What 6 oceans. What oceans exist, their location

Our planet Earth is 70% water. Most of the water resources are 4 oceans. We will describe the existing oceans, their location, underwater inhabitants and interesting information.

1) Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the most significant ocean in terms of area and depth. Its size is 169.2 million sq. km. Maximum depth – 11022 meters. Despite the name, he is considered the most violent, since... 80% of tsunamis originate here due to the many underwater volcanoes. The commercial importance of the ocean is significant - more than half of the world's fish catch is caught in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, 40% of oil and gas reserves are in the ocean. The Pacific Ocean contains over 950 varieties of algae, as well as over 120 thousand representatives of the animal world.

Interesting information:

  • There are about 25 thousand in the Pacific Ocean. islands
  • On one of the islands of the ocean they found very interesting objects of monetary settlement - stone rings more than two meters high and weighing 15 tons.
  • This ocean has the highest waves, which is very popular among surfers
  • Ocean water is capable of enveloping the entire surface of the Earth and the thickness of the water cover will exceed 2500 meters.
  • The average speed of crushing waves during a tsunami is 750 km/h
  • If all the water in the ocean suddenly evaporated, a layer of salt 65 meters thick would remain at the bottom.

2) Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the next largest ocean on the planet. Its dimensions reach 91.6 million sq. km. The maximum depth reaches 8742 meters. All climate zones exist over the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean provides two-fifths of the world's fish catch. Enriched in mineral resources - there is oil, gas, iron ore, barite, limestone. The inhabitants of the ocean are very diverse - whales, fur seals, seals, sea urchins, parrot fish, sharks, surgeon fish, etc. There are many dolphins living in the ocean.

Interesting information:

  • The warm Gulf Stream flows through the Atlantic Ocean, giving a warm climate to European countries with access to the ocean.
  • Among the inhabitants, a special place is occupied by delicacies: oysters, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, etc.
  • In the ocean there is a sea without shore boundaries - Sargasso.
  • In the Atlantic there is a mystery of humanity - the Bermuda Triangle. This is an area in the Bermuda region where a large number of aircraft and ships have gone missing.
  • The ocean also became famous for the sinking of the ship, the Titanic. Research at the bottom continues to this day.

3) Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the 3rd largest ocean on the planet. Its dimensions reach 73.55 million sq. km. Maximum depth 7725 meters. It is considered the warmest and youngest ocean. Very numerous Tuna and various types of sharks are undoubtedly considered inhabitants of the ocean. IN smaller quantity Several different species of sea turtles, sea snakes, whales, sperm whales, and dolphins are present. The flora is represented mainly by brown and green algae. Mineral resources include natural gas, oil, rutile, titanite, zirconium, and phosphorite. Pearls and mother-of-pearl are mined from the ocean. Fishing reaches five percent of the world catch.

Interesting information:

  1. In the Indian Ocean there are the most popular holiday islands such as Sri Lanka, Bali, Mauritius, and the Maldives.
  2. The ocean contains the second most salinity sea on Earth - the Red Sea. The sea has completely clear water, since no rivers flow into it.
  3. The largest sea corals are found at the bottom.
  4. The most dangerous poisoner lives here - blue-ringed octopus . Its size is barely the size of a golf ball, and the poison kills in less than two hours.
  5. One of the main mysteries of the ocean is the disappearance of people. Floating ships were repeatedly found without the slightest damage, but not a single person was present on it.

4) Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean on Earth. Its dimensions are 14.75 million sq. km. Maximum depth 5527 meters. Ocean fauna is sparse due to the harsh climate. Among the fish, commercial fish such as herring, salmon, cod, and flounder predominate. Walruses and whales are found in large numbers.

Interesting Facts :

  1. The phenomenon of “dead water” - due to the occurrence of internal waves, the ship stops, despite the fact that all engines are functioning.
  2. The iceberg that destroyed the Titanic sailed from the Arctic Ocean.
  3. The largest species of seal lives in the Arctic, weighing approximately 200 kilograms.
  4. The most polluted ocean. There are a considerable number of bottles and bags at the bottom and on the surface.
  5. Based on the melting of ice throughout the year, the salinity of the ocean can vary.

In 2000 International hydrographic The organization decided to identify the 5th ocean washing Antarctica - the Southern Ocean. But already in 2010 it was decided to remove the 5th ocean and leave 4.

It is they who concentrate most of this essential element for the life of all organisms. The existing oceans of the earth are located in different parts of the planet, so it is important to know how many there are and what their characteristics are.

Basic information

It is known that more than 70% of the Earth's surface is water resources. All this is usually called the World Ocean (this includes fresh springs, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans). In turn, the global oceans are divided into several independent ones, so it is important to know how many continents and oceans there are on earth in order to have an idea of ​​how our planet has changed over time and what changes are possible in the future.

When answering the question how many oceans are there on earth, 4 or 5, you need to remember that research and scientific research in the field natural sciences don't stop. That is why quite recently it was believed that there are only 4 oceans on our planet. However, all large quantity specialists and researchers are inclined to think about separating a body of water located off the coast of Antarctica into an independent, full-fledged ocean. If you count it, it turns out that there are 5 full-fledged oceans on Earth:

  • Quiet.
  • Indian.
  • Atlantic (the name was obtained according to mythology).
  • Arctic.
  • Southern.

It turns out that for those who share the point of view of scientists who consider the reservoir off the coast of Antarctica to be a full-fledged ocean, the total number will be 5, for representatives of the “old school” - 4.

Briefly about each of the oceans

It is interesting to know not only how many oceans there are on earth, but also a little about each of them in order to have an idea of ​​the characteristics and ecological wealth of our planet. It is generally accepted, based on the results of research and dives, that Quiet is the largest and deepest available. It is followed by the Atlantic. The average for these indicators is Indian, and the coldest, but also the most
small – Arctic. There is no clear information about the Southern Ocean. The answer to the question of how much of the earth's surface is occupied by the world's oceans is 71%.

What is the ocean called?

In order to confidently answer the question of how many oceans there are on planet earth, you need to know what exactly is considered to be classified as them. Scientists have found that the concept includes water body, which is located near or among continents. It is constantly in interaction with the earth's crust and is influenced by the atmosphere of planet Earth. Also, answering the question regarding what part of the earth’s surface is occupied by the world’s oceans, you need to indicate a figure of 360 million km 2, which is approximately 70% of the entire planetary surface.

The main division occurs into 4 oceans, since the Southern Ocean has conventional boundaries, based on the established geographical norms and rules in this regard. But at the very beginning of the new century, the International Hydrographic Organization adopted a division into 5 parts. This point has not yet been documented, since disputes are still taking place, and the legal procedure required for such changes is going through. Thus, at this stage it is believed that the Southern Ocean can conditionally be called the fifth on Earth. Experts now call it South Sea, indicating that it does not have its own clear independent borders. It is also believed that its waters are mixed, that is, the water currents of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans included in it are sufficient not to separate the Southern Ocean into an independent ocean.

What is known about the oceans

It is interesting to know how the main bodies of water on Earth differ from each other. For each of them, scientists have collected enough information to give people an idea of ​​the diversity biological forms and the peculiarities of the geography of each region. So the most big ocean on the planet - Quiet, which is also in first place in terms of depth. Area – 179.7 million km2. It is this region that takes the lead in terms of water reserves, as it occupies about 50% of the entire surface of the planet, and the volume of water is an impressive 724 million km 3 . Scientists have found that the maximum depth reaches 11,022 meters. This figure was recorded in the legendary Mariana Trench.

The second, but no less important, is the Atlantic. The area of ​​this ocean is slightly more than half of the Pacific Ocean, that is, 91.6 million km2, and in terms of water volume it is significantly inferior to it, since this figure is 29.5 million km3, the maximum depth is slightly less and is 8742 meters. This indicator was detected in the oceanic trench, which is located on the border with the Caribbean Sea.

Small (20% of the Earth's surface) - Indian Ocean. Its area is about 76 million km 2, its volume of water reserves is 282.5 million km 3. Scientists have recorded greatest depth in this ocean, which is equal to 7209 meters, was recorded in the Sunda Trench. The peculiarity is that there are fewer seas.
Northern Arctic Ocean It is considered the smallest on the planet (if you do not take into account the South). Thus, its area is 14.75 million km 2, the volume of water reserves is 18 million km 3, and the greatest depth is recorded at 5527 meters. This place is located in the Greenland Sea. The peculiarity of this ocean is that almost 75% of its surface is under a thick layer of ice most of the year.

Ocean currents

It is interesting to know how many oceans there are on earth, since each of them has such a phenomenon as currents. They influence climatic conditions continents located nearby. The concept of “flow” includes processes of water movement carried out in the horizontal direction.

Experts take into account how many oceans there are on earth and their names when making calculations on weather phenomena for a certain territory or area. This is important because it is ocean currents that are caused by the action of wind force, the difference atmospheric pressure and differences in such indicators as density sea ​​water. There are such phenomena as ebbs and flows - they are determined by the influence of the Sun and Moon on our planet. Also, taking into account how many oceans there are on earth and their names is important for understanding the characteristics of the fauna and flora of the area. This is important because it is currents that transport large volumes of water over significant distances, therefore, the inhabitants of the depths, algae, also move with them. The length of currents can reach thousands of km, and the width - hundreds of km. Knowledge of thickness is no less important for researchers ocean currents, so there is information that it can reach several km.

The most famous and significant for shaping the Earth's climate is the Gulf Stream. This current moves large volumes of water, reportedly exceeding anything recorded in all fresh water bodies on the planet.

Ocean currents contribute not only to the exchange of water, but also to the redistribution of heat. Under their influence occur significant changes shores, ice also moves at high speed. In addition, currents have big influence for circulation earth's atmosphere, therefore, on the climate in different parts of the Earth. Currents can be warm or cold. They will be considered warm when temperature indicators will exceed those of environment one region or another. Therefore, cold currents are those whose temperature will be lower than that of the environment and water.

Impact on the planet of the oceans

You may not know how many continents and oceans there are on earth, but everyone knows that there is a World Ocean. It has a great influence on the planet, since the vital activity of all living organisms depends on it.
A significant mass of its waters forms the planetary climate, and it also serves as a source for the formation of precipitation. About 60% of the total volume of oxygen (O2) enters the atmosphere from the World Ocean. It actively regulates the content of gas components such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Feature - The oceans are capable of absorbing excess amounts of it if it is formed on Earth during the life and activity of all living organisms, including humans.

At the bottom of the World Ocean, an event that is significant for biology and ecology occurs - the accumulation of a huge mass of various substances of mineral and organic nature. The processes occurring in the depths of all seas and oceans have a strong impact on the entire earth's surface and its bark. Additionally, at the bottom of the World Ocean there are various mineral deposits. Ocean basins contain up to 1/3 of the world's oil reserves. Many processes taking place on land depend on the topography of the ocean floor.

Conclusion on the topic

To know how many oceans there are on earth is needed not only for general development, but also in order to determine the characteristics of the region. Since there is debate about how many oceans there are on earth, we can combine all water masses under the concept of the World Ocean. The earth's large oceans are found in both cold and warm climates, so all continents depend on currents. They are the ones who determine the features weather phenomena, amount and intensity of precipitation in a particular country. Consequently, the oceans have a great influence on the planet, without them the biology and ecology of the planet would be disrupted.

How many oceans are there on Earth? I think even fifth-graders will immediately answer: four - and list: Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic. All?

But it turns out that the four oceans are already outdated information. Today scientists are adding a fifth to them - the Southern, or Antarctic, Ocean.

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However, the number of oceans and especially their boundaries are still a matter of debate. In 1845, the London Geographical Society decided to count five oceans on Earth: Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Quiet, Northern And Southern, or Antarctic. This division was confirmed by the International Hydrographic Office. But even later for a long time some scientists continued to believe that there were only four “real” oceans on Earth: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Northern, or Arctic Ocean. (In 1935, the Soviet government approved the traditional Russian name - .)

So how many oceans are there really on our planet? The answer may be unexpected: on Earth there is a single World Ocean, which people, for their convenience (primarily navigation), have divided into parts. Who will confidently draw the line where the waves of one ocean end and the waves of another begin?..

We found out what oceans are. What do we call seas and how many of them are there on Earth?? After all, the first acquaintances with the water element began on the shores of the seas.

Experts call seas “parts of the World Ocean that are separated from the open ocean by mountains or simply land.” However, marine regions, as a rule, differ from oceans and meteorological conditions, that is, the weather, and even the climate. Oceanologists distinguish between internal seas, closed by land, and external seas, as parts of the open ocean. There are seas without shores at all, just stretches of ocean. For example, the waters between the islands.

How many seas are there on Earth? Ancient geographers believed that there were only seven seas-oceans in the world. Today, the International Hydrographic Office lists 54 seas on Earth. But this figure is not very accurate, because some seas not only have no shores, but are also located inside others water pools, and their names remained either due to historical habit, or for the convenience of navigation.

Ancient civilizations developed along the banks of rivers, and rivers (I mean large water flows) flow into seas and oceans. So from the very beginning people had to become familiar with the water element. At the same time, each great civilization the past had its own sea. The Chinese have their own (later it turned out that this is part of). The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans had their own - the Mediterranean Sea. Indians and Arabs have shores Indian Ocean, the waters of which each people called in their own way. There were other centers of civilizations and other main seas in the world.

In ancient times, people did not know much about the world around them and therefore they attributed special mystical meanings to many unknown things. So back in those days, when even great thinkers did not know and did not exist geographical maps world, they believed that there were seven seas on Earth. The number seven, according to the ancestors, was sacred. The ancient Egyptians had 7 planets in the sky. 7 days of the week, 7 years - cycle calendar years. Among the Greeks, the number 7 was dedicated to Apollo: on the seventh day before the new moon, a sacrifice was made to him.

According to the Bible, the world was created by God in 7 days. Pharaoh dreamed of 7 fat and 7 skinny cows. Seven is found as the number of evil (7 devils). In the Middle Ages, many nations knew the story of the seven wise men.

IN Ancient world There were seven wonders of the world: Egyptian pyramids, the hanging gardens of the Babylonian queen Semiramis, the lighthouse in Atexandria (III century BC), the Colossus of Rhodes, the statue of Olympian Zeus created by the great sculptor Phidias, the Ephesian temple of the goddess Artemis and the mausoleum in Hapicarnassus.

How could one manage without the sacred number in geography: were there seven hills, seven lakes, seven islands and seven seas?

We won't list everything. As a European resident (and I live in the city of St. Petersburg), I will only tell you about the main historical sea of ​​​​European civilization -.

The ocean is the largest object and is part of the ocean that covers about 71% of the surface of our planet. Oceans wash the shores of continents, have a water circulation system and have other specific features. The oceans of the world are in constant interaction with everyone.

Map of the oceans and continents of the world

Some sources indicate that the World Ocean is divided into 4 oceans, but in 2000 the International Hydrographic Organization identified a fifth one - the Southern Ocean. This article provides a list of all 5 oceans of planet Earth in order - from largest in area to smallest, with name, location on the map and main characteristics.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean on the Earth map/Wikipedia

Because of big size The Pacific Ocean has a unique and varied topography. He also plays important role in the formation of weather conditions around the world and the modern economy.

The ocean floor is constantly changing through the movement and subduction of tectonic plates. Currently, the oldest known area of ​​the Pacific Ocean is approximately 180 million years old.

In geological terms, the area surrounding the Pacific Ocean is sometimes called. The region has this name because it is the world's largest area of ​​volcanism and earthquakes. The Pacific region is subject to intense geological activity because much of its floor lies in subduction zones, where the boundaries of some tectonic plates are pushed under others after collision. There are also some hotspot areas where magma from the Earth's mantle is forced through the Earth's crust, creating undersea volcanoes that can eventually form islands and seamounts.

The Pacific Ocean has a varied bottom topography, consisting of oceanic ridges and ridges, which formed in hot spots below the surface. The ocean's topography differs significantly from large continents and islands. The most deep point The Pacific Ocean is called the “Challenger Deep”, it is located in the Mariana Trench, at a depth of almost 11 thousand km. The largest is New Guinea.

Ocean climates vary greatly depending on latitude, presence of land, and types air masses moving over its waters. Ocean surface temperature also plays a role in climate because it affects the availability of moisture in different regions. The surrounding climate is humid and warm during most of the year. Far northern part of the Pacific Ocean and far away South part- more moderate, have large seasonal differences in weather conditions. In addition, in some regions seasonal trade winds prevail, which influence the climate. The Pacific Ocean also forms tropical cyclones and typhoons.

The Pacific Ocean is almost the same as the other oceans of the Earth, with the exception of local temperatures and salinity of the water. The pelagic zone of the ocean is home to marine animals such as fish, marine and. Organisms and scavengers live at the bottom. Habitats can be found in sunny, shallow ocean areas near the shore. The Pacific Ocean is the environment that supports the greatest diversity of living organisms on the planet.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean on the Earth map/Wikipedia

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth with a total area (including adjacent seas) of 106.46 million km². It occupies about 22% of the planet's surface area. The ocean has an elongated S-shape and extends between North and South America in the west, and also, and - in the east. It connects to the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Southern Ocean to the south. The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is 3,926 m, and the deepest point is located in the ocean trench of Puerto Rico, at a depth of 8,605 m. The Atlantic Ocean has the highest salinity of all the oceans in the world.

Its climate is characterized by warm or cool water that circulates in different trends. Water depth and winds also have a significant impact on weather on the surface of the ocean. Severe Atlantic hurricanes are known to develop off the coast of Cape Verde in Africa, heading towards the Caribbean Sea from August to November.

The time when the supercontinent Pangea broke up, about 130 million years ago, marked the beginning of the formation of the Atlantic Ocean. Geologists have determined that it is the second youngest of the world's five oceans. This ocean played a very important role in connecting the Old World with the newly explored Americas from the late 15th century.

A major feature of the Atlantic Ocean floor is an underwater mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which extends from Iceland in the north to approximately 58°S. w. and has a maximum width of about 1600 km. The water depth above the range is less than 2,700 meters in most places, and several mountain peaks in the range rise above the water to form islands.

The Atlantic Ocean flows into the Pacific Ocean, but they are not always the same due to water temperature, ocean currents, sunlight, nutrients, salinity, etc. The Atlantic Ocean has coastal and open ocean habitats. Its coastal ones are located along coastlines and extend to the continental shelves. Marine flora is usually concentrated in upper layers ocean waters, and closer to the shores there are coral reefs, kelp forests and sea grasses.

The Atlantic Ocean is important modern meaning. The construction of the Panama Canal, located in Central America, allowed large ships to pass through waterways, from Asia across the Pacific to east coast North and South America across the Atlantic Ocean. This led to increased trade between Europe, Asia, South America and North America. In addition, at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean there are deposits of gas, oil and precious stones.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean on the Earth map/Wikipedia

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean on the planet and has an area of ​​70.56 million km². It is located between Africa, Asia, Australia and the Southern Ocean. The Indian Ocean has an average depth of 3,963 m, and the Sunda Trench is the deepest trench, with a maximum depth of 7,258 m. The Indian Ocean occupies about 20% of the area of ​​the world's oceans.

The formation of this ocean is a consequence of the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana, which began about 180 million years ago. 36 million years ago the Indian Ocean assumed its current configuration. Although it first opened about 140 million years ago, almost all Indian Ocean basins are less than 80 million years old.

It is landlocked and does not extend to arctic waters. Him fewer islands and narrower continental shelves compared to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Below the surface, especially in the north, the ocean water is extremely low in oxygen.

The climate of the Indian Ocean varies significantly from north to south. For example, the monsoons dominate in the northern part, above the equator. From October to April there are strong north-easterly winds, while from May to October - southerly and westerly winds. The Indian Ocean also has the most warm weather from all five oceans of the world.

The ocean depths contain about 40% of the world's offshore oil reserves, and seven countries currently produce from this ocean.

Seychelles is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of 115 islands, and most of them are granite islands and coral islands. On granite islands, most of the species are endemic, while coral islands have a coral reef ecosystem where biological diversity sea ​​life greatest. The Indian Ocean has island fauna that includes sea ​​turtles, seabirds and many other exotic animals. Much of the marine life in the Indian Ocean is endemic.

The entire Indian Ocean marine ecosystem is facing declines in species numbers as water temperatures continue to rise, resulting in a 20% decline in phytoplankton, on which the marine food chain is heavily dependent.

South ocean

Southern Ocean on the Earth map/Wikipedia

In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization identified the world's fifth and youngest ocean - the Southern Ocean - from the southern regions of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The New Southern Ocean completely surrounds and extends from its coast north to 60°S. w. The Southern Ocean is currently the fourth largest of the world's five oceans, exceeding in area only the Arctic Ocean.

IN last years a large number of oceanographic research was concerned with ocean currents, first due to El Niño and then due to broader interest in global warming. One study determined that currents near Antarctica isolate the Southern Ocean as a separate ocean, so it was identified as a separate, fifth ocean.

The area of ​​the Southern Ocean is approximately 20.3 million km². The deepest point is 7,235 meters deep and is located in the South Sandwich Trench.

Water temperatures in the Southern Ocean range from -2°C to +10°C. It is also home to the largest and most powerful cold surface current on Earth, the Antarctic Ocean. circumpolar current, which moves east and is 100 times greater than the flow of all the world's rivers.

Despite the identification of this new ocean, it is likely that the debate about the number of oceans will continue into the future. In the end, there is only one "World Ocean", since all 5 (or 4) oceans on our planet are interconnected with each other.

Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean on the Earth map/Wikipedia

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five oceans and has an area of ​​14.06 million km². Its average depth is 1205 m, and the deepest point is in the underwater Nansen Basin, at a depth of 4665 m. The Arctic Ocean is located between Europe, Asia and North America. In addition, most of its waters are north of the Arctic Circle. is located in the center of the Arctic Ocean.

While located on the continent, North Pole covered with water. During most of the year, the Arctic Ocean is almost completely covered by drifting polar ice, which is about three meters thick. This glacier usually melts during the summer months, but only partially.

Due to its small size, many oceanographers do not consider it an ocean. Instead, some scientists suggest that it is a sea that is largely enclosed by continents. Others believe it is a partially enclosed coastal body of water in the Atlantic Ocean. These theories are not widely accepted, and the International Hydrographic Organization considers the Arctic Ocean to be one of the world's five oceans.

The Arctic Ocean has the lowest water salinity of all the Earth's oceans due to low evaporation rates and fresh water, coming from streams and rivers that feed the ocean, diluting the concentration of salts in the water.

A polar climate dominates this ocean. Consequently, winters exhibit relatively stable weather with low temperatures. The most famous characteristics of this climate are polar nights and polar days.

It is believed that the Arctic Ocean may contain about 25% of the total reserves natural gas and oil on our planet. Geologists have also determined that there are significant deposits of gold and other minerals here. The abundance of several species of fish and seals also make the region attractive to the fishing industry.

The Arctic Ocean contains several habitats for animals, including endangered mammals and fish. The region's fragile ecosystem is one of the factors that makes the fauna so sensitive to climate change. Some of these species are endemic and irreplaceable. Summer months bring an abundance of phytoplankton, which in turn feeds the foundation, which eventually ends in large terrestrial and marine mammals.

Recent developments in technology are allowing scientists to explore the depths of the world's oceans in new ways. These studies are needed to help scientists study and possibly prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change in these areas, as well as discover new species of living organisms.

The second name of the Earth, “blue planet,” did not appear by chance. When the first astronauts saw the planet from space, it appeared before them in exactly this color. Why did the planet appear blue and not green? Because 3/4 of the Earth's surface is the blue waters of the World Ocean.

World Ocean

The world ocean is the water shell of the Earth surrounding continents and islands. Its largest parts are called oceans. There are only four oceans: , , , .

And recently they began to highlight also.

The average depth of the water column in the World Ocean is 3700 meters. The deepest point is in the Mariana Trench - 11,022 meters.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean, the largest among all four, got its name due to the fact that at the time when sailors under the leadership of F. Magellan crossed it, it was surprisingly quiet. The second name of the Pacific Ocean is the Great Ocean. It is truly great - it accounts for 1/2 of the waters of the World Ocean, the Pacific Ocean occupies 2/3 of the earth's surface.

Pacific coast near Kamchatka (Russia)

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are amazingly clean and transparent, most often dark blue, but sometimes green. The salinity of the water is average. More time the ocean is quiet and calm, there is a wind blowing over it moderate wind. There are almost no hurricanes here. Above the Great and Quiet there is always a clear starry sky.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean- the second largest after Tikhoy. The origin of its name still raises questions among scientists around the world. According to one version, the Atlantic Ocean was named in honor of the Titan Atlas, a representative Greek mythology. Proponents of the second hypothesis claim that it owes its name to the Atlas Mountains located in Africa. Representatives of the “youngest”, third version, believe that the Atlantic Ocean is named after the mysterious disappeared continent of Atlantis.

Gulf Stream on a map of the Atlantic Ocean.

The salinity of ocean waters is the highest. The flora and fauna are very rich; scientists are still finding interesting specimens unknown to science. In the cold part of it live such interesting representatives fauna like whales and pinnipeds. IN warm waters you can spot sperm whales and fur seals.

The uniqueness of the Atlantic Ocean is that it is it, or rather its warm current The Gulf Stream, jokingly called the main European “furnace”, is “responsible” for the climate of the entire Earth.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean, where many rare specimens of flora and fauna can be found, is the third largest. According to researchers, navigation began there about 6 thousand years ago. The first navigators were the Arabs, and they also made the first maps. It was once explored by Vasco de Gama and James Cook.

The underwater world of the Indian Ocean attracts divers from all over the world.

The waters of the Indian Ocean, clean, transparent and amazingly beautiful due to the fact that few rivers flow into it, can be dark blue and even azure.

Arctic Ocean

The smallest, coldest and least studied of all five parts of the World Ocean is located in the Arctic. The ocean began to be explored only in the 16th century, when sailors wanted to find the shortest route to rich eastern countries. The average depth of ocean waters is 1225 meters. Maximum depth- 5527 meters.

The consequences of global warming are the melting of glaciers in the Arctic. A warm current carries a detached layer of ice with polar bears into the Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean is of great interest to Russia, Denmark, Norway, and Canada, since its waters are rich in fish and its subsoil is rich in natural resources. There are seals here, and birds organize noisy “bird markets” on the shores. Characteristic feature The Arctic Ocean is characterized by the fact that ice floes and icebergs drift across its surface.

South ocean

In 2000, scientists were able to prove that a fifth of the World Ocean exists. It is called the Southern Ocean and includes the southern parts of all those oceans, except the Arctic, which wash the shores of Antarctica. This is one of the most unpredictable parts of the world's oceans. The Southern Ocean is characterized by changeable weather, strong winds, cyclones.

The name "Southern Ocean" has been found on maps since the 18th century, but on modern maps The Southern Ocean began to be celebrated only in this century - only a decade and a half ago.

The world's oceans are huge, many of its mysteries have not yet been solved, and who knows, maybe you will solve some of them?
