Global problems - environmental, economic, political, social. Test: Global social and political problems

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Global problems of a socio-political nature are:

Prevention nuclear war;

Cessation of the arms race, resolution of regional and interstate conflicts;

Building a non-violent peace based on establishing trust between peoples and strengthening the system of universal security.

In the second half of the 20th century. humanity is faced with a group of problems on the solution of which further social progress and the fate of civilizations depend. These problems are called global (translated from the Latin “globe” - Earth, globe). These primarily include the following: preventing the threat of a new world war, overcoming the environmental crisis and its consequences, reducing the gap in the level of economic development between developed Western countries and developing countries of the Third World, stabilization of the demographic situation on the planet. The problems of protecting health and preventing AIDS, drug addiction, the revival of cultural and moral values, and the fight against international terrorism are also becoming increasingly important.

Reflecting on the reasons for the emergence of global problems, scientists point first of all to the emerging global community of people, the integrity modern world, which is provided primarily by deep economic ties, increased political and cultural contacts, the latest tools mass communication. In conditions when the planet becomes the single home of humanity, many contradictions, conflicts, and problems can outgrow local boundaries and acquire a global character.

But it's not only that. The actively transformative human activity itself is now comparable in power and consequences (both creative and destructive) to the most formidable forces of nature. Calling to life the mighty productive forces, humanity cannot always bring them under its reasonable control. The level of social organization, political thinking and environmental awareness, spiritual and moral orientations are still very far from the requirements of the era.

Global problems should be considered those that affect not a specific person, not a certain group of people, even a single country or group of countries, but those that affect the vital interests of the majority of humanity and can affect any individual person. The expansion and deepening of economic, social, political, sociocultural, political-cultural and other connections and institutions are having an ever-growing impact on the daily lives of people in the most remote parts of the globe.

At the same time, the actions of nation states and even local communities can have important global consequences. Any local event can in one way or another acquire global significance and, conversely, any global event can radically change the state of affairs in individual regions, countries, and local communities.

So, the problems generated by fundamental changes in the living conditions of world society, threatening its existence, are called global problems of our time. The first such problem was the real danger of self-destruction of humanity, which appeared for the first time in history, associated with the emergence nuclear weapons and building up nuclear potentials. This problem was first formulated as a global one in the famous manifesto of A. Einstein, B. Russell and nine other prominent scientists, published in 1955. The problem of nuclear destruction became particularly acute after the creation by domestic scientists under the leadership of Academician N.N. Moiseev's global climate model of “nuclear winter” - a mathematical description of the processes that can occur as a result of a nuclear war in living and inanimate nature and in society. Following the threat of nuclear self-destruction of humanity, energy and environmental problems were realized.

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2. Global social political problems. Negative manifestations Arms Races and Disarmament Challenges




In the modern scientific world there are many interpretations of the concept of civilization. Its study has always attracted politicians, sociologists, historians and philosophers. Various theories of the formation and development of both global and local, individual civilizations have always caused controversy among scientists. An integral part of these disputes is Russia’s place in world civilization, its belonging to one or another line of development. Westerners, Slavophiles, Eurasians – there are many areas of discussion. But the purpose of these discussions is one - to understand how original the Russian civilization is. Some versions are based solely on historical facts, others are based only on ideology. But it must be admitted that a socio-political approach to the study of this problem is impossible without such independent sciences as history and philosophy. Let's try to give an objective analysis civilizational development Russia in the context of the development of world civilization.

Introductory, to consider the second question of this work, you can take the definition of political scientist V.A. Maltseva: “The global problems of our time are complex and comprehensive. They are closely intertwined with each other, with regional and national-state problems. They are based on contradictions on a global scale that affect the very foundations of existence. modern civilization. The aggravation of contradictions in one link leads to destructive processes as a whole and gives rise to new problems. The resolution of global problems is also complicated by the fact that the level of management of global processes from outside is still low. international organizations, their awareness and financing from sovereign states. The strategy of human survival based on solving the global problems of our time should lead peoples to new frontiers of civilized development.”

1. The concept of civilization. Two historical lines and Russia’s place in the stream of world civilizations

CIVILIZATION is a stage in the development of society; the level of social and cultural development that is associated with the division of labor.

For a long time, civilization was seen as a stage historical development humanity, following savagery and barbarism. Today this meaning is insufficient and inaccurate. Civilization is understood as qualitative specificity (originality of material, spiritual, social life) of one or another group of countries, peoples at a certain stage of development.

According to a number of researchers, civilizations were and are fundamentally different from each other, since they are based on incompatible systems of social values. Any civilization is characterized not only by a specific social production technology, but also, to no lesser extent, by its corresponding culture. It is characterized by a certain philosophy, socially significant values, a generalized image of the world, a specific way of life with its own special life principle, the basis of which is the spirit of the people, its morality, and conviction, which determine a certain attitude towards oneself. This main life principle unites people into the people of a given civilization and ensures its unity throughout its entire history.

Civilization as a large-scale sociocultural community has its own hierarchy of ideals and values ​​that represent society as an integral system and subject of world history. Each civilization, differing from others in its special forms of life activity, has an active influence on the content of all social processes. The set of specific sociocultural factors in their interaction forms a mechanism for the functioning of civilization, the features of which are manifested in the ethnosocial, religious, psychological, behavioral and other ways of life of a given human community. In this regard, there have existed in history and currently exist Various types and forms of civilizations, the total number of which scientists estimate to be within thirty. The following features contribute to the identification of types of civilizations: - common fundamental features and mentalities; - commonality and interdependence of historical and political fate and economic development; - interweaving of cultures; - existence of a sphere of common interests and common tasks from the point of view of development prospects.

Based on the formed characteristics, two types of civilizations can be distinguished.

The first type of civilizations is traditional societies. Their distinctive cultures were aimed at maintaining the established way of life. Preference was given to traditional patterns and norms that incorporated the experience of their ancestors. Activities, their means and ends changed slowly. Traditional societies have their origins in ancient Eastern civilization, where extensive technology dominated, aimed mainly at mastering external natural processes. Man coordinated his activities with the rhythms of nature, adapting to the environment as much as possible. This type of society has survived to this day. And today, among the spiritual values ​​in them, one of the leading places is occupied by the attitude towards adaptation to natural conditions, the desire for their purposeful transformation is not encouraged. Activity directed inward to self-contemplation is valuable. Traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation are of particular importance. In general, the value-spiritual sphere of human existence is placed above the economic one.

The second type is Western societies or Western European civilization, which in many ways is the opposite of traditional society, although it has quite deep historical roots. It was based on other values. Among them is the importance of science, the constant desire for progress, for changes in existing forms of activity. The understanding of human nature, his role in public life. It was based on the Christian teaching about morality and the attitude towards the human mind as created in the image and likeness of the divine and therefore capable of comprehending the meaning of existence. Western European civilization is called differently: technogenic, industrial, scientific and technical. She absorbed the achievements ancient culture, Western European Middle Ages, Renaissance. Due to the harsher natural environment compared to the countries of the East, the intensive production that developed in the European region required the utmost strain on the physical and intellectual forces of society, the constant improvement of tools and methods of influencing nature. In connection with this, a new value system was formed. Gradually, active, creative, transformative human activity came to the fore. The ideals of civilization were constant renewal and progress. Scientific knowledge has acquired unconditional value, significantly expanding the intellectual powers, inventive abilities of man, and his ability to transform the world. Unlike traditional societies, where collective forms of human coexistence are of paramount importance, Western civilization has put forward an independent, autonomous individual as the most important value, which, in turn, served as the basis for developing ideas about inalienable rights man, oh civil society and the rule of law.

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In this work I will try to explain and reveal the essence social problems that exist at this stage of development of society, I will also suggest ways to implement (solve) these problems.

1. Social problems

Social problems are a manifestation of the social gap. relationships or destruction of social norms of functioning as a result of the exacerbation of existing contradictions that change human values, norms of behavior and lead to social deviations and reactions; this is a violation of a certain harmony of subject-object, subject-subject

Problems can be objective, that is, related to the outside world; subjective, that is, related to the inner world.

Let's start with the fact that social problems are, first of all, problems that find their place in society, they accept the most different shapes, often social problems develop into social conflicts, or rather, not often, but always, if these problems are not solved in time.

Social problems are complex cognitive tasks, the solution of which is of significant theoretical and practical interest.

Global problems:

1. Emerging in the system of “man-nature” relations (ecology, resources)

2. Emerging in the system of “person-society” relations (education, healthcare, culture)

3. intersocial (between communities, ethnic groups)

Methodology for manifesting problems:

1. Genesis of occurrence and determination of problems (how, why the problem arose)

2. formation, constitution of the problem (how and in what forms the problem is expressed)

3. diagnosis and prognosis of the problem

4. typology of problems (type and types)

5. modifications and metamorphoses of problems (how they manifest themselves)

6. regulation of resolution and settlement of problems

Types of social problems and reasons for their classification

If we take the problem as a basis from the point of view of the level of organization of the level of social life, then the trace of the problem is revealed:

Between individuals (personal)

Between social groups (group)

Between classes (class)

Between social systems

By the nature of the relationship:






Family, etc.

According to the ability of an economic system, through its institutions, to identify and resolve problems:

Institutionalized (judicial, legislative)


According to the duration of the problem:



By resolution method:


Factors and sources of problems.

1. Information

2. Structural factors associated with institutions, formal or informal relations

3. Values

4. Behavioral

5. Relationship factors

Cause of social problems

2. discrepancy between individual and social values ​​(misunderstanding of people with each other)

3. Racial, religious hatred, envy

Technology for resolving personal problems.

Problems can be actually solvable, potentially solvable, or unsolvable.

When solving any life problem, it is necessary to take into account the criteria for its solvability:

1. Information path, that is, the availability of the necessary information

2. Determinative, that is, the formulation of reasons blocking solutions to the problem

3. Resource

4. Instrumental

5. Motivational

6. Economic

The tasks and conditions for solving problems are:

Correctly formulated problems allow you to act in the necessary direction

Ensuring the selection of optimal tools for social impact and the effectiveness of social work

Resolving internal and external contradictions

Social contradictions are the interactions of parties or trends that go through several stages in their development. In their development, contradictions go through several stages.

Stage of existential differences - characterized by the development of non-existent differences into existing ones

The stage of opposites is characterized by the polarization of pantogonism in relation. Developing differences into mutually negating opposites

Conflict stage - develops into open confrontation

1. problematic conditions go away over time

2. listen carefully to the client

3. include others in the process of providing help.

4. allow the client to express his feelings

5. express hope and optimism when working with clients

6. divide the situation into components

7. provide the client with reliable information

8. explain to the client the sequence of his actions

9. encourage the client to turn to the experience of solving past problems

10. Consider using the behavioral contact method.

Today there are a lot of social problems, their unprecedented scale is amazing, in no other era have there been such a huge number of problems, I would also like to notice a certain pattern of their appearance, as society moves forward, problems along with it also move forward and grow, this means that with each new stage of time there are more and more of them.

There are many social problems, they are classified by sector (social - economic (unemployment), social - political), they are divided, etc., but they all rest on different sources of origin, as a rule, they all rest on the wrong policies of the state. I think differently.

All social problems are flowers that are rooted in the earth - the earth is the reason for their occurrence, because without the earth a flower cannot grow, but the earth is the same and the same everywhere, I do not take into account the composition of the soil, etc. but its very presence already speaks of unity. Likewise, social problems have a factor that gives rise to them all. For example, alcoholism, a person cannot suddenly become an alcoholic or a drug addict; both of these phenomena have a much more complex basis than simple unemployment or failures in their personal life, that is, they have a factor that subsequently gives rise to these actions.

By this factor I mean initial socialization up to the age of 14; there is no doubt that the process of socialization lasts throughout a person’s life, but in order for him to be formed and acquire any position in life, these 14 years are enough. Why exactly this age and why “initial socialization”

Everything is extremely simple, when people are born, they are all the same in terms of their development (we do not take disabled people with mental disabilities and theories about the transmigration of souls and other informal theories associated with fantastic phenomena) It does not happen that at the age of 2 months one child is already was smart, and the second was stupid (we do not take examples of exceptions, which are 1 in 100,000), that is, they are equal. This is where the process of initial or primary socialization begins. In my work I distinguish 3 stages of socialization

1 - primary

2 - average

3 - completed

Stage 1 lasts from birth until age 14

Stage 2 from 14 years to 40, during this period there is already a rethinking of values, basic life guidelines begin to be developed

Stage 3, after 40 years, everything has been worked out and there is a process of using these guidelines and applying them already ready in life, so to speak, implementation, the third stage passes until death, with death the 3rd stage ends.

The main directions of action and social guidelines are laid down at the stage of primary socialization; during this period, the child is subject to the influence of society, or rather, one can say not only subject to, but also, some, directly dependent on society. Let's go back to birth, after the child can think and realize what is happening around him, even at a primitive level, this age is about 4-5 years old, he begins to absorb and develop a certain model of behavior for himself, because before this age he he is not afraid of anything and does not understand, how many cases are known when small children climbed out of windows - they do not understand what heights and death are and they are not afraid. Upon reaching “conscious age,” he is able to perceive, and parents play a huge role here. Parents, as representatives of the institution of the family, are obliged to influence the child and give him the right guidelines for life, to form the right morality in him, but here the question arises: “What morality is correct? After all, it is normal for someone to kill and they consider it normal.” I will answer this begging question, there are certain norms of behavior and ideas about life that have been established over centuries, and in my opinion they are correct, that is, for example, you cannot kill, kill feet on the table, etc. Parents, having taught their children to behave correctly, must also protect their children from those companies in which the primary process of socialization was unsuccessful and their children have not learned to behave correctly and may cause potential harm to others. “potential harm” - this is the golden mean of the whole discussion, after a person has passed the primary stage, it can be used to judge whether he is capable of potentially dangerous and negative actions or not. But there is another pitfall here. What should you do when your child grows up, goes to school and starts hanging out with a group of friends who smoke and drink? How to protect him from this, if the pressure of society is so great that there is a chance that the child will “bend” under it and also start This is where the new term “maximum socialization” appears

According to the degree of complexity, I again distinguish three types of socialization

1 - simple (the parents spent little time on the child and from the whole process he took away only parental care and love, but he did not receive the understanding that in life it is not enough to just love and respect your parents)

2 - average (the parents did their best, the child has developed more or less well, but his character is weak and he can bend under pressure, but he is protected more from negativity than with simple socialization)

3 - maximum (During the period of primary socialization, the child has internalized all the norms of behavior, he has become independent from society (in terms of negative impacts) and is able to understand what is the main value in life and what actions can lead to the collapse of the individual.

Maximum socialization is rare a rare event, as a rule, 90% of teenagers are absorbed by society and society imposes wrong stereotypes on them.

I would like to note that the concept of “simple, average and maximum socialization” exists only at the stage of primary socialization)

With maximum socialization, a person will not drink alcohol beyond what is reasonable, that is, he will become an alcoholic, and also be dependent on tobacco. This distinguishes the most socialized people from the weakly socialized.

Now let’s look specifically at examples


Parents drink, relatives drink, the child is 8 years old, and parents who are alcoholics, as a rule, do not tell the child that this is bad, etc. after all, their mind is clouded, looking at them, he later begins to understand that this is right, because for him, parents, as representatives of the family institution, are authorities, that is, their actions are a priori correct.

A person in whose family there is anti-propaganda against everyone bad habits will never smoke, drink or engage in drug addiction. after all, since childhood, he, looking at his parents and knowing that their opinion is more authoritative than the opinion of friends, etc., has become accustomed to the company of people who do not drink or smoke, and it will be alien to him to be and live differently.

Why all this classification and reasoning? First of all, in these examples we can clearly see that all problems social plan and not only come from primary socialization (as the main one)


social society global

Social problems have taken place at all stages of human development, from primitive society to the current stage of development, namely the twenty-first century. The difference between these problems is that at each stage they had different forms of manifestation; in a primitive community they were expressed in the form of the very formation of a primitive society. IN primitive society there was such a thing as normative legal redundancy, it implied the regulation of all aspects of social relations, going to extremes (how to properly cook animals, belly up or down) and if someone violated this order, he was subjected to public censure or even some kind of sanctions, expressed, for example, in depriving a fellow tribesman of dinner. In the Middle Ages, social conflicts and problems, for example, could be reflected in the incorrect clothing of their compatriots, those people whose appearance differed at least a little from the appearance of everyone else, he was already like an outcast and the attitude towards him was negative, which gave rise to a conflict or problem.


1. Kholostova, E.I., Kononova, L.I. Technology of social work [text]: textbook / E.I. Kholostova, L.I. Kononova. - M.: Yurayt, 2011

2. Kholostova E.I. Theory of social work [Text]: textbook. / E.I. Kholostova, M.V. Vdovina, L.I. Kononova - M.: Yurayt, 2012

3. Pavlenok, P.D. Theory, history and methodology of social work: selected works [Text]]: tutorial/ P.D. Pavlenok. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2012

4. Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. Technology of social work with various population groups [Text]: textbook / Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. - M.: Infra-M, 2011.

5. Pavlenok P.D. Fundamentals of social work [Text]: textbook / P.D. Pavlenok. - M.: INFRA-M, 2012.

6. Basov N.F. Social work with different population groups [Text]: textbook / N.F. Basov. - M.: KnoRus, 2011.

7. Studentova E.G., Firsov, M.V. Technology of social work [text]: textbook / E.G. Studentova, M.V. Firsov - M: Yurayt, 2012.

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People rarely analyze their lives from the point of view of the influence of world processes on it. Ordinary citizens are mostly concerned about their personal life and income level, less often about their condition environment, Job social institutions and so on. But the world is becoming more and more “small” every year. Global political problems are growing, reaching with their tentacles to every person. And you won’t be able to hide from them. Their scope and intensity are so great that no one will be able to escape or sit out “in a bunker”! There is only one thing left - to join forces. So what are global political problems? How do they affect life? How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

What in

First you need to understand the concepts. The loud phrase “global political problems” is now commonly used to describe many phenomena, some of which do not apply to it at all.

To separate the wheat from the chaff ourselves, let's break this concept down into its component parts.

The word "global" means "concerning all mankind." This is not some problem of one state (albeit a very important one). This characterizes the phenomenon on a planetary scale.

The second word - “political” - is especially important. It, in fact, discards some of the problems, making them secondary to those that this term describes. The only questions that remain are those that can be resolved politically. That is, this word denotes negative phenomena on a planetary scale, regulated by a long-term nature.

Let's look for global political problems in Everyday life to understand their essence. Think about the people who live nearby. Do they all eat enough, afford to buy what they need, have a good job and are wealthy? Most likely the answer will be no.

Now take a look at your news feeds. All of them are full of messages about discussions of state debts. You can also look out the window. What is the state of your area? Is it as safe as nature intended? Just a few glances around, and we have already stumbled upon the consequences of global policies that did not lead to the flourishing of civilization.

What are the problems in global politics?

Now we can move on to the list of those phenomena that are discussed at almost all meetings of heads of state and specialists called upon to guide the course of development of civilization. The first of them is poverty. More than seven billion people live on Earth.

And most of them languish in poverty. People don't even have enough money to buy a piece of bread. This problem does not concern just one state. The situation is detrimental to the development of all humanity. People simply die from disease or exhaustion. In addition, their potential (labor, creative, and so on) is not realized.

The second problem is debt. It's about not about the funds that need to be paid to households (in the terminology of economists). The debts of countries are now so great that scientists cannot offer any intelligible way out of the situation.

The third is ecology. Man, as experts say, for a long time carried out thoughtless activities, thereby giving rise to global global problems. The state of the environment is a clear confirmation of this. We can see for ourselves some of the negative results of this activity. There is smog in cities, soil erosion in fields, forests no longer take up as much space as they used to. And the climate presents unpleasant surprises that cannot be predicted.

Global problems of the world concern not only the physical state of the planet and its inhabitants. The behavioral aspects of population groups also pose a threat to humanity. This refers to terrorism. It is now gaining enormous proportions. Terrorist states have already begun to emerge.

These are the main global problems of our planet. They are united by several features, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Basic Features

Scientists have analyzed and systematized the characteristics of the above negative phenomena. This is the conclusion they came to. differ in the following features:

  • are planetary in nature;
  • threaten the existence of humanity;
  • urgent, that is, they need immediate resolution;
  • interconnected;
  • can only be overcome through joint efforts.

It must be said that many issues facing society fall under such criteria. And over time there are more and more of them. If previously humanity was actively involved in ecology and disarmament, now it has become concerned about the decrease in resources, the state of the World Ocean, the radicalization of society and much more.

Causes of global problems

These negative phenomena were born and formed in the depths of society along with its development. It cannot be said that the global problems of the world are caused by only one priority factor. They are influenced by everything: both huge production capacity, which humanity has accumulated, and population growth, and its worldview.

Economic opportunities from positive factor turn negative. Nature suffers from consumer attitudes towards it. Plants and factories not only process resources at a gigantic pace, they pollute space and destroy the earth. But they cannot be stopped in the current paradigm of human development, as this will lead to terrible wars for consumer goods.

The population is increasingly striving for the thoughtless use of difficult-to-produce and expensive things. That is, perhaps an error has crept into the direction of our development. We tend to consume more and more without thinking about how much it costs the planet. It turns out that only the activities and direction of human development give rise to global political problems. Examples can be found in every country. There are poor and dissatisfied people everywhere. Every state faces terrorism. And there are so many weapons on the planet that the Earth can be completely destroyed. The causes of global problems must be considered comprehensively.

The birth of one leads to the emergence or escalation of another. They are all closely interconnected. And together they become a source of new ones. Perhaps after some time the confrontation of ideas will be included in their list.

Global political problems, examples of which we can study, already demonstrate the characteristics of the emergence of new ones. Loss of the meaning of existence by many members modern society- one of them. As Russian thinkers say, a national idea is needed.


It must be said that global political problems have been studied for a long time. Scientists talk about the fact that many people live below the poverty line at various levels. The fact is that this problem is circular. Due to low income levels, people do not have the opportunity to get an education and, therefore, engage in highly productive work. Society lacks potential for development. After all, the economy can be expanded only if there are (in addition to funds) highly qualified specialists. In a poor society there is nowhere to get them; we have to attract foreigners. Besides, in problem countries investments are not received due to multiple risks. Poverty leads to escalation of unrest. Such countries suffer from revolutions and regime changes. New ones, by the way, still fall into the same vicious circle. Poverty begets another global problem- terrorism. And it negatively affects not only developing countries. Armed specialists have the opportunity to move freely throughout the planet.

There are now almost no countries that are not areas of interest for terrorists. The results of their activities in individual states directly depend on the success of the intelligence services.


Global political problems of humanity are sometimes artificial. These include the debt crisis. Its roots are believed to go back to the seventies of the last century. Then, in developed countries, a sufficient number of loan capital which needed to be invested.

People regulating cash flows, decided to direct them to the development of the Asian region. The investments have done their job. Industry in this region has gained momentum, which, unfortunately, did not save us from the crisis. The fact is that not all countries were able to pay off interest on their debts. They had to declare bankruptcy. After the first such incident, it became clear that monetary system may collapse at once if no efforts are made to stabilize it.

The world is interdependent, including in the financial sector. The inability of one or more players to fulfill obligations leads to problems for the rest. And if you consider that there are not so many countries that have no debts, it’s understandable why world economy began to be compared to a soap bubble.

As a whole, humanity is obliged to pay out much more than it produces. Here, the rules and principles of the economy are already creating socio-political global problems. It turns out that developing in debt is unprofitable for states. They simply do not have time to increase their resources in sufficient quantities to repay loans. Social obligations have to be reduced, which leads to tension.

Environmental issues

When considering the global political problems of our time, along with others they call Negative influence people on the state of the environment. We have one planet.

But, unfortunately, we are destroying it for now. Industry as a whole influences global processes on the planet. Here we should talk about climate shifts, melting glaciers, changes in direction ocean currents and so on. Any of these processes can lead to such climate changes that the life of humanity will be at risk.

Some experts believe that society cannot influence negative phenomena; they happen on their own. That is, the melting of glaciers is the same pattern as the change of magnetic poles. Nevertheless, the ecosystem requires close attention and, naturally, extremely careful treatment.

Global problem: terrorism

The contradictions described above, disturbing society from within, led to people taking up arms. If we approach the problem in a global sense, we can see that their actions are based not on the desire to implement some aggressive plans, but on the desire to achieve justice.

Nevertheless, society is under constant threat of complete destruction. After all, terrorists can gain access not only to small arms. There are now opportunities to create or capture more terrible weapon mass destruction, the consequences of the use of which by a separate group of people are scary to think about. In addition, dangerous industrial enterprises(for example, nuclear power plants) can also become targets of attack. It is clear that they will affect the entire planet. There are already examples. This is the Chernobyl disaster or the Fukushima accident. Terrorism as a global problem of our time is of the most current and pressing nature.

A complex approach

To cope with challenges and contradictions, a simple approach is not enough. All problems are interconnected and tightly intertwined. It is believed that they can be solved using conceptual methods. That is, an in-depth program must be developed that affects the basic ideological aspects of human existence. For example, the idea of ​​reducing consumption and reorienting to other values ​​can reduce the level of tension in several areas at once.

Attempts to work in in this direction are being undertaken constantly. Here you can point to the movements of the “greens”. A lot of them. They are trying to prove that resources are not limitless and must be treated with care. Only the work is being done at the public level, which is clearly not enough. Problems accumulate much faster than the trends necessary to resolve them in society develop.

Work of international organizations

Many institutions deal with global issues. Considerable funds are allocated for this. Specialists various directions Constantly monitor the situation and conduct research. Naturally, global managers receive their findings and recommendations. The difficulty here is that the solution may not be simple. It is necessary to take into account the interests of states, which often contradict each other. Reaching consensus takes considerable time.

The world is changing, and decisions have to be adjusted again. This alone is not enough. The international bureaucratic machine cannot cope with challenges and sometimes slows down the implementation of already decisions made. Humanity is facing the need for fundamental changes. The system built in the last century is failing. Conceptual solutions are required that would allow us to radically change approaches to the formation of ways to get rid of global challenges. Otherwise, we simply may not have time to respond to the next disaster.

Science is making increasingly dire predictions about climate change. Unfortunately, they are confirmed by the realities of life. The Gulf Stream, for example, is slowing down, and glaciers are melting faster. But these phenomena affect every person. It turns out that we should look for ways to save the planet together. Since intergovernmental bodies cannot cope, the public needs to get involved. By the way, this may be some kind of incentive to reduce the level of relevance of several global risks at once. Mass awareness and understanding alone existing problems in itself leads to a change in behavioral and ideological habits.

1.1 Global problems of our time: essence, structure and dynamics.

1.2 The role of the UN and other international organizations in resolving global problems of our time.

1.1 Global problems of our time: essence, structure and dynamics. To understand the complex phenomena of modern political life in the field of international relations, special attention should be paid to the trends in the development of world politics. Taking into account the main trends is necessary when analyzing not only international, but also national political problems. One of the leading trends in modern political development is the transformation of international relations into truly global relations. They act in this capacity essentially only in modern times, since the modern world is represented not only by a few “great powers” ​​or a circle predominantly European countries as it was back in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, but more than 200 states in which numerous peoples of the planet live. All of them are now subjects of international relations and world politics, one way or another, influencing political processes in the world. In our time, active participation in the political life of states that are at different levels of socio-economic and cultural development, with a unique history and national experience, various types of political structure, gives rise to a very motley political landscape; new international problems and contradictions. Hence the growing role of international organizations in modern politics, designed to coordinate the activities of a large number of national states acting as subjects. The complication of international political relations is also caused by the destruction of the bipolar world associated with the existence in the recent past of two “superpowers” ​​and two powerful military-political blocs, and the formation of a new international political structure.

An important trend characterizing modern political relations is the growth of integration processes in the world while simultaneously awakening and developing the national self-awareness of peoples. This trend manifests itself in very contradictory ways internationally. On the one hand, there is an increasing desire in the world for internationalization, including in the sphere of politics, based on the economic rapprochement of countries and peoples; on the other hand, the national and nationalistic aspirations of various peoples are becoming more and more prominent, which has been defined as a “national renaissance” as a phenomenon of the world order.

Finally, the most important trend in the development of the modern world is the promotion of problems of a different order to the center of world politics and international relations. The distinctive features of these problems are: complexity, systematicity and universal character.

Global problems include four main groups: socio-political, socio-economic, environmental and humanitarian. All of them require not only special consideration, but also the use of specific political means for timely and effective resolution.

Socio-political problems constitute a significant range of extremely urgent tasks that need to be solved through the joint efforts of the entire world community. These include: preventing nuclear war, ending the arms race and disarmament, peaceful resolution of interstate disputes, as well as regional and international armed conflicts, building a non-violent peace based on trust between peoples and strengthening the international security system. These problems (especially the prevention of nuclear war and disarmament) are of paramount nature, since the existence of humanity itself largely depends on their timely solution

Problems socio-economic nature are associated with overcoming economic exploitation and underdevelopment, poverty and backwardness, with the search for ways to resolve the energy, raw materials and food crises, and the acute demographic situation in developing countries.

Environmental the problems involve issues of preserving the natural habitat of people, requiring international efforts and coordination, and Humanities – are related to the human dimension of social progress, which involves ensuring the entire range of human rights, spiritual development personality, overcoming cultural backwardness and expansion. Resolving global problems of our time is the most important task of international politics.

1.2 The role of the UN and other international organizations in resolving global problems of our time. The accelerating pace of global change has taken much of the world community by surprise. Capital, goods and people move around the world at such speed and in such complex ways that it is impossible to predict the situation more than a few years in advance. Political maps are constantly being reshaped due to ethnic conflicts and claims of various political groups to new territories.

All this gave rise to enormous social tension, which existing development strategies were unable to cope with. Many social institutions that functioned effectively before are now not only ignored, but ruthlessly destroyed, because they are considered an obstacle to progress.

And this happens at all levels: at the international level - social organizations are absorbed by transnational corporations and international financial associations; nationally - many government agencies are closing or changing the nature of their activities; At the local level, market and globalization forces are undermining the foundations of family and community life.

Global connectivity.

The transformations of recent years have taken different forms in different countries, but there are six main trends that determine the overall process of institutional change:

First. The spread of liberal democracy. Thanks to him, the number of people who received the right to openly and freely express their opinions and participate in politics has increased significantly. However, it also caused new discord in society, often aggravating ethnic or territorial conflicts.

Second. The Predominance of Market Forces in the Economy Economic liberalism has become the dominant ideology since the mid-1970s. Economic efficiency has increased, while strengthening, at the expense of poorer social classes and countries, the power of a powerful part of society, including some national and international elites, creditor countries and international financial institutions.

Third. Integration of the world economy. Nowadays, capital, goods and labor cross national borders much more quickly, making international competition much fiercer than before.

Fourth. Transformation of production systems and leakage work force. Today, industry is based on small and flexible production systems, and workers choose to move into the service sector, work part-time or engage in informal activities, significantly weakening the capacity of trade unions and the ability of the state to regulate labor, collect taxes and finance social programs.

Fifth. Speed ​​of technological update. The computerization of production and communication systems continues to have a decisive influence on the restructuring of labor relations, making some specialties obsolete, giving rise to others, and supporting new power relations within and between states.

Sixth. The media revolution and the violence of consumerism. The persuasive power of the media around the world is now so great that they sometimes have a destructive effect on national cultures and traditional values.

At first glance, all this seems to be an inevitable and natural manifestation of technological or cultural evolution. But in reality, such an evolution is largely determined by the economic and political interests of advanced industrial countries.

Rebuilding societies destroyed by war.

Many ethnic conflicts have turned into violent wars. In 1993, there were 52 in 42 countries major conflict, the most powerful of which raged in the states of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Africa.

Of course, the international community is stepping up efforts to end these wars, helped by a number of circumstances: the UN, whose activities are no longer constrained by conditions cold war, gained the opportunity to fulfill its peacekeeping role much more effectively; thanks to the work of mass media, military actions taking place anywhere quickly become known to the general public; Finally, there are growing fears around the world that conflicts will spread across the borders of individual states.

The problems facing war-torn states are related to the solution of three most difficult tasks: to consolidate peace, to provide emergency assistance to the population and to put the country on the path of stable development. These three tasks are interconnected, and although, depending on the situation, one or the other comes to the fore, in any case they must be dealt with simultaneously, because without solving each of them it is impossible to solve everything.

The end of the Cold War was another factor that allowed UN bodies to act more flexibly. In the early 1990s. there was one goal - to establish “peace corridors” for the delivery of humanitarian aid. But when they became difficult to maintain, the UN began to combine humanitarian aid with military intervention, as was the case, for example, in northern Iraq, Somalia and Bosnia.

This new style of UN intervention has saved many lives and helped hundreds of thousands of refugees get back on their feet.

States in the process of globalization.

In some countries, ethnic or other conflicts have led to state collapse. But even in calmer and ethnically homogeneous countries, many state institutions have collapsed. In developing countries, the “patron-client” relationship model took hold, with the help of which the state “co-opted” key economic and social institutions.

Other social institutions are also being eroded. Trade unions, for example, are experiencing considerable difficulties because the very models of labor organization are changing: people are more flexible in their employment, moving to service industries - all this undermines the organizational foundations of trade unions.

International organizations and civil society.

The processes brought about by globalization give reason to hope that the coming years will mark the beginning of a new era in global decision-making. There are two factors that can improve the effectiveness of global governance structures and move them closer to democratic ideals: first, increasing pluralism (enabling non-state actors to influence policy and holding powerful institutions accountable); secondly, increasing the democracy of international organizations (expanding representation, increasing transparency and strengthening accountability in decision-making).

The past 20 years have seen the rapid development of transnational civil society networks. The first registered international non-governmental organization (NGO), the Anti-Slavery Society, arose in 1839, and by 1874 there were 32 such organizations. In the 20th century the number of international NGOs increased from 1,083 in 1914 to more than 37 thousand in 2000. Of all international NGOs existing today, almost a fifth emerged after 1990. Today there are more than 20,000 transnational networks in the world. The amount of resources distributed through international NGOs has increased more than sevenfold over the past three decades.

As a result, a new global policy is beginning to emerge that can become a catalyst for social change and innovative approaches.
