Talisman stone for a Taurus woman - how to find your mineral? Gems for Taurus men and women.


Taurus is a material sign of the Zodiac, whose happiness lies in a beloved family, valuable property, and good work. Taurus values ​​money for the freedom and independence it gives, and uses it for its intended purpose. Taurus is not wasteful, but generous; for relatives and friends, he is always ready to sacrifice as much as necessary. He values ​​and loves his home, family, friends, is attached to them and is generally quite conservative in life, does not like to change his habits. In general, this is a calm zodiac sign, emotional and sensual, but not impulsive. Practical and rational, Taurus is truly ruled by feelings and intuition. He does not like to think and reason for a long time, but simply acts as he sees fit. It’s difficult to make him angry, but when he’s angry, Taurus is scary, even to himself – after an outburst, he needs time to recover. Taurus They are not prone to adventures, prefer to take care of everything in advance and like to reap the fruits of what they have sown before.
Taurus Stones- first of all, agates and chalcedony, formed in cavities deep underground, are noble blue and white stones (especially lunar stones). Despite the fact that spring is in full swing, Taurus is a symbol of stability and inevitability of the revival of nature, the development of already emerging life. Too active and punchy stones are not recommended for Taurus, since the internal development potential of Taurus is already quite high, and the main task- just direct it in a constructive direction.

BELOMORIT . The name "belomorite" comes from the name White Sea, located in North Karelia, it was there that this stone was first found. Technically, it is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in grey-blue, white and violet tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white moonstones. Belomorite has a bluish tint, is a very fragile stone, and breaks easily. It is difficult to make crafts from it because it is soft and flakes like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable. Belomorite is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life chosen by a person. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, sloppiness, or excess trash in his owner's house. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in a house will cause a person irresistible desire disassemble cabinets, desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, make general cleaning(or even repairs), purchase the necessary things.
Belomorite will also help to restore order in the head of its owner: it will force him to logically comprehend the reasons for which troubles occur in his life; will require that a person urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in his professional field of activity, and do his job conscientiously.
Belomorite does not tolerate disorder in the owner’s personal life. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, infidelity and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and abandon his previous habits.
Wear it well in the ring on the little finger, cabochon cut with a treated inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase it any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

Taurus is a calm and balanced earth sign. It is not surprising that the stones of Taurus according to the zodiac sign are emerald and agate. Green emerald symbolizes the element of earth, it gives a Taurus woman strong connection with nature and peace of mind. Agate is a protector from all troubles, it bestows stability and helps to “stand firmly on your feet” in any situation. life situations.

The power of the amulet does not depend on whether you use a precious mineral or an ornamental one.

Taurus women's birthstones: Emerald and Agate

The word “emerald” came to us from Persia, and it means “green ice”. Minerologists consider this stone to be a variety of beryl. The beautiful green mineral has become a symbol of wisdom; it is considered the strongest talisman stone for Taurus, protecting them from negative influences and any troubles.

Green color symbolizes community with nature, and this has a very beneficial effect on representatives of the earth sign, which helps them gain peace of mind and balance. Taurus by nature are quite stubborn and stable, which helps them endure difficult life situations, and emerald helps them with this. He develops a desire to engage scientific activities and philosophy.

A Taurus who regularly wears an emerald becomes more positive, accommodating, prudent and wise; it is almost impossible to deceive him. For a Taurus woman, the stone helps develop intuition, and makes her life more colorful and positive, instilling confidence in achieving her goals. Emerald will help an earthly lady find harmony with the world around her and help her enjoy communicating with people.

A Taurus man can use an emerald as a talisman, which will provide him with significant support in achieving life goals and desires. This stone can help its owner get rid of pessimism, become more positive and happy, and strengthen faith in a bright future.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus who want to make their life more calm and measured? They definitely need to purchase an emerald product. This mineral will help representatives of the earth sign make their lives more stable and find inner balance. The mineral will bring inspiration and elation to people of a creative nature, and success and fortune to people of a business nature.

Interesting facts about the stone:

  • Emerald is also called the talisman of sailors, nursing mothers and travelers;
  • This stone does not like insincere people. He punishes liars not only with misfortune, but also with illness.
  • An emerald framed in gold will protect against any infectious disease, insomnia and bad dreams;
  • If a gem is presented to a person as a gift, then in the language of stones it will mean that the person has been given the gift of wishes for success in life, and the talisman will become a symbol of the purity and fidelity of the recipient.

Medicinal properties

Emerald is a stone that has the ability to calm and relieve tension and stress. It can help improve memory and take a person away from a melancholy mood. People suffering from nervous disorders, it is recommended to carry the amulet with you at all times. It has a positive effect on arterial pressure, relieves joint diseases and headaches, and also helps treat the stomach and gallbladder.

For a long time, healers have used this stone as a way to combat eye diseases. Emerald not only helps relieve tension from the eyes, but also makes the nervous system calmer. The mineral perfectly helps in the treatment of inflammation, in the fight against various infections, can reduce fever in humans, and is relevant for problems with the urinary system.

The talisman saves against burns and diabetes, severe pain in the heart, reduces blood pressure and helps in the treatment of psoriasis. Emerald also helps in the treatment of the liver, stomach, severe cough, tuberculosis, and also helps people who have problems with insomnia. This gem has a huge amount favorable energy Qi destroys negative charges, strengthens the owner’s health and prolongs his longevity.

Magic properties

On the full moon magical abilities of this mineral increase many times.

Since the Middle Ages, in order to save a person from bad dreams and melancholy, emerald was attached above the bed; this ability of the mineral is confirmed even today. In addition, emerald protects not only its owners, but also their home from the interference of ill-wishers. This stone is considered to be a talisman of the family hearth; it helps strengthen alliances and stability in the family, which means a lot for representatives of the earth sign.

However, if representatives of this sign behave inappropriately, stop developing, go downhill, and are aggressive towards others, emerald can punish them. The magical qualities of emerald appear only against the background of spiritual purity. If the owner of this mineral is obsessed negative thoughts and evil feelings, the stone can become his enemy. For a Taurus who owns an emerald, this amulet will give him the opportunity to get rid of vicious inclinations and helps to extinguish passions that are destructive to a person. This gem does not tolerate rudeness and aggression and tries to smooth out these character traits of its owner.

Emerald, which has light energy, helps to see positive events in life and teaches you to enjoy positive emotions, free yourself from greed and bad thoughts, helps you find true friends and become selfless. In astrology it is generally accepted that this mineral impresses Taurus with its positive properties and can help them find happiness in life.

Taurus Second Stone: Agate

This is a type of quartz. Speaking about which stones are suitable for Taurus women and men, this mineral can be safely placed in second place. The name of the stone is translated from ancient Greek as “happy.” There is a legend that says that the stone is named after the river from which it was mined in ancient times.

Quite often, stripes are visible on the mineral, which is one of the main differences between this stone and others. In addition to the variety of colors, it is also distinguished by a significant range of transparency. There are stones that are both almost transparent and completely opaque. The palette of this mineral is quite diverse; it can be: white, red, green, blue, brown and even black. The color of the stone directly affects its owner.

Agate protects Taurus from any negative influence, even from viral diseases and microbes. The monochrome colors of agate (white and black shades) protect its owner from physical injury and other damage to the body. Stones white They set their owner up for positivity and help get rid of depression.

This mineral is considered to be a symbol of eloquence, longevity, health and material wealth. Astrologers, when talking about which stone is suitable for Taurus women and men, recommend framing the agate in a copper frame to enhance its properties.

Agates of any color are capable of developing courage, physical and spiritual strength in their wearer. In addition, agate helps Taurus to be more decisive, to accept changes in life more easily, to adapt to changing life situations, and to believe in a bright future.

A bright red stone stimulates representatives of this sign to vigorous activity, charges them with positivity, pushes them to commit serious actions and make important decisions, and also helps them in love. Stone less bright colors, on the contrary, helps to smooth out conflict, find a compromise and make relationships between people smoother and more stable.

White, gray and blue agates help strengthen women's health and family unity. Stone blue color has the ability to give complete harmony to family relationships and help partners find mutual language. In addition, blue agate is credited with the ability to increase the endurance of its owner.

A black mineral helps achieve any goals, and a green stone helps Taurus live to a ripe old age without experiencing material difficulties. Green agate is considered a symbol of eloquence and oratory; it helps when speaking in front of large crowds of people.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, agate was called a stone of longevity and health. Medicinal properties directly depend on the shades of the stone:

  • The light and gray-white colors of the mineral have a general strengthening effect on the body. Agate of these colors is recommended to be worn in the form of bracelets.
  • Blue shades have a positive effect on the condition thyroid gland person;
  • Yellow helps with throat and liver diseases;
  • Red flower agates help with cardiovascular ailments; patients are recommended to wear red agate in the form of a ring on their ring finger left hand;
  • For men, black agate helps increase potency.

Agate in general has the ability to help with various ailments. Products made from the mineral have a beneficial effect on human lungs, improve poor vision and hearing, come to the rescue in the fight against fears, support in complex chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the lymphatic system and pancreas.

Heals the talisman and skin diseases, the wearer of the stone receives greater protection from all kinds of infections gastrointestinal tract. The mineral supports positive energy for the heart and lungs and strengthens the immune system. It contains the elements of ether, the elements of fire and air. Agate is recommended for children, as it calms and dispels their fears, and can help the child learn to walk earlier.

Magic properties

One of the most important magical properties agate is considered protection, it is very strong amulet. It protects its owner from enemies, people with heavy energy and other energy attacks.

For Taurus men, black agate is more suitable; it can be considered an amulet. It protects its owner from negative influences and helps to gain confidence in one’s words and actions, and also promotes career growth. Black agate attracts money and improves financial status.

In Mongolia it is believed that agate having yellow, can help develop internal energy and give confidence to the owner. There is also a belief that this stone drives away fierce spirits from a person’s body and his home.

An agate talisman brings various skills: to present your speech beautifully, to be a pleasant conversationalist, to accept right decisions, do right choice and act justly. It strengthens the mind and makes a person sensitive to others.

It is believed that agate will help lovers remain faithful to each other. IN ancient Rome people placed balls of this mineral in gardens for protection rare plants. Agate can also save its owner from being struck by lightning and other natural disasters.

Which stones are suitable for Taurus: each of the stones corresponding to this zodiac sign has its own functions, and you can choose exactly the one that suits you best.

In the article:

What stones are suitable for Taurus

Depending on the date of birth, who will be able to protect and direct energy in the right direction.

If you were born in the first phase (from April 21 to May 1), then your patron is Mercury. Such people are very organized, have a penchant for housekeeping and are very successful in business. Best suited:

  • agate;
  • emerald;
  • chrysoprase;
  • chalcedony.

If your date of birth falls between May 2 and May 11, then you are under the influence Moon. Representatives of the second phase love to dream, are inclined towards literature and politics, but really do not like to take risks. Birthstones for Taurus born in the first half of May:

  • emerald;
  • tourmaline;
  • beryl.

If you were born in the last phase (from May 12 to May 20), then your patron is Saturn. People born during this period are characterized by isolation, are reluctant to make new acquaintances, are very afraid of poverty and prefer silence. The following stones are suitable for them:

  • turquoise;
  • amethyst;
  • quartz;
  • sapphire.

Taurus - talisman stones to attract all the best

Taurus is a rather reserved person, so in order to strengthen his strengths and develop less manifested qualities, you should choose the right talisman.

Agate - development of intuition

If you think that your intuition is not developed enough and you want to correct this, then wear jewelry with agate. This stone is capable of...

Anyone who wears this stone constantly will succeed in oratory. For Taurus, the color of the stone is not particularly important. The effect will be the same. Often if weak side a person may have wealth or the presence of vitality, the stone seeks to fill these gaps and enriches its owner with precisely those qualities and benefits that he lacks. It is especially important to wear agate jewelry for those who spend a lot of time in public, communicate with people and speak in front of an audience.

Emerald - calm and tranquility

If you are sure that life is too hectic and noisy, and you would like to make it more measured, then purchase a product made of emerald. This stone can calm ardor and bring balance to life.

In addition, emerald is a stone of wisdom. He is able to endow his owner with prudence and protect him from excessive stress. If you have diseases of the nervous system, be sure to carry an emerald with you. This stone will help you achieve harmony with the outside world and restore joy in communicating with other people.

Chrysoprase - for those who are not confident in themselves

Among all the stones suitable for Taurus, chrysoprase is considered irreplaceable. Since most representatives of this sign are loners and introverts, they are not always able to speak in public (due to their lack of self-confidence).

Chrysoprase can make a person more confident, lively and increase efficiency. The longer you wear jewelry with such a stone, the more vibrant, confident and independent person you will become. It is especially useful to wear such jewelry for those who are engaged in design and inventive activities.

Chalcedony - for any disease

Chalcedony is a stone that primarily protects Taurus from stress. And as you know, this can be the cause of many diseases. In order to avoid becoming a victim of chronic diseases, it is very important for Taurus to wear jewelry made from this stone. He is able to protect against magical attacks and any other evil spirits.

Tourmaline - magic stone and weapon

For those with a Taurus horoscope, it is imperative to have tourmaline in the house. This stone (namely black tourmaline) is often used in various witchcraft rituals, as it is endowed with great power. But even if you don’t practice witchcraft, it won’t hurt to have such a talisman in your home. It is a reliable dome and will not allow magical attacks to be made on you and family members.

Beryl - help in creating and strengthening a family

For those who are looking for their soul mate or want to strengthen their family hearth, it is necessary to purchase beryl. This stone will help Taurus to reunite with their lover and restore harmony in their lives. family relationships. If you have naughty children, or it is simply difficult to find a language with them, place beryl in your home, and problems in communication between generations will disappear.

Turquoise against enemies, quarrels and envy

If your zodiac sign is Taurus, then the turquoise talisman stone will help you avoid problems in the professional sphere. An accessory with this stone will become a reliable protector, pacify your enemies, and protect you from their influence.

If you constantly quarrel with someone at work, place a small figurine with turquoise on your desk. More people, with whom there were conflicts, will not disturb you. Turquoise can be used as protection against the evil eye. To protect it from damage, protective properties not enough, but turquoise will protect you from the evil eye and envy with a reliable shield.

Amethyst - protection from the forces of evil

Amethyst is magic stone, whose magical properties have long been described by people. Such a talisman can protect its owner from any outside influence. It will be especially effective for those who are often subjected to magical attacks from sorcerers.

Quartz - an amulet for all occasions

Quartz is truly a unique stone for Taurus. It can be used for a variety of purposes. If you have health problems, then simply put on the pendant into which the stone will be inserted, and after a while you will feel relief.

If frequent magical attacks are carried out, use quartz. He will not allow black sorcerers to influence.

Sapphire for Taurus

Sapphire is a special talisman for representatives of this zodiac sign. With its help, Taurus can achieve almost anything. This amulet will guide you, prevent you from being scattered and bring success in all your endeavors.

Sapphire helps representatives of this sign to reveal inner potential that could be hidden from everyone. If you decide to choose this stone, then give preference to yellow, blue and green colors. Be especially careful when choosing.

The stone should attract, fascinate, the jewelry should be pleasant to wear, since it is not just jewelry, but a reliable talisman that can protect from offenders and fill you with energy.

Ruby – should you wear it or not?

Each zodiac sign has its own amulet, Taurus' birthstone is sapphire. Although it is sometimes believed that other stones will bring good luck to this sign, for example, amazonite or amethyst, aventurine or agate, jasper and quartz. In any case, the Taurus talisman must be chosen very carefully and taking into account which planet influences a particular representative of this zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has its own amulet, Taurus' birthstone is sapphire

People born in the 1st decade of this zodiac sign are influenced by Mercury. It is believed that the attacks of melancholy that often overcome such people are the result of precisely this influence. However, Mercury compensates for this by rewarding the representatives of this decade with a brilliant mind, prone to creating their own business projects and risky ventures. And although the main gemstone for Taurus is sapphire, the above-mentioned amethyst, aventurine, quartz, and jasper will help smooth out the unfavorable influence of Mercury and enhance its positive effect.

People who were born in the 2nd decade (i.e. from May 2 to 11), although they belong to the zodiac sign Taurus, are actually under the influence of the Moon. In this case, the talisman stones are turquoise, chalcedony, onyx, coral (of course, it is neither a stone nor a mineral, but is of organic origin). The Moon gives people born in the 2nd decade dreaminess, nobility, a tendency towards idealism, but at the same time suspiciousness and indecision. To smooth out negative impact and the Taurus stones listed above are used.

Those people who were born in the 3rd decade of the sign (i.e., from May 12 to 20) are patronized by Saturn, endowing them with ambition and unsociability, as well as a tendency toward pessimism. Therefore, such people often strive with all their might to avoid poverty and somehow protect themselves. So, in addition to sapphire, talismans for them are stones such as topaz, tourmaline and garnet.

How to choose a stone for a Taurus man?

In addition to the fact that under the influence of this zodiac constellation there are people so different from each other, we should not forget about the differences between the sexes. So the talisman for Taurus is also selected taking this factor into account. To understand which stone is suitable for Taurus men, you should remember what kind of jewelry a Taurus man can wear. modern representative stronger sex. The choice is usually small, so most often, in addition to a sapphire, which can be inserted into a ring or a tie pin , astrologers advise men to also wear agate. Moreover, the color of the stone does not matter; any color will be useful for representatives of this zodiac sign. Although black agate is beyond competition. This is one of the best amulets against the evil eye and diseases. In addition, it is believed to help significantly improve the financial situation of its owner.

For a Taurus man, even if he is not a member of the 3rd decade, a stone such as an emerald is suitable, which will drive away depressive thoughts and melancholy and make its owner more open to communication. Emerald is also considered the patron saint of creative people.

What stones are suitable for Taurus women?

Talismans for women are no less varied. Astrologers believe that the stone that suits Taurus women is turquoise (although some insist that the stone is equally good for both sexes). Indeed, according to the horoscope, this stone helps to achieve material success, if only we're talking about about natural turquoise, and not about its mineral and synthetic counterparts, which are generously presented today even in quite reputable jewelry stores.

For a Taurus woman, turquoise is also suitable for other reasons. Girls can wear it to get married successfully. In addition, a woman born under this zodiac sign may find it difficult to realize her talents due to indecision and shyness. A talisman for a woman with turquoise will help solve this problem. Moreover, it can be either a keychain or some kind of women’s jewelry: earrings, a ring, a bracelet.

Which stones are suitable for Taurus women can be understood based on the principles described above: that is, the talisman should compensate for the negative traits of the zodiac sign and strengthen it positive sides. Thus, opal, even more than turquoise, helps to get married successfully, as it helps to learn how to flirt and make acquaintances easily. It also protects against deception and disappointment.

Stones and talismans for Taurus (video)

Popular stones for Taurus men are different varieties of agate, but black agate is considered especially favorable. Agates are also suitable for women born under this zodiac sign, but the recommended colors will be different. Although black agate helps in business, it is recommended to choose white and green gems. Agate is the stone of Taurus women who want to achieve recognition in the professional field. But the cacholong stone will make its owner more dreamy and romantic, depriving it of the earthiness that is characteristic of representatives of this sign. It is believed that it will also benefit pregnant women, giving them strength and improving health.

As for a stone like amethyst, it should be an addition, a talisman that will help get rid of bad habits, but you should not get carried away with jewelry with this gem. Astrologers believe that if the owner of the amulet gets rid of bad habit, then you will have to get rid of the amethyst.

Gallery: stone for Taurus (50 photos)

This mineral is a variety of chalcedony quartzites and has a fine-fibrous structure.

Coral is one of the amazing gems that are not minerals, but are widely used in jewelry

Properties of sapphire and its benefits for Taurus

One of the main stones for Taurus is sapphire. An amulet with this stone will bring good luck to both men and women. Sapphire for Taurus is a real gift, since it is believed to be able to cool passions. That is why in the old days it was called the stone of nuns. However, this name may have another origin. Clean and cool color Sapphire actually evokes certain associations - virginity, purity, tranquility, contemplation. If we consider other stones according to the Taurus zodiac sign, the talisman stone has these features, especially since most minerals also have cold shades.

It is interesting, however, that sapphire is not always blue. The classic color of this stone is given by transparent corundum (the so-called aluminum oxide), which actually has a bluish tint. But the deep color is the result of a combination of iron and titanium. It also happens that the traditional stones for this zodiac sign are colored Orange color. In specialized literature, such gems are called fancy, and in general they are rare.

Much, of course, depends on the deposit. For example, in Russia (in the Urals) and in North America(USA) there are mainly blue-gray stones, beautiful, but not as spectacular as Khibiny sapphires with their dark blue tint or Australian sapphires, which are characterized by dichroism: at a certain angle they have a dark blue tint, and along the transverse line they appear green. The orange tint indicates that in addition to iron oxide, the mineral contains nickel compounds.

Most of what is known today about healing properties sapphires, applies only to natural stones that have undergone minimal processing and received the simplest cut. At the same time, today most sapphires undergo additional processing to enhance their original color. It is clear that synthetic sapphires have many beneficial properties, thanks to which they are used in medicine and the most knowledge-intensive and innovative industries. But they do not possess the properties that are inherent in natural stones.

Sapphires protect their owners from betrayal and relieve them of fear. This stone is believed to bring good luck in any travel, including business trips. True, indecisive Taurus should not wear jewelry with this stone, as this will only strengthen this drawback.

But for dreamy people, sapphire helps direct their thoughts towards a more clearly and clearly formulated goal. It gives clarity of thought, allows you to develop not only the ability to contemplate, but also attentiveness.

In ancient medicine, sapphire was credited with antidote properties; it was believed that it effectively treated the kidneys. Modern medicine uses sapphires in ophthalmology, as well as for the production of certain instruments. As for such properties of sapphire as prevention cardiovascular diseases, representatives of this sign can try the effect of the gem on themselves. In the East, it is believed that sapphire can enhance the effect of prescribed medicines. And especially effective means is considered to be wearing a sapphire set in classic yellow gold as a ring or ring, perhaps as a pendant, so that it touches the skin. In general, it is believed that sapphire also cures skin diseases.

Stones for attracting financial well-being (video)


Many people believe that the zodiac sign is just a convention, and in fact, any stone can be worn, as long as its owner likes it and can boast of a decent cut. Well, perhaps gems don’t have any mystical properties. Apart from, of course, the fact that it was not without reason that legends about the properties of this or that stone were passed down from generation to generation, many of their healing qualities have been proven modern science, and the same sapphires were even produced synthetically. So even if the owner of the stone does not believe in its power, the gem still continues to do its job.

Attention, TODAY only!

What woman doesn't love jewelry with precious stones? But not every one of them is able to bring harmony, happiness and good luck into life. Some are simply contraindicated for wearing. Today we will try to figure out what lucky gems are for a Taurus woman.

Stones-amulets. Turquoise

In general, it is believed that it is better not to wear “your” jewelry for show. A pebble will work harder for the benefit of its owner if it is clean and not framed with precious metal. Thus, turquoise, the main lucky stone for a Taurus woman, will “attract” her beloved when it hides in the folds of her dress. It is believed that even a piece of this sky-blue mineral can protect a Taurus girl from the lies of loved ones, and protect her from frivolous actions. You can make secret pockets on your clothes for the talisman stone or carry it with you in a small rag bag for jewelry. According to legend different nations world, turquoise is considered the happiest stone.

Currently, the world's reserves of the lucky amulet are almost depleted, so the cost of a real stone in jewelry stores is very high. Sometimes careless sellers somewhere in Turkey pass off a product made from tinted turknit as a real stone. The cost of the original stone cannot be less than $100.

Taurus (female) zodiac sign stone: green turquoise

Married women want to protect their home from fuss, swearing and quarrels between family members. Green turquoise, or, as it is also called, “old” turquoise, will help them with this. You can carry it with you, and also store it in a box in the house. This stone will also help the family live in prosperity and prosperity. Since ancient times, green turquoise has been considered a stone of fertility and health, so women who dream of children, but cannot conceive, should purchase such a talisman for themselves.

Cacholong (pearl agate)

stones, suitable for Taurus(women), are often not suitable at all for representatives of other zodiac signs. Astrologers strongly recommend this rare stone to women expecting a new addition to their family, but only if their zodiac sign is Taurus. Pregnancy with such a talisman will be extremely easy, childbirth will be successful, and nothing will threaten the health of the new mother and baby. In addition, God will always send the family in which the newborn lives, material well-being.

Taurus birthstone according to the horoscope (women): emerald

Emerald is special and very strong stone. He is not afraid of prying eyes, he is good friends with precious metals and will benefit its owner in the form of a spectacular ring on her finger. It is precisely because of its extraordinary strength that it is considered the best amulet for Taurus. In addition to the fact that the stone is able to attract fidelity, hope for a bright future, optimism and peace into the family, it effectively protects its owner from the attacks of dark forces and evil spirits. In addition, an emerald ring placed on a finger at night can bring only bright and good dreams.

Everyday Defender

We have already talked about one type of agate (cacholong). Layered chalcedony also has a generalized significance. Agate, which has a wide range of colors, is able to give its owner calmness and prudence. This semi-precious stone for Taurus women is also well suited for men of the zodiac sign of the same name, because it is able to give its owner confidence and also develops intuition well, which can be useful in business.

Jasper - a talisman against negative energy

There are people who deeply care about close relatives and others, who are ready to accept someone else’s misfortune, who act as a kind of “vest” for sometimes completely strangers. They meekly listen to stories about other people's grief and constantly console everyone, showing their great mercy. Without realizing it, these people take on some of the negative energy of strangers and accumulate it in their bodies, which can lead to a series of misfortunes. They will not be able to give up mercy overnight, but they can protect themselves from the involuntary negativity of others with the help of a good protective stone.

Jasper is a good amulet against the evil eye, the effects of psychological vampires and protection against unwanted diseases. This gem is capable of neutralizing for its owner negative energy, coming from outside.

Sapphire - soul stone

If we consider amulets from the category of the most beautiful jewelry, then another stone of the Taurus woman - sapphire - will occupy an important place. The sky-blue color of the stone itself seems to hint to others about the pure thoughts of its owner. This is a stone of deep soul and pure thoughts; it will especially try to protect worthy, kind and honest girls. When buying for yourself or accepting jewelry with sapphire as a gift, you must remember that deceit and malice in your thoughts can disarm the magical effect of the amulet.

Malachite against stress and depression

Malachite is a universal amulet for Taurus, regardless of the gender of the owner. The most valuable from the point of view of astrologers is a stone of light green shades. This is the kind of stone that has truly mystical properties, as our ancestors believed. If a woman begins to suffer from illnesses with age of cardio-vascular system, then she needs to turn her attention to malachite. The stone is also useful in treating any organs. human body. Moreover, for many centuries shamans applied malachite to sore spots, and the person was miraculously healed. Malachite also absorbs negativity directed towards its owner and actively resists stress and depressive mood.

As we already know, in some cases, talismans work equally well for both genders. If you are Taurus, a talisman stone for a woman, as well as for a man, can bring good luck in love, salvation from illness, and the power of foresight, just as green jasper, consecrated in the church, does.

Most green minerals

Have you noticed that the Taurus woman's birthstone is mostly green when viewed specifically color scheme? But not everyone thinks green color suitable for their temperament or personal preferences. If you artificially impose such decoration on a woman, it is unlikely that she will become good talisman. A talisman, like everything most important in life, needs to be loved, and then it will reciprocate its owner’s love. By the way, jewelry with a green stone will look especially impressive on the owner of mysterious green eyes.

The best way to get stone

Many people wonder whether jewelry will work as a talisman when it is inherited. It is generally accepted that a person’s energy, unconscious memories of events associated with the previous owner, are transferred to the new owner by the stone. Therefore, if you don’t want to repeat the mistakes of your ancestors, suffer like they did, and unwittingly try on someone else’s life, it is better not to use inherited jewelry as a talisman. The same can be said about jewelry accepted as a gift. The person who gave the gift may have different thoughts. The most the best option amulet is considered an independent conscious purchase of jewelry in order to get a good and powerful amulet.
