Giant centipede: what a huge centipede is. Giant scolopendra

December 20th, 2016

Scolopendras are the largest labiopods, living mainly in the tropics and subtropics; only a few species penetrate into colder zones. Most scolopendras live under stones, under logs, in rock cracks and other similar shelters, where during dry times of the day the air is saturated with water vapor. Due to this, the body of scolopendras is strongly flattened in the dorso-ventral direction. Centipedes come out of hiding almost exclusively at night, hunting for various invertebrates, although there are also known cases of large centipedes attacking birds, lizards and toads. Giant scolopendra reaches a length of 26 cm, it is found on the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad and in the north and west South America.

Centipedes are individualists and live alone. But if two centipedes suddenly meet in the same underground passage, they usually crawl away peacefully. It happens that males cling to each other with their hind legs and sit like that for more than an hour, and then still crawl to the sides. But they can also bite each other - then in half the cases the centipedes die. In captivity, it happens that hungry adult centipedes kill and eat young ones, but in nature, apparently, cannibalism does not occur very often.

At the end of spring - beginning of summer, scolopendras begin to reproduce - the male weaves a web around his earthen passage and lays a spermatophore - a sperm sac - on it. Then he pushes the female, forcing her to crawl over the spermatophore and pick it up to fertilize the eggs. In Crimea, there are populations of only female scolopendras; they reproduce parthenogenetically, without the participation of males. The female guards the laid eggs in a burrow for several weeks, wrapping her legs around them. At this moment, it releases special substances that inhibit the development of mold. Finally, the young larvae emerge - white and soft.

Having moulted several times, they darken and crawl away, starting to independent life. But until maturity, their color will be lighter than that of adults. The life cycle of centipedes is longer than that of many insects, averaging 1-2 years in small species. large scorpopendras can live up to 6 years, at least in captivity.

Currently, more than 550 species of scolopendra have been described. These are mainly inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics, only a few reach Europe and Far East. The ringed scolopendra is common in our country; in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, Transcaucasia and Central Asia there are several more similar, smaller species. In the Primorsky Territory there were isolated finds of Asian centipedes otostigmus and subspinipes. The latter, Scolopendra subspinipes, is widespread in South Asia and reaches a length of 20 cm. There is a known case in which a seven-year-old child died from its bite to the head in the Philippines - this is the only reliably recorded case of human death from centipede venom.

And in general, a person rarely has the opportunity to be bitten by a scolopendra - unless it accidentally runs into his home at night and is accidentally crushed. Centipedes use their venom sparingly and can bite several times in a row. In humans, their bites cause local swelling and pain, usually lasting 1-2 hours. If the scolopendra is large, these phenomena can last for several days, and the temperature may rise.

Centipede venom contains lecithin, histamine, thermolysins, and hyaluronidase. It is well preserved in the cold, but is quickly destroyed when heated, under the influence of ether, ethyl alcohol, and strong alkalis. Therefore, when bitten by large centipedes, it is recommended to slightly incise the wounds from the jaws and wash them with alcohol, a strong solution of potassium permanganate or ammonia.

The largest scolopendra, the giant scolopendra (Scolopendra gigantea), can reach more than 26 cm in length. She was even credited with attacks on toads, lizards and chicks. This species lives in the Antilles and northwestern South America.

Representatives of the genus of blind centipedes - Cryptops - live in top layer soil, these animals almost never come to its surface. They are also poisonous, but their weak jaws cannot bite through the skin. These small yellow-brown centipedes, 3-4 cm long, are found in the steppes and gardens up to the latitude of Moscow, that is, much north of the real centipedes. But in the tropics their diversity is much greater and they are colored bluish, greenish, reddish, yellow, and violet.

The California green centipede (Scolopendra heros) is diurnal, and when disturbed, it secretes a substance that irritates the skin if the centipede runs over the body, scratching it with its claws. By the way, when our ringed scolopendra runs along the hand, it tingles the body with its claws and leaves red dots on it, which, however, quickly disappear.

The Vietnamese scolopendra otostigmus (Otostigmus aculeatus) secretes a luminescent liquid with the smell of phosphorus - it causes severe burns, skin inflammation.

Some African centipedes can make chirping and crackling noises with their rear pairs of legs, which scares away enemies, such as centipedes rhizidae, alipes, and South African centipedes. Interestingly, they themselves do not react to sound.

Small relatives of scolopendras - drupes (Lithobiomorpha) are widespread. In the Caucasus, cases are described when they accidentally got into the stomach along with fruit or crawled into the nose of a sleeping person. But this happens rarely. More northern drupes lead an inconspicuous terrestrial lifestyle. Sometimes they are found in cities near the damp foundations of houses. Drupes feed on small soil inhabitants: nematode worms, oligochaetes, and beetle larvae. They also have poison glands, but their jaws cannot pierce human skin.

Among the predatory centipedes, the scutigera flycatcher (Scutigera coleoptrata) with 15 pairs of long legs and long antennae is also noticeable. She runs along walls and hunts flies and other small insects. The flycatcher has many eyes; their clusters resemble the compound eyes of insects and are apparently used for hunting. The flycatcher is more adapted to dry air than other centipedes and is more often found during the day, although in hot, sundial still hiding in a shelter. At the same time, it can be active at more low temperatures than many insects - this helps her in hunting. Now the flycatcher has become rare in Crimea and is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

In general, centipedes suffer greatly from the massive use of pesticides. But let's hope that they will still remain in the future as an essential element of the soil fauna.

Centipedes living in our southern regions, as a rule, do not bite, but, nevertheless, if this “cute insect” runs over a person’s body, it will not bring much joy, since scalding mucus will remain on the skin. Unfortunately, this creature is active at night, loves to crawl into residential buildings (well, as they say, it’s a sin not to crawl into tourist tents) and hide in a secluded place. During the day, she strives to hide somewhere under a stone, in small cracks in the soil or in burrows. In general, in most cases scolopendras are not too aggressive.

If she defends herself, she can jump high and run away quite quickly. Sometimes, if you accidentally press down or pick it up, it can bite. True, scolopendra rarely bites; usually it is limited to scalding mucus. One pair of scolopendra legs forms the so-called jaws with claws, connected to poisonous glands. The hind pair of legs are special dragging legs that help cling to clods of soil.

Scolopendra is a good hunter. Although she spends most of her time underground, and, accordingly, her vision is impaired big problems, but she has an excellent sense of touch. The victims are earthworms, beetles, and larvae. On the ground surface it attacks flying insects, such as wasps or flies. Large species of scolopendra living in the tropics can prey on birds, lizards and frogs.

True, scolopendra never stays long on an open surface; it is much more comfortable in the ground. There she moves much faster than on the surface. Various small insects, also tending to various cracks in the soil, often end up as scolopendra's lunch. Having grabbed a potential victim with its front legs, the scolopendra plunges its poisonous jaws into it and begins to slowly chew. In general, the process of eating by scolopendra is very, very long. After each meal she takes a short break. It cleans itself often and a lot, passing its legs and antennae on both sides, alternately, through the mandibles.

In our country, centipedes are found in the south. Fortunately, of the more than six hundred species of scolopendra that exist on globe, living in our country, as well as in Crimea and Transcaucasia, do not pose any particular danger. The most common species in our south is the ringed scolopendra (Scolopendra cingulata), measuring approximately 10 centimeters. The most unpleasant time for encounters with scolopendra in the south of Russia and Crimea is spring and autumn.

Scolopendras are especially poisonous in the spring. Most species of scolopendra live in the tropics, and, as a rule, they are poisonous and can pose a real danger to humans. For example, the Vietnamese scolopendra secretes mucus with the smell of phosphorus, which causes the most severe burns and inflammation of the skin. The green Californian scolopendra is also poisonous.

The largest centipedes live in Australia and Brazil - purple, red and yellow color. They can reach a length of up to 30 centimeters. In an adult, scolopendra bites usually cause focal local swelling; bites of some tropical scolopendra species can also cause an increase in temperature. Naturally, for people with weakened bodies and for children, as well as people prone to allergic reactions, scolopendra bites can cause much more harm. There are known deaths, for example, in the Philippines, a seven-year-old child died from a scolopendra bite to the head.

If you are bitten or burned by a scolopendra, you must go to the nearest hospital as soon as possible, after, if possible, treating the affected area with alcohol and applying a sterile bandage.

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Scolopendras are not the most pleasant creatures. And no one is safe from meeting them. Many species of these arthropods are poisonous, and some have adapted to live very close to us - in apartments.


Scientists have counted 8,000 species of different scolopendras living in different parts of the planet. These centipedes are the only arthropods in which the legs of the first segment are not intended for walking. It's about about special appendages, the so-called forcipules, which have poisonous claws.

That is why their appearance causes deserved fear in people. Writers and screenwriters turn to the image of centipedes to make their works more creepy. For example, the American writer William Seward Burroughs, in his novels “Cities of the Red Night”, “The Space of the Dead Roads” and “The Western Lands”, called the centipede an absolute evil. The movie "King Kong" (2005) shows how huge centipedes attacked travelers.

Poisonous creature

Depending on the species and age, a scolopendra bite can have a variety of consequences for a person, including death. Moreover, females are more poisonous than males.

Fortunately, deadly centipedes are not found in Russia. But scolopendras, which live in the Crimea, in particular on Tarkhankut, can indeed sting very painfully.

“A centipede about thirteen centimeters crawled into my sneaker at Cape Sarych,” said local resident Alexander. - I tore off my shoes in an instant from the pain without untying the laces. A bee bite compared to a scolopendra is about the same as a mosquito bite compared to a wasp. The temperature remained high for two days.”

Is it a centipede?

How many legs does the centipede, sometimes called the centipede, actually have? Judging by the name, which has taken root among the common people, forty. Meanwhile, depending on the species, these arthropods can have from 15 to 171 body segments and the same number of pairs of legs. However, in any case, they always have an odd number of pairs of legs, so in reality centipedes do not occur in nature.


By nature, all centipedes are predators. Small - feed on other invertebrates, mollusks and annelids. More large species, living in the tropics, are able to eat a frog and even small birds. Having attacked the victim, centipedes wrap themselves around the prey and wait for the poison to begin to act. Only after this do they start eating.

Even those centipedes that live in our homes - Scutigera coleoptrata - are also predators, and they feed on flies, cockroaches, spiders, bedbugs and other domestic insects. They are often called common flycatchers. These are, as a rule, four-centimeter, 15-segmented centipedes that run very quickly from people. They can only be removed with sticky traps or by eliminating moisture in the house.

Long-lived arthropods

Compared to most other arthropods, centipedes are long-lived. There are many species that live for two to three years. This is also surprising because centipedes grow throughout their lives, unlike other insects in which growth stops with puberty.

Another unique ability of these creatures is regeneration. lost legs, for example, after a bird attack. True, new pairs grow after molting. In this case, the regenerated legs are shorter than the old legs.

Loving mothers

Typically, arthropod insects, with rare exceptions, are irresponsible parents. It is believed that maternal love is inherent in more developed animals.

However, scientists were surprised to discover that scolopendras have a maternal instinct. For example, soil scolopendras Geophilomorpha and tropical look centipedes Scolopendromorpha guard the egg mass until the larvae emerge. However, here too scolopendras have amazing properties that are practically not found in the rest of the animal world. Some of them reproduce without the participation of a male - that is, parthenogenetically. These are the centipedes that live in Crimea.

Giant scolopendras

On the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad, as well as in some places in South America, there live giant centipedes, which can have a length of 26 cm. However, a thirty-centimeter centipede was found in Australia. It is known about these insects that they eat for a very long time so as not to harm themselves by overeating and often take breaks in the process of devouring the victim. After eating, these centipedes carefully clean their jaws with their antennae.

Scolopendra is an amazing armored insect belonging to the genus of labiopods or arthropod centipedes. Who are the “lipopods”? This is a subclass of insects, also called chilopoda, they usually have a large number of legs, like the centipede.

Appearance and varieties

Scolopendra resembles a long, thick worm, usually brown or black, sometimes with a hint of green, whose body consists of segments (about twenty or more pieces) and has many pairs of legs extending from each such segment. The first pair of legs of the scolopendra are the so-called maxillae., which are designed to grab the victim.

Externally scolopendra different types may differ slightly in color or functional features. For example, at blind scolopendra very weak jaws, so it will not even be able to bite through human skin, although a bird that inadvertently eats such an insect will receive a sufficient amount of poison to soon die. U centipede flycatchers, on the contrary, the eyes are very developed, and the adaptability to a dry climate is higher than that of the others.

And here is the Vietnamese scolopendra ostigmus(Otostigmus aculeatus) emits a luminescent liquid with the smell of phosphorus, which causes quite severe burns. There are also such African centipedes(rhisids, alipes), which are able to use their hind legs to make a chirping sound that scares away other insects and enemies, but has no effect on representatives of their species.

Distribution in nature and habitats

Now scientists know about six hundred species of centipedes. They love warm climates, so they live mainly in the tropics (for example, in Australia), but sometimes they are found in colder climates.

The largest representative of its species is giant centipede with a body length of about 30 cm. It lives in western South America, as well as in Thailand and Jamaica.

Smaller insects also live in colder climates; for example, the Crimean fauna includes a large number of these centipedes. Scolopendras try to spend less time on the surface of the earth, especially in dry climates, since deficiencies in the covering of their bodies do not allow them to retain vital moisture inside for a long time - it evaporates very quickly. This is why they prefer moist, shady places.

Scolopendra is popularly called the centipede. These arthropods can have from 15 to 171 body segments, or from 30 to 342 legs. But they always have an odd number of pairs of legs, so in reality centipedes do not occur in nature.

Scolopendras live much longer than most arthropods. Many species live up to 2-3 years. Surprisingly, they grow throughout life.

Poison and hunting

Scolopendras are predators. The front jaws of this insect are connected to poisonous glands, so that when capturing a victim, they release this poison into its body. The venom contains substances such as histamine, acetylocholine, serotonin, thermolysins, hyaluronidase, but it is always used sparingly: scolopendra does not bite everyone.

This insect can hunt both underground, climbing into numerous passages dug by other insects and animals, and on the ground, attacking grasshoppers and even frogs. By the way, they can also fight among themselves, and the fight most often goes to the death!

Note! Even if the centipede does not bite a person, but only crawls across the skin, the mucus it leaves behind can cause severe burns (this applies to the ringed subspecies)!

A bite from a tropical centipede can be fatal (over the last hundred years, only three such deaths have been officially registered), but if you encounter this militant insect in our latitudes and receive a bite, you should not worry too much, since the poisonous liquid of these species causes only only swelling of the skin and pain that goes away after a couple of hours. However, you still need to be careful and not expose yourself to unnecessary danger when encountering a centipede: you can never be 100% sure that a bite will not cause a fever and an increase in temperature or a severe allergic reaction.

How to protect yourself from scolopendra bites and what to do after?

Since this insect does not potentially “hunt” people, you should not underestimate it at the moment of fright: in a state of fear, it can just begin to bite, defending itself. Based on this, anyone can protect themselves from its bites by following a few simple rules:

  • When camping with a tent, carefully check its insides before going to bed.
  • Close the tents tightly so that no insects can get inside.
  • In the morning, carefully inspect your clothes and shoes if you spent the night in the forest or in other natural places where the described centipedes may be encountered.
  • If you decide to get a scolopendra, how pet, do not touch it with bare hands, use gloves or tongs.

If you still cannot avoid the bite, take the following actions:

  1. Wash the affected area with water and disinfectant.
  2. Apply a sterile dressing.
  3. If the venom causes severe pain, apply a cold compress.
  4. Provide rest to the person who has been bitten.
  5. Be sure to make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
  6. Go to the hospital.

Reproduction and lifespan

A favorable time for multi-legged insects to reproduce is mid-spring. Only the female can participate in the process of fertilization of eggs (this phenomenon is called “parthenogenesis”): she lays eggs and after hatching small centipedes, which at first look like worms, crawls away after a few days.

On a note! Scolopendra's life in natural conditions has not been fully studied, but in captivity (in an apartment) this insect lives up to seven years!

Scolopendra in dreams and on the body...

On a note. If you dream of a scolopendra, take a close look at the people who surround you: perhaps among them there is your hidden enemy or a person who is posing as someone else, that is, simply deceiving you.

Moreover, a large number of such insects in a dream foreshadows the loss of money, and if you crush one of them, this portends victory over the enemy (enemies). And if you saw in a dream how scolopendras bite you, this means that someone is “vampiring” your life energy in reality.

Interesting! A scolopendra tattoo usually means “Careful, I’m dangerous, don’t come near me!”


The giant centipede belongs to the genus of labiopods, the centipede family. These are nocturnal arthropods that spend most of their lives underground. They are loners, but if they encounter their own kind, they usually scatter in different directions.

In rare cases, they show aggression and bite each other, in which case the meeting ends in death for one of the parties. Females are considered especially poisonous.
At night, centipedes go out hunting for invertebrates and their larvae; there are known cases of attacks on lizards, small birds, even bats. They kill the victim by plunging their poisonous jaws into its body and wrapping it around their long body.

The breeding season is late spring - early summer, usually these creatures lay eggs after mating, some species can reproduce without the participation of males.

Natural enemies in nature include cats, foxes, rats, rooks, geckos and snakes.


The body length of the giant scolopendra is on average 26 cm, it is divided into a head and a long body consisting of many (21-23) segments. On the head there are jaws equipped with poisonous spines.

Her eyes have a simple structure, so they see poorly; her vision is replaced by touch and smell. Each segment of the body has a pair of legs; the rear pair drags, clinging to clods of earth, thus helping with movement.

The color depends on the habitat: from lemon yellow to red-brown, in some countries the color can be green or blue.


As already mentioned, scolopendras spend most of their time underground in a hole, besides this, their favorite places- shadow under stones, fallen trees, in rocks. They prefer to live in subtropical and tropical climate with good air humidity. Giant individuals live in South America, on Jamaica, and the island of Trinidad.

Types of centipedes

Ringed- 14-17 cm in length, can be black, olive, orange and brownish. The species is distributed in Turkey, Spain, Italy, the south of France, Israel, Crimea, and North Africa.
- up to 18 cm, lives in Central America, the Virgin and Hawaiian Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, the Antilles, and northern South America. Color: black head, dark green body with a blue tint, other individuals have a red head, olive body.
- up to 20 cm, color: burgundy with brown, yellow-green, orange, red. Live in North America.
- up to 13 cm, orange, yellow or olive in color, head and limbs red, common in the USA and Algeria.
- up to 13 cm, in pet stores it is presented as “Texas tiger”, “striped tiger”. Lives in North America, has a bright, varied color.
- about 20 cm, inhabits the tropics of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, orange-brown color.

Did you know? Scientists of antiquity, such as Aristotle, Claudius Aelian, Ulysses Androvandi, described the scolopendra as a terrible sea ​​monster with hairy nostrils the size of a whale.

In captivity, centipedes live for about six to seven years, reproduce well, but it is advisable to remove the young, as cases of cannibalism have been observed.


Centipede diet:

  • defrosted mice,
  • crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches;
  • shrimp, scallops;
  • small fish.

Important! At home, scolopendra is practically omnivorous, but it cannot be given more than five, for example, crickets per week, due to its digestive characteristics.

Arrangement of the terrarium

For the ward, you need to choose a terrarium that will significantly exceed its length, the approximate dimensions, not counting the height of the soil, are 30x40x30 cm. Peat and sand are used as soil, preferably the presence of living plants, you can place a couple of large stones and driftwood.

The top of the terrarium must be closed so that the pet does not escape. It is imperative to place a container of water; the depth should allow the centipede to submerge in the water, but not drown. Content temperature: +25 °C...+27 °C. To maintain the required humidity, part of the substrate must be moistened regularly.


Scolopendra is not a pet that can be caressed, stroked and squeezed. Not having good eyesight, she may perceive you as an enemy and bite. Its bite is not fatal to humans, but very painful. Its venom causes swelling, temperature and fever symptoms. The mucus that it secretes from the glands is also poisonous and causes skin burns.

Important! Since the effect of the poison is destroyed under the influence high temperatures and ethers, you should immediately treat a bite or burn with alcohol, you can disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate and apply a sterile bandage, then be sure to see a doctor.

Scolopendra and man

Centipede venom is used in Chinese medicine to treat rheumatic pain, skin and kidney diseases. In the cuisine of some Asian and African countries, scolopendra, strung on a stick and fried, is a delicacy for tourists and a common dish for locals.

There have been no reported deaths from arthropod bites, except for one case in the Philippines. There, a seven-year-old child died from the poison; the bite hit his head. From this we can conclude: a danger still exists if the victim has a weakened or insufficiently strong immune system, he is susceptible to allergic reactions if he is not provided with qualified assistance in a timely manner.

Did you know? In China there is a legend about the dragon king Lung Wang. One day he fell ill, and no one could heal him until one of the healers discovered a centipede behind the dragon's scales. The doctor removed the centipede and anointed the burn with ointment; as a sign of gratitude, the dragon king promised to send people favorable weather. Until now, Healing Day is celebrated every year in China; during the holiday, a dragon dance is always performed.

A passion for exotic things can lead to undesirable consequences, so before getting pets like scolopendra, you should think carefully. If you do decide, follow safety precautions in your behavior with such a pet “animal”.

Good morning! Not long ago, my brother lived in a rented apartment, it was on the first floor. As fall approached, he noticed millipedes appearing in the kitchen and bathroom. When I came to visit him, I also witnessed the presence of this insect.

To be honest, there is very little that is pleasant, its appearance is frightening, and even a bunch of legs that move very quickly. There was no strength to tolerate the presence of centipedes; at first they were caught one by one, but they appeared again. After reading information about centipedes, I learned that there are a very large number of them and some of them are poisonous.

Having applied the material I had read, I advised my brother how to get rid of them and after a couple of days everything was successful. In this article you will learn: is scolopendra dangerous for humans, what types exist, how to treat bites and how to deal with it in the house.

Is scolopendra dangerous for humans: general characteristics

There are different points of view regarding the toxicity of centipedes. It all depends on the specific species. Flycatchers are quite harmless, even if their poison gets on the skin, it does not more dangerous than a bite bees. But the larger brothers are more dangerous.

They live in grass and forests, reach large sizes, and have bright colors. Venom glands are located on the sides of the body. Therefore, skin contact with the legs causes burns. However, the bite is not fatal to humans.

But it can cause a lot of unpleasant minutes:

  • There is redness at the site of the bite.
  • Blisters form.
  • Pain and swelling appear.

Centipede is considered poisonous insects, capable of causing minor harm to the human body. The jaws of arthropods have a special sharp claw, curved inward, as well as a canal for a gland containing poison.

The tip of the claw has a small hole through which poisonous substance gets inside the victim.

Scolopendra venom has a paralytic effect; when injected into the victim’s body, it causes severe pain, inflammatory process and tissue swelling. Centipedes are considered to be the longest-livers among other insects; cases have been recorded when scolopendra lived for about 7 years in captivity.

Source: ";"

Where can you get a bite?

Giant aggressive centipedes live only in hot countries, so meeting them is possible during a trip to these parts. In the territory Russian Federation Some species of arthropods are found. Live in Rostov region, in the Caucasus, Krasnodar, Crimea.

The most common type of centipede is the Crimean centipede, which has a yellow-golden color and a body length of no more than 15 cm. This type of arthropod has distinctive feature: insects are able to reproduce without the participation of individuals of the other sex.

The Crimean scolopendra is not a dangerous poisonous insect; its meeting with a person does not cause harm to the latter great harm. The bite of the Crimean centipede rarely causes negative consequences for human health.

Most centipede bites occur during gardening; a person rarely notices the insect and accidentally touches it. Tourists who decide to spend the night outdoors often suffer from scolopendra attacks.

Insects crawl into tents, people's personal belongings, and shoes. Most centipedes prefer to live in residential buildings, especially those whose walls and foundations are damp. Scolopendra bites a person only in self-defense when it feels a threat to life. The insect itself never attacks people.

Bite symptoms

If a person is bitten by a scolopendra, the victim will experience the following symptoms:

  1. two punctures at the site of the bite;
  2. strong pain at the site of the formed wound;
  3. burning sensation;
  4. the skin in the area of ​​the bite becomes red;
  5. swelling forms on the affected limb;
  6. the bitten person feels dizzy and weak throughout the body;
  7. sometimes body temperature rises (up to 39oC);
  8. a feeling of nausea or vomiting occurs.
A scolopendra bite does not pose a strong danger to the life of a healthy adult.

But for people with reduced immunity, suffering allergic reactions, children and the elderly, an insect attack threatens to result in dire consequences:

  • infection of the wound; the arthropod feeds on rotten plants, so pathogenic microflora often invades the bite site;
  • rhabdomyolysis - breakdown of muscle tissue;
  • renal failure occurring in acute form;
  • myoglobinuria;
  • anaphylactic shock occurs in people who are highly sensitive to insect venom;
  • in rare cases, myocardial infarction or coronary vasospasm is observed.

If the person bitten has no health problems, treatment is not required; after a couple of days, the listed symptoms disappear. In other cases, the victim requires urgent intervention from medical workers.

Source: ""

Treatment of a bite

When bitten you need:

  1. Wash the wound with soap and water.
  2. Disinfect with any suitable means: alcohol, vodka, cologne, boric acid, calendula tincture.
  3. Apply a cold compress for 40 minutes if the burning sensation is severe and swelling has formed.
  4. Take a pain reliever or antihistamine if necessary.

Afterwards you need to observe changes in your well-being. If alarming symptoms appear (severe malaise, nausea, confusion, vomiting), you should consult a doctor. As a rule, nothing like this happens.

In the case of scolopendra, everything is much more serious - the result can be severe swelling (if a limb is bitten, it will swell entirely), an increase in temperature and a sharp deterioration in well-being.

If you are bitten by a scolopendra, instead of a cold compress, you can apply a heating pad with a temperature of 45 C. Under the influence of temperature, the scolopendra's venom is partially destroyed, and the person feels better.

But still, in this case, it is better to immediately apply for medical care, and if a child or small pet is bitten, it is imperative to consult a doctor. When providing first aid Not recommended:

  • apply a tourniquet (tissue necrosis may occur and gangrenous phenomena may develop);
  • cauterize the wound, as with a karakurt bite (the wound with a scolopendra bite is deeper, so a small cauterization will not have the effect of destroying the poison, and a deep burn is dangerous for the body);
  • cut the skin to possibly remove the poison.

Important: You should not drink alcohol - it causes the blood to move faster, which leads to faster absorption of the poison.

Source: ";"

Scolopendra - who is it?

The centipede Scolopendra (Scolopendromorpha) is an interesting invertebrate found under stones, in the forest floor, and in the top layer of soil. Of particular interest is the number of legs animals have, which is why they are called centipedes.

During the daytime they are difficult to notice as they are not amateurs. daylight, but prefer humidity and complete darkness. Externally, Scolopendras are similar and their appearance frightens many: they have a flat body, divided into segments (from 21 to 30, the common flycatcher is an exception, it has only 15 segments) promoting agility.

Greenish or brown color (less often black or dirty yellow), which helps to camouflage well among environment, jaws, terrifying for prey, and a chitinous shell, thanks to which it is not so easy to kill.

Scolopendra - from lat. Scolopendridae - belong to the labiopod family. Animals have 4 pairs of eyes, from 21 pairs to 23 pairs of legs and many poisonous well-developed hooks. Scolopendras are found in tropical and subtropical climate.

Insects are active night look life, and during the daytime they try to hide in some kind of crevice. If there are no cracks, then the centipedes burrow into loose soil, but sand is suitable. They sit in the shelter until dark, and then go out to hunt.

Absolutely all species of these insects are predators. Quite a lot of species of representatives of the order Scolopendra are known.

The vast majority of species live in tropical and subtropical regions of the Earth, where there is no winter. Species living in temperate latitudes, much smaller, usually 8 - 12 cm. In the countries of the former Union they are found in the south: in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Crimea and Stavropol region.

However, the smallest species can be found up to the Moscow region. Scolopendras have an elongated body, reminiscent of a worm, with an abundance of tiny legs. The front pair of legs of scolopendras has degenerated into claws, which are called jaws. The claws have ducts for the passage of poisonous liquid.

All centipedes lead a predominantly underground, hidden lifestyle. They see almost nothing, distinguishing only between day and night.

The opinion that centipedes are insects is incredibly widespread; sometimes it can be found even in relatively serious sources. Apparently some external resemblance and the fact that these animals are classified as arthropods.

And for some reason arthropods are associated with insects. In fact, not all arthropods are insects; let us at least remember crustaceans.

Centipedes are centipedes; a special superclass that biologists call “sister” to insects. That is, they are close “relatives,” but the centipede cannot be called an insect.

Source: ";;"

Types of centipedes

There are about 600 species of these insects in nature, but we will describe the most interesting of them:

  1. Giant scolopendra.
  2. As you probably already guessed from the name, this is the largest scolopendra, its body length reaches 35 cm. It is also the most dangerous, since its bite can be fatal to humans.

    The giant scolopendra lives in the tropics of South America.
  3. Ringed scolopendra (Crimean scolopendra).
  4. In our country it is better known as the Crimean scolopendra, since its habitat is Southern Europe, including our Ukrainian Crimea. The Crimean scolopendra is not as large (and not as dangerous) as the giant one, its body length is on average 10 cm.

    The ringed scolopendra has a golden yellow color and is a very fast insect that eats other smaller insects.

  5. Californian scolopendra.
  6. The Californian scolopendra lives in the arid regions of the Southern United States and Mexico. Its body length reaches 20 cm.

    It has a bright orange color. Although its venom is not as toxic as that of the giant scolopendra, it can nevertheless easily cause inflammation of the skin in humans upon contact with the poisonous limbs of this centipede.

  7. Scolopendra Lucas.
  8. Scolopendra Lucas also lives in Southern Europe. Its body is rusty in color and its head is heart-shaped.

  9. House scolopendra (flycatcher).
  10. The smallest and most harmless of centipedes, its body length is only 3 to 6 cm. Also, unlike its dangerous relatives, it has no poison and, as a result, does not pose any threat to humans.

    It lives in southern Europe, the Mediterranean and also in North Africa. It got its name because of its habit of settling in people’s houses, and although, as we have already noted, this scolopendra does not pose a threat, nevertheless, its presence in the house is not at all desirable.

    The domestic scolopendra feeds on small insects, usually flies, which is why it is even nicknamed the flycatcher.

  11. Chinese scolopendra.
  12. This representative of the scolopendra kingdom lives in Asia, in particular China, and also in Australia. It is distinguished by its red color, which is why it is also known as the Chinese red centipede.

    Interesting fact: the inventive Chinese have learned to use the poison of the Chinese scolopendra in medical purposes, in the treatment of various skin diseases, in small doses it promotes the healing process.

  13. Crimean scolopendra.
  14. Crimean scolopendra is found on the Crimean peninsula. Characterized by wayward behavior, it can cause damage to human health. Belongs to the genus Scolopendra. It is popularly called “centipede” because of the large number of limbs.

    Not afraid of man. Can be found at the dacha, in the house, in a tent on the seashore, in a holiday house. Crawls into the room through cracks, doorways, windows, sewers, pipelines, ventilation grilles. Moves quickly.

    It has an interesting appearance and often becomes a resident of the home terrarium. You can get acquainted with the Crimean centipede directly on the peninsula, but it’s better to do it in advance!

    Ringed Crimean scolopendra 12 cm long, saturated Brown or redhead. Reminds me big worm with paws. There are strong antennae on the head and a thin tail at the end. Settles on the coast, in the mountains. Moisture is needed for normal existence. On a hot day, the Crimean centipede hides under stones in the shade.

    Intensifies activity at night. The insect is heat-loving, and with the onset of cold weather it moves closer to a person’s home, and then even sneaks into it. At the dacha, Scolopendra settles in closets, corridors, and dark rooms.

Source: ";"


It was already mentioned earlier that scolopendras are predators. In the wild, these insects prefer small invertebrate fauna representatives for lunch, but giant specimens include small snakes and small rodents in their diet. They also prefer frogs as a French delicacy.

Tip: The ringed scolopendra, compared to its relatives from the tropics, has less dangerous poison.

Therefore, lovers who want to keep these cute centipedes at home should first buy a centipede that is less dangerous to humans. Then, having gotten to know this God's creation better, you can purchase a larger pet.

Centipedes are cannibals by nature, so it is advisable to keep domestic centipedes in different containers, otherwise the stronger one will dine on the weaker relative.

Since we are talking about molting, you should know that scolopendra can change the old exoskeleton for a new one, especially in cases where it decides to grow in size.

The fact is that the exoskeleton consists of chitin, and this component is not naturally endowed with the gift of stretching - it is inanimate, so it turns out that if you want to become bigger, you need to throw off your old clothes and change them to new ones. Young animals molt once every two months, and adults twice a year.

Reproduction of scolopendra

The ringed scolopendra becomes sexually mature by the age of 2 years. Adults prefer to perform the act of copulation in the silence of the night, so that no one disturbs their idyll. During sexual intercourse, the male is able to produce a cocoon, which is located in the last segment.

The seminal fluid, the spermatophore, collects in this cocoon. The female crawls up to her chosen one and draws seminal fluid into the opening called the genital opening. After mating, a few months later, the mother scolopendra lays eggs. She is capable of laying up to 120 eggs.

After this, a little more time should pass - 2-3 months and “cute” babies will be born.

Scolopendras are not particularly tender, and since they are prone to cannibalism, often after giving birth the mother can taste her offspring, and the children, having become a little stronger, are able to feast on their mother.

Therefore, when the centipede has given birth to juveniles, it is better to transfer them to another terrarium. In captivity, centipedes can delight their owners for 7-8 years, and after that they leave this world.

Source: ""

House centipede - general characteristics

The house scolopendra, or common flycatcher, is often found in private houses and cottages, but you can also find it in a city apartment.

Due to its terrifying appearance, high speed of movement and, sometimes, sudden appearance, this insect often inspires horror and fear in residents of houses and apartments. The domestic scolopendra is a fairly peaceful insect and not dangerous to humans.

Structure and appearance

An adult specimen of the house scolopendra can reach 60 mm in length. Its body is yellowish-gray or brown with three reddish-violet or bluish stripes on its back. On the head there are compound eyes and long, thin mustaches, which provide the scolopendra with excellent vision and a sense of vibration.

The body is divided into 15 segments, each of which has one pair of legs, which is why the centipede is sometimes called a centipede or centipede.

The front pair of legs near the head was transformed into claws-jaws, used by the insect to capture and eat prey. The hind legs are very long, similar to whiskers; because of this feature, it is sometimes difficult to determine where the insect begins and where the end is.

Insect lifestyle

House centipedes are carnivores, they excellent hunters, eat other domestic insects such as spiders, cockroaches, bedbugs and flies, which is why they are nicknamed flycatchers. In nature, these insects actively hunt both during the day and at night, but in an apartment they prefer the dark for hunting.

The flycatcher sits motionless on the wall or ceiling, guarding an unwary victim. Having caught her, the scolopendra inflicts a fatal blow on her. poisonous bite and then slowly eats it. At the same time, the centipede is capable of catching several insects at once, which it will eat in turn, firmly holding the caught prey in its paws.

Despite the fact that the scolopendra is poisonous, it is not dangerous to people; its poison is very weak to cause significant harm to humans.

They bite only in case of self-defense, and human skin is too thick for them to bite through. Even if the scolopendra manages to bite through human skin, then only a slight burning sensation will be felt at the site of the bite and swelling will appear, which will go away after a few hours.

Centipedes are native to the Middle East, Southern Europe and North Africa; they are found in southern Russia, Kazakhstan and Moldova. These are heat-loving insects that prefer humid climate.

In nature, centipedes live in fallen leaves under trees, but in houses they also prefer wet rooms - baths, basements and toilets. During the cold season, even when indoors, scolopendras hide in secluded places and do not show much activity.

Source: ""

Eating habits

Centipedes prefer to settle on objects where there is enough food for them: a large black cockroach, fly, flea, moth, spider, cricket or termite. In a word, they prefer to feed on representatives of those types of insects that are considered pests and cause serious trouble to people.

On the legs of the front pair there are claws-jaws. With their help, the centipede holds the caught prey. The centipede lives up to 7 years, all this time it can stay in a human home.

During the hunting period, she sits on the walls and ceiling, waiting for her future victim.

In one approach, the centipede is capable of killing several insects; it will eat them gradually. For humans, the bite of a centipede flytrap is not dangerous, since it only defends itself if it feels threatened.

Where does it come from?

Insects come in search of food from the street or from neighbors. Their favorite habitats:

  • damp basements,
  • underground,
  • ground floors.

From here, centipedes spread throughout apartments or rooms in the house. If the object is humid and the light is dim, flycatchers will settle here. Answering the question of what centipedes usually eat will help get rid of these insects. They are attracted to domestic cockroaches, flies, fleas, etc.

The centipede also lives outdoors. Outside the room it is hidden under a layer of foliage.

When going in search of food, a centipede can crawl into a house. If she finds suitable living conditions for herself, including an inexhaustible source of food, she will stay here for a long time.

There are several factors that have a beneficial effect on creating insect-attracting conditions in the home. These include:

  1. increased level humidity;
  2. dampness in the house;
  3. faulty water pipes;
  4. abundance of small insects;
  5. muffled light.

Source: ""

Benefit from the neighborhood

The common flycatcher is a predator, and can still not only irritate with its creepy appearance, but also help around the house. In an apartment, a flytrap helps to destroy:

  • cockroaches;
  • termites;
  • spiders;
  • silverfish;
  • fleas;
  • mole.

In principle, all small insects that are a neighbor of a person will be of potential interest to the flycatcher as prey.

Along with its usefulness, a flytrap in an apartment does not pose any danger to humans or animals. Moreover, it also does not harm either furniture or food.

Even if contact was inevitable, and the flycatcher decided to defend itself, its jaws are very weak to bite through the skin, and apart from a barely perceptible prick and slight redness, you have nothing to expect from this creature.

Source: ""

House scolopendra: how to get rid of it

Since people who see a centipede at home are not inclined to analyze what species or subspecies it belongs to, the flycatcher is often mistaken for a centipede. This misconception is so widespread that the flycatcher began to be called the house centipede, or centipede.

The flycatcher is relatively small in size - about 35-60 mm. It is sandy gray or brown in color with stripes along the body and legs. The domestic scolopendra poses no danger to either people or pets.

In addition, it does not harm furniture or wallpaper. The flycatcher is just a peaceful neighbor with a slightly repulsive appearance. This centipede even benefits the people who shelter it: it eats cockroaches, fleas, moths, spiders and other insects.

If life next to a domestic scolopendra is not pleasant, you can get rid of the flycatcher using the following methods:

  1. throw out of the house.
  2. Domestic centipedes do not live in colonies, like ants, for example. Therefore, sometimes, in order to destroy all the flycatchers in the house, it is enough to take the individual that catches your eye outside. In the worst case, the procedure will have to be repeated several times;

  3. use insecticidal spray.
  4. Any product that kills crawling insects will do. It is enough to spray the aerosol on your home scolopendra;

  5. get rid of moisture.
  6. It is necessary to ventilate and dry damp pantries well, wipe up water in the bathroom and kitchen - house scolopendra cannot exist in such a house;

  7. set sticky traps.
  8. Since there are not so many flycatchers running around the house or apartment, you can catch them one by one.

    Sticky traps should be placed in corners, under beds and in other places that are difficult for humans to reach, where many fauna are hidden;

  9. exterminate “domesticated” insects.
  10. It is necessary to poison cockroaches, fleas, ants, etc. If the flycatcher does not have anything to profit from, it will leave in search of better life;
  11. close the entrances.
  12. It is necessary to seal cracks in the foundation, cracks in the floors, and caulk the space between the walls and windows so that the domestic scolopendra simply physically cannot get inside.

To make your home unattractive to scolopendras, you should put things in order, depriving centipedes of possible shelters. This is especially true for private houses: scolopendras enter the premises after initially settling in the yard. Therefore, it is necessary to remove debris of fallen leaves, building materials, etc. from there.

Some people, having noticed a scolopendra in their home, are then afraid to fall asleep. Therefore, you should not put up with the existence of such a terrible creature in own home.

If you cannot get rid of the centipede on your own, you should contact a professional.

Due to physiological characteristics and lifestyle, it is difficult to fight scolopendra. Not many chemicals can completely get rid of insects. You can spread adhesive tape, like against mosquitoes, but even if you leave the insect without legs, it will not get rid of the scourge.

The scolopendra's legs will soon grow back. Various baits are not valid, since the animal feeds exclusively on live insects. First of all, you need to eliminate humidity and dampness in the house, which are favorable factors for the living of this animal.

Scolopendras will disappear if:

  • ventilate and dry the room well;
  • reduce humidity levels;
  • or install artificial ventilation;
  • eliminate mold on the ceiling and walls;
  • seal all seams, cracks in the toilet, bathroom using silicone;
  • fill voids in window and door openings;
  • check pipes, mixers and taps, repair them in case of malfunction;
  • rehabilitate the sewer system;
  • check devices for condensation;
  • clean the territory, deposits, unclean places near the house.

Perhaps the centipedes will leave the home on their own. If the invasion of hordes of centipedes cannot be avoided without using more effective and radical methods.

Insecticides are effective in getting rid of them, but only special preparations, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to the packaging and read the instructions for use.

Use of chemistry

Many people think about how to remove centipedes from their homes. There are now many known drugs that are used to eliminate such insects. However, experts recommend resorting to this method only in extreme cases. At the same time, you must remember about safety precautions.

Insecticides in the form of powders cope well with the problem. They need to be scattered in places where insects are most often seen. Substances fall on insects, which leads to poisoning. But such powders do not work at all as bait.

To prevent centipedes from entering the room through windows from the ground, the lower part of the building must also be treated with insecticidal solutions, but only those intended for open air should be used.

It has a convenient applicator, thanks to which it is easy to spray the substance, and the active components will penetrate even the most difficult to reach places. The drug is very effective, but you need to keep in mind that it has a very strong aroma. Be sure to follow safety rules when using the spray.

Some people prefer chemical products with natural ingredients. For example, sprays that contain pietrin, a natural substance (chamomile inflorescences crushed to a powder state), are very popular.

You must remember to protect your body, as such products can be toxic.

You need to wear special glasses over your eyes and gloves on your hands. It is advisable to wear a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage on your face. Be sure to wear thick, closed clothing to protect your entire body.

If there are children and animals in the house, then it is advisable to use preparations with natural additives or dry chemical preparations (insecticides) by pouring them into baseboards and other elements into which centipedes can penetrate.

When using aerosols, spray around the entire perimeter of the room, spraying carefully, avoiding contact with eyes. To completely destroy insects, you need to apply the product 2-3 times, thus carrying out several treatments over 3-4 weeks.

Folk remedies

Most often, the use of chemicals in the fight against insects is abandoned due to children and animals living in the house. In this case, you can use traditional methods.

  • Boric acid.
  • This substance has a neuroparalyzing effect on most insects. The powder should be poured in places where scolopendra can most often be found (ventilation, drains). How more area process, the better.

    Boric acid can enter the body of an insect, which will subsequently be eaten by a centipede and also become poisoned. That is, if there are, for example, cockroaches in the house, you can prepare bait with boric acid.
  • Cayenne hot pepper, diatom powder.
  • Sprinkle pepper where the centipede enters the home. In order for an insect to interact with the powder, it needs to run over it. It would be better if the centipede eats a poisoned insect.

  • Another option is to use pyrethrum.
  • These are chamomile inflorescences that are crushed to a powder state. The insect can be killed with borax and diatomaceous earth powder. But it is better if the centipede swallows an insect that was previously poisoned by such compounds.

  • Another simple method of removing centipedes is mechanical.
  • These insects do not breed indoors, and do not enter houses in colonies, but singly. Mechanical method involves the use of a regular fly swatter or vacuum cleaner.

    The best time to hunt flycatchers is at night. If you don’t want to kill it, then you can simply catch it in a jar, and then release it on the street away from the house.

Help from professionals

Specialized services are usually contacted only if there are a lot of scolopendras, and all control measures taken independently have not had an effect.

Professionals use different means in their work: thermal effects; microcapsules of synthetic pyrethroids; chemicals. Usually 1 treatment is enough for centipedes to leave the house forever. The only drawback is the high cost of services.
