The world's oceans - interesting facts, videos, photos. Interesting facts about the world's oceans

Interesting Facts about the oceans

Ocean (with Greek language, “okeanos” Oceanus) is the main source of salt water, and the main component of the hydrosphere. Here are some interesting facts about the ocean:

Oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface and contain 97% of the Earth's water.

90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the oceans.

The speed of sound in water is 1,435 m/s - almost five times faster than the same speed of sound in air.

Why is the water in the oceans salty? As you know, most rivers flow into the ocean. Over billions of years, each river methodically and continuously washes away salts and minerals as it passes the surface of the land. Dissolved salts, along with river water, are carried into the seas and oceans.

The pressure in the deep point ocean more than 11,318 tons/sq. m., or the equivalent of the effort of one person trying to hold 50 Airbuses.
The deepest known place on Earth, called the Challenger Deep, 11,034 m deep, is located in the Trench near the Mariana Islands in the western part Pacific Ocean.
To understand how deep that is, you'd have to take the footage of Everest and place it at the base of the trench, but you'd still have more than a mile of ocean water above you.

The Dead Sea is the lowest point of the earth's crust on Earth with an altitude of 396 m below sea level. The salinity of the water reaches almost 34%. The Dead Sea is 8 times saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and 14.5 times saltier than the Black Sea. Due to the high salt content, the water is so dense that a person can calmly lie on the surface of the water and read a newspaper.

The Pacific Ocean, the world's largest body of water, covers one third of the Earth's surface. There are approximately 25,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean (more than the total number in the combined oceans of the rest of the world), almost all of which are located south of the equator. The Pacific Ocean has an area of ​​179.7 million square meters. km.

There is as much ice in Antarctica as there is water in the Atlantic Ocean.

Sharks attack approximately 50-75 people every year worldwide. Death ends in 8 to 12 cases. Although shark attacks attract a lot of public attention and cause outrage, it is worth mentioning that bee stings or lightning strikes kill dozens of times. more people. However, despite this, people continue to have a strong fear of sharks, and thanks to the efforts of the media, sharks in the public mind are the personification of evil and deceit. For comparison: people annually destroy from 20 to 100 million! sharks

Under the thickness of ocean water there is from 50 to 80% of all life that exists on Earth, and oceans and seas make up 98% of the space for existence different forms life. On this moment people managed to explore about 10% of this territory. 90% of the volume and 85% of the area of ​​the oceans and seas are the deepest places. The average depth of the ocean is about 4 km, and the average height of the land is 840 m.

The Bay of Fundy, in two countries - the USA and Canada - has the highest tides on the entire planet. The water in that area rises to a height of 16 m, and this is comparable to a five-story building.

The first European to see the Pacific Ocean was the Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa. However, he did not at all suspect that an ocean appeared before him, so he called it the Southern Sea. The name we are familiar with was given to it by Magellan, who sailed to the Pacific Ocean during his journey and, to his surprise, did not encounter a single storm. Although in fact, Quiet is often the source of storms and tsunamis that destroy cities and claim the lives of many people.

In the North Pacific Ocean there is an area called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or the Eastern Garbage Continent. Because of the ocean currents there, in upper layers a lot of water has accumulated plastic waste from America and Asia, probably more than 100,000,000 tons of garbage. Plastic, unlike other waste, only breaks into pieces under the influence of light rays and at the same time retains its polymer structure, so it resembles zooplankton. Fish and jellyfish mistake plastic objects for food and, trying to feed on them, end up dying.

The only sea in the world that does not have external shores is the Sargasso Sea. This object is located in the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded only by various currents.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the whole world water body, which occupies one third of the entire surface of the planet. There are more than 25 thousand islands on it. Its area is about 180 million square meters. kilometers. Quiet and Northern Arctic Ocean We are connected through the Bering Strait, and the Strait of Magellan, Drake Passage and the Panama Canal connect the Pacific and Atlantic.

Off the coast of Japan is the warm Kuroshio Current, which is the largest current in the whole world. It has a speed of up to 121 km/day, and its depth is about 1000 meters.

Over the last century, ocean water levels have risen by 25 cm. Scientists around the world expect this process to accelerate even if the temperature on the planet stops rising and the climate stabilizes a little. It turns out that the oceans are slow to respond to climate change.

Ocean water contains about thirty billion tons of silver, which is 45 thousand times more than what people around the world have mined since 1492.

Ocean waves are capable of moving stones weighing several hundred tons.

It turns out that in the ocean at great depths, underwater waves a hundred meters high sometimes appear, but they are not noticeable on the surface.
A liter of ocean water contains about 35 grams of various substances, mainly table salt, magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate. In turn, in the Dead Sea each liter contains up to 200 grams of table salt.

One of the main causes of ocean water pollution is air pollution. About 33% of all harmful toxic substances it came into the water from the air, and 44% came from rivers and seas.

The Great Barrier Reef, which stretches for almost 2500 km and occupies large area than the country of Great Britain, is the most populated territory in the world. It is home to 2,000 species of fish, about 4,000 species of shellfish and countless invertebrates.

The ocean floor holds countless treasures in the form of salts that precipitate from the water. These growths, which cover 100 million square kilometers of the ocean floor, contain more than 15% iron, about 50% magnesium, copper, cobalt, and nickel.

About one third of the world's oil is produced in fields located in the oceans. The most popular destinations are the North Sea, Arabian and Mexican Gulfs.

Recently, a current was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 1.3 km, which is located under the world famous Gulf Stream. It moves in the opposite direction and slower than its “neighbor”.

Throughout the history of its existence, humanity has broken through into space, made a huge leap forward in the field of technology, and yet people know practically nothing about the secrets of the ocean. Many ocean phenomena today have not yet been explained, and scientists’ assumptions sometimes seem like something out of science fiction.

1. White sea foam

Where does whiteness come from?

This phenomenon looks like it could be lathered on a shaving brush right next to the sea and used for shaving. The “culprit” of such a white sea ​​foam, according to scientists, is a single-celled algae that secretes a powdery substance.

2. Beaching of whales

Whales and dolphins washed ashore.

This phenomenon puzzles scientists to this day. Considering the mass of whales, when they wash ashore, it is almost impossible to push them back into the water, so these mammals die. Of course, scientists have a lot of theories, but these are just theories.

3. Red Tide

Red tide is a scary sight.

The name “red tide” not only sounds menacing, but it looks exactly the same. This phenomenon occurs due to algae colonies that produce a harmful toxin that kills sea ​​life and incredibly harmful to humans.

4. Boron

Anomalous wave.

Bor is an abnormally high tidal wave that sometimes occurs at river mouths. Surfers especially love these waves in the Amazon, where they are called “pororoca” and reach a height of 4 meters and a speed of 25 km/h.

5. Bioluminescence

Burning sea.

Sailors call bioluminescence in the ocean a “burning sea.” If you just look at this phenomenon, it is easy to understand why it is called that. The ocean's bright blue glow is caused by tiny plankton.

6. Bimini Road

Bimini Road: who built this road?

The discovery near the island of Bimini literally blew up the scientific world. Underwater, a man-made road made of huge stones was discovered, which was called Bimini Road. Theories differ radically - from Atlantis to a natural geological formation. There is also debate about the age of the structure - from 5,000 to 20,000 years.

7. Japanese Atlantis

Japanese Atlantis Yonaguni.

Like Bimini Road, Yonaguni is a stunning underwater find. At a depth of only 5 meters they found a huge pyramidal formation about 10,000 years old. There is no consensus as to whether this formation is man-made or natural.

8. Smoking Black Sea

The smoking Black Sea.

Sometimes a phenomenon known as sea fog occurs on the Black Sea. For this we need special conditions such as cold sea ​​air and hot sun.

9. Sound Julia

Sound Julia: iceberg or what?

In 1999 hydrophones National Administration Oceanic and atmospheric research recorded a strange sound called "Julia". It lasts for 15 seconds and sounds like an eerie howl. Initially, scientists had no the slightest idea, that it was, but today the theory was put forward that it was an iceberg.

10. Anomaly Baltic Sea

What's at the bottom of the sea?

Since its discovery in 2012, the "Baltic Sea Anomaly" has continued to baffle scientists and has generated many UFO conspiracy theories. And there's a good reason for this: the discovery at the bottom of the Baltic Sea looks a lot like the Millennium Falcon from " Star Wars" At first, most scientists believed that this was a natural structure formed back in glacial period. Detectors then determined the presence of metal within the structure.

Three quarters of the largest cities in the world are located on the coasts of seas and oceans.

It’s surprising but true that during a storm, waves exert pressure from 3 to 30 thousand kilograms per 1 square centimeter. Surf waves sometimes throw rock fragments weighing up to 13 tons to a height of 20 meters.

The record for the transparency of sea water on the planet was recorded off the coast of Antarctica - in the Weddell Sea. Here the water is the purest, almost like distilled water. The white object, lowered to a depth of 79 m, remains visible to the naked eye.

For a long time, the glow of the sea at night was one of the most mysterious sea ​​secrets for scientists. It turned out that it was caused by the luminescent properties of some marine organisms. In the Black Sea, for example, which sometimes glows in autumn, such an organism is an algae called nocturnal.

The largest surface area is occupied by water Sargasso Sea- about 7 million sq. km. The White Sea is the smallest among the ocean seas. The area of ​​its water surface is only 90 thousand square meters. km.

The Mediterranean Sea is the dirtiest sea in the world: every cubic meter of water contains 33 species various waste, for every liter there are 10 g of petroleum products, for every square kilometer of the seabed there are more than 1900 different objects.

In the Laptev Sea, at the very mouth of the great Siberian river Lena, there is the island of Cuba. But it’s not pineapples and bananas that grow on it, like everything else famous island Cuba is in the Caribbean Sea, and polar mosses and lichens.

The Dead Sea is nine times saltier than the Mediterranean and Red Sea

Every liter waters of the Dead sea ​​in Israel contains 275 grams of salts of potassium, sodium, bromine, magnesium and calcium. Mineral reserves in the sea are estimated at 43 billion tons. It is impossible to drown in the Dead Sea: water saturated with high-density salt keeps a person on the surface. Swimming into the sea from the Jordan River the fish dies within a minute.

In ancient times, the Baltic Sea was called the Amber Sea because of the abundance of amber in it.

The ocean covers 71 percent of our planet.

IN South Korea The Sea of ​​Japan is called " East Sea", and in North - by the Korean East Sea.

Nearly 3.5 billion people rely on the oceans for their main source of food. In 20 years, their number could increase to 7 billion.

In the pattern of Black Sea currents, two huge closed gyres stand out. In honor of the oceanologist Nikolai Knipovich, who first described this scheme, it was called “Knipovich Glasses”.

The Red Sea is the warmest and saltiest sea on the planet. The strongest evaporation of sea water occurs from its surface compared to other seas. It is curious that not a single river flows into this open sea.

Caspian Sea area 370,000 sq. km. and depth up to 1025m. - the largest endorheic body of water in the world.

There are 19 known in the world's oceans deep-sea depressions, the depths of which exceed 7 kilometers, of which 15 are located in the Pacific Ocean, 1 in the Indian and 3 in the Atlantic.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete (with the exception of some bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150–200 m. The fact is that the deep layers of the Black Sea are saturated with hydrogen sulfide.

Every year, three times the weight of garbage dumped into the ocean than fish is caught.

The most great depth world ocean 11,034 meters. Considering that highest peak world - Mount Chomolungma (Everest) rises 8,882 meters above sea level, then the distance between the highest and lowest points of the earth's crust is 20 thousand meters.

The Black Sea is home to 2,500 species of animals. This is very small (for comparison, about 9,000 species live in the Mediterranean).

The Aral Sea has exceptional transparency. In Chernyshevsky Bay and other places the sea is visible to a depth of 27-30 meters.

Almost a third of the world's oil is produced offshore in the oceans. The most popular drilling locations are the Arabian Gulf, North Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

The highest gold content in sea water was recorded in the Baltic Sea. There is 3 times more noble metal here than in the waters North Sea, and 5 times - the Black Sea. The average gold content in seawater is 0.000004 g/t.

Water is an active light absorber. 80 percent of the light rays incident on the surface penetrate to a depth of 10 centimeters. Under a layer of water of 100 meters, only 2 thousandths of a percent of light spreads, and below is the realm of eternal darkness.

The mountains around the Black Sea are constantly growing t, and the sea itself is increasing. And, if the mountains grow by only a few centimeters per century, then the sea advances at a speed of 20–25 centimeters per 100 years. The ancient cities of Taman have already disappeared to the bottom of the sea.

The top 10 feet of ocean water contains as much heat as the entire atmosphere.

Largest part layout aquatic environment Planet built in 1971 in Japan. It reproduces in detail the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. The dimensions of the model are 230 m by 100 m. The model serves as a testing ground for the implementation of planned ocean development projects and various environmental measures.

Fastest sea ​​current- This is Saltfjord, off the coast of Norway. Its speed reaches 30 kilometers per hour.

The Gulf Stream, according to scientists' calculations, annually delivers to Norway the same amount of heat that a whole sea of ​​oil can produce when burned.

Antarctica contains as much ice as there is water in the Atlantic Ocean.

A new current has been discovered in the Atlantic Ocean under the Gulf Stream at a depth of 1,300 meters. It is slower and moves in the opposite direction.

Blue color - Least absorbed by seawater, this shade of blue is most absorbed by microscopic plants, phytoplankton, floating in the water.

Seawater becomes denser as it cools, with a freezing point of 1.9°C, while fresh water it is densest at 4°C and its freezing point is 0°C. average temperature ocean water is 3.5°C.

In the seas and oceans Coral reefs occupy an area of ​​28 million square kilometers. Off the northeast coast of Australia, coral reefs form a barrier 22,000 kilometers long.

The highest tides in the world occur in the Bay of Fundy on the Canadian coast. At some times of the year the difference between high and low tide is 16.3 m, which is higher than a three-story building.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water, occupying a third earth's surface. The Pacific Ocean contains approximately 25,000 islands (more than all the world's other oceans combined), almost all of which are south of the equator. The Pacific Ocean covers a surface area of ​​179.7 million km2.

The ocean is one of those natural phenomena, which seem familiar at first glance, but in fact conceal many unsolved mysteries. Everyone has probably heard about the sunken Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle. However, these are not all the mysteries and wonders of the ocean that still amaze scientists.

Here are 15 of the most incredible facts about the ocean and its inhabitants.

1. Luminescent plankton

From the outside it seems that you have arrived on another planet; the blue glow emanating from the water is in no way associated with planet Earth. In fact, this amazing glow is caused by luminescent plankton. And although it looks fabulous, luminescent plankton is not the only creature on earth with such an ability - fireflies do the same thing, only on land.

2. Red tides

It sounds both beautiful and creepy at the same time. And such tides really pose a danger. Flowering gives red color to water special type seaweed The degree of threat depends on the concentration of these algae: the fact is that during flowering they release a special toxin that can destroy fish, plants and other living organisms, thus disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. For humans, this toxin can also be dangerous, since, depending on its amount in the water, itching and more serious allergies may occur. There are cases when there was so much of this algae that the toxin even penetrated into the air.

3. Cannibal sharks

No, this is not about the fact that a shark can eat a person - we have known this for a long time. Much more surprising is that a shark can attack its own kind - small sharks, sometimes even of the same species. Scientists have only recently encountered this behavior of sharks. It is believed that they are capable of this only in case of severe and prolonged hunger.

4. Fish-artist

Patterns similar to those we draw with a stick in the sand have been discovered on the ocean floor. It turned out that these circles are “drawn” by male Fuga fish to attract a female.

5. Pyrosomes

Pyrosomes are fascinating underwater creatures. They look like huge, hollow tubes with luminescent elements, closed at one end. They can reach several meters in length. Besides the alien appearance, they are also surprising in that this tube, considered to be one creature, actually consists of many small organisms that copy themselves to create a huge colony, which from the outside appears to be a single organism.

6. Glass squid

This type of squid has a special organ that makes its body completely transparent. Moreover, not all glass squids live on great depth. There are also subspecies that live in well-lit shallow water, so transparency helps them hide from predators.

7. Underwater waterfalls

You probably remember the one on the island of Mauritius, but the largest underwater waterfall is located in the Denmark Strait. Such amazing natural “tautologies” are formed at the meeting points of two currents - warm and cold. Because cold water heavier than the warm one, it literally falls down. Here's a waterfall for you. It’s a pity that the vast majority of such phenomena are hidden from the human eye.

8. Mysterious disappearances

There are many stories about ships and planes that disappeared without a trace: some simply disappeared from radar, others managed to inform dispatchers about problems. These cases are united by a common result - the missing ships and planes were never found.
This time we will talk about an American submarine. In 1968, she disappeared without a trace in the Atlantic Ocean. There were many rumors surrounding her disappearance, including an exploding torpedo and the machinations of Soviet intelligence services.

9. Mysterious structure at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

And although we are talking about the oceans in this article, there is simply no way around this mystery. In 2012, a structure was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, giving rise to new round rumors of regular UFO visits. Not without reason, I must say. The design of the structure is reminiscent of the famous ship from the Star Wars universe - the Millennium Falcon. Scientists still cannot say exactly what this phenomenon is. Natural origin extremely doubtful, because the design includes metal elements that could not have formed naturally. One of the versions is also the assumption that this structure was built during the Ice Age.

10. Black holes

Everyone knows what black holes are in space - invisible to the human eye, they create a vacuum into which all objects nearby are sucked. Some time ago, scientists discovered approximately the same thing, only under water. This powerful whirlpool sucks in everything that gets in its way.

11. Ice flowers

Fragile, crystal-like flowers can be found throughout the Arctic, as well as on ice drifting in the ocean. Besides the fact that they are simply fabulously beautiful, they are also a source sea ​​salts and other elements that ultimately evaporate and remain in the atmosphere.

12. Underwater icicles

They are found in cold seas and oceans, especially near glaciers. When seawater freezes, some of the salts are forced out, forming a rich and heavy brine, which flows down the ice into the usual, less cold and salty sea ​​water. Next, this solution falls down under the influence of its own gravity, simultaneously freezing the water with which it comes into contact.

13. Rogue Wave

Rogue waves are extremely rare. And thank God. Their height reaches 30 meters, and it is almost impossible to predict their appearance. Sailors say that such waves look like real walls of water.

14. Underwater structures

Near one of the Bahamas islands, called Bimini, scientists have discovered something resembling an ancient road. Everything would be fine, but this road is under water! Of course, the discovery became a sensation and immediately gave rise to many rumors about the discovery of the lost Atlantis. However, during further research, there was reason to believe that this road is the result of geological changes, and not human activity.
It should be noted that the Bimini Road is not the only underwater attraction that claims to be Atlantis. Off the coast of Japan there is amazing place called Yonaguni. The Japanese believe these are the remains ancient civilization, most likely killed as a result of the tsunami.

15. Ocean Milky Way

Recently, blue flashes have been spotted wandering in the ocean. They are amazing because they can be seen from satellites. Scientists make different assumptions: some say that these are simply large accumulations of luminescent organisms; others argue that this is impossible, because the concentration of bacteria in the water must be simply unimaginable for the glow to be visible from a satellite. One way or another, there is no exact answer to this question yet. The mystery remains unsolved.

Oceans cover about 72% of planet Earth's surface and contain 97% of all water. They are the main sources of salt water and the main components of the hydrosphere. There are five oceans in total: Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Antarctic.

Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean

Arctic Ocean

1.The area of ​​the Arctic Ocean reaches 14.75 million square kilometers.

2.The air temperature near the shores of the Arctic Ocean reaches -20, -40 degrees Celsius in winter time, and in summer - 0.

3. The plant life of this ocean is modest. This is all due to the small amount of sun that hits its bottom.

4.The inhabitants of the Arctic Ocean are whales, polar bears, fish and seals.

5.The largest seals live near the ocean coast.

6.The Arctic Ocean has many glaciers and icebergs.

7.This ocean has big amount mineral.

8. A quarter of all the oil on the planet is stored in the depths of the Arctic Ocean.

9. Some birds survive the winter on the Arctic Ocean.

10. This ocean has the least salty water compared to other oceans.

11.The salinity of this ocean can change throughout the year.

12.On the surface and in its depths, the ocean stores a lot of garbage.

13.The average depth of the Arctic Ocean is 3400 meters.

14. Flights on ships through the Arctic Ocean are very dangerous due to underwater waves.

15.Even warm currents from the Atlantic are not able to warm up the water in such a cold ocean.

16.If all the glaciers of the Arctic Ocean melt, the level of the world's oceans will rise by 10 meters.

17.The Arctic Ocean is considered the most unexplored of all oceans.

18.The volume of water in this ocean exceeds 17 million cubic kilometers.

19.The deepest place in this ocean is the depression in the Greenland Sea. Its depth is 5527 meters.

20.According to oceanologists, the entire ice cover of the Arctic Ocean will melt by the end of the 21st century.

21.All waters and resources of the Arctic Ocean belong to a number of countries: the USA, Russia, Norway, Canada and Denmark.

22.The thickness of the ice in some parts of the ocean reaches five meters.

23. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of all the oceans in the world.

24. Polar bears move across the ocean with the help of drifting ice floes.

25. In 2007, the bottom of the Arctic Ocean was reached for the first time.

Atlantic Ocean

1.The name of the ocean originates from the ancient Greek language.

2.The Atlantic Ocean ranks second in area after the Pacific Ocean.

3.According to legends, the underwater city of Atlantis is located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

4.The main attraction of this ocean is the so-called underwater hole.

5.The most distant island in the world, Bouvet, is located in the Atlantic Ocean.

6.In the Atlantic Ocean there is a sea without borders. This is the Sargasso Sea.

7.Mysterious Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean.

8.The Atlantic Ocean used to be called the “Western Ocean.”

9.Cartographer Wald-Semuller gave the name to this ocean in the 16th century.

10.The Atlantic Ocean also ranks second in depth.

11.The deepest place in this ocean is the Puerto Rico Trench, and its depth is 8742 kilometers.

12.The Atlantic Ocean has the saltiest water of all the oceans.

13.The famous warm underwater current Gulf Stream flows through the Atlantic Ocean.

14.The area of ​​a given ocean passes through everything climatic zones peace.

15. The amount of fish caught from the Atlantic Ocean is no less than that of the Pacific Ocean, despite the different sizes.

16. This ocean is home to seafood delicacies such as oysters, mussels and squid.

17.Columbus was the first navigator who dared to sail across the Atlantic Ocean.

18.The largest island in the world, Greenland, is located in the Atlantic Ocean.

19.The Atlantic Ocean accounts for 40% of the world's fisheries.

20. There are many oil production platforms on the waters of this ocean.

21.The diamond mining industry has also affected the Atlantic Ocean.

22. The total area of ​​this ocean is almost 10,000 square kilometers.

23. Most of the waters flow into the Atlantic Ocean a large number of rec.

24.The Atlantic Ocean has icebergs.

25. The famous ship Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean.

Indian Ocean

1.In terms of area, the Indian Ocean ranks third, after the Pacific and Atlantic.

2.The average depth of the Indian Ocean is 3890 meters.

3. In ancient times, this ocean was called the “Eastern Ocean”.

4. Swimming in the Indian Ocean was carried out back in the fifth millennium BC.

5.All climate zones in Southern Hemisphere pass through the Indian Ocean.

6. Near Antarctica, the Indian Ocean has ice.

7.The subsoil of this ocean has huge reserves of oil and natural gas.

8.The Indian Ocean has such a phenomenal phenomenon as “luminous circles”, the appearance of which even scientists cannot explain.

9. This ocean contains the second most salty sea - the Red Sea.

10.B Indian Ocean The largest coral complexes were discovered.

11. The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most dangerous creatures for humans, and it lives in the Indian Ocean.

12.The Indian Ocean was officially discovered by the European navigator Vasco da Gama.

13.The waters of this ocean are home to a huge number of creatures that are deadly to humans.

14.The average water temperature in the ocean reaches 20 degrees Celsius.

15.57 groups of islands are washed by the Indian Ocean.

16.This ocean is considered the youngest and warmest in the world.

17.In the 15th century, the Indian Ocean was one of the main transport routes of the world.

18.It is the Indian Ocean that connects all the most significant ports on the planet.

19.This ocean is incredibly popular among surfers.

20.The ocean current changes depending on the season, and the reason for this is the monsoon winds.

21.The Sunda Trench, located near the island of Java, is the deepest place in the Indian Ocean. Its depth is 7727 meters.

22.Pearls and mother-of-pearl are mined on the territory of this ocean.

23. Great white and tiger sharks live in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

24. The largest earthquake in the Indian Ocean was in 2004 and reached 9.3 points.

25. The oldest fish that lived during the era of dinosaurs was found in the Indian Ocean in 1939.

Pacific Ocean

1.The Pacific Ocean is the most majestic and big ocean in the world.

2.The area of ​​this ocean is 178.6 million square meters.

3.The Pacific Ocean is considered the oldest in the world.

4.The average depth of this ocean reaches 4000 meters.

5. The Spanish sailor Vasco Nunez de Balboa is the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean, and this discovery occurred in 1513.

6.The Pacific Ocean provides the world with half of all seafood consumed.

7. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest collection of corals located in the Pacific Ocean.

8.The most deep place not only in this ocean, but also in the world - this is the Mariana Trench. Its depth is about 11 kilometers.

9. There are about 25 thousand islands in the Pacific Ocean. This is more than in any other oceans.

10. In this ocean you can find chains of underwater volcanoes.

11.If you look at the Pacific Ocean from space, it resembles the appearance of a triangle.

12. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur on the territory of this ocean more often than in any other place on the planet.

13.More than 100,000 different animals call the Pacific Ocean their home.

14.The speed of the Pacific tsunami exceeds 750 kilometers per hour.

15.The Pacific Ocean boasts the highest tides.

16.The island of New Guinea is the largest piece of land in the Pacific Ocean.

17.An unusual type of crab, which is covered with fur, was found in the Pacific Ocean.

18.Bottom Mariana Trench covered with viscous mucus rather than sand.

19. The largest volcano in the world was discovered in the Pacific Ocean.

20. This ocean is home to the most poisonous jellyfish in the world.

21. In the polar regions of the Pacific Ocean, the water temperature reaches -0.5 degrees Celsius, and near the equator +30 degrees.

22. Rivers flowing into the ocean bring about 30,000 cubic meters of fresh water per year.
