus, the teacher is gradually able to use the method of indirectly influencing the play and relationships of children through the emerging team.

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of each component of the game proposed by A.P. Usova.




Characteristics of the complex components

Game plot

The game plot allows you to “transport” to a conventional gaming space, with its characteristic imaginary situation (“as if”)

Game image

The game image promotes transformation, active creative self-expression, and perception of the game situation as one’s own.

Game problematic emotional-figurative situation

The basis of a game problematic emotional-imaginative situation is the motive of a feeling of empathy for the game images

Creative or didactic tasks

Tasks are developed with the aim of implementing game actions in different types activities: speech, music, visual arts, educational, etc. Assignments are aimed at solving educational problems

Game actions

Play actions are associated with the manifestation of the child’s activity. They consist of individual elements that the child performs

Game rules

Game rules ensure the implementation of game content, guide the behavior and activities of children, determine the nature and conditions of game actions

Game result

The game result orients the child towards the quality of the creative product being created.

Play equipment

Objects, toys, diagrams, models, task cards, pictures, illustrations, individual notebooks for preschoolers, etc. are used as play equipment.

Children's play has potential. The educational tasks of the game increase if it is organically connected with any other type of activity. It is most appropriate to associate it with labor, productive and constructive activities and others. In the process of play activity, the need arises to make a new toy (scales, binoculars) and to design the attributes differently.

We can conclude that the teacher, organizing the life and activities of children in the form of a game, consistently develops activity and initiative, and develops self-organization skills in the game. Children try to be like adults: they lose life situations, imitate relationships. Play is a preparation for work and is gradually replaced by work. Thus, through well-organized play activities, preschoolers are taught to overcome difficulties, work effort, and the desire to win; as a result, preschoolers of our preschool educational institution become laureates and winners in various competitions.

Game is a historically emerged type of activity for children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them. Game as one of the types human activity how complex and interesting phenomenon attracts the attention of teachers and psychologists, philosophers and historians. In science, there are different points of view on the nature of children's play. K. Gross and other supporters of biologizing trends in psychology argued that play is characteristic of a child as any primitive creature and acts as a preliminary adaptation of instincts to future conditions of existence.

Russian science emphasizes, first of all, the social nature of the game as a reflection of real life. K.D. Ushinsky defined play as a feasible way for a child to enter into all the complexity of the adult world around him. The figurative reflection of real life in children’s games depends on their impressions and the emerging value system. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, N.Ya. Mikhailenko et al., the game is social in the ways it is implemented, since it is not invented by a child, but is given by an adult who teaches how to play (how to use a toy, build a plot, obey the rules, etc.). The child generalizes play methods and transfers them to other situations. This is how the game acquires self-propulsion and becomes a form of its own creativity, and this determines its developmental effect.

According to L. S. Vygotsky, “play is a source of development and creates a zone of proximal development.” Essentially, the child’s development progresses through play activities. Only in this sense can play be called a leading activity, i.e. determining the development of children. A. N. Leontiev believed that the sign of leading activity is not purely quantitative indicators; leading activity is not just the activity that most often occurs at a given stage of development, but the activity to which the child devotes the most time. The game is qualitatively heterogeneous; there are various types of it: creative, games with rules, entertainment games, etc. D. B. Elkonin proposed to consider role-playing play as the leading activity of the child.

A game as an activity is distinguished by:

Its unproductive nature, i.e. its focus is not on achieving a higher goal, but on the process of the game itself;

In a game, the imaginary plan prevails over the real one, so game actions are carried out not according to the logic of the objective meanings of the things involved in the game, but according to the logic of the game meaning that they receive in an imaginary situation.

As an activity, the game has the following structural components:

Motives - they can be different: vivid impressions of life events, new toys, the motive of friendship, the desire to become the subject of one’s own activity;

The goal of the game depends on its type - if these are creative games, then the children set goals (for example: “sail on a ship to the island”), if they are didactic games, then they must fulfill both the game goal and the didactic goal, etc.;

Actions in the game are of a dual nature: they can be both real and playful;

The result depends on the type of game - in creative games it is subjective, in games with rules it can be a win.

Traditionally, games are divided into two types: creative (role-playing, theatrical, construction-constructive) and games with rules (didactic, active, folk, fun).

IN modern research games, new classifications appear. Thus, S. L. Novoselova suggests distinguishing games that arise on the child’s initiative (games of experimentation, plot-display, director’s and theatrical); games that arise on the initiative of an adult and older children (didactic, outdoor, computer, entertainment, etc.); games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk games).

There are various types of games in a child’s life, therefore, in all its varieties, play is the predominant activity and becomes a form of organizing children’s life activities.

Attempts to organize the lives of children in the form of play were present both in many pedagogical works and in the practice of kindergarten (F. Frebel, M. Montessori, A. Simonovich, etc.). The scientific basis for play as a form of organizing the life and activities of children is contained in the works of A.P. Usova. In her opinion, a teacher should be at the center of a child’s life, understand what is happening, delve into the interests of children at play, and skillfully guide them. In order for the game to play an organizing role in the pedagogical process, the teacher needs to have a good idea of ​​what tasks of education and training can be solved with the greatest effect in it. However, when directing the game towards solving educational problems, it should be remembered that it is a kind of independent activity of a preschooler.

As a form of organizing the life and activities of children, play should have its specific place in the daily routine and in the pedagogical process as a whole. There must be time in the daily routine for children to independently engage in play activities.

Thus, being the main activity, play occupies a leading place in a child’s life.
