What is a person’s professional activity? Professional activity of a person

Creative transformation, improvement of reality and man himself is called activities. Having summarized the types of activities characteristic of all people, we will name the main ones: communication, play, learning and work. A person’s work can be professional or non-professional (hobbies, interests). Professional activity can be considered as an integral part of the labor, main activity of a person.

Professional activity- this is the activity of a person in his profession and specialty in a certain field and branch of production. From how a person is ready for his professional activity, depends on his success in work.

Professional activity performs certain functions, the main ones of which are the following:

Professional activity always pursues a specific goal and involves solving specific problems.

Target professional activity is the expected result that ensures the development of the individual and his life activity.

Tasks professional activities are the stages of achieving a goal.

For example, the goal of pedagogical activity is to provide young people with a certain level of education (general, primary vocational, secondary specialized, higher). The objectives of pedagogical activity are: training, education and diversified personal development.

Professional activity is characterized by its inherent characteristics (environment, setting, conditions of rest and work, object and subject of work).

Successful mastery of professional activity primarily depends on understanding its content. To do this, you need to gain knowledge in this profession and certain experience. It is a mistake to consider a professional activity to be a temporary occupation without prior theoretical and practical training. So, for example, can we say that a person who repairs his car or electrical wiring is engaged in a professional activity? Of course not. Without mastering rational techniques, skills, abilities and knowledge, he may not only fail to eliminate the malfunction, but also aggravate it, although sometimes the opposite is possible. But any of us will agree that the work will be done better according to all criteria (reliability, speed, quality) if it is taken on by a person who knows this business and works in this field (electrician, auto mechanic).

Professional activity appeared with the emergence of commodity-money relations as a result of the exchange of goods and services. Before this (under the dominance of subsistence farming), the product produced went only to satisfy the needs of the producer. This was due to the fact that there was no division of labor and people performed various jobs. Everyone knew how to do everything “a little bit”, but as a result, they could not do anything “properly”. This contradiction led to the gradual division of labor and the development of professional activities.

In professional activity there is a constant overcoming of the contradiction between the future and the present, what is done and what is desired, the ideal and the real.

There are specialists who are guided in their work by socially valuable motives. They are driven by the contradiction between the ideal of their professional activity and their own approximations to this ideal. There are also people who act in compliance with certain professional norms and regulations. The former change their personality in accordance with the professional ideal, the latter mainly train professional skills.

The success of mastering a professional activity depends on the motive for choosing a given profession, professional orientation and the correspondence of the employee’s personality traits to the chosen field. In addition, in any professional activity there are health restrictions.

Professional activity is closely related to technological culture, since transformative activity forms the basis of any type of work. Therefore, the higher the level of technological culture, the more successful professional activity will be.

Professional activity was a consequence of the historical process of division and specialization of human labor.

Division of labor- specific for each historical era a system of interconnected types of work activity. its differentiation according to social functions.

In ancient times, nature was the main distributor of labor. Geographical and climatic conditions determined the nature of the occupations for the tribes and their individual members (growing bread, hunting wild animals, herding domesticated animals, etc.). The initial distribution of labor was based mainly on the biological characteristics of the team members (male and female labor).

During the period of disintegration of the primitive communal system, cattle breeding was first separated from agriculture, then crafts and trade became isolated. At the dawn of the slave system, mental labor was separated from physical labor, and as a result, some people began to perform intellectual, creative and managerial activities, and engage in art, while others fell to exhausting physical labor devoid of any creative content. Thus, natural selection was replaced by the division of labor between people according to their social status.

The next stage in the division of labor was manufacturing. At first there were artisans - generalists who independently performed all operations for the manufacture of products (dishes, tools, clothing, etc.). Then the crafts began to differentiate into a whole series of partial operations, coordinated with each other. The place of the generalist artisan is replaced by a “private worker” who performs only one operation, but is more productive. There was a specialization of labor.

Labor specialization- a form of social division of labor. It is expressed in such an organization of production when individual people perform only certain labor operations in the process of manufacturing a product.

Specialization of labor is a necessary aspect of labor activity and is due to the fact that in the labor process a person deals with different objects, uses various tools and methods of labor, according to which his labor activity acquires specific characteristics.

Specialization acts as a means of developing productive forces and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

The development of large-scale machine industry meant the transformation of the worker from the main figure in production into an appendage of the machine. The division and specialization of labor led to the “division” of man himself, the dismemberment of his life activity, that is, to the isolation as independent functions assigned to a person for life those aspects of activity that only in unity constitute its content. As a result of this, each individual is confined to a sphere of highly specialized activity and becomes a “partial” person.

In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, under the influence of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, a change in labor is taking place, requiring the worker to master several professions (specialties). The change of labor is gradually replacing the division of labor.

Form of division of labor characterizes the way of organizing the process of professional activity of people.

Currently, the following forms of division of labor exist:

Brainwork- work in which a person spends mainly his intellectual efforts.

Physical work- work in which a person spends mainly his physical efforts.

Industry specialization- this is the division of labor in sectors of material (industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc.) and non-material production (science, education, trade, medicine, etc.).

Subject specialization- this is the division of enterprises according to the homogeneous products they produce (car plant, clothing factory, sausage shop, etc.).

Detailed specialization- production of individual parts and components of the finished product (for example, products of a ball bearing plant, products of a carburetor plant, products of a tire plant, etc.).

Stage (technological) specialization- performance of individual operations, parts of the technological process (for example, the production of blanks for machine-building enterprises in foundries, the production of yarn for weaving factories in spinning factories, etc.).

Functional specialization- specialization in the functions that people perform in production (engineering and technical workers, office workers, junior service personnel, etc.).

Professional specialization- differentiation of workers by profession or specialty (turner, accountant, economist, etc.).

Qualification specialization- creation of employee divisions within professional group depending on their level of qualification (rank, class, category).

The specialization of labor in various sectors of the economy has its own specifics. For example, in agricultural production there are the following forms of specialization:

  • zonal, when certain sectors of production predominate in certain zones and regions;
  • inter-farm - creation of separate farms (livestock, field crops, etc.);
  • on-farm - among teams, departments, farms, units;
  • intra-industry - division of agricultural production sectors into more specialized enterprises.
Activities, professional activities, goals, objectives, functions of professional activities, division and specialization of labor.

Practical work

  1. Determine the purpose and objectives of your future professional activity.
  2. Fill the table.
  3. Fill the table.
  1. What is the essence of professional activity, its differences from non-professional activity?
  2. What does division of labor lead to?
  3. Describe the historical stages of the division of human labor.
  4. What is the essence of the division of labor?
  5. What should be understood by the form of division of the pile?
  6. Reveal modern forms of division of professional labor of people.
  7. What is professional activity? How is it different from non-professional?
  8. What are the functions of professional activity?
  9. How can you determine the purpose and objectives of professional activity?
  10. What ensures the success of a person’s professional activity?

A profession as a work activity has a certain structure (according to E. A. Klimov) (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Structure of professional activity according to E.A. Klimov.

Goals of work, ideas about the final result of professional activity recorded in culture through samples of relevant work, their descriptions, and the formulation of general and special requirements for them.

However, not in every activity the sample is set using job descriptions, state standards or relevant documentation. In many cases, such a “living example” of professional activity is a competent specialist, a recognized authority in his professional field. A young, novice worker strives to adopt not only the specific work actions of a given specialist, but also the style of his professional communication and behavior, as well as a holistic lifestyle even during non-working hours.

In addition, in many professions it is impossible to accurately and algorithmically describe the idea of ​​the final result of work. This applies primarily to managerial and creative professions.

It is necessary to distinguish between the goals of professional or work activity and the goals of the specialist who will perform this activity while occupying this position. Provided that this workplace is vacant, the goals of the specified professional activity are objective and can be strictly fixed. However, at the moment when a specific specialist takes this place, the goals of professional activity become subjective, learned and accepted by this specialist.

Such discrepancies between objective and subjective professional goals can be both positive and negative. In the first case, the specialist carries out creative activities, creates something new and transforms his own professional sphere. And if before his arrival, the standards of work in a given profession were accepted within certain, specified boundaries, then as a result of the innovator’s activities, such boundaries expand with the emergence of new opportunities for other workers.

In the second case, if the discrepancy between objective and subjective goals gives a negative result, the employee must take a course vocational training in order to “grow” the level of his own professionalism to the objectively specified requirements of the field of activity in which he works.

Subject of labor- this is a system of interconnected signs, properties of things, processes, phenomena, functions of both material and immaterial order, as if opposing in relation to a human specialist. In order to realize his own professional activity, he must change, transform the subject of work or create something new that was previously absent or has no place in reality. The subject of labor is recorded using documentation, organization of the workspace, etc. But it is not always possible to accurately describe the subject of labor.

For example, the subject of work may be a situation characterized by a certain level of information uncertainty. The bus driver makes a trip with passengers along a specific route. The subject of his work is certain sequences or “chains” of road situations, characterized by a high level of uncertainty. In pedagogical activity, the subject of work of a primary school teacher is the child, or rather the level of his development and education. In the process of studying in primary school The teacher develops the child’s skills in spelling, counting, reading, and voluntary activities: attention, self-control, self-esteem. Consequently, the subject of work for the teacher is the child’s psyche, his personal, intellectual and emotional functions and processes.

Means of professional activity- these are material means of labor and immaterial auxiliary (external and internal functional) means of labor activity, with the help of which a person interacts with the object of his work in accordance with the goal, changes and transforms it.

Material means of labor- this is hardware for receiving, processing and transmitting information; means for carrying out practical actions in biological, technical, inanimate natural, sign systems, systems of artistic reflection of reality; manual, simple and mechanized means of labor; manually operated machines; automated, automatic systems, devices for controlling long, continuous processes.

External functional means of labor - This means of expression behavior and speech of a person as a subject of professional activity (specialist).

For example, in the work of a manager, announcer, or artist, these intangible means of labor are of great importance.

In addition, the body of a professional person can act as an external functional means of labor activity. Thus, for a sports coach, his body is a special, functional “tool” of work.

For a manager, the external functional means of labor can be a working team, a work collective, or a group of like-minded people at the same time as the subject and means of his organizational and managerial activities.

Internal functional means of labor are reflected in normative, instructional and methodological documentation characterizing this or that professional activity. The internal functional means of labor can be professional knowledge, skills, individual style of professional activity, the image of “I” in the profession, professional self-awareness and professional self-esteem.

There is a complex system of relationships and interdependencies between external and internal functional means of labor activity. The following tendency of the relationship between these two factors appears: the less pronounced the external means of professional activity and the simpler they are technically, the more complex the system of internal means turns out to be, the more high requirements from the side of the profession, they are presented to the level of education, qualifications, intellectual and emotional development of the employee, specialist, professional.

Professional duties often reflected in job description and prescribe the main forms of employee activity as mandatory, constituting the content of his professional activity.

System of rights reflected in the regulatory documents adopted in the legislative system, and determines the rights of the employee in relation to healthy and safe conditions work, wages, opportunities for free training, use of medical care, various forms household assistance, participation in the life of the working team and work collective.

Of course, every specialist should know regulations about your own work and use them skillfully. It is important to note that there is a certain relationship between the employee’s interest, activity and initiative, on the one hand, and the level of regulation of his professional activities, on the other. Namely: the fewer functions an employee has the opportunity to perform in the process of realizing his professional intentions and interests, the less attractive this profession becomes for him. And vice versa, the more professional opportunities and freedom this work provides for him, the more interest and activity the professional can show.

Subject and social working conditions constitute the environment in the professional workplace. The first include vital (vital) and sanitary-hygienic conditions of work: temperature, humidity and air pressure, dust, noise and various sound conditions, different kinds radiant energy, vibration, ultrasound, infections, the likelihood of physical and mental injury, dynamic loads.

Social working conditions - This social significance of a given profession, the socio-psychological climate in the workforce and in the organization (firm, bank, enterprise) as a whole, collective labor and professional traditions, corporate culture in a given professional field, a system of business interactions and norms business activity adopted in society in a given historical and economic period of its development.

The main object of labor psychology is professional activity. The study of the subject of labor will depend on the meaning given to the terms “professional activity”, “profession”, “specialty”, “position”, etc. Occupational psychology must determine the specifics of the object of its research, since professional activity is also studied by other sciences. In particular, E.A. Klimov notes that “in the phenomenon of the profession, events that are the subject of both general and social psychology" The solution to any practical problem in the field of labor psychology is based on an understanding of the characteristics of a specific professional situation and the content of the work activity performed by a person.

The concept of “work” is inextricably linked with the concept of “profession”. Work- it's public necessary activity person, requiring effort in achieving certain goals and results. Task (task)- a unit of labor that involves performing labor actions. Profession in the broad sense of the word, this is the area of ​​social division of labor in which certain products are created that have use value; the process of labor activity itself, its originality; required professional qualification and level of competence of employees; a person’s awareness of his belonging to a professional community (professional identity). The following meanings of the concept of profession are distinguished (according to E.A. Klimov).

1. A profession as a community of people dealing with similar problems and leading approximately the same lifestyle. The standard of living may vary among professionals with different degrees of success, but the basic value system of representatives of this profession is approximately the same, which allows them to talk about one of their colleagues as a more or less accomplished specialist.

2. Profession as an area of ​​application of forces is associated with the identification (and clarification) of the object itself and the subject of professional activity. It also addresses the question of in which areas of life a person can realize himself as a professional.

3. Profession as an activity and area of ​​manifestation of personality. It is often forgotten that professional activity allows not only to produce some goods or services, but, first of all, it allows a person to realize his creative potential and creates conditions for the development of this potential.

4. Profession as historically developing system. Naturally, the profession itself changes depending on changes in the cultural and historical context, and, unfortunately, situations are possible when the original meaning of the profession can be significantly distorted.

5. Profession as a reality, creatively formed by the subject of labor himself. This means that even the cultural and historical situation (era) is not completely dominant, since much depends on specific specialists. It is they who must determine the place of their profession (and their personal “mission”) in the social system, and not just carry out work “according to instructions.” It is thanks to specific specialists that this science and this practical area are developing. The true greatness of a particular professional is determined by the extent to which he was able to promote the development of his science not so much “thanks to” the prevailing circumstances (and socio-economic conditions), but rather “in spite of” these circumstances. An ideal option for creative self-realization in a profession is a situation where an employee knows how to use even unfavorable circumstances for good.

N.S. Pryazhnikov, E.Yu. Pryazhnikov identifies the following main characteristics of the profession. Firstly, this is a limited type of work activity due to the historical division of labor; secondly, socially useful activity (although there is no clear criterion of utility, but intuitively even simple people they understand very well which employee is more useful and which is less useful); thirdly, this is an activity that requires special training;

fourthly, activity performed for a certain reward, moral and material, giving a person the opportunity not only to satisfy his basic needs, but also being a condition for his comprehensive development; fifthly, this is an activity that gives a person a certain social and public status (what a person does is a person’s business, his work is his main “calling card”).

Finally, we can recall the definition of profession given back in 1913 by S.M. Bogoslovsky: “A profession is an activity, and the activity is one through which a given person participates in the life of society and which serves as his main source of material means of subsistence,” but on the condition that this activity “is recognized as a profession by the personal self-awareness of a given person.” The last circumstance allows us to understand the most important psychological characteristics professions – the attitude of a particular employee to this job as his profession. Note that this understanding of the profession was proposed by S.M. Bogoslovsky long before E. Fromm, who later talked about “alienated character,” when a person does not perceive his work as personally significant.

External characteristics professional activity is carried out through the concepts of subject and object of labor, subject, conditions and means of activity. Subject of labor- this is a set of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject practically or mentally interacts in the course of activity. Means of labor- a set of tools that can enhance a person’s ability to recognize the characteristics of the subject of labor and influence it. Working conditions– a system of social, psychological, sanitary and hygienic and physical characteristics activities.

Internal characteristics activity involves a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as the operational means of its implementation.

Speciality specified in the profession. A profession is a group of related specialties (for example, profession - doctor, specialty - therapist; profession - teacher, specialty - mathematics teacher; profession - psychologist, specialty - educational psychologist). A specialty is also understood as a type of professional educational program in an educational institution.

Qualification– this is the level of professional skill. Traditionally, formal qualifications are distinguished, expressed in officially fixed ranks, classes, titles, categories, and real qualifications, i.e. the level of skill that a given person can actually demonstrate. Often, the discrepancy between the real and formal qualifications of a particular employee lies at the root of many industrial conflicts. The term “qualification,” on the one hand, refers to the profession’s requirements for the knowledge and skills of an employee necessary to perform work tasks. On the other hand, qualification is a characteristic of the special knowledge and skills acquired by a person. The normatively specified content of a specialist’s qualification is determined in the state standards for his training. A person who has completed a professional training course and received a document confirming its successful completion acquires certain qualifications. For example, the diploma of a specialist psychologist indicates the qualification “Psychologist. Psychology teacher." Thus, qualification characterizes a set of special knowledge and skills that can be acquired in the process of vocational training.

People may be competent to varying degrees in relation to a certain range of responsibilities. The following types of competence are distinguished:

a) special (professional) competence ability to perform professional tasks at a high level;
b) social competence – a person’s possession of communication skills and the ability to work effectively together;
c) personal and individual competence mastery of techniques for personal self-regulation, self-development, and counteracting professional deformation of the individual; readiness for professional growth, personal resource for professional success (A.K. Markova).

Job title is a more vague and confusing concept, so it is more difficult to define. For example, sometimes a position is understood as a type of management work. Sometimes the position coincides with the understanding of qualifications (senior, junior employee). A more common understanding of a position is as any fixed job and profession with a clearly defined range of job responsibilities.

Isolation and consideration of the concept labor post and its structure is important for clarifying the production meaning of a particular professional activity. A labor post is a non-specific, multidimensional, multi- and multi-characteristic system formation, the main components of which are: goals, an idea of ​​the result of labor; a given subject of labor; system of means of labor; system of professional job responsibilities; employee rights system; production environment (subject and social working conditions). For example, a postman’s workplace is determined not by his specific place (table and chair) in a specific room, but by a whole system of various conditions that ensure the fulfillment of his main duties (and not just “sitting” on a specific chair and essentially simulating work). There are as many job positions in an organization as there are people working in it.

Labor is one of the main types of human activity. Almost everyone is trying to get an education in order to become a real professional in their field in the future. However, as practice has shown, this is not as easy as it seems. After all, after training you need to find a job. Where can you get it if employers hire only professionals?

The concept of professional activity and its functions

Professional activity is a human specialty in a certain field. Labor skills and abilities are determined depending on how much people devote themselves to work.

There are 4 main functions in professional activities:

  1. Creation of financial or spiritual values.
  2. Obtaining material resources to make life easier in society.
  3. Promoting the development of others.
  4. Transforming the environment.

For more successful mastery of professional activity, excellent knowledge, experience and skills in your specialty are required. Without this in modern world no way. There is an opinion that professional activity appeared in order to produce commodity-money relations.

That is, the service changes to a product or vice versa. For example, a person offered his services as an accountant in one company. As a result, he shared his skills and was paid a salary according to the contract.

If a person repairs his equipment at home (this is his hobby), he cannot be called a professional, since he does not have reliable and high-quality skills and knowledge. The work can be completed in all respects only when it is taken on by a specialist who knows his job thoroughly. This is his professional activity.


Each person in the field of his work receives a certain result. This is called the purpose of professional activity. Not every specialist knows how to organize work correctly. Without this it is impossible to become a professional.

Even from school, the student sets a goal for himself. First, he enters a higher educational institution in the department that he likes. After studying, he goes to work and sets himself the goal of achieving great results in his professional activities.

To do this, you need to continue studying, work hard and constantly be interested in everything related to a specific specialty. To achieve the planned results, ask yourself questions: “Why am I doing my work?”, “What does it give me?”, “How should it turn out in the end?”

Professionalism is achieved only by a person who likes his work. If you don’t care where you start working, just to get experience and salary, then you won’t be able to achieve great success in your field of activity.

To reach necessary results, you need to plan your activities correctly:

  • Set yourself a task and continue to work on solving it.
  • Determine the methods and establish what means you need for your goal.
  • Plan the final result.
  • Find out who from the team will help you solve a specific task or problem in the workplace.

In order to carry out your plans and achieve your goal, you need to use all your strengths and methods, only then do you have the opportunity to become a real professional.

Areas of professional activity

Almost every person works within certain boundaries - he has only one branch of work. It is in this direction that he continues to develop. Types of professional activity are usually classified according to the subject of work.

  • Man with nature is work aimed at animal and plant organisms. People work with soil, water, forests, seeds, minerals, animals and plants. With such activities, a person must have love for the world around him. He must be brave, patient, persistent and observant. People working in this field can tell in advance how natural factors will change in the near future.
  • Man with technology - in this area people work with machines, mechanisms, technical systems, and units. They can mine and process soil, metal, rocks, repair equipment, process products. In this work, qualities are very important: love for technology, the ability to quickly respond to different situations, understand everything about repairs, know safety precautions well.
  • A person with signs - this area is for those people who have a mathematical mind. After all, you need to be able to work with computers, indicators, documents, graphics, diagrams, and numbers. With these parameters, a person can go to work to compose and prepare documents, translate texts, work on accounting, economics, insurance, design, statistics, and computers. In order to work successfully in these areas of activity, a person must have good vision, logical thinking, attention, perseverance and memory.
  • A person with a personality - in this area it is necessary to work with people, in a team, with children. In this area, a person must know the methods and techniques of communication and education. They come into direct contact with people. First of all, for more successful work you need to love and respect others, be kind, sympathetic, sociable, honest and emotionally stable.
  • Man and creativity is an area where people work with paints, notes, letters, etc. In this area, a person must be a creative person, with imaginative thinking, have an artistic eye and see the beauty of the world around him.

Areas of professional activity are also divided into individual factors. For example, if a person works with technology, it can be not only cars, but also computers, tape recorders, televisions and everything related to technical issues.

The same applies to people and individuals - this is a job where it is necessary to communicate with people not only in production, but also in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.

Types of professional activities represent initiative and independence. In turn, management or administration must interest the person in the work. What is needed for that? Good and stable salary. Most often, only motivation moves a person to achieve a goal.

Factors that influence the effective performance of professional activities

Every person is ready to work if he has an interest in work. In order for professional activity to come first, motivation for success is necessary. If a person sees meaning in the future, then he will strive for improvement.

There is an opinion that there are two factors that will help stimulate an individual to professional activity:

1. Material factors.

  • An agreement is concluded on the binding of material remuneration. If employees are stimulated financially, then work efficiency will be increased. This affects material well-being the entire enterprise as a whole.
  • Bonuses for employees. If a person knows that he will receive a bonus for a job well done, then he will give his best in his professional activities.
  • Increase in salary for qualifications. Additional funding for the best employees will provide an incentive for other people to work better.
  • Providing benefits. It is more pleasant for every person to work if travel or food (partially or fully), trips to the sea, and camp sites are paid for.

2. Psychological factors.

  • Celebration organization. Employees will be happy to relax with colleagues after working days. These days they are happy not to think about work, but to communicate with each other on abstract topics.
  • Writing certificates and thanks stimulates a person to work. He understands that he brings benefits to his enterprise. This increases labor productivity.
  • The regime is not only for work moments, but also for rest. Every employee is pleased to know that at the workplace he can not only work, but also relax.
  • Professional growth (career). If a person knows that improvement awaits him in the future, he will be able to strive for improvement. To do this, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for employees: update knowledge and skills (organize a variety of courses and trainings to improve their skills).
  • Professional activity involves creating conditions for friendly relations with colleagues. A good team atmosphere will make work more enjoyable.

Ensuring professional performance will help employees adhere to these factors. As a result, you will be able to increase profits at the company, as well as improve product quality, prestige and labor potential through friendly relations in the team.

Important personality traits

Every person in his workplace should be able to treat others professionally. He must have normal mental and physical development that meets the requirements of the specialty or profession.

One of the main important qualities is correct and cultural communication. Each employee should be able to share their knowledge and skills. However, it is also necessary to have a business style. If necessary, an employee must be able to explain the mistakes of another person in a civilized manner, without shouting and reproaches.

With proper communication, the success of work and its implementation increases. Each enterprise has an agreement. Before starting a job, a person must familiarize himself with it. The contract contains a clause that describes the important professional qualities of the individual. The company encourages employees to adhere to them.

The quality of professional activity depends on salary, interest, motive, character, attitude and working conditions. If employees are given a great motivation to work, then they will not only improve themselves, but will also help the company develop.

Character is an important quality of a person. You cannot show your unfriendliness and bad mood in the workplace. You must always remember that at work you need to perform exclusively your duties. Always leave your bad mood outside the office doors. Not only the quality of the work performed, but also the atmosphere as a whole depends on you.

The area of ​​professional activity is not only enterprises, but also scientific research, social or economic manifestations.

Professionalism as a moral personality trait

The person who has special education, relevant documents and experience in the same field, is a professional. It is believed that he can and knows a lot. However, a person does not always become a professional if he has experience. Many people go to work not for self-improvement, but to receive a salary.

Not every employee thinks that over time, experience will help him not only become a professional, but also climb the career ladder.

In order for a person to engage in professional activities, it is necessary to know almost all the theory and practice regularly. Only then is it possible to become a truly experienced person. He is called a professional in his field.

An experienced specialist quickly performs his work without losing quality. Professional human activity is a difficult job. It takes years to get there. Only a professional can do his job effectively, regardless of the conditions. After all, you can work not only in the office, but also outside when it’s cold or hot. In any case, a professional will do everything efficiently and quickly.

Professional organizations and their activities

Every enterprise or firm wants to have highly qualified employees. Therefore, many organizations can safely be called professional. They bring together only the best employees who are completely dedicated to their work.

The activities of professional organizations are aimed at mutual assistance to others and their colleagues. That is, each employee tries to invest his knowledge, work and skills in this area, and shows interest in professional activities. It is on such people that wages depend. In many enterprises or organizations, payment is based on the quality and quantity of output.

If employees are encouraged and rewarded for their work, then each person will become even more interested in their work. After all, he will work with the understanding that he will receive a reward for an effectively completed task.

At each enterprise, a structure of activity is determined, which describes working moments and operations. It is very important for employees to create conditions so that they feel safe in the workplace. In this case, the labor process at the enterprise is guaranteed to be productive.

Pedagogical activity

Every person learns throughout his life. Professional pedagogical activity– a very important specialty in schools, colleges, and higher educational institutions. A teacher must improve his qualifications every five years. His professionalism depends on this. The goal of a teacher is to educate and teach a person everything new. It is the teacher who helps many students become specialists in their field.

The professional activity of a teacher organizes students and helps solve problems. different types complexity, determine the goal for which it is necessary to develop and learn. The teacher must have an emotionally stable character and his own position.

In order to become a professional, the following requirements are put forward to the teacher:

  • Psychological readiness. Not all students are decent and obedient people. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that even in stressful situations remain a calm and balanced teacher.
  • Physical readiness. A teacher has a lot of work, for which high demands are made. Therefore, the teacher must be physically healthy.

The work of a true professional teacher is calm and balanced. The teacher must be wise and educated. He cannot answer to his pupils or pupils that he does not know something due to his specifics. Only in this case is professional pedagogical activity determined. This is the only way to earn authority.

Social activities

Many people need help. This could be an elderly or sick person, a disabled person, and so on. This is why social activities have been created. This requires professionalism. For people to take certain actions, they must be interested in them.

Motive is the first factor that affects a person. This is the internal stimulant of every person. If any action is really important, then the motive for which it is necessary to strive for perfection is remembered. For example, if a person wants to get a job new job to build your career. Let's say he was offered a position. A person will agree to go there if he remembers that he has a motive.

Need and interest are closely interrelated. This is called the value of a person’s social relationship to any significant object or phenomenon. A person needs a job. One - to make a profit, the other - for the sake of moving up the career ladder. Therefore, everyone pursues their own goal.

Professional social activity is closely related to helping an outsider. If there is an elderly lonely person who cannot go to the store, do laundry or clean, there are specialized social services for this. They help. This applies to people with disabilities, drug addiction or alcoholism. All these individuals need social assistance. The technology of professional activity goes through many stages. Therefore, every employee must overcome them with dignity in order to build their career smoothly. After all, it provides a path to the future.


Professional activity is a personal career. It is associated with the skills, abilities and mastery of a person. In a career, not only career growth is very important, but also constant self-improvement, that is, increasing qualifications and certain knowledge. Factors that influence the preparation of professionalism are age, seniority and experience.

It is always necessary to remember: only a person’s capabilities and abilities influence career advancement. Features of professional activity depend on the quality of the work performed, as well as on the interest of employees. Therefore, they need to be regularly encouraged.

The process of professional activity occurs in stages. This is human development, his health and improvement. Professionalism appears depending on the conditions, area and industry of production.

A person must be able to properly organize his workplace, adhere to technological discipline, be able to determine the effectiveness of work activity, and observe safety precautions. The above determines the professionalism of each of us.

Hard work, interest in work, knowledge and skills will help a person become successful and quickly achieve their goals.

Labor is one of the main types of human activity. Almost everyone is trying to get an education in order to become a real professional in their field in the future. However, as practice has shown, this is not as easy as it seems. After all, after training you need to find a job. Where can you get it if employers hire only professionals?

The concept of professional activity and its functions

Professional activity is a human specialty in a certain field. Labor skills and abilities are determined depending on how much people devote themselves to work.

There are 4 main functions in professional activities:

  1. Creation of financial or spiritual values.
  2. Obtaining material resources to make life easier in society.
  3. Promoting the development of others.
  4. Transforming the environment.

For more successful mastery of professional activity, excellent knowledge, experience and skills in your specialty are required. It’s impossible to do without this in the modern world. There is an opinion that professional activity appeared in order to produce commodity-money relations.

That is, the service changes to a product or vice versa. For example, a person offered his services as an accountant in one company. As a result, he shared his skills and was paid a salary according to the contract.

If a person repairs his equipment at home (this is his hobby), he cannot be called a professional, since he does not have reliable and high-quality skills and knowledge. The work can be completed in all respects only when it is taken on by a specialist who knows his job thoroughly. This is his professional activity.


Each person in the field of his work receives a certain result. This is called the purpose of professional activity. Not every specialist knows how to organize work correctly. Without this it is impossible to become a professional.

Even from school, the student sets a goal for himself. First, he enters a higher educational institution in the department that he likes. After studying, he goes to work and sets himself the goal of achieving great results in his professional activities.

To do this, you need to continue studying, work hard and constantly be interested in everything related to a specific specialty. To achieve the planned results, ask yourself questions: “Why am I doing my work?”, “What does it give me?”, “How should it turn out in the end?”

Professionalism is achieved only by a person who likes his work. If you don’t care where you start working, just to get experience and salary, then you won’t be able to achieve great success in your field of activity.

To achieve the necessary results, you need to properly plan your activities:

  • Set yourself a task and continue to work on solving it.
  • Determine the methods and establish what means you need for your goal.
  • Plan the final result.
  • Find out who from the team will help you solve a specific task or problem in the workplace.

In order to carry out your plans and achieve your goal, you need to use all your strengths and methods, only then do you have the opportunity to become a real professional.

Areas of professional activity

Almost every person works within certain boundaries - he has only one branch of work. It is in this direction that he continues to develop. Types of professional activity are usually classified according to the subject of work.

  • Man with nature is work aimed at animal and plant organisms. People work with soil, water, forests, seeds, minerals, animals and plants. With such activities, a person must have love for the world around him. He must be brave, patient, persistent and observant. People working in this field can tell in advance how natural factors will change in the near future.
  • Man with technology - in this area people work with machines, mechanisms, technical systems, and units. They can mine and process soil, metal, rocks, repair equipment, and process products. In this work, qualities are very important: love for technology, the ability to react quickly in various situations, understand everything about repairs, and have a good knowledge of safety precautions.
  • A person with signs - this area is for those people who have a mathematical mind. After all, you need to be able to work with computers, indicators, documents, graphics, diagrams, and numbers. With these parameters, a person can go to work to compose and prepare documents, translate texts, work on accounting, economics, insurance, design, statistics, and computers. In order to work successfully in these areas of activity, a person must have good vision, logical thinking, attention, perseverance and memory.
  • A person with a personality - in this area it is necessary to work with people, in a team, with children. In this area, a person must know the methods and techniques of communication and education. They come into direct contact with people. First of all, for more successful work you need to love and respect others, be kind, sympathetic, sociable, honest and emotionally stable.
  • Man and creativity is an area where people work with paints, notes, letters, etc. In this area, a person must be a creative person, with imaginative thinking, have an artistic eye and see the beauty of the world around him.

Areas of professional activity are also divided into individual factors. For example, if a person works with technology, it can be not only cars, but also computers, tape recorders, televisions and everything related to technical issues.

The same applies to people and individuals - this is a job where it is necessary to communicate with people not only in production, but also in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.

Types of professional activities represent initiative and independence. In turn, management or administration must interest the person in the work. What is needed for that? Good and stable salary. Most often, only motivation moves a person to achieve a goal.

Factors that influence the effective performance of professional activities

Every person is ready to work if he has an interest in work. In order for professional activity to come first, motivation for success is necessary. If a person sees meaning in the future, then he will strive for improvement.

There is an opinion that there are two factors that will help stimulate an individual to professional activity:

1. Material factors.

  • An agreement is concluded on the binding of material remuneration. If employees are stimulated financially, then work efficiency will be increased. This affects the material well-being of the entire enterprise as a whole.
  • Bonuses for employees. If a person knows that he will receive a bonus for a job well done, then he will give his best in his professional activities.
  • Increase in salary for qualifications. Additional funding for the best employees will provide an incentive for other people to work better.
  • Providing benefits. It is more pleasant for every person to work if travel or food (partially or fully), trips to the sea, and camp sites are paid for.

2. Psychological factors.

  • Celebration organization. Employees will be happy to relax with colleagues after working days. These days they are happy not to think about work, but to communicate with each other on abstract topics.
  • Writing certificates and thanks stimulates a person to work. He understands that he brings benefits to his enterprise. This increases labor productivity.
  • The regime is not only for work moments, but also for rest. Every employee is pleased to know that at the workplace he can not only work, but also relax.
  • Professional growth (career). If a person knows that improvement awaits him in the future, he will be able to strive for improvement. To do this, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for employees: update knowledge and skills (organize a variety of courses and trainings to improve their skills).
  • Professional activity involves creating conditions for friendly relations with colleagues. A good team atmosphere will make work more enjoyable.

Ensuring professional performance will help employees adhere to these factors. As a result, you will be able to increase profits at the company, as well as improve product quality, prestige and labor potential through friendly relations in the team.

Important personality traits

Every person in his workplace should be able to treat others professionally. He must have normal mental and physical development that meets the requirements of the specialty or profession.

One of the main important qualities is correct and cultural communication. Each employee should be able to share their knowledge and skills. However, it is also necessary to have a business style. If necessary, an employee must be able to explain the mistakes of another person in a civilized manner, without shouting and reproaches.

With proper communication, the success of work and its implementation increases. Each enterprise has an agreement. Before starting a job, a person must familiarize himself with it. The contract contains a clause that describes the important professional qualities of the individual. The company encourages employees to adhere to them.

The quality of professional activity depends on salary, interest, motive, character, attitude and working conditions. If employees are given a great motivation to work, then they will not only improve themselves, but will also help the company develop.

Character is an important quality of a person. You cannot show your unfriendliness and bad mood in the workplace. You must always remember that at work you need to perform exclusively your duties. Always leave your bad mood outside the office doors. Not only the quality of the work performed, but also the atmosphere as a whole depends on you.

The area of ​​professional activity is not only enterprises, but also scientific research, social or economic manifestations.

Professionalism as a moral personality trait

A person who has special education, relevant documents and experience in the same field is a professional. It is believed that he can and knows a lot. However, a person does not always become a professional if he has experience. Many people go to work not for self-improvement, but to receive a salary.

Not every employee thinks that over time, experience will help him not only become a professional, but also climb the career ladder.

In order for a person to engage in professional activities, it is necessary to know almost all the theory and practice regularly. Only then is it possible to become a truly experienced person. He is called a professional in his field.

An experienced specialist quickly performs his work without losing quality. Professional human activity is a difficult job. It takes years to get there. Only a professional can do his job effectively, regardless of the conditions. After all, you can work not only in the office, but also outside when it’s cold or hot. In any case, a professional will do everything efficiently and quickly.

Professional organizations and their activities

Every enterprise or firm wants to have highly qualified employees. Therefore, many organizations can safely be called professional. They bring together only the best employees who are completely dedicated to their work.

The activities of professional organizations are aimed at mutual assistance to others and their colleagues. That is, each employee tries to invest his knowledge, work and skills in this area, and shows interest in professional activities. It is on such people that wages depend. In many enterprises or organizations, payment is based on the quality and quantity of output.

If employees are encouraged and rewarded for their work, then each person will become even more interested in their work. After all, he will work with the understanding that he will receive a reward for an effectively completed task.

At each enterprise, a structure of activity is determined, which describes working moments and operations. It is very important for employees to create conditions so that they feel safe in the workplace. In this case, the labor process at the enterprise is guaranteed to be productive.

Pedagogical activity

Every person learns throughout his life. Professional teaching activity is a very important specialty in schools, colleges, and higher educational institutions. A teacher must improve his qualifications every five years. His professionalism depends on this. The goal of a teacher is to educate and teach a person everything new. It is the teacher who helps many students become specialists in their field.

The professional activity of a teacher organizes students, helps solve problems of various types of complexity, and determines the goal for which it is necessary to develop and learn. The teacher must have an emotionally stable character and his own position.

In order to become a professional, the following requirements are put forward to the teacher:

  • Psychological readiness. Not all students are decent and obedient people. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to remain a calm and balanced teacher even in stressful situations.
  • Physical readiness. A teacher has a lot of work, for which high demands are made. Therefore, the teacher must be physically healthy.

The work of a true professional teacher is calm and balanced. The teacher must be wise and educated. He cannot answer to his pupils or pupils that he does not know something due to his specifics. Only in this case is professional pedagogical activity determined. This is the only way to earn authority.

Social activities

Many people need help. This could be an elderly or sick person, a disabled person, and so on. This is why social activities have been created. This requires professionalism. For people to take certain actions, they must be interested in them.

Motive is the first factor that affects a person. This is the internal stimulant of every person. If any action is really important, then the motive for which it is necessary to strive for perfection is remembered. For example, if a person wants to get a new job to build his career. Let's say he was offered a position. A person will agree to go there if he remembers that he has a motive.

Need and interest are closely interrelated. This is called the value of a person’s social relationship to any significant object or phenomenon. A person needs a job. One - to make a profit, the other - for the sake of moving up the career ladder. Therefore, everyone pursues their own goal.

Professional social activity is closely related to helping an outsider. If there is an elderly lonely person who cannot go to the store, do laundry or clean, there are specialized social services for this. They help. This applies to people with disabilities, drug addiction or alcoholism. All these individuals need social assistance. The technology of professional activity goes through many stages. Therefore, every employee must overcome them with dignity in order to build their career smoothly. After all, it provides a path to the future.


Professional activity is a personal career. It is associated with the skills, abilities and mastery of a person. In a career, not only career growth is very important, but also constant self-improvement, that is, increasing qualifications and certain knowledge. Factors that influence the preparation of professionalism are age, seniority and experience.

It is always necessary to remember: only a person’s capabilities and abilities influence career advancement. Features of professional activity depend on the quality of the work performed, as well as on the interest of employees. Therefore, they need to be regularly encouraged.

The process of professional activity occurs in stages. This is human development, his health and improvement. Professionalism appears depending on the conditions, area and industry of production.

A person must be able to properly organize his workplace, adhere to technological discipline, be able to determine the effectiveness of work activity, and observe safety precautions. The above determines the professionalism of each of us.

Hard work, interest in work, knowledge and skills will help a person become successful and quickly achieve their goals.

The concept of professional activity, specialty, position The main object of labor psychology is professional activity. The study of the subject of labor will depend on the meaning given to the terms “professional activity”, “profession”, “specialty”, “position”, etc. Occupational psychology must determine the specifics of the object of its research, since professional activity is also studied by other sciences. In particular, E.A. Klimov notes that “in the phenomenon of the profession, events that are the subject of both general and social psychology are originally hidden.” The solution to any practical problem in the field of labor psychology is based on an understanding of the characteristics of a specific professional situation and the content of the work activity performed by a person.

The concept of “work” is inextricably linked with the concept of “profession”. Work is a socially necessary human activity that requires effort to achieve certain goals and results. Task (task)- a unit of labor that involves performing labor actions. Profession in the broad sense of the word, this is the area of ​​social division of labor in which certain products are created that have use value; the process of labor activity itself, its originality; required professional qualifications and level of competence of employees; a person’s awareness of his belonging to a professional community (professional identity). The following meanings of the concept of profession are distinguished (according to E.A. Klimov).

1. A profession as a community of people dealing with similar problems and leading approximately the same lifestyle. The standard of living may vary among professionals with different degrees of success, but the basic value system of representatives of this profession is approximately the same, which allows them to talk about one of their colleagues as a more or less accomplished specialist.

2. Profession as an area of ​​application of forces is associated with the identification (and clarification) of the object itself and the subject of professional activity. It also addresses the question of in which areas of life a person can realize himself as a professional.

3. Profession as an activity and area of ​​personality manifestation. It is often forgotten that professional activity allows not only to produce some goods or services, but, first of all, it allows a person to realize his creative potential and creates conditions for the development of this potential.

4. Profession as a historically developing system. Naturally, the profession itself changes depending on changes in the cultural and historical context, and, unfortunately, situations are possible when the original meaning of the profession can be significantly distorted.

5. Profession as a reality, creatively formed by the subject of labor himself. This means that even the cultural and historical situation (era) is not completely dominant, since much depends on specific specialists. It is they who must determine the place of their profession (and their personal “mission”) in the social system, and not just carry out work “according to instructions.” It is thanks to specific specialists that this science and this practical area are developing. The true greatness of a particular professional is determined by the extent to which he was able to promote the development of his science not so much “thanks to” the prevailing circumstances (and socio-economic conditions), but rather “in spite of” these circumstances. An ideal option for creative self-realization in a profession is a situation where an employee knows how to use even unfavorable circumstances for good.

Subject of labor- this is a set of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject practically or mentally interacts in the course of activity. Means of labor- a set of tools that can enhance a person’s ability to recognize the characteristics of the subject of labor and influence it. Working conditions– a system of social, psychological, sanitary, hygienic and physical characteristics of activity.

Internal characteristics activity involves a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as the operational means of its implementation.

Speciality specified in the profession. A profession is a group of related specialties (for example, profession - doctor, specialty - therapist; profession - teacher, specialty - mathematics teacher; profession - psychologist, specialty - educational psychologist). A specialty is also understood as a type of professional educational program in an educational institution.

Qualification– this is the level of professional skill. Traditionally, formal qualifications are distinguished, expressed in officially fixed ranks, classes, titles, categories, and real qualifications, i.e. the level of skill that a given person can actually demonstrate. Often, the discrepancy between the real and formal qualifications of a particular employee lies at the root of many industrial conflicts. The term “qualification,” on the one hand, refers to the profession’s requirements for the knowledge and skills of an employee necessary to perform work tasks. On the other hand, qualification is a characteristic of the special knowledge and skills acquired by a person. The normatively specified content of a specialist’s qualification is determined in the state standards for his training. A person who has completed a vocational training course and received a document confirming its successful completion acquires a certain qualification. For example, the diploma of a specialist psychologist indicates the qualification “Psychologist. Psychology teacher." Thus, qualification characterizes a set of special knowledge and skills that can be acquired in the process of vocational training.

People may be competent to varying degrees in relation to a certain range of responsibilities. The following types of competence are distinguished: a) special (professional) competence - the ability to perform professional tasks at a high level; b) social competence – a person’s possession of communication skills and the ability to work effectively together; c) personal and individual competence, mastery of techniques of personal self-regulation, self-development, counteracting professional deformation of the individual; readiness for professional growth, personal resource for professional success (A.K. Markova).

Job title is a more vague and confusing concept, so it is more difficult to define. For example, sometimes a position is understood as a type of management work. Sometimes the position coincides with the understanding of qualifications (senior, junior employee). A more common understanding of a position is as any fixed job and profession with a clearly defined range of job responsibilities.

Isolation and consideration of the concept labor post and its structure is important for clarifying the production meaning of a particular professional activity. A labor post is a non-specific, multidimensional, multi- and multi-characteristic system formation, the main components of which are: goals, an idea of ​​the result of labor; a given subject of labor; system of means of labor; system of professional job responsibilities; employee rights system; production environment (subject and social working conditions). For example, a postman’s workplace is determined not by his specific place (table and chair) in a specific room, but by a whole system of various conditions that ensure the fulfillment of his main duties (and not just “sitting” on a specific chair and essentially simulating work). There are as many job positions in an organization as there are people working in it.

    Labor position in the organization and its components.

Labor position in an organization and its components Isolation and consideration of the concept labor post and its structure is important for clarifying the production meaning of a particular professional activity. A labor post is a system formation devoid of certain specificity, multidimensional, diverse and multi-featured, the main components of which will be: goals, an idea of ​​the result of labor; a given subject of labor; system of means of labor; system of professional job responsibilities; employee rights system; production environment (subject and social working conditions). For example, a postman’s workplace is determined not by his specific place (table and chair) in a specific room, but by a whole system of various conditions that ensure the fulfillment of his main duties (and not just “sitting” on a specific chair and essentially simulating work). There are as many job positions in an organization as there are people working in it. .

    Psychological structure of professional activity.

To date, in labor psychology there have been two main ways of solving the problem of psychological analysis of activity. The first of them is conventionally designated as structural-morphological paradigm of psychological analysis of activity (A.V. Karpov). According to this approach, the main structural component of activity is action, and the organization of activity as a whole is interpreted as a hierarchy of action systems different levels difficulties. The second approach is the so-called functional-dynamic paradigm (A.V. Karpov); being more modern and perfect, it is based on the following basic position. An activity, due to its extreme complexity, cannot and does not rely on any one component, such as an action. It presupposes the need for several qualitatively heterogeneous psychological components - units that are naturally interconnected and form an integral psychological structure of activity. This structure is dynamic, and its functioning is a process of activity. These approaches are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other.

In line with the first (structural-morphological) approach, activity takes on a level structure; it is revealed in most detail in psychological theory activities of A.N. Leontyev. According to this theory, activity is built on the basis of a structural-level principle, which is specified in two main provisions: firstly, the general structure of activity is formed by qualitatively different levels, forms of human activity; secondly, these levels are hierarchically subordinated and form an integral system. There are three main levels of organization of activity: the level of operations, the level of actions and the level of autonomous activity. The second of them - the level of actions, occupying a central place in the general structure of activity, is most important for understanding the psychological characteristics of activity and its structure.

Action– this is the basic unit of the structure of activity, which is a voluntary activity that is aimed at achieving a conscious goal. S.L. Rubinstein considered action to be a “true unit”, “cell”, “cell” human activity, in which all the basic psychological characteristics of not only the activity, but also the personality as a whole are most clearly and vividly manifested. He pointed out that in action, as a “cell” of activity, the rudiments of all aspects of the psyche are represented and that all aspects of the psyche appear in those relationships in which they actually exist in reality.

The ultimate goal of any work activity is to obtain something useful (and for this person, and for society) result. But this goal is achieved gradually, by solving specific problems. An element of activity aimed at performing a simple current task is called an action. A more detailed analysis allows us to decompose the action into its component working movements (in the case when we're talking about about motor actions). With this consideration, action appears as a system of movements organized in a certain way (arms, legs, the whole body). The factor that organizes movements into the system (into action) is the task.

Human activity can be described as a system of sequentially performed actions. Sometimes some actions are performed in parallel, i.e. simultaneously. It should be noted, however, that activity is not a simple sum of elementary actions. The relationship between actions in the activity structure is more complex. In the process of its implementation, actions are combined and divided, transitions from one action to another, their transformation, etc. The action is characterized by high dynamism and plasticity. Each of them is formed in the course of activity. A person can perform the same action different ways. The method of performing each subsequent action depends on the results of the previous one and the specific conditions of the activity. In the process of activity they manifest themselves in one way or another. Creative skills person.

Action as a unit of activity structure has two features. The first of these is that any action has a goal, but its goal does not necessarily coincide with the general goals of all activity. Specific forms and methods of activity of the subject are directly determined not by the goals of the entire activity, not by the needs and motives of its subject, but by the goals of individual actions and the conditions in which they are implemented. The second main feature of action is its conscious, voluntary nature. The very property of awareness of one’s own activity arises precisely due to the fact that there is a divergence between the goals of action and activity. Thanks to the property of awareness, the action preserves and reproduces all the main psychological features of the activity as a whole (purposefulness, arbitrariness, objectivity, activity, awareness, adaptability, systematicity, etc.).

Unlike actions, psychological operations are correlated not with certain conscious goals, but with the conditions for their achievement. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between external and internal conditions. External conditions are a system of objective parameters of the environment in which a particular goal is realized. Internal conditions are the totality of those resources (knowledge, skills, competence, etc.) that the subject has. If the totality of external and internal conditions is such that it is necessary and sufficient for the implementation of a particular action, then it tends to become automated and transferred to an unconscious level of regulation. An action presented without the property of awareness, transferred to an automated level of regulation, is a psychological operation. And vice versa, if conditions (both external and internal) become more complicated, then the already formed operation not only can, but also must be deautomated, transferred to a conscious level, i.e. transform into action.

The highest level of activity structure is actually activity– A.N. stands out. Leontiev based on the fact that this level correlates not with goals, and especially not with the conditions for achieving them, but directly with the motives of the individual, with the system of his dominant needs. According to this theory, activity as such is distinguished on the basis of the criterion of having any independent specific motive. Motive and activity are mutually exclusive concepts; unmotivated activity simply cannot exist. The motive of an activity is directly related to its subject and is determined by it, due to which the property of objectivity of activity arises. It is considered as the main property of activity; There can be no pointless activity, as well as unmotivated activity. The activity only seems pointless; the study of activity requires the disclosure of its subject.

According to the second main approach (functional-dynamic), the psychological structure of any activity is formed by a stable, constant set of its main components. All of them are objectively necessary for the implementation of activity, and their totality is denoted by the concept of an invariant psychological structure of activity. The main components of the invariant structure of activity are motivation, goal setting, information basis of activity, anticipation (forecasting) of its results, decision making, planning, programming, control, correction, as well as the operational image of the object of activity, the system of individual qualities of the subject and the set of performing actions. Taken statically, i.e. in those structural psychological formations that provide them, these components are the main “building blocks” of activity. But taken in dynamics (i.e. functioning), they are the main regulatory processes of the implementation of activities (for more information about the regulatory processes of activities, see 2.1).

Human labor activity, like any other activity, proceeds from certain motives and is aimed at achieving certain goals. In a general sense, a motive is what motivates a person to activity, and a goal is what he strives to achieve as a result of activity. When we talk about motives, we mean some subjectively experienced motivations for activity. For the subject, motive acts as a direct motivating force, the reason for activity. At the same time, the source of the motive is often seen in thinking and consciousness. However, the real basis of a person's motive is needs(i.e. objective necessity) – his need for matter, energy and information. These needs are somehow reflected in consciousness. The motive is conscious, i.e. a need reflected in consciousness.

The goal of an activity is its ideal, or mentally imagined, result. The “motive – goal” relationship forms a kind of “vector” that directs human activity (B.A. Dushkov, B.F. Lomov, etc.). This “vector” significantly influences the course of mental processes (perceptual, mnemonic, intellectual) included in activity, mental states and the dynamics of human performance. Over the course of life, each person develops a certain system of motives, some of which become dominant, while others become subordinate. A certain system is also formed by the goals that a person sets for himself.

Information about current state the subject to which the action is directed, as well as external conditions appears in the form of his subjective image. An ideal specialized reflection of an object (object, process, phenomenon) transformed in action, which develops during the execution of a specific action and is subordinate to the task of this action, is called promptly(B.A. Dushkov and others). The operational image acts as the main regulator of action, ensuring its adequacy to the subject, tools and working conditions. It is thanks to the operational image that the individual movements of the organs of the human body are organized into unified system- action. The operational image is formed during the processes of receiving and processing information and at the same time is a factor directing their flow and organization.

An important role in the regulation of actions belongs to feedback signals, carrying information about the result of the action performed. These signals are included in the operational image and correct it. Consequently, the action regulation mechanism is a closed system, including the processes of receiving and processing information, decision making and feedback signals that arise during the execution of an action.

Everything that was said above applies primarily to the so-called external actions - actions through which a person transforms material objects (moves them in space, divides them into parts and connects them, etc.) and which are accessible to direct observation. But any human labor activity also includes internal, mental (performed in the mind) actions. Internal actions are formed on the basis of external ones as a result of interiorization, while the structure of external action undergoes a specific transformation. The internal action is collapsed and generalized. The decisive role in the process of interiorization belongs to the word, which records the essential properties of objects (and phenomena) of objective reality, as well as ways of operating both the objects themselves and information about them. An essential condition for interiorization is a person’s communication with other people.

Operating with words and other sign systems allows a person to solve a certain class of problems in an ideal way (without referring to material objects and operating with them). It is in the internal plane that programs of human activity are formed.

In work activity, not only the internalization of actions takes place, but also their exteriorization, i.e. transformation of internal actions into external ones.

Thus, the mechanism of mental regulation of human activity has a complex structure, which includes several levels: the level of sensations and perception; level of representations; level of speech and thought processes. The first level relates to individual actions; it mainly provides regulation external actions, the correspondence of a given specific action to these specific conditions, subject and instrument of labor. The second level also applies to internal actions: the generality and panoramic nature of the representation (secondary image) creates the possibility of varying the methods of performing actions and transferring them from one environment to another. The third level relates mainly to internal actions (to the mental plane of activity). Due to the fact that speech and thought processes reflect general and significant connections between phenomena (their patterns), this level provides the ability to foresee the course of events and plan activities in general. In real work activity, the listed levels of its regulation appear in inextricable unity.

The neurophysiological basis of activity is the functional system. Her theory was developed by academician P.K. Anokhin.

The formation of a goal image is associated with forecasting (anticipating) changes in the control object. Forecasting is an integral component of any purposeful activity. If working conditions make it difficult to predict events (which sometimes happens), then this leads to disruption of activity: errors, failures, delays in performing actions, wrong actions and so on. The discrepancy between the goal and the operational image determines the direction of the search for a solution, during which hypotheses are put forward, evaluated and a decision is made. Usually this process takes place in terms of internal actions. Decision making is inextricably linked with the formation of a plan or program of activity. However, such a program usually does not represent a rigid, unambiguous system of instructions, but appears in a generalized form; Depending on the specific conditions, the path of its “development” may be different. The activity program is more likely to represent a system of subtasks than a detailed list of all elements of the action (the movements included in it). The image of the result, formed with the help of feedback, is compared with the goal image. If there is a match, it is considered that the goal has been achieved and the task has been completed. If there is a mismatch, the cycle described above is repeated.

Main types and types of professional activities

Under type of activity A.V. Karpov proposes to understand specific professional activities, which are characterized by the specifics of the subject, conditions, content and requirements for it. A number of species similar in one way or another are combined into types. Thus, Karpov clarifies that joint activity is precisely a type (and not a type) of activity, since it has a common specifying feature (the presence of not one, but several co-organized subjects), but at the same time includes a huge number of specific varieties.

In addition to the many types and types of activities, there is another extremely general differentiation of all types of activities into two main classes. The first includes all types and types of activities in which any objective reality, any external object, any thing or their combination acts as their immediate subject. Objects of all types of activities of this class are devoid of animation; they are material objects. This class, which is denoted by the concept subject-object professions, covers a huge number of specific types and types of labor activity, it is most widely represented in the existing division of labor and at the same time is the most traditional subject of consideration in labor psychology.

The second class includes all types and types of activities, the direct subject of which is an animate subject - a person. This type of activity includes, for example, the activities of a manager, teacher, doctor, etc. This class is denoted by the concept subject-subject types of activities. It is the subject-subject types and types of activity that are characterized by the greatest complexity and greatest significance for the social division of labor. They are much richer in content, especially psychological, but much more complex in terms of their study, and therefore have been studied to a much lesser extent. Modern psychology labor should be a psychological discipline that studies primarily subject-subject types and types of activity.

The classification of professions is useful for psychologists by industry National economy . This classification is multi-purpose; it is based on economic and technological criteria. Knowing that a particular profession belongs to a certain industry, a psychologist can imagine the nature of the product of labor, the type of technology used, the degree of danger of the profession in terms of the risk of occupational diseases and injuries.

Quite general, although important, is the division of activities into individual And joint. Joint activity is implemented, in contrast to individual activity, by a collective subject, i.e. two or more people who have a common goal. Other important features of joint activity are the spatial and temporal co-presence of participants in the activity, the role and instrumental differentiation of participants in certain tasks, the presence of a managerial (organizing) component - a leader or manager.

Extremely general is the division of activities into external And internal. At the same time, by external we understand all types, types and processes of activity, which are accompanied by objectified manifestations of its performing components - movements, actions, expression, communications, etc. Internal activity unfolds in the intrapsychic plane. Between external and internal activities there is a genetic connection, since the second is formed in the process of ontogenesis on the basis of the first through the mechanism of interiorization.

Activities are also usually divided into performing And managerial. The first is characterized by the fact that the subject of labor directly influences his object, although he is in contact with other subjects. The second (managerial) usually does not provide for such direct influence, but it necessarily presupposes the organization by one subject of the activities of other people, as well as the hierarchy of their subordination. Management activity is the activity of organizing other activities (A.V. Karpov).

From a practical point of view, it is advisable to differentiate activities depending on depending on conditions its implementation. On this basis, activities in comfortable, normal, acceptable, paraextreme and extreme conditions are distinguished. Depending on changes in conditions, the so-called psychophysiological price of activity, its intensity, as well as effective parameters change significantly.

In practical terms, it is important, according to V.A. Karpov, is the division of activities into direct And indirect(remote). In the first case, the subject of labor directly influences the object and just as directly receives information about its condition. In the second case, there is neither one nor the other: information about the subject of work is provided to a person through intermediary links (in the form of signs on display boards, consoles, and indicating devices). A person also exerts his influence on the object of labor not directly, but through certain governing bodies. Most typical example indirect, remote types of activities – operator activities.

There is a well-known classification of professions for career guidance of schoolchildren, developed by E.A. Klimov. In it, professions are presented as multi-attribute objects. The characteristics of a particular profession are determined by a combination of characteristics selected from a certain set at four levels. The first level combines types of professions according to the subject content of labor (H - human, P - living nature, T - technology and inanimate nature, Z - sign, X - artistic image). In accordance with this, five types of professions are distinguished: “man – man”, “man – nature”, “man – technology”, “man – sign”, “man – artistic image”. The second level represents classes of professions united by the predominant purpose of labor tasks (P - transformative, G - gnostic, I - exploratory). The third level consists of groups of professions classified according to the tools used (P - manual, M - mechanized, A - automated, F - functional). Finally, the fourth level unites groups of professions according to working conditions and their requirements for a person (B - everyday working conditions, O - work in the open air, N - unusual working conditions associated with the presence of factors harmful to health, danger, M - special requirements of the profession to the moral qualities of the subject of labor). By analyzing a specific profession on the specified grounds, you can create its “formula”.

V.E. Gavrilov proposed dividing each type of profession into subgroups that take into account goals, tools and working conditions. The first type includes the so-called socionomic professions: medical care; education and training; consumer services; information service; protection of society and the state. The second type includes technonomic professions: creation, installation, assembly of technical devices; exploitation technical means; repair of technical devices. The third type unites bionomic professions: study, research and analysis of the state and living conditions of plants and animals; caring for plants and animals (their cultivation, reproduction); prevention of plant and animal diseases, control of pests and pathogens, treatment of sick people. The fourth type is signonomic professions that operate with texts in native and foreign languages; with numbers, formulas and tables; with drawings, maps, diagrams; sound signals. The fifth type combines artonomic professions: creation, design, modeling of works of art; reproduction, production of various products according to a sketch, sample in a single copy; reproduction, copying, duplication of works of art in mass production.

Workshop 6

Topic: Problems of vocational training and selection.

    Types of psychograms.

    Principles of professionalization.

    Professionalization schemes.

    Levels of analysis of work activity.

    Career guidance, career consultation, professional selection and certification of personnel.

    The concept of “professiogram”, “psychogram”, “profession module”, “profession formula”.

The concept of “professiogram”, “psychogram”, “profession module”, “profession formula” The description of professional activity is the first and the most important stage Any research in labor psychology is based on a comprehensive study of it and a certain systematization of data. Such complex method The study and description of the content and structural characteristics of professions in order to establish the characteristics of the relationship between the subject of labor and the components of the activity (its content, means, conditions, organization) and its functional support is called professiography. The main result of professiography as a method is the compilation of a professiogram (for more details, see 1.4). A specific professiogram is developed according to a certain scheme and to solve certain problems. In the process of developing a professiogram based on the descriptive and technological characteristics of a profession, professionally important qualities (PIQ) for a given profession are identified according to a certain scheme.

An important part of the professiogram is the psychogram, understood as the identification and description of a person’s qualities necessary for the successful performance of a given work activity (PVK) or preventing its successful implementation (anti-PVK). The content and scope of the psychogram depend on the purpose of studying the profession. This may include professional selection, vocational training, rationalization of work and rest, and vocational guidance.

The following types of psychograms are distinguished (V.E. Orel).

1. Psychogram compiled for professional selection purposes, includes two groups of requirements: a) requirements that determine uncompensated and necessary internal protection rules and must be presented to any average employee; b) desirable requirements that determine the possibility of achieving high level professional skill. In addition, a psychogram of this kind must contain a list of psychological contraindications, i.e. those personality characteristics that determine inability for a given profession.

2. In contrast to the indicated type of psychogram in order to streamline industrial training involves focusing on those PVCs that can be significantly developed in the process of exercises as they master the profession. Special role acquires comparative analysis activities of an experienced specialist and the dynamics of formation young worker. Such an analysis involves identifying and comparing psychological structures that show the degree of compliance of the process of formation of a young worker with the requirements that are presented to professionals with extensive work experience.

3. Specifics of the psychogram in order to optimize work and rest schedules is to detect the most labile mental functions, the dynamics of which serve as an indicator weak points in the organization of work.

4. The broadest in content is the professiogram (psychogram) for career guidance purposes young people, since it presupposes the presence of a wide variety of knowledge about the profession. It is recommended to include two complementary and interconnected parts in this type of professionogram: the main one, intended for young people, and an additional one, designed for teachers, vocational training specialists, etc.

Based on the goals and objectives for which certain descriptive systems of professions are intended, E.M. Ivanova identifies the following types of professions: a) information professions, intended for use in career consulting and career guidance work to inform clients about those professions that have aroused their interest; b) indicative diagnostic occupational charts, which serve to identify the causes of failures, accidents, low labor efficiency and are compiled on the basis of comparison real work this person or working group with the required samples of work organization; c) constructive professiograms, which serve to improve the ergatic system based on the design of new models of equipment, as well as the training and organization of labor of the personnel themselves; d) methodological professiograms intended for the selection of adequate methods for studying the ergatic system, i.e. aimed at reflection and subsequent organization of the work of the specialist himself, drawing up a professional description of a specific job; e) diagnostic professiograms, the purpose of which is to select methods for professional selection, placement and retraining of personnel (for example, organizing work according to the scheme for drawing up an analytical professiogram, where the profession is first studied at the normative-descriptive, technological and “bureaucratic” levels, and then all this is translated into language necessary for the successful operation of the PVC, for which appropriate psychodiagnostic techniques are selected).
