How many raspberries can a 1 year old child have? The use of raspberries in the treatment of a sick child with fever

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“Ah, raspberry, my raspberry...” How many songs, legends and poems have been written about this beautiful bush. Everyone knows about the useful and medicinal properties the berry itself. What about other parts of the plant? It turns out that raspberry leaves have all the properties of berries, and even surpass some of them many times over.

It is reliably known that raspberries, like ornamental shrub, was known to the Greeks and Romans even before our era. In Russia, the first plantings of this shrub appeared in the 12th century - during the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky. Even before the era of tea, in homes (especially rural ones), they drank the so-called brew. This is a hot drink that contains honey and raspberries.

The question naturally arises: “If raspberry leaves are so beneficial, is it possible to include them in therapeutic and/or preventive therapy for everyone, and especially for children?”

Like any medicine, raspberry leaves have a number of restrictions on their use. These include:

    • individual intolerance;
    • allergic reactions;
    • chronic constipation;
    • nephritis;
    • when taken simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), the effect of an overdose of the drug is possible;
    • pregnancy up to 36 weeks.

It should be noted that side effects do not arise from the use of the leaves themselves, but from their uncontrolled and unjustified use.

Multifaceted composition

Raspberry leaves, like the berries themselves, are unique in their chemical composition. The composition is represented by the following compounds, microelements and vitamins:

    • acids of organic origin (citric and malic);
    • salicylic acid (up to 2%);
    • folic acid;
    • manganese;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium;
    • copper;
    • iron;
    • vitamin C (10 to 14%);
    • vitamin K;
    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin PP;
    • vitamin A;
    • cellulose;
    • flavonoids: quercetin, cyanidin, kaempferol;
    • tannins and astringents;
    • sugar (from 7 to 12%).

Raspberry leaves have the property of removing toxins. Antioxidant properties reach 50% (which is significantly higher than strawberries, kiwi and tomatoes).

How to collect raspberry leaves

Benefits of use

The beneficial properties when using shrub leaves are closely related to their unique chemical composition. Raspberry leaves (in different options applications), can be used in following cases:

    • at high temperature body to relieve heat and increase sweating - great for treating colds and viral diseases;
    • for long-term stomach disorders;
    • at gynecological diseases in girls and women (sitz baths, lotions, douching);
    • for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tracheitis, bronchitis;
    • for cough of any etiology;
    • for skin diseases (acne in adolescents, eczema, psoriasis);
    • to relieve symptoms of irritation from various insect bites (in particular, they are an antidote for bites poisonous snakes and Scorpios);
    • for diseases of cardio-vascular system(help restore the correct heart rhythm);
    • to relieve inflammation in joints;
    • for faster healing of wounds in children;
    • for washing the eyes of adults and children of all ages and up to one year (with symptoms of conjunctivitis);
    • for the treatment and prevention of stomatitis;
    • as an anti-stress agent.

To summarize everything beneficial features, they have the following positive effects:

Raspberry leaves
    • sweatshop;
    • expectorant;
    • immunostimulating;
    • antipyretic;
    • restorative.

Age of application

The huge variety of positive properties of this natural medicine provides a wide field of activity for using the leaves of the plant. The question naturally arises: “At what age can this remedy be used?”

Nutrition for children under one year of age suggests that Small child at this age is at breastfeeding. For a baby up to one year old, there are certain deadlines for introducing complementary foods. Therefore, as an immunostimulating agent, raspberry leaves are recommended to be used no earlier than seven to eight months.

For external use, this part of the plant can be used at an earlier age. To relieve symptoms of fever and increased sweating, raspberry leaves can be brewed and given to children from six months of age. After a year, the plant can be used in its full therapeutic volume. The product is in the form of infusions and lotions has proven itself for the treatment of teenage facial rashes.

It is important to remember that like any medicine, raspberry leaves (in various applications) can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, you should start taking it with half a teaspoon per day. Repeated use should be postponed for a day. If no allergic manifestations occur during this period, you can continue to gradually increase the dose

If an allergic reaction occurs in any of its manifestations, you should immediately stop taking this infusion or decoction. The child must be given an antihistamine in an age-appropriate dosage.

Any variations in the use of leaves are usually very well tolerated by children after two years.

Tea with raspberries and leaves - against flu

Collection and storage

Raspberry leaves should be collected from bushes, in places far from the roadway. Collection time: late spring – early July. During this period, they retain all the positive healing properties.

The leaves must be dry when harvested. That's why optimal time- after ten o'clock in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, but there is still no scorching sun.

Drying should be done in a dry, well-ventilated place. It is best to store in paper or linen bags. The maximum shelf life is up to two years.

Cooking principles

Dried or fresh leaves are used to prepare solutions, decoctions, tinctures, teas, and lotions.


The decoction is prepared in a ratio of 1:20. Take 20 grams of leaves (approximately two tablespoons) and pour two glasses of water. The mixture must be allowed to boil for up to 10 minutes, then strain.


To prepare aromatic and healthy drink use one tablespoon of crushed leaves. The product is placed in a teapot and filled with two glasses of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 10 minutes, and after that it is ready for use.


To prepare the infusion, use two tablespoons of leaves, poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is allowed to brew for an hour. After this, it is recommended to strain the infusion.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that raspberry leaves are an excellent addition to drug therapy in the treatment of various diseases in children. And as a means of prevention, they should be in home medicine cabinet every mother.

Application medicine herbal origin is always many times better than drug therapy.

Video: Tea made from raspberry, jujube, quince and strawberry leaves

The main component of raspberries is salicylic acid, and the body absorbs it from raspberries much better than in synthetic form. This acid works great as an antipyretic and immunostimulating agent, which is why tea made from raspberry leaves, twigs and the berries themselves is indicated for colds.

Also, this amazing “berry queen” boasts fructose, glucose, sucrose, vitamins E, PP, C, A, B2, citric and malic acids, pectin, essential oils, iron, potassium, magnesium!

But many mothers doubt can children have raspberries?, at what age can it be given to a child without fear, in what quantity?

What are the benefits of raspberries for children?

Raspberries give pleasure in taste, make you happy, and relieve many health problems. But all parents should strictly distinguish between taking berries for pleasure and for treatment.

Fresh raspberries are definitely beneficial for children, but their amazing properties and benefits are also preserved in raspberry tea (from dried berries, leaves), both in jam and frozen berries. During a cold, these remedies provide the body with additional protection and stimulation. Tea causes severe sweating, during which the temperature drops and the disease goes away.

To increase appetite, children can be given raspberries not only fresh, but also in the form of jelly, juice, or jam. It is better to eat berries or dishes made from them an hour or two before meals.

If a child suddenly has a headache, a handful of raspberries can replace an aspirin tablet.

And also this berry - excellent prevention anemia, diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys and liver.

Raspberries also destroy mold spores, fungi, and harmful microorganisms.

Raspberries perfectly lift your spirits and make you happy, because they contain copper – an excellent antidepressant.

At what age are raspberries allowed for children?

Baby food up to one year old does not include feeding children red berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants), as they can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. After a year, it is quite possible to start treating your baby to berries, but this must be done carefully and gradually. At first, you need to give only one ripe berry (per season), and carefully observe the reaction of the child’s body. If there is no reaction, no rashes on the skin, no pain in the tummy, then the next day you can give a couple of berries. If an allergic reaction occurs, then you need to give a children's antihistamine and stop the “berry experiment.”

You can try again at two years old; there is a chance that the body will accept the berries at an older age. You also need to take into account that sometimes a child digests, for example, raspberries well, but does not accept strawberries well, or vice versa. In any case, before you start trying berries, it is better to consult your pediatrician. A serious contraindication is intolerance to red berries by the body.

As soon as juicy, aromatic and sweet, uniquely tasty raspberries ripen in the gardens, parents begin to want to treat their child to this delicacy. Moreover, all mothers have been familiar with the beneficial properties of these berries since childhood, which in the form of a tasty medicine helped to cope with.

Raspberries are one of the most popular berries in Russia. In all known phraseological units, this berry is a symbol of a good, “sweet” life.

For the first time, Yuri Dolgoruky ordered the planting of garden raspberries in Russia in the 12th century. In Rus', before the advent of tea, people loved to drink “vzvarets” - a hot honey drink with the addition of raspberries. Since then, it has been growing and is popular not only in forests, but also in almost every garden in central Russia.

The popularity of these berries in different countries world is associated not only with their unique taste, but also with their inherent beneficial properties. True, these properties are more pronounced in wild berries than in garden raspberries.

Calorie content and composition

Raspberries are rich in vitamins and microelements and contain a low amount of calories.

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The content of microelements in raspberries is no less rich:

  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

100 g of berries contain:

  • carbohydrates (11.9 g);
  • proteins (1.2 g);
  • fats (0.7 g).

Carbohydrates are represented mainly by glucose and fructose. Other components are no less useful:

  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids (pantothenic, folic, salicylic).

Dietary fiber makes up 18.5%. Raspberry belongs to low-calorie foods: 100 g of berries contain about 50 kcal.

The benefits of raspberries

The beneficial effects of sweet berries on the body are due to the components of their composition:

  1. The content of salicylic acid (natural Aspirin) in raspberries makes it possible to have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, reduce headache. Such a decrease in a child’s temperature is preferable to the effects of chemical drugs with their possible side effects.
  2. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of aromatic berries will help children cope with infectious disease. Raspberries, of course, are not a replacement for antibiotics, but they can increase the effectiveness of drug therapy.
  3. The significant content of vitamin C in sweet berries will help improve the child’s immunity. Being one of the antioxidants, ascorbic acid will make the body more resistant to the influence of adverse factors. environment. Raspberries are one of the top three foods containing greatest number antioxidants – substances that protect the body from toxic effects (external and internal). The consumption of raspberry fruits is especially indicated for children in environmentally unfavorable regions.
  4. Magnesium and potassium from delicious berries will provide the necessary support to a child’s heart in case of rhythm disturbances or myocardial weakness.
  5. Dietary fiber and pectin will improve the functioning of the digestive tract and promote development. Children's favorite berries have an antiemetic effect. The acids contained in the berries (malic, citric, etc.) will increase the acidity of gastric contents and improve food digestion.
  6. Vitamins PP and C will strengthen the vascular wall, and vitamin K helps normalize blood clotting and has a hemostatic effect.
  7. Pectin will help remove toxins from the body, toxic substances, including pesticides. This is the antitoxic effect of raspberries. This property, inherent in fresh berries, is not lost during heat treatment (in compotes, jam).
  8. Due to its fiber content, raspberries have a mild laxative effect. This natural laxative will help cope with. To improve appetite and digestion, it is enough for your baby to eat about 10 berries before meals.
  9. Raspberries normalize metabolism. Despite the significant carbohydrate content, it is a low-calorie product, since carbohydrates are mainly represented by fructose, which provides a low glycemic index.
  10. The berries contain lipolytic enzymes (that is, they break down fats). Therefore, raspberries can be consumed by children with diabetes who are prescribed a diet for weight loss.
  11. The combined content of copper, iron and folic acid will have a very beneficial effect in the treatment and prevention of children.
  12. Raspberries can be called an excellent anti-stress product. It is recommended to give a drink made from its berries to children with neuroses, a tendency to depression (for example, in teenagers), and sleep disorders. Tea with raspberry jam is suitable in such cases.
  13. Wonderful berries (dry or frozen, as part of “cold” jam) will help, thanks to their rich vitamin composition, to cope with spring vitamin deficiency and protect the child from frequent viral infections.

You can talk about the beneficial properties of raspberries for a long time, worrying only about whether they are all listed.

Varieties of raspberries

Black raspberries are rich in antioxidants and prevent the development of cancer.

In addition to bushes with red berries, gardeners grow black and yellow raspberries. Such berries began to appear more often in markets. Both yellow and black raspberries are less common in Russia than red ones, but their popularity is gradually growing.

According to the results of research conducted by American scientists from the State of Ohio, the beneficial properties of black fruits are several times higher than those of red and yellow berries.

  • The main expressed property of black raspberries is the ability to prevent the development oncological diseases. This effect on the body occurs due to the content of black berries in a significant amount of substances that are antioxidants.
  • Raspberries with fruits yellow color also worthy of attention. After all, the insignificant content of coloring pigment makes it possible to include it in the diet of children and pregnant women, and people with a tendency to allergies, with a lower risk of development. In addition, it is yellow raspberries that contain more folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis, which is very useful for the child even at the formation stage nervous system during intrauterine development.


Unfortunately, there are also contraindications for eating raspberries:

  • You should not give raspberries to a child if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to it.
  • Its use is not recommended in the presence of (often diagnosed in adolescents) in the acute stage.
  • Contraindications are also exacerbation of kidney diseases (nephritis), increased blood clotting.

How to select and store raspberries

The main thing when choosing should be the good condition of the berries:

  • They should be bright red, with a distinct aroma, dry and whole, not bruised.
  • You should not buy or eat darkened, moldy berries.

For fresh consumption, berries can be stored for only 1-2 days in the refrigerator. To do this, whole ripe berries need to be carefully laid out on a plate in 1 or 2 layers, covered with a paper towel on top and placed in the refrigerator. Raspberries should be washed before eating or freezing.

  • The washed raspberries should be laid out to dry on a paper towel, then placed on a plate in 1 layer and frozen.
  • Frozen berries can be portioned into bags or small containers.
  • The berries are stored in the freezer in this form for up to a year. The beneficial properties of frozen fruits are preserved.
  • You just can’t allow the berries to defrost and re-freeze. Therefore, portion packaging of frozen fruits is recommended.

For long-term storage, you can dry raspberries and drink aromatic tea with them.

Raspberries, pureed together with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, also retain their beneficial properties. This method of preparing berries (“cold jam”) is healthier than regular cooked raspberry jam.

Unfortunately, there are few beneficial properties left in ordinary jam, jam or jelly. Their use does not bring any particular benefit, only pleasure from the aroma and taste.

Healing properties of raspberry leaves

Not only the berries, but also the leaves and stems of raspberries are useful. Their biochemical composition is also quite rich. And, for example, the content of ascorbic acid in leaves is 6 times higher than in berries.

Therefore, tea brewed with raspberry leaves has a pronounced immunostimulating and restorative effect. This drink will improve your well-being in case of any ailment.

  • An infusion of raspberry leaves is an excellent antipyretic and expectorant. It can be given to children instead of chemical medications for colds, bronchitis, and flu.
  • The same infusion can be used to gargle with sore throat and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • It can also be used in adolescents if they are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  • Raspberry tea or infusion can also be consumed for prevention colds.

To prepare the infusion you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry raspberry leaves with boiling water (0.5 l) and let it brew in a thermos for 2 hours. Take ¼ or half a glass three times a day.

Dry berries (2 tablespoons) are brewed with a glass of boiling water, let steep for 20 minutes, this tea can already be drunk warm.

Of course, the use of herbal medicine for diseases must be agreed with a pediatrician.

  • At acne For teenagers, a mask made from thoroughly washed and crushed fresh raspberry leaves will have a good effect.
  • Hair after rinsing with an infusion of leaves will look healthy.

Harvesting raspberry leaves

Leaves should be collected at the end of May, since it is during this period that beneficial ingredients accumulate in them as much as possible.

  • You need to choose bright green leaves without black spots.
  • The collected leaves should be laid out on a tray or clean paper in 1-2 layers.
  • You need to air dry them in the shade so that the direct rays of the sun do not hit them.
  • You can dry the leaves in a slightly heated oven.

When and how to introduce raspberries into a child’s diet

Raspberries can be introduced into a child’s diet starting from the age of one year. The amount of berries eaten should be increased gradually, reaching a maximum of 1 handful per day.

According to the generally accepted opinion of nutritionists, raspberries can be introduced into the diet from the age of one, while observing the principle of gradually introducing the baby to a new product.

  • You need to start with one berry and observe the reaction of the child’s body for 1-2 days. It is best to give freshly picked, preferably organic, fruits.
  • In the absence of any allergic manifestations, the daily portion can be increased by 2-3 berries, bringing the portion to a handful per day.
  • If allergic signs appear, it is necessary to treat with antihistamines as prescribed by the pediatrician. You can let your child try raspberries again only after a few months or even a year later.

Summary for parents

Healthy and tasty berries collected from the raspberry bush have a beneficial and multifaceted effect on the child’s body. Frozen raspberries, dry raspberries, and even raspberry leaves can provide benefits. They will not only provide vitamins and many microelements, but will also help cope with some diseases.

Raspberries are good for children of all ages. But it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of babies after a year. This should be done gradually, monitoring the reaction of the child’s body.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky talks about whether raspberry tea is healthy:

Raspberries are one of the most healthy berries with an incredibly fragrant aroma. The delicate fruits are pleasant to the taste, but they are valued not only for this - they are useful for colds and inflammatory diseases, and they also contain many substances important for the body. Today we will talk about why raspberries should be given to children, at what age and in what quantity.

When can a baby eat raspberries?

Let’s make a reservation right away: it is categorically unacceptable to offer your baby berries from roadside bushes or contaminated places. Otherwise, they will bring harm, not benefit. The ideal option is raspberries with own garden, as a last resort, it can be purchased from sellers you trust. Expert recommendations:

  • You can offer raspberries as complementary foods for the first time at 12 months;
  • Give your baby just one berry to try - be sure to be ripe and completely red, since green ones can cause digestive system upset;
  • wait a day and make sure that the reaction to raspberries is normal - there is no skin rash, diarrhea or other alarming symptoms;
  • the maximum daily dose is about 100 g, it is necessary to increase this volume gradually, increasing the portion over and over again;
  • if the cheeks turn red or itchy skin or diarrhea appear, the child must be given an antihistamine, and then do not offer him raspberries for a long time.
  • The good thing about raspberries is that even when frozen or dried, they retain their beneficial properties. If you really want something sweet, then you should give up jam, marshmallows or preserves; it is preferable to prepare a “five-minute” one - grind the raspberries with sugar.

    Raspberry composition

    Raspberries contain many useful substances, including citric and salicylic acids, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It also contains pectins, tannins, B vitamins, ascorbic and folic acids, beta-sitosterol and others. There are also minerals, including iron, which will help restore hemoglobin, calcium - so important for full development skeletal system, zinc, copper and many other substances that bring great benefits to the body.

    We are accustomed to thinking that wild raspberries contain more useful substances, but, for example, they contain less salicylic acid than garden raspberries, so it is better to take cultivated berries to treat colds. They are also valued for the coumarins they contain, which are useful for blood clotting disorders.

    How to treat with raspberries

    Everyone, even children, knows how beneficial raspberries are for colds. But it is also successfully used to treat many other ailments: radiculitis, arthritis, neuralgia and others. Raspberries are also great for children with reduced appetite.

    The diaphoretic effect is ensured by the large amount of salicylic acid contained in raspberries. And what is most important - without side effects, characteristic of pharmaceuticals. Due to profuse sweating, the body's thermoregulation is stabilized and body temperature decreases. Raspberries are also indicated in the following cases:

    • as a hemostatic agent;
    • in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • low blood pressure;
    • anemia;
    • as a general tonic.
    • It is noteworthy that not only berries are beneficial, but also tea made from raspberry shoots and leaves. And the berries help restore normal intestinal activity. If a child has diarrhea and there is no necessary medicine in the medicine cabinet, then you can offer him an infusion of raspberry leaves.

      Does your baby have a headache? Give a raspberry and the pain will disappear - this is an excellent alternative to aspirin. And thanks to the copper it contains, this useful gift of nature will protect you from depression. In addition, raspberries have powerful antibacterial properties and are effective in combating fungus, mold and pathogenic flora.


      Due to the increased content of purines, you should not consume raspberries during an exacerbation of kidney diseases and gout. There are other cases when you should give up this delicious berry:

    • increased acidity and stomach ulcers - in this case it is worth preparing raspberry juice, or, as a last resort, a raspberry drink based on juice diluted with water;
    • individual intolerance - in this case it is permissible to eat raspberry varieties with yellow berries;
    • If you have constipation, it is also better to abstain from eating raspberries.
    • If any problems arise, it is best to consult your pediatrician. He will be able to determine exactly what caused the illness or allergic reaction.

      Raspberry dishes for kids

      And at the end of the article we offer two simple recipes raspberry dishes that can be given to children.

      Frappe with raspberries

      For 4 servings you will need 200 g of ice cream, preferably regular, white ice cream. You will also need 60 ml raspberry syrup, 2 tbsp. milk and 400 g of fresh raspberries. Place all ingredients except the berries in an enamel or plastic container and beat using a blender or mixer. Place the raspberries in four bowls or transparent cups, then pour the mixture over them. You can decorate with raspberry leaves or special accessories. Attention! The dessert can be offered to children aged two years and older.

      Raspberry juice

      It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of raspberry juice. It provides a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, helps reduce body temperature, and cope with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Has a strong diaphoretic effect. Step by step guide for making raspberry juice:

    • thoroughly rinse the berries, remove pieces of leaves, as well as spoiled raspberries;
    • mash the berries; alternatively, you can use a blender;
    • place the prepared raspberries in a pan with water at 80–90°C.
    • gradually heat the mixture, but do not bring it to a boil;
    • constantly stir the mass, otherwise it will burn;
    • duration of heat treatment - 20 minutes;
    • pour the juice into another vessel, strain it through cheesecloth;
    • Boil the resulting liquid, pour into sterilized jars and seal them tightly.
    • The final stage of preparation is pasteurization, its duration depends on the volume of the glass container: 1 liter - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes, small jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters must be pasteurized for 15 minutes. Important! If you sterilize the juice, then less useful substances will remain in it; with pasteurization, the drink will be many times more useful. Therefore, carefully observe the temperature regime.

      At what age can children be given raspberries?

      Many kids like sweet, tasty raspberries, but before introducing their child to such a berry, parents should learn about its properties, the optimal time for introducing it into complementary foods and other nuances that can prevent allergies or other health problems.

    • Rich in potassium, iron, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, copper, selenium, calcium and other beneficial compounds.
    • Due to the content of organic acids, in particular salicylic acid, when consumed, an antipyretic, anti-cold and diaphoretic effect is noted.
    • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, improving appetite and normalizing digestion.
    • Raspberries have positive influence on the functioning of the myocardium and the condition of the vascular walls, so it is recommended for problems with the cardiovascular system.
    • Its use helps in strengthening the immune system.
    • See the benefits of this berry in the program “Live Healthy.”

      • An allergic reaction often occurs, manifested by redness of the skin, nausea or rash.
      • Due to their significant fiber content, fresh raspberries are not recommended for use for diseases of the digestive tract.
      • At what age can complementary foods be introduced?

        The bright color warns against early introduction of complementary foods. It is recommended to offer it to breastfed babies only with one year old. Artificial babies can be introduced to this berry a little earlier - from 10 months.

        In what form should it be given?

        The acquaintance begins with fresh ripe berries. The baby is offered one piece or even half a berry during breakfast. If no negative reaction to raspberries is noted by the end of the day, the number of berries per day is gradually increased to 50-100 g.

        In addition to fresh raspberries, children can be offered this berry as a filling for pies and dumplings, and in the form of jam. It is also added to yoghurts, cocktails, cottage cheese, muffins, jellies, and compotes.

        Can it be given at fever?

        Tea with raspberries has long been used for colds, since this berry has the property of lowering body temperature during fever.

        Since after eating raspberries the child begins to sweat more, in addition to this drink, he should be given another liquid to avoid dehydration. In addition, raspberries are not used to reduce fever in babies under one year old.

        When choosing raspberries for a small child, pay attention Special attention on the quality of berries. Ideally, berries should be picked from your own garden, but if you buy them at the market, inspect and smell the product. Buy dry, whole and not crushed berries with a bright color and a pleasant aroma.

        In many cases, the seller gives one raspberry to try so that the buyer is convinced of its sweet taste. This will help you choose delicious berry and don't add sugar to it. Do not buy damaged product with rotten or moldy areas.

        What to do if you have an allergy?

        If the baby reacts to a ripe berry with an allergic reaction, you need to wait a few more months before introducing it into complementary foods. If the baby is prone to allergies, it is recommended to treat the child to raspberries no earlier than 3 years of age.

        Raspberries for children

        Raspberries are perhaps the most popular berry in Russia. In Russian folklore there is even an expression: “not life, but raspberries.” This expression symbolized a free, good, “sweet” life. The popularity of raspberries is associated, first of all, with its beautiful taste qualities: this berry is the most fragrant, juicy and sweet of all that grow in middle lane Russia.
        There is evidence that raspberries, as a cultivated plant, were known to the Greeks and Romans even before our era. It is generally accepted that in Russia the first plantings of garden raspberries were made by order of Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th century. Be that as it may, before the advent of tea in Rus', they drank brew - a hot drink made with honey, to which raspberries or cranberries were added.

        What are the benefits of raspberries for children?

        Raspberries contain a storehouse of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP), microelements (potassium and copper salts, magnesium, calcium, cobalt, zinc and iron) and other useful substances such as pectin, glucose and fructose, fiber, essential oils and tannins. It is believed that wild berries have slightly more beneficial properties than garden berries.

        Due to its composition, raspberries have antitoxic properties and a diaphoretic effect, helping to normalize blood clotting. This aromatic berry, thanks to the salicylic acid and phytoncides it contains, is a natural antipyretic and antibacterial agent. Of course, raspberries cannot replace modern antibiotics, but they can be effective as a supplement to drug therapy. Another useful property of raspberries is that they help normalize work. gastrointestinal tract due to its ability to destroy fungal and mold spores, and normalizes appetite.

        At what age and in what quantity can raspberries be given to children?

        As soon as garden plots the harvest begins to ripen, caring mothers and grandmothers can’t wait to treat their beloved child to freshly grown, organic vegetables, fruits and berries. When can you offer your baby raspberries? The generally accepted opinion of baby nutrition experts is that you can start introducing berries into a child’s diet at 12 months. However, many mothers suggest their children try garden berries, including raspberries, already at 8-10 months. In any case, you should remember the principle of gradualness when introducing any new product into the children's diet. In the case of raspberries, you first need to offer your child one ripe berry. If there are no manifestations of allergies during the day, then you can then give two or three more berries every day and gradually increase the daily portion to a handful. If an allergic reaction occurs, the child should be given an antihistamine and the experiment with raspberries should be postponed for several months, or even a year.

        It is best to eat freshly picked raspberries. However, this berry retains its beneficial properties well in fresh frozen and dried form, as well as in the form of so-called cold jam (fresh raspberries pureed with sugar). Ordinary jam, jam, pastille, jelly or marmalade are delicious treats; very little of the beneficial properties characteristic of fresh raspberries remain in these products. So the famous tea with grandma’s raspberry jam for colds or viral diseases is not a very effective remedy. More benefits will come from freshly brewed dried raspberries or an infusion of raspberry leaves. However, before offering such drinks to a child during illness, you should consult with your doctor to see if such herbal medicine is compatible with the medications prescribed for your child. It is also worth remembering that eating raspberries is undesirable for chronic kidney diseases.

        Optimal age for introducing raspberries into a child’s diet

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        Raspberries are an incredibly aromatic, visually attractive and mild-tasting berry that has been known since ancient times.

        This modest and aromatic berry is widely known for its beneficial effect on the human body. It is very common and easily accessible. One can even say that it gained its popularity due to its beneficial properties, and not as an ingredient for a variety of dishes. Raspberries contain a whole complex of vitamins and microelements.

      • Acids – salicylic and folic.
      • A group of different vitamins.
      • Essential microelements.
      • An important point is that the berry is very low in calories, the sugar level fluctuates around 10%.

        The most popular area of ​​application is tea with raspberries, or jam during colds. winter time. Such tea parties are not only very tasty, but also have a therapeutic and preventive effect, which is explained by positive properties fruits Thanks to sufficient level salicylic acid, raspberries have a good antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

        Several more distinctive actions of this berry can be identified.

        • Raspberries are an ideal ally and assistant for maintaining the health of children during vitamin deficiency, thanks to the complex content of vitamins.
        • Has a good anti-inflammatory effect.
        • A positive effect is known in children with cardiovascular diseases. Magnesium and potassium as components have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
        • It is ideal for children with poor appetite, as it can have a positive effect on the digestive system. The result is increased appetite and optimized organ function. Another beneficial property of raspberries
        • Vitamin K is an essential element in blood clotting factors.
        • Moreover, it can be given as a proven grandmother's remedy for various purposes, since it can have an antitoxic effect on the body.
        • The fruits themselves, as well as a decoction of leaves and branches, increase protective functions.
        • Raspberries can be used as a mild pain reliever.
        • It will be extremely useful for swelling of the bladder.
        • Experts recommend this berry for children with diabetes mellitus and decreased levels of hemoglobin in the blood.
        • Raspberry cocktail with ice cream

          IN summer time When going for a walk, you should take with you a drink made with raspberries, with a little added granulated sugar or without it at all. It can be safely given to children even up to one year old, as it effectively quenches thirst.

          Dried raspberries

          The berry can be consumed not only during the season, but even in winter, if you prepare in advance and roll it into jars. An elementary recipe is to sprinkle the fruits with granulated sugar, keeping the proportion of one to two. Important advantage, What this method allows you to save maximum amount beneficial properties and natural characteristics.

          Even if raspberries are subjected to heat treatment, they, unlike other berries, will not lose their healing qualities.

          The best option is to eat freshly picked berries. However, you should know that this berry can retain its beneficial properties not only when frozen, but also when dried. Drinks made from dried fruits or infusions from leaves have a positive effect.

          Precautions - you should limit consumption if your baby has chronic kidney disease.

          When should you start giving raspberries to babies?

          To the question of many parents about at what age can a child be given berries, there is no consensus among experts. Most medical experts argue that such berries can be gradually introduced into the diet of children after they reach one year of age. The final decision still remains with the parents, since some begin to add raspberries to their diet before they are even a year old. There is an opinion that you can start introducing berries into your diet as early as eight months.

          An important point is that you must follow the basic principles of introducing new berries to your child’s menu.

        • First, you need to offer the child one ripe fruit.
        • If, after a day, no allergic reaction has been detected, then you can give the child 2 berries.
        • Gradually increasing the number of fruits, you should approach daily norm- one handful.
        • If an allergy nevertheless appears, then you need to postpone adding berries to your diet for a couple of months.
        • Video: Raspberry Jam without cooking

          At what age can you give your child raspberries?

          What berries can be given to a child and at what age?

          Summer is quickly approaching, which means there will soon be an opportunity to pamper your baby fresh fruit and berries, which are so important for a small growing organism. But what should you do if the child is very small - should you give him berries at all, if so, what kind and when should you start getting acquainted with them for the first time?

          Let's start with the fact that berries can and should be given to a child; they are needed both for normal growth and for improving immunity. Moreover, not only freshly picked berries or juices from them will be useful, but also a variety of jams, jelly, mousses, and desserts. And don’t rush to argue that vitamins, especially vitamin C, are lost during heat treatment.

          All this, of course, is correct, but firstly, only part of the vitamins is lost, and secondly, substances such as mineral salts, beta-carotene and organic acids are preserved. As for the decrease in dietary fiber due to culinary processing, it may even be useful if the child has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or simply unstable stool.

          When to give your child berries

          So that the child’s first acquaintance with berries passes without unpleasant consequences, it needs to be organized correctly. And the first thing you should pay attention to is that the earliest berries and fruits are in most cases brightly colored, which means that they contain a large number of pigment. In turn, these substances can cause allergies to fruits. even in absolutely healthy babies. That is, when you think about what berries you can give to your child, this point must be taken into account.

          But let’s return to the age at which you can give your child berries. According to experts, some berries can appear in the diet of a little gourmet after 7 months. These include: raspberries, blueberries, currants and sea buckthorn. You can try such a delicacy as wild strawberries after a couple of months, but this does not apply to strawberries; they should not be given until a year.

          Natural taste is preferable

          For some reason, many mothers believe that the baby must not like the natural taste of berries and fruits, and stubbornly sprinkle them with sugar. In fact, it's better not to do this. Give your little one the opportunity to get used to their natural taste, and he will definitely appreciate it.

          And in order for berry dishes to be most tasty and healthy, they should be prepared immediately before consumption. Where they are from also plays a significant role here. Without exaggeration, we can say that the healthiest berries for a child will be those from grandma’s garden, not the supermarket. Therefore, always give preference to them, if possible.

          Each mother decides for herself at what age she should start giving her child raspberries.

          I started giving my baby one berry a day when she was one year old. The baby had no allergic reactions to raspberries.

          My Native sister, she started giving her baby raspberries at 8 months, and a friend tried to give her baby raspberries at 5 months.

          But I believe that already at the age of one year, you can gradually introduce raspberries into your child’s diet, but before that you shouldn’t. But again, a lot depends on the parents, on the child, there are children who do not want to eat raspberries until they are two years old, but there are those who already at 9 months eat this berry with great pleasure.

          If, after the child ate raspberries, the child developed a rash, if the child began to itch, then you should stop giving the child raspberries.

          I wish you good luck, great happiness and Have a good mood. Good luck.

          answered 2014-07-14T03:41:22+04:00 1 year, 11 months ago

          Other answers below

          Does raspberry strengthen or weaken?

          At what age can children be given raspberries and other red berries?

          At what age can a child be fed raspberries?

          I started giving raspberries to my little ones when they were one year old. She was just in time. She gave it carefully, one or two berries a day, so as not to cause allergies. And at 2 years old we were already eating handfuls of raspberries 🙂 and there were no allergies.

          Of course, everything is individual, we must take into account the characteristics of each baby separately. But raspberries are not a strong allergen, like strawberries or fish.

          replied 2014-07-13T15:36:25+04:00 1 year, 11 months ago

          If the baby is not prone to allergies, then you can give it already at one year old, start with literally half of one berry, if within two hours you have not noticed any rash, redness of the cheeks, or other signs of an allergic reaction, then you can give 3-4 berries. the next day you can give 5-7 pieces, in general at this age you don’t need to give more than 10 berries a day, an older child can be given 10-15 pieces a day, it’s good to give thin raspberry jelly, add raspberries to semolina or rice porridge

          replied 2014-07-13T14:07:42+04:00 1 year, 11 months ago

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          Can children have raspberries?

          The main component of raspberries is salicylic acid, and the body absorbs it from raspberries much better than in synthetic form. This acid works great as an antipyretic and immunostimulating agent, which is why tea made from raspberry leaves, twigs and the berries themselves is indicated for the flu. colds.

          But many mothers doubt can children have raspberries?. At what age can it be given to a child without fear, in what quantity?

          What are the benefits of raspberries for children?

          Raspberries give pleasure in taste, make you happy, and relieve many health problems. But all parents should strictly distinguish between taking berries for pleasure and for treatment.

          If a child suddenly has a headache, a handful of raspberries can replace an aspirin tablet.

          Raspberries perfectly lift your spirits and make you happy, because they contain copper – an excellent antidepressant.

          Baby food up to one year old does not include feeding children red berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants), as they can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. After a year, it is quite possible to start treating your baby to berries, but this must be done carefully and gradually. At first, you need to give only one ripe berry (per season), and carefully observe the reaction of the child’s body. If there is no reaction, no rashes on the skin, no pain in the tummy, then the next day you can give a couple of berries. If an allergic reaction occurs, then you need to give a children's antihistamine and stop the berry experiment.

          You can try again at two years old; there is a chance that the body will accept the berries at an older age. You also need to take into account that sometimes a child digests, for example, raspberries well, but does not accept strawberries well, or vice versa. In any case, before you start trying berries, it is better to consult your pediatrician. A serious contraindication is intolerance to red berries by the body.

          Can children have raspberries?

          The main component of raspberries is salicylic acid, and the body absorbs it from raspberries much better than in synthetic form. This acid works great as an antipyretic and immunostimulating agent, which is why tea made from raspberry leaves, twigs and the berries themselves is indicated for the flu and colds.

          Also, this amazing “berry queen” boasts fructose, glucose, sucrose, vitamins E, PP, C, A, B2, citric and malic acids, pectin, essential oils, iron, potassium, magnesium!

          But many mothers doubt can children have raspberries?, at what age can it be given to a child without fear, in what quantity?

          What are the benefits of raspberries for children?

          Fresh raspberries are definitely beneficial for children, but their amazing properties and benefits are preserved in raspberry tea (from dried berries and leaves), in jam, and in frozen berries. During a cold, these remedies provide the body with additional protection and stimulation. Tea causes severe sweating, during which the temperature drops and the disease goes away.

          To increase appetite, children can be given raspberries not only fresh, but also in the form of jelly, juice, or jam. It is better to eat berries or dishes made from them an hour or two before meals.

          This berry is also an excellent prevention of anemia, diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys and liver.

          Raspberries also destroy mold spores, fungi, and harmful microorganisms.

          At what age are raspberries allowed for children?

          Baby food up to one year old does not include feeding children red berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants), as they can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. After a year, it is quite possible to start treating your baby to berries, but this must be done carefully and gradually. At first, you need to give only one ripe berry (per season), and carefully observe the reaction of the child’s body. If there is no reaction, no rashes on the skin, no pain in the tummy, then the next day you can give a couple of berries. If an allergic reaction occurs, then you need to give a children's antihistamine and stop the “berry experiment.”

          Of course, all mothers make sure that the baby always receives a sufficient amount of vitamins in his diet. Therefore, many are looking forward to summer, when there is an opportunity to eat a lot of fresh fruits and berries.

          But do not forget about the timeliness of introducing new “delicacies”, their quantity in the baby’s diet and possible allergenicity.

          To begin with, it is important to carefully study the information about what berries a child can eat in his first year of life and in the future, so as not to turn something useful into something that “creates problems.”

          When are berries introduced into the diet?

          When thinking about how many months a child can start eating berries, you should remember the sequence and quantity of administration different products in the diet, as well as their possible allergenic nature.

          Before offering berries to children under one year old, it is worth considering a number of important factors:

          1. Even if you want to, it will not be possible to provide your baby with vitamins for a long time, feeding him berries “in reserve”, since the body will not be able to absorb more than it needs and the excess nutrients will come out in the urine;
          2. A very large amount of berries in a child’s diet can cause fermentation in the intestines and dilute the stool. So it is necessary to observe moderation in everything (read the article on the topic: Stool after the introduction of complementary foods >>>);
          3. Highly allergenic berries are considered: strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, black currant, cherry;

          If your child has previously had a negative reaction to new products (rash, redness of the skin, sudden change stool, etc.), then the introduction of these berries should be delayed.

          1. If kidney disease is detected, then it is harmful to consume large amounts of vitamin C, so berries containing it should be given in very limited quantities. These include: black currant, sea buckthorn, rose hips;
          2. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to give berries after heat treatment: in the form of compotes, jelly, jelly;
          3. Berries with increased acidity, such as cranberries, lingonberries, dogwoods, raspberries, cherries, sea buckthorn, are not recommended for gastritis.

          So, at what age can a child have berries?

          Complementary feeding with berries is best introduced at 8-10 months. They usually appear in the baby’s diet, along with fruits, after being introduced to vegetables, cereals, and meat.

          In the question of how many berries a child can have at first, one should be guided by: general rules complementary foods, starting with small doses.

          • The berries need to be mashed with a spoon or blender, or a decoction can be prepared from them and offered to the baby on the tip of a teaspoon;
          • If there is no negative reaction, then they can continue to be given, gradually increasing the volume;

          Watch the online course, from which you will learn about the sequence of introducing foods + a lot of educational moments so that the child has a good appetite and grows and develops well.

          • If a child develops an allergy to berries, they must be excluded from the diet for two weeks, then try again, carefully observing the reaction;
          • It is important to remember that on the day you feed your baby berries (berry puree), fruits are no longer given. They are considered foods in the same category;
          • When the child gets used to at least one type of berries, then you can alternate them with fruits (berries are given on one day, fruits on another, etc.) or combined in a total volume (up to 50 g per day).

          Which berries are introduced first?

          Like any other complementary food, one type of berry is first introduced into the diet. When you are sure that the child is not allergic to them, you can start giving others. After getting acquainted with several types of berries, you can combine them in puree or compote.

          What berries can be given to children first?

          1. These are white, red and black currants, blueberries, plums, blueberries, cherries. They can be offered to a child at 8-10 months;
          2. Closer to 1 year, you can offer your child raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, rosehip decoction, cherries, grapes;
          3. But the baby should be introduced to strawberries, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, dogwood, watermelon, and figs after 1 year.

          Useful properties of berries

          Before introducing berries into your child’s diet, it is important to familiarize yourself with their beneficial properties:

          • Currants contain a large amount of vitamin C (especially black), A, PP, therefore, it is useful for strengthening the immune system and heart function. It is also good to use it for iron deficiency, for colds;
          • Blueberries strengthen eyesight, they contain a lot of fiber, water, iron, manganese, vitamins, C, E, P, PP. It also has a fixing effect, so it can be used for diarrhea (read the article Diarrhea in Infants >>>);
          • Blueberries are rich in folic acid, vitamins A, C;
          • Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, organic acids, and potassium. It is effective in fighting infections, pathogenic bacteria, and inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder;
          • Raspberries are known for their anti-cold properties and antipyretic effect. It contains a lot of fiber, salicylic acid, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins: A, C;

          Raspberries are useful for stress and nervous system disorders, memory and vision impairment, and high cholesterol.

          • Blackberries help improve immunity, relieve coughs, and are good for gums. It contains a lot of vitamins A, C, glucose, fructose and organic acids;
          • Strawberries are characterized by a high content of organic acids, pectin, potassium, copper, manganese, folic acid, vitamin C, etc.;
          • Strawberries contain a lot of fiber, phenols, iodine, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, vitamins B, C, etc. It improves the functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects;
          • Cherries help improve metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys;
          • Cherries prevent the formation of blood clots;
          • Sea buckthorn is a source of many vitamins (especially A, E, K);
          • Rosehip contains a lot of iron and vitamin C. A decoction of it is effective means for colds.

          In what form is it better to give berries?

          Berries go well with dairy products, so they can be added to cottage cheese, kefir, porridge (read
