Five fat burning drinks. What to drink to lose weight? Correct menu for the day

The problem of excess weight is equally relevant for different ages. People are accustomed to eating away their problems with unhealthy, high-calorie foods, but the result hurts their self-esteem and health even more. Nutritionists recommend eating right, eating high-quality healthy foods, leaving strict diets, and explain what to eat to lose weight. Vegetables, greens and fruits “know how” to burn fat, remove fluid from the body, activate metabolism and improve hormonal levels.

What can you eat on a diet

Diet is associated with food restrictions. The diet is also regulated. Nutritionists are categorically against strict diets: the body suffers greatly when there is a lack of necessary substances. Often the kilograms lost with the help of a strict diet return very quickly when you switch to your usual diet after starvation. You need to strictly observe the measure, know what you can eat while losing weight, replacing valuable products harmful high-calorie goodies. Sound sleep and long walks are very helpful during the diet.

What foods help you lose weight

If necessary reset excess weight, it's time to forget about evening or night raids on the refrigerator. After six in the evening it is forbidden to eat hard cheeses, fatty meats, cereals and baked goods. You need to remove high-calorie foods (more than 150 kcal) from your daily diet. If you really want to, you can treat yourself to sweets before noon. You should not rely on yoghurts with fillers: they are not helpful in losing weight, because they contain a lot of carbohydrates. If reinforced balanced diet training, the results will show themselves very quickly.

List of weight loss products:

  • proteins that are quickly absorbed by the body (eggs, dietary meat, white fish);
  • fermented milk (kefir, homemade yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • green vegetables (cucumbers, all types of cabbage);
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes, Bell pepper;
  • berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries);
  • fruits (green apples, avocados, grapefruit, pears);
  • cereals;
  • vegetable oil(olive);
  • drinks (black unsweetened coffee, green tea, water).

What can you eat at night when losing weight?

A common problem for those losing weight is the desire to eat heavily in the evening, but this big mistake. For lunch you can still afford to cook a potato dish. During dinner when losing weight, it is better to refrain from high-calorie foods. What to eat to lose weight quickly? Best option– light vegetables, herbs, berries and unsweetened fruits; low-fat sour cream and low-fat sour cream are suitable for dressing salads olive oil. For dinner when losing weight, it is better not to eat fats of animal origin, foods that are retained in the body for a long time. long time.

What not to eat

When dieting, the body begins to intensively store fat reserves, especially in the abdominal area, which are difficult to get rid of quickly. To lose weight, you need to start by increasing the amount of water you drink per day to 2-2.5 liters, then the metabolism accelerates and the process of weight loss becomes more intense. When the question is what to eat – a chocolate bar or an apple, you should choose the fruit, it is tasty and healthy. Special attention you need to pay attention to the size of portions, this is no less important than the calorie content of foods.

List of prohibited foods when losing weight:

  • pickles, pickled or smoked products;
  • milk, dairy products with fat content more than 5%;
  • animal and vegetable fats;
  • fast food, sweets, baked goods;
  • mayonnaise, cheeses with a large percentage fat content;
  • packaged meals, food instant cooking;
  • sausage products;
  • chocolate, caramel and other sweets;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • snacks (crackers, chips, fried nuts);
  • alcohol.

What to eat on a fasting day

A fasting day is considered to be a day when the total calorie content of food eaten is less than energy expenditure (up to 900 calories). Such days provoke a shake-up in the body so that it begins to “burn” its reserves. Food in fasting days consists of one type of product (it can be kefir, apples, cottage cheese, sour cream, lean meat). Eating other foods on this day is prohibited. If you want to cleanse your body with a fasting day, you should eat foods containing fiber 3 days before the fasting, this will help quickly improve intestinal function.

How to eat right to lose weight

Proper nutrition is a lifestyle. PP helps to maintain weight and not gain weight; there is no risk of breakdowns, since a person does not feel hungry. What to eat to lose weight? The main condition is that the amount of energy consumed must match (if losing weight, be less) with the body’s energy expenditure. It is important to count calories, remove high-calorie foods(sugar, pastries, sweets). Great importance has a meal plan and frequency of meals. It is important to decide in advance what is best to eat for dinner when losing weight in order to remove the temptation to snack on the “wrong” foods.

Principles of PP for weight loss:

  • the main foods of the diet are vegetables, unsweetened fruits;
  • adequate hydration;
  • compulsory breakfast - porridge;
  • more physical activity;
  • focusing on the contents of the plate while eating;
  • replacing high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones;
  • complete abstinence from alcohol and alcohol-containing products;
  • reducing food portions.

How many calories should you consume to lose weight?

The more fats and fast carbohydrates a product contains, the more caloric it will be. The calorie content of food when losing weight directly determines the number of kilograms lost. What can you eat while on a diet? It is better to choose foods with low and medium calorie content, but it is equally important to count the number of calories that your body “burns”. For example, during sedentary work, the body's energy expenditure is much less than during heavy physical work. In addition, to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BM) of a person, you need the height, initial weight, age of the person and his type physical activity.

Formula daily requirement(kcal):

  • for women = 655 + 9.6 x weight + 1.8 x height (in cm) - 4.7 x age;
  • for men = 66.5 + 13.7 x weight + 5 x height (in cm) - 6.8 x age.

The number of calories required to maintain the current weight (obtained OO) is multiplied by the selected activity coefficient from the table:

Fractional meals for weight loss

Methodology fractional meals is based on reducing portions and increasing the number of meals. How many times should you eat to lose weight? Nutritionists believe that the ideal diet is one with up to six meals, with gradually decreasing portions (to about the size of the palm of your hand). The body gets used to it and calms down, and after a few days it gradually begins to remove fat reserves. If it is not possible to have full-fledged snacks, you need to have an apple or nuts with you and set aside 10 minutes for an afternoon snack.

How to create a menu for weight loss

It is very convenient to create a menu for the day to lose weight. The daily diet should consist of different healthy products, the body needs a supply of vitamins and macroelements. It is strictly forbidden to go hungry, it is better to take care of the recipes different dishes in advance. This also applies to purchases. To avoid the temptation to go to the supermarket hungry, you need to think about what you will cook, count the number of calories and make a purchase. If you plan to spend lunch at work, you should prepare food in advance and take it with you.

Distribution of food components:

  • fats – a fifth of the daily calorie content of food;
  • proteins – up to 1.5 g/1 kg of weight;
  • carbohydrates – up to 60% of the daily calorie content of food.

Video: What to eat for weight loss

You might have probably thought that in order to lose weight you need to significantly limit yourself in food or even give it up for a while. Admit it, did this happen?

But such thinking is fundamentally wrong. Resorting to strict diets and fasting can only cause colossal harm to your body!

Therefore, my dears, let's look at what and how to eat in order to lose weight and improve your health if you have resorted to harsh methods.

What to eat to lose weight: food list

Grapefruit– displays excess liquid and harmful substances from the body, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves food absorption. This citrus fruit has the property of satisfying hunger and blocking appetite for a long time.

A pineapple– the main fruit for fat burning, since it contains the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down fat coming from food. In addition, pineapple helps speed up the digestion of heavy protein foods.

Pomegranate– has the property by , since it has big amount vitamins and minerals necessary for human health: iodine, calcium, iron, silicon, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Kiwi– a source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber, which are helpers in the fight against excess weight. Eating this fruit will not only normalize metabolism, but will also remove excess water.

Pear– removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. For weight loss, it is noteworthy that the pear contains essential oils, which will help you cope with stress or even depression due to giving up your favorite “snacks”.

Apple– contains pectin, the benefit of which is the ability to remove excess water and harmful substances from the body, as well as improve intestinal motility and reduce cholesterol levels.

White cabbage– with a low calorie content, it perfectly satisfies hunger, completely filling the stomach. This affordable vegetable normalizes intestinal microflora and also has positive influence on the functioning of the pancreas.

Tomato– a low-calorie fruit that can quickly satisfy hunger when consumed in small quantities. In addition, eating this vegetable improves mood and fights stress, which is part of the life of overweight people.

Cucumber– 95% consists of water, contains vitamins A, C and groups, as well as components important for weight loss – potassium, manganese, magnesium. By eating cucumbers in your diet, you will speed up digestion and remove toxins and excess water from the body.

Carrot– has a positive effect on metabolism, regulates intestinal functions, and also acts as a mild laxative. This vegetable is low in calories because it contains about 90% water, and a significant amount of fiber regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Onion– regular use of it in your diet will have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and will also prevent the appearance of new fat cells due to the rutin content in onions. To lose weight you can eat different types onions, but leeks will be especially beneficial.

Garlic– stimulates metabolism, helps with bloating, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This vegetable reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, so it is perfect for obese people.

Celerygreen vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals, thanks to which intestinal motility improves and toxins are eliminated. In addition, celery can rightfully be called a product for the beauty of skin and nails.

Lettuce leaves– contains fiber, which helps regulate metabolism and cleanse the body. Salad is one of the most low calorie foods, since it consists of 90% water, and also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Legumes(peas, beans, lentils) – contain large amounts of protein and, in combination with animal protein, are well absorbed. After eating them, the feeling of hunger does not come for a long time, and the content in beans improves metabolism.

Chicken eggs– provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, due to the content in them large quantity squirrel. Eggs help speed up metabolic processes in fatty tissues. I recommend using them boiled, 2 pieces each. few times a week.

Lean meat, poultry– veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey – sources of protein necessary for building muscle tissue without the risk of gaining overweight in the form of fat. In addition, the body spends more energy on the absorption of protein-containing foods than it receives from them.

Sea fish and seafood– contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and iodine, which are necessary for normal functioning thyroid gland, responsible for hormonal levels and the speed of all metabolic processes.

Low-fat fermented milk products(kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt) - contain an element such as calcium, which accelerates the process of breaking down fat cells. Sour milk restores intestinal microflora and speeds up digestion. The protein in their composition is easily digestible and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Oatmeal - contains about 10% soluble fiber, which cleanses the human body of toxins and improves the functioning of all digestive system. Also cereals regulate cholesterol and blood glucose levels, are easily digestible and give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Buckwheat– rich in fiber, cleanses of waste and toxins, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, reduces cholesterol. The nutritional value of buckwheat consists of protein compounds and complex carbohydrates, thanks to which hunger will not soon occur after eating it.

– reduces blood sugar levels, as a result of which the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the formation of fat cells from unspent energy, is produced in smaller quantities. Therefore, with long-term use of this spice, weight loss is observed.

Ginger– accelerates the processes of blood circulation and digestion, removes toxins, reduces arterial pressure and cholesterol levels. Ginger does not lose its properties either in pickled or grated form.

Green tea - accelerates metabolism due to the content of tannin, iodine, potassium, fluorine and B vitamins in its leaves. In addition, this drink fills with energy and enhances performance, which will only be a plus for everyone who wants to lose extra pounds.

What should you not eat if you want to lose weight?

    Products containing trans fats.

    How to eat to lose weight?

    1. Don't diet, just eat right.

      Remember that strict diets can cause great damage to health and metabolic rate.

      And proper and balanced nutrition will help you not only lose weight, but also be a healthy person, filled with vital energy and ready for great achievements.

    2. Change your diet gradually.

      If proper nutrition For you, something completely new and unknown, you shouldn’t suddenly switch to it at one moment, so as not to expose your body to stress.


      • instead of heavy cream put skim milk in your coffee;
      • replace white bread with rye bread;
      • instead of sweets, eat a sweet banana;
      • put honey in tea;
      • Dress the salad not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream.
    3. Eat high-calorie foods before noon, as your metabolic rate is higher at this time, and you can use the resulting energy throughout the day.
    4. Finish your meal before you feel full, as this feeling comes only 20-30 minutes after eating.
    5. Chew all your food well, so it is better absorbed and you will feel full faster.
Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

Today we have a few thoughts for you on the topic of liquids that you should consume for weight loss. So, what should you drink to lose weight?

A slim figure is not only beautiful. The absence of extra pounds allows you to protect yourself from many ailments and health problems. For example, even slight excess weight creates additional stress on the heart, spine, joints, and gastrointestinal tract, which immediately affects well-being and performance.
And obesity is usually accompanied by a whole bunch of chronic pathologies: persistent arterial hypertension, flatulence, constipation, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fatty liver degeneration, cellulite, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes, bile and urolithiasis disease etc. Brrr. Quiet horror.

Stunning Variety

There are many methods aimed at losing weight - these are all kinds of diets, and fasting days, and therapeutic fasting, and playing sports, and taking dietary supplements, and herbal medicine, and visiting a steam room, and therapeutic massage followed by contouring body wraps, and aromatherapy .

What approach will allow you to safely get rid of excess fat and “ lifebuoy"at the waist? We will not delve into the intricacies of choosing the appropriate technique now. Let's look at what works anyway.

Whatever you choose, there are a number of healthful drinks available to everyone that help the body cope with the process of dissolving fat faster.

Thanks to biologically active phytonutrients in green tea, ginger root and kefir (yogurt), including antioxidants, vitamins and microelements, the intestines are cleansed of fecal debris and accumulated toxins, all types of metabolism are accelerated, and swelling is eliminated.

Green tea

In addition to biostimulation of metabolic processes in the body, green tea has the following therapeutic properties: removes radionuclides, increases diuresis, tones (the drink is an excellent coffee substitute), neutralizes free radicals and slows down the destructive processes of aging.
It is recommended to drink 2 cups of aromatic tea in the first half of the day, which is prepared traditional way: scald the teapot, put a teaspoon of raw materials, pour 200 ml hot water(temperature no higher than 90°C), leave, wrapped, for a quarter of an hour, drink with honey.

Ginger tea

An aqueous infusion of fresh ginger root stimulates metabolism and warms the body from the inside, which accelerates the process of burning lipids. Ginger-based drinks not only improve immunity, which is an excellent prevention colds, but also help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from decay products.
For convenience, the hot spicy root is brewed in a thermos, at the rate of a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh raw material per 0.75 liter. The dose is calculated per day.
It is useful to add a slice of lemon to the ginger infusion. Dried mint leaves (2 teaspoons) and cinnamon powder (1 teaspoon) are used as healing additives for making tea.

Natural yogurt (kefir)

Whole cow's milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria, especially with the addition of probiotics, is a proven means of weight loss.

  • Firstly, yogurt, especially drunk before bed, stimulates intestinal motility, which improves the evacuation of metabolic products from the body.
  • Secondly, the sour drink has a diuretic effect, and by removing excess fluid from the tissues, swelling and volume of the body are reduced.
  • Thirdly, fermented milk products enrich the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria, which prevents dysbiosis and leads to increased body resistance to pathogens and viruses, since up to 78% of cells immune system located precisely in the intestines.

I’ll make a reservation right away that it’s higher we're talking about First of all, about homemade yogurt. Kefir from the store contains small quantities ethanol, so it’s better to replace it with something.


If you decide to take yourself seriously, you can do cleansing fasting days 2 times a week. A mono-diet (1.5-1.8 liters of yogurt per day + drinking (melt) water + green tea or rosehip infusion) stimulates the body to intensively burn the “fat depot” and allows you to get rid of 1 to 3 kg during the unloading period.

And let me remind you: the most important drink for a healthy person is pure water. We'll talk about whether you can lose weight by drinking a lot of water next time.

Here is a short overview of the most popular drinks for weight loss. I hope you found something new and useful for yourself in it. For those who want to get rid of excess weight quickly and decisively, I can recommend SLIMIR course from professionals with seventeen years of experience.

That's all I have for today. Until next time. Yours, Yuri Okunev.

The modern pace of life forces people to move at an overly active pace. And you don’t always have the strength and energy to do this. That is why now I would like to talk about what foods you need to consume in order to be energetic.

The main rules of an energetic person

It is worth saying that food alone will not be enough to be an energetic person, full of strength and health every day. To do this you will have to adhere to very simple but effective rules:

  1. Be sure to sleep at least 7 hours. This should be healthy, uninterrupted sleep.
  2. To be energetic, it is especially important to pay attention to breakfast. Products should be as fortified as possible. We must forget about a cup of coffee or tea with sandwiches.
  3. Nutrition energetic person fractional and frequent. So, breaks between snacks should not exceed three hours.
  4. Dinner should be as light as possible. Then in the morning the next day the person will not feel heaviness in the stomach and will not experience other uncomfortable sensations.

Sprouted grains for energy

At the very beginning, it must be said that sprouted wheat grains, as well as legumes: lentils, beans and alfalfa, are most beneficial for all people. In addition to the fact that they are a powerful source of strength and energy, they also have cleansing properties. They rid the human body of toxins, significantly increase immunity and improve metabolism in the body.

It must also be said that germinating these grains is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to do a few very simple steps:

  1. The grains need to be washed thoroughly.
  2. Next, they need to be carefully laid out on a baking sheet.
  3. Everything is flooded warm water so that it only slightly covers the grains.
  4. All this should be left overnight at room temperature.
  5. Next, the grains are washed and filled with fresh clean water, covered with a light cotton napkin.
  6. The water for the grains must be changed twice a day - in the mornings and evenings.

After just a day and a half, wheat sprouts will appear. By this time they can already be eaten. Bean sprouts will appear in two days, but they should be consumed no earlier than the fourth day. It is best to eat these food products for breakfast and in their pure form (after removing the burst peel).

However, you can add sprouts to salads and other dishes, you can also make casseroles. But it is worth remembering that after heat treatment they beneficial features are decreasing.

Energetic people drink brewer's yeast

To be full of strength and energy from the very morning, you can also drink brewer's yeast. To do this, a teaspoon of them must be diluted in fruit juice. However, you need to be careful here, because they are very high in calories and can affect your weight, increasing it. In addition, brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), PP, vitamin D, as well as beneficial acids, copper, zinc, chromium, sulfur and phosphorus.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

What other foods can you consume to stay energetic? So, in this case, it is very important to saturate the body with vitamins C. These can also be citrus fruits, but rose hips work best in this case. They contain many times more of this vitamin.

In this case, it is best to eat red, ripe, but not burgundy (overripe) berries. As an alternative, you can cook a rosehip decoction, but the amount of vitamin C in it is much less.

Nuts and dried fruits to improve body tone

If you want to be energetic all day, you need to use various nuts as a snack. In addition to the fact that they give strength and desire to work, they also activate mental activity. However, they are not recommended for overweight people. Dried fruits are useful for everyone as a snack, as they perfectly saturate the body and give it an additional boost of strength and vigor.

Energetic people eat sunflower seeds

To increase body tone and provide an additional boost of energy, you can take zucchini or pumpkin seeds as a snack. They saturate the body very well and are absorbed without problems, without overstraining the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to take them fresh or dried, without heat treatment.

Fermented milk products as a source of energy

Fermented milk products help proteins digest very well. After all, they contain such important vitamins as A, B12 and D. However, it is worth saying that it is best to make these food products yourself, using pure products. After all, store-bought fermented baked milk or kefir are not as healthy as possible.

Algae is an excellent source of energy for the body

I also definitely want to tell you that seaweed is an excellent and powerful source of energy and strength. They contain iodine, as well as a special type of vitamin K - phylloquinone. It is this microelement that increases muscle strength, giving the body a charge of vigor and toning it. Find all these essential elements Can be in seaweed.


You can also drink a variety of drinks to recharge your body with energy. And now we are not talking about artificially prepared energy drinks. So, you need to consume freshly squeezed citrus juices.

You can also make a simple tonic cocktail. To prepare it, you need to add your favorite spices to honey syrup. This drink not only improves body tone, but also perfectly fights bad mood. For achievement maximum effect It must be drunk hot.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


There are a huge number of diets that allow you to lose excess weight. But for some reason, few people think that it is enough to approach the issue of nutrition competently and wisely, and no restrictions will simply be needed. Exist certain rules, which should be followed so as not to cry on the scales later, and also exists. How to eat right?

  • Watch your portion sizes. In short, eat less! And at home, and at a party, and in public catering. Refuse the heavy salad and replace it with a light one. And share the main dish with a friend.
  • Avoid large plates at home. Take a smaller plate. And accordingly, use smaller portions. Remember that the body does not need as much food as you are used to putting in. Enough to make you feel a little full.
  • We eat much more if we eat while watching a movie on TV(fact proven by scientists). Learn to think of the nutrition process as refueling your car. How much fuel do you need to get your car going? Refueled and off we went.
  • Try to plan your menu at least a day in advance. And even better - for the whole week. The day before your work day, think about what exactly you will feed your body? Stock up on yogurt and a couple of fruits to satisfy your hunger in a timely manner and not have to run to the store later for chips and chocolates.
  • Once you have set your menu for the week, stick to it. Buy all products in advance. Tape your menu to the refrigerator and eat only what is on it. Hide the “extra” products so that there is no temptation to grab a couple of Krakow bagels or a smoked ham before dinner.
  • Drink more water. This is the basis of proper nutrition. Minimum one and a half liters per day (soups, juices, tea and coffee go separately).
  • Be sure to have breakfast in the morning. Breakfast should not be heavy, but must contain those nutrients, which will help you hold out calmly until lunch. Dairy and fiber are a must. See.
  • Stick to your diet strictly. If there are still a couple of hours before lunch, but you are simply unbearably hungry, and you are ready to run for a hamburger, grab an apple, pear or banana. Snack on fruit - it will not do any harm, and the feeling of acute hunger will go away.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Every day. At every meal. The most useful green vegetables are Chinese cabbage, lettuce, arugula, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, etc. They contain maximum amount necessary vitamins and provide uninterrupted operation Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid fruits in syrup(canned) and cheap fruit juices. Reduce your sugar intake with tea and coffee. If possible, replace sweets with fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, and dark chocolate.
  • Minimize your salt intake. In some cases, refuse it altogether. For example, vegetable salad seasoned with oil, the taste will not suffer at all from the lack of salt. Again, a boiled egg can be consumed without salt.
  • Eliminate the wrong carbohydrates(sugar, rice, flour) and introduce healthy ones (fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread).
  • Don't forget about fiber! The minimum amount per day is about thirty g. Look for it in whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
  • Swap unhealthy fats for healthy ones– for nuts and avocados, olive oil and pumpkin seeds, fish, etc. Reduce, if possible, to zero the consumption of red meat, whole milk products, as well as fried foods, cookies, margarine, etc.
  • Protein is essential. This is the source of our energy. Look for it daily in fish, beans, nuts, eggs and tofu.
  • Vitamin D and calcium(dairy products, beans, leafy vegetables) - you can’t live without them.
  • Strictly avoid catering. Cook it yourself! Not semi-finished products, but “first, second and compote.” You can prepare it in advance and put it in the freezer, this will save time. And money – even more so.
  • Consume high-calorie foods only in the first half of the day. In the second - only the lungs.
  • During the day, try to burn more calories than you consume per day. Keep a notebook for the first time to see the “income and expenditure” of extra kg.
  • Avoid fatty-sweet-spicy-salty.
  • Any dietary restrictions are meaningless without physical activity. If you do not want to become an old woman ahead of time, then combine your proper nutrition with correct loads. Then your skin will not sag and your muscles will not weaken.

What is the right thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

What to eat for breakfast

This energy boost is the basis of the whole day. Breakfast is not stored on the hips and is processed into clean energy. Requirements for a proper breakfast:

  • Buns, sandwiches, toast and croissants - out. They only tire the body, which after such a breakfast wants to go back to bed.
  • Pulses for breakfast are too much . The exception is buckwheat.
  • The main part of breakfast should be fruit. Especially in the summer. In winter, you can replace them with dried fruits.
  • Must be included in your morning meal yogurt, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese .
  • Pure milk for breakfast can only be consumed before six in the morning. For example, with cinnamon - it provides vigor.
  • Ideal breakfast - fruit salad , seasoned with yoghurt or fermented baked milk. You can also add berries and nuts.
  • For second breakfast you can eat porridge (for example, oatmeal), fruit and a small piece of dark chocolate.

What to eat for lunch

For the most part, we eat lunch very quickly, without really thinking about what we are eating, and throwing what we have at hand into the firebox. Because the job is waiting. And this meal requires a serious approach. And of course, sandwiches are absolutely not suitable for lunch. As a last resort, you can order lunch to the office or find a canteen with hot lunches. Requirements for a proper lunch:

  • At lunch you don’t have to limit yourself in food , but this meal should not occur later than two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • For the first course you can eat, for example, borscht, for the second - buckwheat side dish and two hundred grams chicken breast. Don't forget about salad (fresh vegetables only) and yeast-free bread. For the third - compote or juice from fresh fruits.
  • Avoid smoked and fried meat . Replace it with steamed meat and plenty of vegetables.

What should you eat for dinner?

How does dinner usually go? We eat a lot of everything (and certainly with dessert), after which we collapse on the sofa in front of the TV to digest all this abundance of food. Moreover, while you come home from work, while you prepare dinner, while you gather the whole family at the table, the clock hands are confidently approaching ten in the evening. As a result, we spend the night digesting food instead of resting. So how should it be? Requirements for a proper dinner:

  • Dinner should be light. Optimal time for dinner - no later than four hours before bedtime. Preferably around six o'clock in the evening.
  • For dinner you should not eat pulses – they should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  • The best dishes for dinner are steamed or raw vegetables . Of course, not meat with fried potatoes and a huge piece of cake.
  • You can drink warm milk before going to bed seasoned with a spoon of honey - it promotes good sleep and falling asleep quickly.

Correct menu for the day

Since morning:
A glass of water immediately after you get out of bed. Get yourself into this habit.
Breakfast :

  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Or a vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • 100 g cottage cheese (cheese).
  • Tea, coffee, maybe with milk.


  • 100 g of berries (fruits).
  • Natural juice.


  • Soup (lenten, fish, vegetable puree soup, or in low-fat broth).
  • About 150 g of fish, turkey or chicken (not fried). Baked or stewed. No “tasty” skins or crusts! For example, salmon kebab or turkey stew.
  • Salad (fresh vegetables only!) with vegetable (olive) oil.
  • Garnish – maximum four tablespoons. It is preferable to avoid it altogether, replacing it with a larger portion of salad. Or stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • 100 g of berries or fruits.
  • Tea-coffee, juice or water. You can use low-fat yogurt. Choose.


  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Any vegetables. It is better if you follow the “tradition”: fresh vegetables and vegetable oil.
  • 100 g of cheese or cottage cheese, plus a boiled egg.
  • Boiled (baked) chicken (turkey) breast. Or boiled (stewed) fish.
  • Drink optional.

And the most important thing to remember: we eat only to live, and not vice versa.
