Dangerous properties of chum salmon. Chum salmon, photos

(Yakut. Kete) - belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon and is the most popular and in mass form red fish. This fish can reach a length of 102 cm and a weight of 15 kilograms. Its caviar is the largest, with a remarkably beautiful orange-red color.


Chum salmon has an almond-shaped body that is colored silver. When entering the river, the color changes to dark purple with dark crimson or purple stripes. Chum salmon's tongue, palate and body turn black closer to spawning. At the same time, the teeth enlarge, and its meat becomes whitish and flabby, as in the photo. Juveniles living in the river have black stripes on their sides.

There are two forms of chum salmon: the first reaches a maximum length of 80 centimeters, and the other 1 meter and weighs up to 16 kilograms. Chum salmon looks almost like the pink salmon shown in the photo below, but it has larger scales and fewer gill rakers. Chum salmon do not have the black spots that pink salmon have. In addition, her sexual characteristics appear weaker before spawning, while male pink salmon grow a large hump.

The maximum recorded body length is 100 cm, weight is 15.9 kg; life expectancy up to 7 years.

There are 19-25 gill rakers, 12-15 gill rays, 135-185 pyloric appendages.


Chum salmon covers a very large range compared to other representatives of the salmon family. She lives in a pool belonging to the Northern Arctic Ocean. To spawn, the fish enters the rivers: Lena, Yana, Inligirka and Kolyma. In the western waters of the ocean, the fish is found near the Bering Strait, and in the south it reaches Korea. Especially a lot of chum salmon are found on Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, in the Amur and Okhota rivers.

Chum salmon is also common in North America. There it is found in the Mackenzie River, which flows in Canada, as well as in Monterey Bay, which is located in California. There are summer and autumn forms. The first has no commercial significance.


Chum salmon is predatory fish. Its fry feed on zooplankton. As the fry grow, they move on to larger prey. When the fry are several millimeters in length, they eat small crustaceans.

The diet consists of crustaceans, pteropods, juvenile fish (gerbils, smelts, herring and others).

The nutrition of adult fish does not undergo dramatic changes. They still eat crustaceans, but larger ones. Pteropods also become prey for chum salmon. But the main diet consists of fry of other representatives of the ichthyofauna such as smelt or herring.


Chum salmon is a migratory fish. It tends to spawn in rivers, but its life is spent in the sea. One of the peculiarities of chum salmon is that the fish spawns only once in its life. This is due to the fact that after spawning she dies. Its remains become food for hatched fry and other living creatures. Actually, this is why chum salmon has such a short lifespan: only 7 years maximum, sometimes 4 (the fish reaches sexual maturity at 4 years).

Chum salmon enter rivers en masse. She travels long distances to arrive at the place where she herself was once born. Chum salmon moving up the river look different. Instead of a silver color, yellow with a brown tint appears, as in the photo you can see below.

Gradually the chum salmon acquires a black color, see photo below. The meat of such an individual has already lost all value. If such a fish is caught, it is left for making yukola, which is fed to dogs. Chum salmon begin to spawn in July, about half a month after pink salmon spawn, but sometimes spawning begins in August or even September: it depends on the shape of the fish. That is why fish that spawn in the summer are called the summer form, and those that spawn in the fall are called the autumn form.

The amount of eggs in the female is small. Its fertility is 2-4 thousand large eggs. Their diameter can reach 7 millimeters. Chum salmon caviar is noticeably different from other salmon caviar. It has a dense shell, Orange color and large sizes.

Surprisingly, the spawning period of fish is very extended in time, and it lasts as long as 4 months. The spawned fish swims down the river, where they die.

Chum salmon is considered a very important commercial fishery. It is caught in rivers and on the approaches to them. Mainly, it is caught with smooth nets, cast nets and fixed seines.


Chum salmon is a valuable commercial fish. In Russia, chum salmon catches, however, are significantly smaller compared to the pink salmon fishery. They are caught using purse seines, drift and fixed nets, cast nets. In Russia, the main fishery is carried out using fixed seines when the fish approach the coast. On big rivers, for example, near Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, chum salmon is caught with fixed nets in the Amur.

At one time, chum salmon turned out to be a savior for the famous Russian traveler V.K. Arsenyev. His book “Along the Ussuri Region” tells the story of how a traveler’s boat, loaded with provisions, was smashed against a rock as a result of getting into an ice jam. The event took place in November; berries and mushrooms were hard to find at that time. The researchers began to be visited by thoughts of imminent death. However, the chum salmon was in the midst of spawning and the guide V.K. Arsenyev was able to get parts of the fish that the bear left after his meal. The researcher happily ate his fill of bear leftovers, backing everything up with the words “For lack of fish, there’s fish for cancer.”

Initially, chum salmon is valued for red caviar and dietary meat. Tender meat and caviar of chum salmon have incredible taste qualities. However, it is very important to be able to cook this fish correctly, since traditional frying will make it dry. Fresh frozen chum salmon is good baked and fried in batter. Bake fish with vegetables in the oven or foil.

On sale, chum salmon can most often be found smoked, salted, frozen and fresh. Fresh fish good for Chinese-style fish soup, aspic or fish soup. It is recommended to soak salted chum salmon before use, as it is deliberately over-salted in order to increase shelf life. The fish can then be added to salads or served as a cold appetizer.

Composition and calorie content

Chum salmon contains a lot of water - about 74% and proteins - 19%. It also contains fats, ash, and virtually no carbohydrates.

Vitamins in chum salmon are represented by the following set: retinol, calciferol, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, cyanocolobamine, ascorbic and folic acids.

Micro- and macroelements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, copper and selenium.

The calorie content of 100 g of chum salmon is no more than 126.4 kcal.

Beneficial features

Chum salmon is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, which have an anti-atherosclerotic effect on the human body. If these substances, along with caviar or fish, are regularly introduced into the body, then there is a high probability of preventing the development of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. Chum salmon promotes normal heart function due to the presence of magnesium and potassium. Fish contains organic phosphorus and calcium necessary for bones.

Chum salmon and its caviar contain vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining visual acuity and functioning nervous system, vitamin E, which has an antitoxic effect and improves skin condition, ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system and vitamin D, which strengthens bones. These foods are also rich in iron and minerals, without which the correct formation of red blood cells and an increase in hemoglobin are not possible.

Chum salmon is an anadromous red fish, a type of Pacific salmon. After only 4 years, she reaches sexual maturity and begins to spawn. Chum salmon is a popular fish that is important for fishing and is second only to pink salmon. Individuals can reach up to 1 m in length and weigh up to 14 kg. Chum salmon is not only a supplier of tender dietary meat, but also red caviar. Today on store shelves, this fish is presented fresh and frozen, as well as salted and smoked.

How to select and store?

Many unscrupulous producers often try to pass off cheaper options, for example, pink salmon, as expensive chum salmon. In order not to fall for their bait and do right choice follow these recommendations:

It is best to cook fresh fish immediately since in the refrigerator it will remain in good condition for 8 hours. Otherwise, it is best to freeze the fish.

Beneficial features

The benefit of chum salmon lies in the presence of numerous substances that are necessary for the body. Fish contains omega-3 and omega-6, as well as lecithin, so it can be considered an excellent anti-atherosclerotic agent. With regular consumption of red fish, you can significantly reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. IN large quantities Chum salmon contains potassium and magnesium - minerals that are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Fish contains calcium and phosphorus, which restore and strengthen bone tissue.

Chum salmon contains thiamine, which has a positive effect on brain function, which in turn improves attentiveness and memory. In addition, this substance is necessary for the normal development of the body and for functioning. digestive system, and it also reduces the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco. It is also worth mentioning that chum salmon contains vitamin A, which is important for visual acuity, and is also involved in the production of collagen. It also contains vitamin E, which acts as an antitoxic agent and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Thanks to the presence of ascorbic acid, the immune system is strengthened. Chum salmon contains iron, which improves blood composition and the process of hematopoiesis. Fish helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Use in cooking

Chum salmon is an excellent product that allows you to create real culinary masterpieces. Fish can not only be baked and fried in batter, but also salted and marinated. Based on chum salmon it turns out delicious soups and broths for aspic. To vary the taste, the fish is served with sauces, and it is also marinated in spices and herbs. Chum salmon is baked with vegetables and eaten as an independent dish, and it can also be served with various side dishes. When salted, chum salmon is added to salads and snacks.

How to cook chum salmon deliciously?

If you want your chum salmon dish to be tasty and juicy, follow our recommendations:

Harm of chum salmon and contraindications

Chum salmon can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. Like any other product, use chum salmon in large quantities Not recommended.

What is chum salmon

Chum fish is one of the varieties of Pacific salmon that lives in the Pacific Ocean, in its northern part. This is a fairly large marine fish. Chum salmon has an elongated body, which is characteristic of the salmon order, and a beautiful silver color of scales. It feeds mainly on young gerbils or

herring, pteropods or crustaceans. Chum salmon are divided into “summer” ones, living in northern latitudes Pacific Ocean and having a length of up to 80 centimeters, and “autumn”, living in southern latitudes, having a length of up to 1 meter.


Chum salmon matures in the 4th-5th year of life. Usually by this time the fish go to spawn, leaving the sea. As a rule, chum salmon spawns once in its life, since when returning from spawning, it usually dies. When leaving to spawn in the mouths of shiny rivers, the chum salmon fish (photo shown on the left) changes its color. At first it looks brownish-yellow with dark pink stripes, then almost black during spawning. Its meat becomes lean, flabby and unsuitable for food. Not only the color of the fish changes, its transformations are simply amazing. Male fish become humpbacked and their teeth increase in size. The body of females is flattened. When fish go to spawn in rivers, they stop feeding. Chum salmon spawns in the rivers of northern Pomerania, Korea, Japan, and the American continent. Typically, chum salmon covers a distance of up to 4 kilometers. Spawning grounds are often chosen near springs.

For laying eggs, chum salmon chooses cozy place, knocking out a spawning hole with its tail, reaching a diameter of 2-3 meters. It lays eggs in it to a depth of 40 centimeters and, after fertilization by the males, buries it with gravel, forming a large mound or “spawning mound.” The female makes up to three such clutches. Chum salmon protects its clutches for up to several days. Sometimes the “summer” chum salmon’s offspring die due to the fact that the water in the spawning area may freeze, while the “autumn” chum salmon saves its offspring by spawning not so high. The loss of future offspring has developed a peculiar mechanism in the fish - to lay so many eggs that the species as such does not disappear. Chum salmon lays large eggs - up to 9 mm in diameter. Development of fry from eggs occurs within about three months. The juveniles live in the river for about another month, feeding on plankton, then move to the sea.

The fry live in the coastal waters of the seas for another two months, and then go to the vastness of the Pacific Ocean to repeat the path of their parents.

Chum salmon value

Nutritionists consider keta very useful dietary product. Its meat is rich in vitamins A, D, E and microelements such as selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. It contains high quality protein and Omega-3 acids, necessary for a person. Balyk is prepared from fish, it is canned, salted, dried, and frozen. Second valuable product, except delicious meat, is the famous red caviar. You can buy fish in a chain of grocery stores or specialized fish stores. It is available for sale in salted, smoked, fresh or frozen form. Here you can buy caviar in different packaging.

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Chum salmon
(Oncorhynchus keta)

Chum salmon, like most fish belonging to the salmon family, can be considered both sea and river. Born in fresh river waters, she goes to the ocean or sea. After 3-5 years sea ​​life Chum salmon return in huge flocks to the rivers - as a rule, exactly to those where they were born. In Russia these are the rivers of the Pacific coast: Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma...

After spawning, the chum salmon dies. And the fry hatched from the eggs (the famous chum salmon caviar!) are carried into the sea by the current. To repeat the same few years later life cycle your parents. And so - from millennium to millennium.

This type of salmon (more precisely, Far Eastern salmon) is divided according to seasonality: chum salmon can be found in autumn and summer. Autumn chum salmon enter the rivers in late August - early September, summer chum salmon begin to return to the “places of their childhood” in early July. In terms of fishing, autumn chum salmon is more valuable. It is also 20 centimeters larger than the summer one, reaching a meter in length.

In sea and river conditions, chum salmon looks different. In the sea she has a silvery even color, without stripes or spots. It is no coincidence that during this period of life it is called “silver chum salmon”. Fish rushing to spawn have no time for beauty: in the river its color becomes brownish-yellow. This discreet color scheme is varied only by dark purple or dark crimson stripes. However, even in this outfit the fish is beautiful in its own way. And the main advantage of chum salmon, from a human point of view, is not its variety of colors. The main thing for which we appreciate this unique fish, - her amazing taste.

Chum salmon is the most important object of the Russian fishery. It is mainly caught on the approaches to rivers and in the rivers themselves using fixed and rounded seines and floating nets. The volumes of catch are such that they are difficult to account for. In this regard, perhaps only pink salmon can be considered a full-fledged “rival” to it.

To lay eggs, spawning chum salmon knock out quite a lot in the bottom soil. deep holes. Above their future offspring - and this is about 4 thousand eggs - the females pour a gravel mound, reaching a length of 3-4, and a width of up to one and a half meters or more. Thus, the eggs are protected from predators and strong currents.

The bulk of the very first food that hatched fry receive is provided to them... caring parents. Along with small aerial insects, as well as larvae, the fry feed on what is left of their “mothers” and fathers.”

Adult chum salmon are unpretentious in food: they feed mainly on pteropods and tunicates, which do not need to be chased across the expanses of water. But these sedentary creatures eat incredible quantities, especially when fattening up before spawning.

Fishermen have long appreciated the taste characteristics, benefits and harms of chum salmon fish. Today nutritionists have joined them; they consider the product one of the mandatory components proper nutrition. Carcasses, which can reach 1 m in length and sometimes approach 13 kg in weight, contain many substances necessary for establishing and regulating metabolic processes in the body.

We must not forget that chum salmon is a very tasty red fish. From it you can cook the most different dishes, the product responds well to various heat treatment options.

Chum salmon - characteristics and description

Chum salmon is part of a group of fish that live in the sea, but spawn in rivers. It is common in the most different corners world, which is why it is accessible and popular. Unremarkable in appearance, chum salmon can become a source of vitamins, microelements, fatty acids and other essential substances for humans.

Advice: Chum salmon meat can be an optimal source for athletes and people leading active image life. It contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible. According to this indicator, the product is second only to meat.

The fish spawns only once in its life, after which it dies immediately. Fishing cannot be done in freshwater bodies right before spawning! After entering the river, the meat of the individuals turns from red to white. The content of fats and other ingredients drops sharply in it. The taste characteristics of the product are also greatly reduced, so it is no longer suitable for food.

The benefits of chum salmon for the body

Chum salmon meat contains a lot of protein, there are healthy fats, virtually no carbohydrates. It quickly satisfies hunger and is easily digested, so it does not cause heaviness in the stomach or dyspeptic disorders. If you eat this red fish regularly, you can achieve the following positive results:

  • The abundance of unsaturated fatty acids will speed up the process of removing bad cholesterol from the body. This will lead to the cleansing of blood vessels from plaques, a gradual decrease in blood pressure and getting rid of excess weight.
  • The presence of chum salmon in the diet of older people reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertensive crisis.
  • The presence of vitamins A, E, group B, D and PP helps to increase the body's defenses and normalize metabolic processes.
  • Fluoride and calcium increase bone strength and slow down the process of tooth decay.
  • Chum fish is indicated for increased physical and mental stress. It contains the substance methionine, which relieves stress, improves mood, and relieves depression due to overexertion.

  • Substances in fish stimulate the production of hormones, which in a positive way affects the reproductive function of men and women.
  • Regular consumption of chum salmon starts the process of cleansing the liver and accelerates the restoration of its cells.
  • Fish fiber is processed by the body very quickly and does not cause excessive stress on the digestive organs. For this reason, the product should be included in the diet of people at the stage of recovery from illness, pregnant and lactating women, and children.
  • Lightly salted or heat-treated chum salmon can be used as a snack. It reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.
  • Thanks to the content fish oil consumption of chum salmon leads to tissue rejuvenation. The upper layers of the epidermis are renewed faster, which smooths out wrinkles and improves skin texture.

Chum salmon caviar has almost all of the above therapeutic effects. It is into this that beneficial substances from fish meat are transferred during the spawning process.

Harm and danger of chum salmon

People with intolerance to the product and a history of allergies to seafood should avoid eating chum salmon. In some cases, fish can sharpen the body’s perception even more, which is why allergies will begin to manifest themselves more violently.

Do not fry the workpieces. There is a lot of water in fish, which with this approach will evaporate, giving the meat excessive dryness. We must not forget that the calorie content of chum salmon caviar is twice that of meat. If you have a tendency to gain weight, it is better to give up caviar and leave only the fish itself in your diet.

Chum salmon can be bought fresh, chilled, frozen, lightly salted, smoked and salted. Experts believe that it is best to smoke and salt the preparations yourself, at home. There are a few more points to pay attention to when working with fish:

  1. If you fry the product, do so exclusively in batter or on the grill at a very high temperature.
  2. The optimal option for preparing products involves baking them in foil using oven. You should also put greens in the foil, then the dish will be as tasty and juicy as possible.
  3. Chum salmon makes excellent fish soup. It can also be used for aspic or different variants unusual fish soups.
  4. Shop salted fish Before use, you need to soak it in cold water, otherwise it may seem over-salted. It is specially heavily salted at enterprises, increasing its shelf life.

Chum salmon that has been frozen practically does not lose its beneficial properties. The main thing is to defrost the product correctly and without haste. Any thermal effects (even cold water) can negatively affect the texture of the fibers and ruin them taste properties.
