How long does it take for banana peels to decompose? How long does it take for plastic to decompose?

Details Published: January 29, 2016

Plastic degradation has become one of the the most pressing problems modernity, since the planet faces a very real danger of completely “drowning” in mountains of plastic bottles and plastic bags.

IN Pacific Ocean has already formed near Indonesia the whole continent from plastic bottles and other waste, exceeding in size the largest island - Greenland. And the production of plastic products and plastic containers is growing and growing - only over the last 10 years in Russia, its production volumes have increased 10 times.

Classification of additives that accelerate the decomposition of plastic

  • Oxo-additives speed up the crushing of bags into small pieces, which are no longer so harmful to animals. All toxic properties are preserved, and complete decomposition of these small pieces does not accelerate.
  • Additives that accelerate the breakdown of polymer molecular chains under the influence of sunlight, certain air temperatures, moisture and other activating factors. The decomposition period of polyethylene with such additives is accelerated to 5 years.
  • Additives that cause the release of carbon and hydrogen molecules from plastic, which are already freely absorbed by bacteria and fungi.
  • Finally, biopolymer is a plastic made from plant waste, for example, corn stalks. This is the most harmless and quickly degradable version of polymers today.

How long does it take for different types of plastic to decompose without additives?

Plastic decomposition occurs with at different speeds depending on its composition. Decomposes most quickly plastic bags- about 100 years in the soil. Products made from polypropylene and other types of food and non-food plastic take much longer to decompose. The period for their complete decomposition in the soil is at least 500 years. For comparison, the decomposition period of aluminum cans is 500 years, tin cans - 100 years, bones - from 10 years. The decomposition period of plastic in water increases many times and is not even known exactly. Plastic bags floating in water cause massive deaths of fish and birds. But that is not all. During decomposition, plastic releases toxic substances into the environment that poison the soil and water (styrene, formaldehyde, phenol, chlorprene, urethane, etc.).

What other options are offered to solve the problem?

  • Stopping food production plastic containers and plastic bags following the example of China and India.
  • Further development of so-called biopolymers, that is, plastics that quickly decompose into natural conditions without releasing toxic substances.
  • Changing the composition of household polymers to reversible ones (those that can be melted down many times).
  • Removal special type bacteria that will process and neutralize plastic residues in special storage facilities. It is proposed to remove such bacteria using the method of genetic modification.

Human civilization produces a huge amount of garbage, which is already... Many of us, finishing another bottle of soft drink, do not think about what awaits us in the future. How long will it lie in a landfill under a layer of earth and clay? I can assure you that many centuries will pass before it is destroyed. Landfill conditions are ideal for preserving our waste. No one gets under the thick layer of earth. sunlight, nor oxygen. Perhaps after many thousands of years, our archaeological descendants (if they survive) will consider these “traces of life” of their ancestors with great interest. Let's find out how long the “works of human hands” will lie in the ground.

Glass bottle - one million years
That's how long a normal one will last Glass bottle. Glass is made from quartz sand and therefore very resistant to aggressive environments. So our descendants will have a chance to find even a whole bottle of beer that was not drunk by some connoisseur of this drink.

Plastic bag – from 500 to 1000 years
A plastic bag that is “inedible” for destructive microorganisms will lie in the ground for about 1000 years. Fortunately, many countries, which means our descendants have a chance to live not on a garbage heap.

Aluminum – from 80 to 200 years
According to scientists' calculations, in 2004 alone, about 55 billion aluminum cans were buried in landfills around the world, which is 760% more than in 1972.

Cigarette butts – from 1 to 5 years
Despite the apparent “fragility” of cigarette butts natural environment They also do not collapse as quickly as we would like. The culprit is the residue left over from smoking. toxic substances and cellulose acetate, which makes up the filter. The sheer number of smokers makes cigarette butts particularly hazardous to the environment.

Newspaper – 2-4 weeks, some publications longer 😉
There have been cases where samples of newspapers from 15 years ago were found in landfills under a pile of earth. Under a thick layer of earth, in the absence of oxygen, they are actually preserved. The big advantage of newspapers is that they can be recycled.

Apple core – 1-2 months, in some cases longer
A piece of wood lying in your trash can may still exist for two months. Food waste, once in a landfill under a thick layer of earth and waste, also decomposes quite slowly. In the slowest "scenario" they decompose only 50% every 20 years.

The growing multi-kilometer landfills make us think. If the consumer boom continues just as intensely, then soon we ourselves will be living on garbage heaps. The solutions to the situation are obvious. It is necessary to try to produce as many material goods as needed (overproduction is harmful environment), establish the production of easily degradable and self-destructive product packaging, as well as develop industry recycling waste. Preliminary estimate household waste in our landfills shows that already with the help of existing technologies 40% of paper, 17% of solids can be recycled household waste, 8% plastic and 7% food waste.

Dear Mother Earth and lamenting this, it is worth mentioning one of the main reasons for the hidden danger - long-term, in most cases accompanied by the release toxic substances. Let's jump ahead a little and see what awaits our descendants who decide to explore the soil profiles of urban horizons.

You and I remember that in nature, therefore, we will not find waste residues of natural origin (plant or animal), because they decompose the fastest.

So, animal droppings(valuable, by the way) decomposes in a maximum of 10 days.

And here fallen leaves, small twigs, will gradually rot, turning into a humus mass within a month or a whole season.

Large branches They take longer to decompose, but after a maximum of 10 years there will be no trace left of them.

Banana peel- neither less nor more, and the decomposition period is up to 6 months, so throw it under the nearest bush, with the thought: “It will rot soon!” not worth it.

On average, ubiquitous microorganisms are processed within a few weeks.

And here remains of bones They can last 5 or 6 years, but, in general, no more than 8.

Cloth from decomposes in 2-3 years, without causing damage to the environment, which cannot be said about synthetic materials, the decomposition period of which is up to 40 years.

And here woolen products much more since it only takes a year to “digest” them.

Decomposition time paper vary. Thus, a discarded trolleybus ticket will completely disappear from the face of the Earth in just a month. decomposes in 2-3 years, and wax paper - as much as 5 years. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to burn paper together with food products, as this can result in the formation of dioxides.

Wooden crafts decompose within 10 years. However, the degree of wood processing plays a significant role in this process. So, if regular boards will decompose in 4 years, then covered with a layer of paint- already over 13.

Bank is one of the most popular. Do you know how long it takes for these containers, often disposable, to decompose? Iron cans it takes up to 10 years, tin– about 90, but aluminum- about 500. Only 5 centuries, nothing compared to eternity :).

What else to remember? Oh yes. Ubiquitous polyethylene. So, the decomposition time of products made from this material depends on the initial density and structure. For example, ordinary thin plastic bags, which sellers love to wrap everything in, take 100-200 years to decompose. They are accompanied by “partners” - and containers.

A small filter carelessly thrown away cigarette butt b will slowly lose its position, decomposing for more than 3 years.

Ordinary ones who recommend housewives to change them at least once a week due to the development of microorganisms, after seven days of hard work, go to a well-deserved rest. True, it comes only within the next 200 years.

Every day we see abandoned bottles, leftover food, plastic bags, paper and plastic cups and other garbage on the roads, sidewalks, yards and parks that were simply left on the street.

Sometimes it seems to us that in another day it will be removed and it will begin to decompose in a landfill. But, firstly, not everywhere garbage is removed in a timely manner, and secondly, some garbage can take thousands of years to decompose.

How long does it take for garbage to decompose?

Scientists have already proven that plastic bottles and bags can last hundreds, thousands and even millions of years without decomposing.
Here's a list of the things we throw away and how long it takes for that trash to decompose.

Paper and food waste

2 weeks
Apple cores and other fruit remains.

Even though it takes a relatively short time to decompose, leftover food on the ground can attract unwanted "friends" such as rats.

About 1 month
Paper napkins, paper bags, newspapers, paper towels.

The time it takes for these items to decompose can vary greatly, as it depends on how you disposed of this type of waste.

6 weeks
Cereal boxes, paper bags, banana peels.

Banana peels may take longer to decompose if the weather is cooler. Since the peel is designed to preserve the freshness of the fruit, it contains a lot of cellulose - the same material that cellophane bags are made from.

Some conservationists warn that the peels of some fruits, including banana peels, can take several months to decompose. Even if a product is natural, this does not mean that it decomposes quickly.

2 to 3 months
Cardboard packaging for milk and juices and other types of cardboard.

The decomposition time of cardboard primarily depends on its thickness. It is worth noting that some cartons may contain chemical materials, which significantly slow down the decomposition process.

6 months
Cotton clothes and paper books.

Of all types of fabrics, cotton decomposes the fastest, as it is natural. If the cotton fabric thrown into the landfill is quite thin, then warm weather it can decompose in as little as a week.

1 year
Woolen clothes (sweaters, socks).

Wool is a natural product and can decompose relatively quickly. Moreover, when wool decomposes, it releases elements beneficial to the soil, such as keratins. This product cannot be completely considered garbage, as it does not cause long-term harm to the environment.

2 years
Orange peels, plywood, cigarette butts (although some studies indicate that cigarette butts can take more than 10 years to decompose).

Up to 5 years
Heavy wool clothing, such as a coat or overcoat.

Plastic trash

Up to 20 years
Plastic bags. But research shows that in some cases plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to decompose.

Lots of new ones plastic bags created in such a way that they decompose quickly when exposed to direct sunlight.
Yet most plastic bags are made from high-density polyethylene. Microorganisms in the soil do not perceive the chemicals that make up the bag as food, and therefore they do not participate in its decomposition.

30-40 years
Products containing nylon: tights, windbreakers, carpets, diapers. Some scientists believe that such products can take up to 500 years to decompose, depending on environmental conditions.

Even though diapers are quite convenient, they are also quite toxic, even if you haven't used them yet. They are treated with a variety of chemicals such as toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and dipentene, as well as a chemical called dioxin, which is a highly toxic carcinogen.

Metal debris, rubber, leather

50 years
Cans, car tires, foam glasses, leather.

Leather can be treated chemically (as in the case of elements fashionable clothes) and can take much longer to decompose.
The thick leather used to make shoes can take 80 years to decompose.

Decomposition of polyethylene

From 70 to 80 years
Rustling plastic bags (from chips and packaging, for example).

Despite the fact that a person eats the contents of a bag of chips very quickly, the bags themselves take quite a long time to decompose. For example, one US resident found an empty bag of chips on a beach in Devon, dated 1967, but the bag itself looked like it had been thrown away last week.

About 100 years
Products made of polyethylene.

Of course, decomposition time depends on the density and structure of the product. For example, regular plastic bags from the store can take about 100 years to decompose.
Also in the category of things that can decompose for more than a century include plastic bottles and various plastic containers and bowls.
It is worth noting that small polyethylene parts can pose a choking hazard to animals.

Aluminum decomposition

About 200 years
Aluminum cans (for beer or soda, for example).

In this case, everything also depends on the density of the material and its structure. In the best case, such objects take 200 years to decompose, but this process can drag on for half a millennium.
It is worth noting that, like plastic products, such items are dangerous for small animals that can climb into an empty jar and get stuck in it.
These cans can be recycled many times and this process requires much less energy than creating a new can. Using the same amount of energy, you can make 20 recycled cans or 1 new aluminum can.

Recycling aluminum cans

Plastic decomposition

Answer #1 . The stele does not rot, rotting is a process of destruction caused either by the action of an oxidizing agent or by the action of microorganisms, but since absolute is not edible, microorganisms do not eat it. The basis of glass is silicon oxide, and oxide, as is known, cannot burn. In addition, this oxide is quite stable and does not decompose in nature, i.e. it can only crumble to the smallest particles of sand and it will take millions of years for a bottle lying in the ground to do this. if the bottle is exposed external conditions then the number of millions is reduced.

Answer #2 . Depending on the main glass-forming substance used, glasses can be oxide, fluoride, sulfide, etc.

Glass is a mixture of oxides SiO2, Na2O and CaO. And what will it decompose into? For metals and oxygen? Main content – ​​SiO2,
The enthalpy of formation is as much as -910.9 kJ/mol. That is, it will never decompose on its own; it is not energetically beneficial for it to decompose. In addition, this is a huge value, it decomposes under ordinary influences; to decompose, you need to take this energy from somewhere and pump it into glass.
Energy - almost 10 electron volts per molecule. In nature, such energy is only found in cosmic rays.
but how many of those rays.

Some definitions

Glass- a substance and material, one of the most ancient and, due to the diversity of its properties, universal in human practice. Physico-chemical – inorganic substance, solid, structurally – amorphous, isotropic; All types of glass are converted into state of aggregation- from extreme liquid viscosity to the so-called glassy - during the cooling process at a speed sufficient to prevent crystallization of melts obtained by melting raw materials. The glass melting temperature, from 300 to 2500 °C, is determined by the components of these glass-forming melts. The title of this material is different languages has different etymologies. The term “glass structure” implies a description of two closely related, but often considered independently, aspects - geometry relative position atoms and ions that make up glass and the nature of the chemical bonds between the particles that form it. Glass is an inorganic isotropic substance, a material known and used since ancient times. The main disadvantage of ordinary glass is fragility.

Watching food rot quickly
