Spring in Israel. When is the best time to go on vacation to Israel? Winter in Israel

Promised land! For whatever purposes they come here: to relax on one of the four seas, to visit places that are holy for many, and to receive thorough treatment in the best clinics in the world, or at unique resorts in the country! Find out on the Tour Calendar why you can relax in Israel practically all year round, and why on the Red Sea best time for relaxation it is April, May, September and October, on the Mediterranean Sea it is the end of spring and the beginning of autumn, and at the Dead Sea the most comfortable time for treatment and relaxation is autumn and spring.

Tourist season in Israel

As such high tourist season It’s not so easy to single out holidays in Israel. Every month of the year is suitable for a trip to this wonderful country. Thanks to its wide and varied opportunities, Israel is popular in the tourism market all year round. Someone comes here to get acquainted with rich history countries, others for treatment in one of the famous clinics or the Dead Sea, others - to the Red Sea for beach holiday or for diving. So at any time everyone can find something to their liking here.

High season in Israel

There are several periods of the year when prices for tours to the country are higher than at other times. True, it’s worth distinguishing whether it’s a beach vacation or a tourist one: at one time, resort hotels may not be full, while hotels in some cities will be overcrowded. The high season is considered to be the period from late February to May, since spring is perhaps the most wonderful time to visit Israel. And although summer is not considered a high season due to the heat, there can be a lot of vacationers in July and August, partly due to the holiday period and partly because Israelis themselves prefer to relax at this time. Also, the high season is considered to be both autumn in general and the period from September 18 to October 27, i.e. a week before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and the week after Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), when there is an influx of tourists. Additionally, thousands of Christians flock to Israel from mid-December to mid-January. In general, as you can see, Israel is popular throughout almost the entire year!

Low season in Israel

It is believed that the demand for travel to Israel is lower in the summer, when temperatures rise to +40 and above. And also in winter, when it gets cooler. But many people go to Israel at this time, for example, in Eilat on the Red Sea in winter the air temperature is about 20 and the water temperature is about +21 degrees. However, rain is possible at this time. It is worth noting that the period from the second half of December to the beginning of January cannot be called a low season, because pilgrims from all over the world come to Israel.

Beach season on the Red and Mediterranean Seas

There are four seas in Israel - the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee (Lake Kinneret). On the Red Sea swimming season in Israel lasts all year round, since the water temperature does not fall below +20 °C, and the air temperature stays from +15..to +30 °C throughout the year. The most popular resort of the Red Sea is Eilat. The Red Sea is a little cool in winter in December, January and February. In summer, especially in July and August, it is too hot and the sea may not be refreshing. It is believed that the best time for a beach holiday on the Red Sea is April, May, September and October. March and November can also be considered, the only thing is in early spring Sea water can be invigorating. The Mediterranean Sea is, of course, cooler than the Red Sea. The water in it warms up only by May to +21-23°C, and remains warm until September-October, and sometimes November. The only thing that can upset your holiday on the Mediterranean Sea is jellyfish. They usually appear in June-July, but sometimes they appear in April and September, and they sting quite well.

When is the best time to go to the Dead Sea?

People usually go to the Dead Sea for medicinal purposes all year round, and if the sea is already cool, such as in winter around +19..+22°C, it healing properties can be enjoyed in spa hotels. To take water baths directly in the Dead Sea, it is best to take spring or autumn, because... how in summer it can be too hot, the sea warms up to +30..35°C and above, and in winter, as was said, it cools down too much. At the Dead Sea, not only the water is healing, but also the air, so no matter when you come here, the microclimate will have a beneficial effect on your body. The only exception would be excessive heat in summer.

The Velvet season

The most pleasant and comfortable weather for visiting Israel occurs in October. The traditional “velvet month” for the Mediterranean, September is still too hot in Israel, even on the Mediterranean Sea, not to mention the Red Sea. In October, the temperature usually does not exceed +30 degrees, and the water temperature in the sea stays around +24..+26C.

Best time for sightseeing

The best time to travel to get acquainted with the history and sights of Israel will most likely be the end autumn - beginning spring. After all, in winter it can rain here, and the rest of the time the thermometer rarely drops below +30 degrees. True, it is worth considering that the further north, the cooler, and the south of those hotter. The difference can be up to 10 degrees, and even more in mountainous areas.

Ski season in Israel

Of course, as such ski season not in Israel, and probably few people go to Israel specifically to ski. But if you find yourself in Israel in winter, and sometimes late autumn and in early spring, and you are bored with a beach holiday, then you should definitely visit Mount Hermon with an altitude of more than 2200 and go skiing! On this moment Hermon has several trails of varying difficulty, the total length of which is about 8 kilometers. Ski lifts and cable cars will take you to the mountains; you can rent skis and other equipment right there.

Climate in Israel

The climate in Israel is subtropical, but some areas are dry and temperate. tropical climate. This is due to the peculiarity geographical location Israel. Despite the relatively small territory of the country, the weather in different parts may vary significantly by up to 10 degrees. Yes, and the temperature is perceived in different areas in different ways, which is influenced by the proximity of the sea, air humidity, and altitude above sea level. In the north, for example, in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, it is usually cooler, because the desert is nearby. In the south, in Eilat, you can relax and swim in the sea all year round. The hottest time in Israel is summer, and the hottest month is August, when temperatures can exceed more than +40. The driest part of Israel is the Negev Desert. Most precipitation falls in winter, especially in January. In winter, temperatures in higher parts of the country can drop below 0, and Mount Hermon is covered with snow from December to March, so you can even go skiing in northern Israel in winter.

Israel in spring

Spring in Israel is quite a comfortable time to visit, as the air warms up to pleasant temperatures, but summer heat still far. And although the Red Sea has cooled down after winter in March, even 20 degrees can be quite suitable for swimming, and the warm and sunny weather will certainly not let you freeze. March in Israel is ideal for a tourist program - visiting cities, museums, temples, parks with unique flora, theaters and others mass events. In April, the weather completely becomes summer and the air warms up to 18..+27C, and the water is suitable for even the most heat-loving tourists and reaches +23C degrees. The Dead Sea warms up to +24C in April and is already quite suitable for therapeutic water procedures. In May, the Mediterranean Sea also warms up and is quite comfortable for a beach holiday. If you are traveling to Israel in the spring, you can count on... good weather There is practically no rain in spring. It is worth noting that Easter takes place in Israel in the spring, so there can be quite a lot of tourists at this time.

Temperature and weather in Israel in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Jerusalem +16 +21 +25
Tel Aviv +20 +25 +27
Haifa +19 +24 +26
Eilat +24 +21 +30 +23 +34 +24

Israel in summer

Summer in Israel is the hottest period of the year. In June, the weather in Israel has not yet reached its maximum and usually does not exceed +30 degrees. The Mediterranean Sea has already warmed up to +23 degrees, and the Red Sea to +24. The weather in Israel in July becomes even hotter, the sea warms up even more, and therefore at this time a beach holiday in Israel is suitable only for the most resistant. In August, the weather hardly changes, except that the temperature rises even more to +40 degrees and above - after all, August is the hottest month of the year. If you do find yourself in Israel in the summer, then it is better to spend time somewhere near the sea.

Temperature and weather in Israel in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Jerusalem +27 +29 +29
Tel Aviv +29 +31 +31
Haifa +29 +31 +31
Eilat +38 +23 +40 +25 +40 +26

Israel in autumn

Autumn in Israel is a time of comfortable warmth. After the sweltering summer heat, this is a great time to relax. In September and even October the weather is still truly summer, for example on the Red Sea in Eilat the air temperature is even higher than +30 degrees, and the water is about +26..+27. On the Mediterranean Sea in September and October, the weather is also conducive to relaxation - the air temperature is slightly below +30 degrees, and the sea temperature is +24..+27C. Possibly October, one of best months a year for a holiday in Israel. The weather in November in Israel is still warm, and neither the Red Sea, nor the Dead Sea, nor the Mediterranean have cooled down yet. But it is worth remembering that the rainy season begins in November. And although in reality there are not so many of them and they are not so scary, they can still spoil your vacation.

Israel is located mainly in subtropical climate, some parts of it are in the temperate or tropical zone.

For tourists from Russia and Europe, even winter temperatures around +18°C will seem very pleasant (compared to the frosts and snowdrifts of their homeland).

Due to its unique location, Israel welcomes tourists all year round, although maximum amount holidaymakers visit the country in summer months. However, both spring and autumn are a wonderful time not only for visiting excursions and holy places, but also for relaxing on the beach and scuba diving: the climate is subtropical, and the southern regions are ready to receive vacationers almost all year round. Let's look at what the weather is like in Israel by month.

Weather in Israel in winter






For those who don't like heat, May is the ideal month for a beach holiday. The thermometer confidently stays between +25°C and +32°C. Rains in May - very a rare event. Water temperature: in the Dead Sea +31°C, in the Mediterranean +27°C, in the Red Sea +24°C. The most comfortable time to relax: it’s already warm, but not yet hot. Read more.

The climate in Israel is very different different regions. Snow falls in the country almost every year, in the Negev there is a semi-desert climate, and in the mountainous regions Cold winter And dry summer. The coastal resorts of Israel are known to have mild winters and humid summers.

Climate and season in Israel

If you are going on vacation, then you can safely go to Israel at any time of the year. Here the climate starts from temperate and ends with subtropical with a huge number of sunny and clear days. Israel is located between two coasts northern - red sea and southeastern - Mediterranean. Due to the relief features, the country has areas with desert, tropical and temperate climates. In the south of the country there is practically no precipitation; heavy rains occur in the center and north.

The fact is that the season in Israel is reversed. In summer, from mid-May to early September, it is hot weather, the air temperature exceeds +40°С… +50°С. From February to May it goes spring weather, from mid-September to November - autumn. And finally, winter comes in December and January - with a lot of rain.

There are four New Years in the Israeli calendar and none of them are celebrated on January 1st.

In the center and north of the country, winter is warm, and the temperature is always above zero. The mountain peaks are covered with snow, which does not fall from December to March. The coast of the country is riddled with quite strong winds and rains. At the Krasnomorsky resort it rains very rarely.

In autumn and spring it takes place the Velvet season", solar and warm weather from +16°С to +24°С. Throughout the year sultry wind deserts called khamsin practically gives rest to vacationers.

You will learn more about airports, airfare and flight times in the article how long to fly to Israel.

Weather and prices by month

Israel in winter

Weather in December. The air temperature in Eilat is up to +22°C, 10 -12 rainy stormy days. In Jerusalem during the day up to +16°C, at night up to +7°C. In the Dead Sea the water temperature is up to +23°C.

The price of tours for the winter holidays is again rising by 25%. A week's vacation for two will cost about 90,000 rubles.

Weather in January. The air temperature at noon is +10°C - +16°C. In the south of the country the air warms up to +21°C, at night +10°C. There may be about two rainy days. The water temperature in Eilat is +22°C.

The price of tours for the winter holidays is reduced by 25%. Two adults can relax for a week for 90,000 rubles in a 4 or 5* hotel.

Weather in February. Air temperature in the north is +9°С -+11°С. About 11 rainy days are cloudy and windy. In Tel Aviv +18°C, in Eilat +21°C. The southern region experiences only a couple of rainy days. Water temperature +21°C.

The price of tours is becoming very low and tourists can find a lot advantageous offers. For two you can purchase a tour from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the level of the hotel.

Israel in spring

Weather in March. The air temperature in Jerusalem at noon is from +10°C to +15°C, at night +8°C. The chance of rain is about 9 days a month. In Tel Aviv up to +21°С. There is practically no precipitation in Eilat, and the thermometer shows about +26°C. The water temperature in Eilat is +21°C.

The price of tours varies for two from 40,000 rubles and above, depending on the level of relaxation.

Weather in April. The air temperature in Jerusalem is about +21°C, in Eilat +30°C, at night +20°C. Precipitation occurs no more than three days a month, the sky is cloudless. In the area of ​​Lake Kinnerit from +26°C and above. The water temperature in the three seas is from +23°C.

The price of tours at the end of the month is much higher than at the beginning, but significantly lower than in the summer months. A few days before departure, you can purchase a last-minute ticket for two for 40,000 - 60,000 rubles.

Weather in May. The air temperature in Mediterranean cities is from +23°C to +27°C. After sunset from +17°С to +20°С. In the north of the country during the day up to +22°C, at night about +10°C. In Eilat up to +35°С, at night up to +23°С. The water temperature in the unique Dead Sea is +24°C.

The price of tours is growing rapidly, but at the end of the month in the south of the country it decreases slightly due to the heat. It is more profitable to purchase a combined tour for two from 45,000 rubles and up to 135,000 rubles and above.

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Israel in summer

Weather in June. Air temperature in Jerusalem is +27°С - +29°С, at night up to +19°С. On the shore of Lake Kinnerit up to +37°C. In Nazareth up to +30°C, and in the south the air warms up to +45°C. In summer there is minimal precipitation and many clear days, sometimes the khamsin blows. The water temperature in the healing Dead Sea is about +25°C.

The price of tours at this time is not very pleasing to tourists, due to expensive services and accommodation. For two, a week's holiday in a 3* hotel will cost from 45,000 rubles, and in a 4 and 5* hotel from 70,000 rubles.

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Weather in July. The air temperature in the southern regions warms up to +45°C, at night no less than +26°C, but due to high humidity extreme heat not felt. In Tel Aviv from +29°С to +34°С. The water temperature in the healing Dead Sea is +25°C.

The price of tours at this time rises by 40 - 50%. The type of food at this time significantly affects prices, as well as the level and stars of the hotel. In a 3* hotel, a week's stay will cost from 60,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices in .

Weather in August. The air temperature in Eilat exceeds +40°C; due to the low moisture content, the heat is not particularly felt. It is best in the Mediterranean Sea, since the temperature on the coast is about +30°C on average, at night +24°C. Dust storms are possible. The water temperature in the salty Dead Sea is +26°C.

The price of tours is at the maximum limit, there are practically no discounts, and therefore it is better to book a tour in advance. For two, a holiday in a 5* hotel will cost 75,000 rubles and more, depending on the level of the hotel.

Israel in autumn

Weather in September. Air temperature in Eilat and on the coast of the red and Dead Sea from +36°C. At night it will drop to +26°C. In Jerusalem the average is +28°C. The water temperature in the healing Dead Sea is +27°C, in the Red Sea +24°C.

The price of tours will not decrease at this time, but it is possible to purchase a tour with discounts. For two people in a 5* hotel, a week's rest will cost from 77,000 rubles.

Weather in October. The air temperature will drop slightly, in the southern regions to + 30°C. In Jerusalem up to +25°С. Near the desert up to +15°C. The water temperature in the seas is from +23°С to +26°С.

The price of tours is slightly reduced and a vacation for two, on average, will vary from 60,000 rubles.

Weather in November. The air temperature on the Dead Sea coast is up to +27°C, at night up to +16°C. In the capital from +23°С to +15°С. In Jerusalem from +12°С to +18°С. The rainy season begins gradually, starting from six days a month. The water temperature in the seas is from +23°C.

The price of tours is noticeably reduced, as well as for service and food. On average, a week's vacation for two will cost from 55,000 rubles; you can also purchase last-minute tours.

Climate in Israel

The geographical location of Israel, the relief features and the proximity of seas and deserts have created several climatic regions. Thanks to this, we can say with complete confidence that holidays in Israel are possible all year round.

The entire territory of the country is located in subtropical climatic zone. Its main characteristic is the absence of an off-season. There is actually no distinct spring or autumn in Israel. The hot, dry summer begins in mid-April, and by mid-October the weather becomes noticeably colder, rainy clouds often cross the sky, and a wet winter begins. In the mild off-season, the weather is quite unstable, slight cold snaps and rains alternate with warm ones on sunny days. The most precipitation falls in December, mainly in the central and northern regions. Snow is extremely rare in the main part of the country, with the exception of Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed. In these cities, the snowfall can last for several days in a row, but Mount Hermon is annually covered with a layer of snow, quite sufficient for winter sports.

Climatic conditions in Israel, there are fundamental differences in different regions. Thus, on the Mediterranean coast in winter it is humid and relatively warm, at this time in the mountains the temperature drops to noticeable frosts, in the Jordan Valley in winter it is cool and quite dry. During the summer months, the weather in these regions also varies. Humidity levels vary greatly. This affects the level of comfort of relaxation and the perception of summer heat. Tel Aviv is known for its hot and humid summers, but just a hundred kilometers from Jerusalem you can experience a dramatic change in weather conditions. Mountain air, which is slightly drier and cooler than sea air, is much easier to breathe. Summer night It's cool in the capital, you may even need a light jacket or windbreaker.

The influence of cool air masses from the Mediterranean Sea has a strong influence on air temperatures in sea ​​resorts. Even in the middle of summer there is no unbearable heat by the sea. Natural ventilation coastal zones favored by low mountain ranges and low-rise buildings coastal strip. Nothing blocks the path of air masses ventilating the beaches of Israel.

During the warmer months, Israel can experience the effects of the world's largest desert. Strong winds in the Sahara, clouds of sand and dust are lifted into the sky and carried hundreds of kilometers away. In Israel, this phenomenon is called khamsin. During Khamsin, hot dusty clouds come from the east. air masses, calm weather sets in, the surf on the sea is minimal or completely absent. In the southern regions, in the Eilat area, such periods may occur sandstorms with strong gusty winds and storms. Sand particles raised into the sky can reduce visibility by tens of times. Khamsin can last from a couple of days to a week.

Weather in Israel in winter

Israeli winter is pleasantly mild weather conditions With big amount precipitation, which completely stops only by April. In the northern regions, snow falls in some years, but due to the lack of sub-zero temperatures it quickly melts.

The western coast of Israel is very humid and moderately cool in winter. In some months it may rain daily. Average winter temperatures air +17 degrees.

The southernmost point of the country, Eilat, is popular with holidaymakers all year round. Winter here is even warmer than in the west; the air does not cool below +20 degrees. IN winter months People suffering from the summer heat go to Eilat. The coolness of the region combines perfectly with excursion trips, long walks on the beach, diving and others aquatic species sports Thanks to this warm winter People from all over the world come here to bask in the gentle sun and get to know the country.

At the Dead Sea, despite the fact that it is located north of Eilat, the weather in winter is very similar to the south. Winter here is ideal for treatment and healing with the waters and mud of the sea. In the middle of winter, the air temperature in the valley does not exceed +20 degrees during the day, but the sea water is quite comfortable for swimming, its temperature reaches +22-23 degrees.

Weather in Israel in summer

If you want to experience real summer while most regions of Russia and other countries temperate latitudes just waiting for the first warming, then it’s worth choosing Israel. Summer in the country is long, dry and hot. The prevailing sunny weather and lack of rain makes holidays at the country's resorts guaranteed to be a success. From the end of May to September, the weather in Israel is so predictable that you don’t have to look at weather forecasters. The air temperature exceeds +30, the seas warm up to +28 degrees and above.

If in Tel Aviv warm season takes place at +30 degrees and a minimum humidity of 70%, then in Eilat the situation is completely different. Summer maximum temperatures In this region, world records are often broken, and +40 is considered the standard. Lovers of the sea and beaches should not get upset ahead of time; the heat at this resort is quite easy to bear. Due to the very low humidity, which rarely rises to 30%, it is difficult to get heatstroke and summer heat well tolerated even by small children.

The best time to go on vacation to Israel is definitely in autumn and early spring. Moreover, both of these periods are ideal for any type of holiday in the country. Spring, with its still relatively mild temperatures and colorful blooms, is the best time to go to Israel for excursions. with its temples and the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Bahai Gardens, the Nabeli Desert - it’s best to explore all this in the spring. But the summer heat is a period when it’s not worth going to Israel even for a beach holiday. It is so hot here that even the seas are not refreshing. But the off-season is exactly the time when it’s worth flying to Israel, including for swimming in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. In general, you can swim in the Red Sea all year round, so here you can splash around to your heart’s content even in winter.

High season in Israel this is all autumn and the period from late February to May. At this time, most tourists flock here, trying to avoid the summer heat and winter rains. And here low season in Israel it falls between winter and summer. Prices are significantly reduced at this time.

Holidays in Israel in winter

The weather in Israel in winter is very warm. If in other cities of the northern and central regions the air temperature remains at +10°C, then on the shores of the Red Sea it rarely drops below +23°C. So, even in winter, a holiday on the Red Sea will be simply excellent. But in the rest of Israel it often rains in winter, so excursions can be ruined.

If you managed to get to Israel not just in winter, but also during the period of snowfall on Mount Hermon, then do not miss the rare chance - go skiing on the slopes of this unique resort. You should hurry - snow rarely lasts longer than a week.

Holidays in Israel in spring

The weather in Israel in spring is perfect for excursions, hikes in historical city centers and long trips around the country. The heat has not yet set in, everything around is blooming. You can go to Red, and in May to Mediterranean Sea, or go to the Dead Sea for therapeutic procedures. The high season is in full swing, and it continues until May, when the heat quickly catches up with summer.

Holidays in Israel in summer

Summer in Israel is low season. Sea water It heats up so much that even bathing no longer brings any pleasure. Due to the intense heat, the salty waves of the Dead Sea are not suitable for therapeutic procedures. And there’s nothing to say about excursions. In such heat, visiting churches and museums is simply unthinkable.
