Siberian fir. Recipes with fir needles will give you truly Siberian health

March Madness is how the first one is perceived calendar month spring for those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings - the presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require additional nutrition from you. In this article we will talk about simple and effective fertilizers for seedlings.

After a decade of catalog dominance by original variegated and colorful tulip varieties, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the best designers in the world offer to remember the classics and pay tribute to charming white tulips. Sparkling underneath warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new houseplants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beautifully flowering plants often encounter difficulties. After all, in order for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. There are not very many unpretentious plants blooming in rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. Read about interesting decorative varieties of calendula, as well as the use of calendula in cooking and medicine in our article.

I think many will agree that we perceive the wind well only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy, warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind to several weak flows and significantly weaken it destructive force. How to protect a site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

Making a shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner couldn't be easier! This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch, and no extra centimeters will appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants antiquities, which, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also largely able to preserve their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil - a wonderful universal seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads - is well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil turns out to be a surprisingly versatile plant. For several seasons now, our family has been happily drinking aromatic basil tea. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, the bright spicy plant also found a worthy place.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? This question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and markets where these plants are sold. It is, of course, not entirely correct and correct. Well, it’s the same as asking what is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely, everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet... What if you approach with an open mind and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Red creamy cauliflower soup with crispy smoked bacon - tasty, tender and cream soup, which will appeal to both adults and children. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including kids, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a frying pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These include flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

amateur humid air and one of the most compact and rare Pafinia orchids is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. In indoor culture, pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Fir is a type of plant that belongs to the genus of trees. In a favorable climate, it can grow up to 45 meters in height, and the diameter of the crown can be about 50 cm. The shape of the tree does not change throughout the entire period of growth and has the shape of a cone. Fir branches are quite thin and lowered to the ground, especially if the tree grows alone and not in a group with its relatives.

Fir needles (needles) are located throughout the branch in a spiral order, one at a time. Fruits (cones) are cylindrical or ovoid in shape. Fir is different from other conifers. Its cones grow with a sharp tip towards the top. The trees are considered long-lived; they delight with their greenery and aromas for 150 - 200 years.

This tree, like many other conifers, prefers air saturated with moisture. That is why Fir can be more often found in mountainous areas or along the banks of reservoirs. Most often, firs are found in temperate and subtropical zone Central and of Eastern Europe. In the Far East, along the rivers of Siberia, in Central Asia and North America. Fir also feels ideal in the climate of the Western Hemisphere. These trees rarely grow only in coniferous forests. Fir welcomes the neighborhood of Cedar, the second tier of Aspen and other plant species. But they are extremely rare with pine trees.

Preparation and storage

The most suitable time for procuring Fir raw materials is winter. The collection is carried out simultaneously with timber harvesting. Only the tips of the branches, up to 30 cm long, are cut off. The collected raw materials are sent to factories, where they are used to prepare essential oils, for subsequent production of technical and medical camphor. Before sending the Fir raw materials for processing, they are stored in tents, on decks made of poles, alternating a layer of Fir branches with a layer of snow. This storage method allows you to better preserve the quality of the essential oil in the needles.

Use in everyday life

In the domestic sphere, fir oil can be used to repel many insects and provide good air disinfection. Fir oil can protect against all kinds of diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets and from staphylococci. It effectively purifies indoor air from dust, allergens and mold.

Fir oil is one of the the best means during the treatment of boils and acne. It quickly relieves swelling.

The deodorizing effect of the oil helps during long journeys or swimming in bodies of water with unknown water.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. The needles and small branches of the Fir tree contain more than 3% essential oil, which contains: bornyl acetate 50%, borneol, camphene 20%, apinene 10%, dipentene, a-phellandrene, santhene, painless. Fresh needles may contain about 0.30% ascorbic acids. The seeds found in Fir cones contain up to 30% fatty oils enriched with vitamin (E). The tree bark contains 12% tannins and 16% fir balsam.
  2. IN medical purposes Fir camphor is used very widely. Its 20% solution mixed with peach or olive oil used for injection. For arthritis and rheumatism, a 10% solution of camphor with sunflower oil is used for rubbing. Camphor is included in the composition of Denta drops, which are used for toothache. Fir essential oils are part of the drug "Camphocin", which is used for injection in acute cardiac and respiratory failure. This is just a small list of products that use Fir oil.
  3. Fir oil balm, which contains 35% fir ether and 75% castor oil, is used for rapid healing of wounds and burns, as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Preparations from Fir are used during acute depression of the functions of the medulla oblongata, in case of poisoning with narcotic substances and carbon monoxide.
  5. Essential oil can enhance visual function when the eyes are very tired. It is used in the treatment of insomnia, nervous system. Products based on Fir oils have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body and relax muscles well.
  6. Extracts of this plant are used for rheumatism, various inflammatory processes, chronic and acute heart failure, and infectious diseases.
  7. Fir oil is one of the best remedies for treating frostbite. It promotes rapid relief from stress and has an analgesic and restorative effect.
  8. This is an excellent source of phytoncides and provitamins. Fir oil has a general strengthening effect, supports and strengthens the immune system. Fir camphor is a strong analgesic for neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis. At the same time, the effect of the oil not only relieves pain, but also relieves swelling.
  9. The oil constricts blood vessels, tones the cardiac system, increases blood pressure and restores blood circulation.
  10. Fir oil has a positive effect on the emotional sphere - the tonic aroma of essential oil allows you to achieve deep relaxation and calm down after severe stress. It is recommended for use for nervous exhaustion, obsessive anxiety and nervousness. Fir essential oils help get rid of passivity, depression, and bring a person out of a state of emotional stupor.
  11. Use in folk medicine

    The healing properties of Fir oil have been used since Ancient Rus' and during American Indian rituals. Today these funds have become more wide application in aromatherapy and treatment of various ailments.

    Fir infusion decoction for skin diseases

    You need to take 2 glasses of hot boiled water and pour 5 tablespoons of pine needles. This mixture is infused for three days. Use 100 g for 6 weeks.

    Decoction of oleoresin infusion for arthritis

    10 g of fresh fir needles are poured with half a glass of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then you need to add boiled water until entry level. This compress is applied to sore spots.

    Fir tincture for removing old calluses

    First you need to steam the rough area with 1 liter hot water with the addition of 1 tsp soda. Then the body is wiped dry, and a patch with a hole for the callus is applied. From fresh raw resin, a few drops of juice are squeezed out, which are applied to the hardened area. The patch is again glued on top. This procedure can be carried out with a break of 1 day.

    Decoction of Fir resin for sore throat

    You need to take 10 g of salt and dissolve it in 100 g of alcohol. Then this composition is poured into 1 liter of crushed Fir needles and infused for about 5 days in a dark, cool place. The contents must be shaken daily. Strain the prepared solution through cheesecloth.

    To do inhalations - dissolve the prepared mixture in water in a ratio of 1/10, breathe over the steam for about 15 minutes.

    Tincture for diseases of the lungs, prostate and kidneys

    Chopped Fir bark 1 tbsp. l., pour in 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and then cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Leave the broth for 1 hour and add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.

    This decoction should be taken 4 times a day, 50 g, half an hour before meals.

    A decoction infused with Fir resin for Raynaud's disease

    Mix 2 tablespoons of young needles with 5 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of onion peelings and 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips. The resulting composition is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour the prepared broth into a thermos and leave for about 12 hours.

    Take the decoction 4 times a day, 100 g.

    Fir oil for the treatment of trophic ulcers and rotting wounds

    Mix Fir oil and any animal fat in equal proportions. Place the prepared ointment on gauze and apply to the sore spot. This dressing needs to be changed every 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts up to 3 weeks.

    Fir oil for psoriasis

    Place 0.5 liters of water and 30 g of baby soap on the fire and cook until the soap is completely dissolved. Add 500 ml of fir oil to the resulting decoction. Add 30 g of the mixture to a bathtub with hot water and lie in this water for about 20 minutes. For each subsequent bath, the amount of infusion should increase (up to 85 g).

    Fir oil during an angina attack

    The chest area on the left side is rubbed with 6 drops of oil. The attack should stop very quickly. Continue rubbing every 2 hours until complete recovery.

    Contraindications for use

  • Essential oils from Fir are contraindicated during pregnancy, kidney disease, ulcers and gastritis.
  • If you are hypersensitive, fir oil ointments can cause severe skin irritation. And in some cases, attacks of bronchial spasms. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a test before taking the medicinal composition - apply 1 drop of oil to a cotton pad and inhale for 1-2 minutes.
  • Fir oil should not be applied to the skin undiluted to avoid
  • burns.
  • In case of overdose when taken orally, the decoction can cause severe heartburn.
Balsam fir- Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.

Grows in the zone coniferous forests North America, Canada and the USA, reaching almost to the tundra zone, and in the mountains to the upper border of the forest (1500-2500 m). It is often found in low-lying areas and near water bodies in a mixture with other species; it forms pure stands in swamps and high in the mountains. Shade-tolerant. The most common fir in North America. It is considered short-lived, living up to 150-200 years.

Abies balsamea "Nana"
Photo by EDSR.

The tree is 15-25 m high, with a trunk up to 50 (-70) cm in diameter, with a regularly cone-shaped dense, low-slung crown. The bark of young trees is ash-gray, smooth, with a large number of balsam (gum) nodules, then with age it turns reddish-brown, finely and irregularly fissured. Young shoots are initially green, covered with short, strong, erect hairs, then red-brown, glabrous. The buds are spherical or ovoid, resinous, greenish with a characteristic pale purple tint. Needles 15-25 (-35) mm long, 2 mm wide, dark green above, shiny, with 4-7 stomatal lines running along the entire needle near the midrib, below with 6-9 stomatal lines on both sides keels, blunt or slightly notched at the apex, last 4-7 years, aromatic when rubbed. The needles on the shoot are located in two rows, almost perpendicular to each other, in each of the rows in the form of the Latin letter V, one in relation to the other. The cones are oval-cylindrical, 5-10 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick, immature dark purple, mature gray-brown, highly resinous. Seed scales are about 15 mm long, 17 mm wide, broadly wedge-shaped, rounded along the upper edge, with a narrow small stalk. Covering scales are shorter than seed scales, almost rounded, serrated on top, with a short tip and a narrow, short stalk. Seed wing with a purple tint.

Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, grows relatively quickly, shoots ripen completely. The lower branches, being covered with humus, take root easily, while the young trees growing around the mother plant create a very impressive group. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 20-30. Dusting - with an interval of 1-4 years. Reacts negatively to trampling and breaking off. Good for alley, group and single plantings. Very showy with numerous young dark purple buds. It should be borne in mind that if there is a superficial root system, it is windfall. In culture since 1697.
Abies balsamea "Piccolo"
Photo of Uspensky Igor

Used in single and small group plantings in gardens and parks throughout the forest zone of the European part of Russia; to the north - to the latitude of St. Petersburg, to the east - to Yekaterinburg, to the west - to Belarus. Not suitable for southern regions with dry climate and soils.

In GBS since 1952, 9 samples (8 copies) were received from Minsk, Far East, arboretum "Trostyanets" (Ukraine), VILR (Moscow), Kurnika (Poland). Tree, at 14 years height 5.9 m, trunk diameter 6.5/9.5 cm. Vegetation from 25.IV ± 4. Grows quickly, annual growth of 15 cm, less often up to 25 cm. Dust from 12.V ± 3 to 19.V ± 7, 7-8 days. The cones mature at 3.IX ± 5. They are propagated by seeds, which are sown immediately after collection, and by layering. Winter hardiness is high. Seed germination rate is 7%. Rarely found in landscaping.

In St. Petersburg since the end of the 18th century. Currently grown in the collections of the Botanical Garden BIN and the Forestry Academy. Endures strong winter frosts, grows well in moderately cold climates. Root system, unlike other firs, is superficial.

This species hybridizes under natural conditions with Fraser fir (Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir.), forming a hybridogenic species Abies x phanerolepis(Fern.) Liu (A. balsamea var. phanerolepis Fern.), common in the state
Virginia. Differs from Abies balsamea in smaller cones (2-5.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm thick) and longer covering scales, reaching 2/3 of the length of the seed scales. It is grown in the collections of BIN and at the Otradnoe scientific experimental station.

A. b. var phanerolepis Fern. - P.b. clear-squamous. Tree 15-25 m tall. Canada. In GBS since 1986. In the arboretum since 1992. Seeds were obtained from the Salaspils Botanical Garden (Latvia). At 7 years, height is up to 1.8 m, trunk diameter at the root collar is 1.5 cm. Vegetation from the first ten days of May. Annual growth is about 10 cm. Does not generate dust. Winter hardiness is high. Not found in Moscow landscaping.

"Hudsonia" ("Hudsonia"). A dwarf mountain form from New Hampshire, where it grows along the upper border of the forest. The crown is wide. The branches are very dense, the shoots are numerous and short. The needles are short, flat, wide, black-green above, bluish-green below. Known since 1810. Rarely used in single and group plantings.

"Nana", Low ("Nana"). Dwarf form up to 50 cm tall. The crown is rounded, its diameter is 2 - 2.5 m. The branches are spreading, dense, growing horizontally. The needles are short, 4-10 mm long, thick, dark green, with two blue-white stripes below, the middle and edge are lighter, yellow-green. It grows slowly. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Propagated by cuttings or grafting. Introduced into culture in 1850. In the BIN Botanical Garden since 1989. Suitable for rocky gardens, as well as for growing in containers, for landscaping terraces and roofs. It is recommended to plant in groups on the lawn or solitary in rock gardens.

Other decorative forms: gray(f. glauca) - with bluish needles; silver(f. argentea) - with white needles at the ends; motley(f. variegata) - with yellow-variegated needles; columnar(f. columnaris); prostrate(f. prostrata) - dwarf, with branches spread above the ground.

Fir is one of the brightest plants that deserves the status of queen among conifers. Fir looks most impressive when it grows away from other plantings. Having a slender trunk, it stands out for its lush crown, and in addition to this, it is capable of not losing the decorative appearance of the lower branches for many months, which distinguishes it from many other coniferous representatives. This feature has made it one of the most popular options as a New Year's tree.

New Year's fir

In mid-December, many people begin to prepare for the New Year holiday. Therefore, they try to stock up on gifts and decorations, as well as garlands, bouquets, figurines and wreaths to make their home festive. However, the main attribute of the New Year is beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

Usually, many of us do not think about choosing a New Year's tree and buy ordinary spruce or prickly spruce. At the same time, everyone usually forgets about fir. And, I must say, in vain, since this tree looks no less beautiful than the above-mentioned coniferous representatives.

New Year's fir attracts attention not only for its decorative properties, but also for its great convenience when decorating the Christmas tree.

Unlike many other conifers, this tree has soft rounded needles, so when hanging New Year's toys on a tree, you will not get unpleasant sensations when touching the needles. Therefore, fir fully justifies the name fluffy. The fir also boasts a natural decoration, which are dark purple cones. Moreover, they do not sit like those of a spruce tree, but are directed vertically upward. Because of this feature, fir cones can easily be mistaken for candles, as a result this tree takes on an even more solemn appearance.

Naturally, if you walk through the local Christmas tree markets, you are unlikely to find a fir, and if you do come across one, then, most likely, the seller will demand a fantastic price for it. Owners of summer cottages who are ready to meet New Year In the countryside. If you plant this tree there, you will be able to meet a beautiful lush fir every year New Year's celebration. Moreover, it can bring you joy all year round.

One of mandatory conditions, subject to which it is possible to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of fir, is good drainage. You also need to pay attention to the quality of the soil, which should be provided with moisture in moderate quantities. If water stagnates in the selected area for planting fir, the plant will not be able to grow well. The development of the tree is also affected by the fertility of the soil, so in order for the fir to mature quickly, it should be planted in well-fertilized soil.

It is recommended to plan to plant fir in April or September. Young seedlings can be transplanted both in spring and summer. You just need to make sure that during transfer the lump of earth around the root system remains intact. The best survival rate is demonstrated by young trees that are transplanted at the age of 5-10 years.

For young fir it is necessary prepare a convenient pit, the optimal dimensions for which are 60 x 60 cm. During planting, you need to ensure that the root collar corresponds to the soil level. After planting the fir, the root zone is mulched using sawdust or peat. Mulch will effectively cope with its task if it is laid in a layer of 5-8 cm. Then you can be sure that the young fir seedling will not suffer from frost. However, in relation to adult plants, such an operation will not be necessary, since at this stage life cycle they acquire high resistance to negative temperatures.

If your place of residence often experiences strong temperature changes in winter, and return frosts are not uncommon in spring, then you should build a special protective shelter made of spruce branches for a young fir seedling. To prevent damage to the tree, it must be completely covered. First of all, this is important for those varieties that will have to overwinter for the first time. Otherwise, the tree will not tolerate severe cold, as a result of which its needles may turn red.

Those trees become adults which have been growing for more than 15 years. In the first 10-15 years after planting, the growth of the tree is usually unnoticeable, but subsequently the situation changes, as a result, the fir annually adds 30-50 cm. Many trees that have reached 30 years of age often reach a height of 10 m.

Varieties and types of fir

A photo of this representative of the coniferous family gives only general information. Therefore, if you decide to plant a fir on your personal plot, then it won’t hurt you to first decide on the variety of this tree. After all, each of them has its own characteristics, knowing about which you can imagine in advance what will happen in the end.

This representative of the conifer family is very different decorative crown and coloring. The plant has a dense, wide crown of a pyramidal shape. During development, the branches are parallel to the ground. Throughout their life, the trees do not change their bark color, which remains light gray. In young plants it is initially smooth, but over time growths and cracks can be found on it. The cones have a cylindrical shape, a characteristic color is dark purple, they are quite small in size and reach a length of 8-12 cm, and necessarily contain a large number of resins.

The most pronounced properties within this type of fir have blue form "Violacea". This variety is decorated with bluish-blue needles, which are sickle-shaped. This variety of fir is unpretentious, begins to grow relatively quickly after transplantation, acquires its natural appearance in a short time, and is less susceptible to pine aphids. Typically mature plants reach a height of 6-8 m.

A photo of this tree can only help to understand what an adult plant might look like. However, this is not enough, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of this tree before planting.

This species of the coniferous family feels great in conditions middle zone. Korean fir is covered with shiny needles that have different colors - dark green on top, white on bottom. Cones that have a bright purple color stand out for their pronounced decorative properties. Moreover, they are formed even in young plants. Some specimens of the Korean variety can reach a height of 15 m.

  • Within this type of fir, the “Blue Standard” variety stands out, which attracts the attention of more dark color cones;
  • A distinctive feature of the Silberzwerg variety is its short stature. Throughout its life, this tree exhibits extremely slow growth. Usually in a year it increases its height by no more than 5 cm. The tree forms short shoots that have strong branches. This explains its round shape. The branches are decorated with silver needles.

You can admire the photo of this tree for a long time. However, this species stands out not only for its beautiful needles.

This representative of conifers stands out for its slender trunk, which is complemented by a cone-shaped crown. As it grows, balsam fir forms branches that located horizontally at the bottom. As they move towards the top, they begin to rise slightly vertically.


Despite not being so famous, fir can become a worthy alternative to regular spruce. Moreover, it is not a problem that this tree cannot always be found on sale. Korean fir, like any conifer tree, can be grown on your own plot. The process itself is not very complicated, and it is not necessary to find out where the fir grows. The main thing is to take into account the landing characteristics. It is very important here to ensure that the selected area is moderately moist and has fertile soil.

It also doesn’t hurt to decide on the type of fir before planting, since it provides many varieties, which may differ not only in their growth rate, but also in their shape. It is enough to take into account these nuances before planting, and then in a couple of years you will be able to celebrate the New Year's holiday at your dacha, without worrying that in a couple of days the New Year's tree will lose its attractiveness.

Fir and its varieties

- This evergreen, having a conical crown. The top of the fir starts from the base of the trunk. In mature trees, the top of the crown is rounded or notched.

The color of the periderm is gray, it is not wrinkled in most. The periderm of mature trees becomes thicker and cracks over time. Some garden species have green-gray or green-blue needles. The needles of most trees are flat, dark green in color with milky stripes below.

Fir has a pleasant pine smell. There are about forty species of fir, but not all of them are suitable for garden design, since individual plants grow up to sixty meters. The cones are located at the top of the crown. The development of buds takes decades. Fir cones fall to the ground in stiff parts. The fir root is taprooted and strong.

There are fir trees with decorative cones, these include the following types: Korean fir, Wich fir, single-color fir, Fraser fir, Siberian fir. Fir is divided into species, which, in turn, have various varieties. Below are the most popular and widespread varieties of fir.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of fir plants is the location of resin ducts in the periderm, and not in the wood.

Homeland – North America and Canada. The crown of the tree is symmetrical, dense, pin-shaped, and located low. Plant height is from 15 to 25 meters. With age, the periderm changes its color from ash-gray to red-brown, and the shoots change from ruby ​​to red-brown. The branches are arranged in a ring shape in tiers. The needles are shiny, poisonous green, with a pronounced balsamic smell, small cones of lilac color.
The cones are cylindrical, up to ten centimeters long. This type of fir is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and fast-growing. The branches of the lower tier take root well. Balsam fir is represented by several decorative garden forms of such varieties as Nana and Hudsonia.

Balsam fir variety Nana is a slow-growing plant in the form of a dwarf bush. The bush is earthy, cushion-shaped, the height does not exceed fifty centimeters, and the diameter is eighty centimeters. The needles of the bush are short, ruby ​​in color, strongly knitted, and smell pleasant. Nana is winter-hardy, but does not tolerate high temperatures and drought.

The homeland of single-color fir is the mountainous regions of the United States and northern Mexico. Trees grow up to sixty meters. The crown is wide and conical. The periderm is dense, light gray in color with oblong cracks. The needles of single-color fir are the largest among other species, their length is about six centimeters.
The color of the needles is matte bluish-green on all sides, they are soft and have a pleasant lemon aroma. The cones are dark purple in color, their length reaches 12 cm, and their shape is oval-cylindrical. Single-color fir is a fast-growing tree that is resistant to winds, smoke, drought and frost. Lives about 350 years. Single-color fir has several decorative forms, among them popular varieties such as Violacea and Compacta.

Violacea is a lilac single-color fir. The top of the tree is wide, conical, and the height does not exceed eight meters. The needles are oblong, white and blue. This form of fir is rarely found in ornamental plantings.
Campacta is a dwarf, slow-growing shrub with randomly placed branches. The length of the needles reaches forty centimeters, the color is blue. Just like Violaceu, it can be found very rarely.

Cephalline fir (Greek)

Cefallin fir lives in the south of Albania and Greece, in the mountains at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level. The plant grows up to 35 meters in height, the diameter of the trunk reaches two meters. The crown is thick, conical, low. The periderm becomes cracked over time. The young are bare, polished to the touch, shiny, bright brown or red-brown in color. The buds are cone-shaped, resinous, red-purple in color.
Needles up to 3.5 cm in length and no more than three millimeters wide. The tops of the needles are sharp, the needles themselves are shiny and thick, dark green at the top and pale green at the bottom. The needles are arranged in a spiral, close to each other. The cones are narrow, cylindrical, resinous, and large. At first the cones are purple in color, and as they ripen they become brownish-purple. Greek fir is drought-resistant, grows slowly, and is afraid of cold winters.

Whole leaf fir (black Manchurian)

The homeland of whole-leaved fir is the south of Primorye, Northern China and Korea. The tree grows up to 45 meters. The crown is dense, broadly pyramidal, loose, lowered to the ground. A distinctive feature of this type of fir is the color of the bark - at first it is dark gray and then black. Young seedlings have a yellow-gray periderm. The needles are dense, hard, sharp, solid. The top of the dark green needles is shiny, and the bottom is lighter.
The needles are arranged in waves on the branches. Black Manchurian fir changes its needles every nine years. The cones are cylindrical, light brown in color, resinous, velvety pubescent. The first ten years of life it grows slowly, and then growth increases rapidly. The lifespan of a tree is 400 years. The tree is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant, wind-resistant, and requires high soil and environmental humidity.

Nordmann fir (Caucasian)

The homeland of Caucasian fir is the western Caucasus and Türkiye. Nordmann fir grows up to 60 meters in height, with a trunk diameter of up to two meters. The crown is narrow, cone-shaped, densely branched. Young plantings have a shiny light brown or yellow periderm, which turns gray over time. The young are shiny red-brown and then white-gray in color.
The needles are dark green, dense, the bottom of the needles is silver. Rarely seen, since the tree has low winter hardiness. There are several varieties of fir for decorative cultivation: Pendula Aurea, Gtauka, Albo-spicata.

Did you know? The lifespan of the Nordmann fir is five hundred years.

Sakhalin fir is native to Sakhalin and Japan. The plant is highly decorative, up to thirty meters high, has a smooth periderm of a dark steel color, which becomes darker as it grows. The diameter of the seedling does not exceed one meter. The branches of the wide-conical dense crown are slightly curved upward.
The needles are soft, dark green, with milky stripes on the bottom. The length of the needles reaches four centimeters, the width is no more than two millimeters. The cones are placed vertically, the shape is cylindrical. The color of the cones is brown or black-blue, length 8 cm, diameter 3 cm. The plant is frost-resistant and requires increased moisture in the air and soil.

Subalpine fir (mountain)

Mountain fir comes from high mountains North America. The height does not exceed 40 meters, the trunk is 60 cm in diameter. The tops of the trees are low-growing, narrowly conical. Subalpine fir has a smooth, gray periderm covered with small cracks. The top of the needles is a matte grassy blue, and the bottom has two white stripes. The needles are attached in two rows. Subalpine fir has cylindrical cones; ripening occurs annually at the end of August. There are types of mountain fir suitable for ornamental cultivation.
Argentea is a mountain fir with silver needles. Glauka is a subalpine fir up to 12 meters high, with a pyramid-shaped crown and elongated steel or blue needles. Compacta is a dwarf fir no more than one and a half meters in height with a wide, well-branched crown. The needles are silver-sky in color, with bluish stripes at the bottom. The shape of the needles is similar to a sickle, length is 3 cm. The needles are located tightly. Low-growing varieties are widespread among amateur gardeners.

Important! Young fir seedlings must be covered for the winter, as they are afraid of spring frosts.

It grows in mountain ranges from one hundred to 1850 meters above sea level in the south of the Korean Peninsula and Jeju Island. This type of fir was discovered in 1907. The seedling does not grow higher than 15 meters. The young are first yellow and then red, covered with thin fibers. The needles are short, shiny dark green at the top and white at the bottom. The cones are a beautiful bright blue with a purple tint. Grows slowly, winter-hardy.
Widespread varieties such as Blue Standard - tall trees with cones of dark purple color; Brevifolia is a tree with a rounded crown, marsh-green needles at the top and gray-white below, and small purple cones; Silberzverg is a low, slow-growing variety of fir with silver-colored needles, a rounded crown and short, densely branched branches; Piccolo is a shrub about thirty centimeters high, reaches a diameter of up to one and a half meters with a flat spreading crown, the needles are dark herbaceous in color.

Tall fir (noble)

The tall fir reaches a height of 100 meters. The homeland of noble fir is the western part of North America. The habitat is river valleys and gentle slopes near the ocean. This is practically the most tall view fir trees It has a cone-shaped crown when the seedlings are young, and as the seedling ages, the crown will become dome-shaped. Young growth has a gray-brown smooth periderm, and older seedlings have a dark brown periderm covered with oblong cracks.
Young branches are olive-green or red-brown, in cannon. Older branches are bare. The needles are small, curved at the base. The top of the needles is shiny green and the bottom is bluish. The shape of the cones is oblong-cylindrical, length up to 12 cm, diameter 4 cm. Not ripe cones are emerald or red-brown in color, but ripe ones are dark brown-gray resinous. The lifespan of noble fir is about 250 years. The seedling grows quickly.

Did you know? The periderm, needles and buds of fir are used to make medicinal drugs. They contain essential oils and tannins.

The homeland of fir is Central Japan, its habitat is mountains. The height is about forty meters. The branches of the plant are short, located perpendicular to the trunk, the crown is pyramid-shaped. The trunk is covered with a smooth white-gray periderm. The young are covered with a pubescent periderm of gray or emerald color.
The needles are soft, slightly curved, no more than 2.5 cm. The top of the needles is shiny dark green, the bottom is decorated with milky stripes. The length of the cones is about 7 cm. Unripe cones become red-blue-lilac in color over time. chestnut color. The plant is winter-hardy, fast-growing, and resistant to smoke.

The homeland of this fir species is North America. The height of the tree is 25 meters, the top is pyramid-shaped or conical. The young fir trunk is covered with a gray periderm, and the old trunk is red, the branches are yellow-gray. The needles are short, shiny dark green above and silvery below. The cones are short, decorative, and purplish-brown in color when mature.
The plant is winter-hardy, but does not tolerate air pollution well. Fraser fir is used for landscaping parks, forest parks and suburban areas. There is a shrub with perpendicular placement of branches - prostrate Fraser fir.

The homeland of Siberian fir is Siberia. Rarely found in landscaping. The height of the plant does not exceed thirty meters. The crown is narrow, cone-shaped. The branches are thin, lowered to the ground. The periderm at the bottom of the trunk is cracked, at the top it is rough and dark gray. The shoots are covered with thick pile. The needles are soft, narrow and blunt at the end, up to three centimeters long.

The color of the needles is dark green shiny at the top and two parallel milky stripes at the bottom. Siberian fir Changes needles every 11 years. The cones are erect, cylindrical, initially light chestnut or light purple, and then light brown in color. The plant is winter-hardy and shade-tolerant. There is Siberian blue, white, and motley. They differ only in the color of the needles.

Important! Fir cannot be planted in absolute shade, since its crown is fully formed only with sufficient lighting.

White fir (European)

White fir is a plant that grows up to 65 meters with a trunk diameter of up to one and a half meters. The crown of the plant is cone-shaped. The periderm is white-gray with a red tint. Young European fir are green or light chestnut in color, but over time they become gray-chestnut. The needles are dark green, silvery below. The European fir is native to the countries of Central and Southern Europe. The tree grows slowly and does not like windy areas.

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