Dancing as a way to lose weight. Dancing for weight loss at home

Dancing for weight loss at home is an alternative to fitness for creative individuals.

Today we will talk about how you can use dancing to lose weight at home. Which dance is better to choose for self-study, as well as how effective such exercises are for achieving harmony and well-being.

Dance is considered the oldest of the arts. Even primitive people conveyed joy, sorrow, and expressed their desires through body movements. Everyone celebrated with dancing the most important points in life: birth and death, war and truce, healing the sick. With rhythmic movements they prayed to the gods for protection, forgiveness, sunlight, rain and fertility.

Modern women use dance as a means of self-expression, as well as to achieve cherished dream– slimness. Today, various dance practices are one of the most popular weight correction systems. Fashionable fitness clubs offer a huge variety of programs, but this pleasure is not cheap. There are also alternative way gain harmony without spending any special money. These are dance classes at home.

Dancing for weight loss at home is perhaps one of the most enjoyable ways to lose weight, as well as harmonize your own attitude. You can learn to dance using videos or simply by attending a few group lessons to get started.

Slimness plus health improvement

Psychologists believe that dancing is the best way losing weight. This is due to the fact that by losing weight with the help of dance movements, it is possible to avoid stress - one of the “pitfalls” of all low-calorie diets. Precisely because nervous tension breakdowns occur, during which devastating raids are made on one’s own refrigerator.

Dancing significantly improves your mood due to the release of endorphins that occurs during rhythmic or smooth movement to pleasant music. Thanks to dancing, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in blood circulation, increased lymphatic drainage, as well as a general acceleration of metabolism, as a result of which an active process is launched.

In addition to excellent physical fitness, dancing helps you relax, get to know yourself, and find inner harmony.

In what cases should you exercise caution?

Despite the fact that dancing for weight loss at home is recommended for almost everyone without exception, it is still worth considering some recommendations before starting classes. Dancing, like any other type of physical activity, may have its contraindications.

  • Dynamic movements are not recommended for cardiovascular pathologies, respiratory systems, high blood pressure and some chronic diseases: in these cases they can provoke an exacerbation.
  • Dancing should not be done during pregnancy or in the active phase. menstrual cycle, at high temperature and malaise.
  • Certain types of dances (in particular, Arabic) are not indicated in case of displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, hernias, varicose veins.
  • Pol dancing is not recommended for first degree obesity (when BMI is above 32), scoliosis, joint problems, and knee injuries.

Rules for dancing at home

The best way to learn to dance at home is in front of a mirror and in splendid isolation.

Now, if you have no contraindications, let's look at the basic rules for home dance lessons.

  • A place to dance for weight loss at home should evoke a feeling inner harmony. It’s great if the room has a mirror (or mirrors) in which you can monitor your movements.
  • Any external irritants should be excluded: it is better to send household members out or wait for their voluntary departure, turn off phones, o everyday problems forget.
  • You need to take care of comfortable clothes and shoes in advance. Many people practice in old, worn T-shirts and mended sweatpants, which is undesirable in the case of dancing, dressing up softly: we must not forget that our ancestors used rhythmic movement to tune in to the energy of the Cosmos, and it is unlikely that the cosmic forces will like holey trousers. From a more earthly point of view, it must be said that beautiful sexy clothes internally set one up to gain perfect figure, which is already half the success.
  • Dancing for weight loss at home should be done daily (at least 5 times a week). Their duration depends on physical training and should last from half an hour to an hour. After classes, it is very useful to do stretching exercises.
  • You can't dance after eating - you should wait at least an hour. The same amount of time should pass after exercise until the next meal. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, the main emphasis in nutrition should be shifted to foods rich in fiber and proteins.
  • There is no need to be discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time: with proper perseverance, the goal will certainly be achieved.

Flamenco, strip or belly dance – what to choose?

All types of dancing help you lose weight: you can spin on a pole, choose incendiary Latin American movements, or learn how to belly dance at home - with regular classes, success will be guaranteed in any case.

Preference should be given to single dances. During paired exercises, attention is more focused on matching the movements of the partner and memorizing the sequence of steps, and for weight loss the main thing is the emphasis on the work of certain muscle groups, smooth movements, the ability to strain, stretch and relax individual muscles.

Which dances to choose:

  • Oriental dancing normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the muscles of the abs, back, shoulders, and has a positive effect on the genital area.
  • Latin American rhythms are extremely energetic. Fast movements promote combustion large quantity calories. All muscle groups work.
  • Flamenco improves the tone of the muscles of the back and legs, improves heart function.
  • Modern jazz - combines the movements of R&B, break, and tap. The special dynamics and energy of the steps require certain preparedness, develop the muscle corset and quickly bring the body into shape.
  • Strip plastic is based on oriental and Latin elements. Forces all muscle fibers that form the abdomen, back, buttocks and legs to work.
  • Pol dancing helps maintain muscle tone, strengthens them, gives the body more flexibility and plasticity, and is an excellent aerobic exercise.

Of course, which dance to choose for you depends solely on your temperament, preparation and personal preferences.
But, personally, I recommend starting with belly dancing. Oriental dances form feminine figure, teach you to move smoothly, give flexibility and beauty of movements. In addition, belly dancing is an ancient practice that reveals the inner energy and sexual potential of every woman.

About the benefits of belly dancing

I’ll add a few more words about the benefits of Arabic dances. In addition, more and more women who dream of losing weight prefer to learn belly dancing at home.

Oriental dancing works well on the figure and benefits women's health.

Oriental dance perfectly develops the abdominal muscles, back, hips, and makes muscles work that are not used in ordinary life and are necessary for fulfilling the main role of a woman - bearing and giving birth to a child. This is an excellent preparation for childbirth, training in rhythmic breathing, which promotes the production of endorphins.

Experts believe that learning to belly dance at home means learning to feel like a real woman. Smooth, and sometimes energetic, but very erotic movements allow you to reveal your feminine essence and get rid of inner constraint.

Arabic dance increases the flexibility of ligaments and joints, strengthens them, and has positive influence on the spine, relieves hypertension.

How to learn belly dancing on your own?

There are many schools and studios that specialize in teaching belly dancing. However, it is quite possible to comprehend it on your own. Oriental dance does not require special clothing or accessories and is ideal for learning at home. It's not half-dance, which requires a pole, and it's not Latin, where you'll at least need special dance shoes.

So, how to learn belly dancing at home? The most important thing is to keep your body in the correct position. In eastern movements, this is a fundamental moment, without which you cannot start a dance.

Rocking chair

A fairly simple exercise called “Rocking Chair” is very effective. To perform it correctly, you need to stand on tiptoes, bring your legs together and slightly bend your knees. After this, a vertical line is mentally drawn through the navel, and you can begin to rhythmically move your hips along the imaginary line: up and down, forward and backward.

Belly smile

Another exercise that definitely needs to be done is the “Belly Smile.” Starting position – feet are placed slightly wider than shoulders, and the body is tense. We begin sharp movements with the pelvis - it needs to be thrown up, as it were.

Despite its superficial simplicity, it is not possible to master this exercise right away, but it is necessary: ​​“Smile” perfectly develops and strengthens the abdominal muscles, forming a beautiful flat stomach.

You can learn more about how to learn belly dancing at home by watching several videos that we selected on YouTube:

Physical activity benefits any body. But if men like strength exercises, most women prefer dance programs. There are many of them, they are varied, as they say, for every taste. One of popular destinations– dancing for weight loss at home. Videos of such lessons have long taken their place among the arsenal of those losing weight at home. Dance programs for weight loss differ in many ways. When choosing yours, you need to take into account your physical fitness, intensity of exercise, musical preferences and much more.

What and who should dance

Among the popular modern dance styles are the following:

  • Eastern dance,
  • indian dances,
  • latina,
  • step dance,
  • strip dance,
  • hip-hop,
  • club dancing,
  • ballroom

You can increasingly find tango schools. It is not difficult to assume that hip-hop is more popular among young people, just like club dancing or strip dancing. The older generation gravitates towards tango, like any classic. But oriental dancing is in favor with ladies of any age.

Do you want to understand what is your dance program, what kind of dances do you need to lose weight? Video lessons for beginners will give an idea of ​​the intensity of the load, the plasticity of movements and direction musical accompaniment. Van needs more movement and fiery rhythms - choose Latin or hip-hop, you gravitate towards smooth steps and lyrical music is your element ballroom dancing. But if you like oriental melodies, bewitching, alluring and smooth movements, feel free to take up oriental dances.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Dancing tango at home or learning pole moves is somewhat unusual. But belly dancing is quite suitable for home practice. Moreover, oriental dance lessons for weight loss, videos of which are not difficult to find, are designed for any level of training. Even if you have never danced, you will master the initial skills quickly enough. From now on, everything will only go progressively. From lesson to lesson you will feel more confident, you will learn to enjoy not only physical activity, but also the fact that you will be able to do what seemed unattainable just yesterday.

Remember, no matter what your body is like this moment, it should not become a reason to give up dancing. The grace of a woman sometimes means much more than her volume!

What dances help you lose weight quickly?

Without a doubt, the fastest results come from the most intense dances. Breakdancing, fast ballroom dancing, such as quickstep, cha-cha-cha, and jive hold the palm. But, despite the fact that oriental dances do not give such a quick effect, they are most useful for female body. Yes, there is no such intense and forceful load, but flexibility and coordination develop, plasticity improves and the muscles that make a woman a woman are trained. There is an opinion that ancient oriental dances are not only a way to attract male attention, it is also a kind of medical procedure aimed at improving women's health.

Oriental dancing for weight loss at home

When choosing which dances to do to lose weight, pay attention to oriental dances. With regular exercise, even if not immediately, you will begin to lose weight. The load is distributed in such a way that the muscles in the most problematic areas are tightened. Hips and buttocks become more and more attractive from time to time, arms and shoulders become more expressive, waists become thinner and thinner.

There are a variety of dances you can dance at home to lose weight. When practicing from a video, first watch everything carefully; do not try to immediately repeat complex movements. After all, if something doesn’t work out right away, it will be quite difficult psychologically to force yourself to repeat it. Remember Golden Rule: from simple to complex. Only after mastering the lesson well should you move on to a more complex level.

It’s not without reason that those who choose belly dancing for weight loss don’t start their reviews with how much their weight has decreased. Most of the fans of eastern movements say that it is improving general state, and not only physical. The mood, perception of the world, awareness of one’s place in this world change as a woman begins not only to copy the teacher’s movements, but also to dance. After all, dance is creativity, or even philosophy. By dancing, we don’t just train our muscles, we improve spiritually, no matter how trite it may sound.

Video lessons for beginners: Oriental dancing for weight loss

Lesson 3

To achieve the best effect, it is quite possible to combine oriental and fast dances for weight loss. Even so, depending on the mood, today it’s a belly dance, and tomorrow it’s a fiery cha-cha-cha. More energetic dancing will give additional physical activity, and eastern ones will help develop flexibility and smooth movements.

It is important to note that, as in any other case, regularity of classes is the basis. Even if you’re not in the mood, try, make an effort, but don’t skip training. Once, twice, three times, and now you don’t feel like it at all. Don’t look for excuses for yourself, don’t come up with excuses - just get up and dance, in a few minutes you will forget about your “I don’t want to”.

Belly dance for weight loss. The video will help you not only get your figure in order. Video lessons will teach you the basics, and as you progress, you will learn new movements. When the time comes, the teacher on the screen will become the source of your creativity. You will learn not only to repeat, but also to improvise or build your own dance line.

As has long been known, dancing helps to get the body in shape, improve mood and tone. They affect certain muscle groups (or all at once), removing the “cons” of the figure. The dances show grace and sophistication, a sense of rhythm and poise. But modern women, due to being very busy, lacking funds or lacking self-confidence, is not always able to give preference to special dance studios. The choice is to dance for weight loss at home.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Why choose dancing for weight loss at home?

  • In addition to the noticeable reasons for this choice (less costs, more confidence), you can notice others:
  • Familiar surroundings. There is no need to waste time getting used to new people and places, everything around has long been familiar, a person becomes completely attuned to dancing.
  • "IN right time" You don't need to change your daily routine to get to your workout on time. The lesson schedule is tailored to suit you, your strengths and capabilities.
  • "Personal coach. If in the gym you have to share your training with other people, to whom the trainer also pays attention, to the detriment of your development, then learning dancing at home for weight loss using video lessons for beginners is more profitable. You can always stop the video at right moment, repeat not fully understood material.

What types of dances are possible to practice at home?

Depending on your preferences and desires (what exactly you want to change in your figure), you can choose different types dance activities:

  1. Belly dance. Ideal for those who want to strengthen their abs, achieve flexibility, beautiful hips and waist, and good metabolism.
  2. . Dance to help bring things back to normal cardiovascular system and muscles;
    Step. Dance that helps in the fight against excess weight. Shapes the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  3. Strip dance. Work all muscles at once. Helps achieve flexibility, good figure and self-confidence.
  4. Flamenco, Latin American dances and others.

Video of dancing for weight loss at home

Video dance lesson for beginners

Video fitness dance lesson for weight loss

As with any type of physical exercise, dancing has contraindications for people with certain diseases who will definitely not benefit from exercise. Before starting classes, you should make sure that this type of dancing will be safe for you and consult with a specialist.

Also, it is better to remember the following rules:

  • You need to choose a place for dancing that is spacious and not in dark colors, so that the activity brings only pleasure.
  • It is advisable to wear sportswear that will not impede movement.
  • Mirrors wouldn't hurt. They are playing important role, giving the opportunity to evaluate the work done from the outside;
  • It’s important to tune in, so it doesn’t hurt to remove extraneous irritants (phones, computers, TV). If you need something to watch fitness dance lessons for weight loss, then you should only leave this gadget.
  • It is better not to listen to music through headphones if they interfere with your movement.

Fitness dancing for weight loss

It will be good if dancing is accompanied good food and the right way of life. Also, do not overexert yourself and exercise in moderation.

Movement is the first thing anyone who wants to lose weight at home needs. And it’s not at all necessary to do laps at the stadium, do press exercises 200 times a day, or do push-ups when you no longer have the strength. Dancing for weight loss, which is sometimes even more effective than fitness, can replace active sports. They resemble simple exercises, for which you only need to select suitable exercises and music. But there is another option - find a video with lessons and practice according to it.

Before you get started, take care of things like:

  • Music. If it seems too fast or slow in the selected video, you can play a disc with other melodies. At first, something of a medium tempo is needed in order for breathing training to be possible. After 2-3 months of starting classes, you can already speed up.
  • Place. In a private house there should be no problems with it, but for those living in an apartment it can be very difficult. For dancing you need a room of at least 5x5 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 200 cm. At the same time, it should be light and have windows that open for ventilation. To prevent neighbors and household members from complaining, you can make it soundproof. In such conditions, you will be able to calmly perform jumps, rolls and other dance elements. Another task is to prepare the space where you plan to practice: remove everything unnecessary, lay down non-slip flooring, hang large mirrors on the walls. Thanks to the latter, you will have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes discovered during classes.
  • Situation. For weight loss dancing performed at home to help, you need enormous strength will. Therefore, the mood and the appropriate atmosphere are very important, to create which no one should distract from training. You need to explain to your loved ones that this is very important to you, they should take this seriously and not interfere. If there are pets in the house, they must be isolated in another room during classes. But it's best to train when no one is around at all.
  • Equipment. You can't do it without sportswear, and these can be pants with a T-shirt, shorts with a top, leggings with a T-shirt. The main thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. Shoes are also important here; dancing barefoot is harmful, since there is a lot of stress on the foot. To avoid this, ballet flats, thick socks or slip-on moccasins are suitable.

What dance clothes look like, look at the photo below

On a note! To reset excess weight at home using video, it is recommended to train 4-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes or 2-3 times for 1-1.5 hours. After class, it is very useful to do short stretching. Beginners need to start the lesson slowly, so as not to overstrain the muscles.

Features of nutrition while losing weight with dancing

After finishing the lesson, you should eat no earlier than 2 hours later. There are also restrictions on eating before it starts: the appropriate time for this is about 30 minutes before. The food should be light and low-fat; it is best to switch to a healthy diet. This includes:

  • various cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat, oatmeal, etc.);
  • dairy products (kefir is especially useful);
  • fiber – it helps cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • green tea;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • olive oil and more etc.

Any dancing for weight loss will not be beneficial if, after doing it, the refrigerator is emptied every time: you eat sausage, lard, pork, butter, buns and other baked goods. Quickly digestible carbohydrates should be left out; it is recommended to replace them with proteins. These substances provide energy and promote growth muscle mass. Among the drinks, ginseng, rosehip infusion and protein diluted in water are worthy of attention. It is recommended to consume it for breakfast or dinner separately from food.

What does it look like proper nutrition, look at the photo below:

Which dances to choose for weight loss based on video at home

Here you need to proceed from the state of your health, free time, desires and available space. To burn fat, they often resort to oriental and Latin American dances, and a little less often to Zumba. They give the person who chooses them not only slimness, but also flexibility and plasticity. But this is only if you do them regularly.

These dance moves are suitable for all ages and body types, are easy to remember and provide:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • abdominal tightening;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • elasticity of the buttocks;
  • strengthening of the lumbar muscles.

By doing just 60 minutes a day for free, you will burn 400-500 kcal. To do this, you don’t need any sports equipment or special clothing, you just need to repeat everything that the instructor shows in the video. First, you should start with small loads on the stomach and hips, then gradually train your legs and arms. It is recommended to complete dancing for weight loss with breathing exercises and stretching.

Latin American dances

If someone doesn't like the idea of ​​performing belly dancing at home, it's worth taking a closer look at the movements from ballroom productions. If the emphasis needs to be on the legs, jive is suitable; in other cases, cha-cha-cha and samba are suitable. To eliminate fat in the thighs, you should pay attention to salsa, bachata, merengue and mambo. All of them are based on rapid circular rotations of the hips, shoulders and the body itself. With their help, about 900 kcal are spent per hour.

What a Latin American dance class looks like, look at the photo below:


This type of dance training is not harmful to the body, although during it the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs are subject to a large load. The effect of it is very similar to that of cardio exercises. To lose 1000 kcal in this way, you only need to exercise for 1 hour. All exercises are done to the accompaniment of fiery Latin American music.

They are based on:

  • marching;
  • swing your legs;
  • side steps;
  • squats;
  • turns.

On a note! While performing the Zumba dance, it is important to tense the muscles of your legs and arms as much as possible, pull in your stomach and straighten your back. Attention should be concentrated on the video, you must strictly repeat all movements after the teacher. Beginners need to train at least 3 times a week, and experienced dancers – 4-5.

Dance training at home, video:


What is Oriental dancing, look at the photo below:

By choosing dancing for weight loss and practicing on video with experienced trainers, the results will not take long to arrive! Very soon your waist, if it does not become aspen, will certainly noticeably decrease in volume.

One of the most enjoyable and fun sports is dance. Dancing classes develop attention, strength, endurance, coordination, they also have a very good psychological effect, they charge you with positivity and vigor. If you decide to fight excess weight through sports, but you are bored of sweating in the gym, and you don’t like running, try losing weight through dancing - this way you will not only get rid of extra pounds, but you will also find new friends, tone your body, develop flexibility and stretching, and also find a new favorite hobby.

In terms of energy consumption, dancing can be compared to running, playing badminton or basketball, swimming or doing gymnastics. Calorie consumption during dancing can be from 150 to 500 kcal per hour, depending on the speed, complexity and intensity of the movements. This is a great aerobic exercise that will keep you fit and a way to have fun at the same time. In addition, they do not require special equipment (with the exception of some cases, for example, for half-dancing or dancing with canvases), you can easily practice dancing for weight loss at home, on the street, on vacation - anywhere.

To lose weight through dancing, you must do it regularly, at least 2 times a week.. As an additional load, strength training and stretching are suitable separately. Your sample training schedule might look like this:

  • Monday: dancing;
  • Tuesday: power training;
  • Wednesday: rest;
  • Thursday: strength training + stretching;
  • Friday: dancing;
  • Saturday: rest;
  • Sunday: running, walking, cycling, swimming or other aerobic exercise + stretching.

The duration of the workouts should be 60-90 minutes, first, be sure to warm up, and at the end of each workout, spend at least 5 minutes stretching.

Of course, the effectiveness of dancing for weight loss also depends on your diet. Eliminate unhealthy high-calorie foods from your diet, limit alcohol consumption, stop smoking, eat healthy natural foods, drink enough water, and the result will not be long in coming - your extra pounds will begin to disappear, and in their place will be beautiful, elastic muscles.

The diet on training days should be special, with a high protein content. 2 hours before training, eat something protein-carbohydrate. Drink enough during training. Afterwards, do not eat anything for 2 hours.

The most effective dances for weight loss

Of course, different types dances have different effectiveness. If you have a good physical fitness(or intend to get it), dances such as strip plastic, body ballet, aerobics, zumba, Latin, sports or ballroom dancing, disco are suitable for you. For more advanced dancers, we can offer acrobatics, pole dancing, canvas dancing, break dancing and different kinds street dancing, ballet.

Strip plastic, body ballet, half dance, etc. – serious physical training combined with beautiful music . Besides slim body, these dances for weight loss will also give you strong muscles, grace and flexibility of your figure, good stretching, femininity and sexuality.

Aerobics, sports, street dancing, hip-hop, breakdancing, rock and roll - these dynamic and fast types of dances require good endurance, strong muscles, and some require good stretching.

Both girls and boys love Latin dances - they have so much sun and energy that it fills and permeates us through and through. These dances for weight loss are very effective, especially their fast types (reggaeton, merengue, etc.), they do not “pump” muscles and do not require strong stretching, but they train endurance, coordination and flexibility.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an effective dance from the point of view of weight loss as Zumba. Zumba is a mixture of Latin American dance moves, fitness and aerobics, performed to energetic music. This is not only very intense, but also very fun training and great way burn off extra pounds. But belly dancing is much less suitable for burning fat than is commonly thought, but it has another advantage. Vigorous movements of the lower body improve blood circulation in it, so this dance is very useful for women's health.

Burning calories while dancing

Here is the approximate calorie consumption during different dances (per hour):

  • light aerobics – 215 kcal;
  • intense aerobics – 485 kcal;
  • ballroom dancing – 275 kcal;
  • disco – 400 kcal;
  • low-intensity modern dances – 240 kcal;
  • fast dynamic dances – 350 kcal;
  • classical dancing – 160 kcal;
  • striptease – 420 kcal;
  • dance hall - 370 kcal;
  • latina – 300-500 kcal;
  • body ballet – 350 kcal;
  • jazz modern - up to 700 kcal;
  • rock and roll - 400 kcal;
  • Zumba – up to 550 kcal.

As you can see, almost all types of dancing burn a lot of calories. In addition, you get great mood, a toned body and cheerful friends who support you, rejoice at your successes, and share their experiences with you.

First dance lessons for weight loss

If you have never danced, go to any school where they will help you choose a direction, teach you basic movements, and explain the rules. Don’t be afraid or shy - you can start dancing at any age, the main thing is your desire.

You may begin to succeed at everything from the very beginning, or it may happen that the first dance lessons for weight loss will only have such results as muscle pain and the belief that you are not able to learn to dance. Cast aside all doubts - each of the dancers who make you gasp in admiration, looking at them, once came to his first teacher and was also upset because he could not do anything. In order to learn how to do the same as advanced choreographers, and also in order to gain a fit slim figure, and teachers are needed. Once you have mastered the basics, you can practice dancing to lose weight at home. To do this, you only need comfortable clothes and shoes and good music.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Many fitness trainers and choreographers produce video lessons on various directions dances that allow you to practice at home. Such video lessons can be found on strip plastic, aerobics, Latin dance styles, hip-hop, zumba, etc. You can practice independently using these lessons or based on own experience. However, classes at home are suitable for those who already have dance experience; for beginners, it is advisable to first take dance lessons for a couple of months to lose weight, otherwise there is a risk of incorrect assimilation of the material - and in some dances, such as strip plastic, ballet, Zumba, this may cause injury.

If you decide to exercise at home, follow a few tips that will help you make your workouts more effective:

  • create a schedule for dancing classes for weight loss at home and don’t deviate from it;
  • follow the diet and special diet that we wrote about above;
  • necessarily before dance training do a warm-up, warm up your muscles, do exercises to warm up your muscles and joints;
  • It is best to practice dancing in the morning before breakfast, drinking a cup of coffee or green tea - then the process of burning fat will be especially fast.
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