What is moss or reindeer moss? Reindeer moss or reindeer moss: what is it and what does it look like

Syn.: moss.

Representative of the group of lichens of the genus Cladonia (lat. Cladonia): Cladonia rangiferina, Cladonia alpestris, Cladonia sylvatica, etc. Reindeer moss (moss) is a shrubby lichen consisting of a small thallus and highly branched bush-like branches. Reindeer moss is very popular in folk medicine, it has pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. Yagel is included in some anti-tuberculosis medicines, biologically active food additives and cosmetics.

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In medicine

Reindeer moss is a valuable raw material for the production of medicines. A decoction of moss is used as a general tonic for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis, asthma, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and various types cold infections. It is known to use reindeer moss in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of this lichen are not yet completely clear. For example, an allergy to some of its components cannot be ruled out. Individual intolerance is also possible. Preparations based on reindeer moss are not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers, as adverse side effects are possible. Before starting a course of treatment, you should consult your doctor.

In cosmetology

Reindeer moss is rich organic substances, vitamin A, B vitamins, it helps to effectively restore skin tone, strengthen and nourish it, stabilize amino acid metabolism, and promote skin renewal. Due to the high content of unique, reindeer moss promotes active cell regeneration, slows down the aging process, improves skin structure and restores its elasticity.

In cooking

The peoples of the North use reindeer moss as food: they soak it in water to remove unwanted bitterness, add it to soups and main courses as a seasoning, and use it instead of starch when preparing berry jelly. Reindeer moss dried in the sun and ground into powder is used in baking, it is added to dietary dishes from vegetables, into various sauces, marmalade and sweets.

In animal husbandry


Reindeer moss or reindeer moss is one of the prominent representatives a group of species of lichens of the genus Cladonia (lat. Cladonia), which, due to their bushy and highly branched thallus, are sometimes classified into the genus Cladina. Cladonia (lat. Cladonia) is a genus of lichens of the family Cladoniaceae (lat. Cladoniaceae) includes about 300 species, widespread in all plant-climatic zones: from polar deserts to the tropics.

Botanical description

Reindeer moss (lat. Cladonia rangiferina Hoffm.) is a shrubby lichen consisting of a small, soon disappearing thallus and highly branched bush-like branches. Reindeer moss has a double thallus, divided into two parts: primary and secondary. The primary consists of scales or tubercles, varying in size (from 1 mm to 3 cm) and shapes. They are formed on a substrate, which can be wood, soil, etc. Sometimes they form a thick cover, which loses its density during the aging process or disappears altogether. From the primary, a secondary vertical thallus develops in the form of bushy, awl-shaped, horn-shaped, goblet-shaped podecium. Podecia have dense or sparse branching. Each of them has a cavity inside, and the outer layer of bark is formed by densely intertwined hyphae. In rare cases, the outer layer of bark is missing. An obligatory element of the walls of the podecium is the algal layer.

The dimensions of the secondary thallus usually range from 2-5 cm to 20 cm. Scales (phyllocladia) cover the podecium from the outside and thus increase their assimilation surface. At the tops and edges of the branches of the podecium, fruiting bodies are formed - apothecia of a rounded shape. They are red or brown in color, less often they can be yellow or brown. They contain several unicellular or multicellular spores, with the help of which reindeer moss reproduces.


Reindeer moss is an extremely frost-resistant lichen that can grow in conditions of little snow cover. It is distributed in Greenland, North America, in the Arctic part of Eurasia, in the Himalayas, Tibet, found in cold areas South America(for example, in Patagonia and the upper Andes mountains). In our country, the growing areas of reindeer moss are mountain and lowland tundras, forest-tundras and taiga. Reindeer moss is found in the northern part of the Urals, in Western Siberia(for example, on the Yamal Peninsula) and on Far East. Yagel adapts very easily to harsh conditions tundra and successfully competes with other species of local plants, for example, mosses. Lichen can grow between moss bushes, obscuring sunlight. Because of this, the area of ​​moss thickets is constantly decreasing under the “pressure” of moss and giving way to vast territories.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Reindeer moss is harvested throughout the summer. When dry, lichen is difficult to collect because its branches are very brittle. Therefore, raw materials are usually collected after heavy rain. First, the moss is collected by hand and cleaned of impurities, then the reindeer moss is thoroughly dried. Proper drying allows you to store reindeer moss for an almost unlimited time: it is not subject to deterioration or rotting. The nutritional value of reindeer moss is very high: 1 centner of reindeer moss replaces 3 centners of potatoes.

Chemical composition

Reindeer moss contains 21% dietary fiber, free fatty acids; triglycerides, hexa-hydroxyisovalerate, ribitol; hydrocarbon compounds: n-alkanes, antheiso-alkanes, methylheptadecanes. In Finland, moss contains protein 2-3.2%, crude fiber 6.4%, fat 1.4-3.3%, sugars 0.4-1.8%; in Russia it contains 1.5% sugar, 18.8% lichenin, 59.7% hemicellulose and 3.9% cellulose; l-usnic acid 1.1%. Reindeer moss, along with other lichens, synthesizes specific secondary metabolites, the so-called lichen substances (the most common are usnic acid and other representatives of the classes of depsides and depsidones), related to phenolic compounds. On the Kola Peninsula, 0.40 mg/g (4%) of phenolic compounds were found in reindeer moss.

Pharmacological properties

Reindeer moss is used as a valuable medicinal raw material for the production of usnic acid. Usnic acid is effective against a wide variety of gram-positive (G+) strains of bacteria, including multidrug-resistant (resistant) strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus and Mycobacteria. Usnic acid, obtained from reindeer moss, has a selective effect against mutating streptococcus without causing side effects, negatively affecting the oral saprophytic microflora. It has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties; drugs containing usnic acid are actively used to combat tuberculous mycobacteria, including those resistant to antibiotics. Other recognized characteristics of usnic acid are its preservative properties and its ability to absorb ultraviolet light.

Use in folk medicine

Resin moss is widely used in folk medicine due to its numerous beneficial properties and high content of usnic acid. A healing decoction is made from reindeer moss, which turns into jelly after cooling. It is used to treat coughs in tuberculosis; it is used to treat purulent wounds and burns (in the form of lotions and applications).

To prepare a decoction of moss, you will need: 2 teaspoons of dried reindeer moss and 2 cups cold water. Pour water over the dry raw materials, bring to a boil, filter and cool until a jelly forms. Jelly is taken in frequent and large portions throughout the day, and the dosage depends on the disease. For example, when coughing, drink 1 to 2 liters of this decoction per day until improvement occurs. Treatment of tuberculosis: 3-4 liters per day (for a long time). If you have allergies, you need to take a decoction of reindeer moss with great caution and in minimal doses!

Historical reference

Since ancient times, the Nenets and other indigenous inhabitants of the North have used reindeer moss to make healing decoctions, lotions, powders. They also used it in shamanic rituals and as a natural antiseptic. In times when there were no refrigerators, they covered meat on all sides and it did not spoil for a long time.


1. Garibova L.V., Dundin Yu.K., Koptyaeva T.F., Filin V.R. Algae, lichens and bryophytes of the USSR. Publishing house Mysl, M., 1978, 365 p.

2. Mashkovsky M. D. Medicines: In 2 volumes. T.2.-14th ed., revised, corrected. And additional M. Publishing house "New Wave", 2000. 608 p.

4. Moiseeva E. N. Biochemical properties lichens and their practical significance. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, M-L. 1961. 82 p.

5. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia 1969-1978

Reindeer moss- this is not moss, as many believe, but a lichen - that is, a symbiosis of fungi and algae. The plant is often eaten by reindeer, which is why one of the popular names for moss is reindeer or Icelandic moss. The plant has unique properties, which is why the product is used in folk and orthodox medicine. Let's find out what the health benefits of reindeer moss are and how to use it correctly.

Varieties of Reindeer Moss

There are 40 types of moss, but the ones that have the greatest value for humans are:

  • alpine cladonia– characterized by increased bushiness, grows in sunny areas, often in swamps and pine forests;
  • Cladonia deer- one of the largest varieties. Some specimens reach 40 cm in height. It grows mainly in swamps and has a pinkish tint;
  • forest reindeer moss– characterized by a yellowish-green color, there are gray-green varieties. The height of the lichen reaches 10 cm. It grows on peat and sandy soils and has an extremely bitter taste;
  • thin cladonia– has a greenish color, slightly bushes, grows on peat bogs and rotten stumps;
  • moss unsmoothed– distinguished by large trunks extending from each other. Beneficial features plants make it indispensable in medicine;
  • soft cladonia– strongly branches, reaches 5-7 cm in height. Grows on sandy soils of pine forests.

All of the presented lichens are used in medicinal purposes. They contain usnic acid, which is considered a powerful herbal antibiotic. The product contains mineral salts, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds and dietary fiber, which determine the value of moss.

What diseases does moss help with?

The plant has been used for medicinal purposes since the 19th century. The product contains iron, retinol, ascorbic acid. Resin moss is useful for viral and bacterial infections. It suppresses activity pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment with moss moss can be more effective than taking conventional antibiotics.

Among other properties of lichen:

  • suppresses putrefactive processes;
  • destroys the tuberculosis bacillus;
  • regulates tissue metabolism;
  • heals erosions and ulcers;
  • relieves cough and respiratory tract pathologies;
  • has astringent and enveloping properties;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The product is taken for illnesses thyroid gland, skin ailments, immunodeficiency states, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicines based on reindeer moss

The product has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. That is why it is used for respiratory diseases. Among the popular recipes for boosting immunity and relieving cold symptoms:

Cooking methods
Kissel For 100 g of dry raw materials, take 1 liter of water. Mix and keep in a cool place for 12 hours. The water is drained, 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured in and ½ tsp is added. soda Simmer on fire for 40 minutes. Cool and filter. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
Mixed with milk An effective remedy for colds and coughs. For 1 tbsp. milk take 1 tbsp. l. lichen. Bring to a boil, keep covered. Take warm before bed until symptoms disappear.
Decoction At 2 tbsp. l. take 2 tbsp of product. water. Bring to a boil in a water bath, simmer for several minutes, then cool and filter. The drink is drunk up to 2-3 times a day during an exacerbation, and 1 tbsp. daily during recovery.

Traditional medicine also offers other recipes, which are determined by the specifics of the disease. Reindeer moss is effective for almost any inflammatory processes and ailments caused by vitamin deficiency, decreased body defenses and chronic fatigue:

IndicationsRecipes and rules of admission
Sexual impotence Mix Icelandic moss, salad tubers, lemon balm herb, and toadflax in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water (250 ml). Leave for 2 hours, filter. I drink 2-3 glasses a day for 3 weeks.
Constipation Brew 100 g of crushed lichen with 5 cups of boiling water. Evaporate to half the volume in a water bath. Take half a glass before meals three times a day.
Education Prepare a mixture of herbs: for three parts of plantain and nettle, take two parts of moss, celandine, knotweed and St. John's wort. Add some green tea. At 4 tbsp. l. mixture take 4 tbsp. boiling water Simmer for about an hour. Take warm in a glass up to 4 times a day.
Tuberculosis For 200 ml of water take 2 tbsp. l. finished raw materials. Place over low heat, let it boil, strain and take a sip up to 3-5 times a day. The drug relieves cough, destroys tuberculosis bacillus, and cleanses the lungs.
Weakened immunity For general strengthening of the body, fill a dark glass bottle one third full and fill it with vodka. Insist for a month. Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach with a drink clean water. The drug is recommended for use by adolescents over 12 years of age, and the drug is diluted in a small amount of tea, juice or water.

To cleanse the liver use moss tincture. For a runny nose and viral tonsillitis, take a decoction of lichen with the addition of sage, Japanese sophora and St. John's wort, taken in equal proportions. Lichen is used for weight loss, chronic fatigue and hypertension.

Contraindications for use

The product may be harmful during pregnancy and lactation. Consultation should be sought before its use in cases of purulent tuberculosis. Individual intolerance to the drug practically does not occur. When taking an infusion with the addition of other ingredients, you should be careful - you may experience allergic reactions for additional components.


Ready-made drugs are sold in pharmacies. You can prepare a herbal antiseptic yourself. It is recommended to collect lichen in summer months. The best place for collecting raw materials - pine forests and green areas away from the city and roads. The raw materials are cleaned of substrate and debris and dried naturally with good ventilation.

For treatment, completely dried raw materials are used, which, if necessary, are crushed and packaged. Moss should be stored in paper or cardboard boxes. The shelf life is 5 years. It is possible to eliminate the bitterness inherent in moss with the help of soda or milk. It is not for nothing that these components are indicated in some recipes.

Reindeer moss is considered an indispensable product for infectious diseases. It does not have as many side effects and contraindications as broad-spectrum antibiotics. But to avoid problems, you should consult your doctor before starting herbal medicine.

The nature of the Far North does not please the human eye with much diversity; mosses and lichens grow most of all here. Thus, moss or reindeer moss is not only used to feed animals and insulate walls in dugouts, but also as a medicinal product that can put a person exhausted by constant cold and colds back on his feet.

Useful properties of moss

Reindeer moss, Icelandic moss or reindeer moss are actually not moss or even a plant; lichens belong to a special category of organisms that are a symbiosis of algae, bacteria and fungi. Thanks to this unusual “composition”, they can grow almost anywhere - in hot deserts, on Far North or bare rocks. Indigenous peoples of the North have long used reindeer moss to treat diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, to activate defenses and strengthen the immune system. Residents middle zone and hot countries, much less was previously known about the beneficial properties of moss, but today it is used everywhere.

According to doctors, moss is an excellent analogue of a natural antibiotic ursinic acid, which is part of it, destroys many pathogens and prevents tissue rotting. In the old days, wounded hunters covered the wound with lichen and no longer had to worry about its cleanliness; pus did not form in the wound. Today doctors talk about the ability of moss to destroy the tuberculosis bacillus, and reindeer moss has begun to be used for treatment different forms tuberculosis, but so far this theory has no scientific confirmation.

In addition to ursinic acid, moss contains many other active components, for example, mucus, which envelops the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and digestive tract and helps cope with cough, pain due to gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

The high content of vitamins and minerals in moss is surprising, and they are in a form that is easily digestible for the human body; reindeer moss contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C and others, microelements: iron, copper, titanium, iodine, nickel, manganese, chromium, barium and many others. Such a high content of useful substances makes moss not only a high-calorie food for artiodactyls, but also a valuable biologically active supplement for humans, which will help him quickly restore strength after illness and strengthen his immunity.

Resin moss is used for treatment:

  • respiratory tract diseases - cough, cold, sore throat, bronchitis;
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract– for gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, constipation;
  • skin diseases - with trophic ulcers, wounds, furunculosis and so on;
  • tuberculosis - as an adjuvant;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • decreased immunity - acts as an immunomodulator.

Treatment with moss at home

1. Decoction of reindeer moss– helps with colds and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of dry, crushed moss into 2 tablespoons of cold water, bring to a boil in a water bath, cool and filter. This decoction is drunk during the day, 2-3 times for colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to strengthen the immune system. The course of treatment can vary - from several days to a month or more. To treat wounds, bedsores, and trophic ulcers, a decoction of reindeer moss is also used, lotions are made from it and the damaged surface is washed 3-4 times a day until complete recovery;

2. Resin moss jelly– for the treatment of more severe diseases, pour 100 grams of dry moss into 1 liter of water, leave for several hours, add 1 teaspoon of soda, then drain the water, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. The finished mixture is filtered, cooled and given to the patient 12 tbsp 2-3 times a day;

3. Resin moss with milk– used to treat severe dry cough due to chronic bronchitis, emphysema and so on. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of dry moss into 1 tablespoon of boiling water, boil under the lid and strain. Drink warm, 1 time a day before bed, until the cough disappears;

In addition to all of the above, a decoction of moss can be used to treat constipation, acne and thyroid diseases. In the presence of serious illnesses internal organs Before using decoctions or jelly from reindeer moss, you should consult your doctor.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits and harms of antibiotics, but it is very interesting and important to know that moss has a very strong natural antibiotic. Our ancestors used its properties for various healing needs.

MOSSE, ICELANDIC MOSS or REINTER MOSS refers to lichens, which are special, complex organisms that are obtained through the joint union of simple single-celled green algae, nitrogen-equipping bacteria and marsupial fungi. In this cohabitation, fungi supply mineral salts and water, algae get starch synthesis, which allows lichens to exist in places where other organisms cannot do this. Therefore, lichens can grow in places with severe frost and, conversely, in hot deserts, they tolerate cold and frost. They even grow on metal and glass. However, they cannot tolerate heavy pollution, so they are difficult to find near large and polluted cities. Lichens grow quite slowly, but can have a very decent age, up to half a thousand years.


There are more than twenty thousand species of lichens. Among them, moss occupies a special place in terms of practicality. There are known cases when during the famine years in Rus' it was used for baking bread. To remove the bitter taste, it had to be soaked in a soda solution for 24 hours, rinsed well with water, dried and ground into flour.

Information about the medicinal and preventive properties of reindeer moss is not very widespread. Resin moss may be inferior to some types of plants and even mosses, but in some ways it is very good. For example, with regard to cleansing and blood circulation, its normalization, moss is very useful. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are also treated with its help. With its help you can activate blood flow vascular system and lungs, improve breathing and heart function.

With the help of this moss, you can help your liver establish the metabolic process in the body, improve the functions of the renal and genitourinary systems. It can help with the resorption of nodes in the thyroid gland. There are benefits from it in case of digestive disorders and atherosclerosis.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, doctors of the old world were of the general opinion that reindeer moss was good against tuberculosis and whooping cough. Later, the craze for moss passed away and only relatively recently the forgotten lichen again interested scientists because chemists managed to isolate usnic acid from it - a powerful antibiotic that kills pathogens in negligible concentrations. Usnic acid preparations in alcohol or in oil solution are used externally to treat purulent wounds and burns.

You can prepare a decoction. To do this, you need to pour two tablespoons of dried reindeer moss into two glasses of cold water. Bring to a boil, cool and consume throughout the day. The next day, repeat the decoction again. Use until obvious improvement.

The second option uses thick jelly. You need to pour 20-50 g of reindeer moss over 750 g of boiling water, boil for about 30 minutes, drink the broth throughout the day.
When cooled, the decoction turns into a thick, slimy jelly.

If necessary, you can strain. Take half a glass three or four times a day, half an hour before meals, or 1 hour after meals. Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the disease - from 15 days to 6 months, with a break of approximately 2 weeks after a month of treatment.

Reindeer moss (also known as reindeer moss/Icelandic moss) is a lichen and is an important part of the diet. reindeer. In folk medicine, it is used mainly as a natural antibiotic. It has a slightly bitter taste and a pleasant mushroom aroma. Applies in its entirety. Used as in official medicine(as a component of pharmaceuticals), and in folk medicine.

Description of lichen

It's about about lichen - the result of joint “creations” of marsupial fungi, unicellular algae and microorganisms that have the ability to absorb nitrogen. It grows in sheets, reaching a height of 5-10 cm. On the outside, its “leaves” are lilac-greenish-brown, on the inside they are lighter, with a red tint.

Does reindeer moss have fruits? The fruits serve to propagate the plant. Since lichens are fungi, they reproduce by spores. Consequently, their fruits are represented by spores.

Lichens are long-lived plants; they can exist for up to thousands of years! The places where reindeer moss grows are varied. Can grow on all surfaces, incl. on glass and metal. Thanks to the provision of salts and minerals () and the synthesis of starch (algae), it is able to grow where there are not even minimal conditions for the life of other plants ( very coldy, drought...).

Collection and drying

In order to take advantage of the healing properties of reindeer moss, it is important to know how to prepare it. Resin moss is collected in dry weather when it itself is dry. After collection, it is thoroughly cleaned of clay and other impurities (in particular, it is necessary to remove other types of lichens and mosses from it). spreads in a thin layer under the sun and dries quickly. After drying it acquires Brown color.

It is also called natural penicillin, effective against many pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Capable of inhibiting (though, unfortunately, not stopping) the HIV virus and eliminating the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Resin moss can be used alone or in mixtures with other herbs (mallow, officinalis, calendula) to enhance its antibacterial and antiviral properties.


The composition of moss is represented by the following substances:

  • 50% - membrane mucus - polysaccharide lichenin, soluble in hot water;
  • isoliquin is a polysaccharide, its chemical structure similar to starch;
  • lycenic acids;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins A and B1.

Lycenic acids, due to their antibiotic effects, are used as components of antibiotic ointments and powders.

Active substances and their effects on health

The substances it contains are responsible for the benefits of reindeer moss. In addition to antimicrobial and antiviral effects, they have a number of other positive qualities regarding the health of the human body.

  1. Mucous substances - dissolve mucus, facilitate coughing and prevent drying of mucous membranes, help treat upper respiratory tract infections. The medicinal properties of moss (resin moss) in relation to the respiratory tract are also due to its antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  2. Protolichesteric acid – acts against Mycobacterium aurum, a non-pathogenic bacterium similar to M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Therefore, the traditional use of reindeer moss to treat this disease is justified. The substance also counteracts other pathogenic bacteria. The studies showed the comparative effectiveness of protolichesteric acid with the antibiotic streptomycin, and due to the increasing resistance of bacteria to the antibiotics used, further research is in the future.
  3. Polysaccharides (mainly β-glucans) have a strong immunostimulating effect, increase the activity of phagocytes and reduce anticomplex activity immune system, which is useful for treating various infections. Thanks to polysaccharides, moss extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  4. Protolineric acid – specialists are interested in its antitumor effect, which has been tested against various types tumor cells, in particular breast carcinoma and leukemia cells.

Therapeutic properties

The healing properties of moss and its therapeutic effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • antibiotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating.
  • inflammation of the mouth, throat and digestive tract;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • catarrh of the stomach and intestines;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • poorly healing wounds.

Useful properties of the plant for women

The benefits of moss for women are represented, first of all, by its ability to treat breast carcinoma. The natural medicine is suitable for use during menopause, a critical period for every woman. It relieves unpleasant symptoms, normalizes general health and hormonal background.

Benefits for Men

Resin moss has no exclusively “male” positive effects, but its anti-cancer effects are worth considering, since doctors are increasingly registering prostate carcinoma in men. Moreover, the disease is significantly “younger”. Equally important for men is general strengthening of the body, increasing strength and endurance.

Resin moss for children

The beneficial properties of moss (reindeer moss) can also be used by children. But, it is not recommended for children under 6-7 years old. Dosage – 1/2 adult dose. The effects on children's bodies are similar to those on adults.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reindeer moss - moss - and its medicinal properties can be successfully used during pregnancy and lactation. We are talking about one of the few natural medicines that are definitely recommended for pregnant and lactating women!

Lichen will help get rid of respiratory and other diseases without side effects, unlike most pharmaceuticals, which are relatively or strictly prohibited during these periods.

Respiratory diseases

As mentioned above, moss is one of the best natural antibiotics. In folk medicine it is used mainly to treat inflammation in oral cavity and throat.

Due to its ability to liquefy and remove mucus, it is good remedy for the treatment of colds, dry and irritable cough, various respiratory infections and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Reindeer moss soothes irritated mucous membranes in the mouth and is therefore recommended as a complement to the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. Used as tea or as a component of tea blends (goes well with mallow, plantain, coltsfoot, etc.).

Medicine for respiratory diseases
You need:

  • 4 tbsp. crushed raw materials;
  • 3 tbsp. water;
  • enamel dishes.

Boil water in an enamel bowl and pour the raw materials into the boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the severity of the disease (it is better to consult a doctor).

Gastrointestinal tract

Reindeer moss can be successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. A decoction prepared according to the above recipe soothes the stomach, helps with gastritis with any acidity, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, and diarrhea.

Bitter acids stimulate activity digestive system, making moss a good helper in case of lack of appetite.

The bitter taste promotes the formation of digestive juices and enhances the activity of peristalsis. It improves absorption nutrients, helps improve metabolism.

The intake and dosage of the decoction is the same as in the previous case. The therapeutic course continues until the problems are eliminated.


Folk recipes from reindeer moss also include a decoction to stabilize glycemia. To compensate for diabetes, it is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. raw materials, pour 1/2 liter of water and bring to a boil. Once cooled, drink throughout the day. Carry out treatment in courses - 1 week of admission -> 1 week of break.


The healing properties of reindeer moss include: Protolineric acid is responsible for its anticancer effects. It is leached into both boiling water and alcohol, so for oncology you can use both an infusion and an alcohol tincture of reindeer moss.

Herbal infusion for cancer
You need:

  • 2 parts each - moss, knotweed, St. John's wort;
  • 3 parts each – nettle, plantain, ;
  • 100 g of quality green tea (antioxidant).

4 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the mixture. Leave for 1 hour. Divide the total amount into 4 servings, which you drink throughout the day. The duration of the therapeutic course is individual, based on the rate of improvement.

Alcohol tincture from cancer
3 tbsp. raw materials pour 300 ml of alcohol (40%). Insist for a week. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day. The duration of treatment is individual.

Bacterial infections

The tincture prepared according to the above recipe is suitable for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular staphylococcus. Reception and dosage are the same.

Immunity and thyroid gland

What else does a natural antibiotic treat? It can be used to increase immunity and general strengthening of the body, in case of weakness and exhaustion of the body. Due to its high iodine content, moss has a positive effect on thyroid function.

Infusion for immunity and thyroid gland
1 tsp pour a glass of chilled boiled water over the raw materials. Leave for 8 hours. Drink the infusion 3-5 times a day or add to tea made from other herbs.

Contraindications and side effects

Does reindeer moss have anything other than medicinal properties also contraindications? Can it cause harm? If you follow the recommended dose and recommendations on how to brew/infuse lichen correctly, the natural medicine has no side effects.

If the amount of raw material is exceeded, its intake may cause irritation of the stomach and esophagus, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness. A relative contraindication is individual intolerance, but it is very rare.
