Season in Vietnam. Vietnam: holiday season

Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South-East Asia. Tourists are attracted to this country by its beautiful tropical beaches, clear sea, and small and very cozy resort towns. When planning your trip to Vietnam, you should keep in mind that there is a rainy season, which may not be a very pleasant holiday.

Rain season

In order to choose the right time to visit Vietnam, you need to imagine that the weather in different parts of this country may be very different. Despite the fact that Vietnam looks like a small landmass on the map, there are three climatic zones:

  1. South Vietnam– popular tourist resorts of Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, Phu Quoc Island
  2. Central Vietnam - famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang
  3. Northern Vietnam– beach holiday in Haiphong, Thai Binh, Namdin

IN southern cities Vietnam's tropical downpours begin in May and continue until the last weeks of November. In December, tourists from different countries, because sunny, clear weather is finally setting in. For five months, until the first days of May, there is never any precipitation here.

Central Vietnam will be attractive to tourists whose vacations occur in the summer. The period from April to August is considered the dry beach season here. The rains begin in September and end closer to January.

The rainy season in Northern Vietnam lasts from April to September. At this time it is not only rainy here, but also quite cool. The air temperature may drop to +6 degrees. So it’s best to relax in the north of the country in favorable period from October to the end of March, when it is dry and warm.

Despite the fact that the rainy season is not very popular, you can practically relax in the south of Vietnam all year round. A common misconception is that it rains here all day long, and whenever you go outside, you are sure to get wet to the skin. However, this is not so: showers in the southern part of Vietnam occur mainly at night. During the day, tropical rain lasts only 30-40 minutes, and you can easily wait it out in a hotel or cafe. The rest of the time the weather is still hot and sunny. The air temperature remains stable at +30 °C. The sea is warm (+28 °C) and almost always calm.

However, if you are planning a trip to Central or Northern Vietnam, it is best not to go here during the rainy season. The fact is that along with the rains, monsoons come to the central regions. They rise to the sea big waves, and it becomes unsafe for swimming. In the northern regions, the low season is characterized by the fact that cold air comes here from China. Of course, by Russian standards the temperature drops slightly - usually to plus 10. However, in combination with high humidity It gets pretty cool and uncomfortable here.

How long does the rainy season last?

The rainy season in Vietnam lasts approximately 5-6 months, and this wet period may vary by month in different parts of the country. For example, in the summer it rains in the south of Vietnam, and in central regions On the contrary, dry weather sets in.

Six months of rain is quite a long period. However, you should not think that it rains every day for many hours. In the south of Vietnam, rain practically does not interfere comfortable rest. They run for about 30 minutes a day and bring invigorating coolness after a long heat. Sometimes it happens that even during a rainy period, not a single drop may fall from the sky for 4-5 days.

Rainy season Nha Trang

The popular resort of Nha Trang is located in the central part of Vietnam. The rainy season here is quite short: showers begin in September and end in January. Unlike the southern resorts of Vietnam, the rainy period in Nha Trang is accompanied by stormy winds. There has never been any serious destruction or disaster here, but hurricanes are definitely not suitable for a good holiday. It becomes impossible to swim on the beaches during the off-season because the waves are high. In addition, the rainy season in Nha Trang is unpleasant due to mosquitoes.

Even though the rains in Nha Trang end in January, beach season here it starts only in April. The fact is that between January and March the weather here is quite cool for a tropical resort. The air warms up only to 22-25 °C, the water temperature averages about 20 °C. This weather is perfect for long walks and excursions, but sunbathing and swimming in winter is better in the south of Vietnam.

Rainy season in Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is one of the most developed and popular resorts in southern Vietnam. Tropical showers come here in May and continue throughout the summer and autumn months. In the second half of November there may be no more rain, but there is no guarantee that the rain will not continue until the beginning of December.

Most tourists visit Phan Thiet from December to April, when there is no rainfall. It gets especially crowded here during the New Year and Christmas holidays. However, you can relax in this Vietnamese town all year round. During the rainy season, showers occur mainly at night, and during the day you can swim and sunbathe. In addition, in summer and autumn, hotel prices in Phan Thiet are reduced, and you can significantly save on accommodation without sacrificing a comfortable stay.

Best months for vacation

Vietnam is a unique country where you can avoid the rainy season by moving from one city to another. When tropical downpours begin in the southern regions, you can move to the northern or central resorts and enjoy dry weather and bright sunshine there.

Therefore, it does not matter at all what months the vacation will take place. In winter and spring, it is best to relax in the southern resorts of Phan Thien, Phu Quoc or Ho Chi Minh City.

Cities will be the most favorable for holidays in May, June, July and August Central Vietnam: Nha Trang, Danang, Hue.

in autumn high season can be found on the northern beaches of Vietnam in Hanoi and Nam Dinh.

Climate of Vietnam

Tropical and sub tropical climate Vietnam is determined by the seasons of the year and differs from other countries of this latitude in having cooler winters and not very hot summers.

The country is divided into three conventional regions - south, north and east. Each region has its own climatic conditions.

Northern Vietnam has a monsoonal subtropical climate. It is very humid in summer, cool and damp in winter. The rainy season begins here at the end of April and lasts until the beginning of October. In the hottest months, the air warms up to +31, and the maximum temperature here rose to +42 degrees.

In winter in flat areas The average temperature is +19, but occasionally it happens that the thermometer drops to + 5 degrees. In the mountains, winter is cold and long, high altitude Frosts occur, and even snow falls in the city of Sapa.

Also subtropical, monsoon climate and in Central Vietnam. But the rains here begin at the end of July, and in October-November, when in other regions of the country it is already good weather, is the peak of the rainy season. Sometimes the rainy season lasts until January. In January the air temperature is below +20.

The least precipitation falls in the area of ​​the coastal plains, and the maximum in the area of ​​the eastern ridges and foothills of Truong Son.

Southern Vietnam has a mild tropical climate. The area is reliably hidden from northern winds, the air temperature is constant throughout the year. For example, average temperature Mekong Delta +26 degrees.

It starts here around April wet season which usually ends in November. Droughts occur occasionally during the dry season.

Anyone who decides to visit Vietnam should first study weather features country, and then decide on a resort, think through your wardrobe and choose the time and place that will be most comfortable for you.

What to expect from the weather in spring

Spring in Vietnam is warm, not very humid and perfect for traveling for those who don't like extreme heat. The air temperature does not rise above 30 degrees, there is no sweltering heat, although the weather is completely summer. It's still a bit cold to swim, especially in the northern regions. During the day it is plus 22, and the nights are quite cold - no higher than 18 degrees Celsius. And only off the southern shores you can still swim. But already in April it will be possible to swim in both the north and south of the country. But in May, heavy precipitation is possible, but it usually falls at night or early in the morning, and the bright sun shines during the day.

What to expect from the weather in summer

The beginning of summer is the wet season in almost the entire country. Only in Central Vietnam is June a dry month and it rarely rains. Air temperature +30 degrees, temperature sea ​​water 28 degrees Celsius. The north and south are very humid and stuffy.

Mid-summer in the south and north is the peak of the wet season, while in central Vietnam it is absolutely dry and even light rain is a rare occurrence.

The last month of summer is hot and humid throughout almost the entire territory. The sea water temperature reaches 29 degrees, the air warms up to plus 32, but there are heavy downpours every day for two hours.

What to expect from the weather in autumn

In September, the rainy season ends in the north of the country, but in the south or center it is in full swing. However, it is hot everywhere - 30 degrees above zero.

The beginning of autumn is rainy, there are strong winds, storms and even typhoons. Such bad weather is typical for September, but already in October the elements calm down and the heat subsides.

It rains every day in the northern and southern regions. The combination of heat and humidity is very uncomfortable. And in November you can already feel the arrival of winter. The air temperature does not rise above 16 degrees. Beach holidays are possible only in the south of the country.

What to expect from the weather in winter

In winter, the monsoon comes to Vietnam from the northeast and brings rain to the northern regions, and sunny and dry weather to the south.

In the north, January and February are the coolest months. Away from the sea it is drier; on the coast there is high humidity. The air temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees above zero, although there are days when the thermometer rises to 30 degrees. Water temperature is 15-8 degrees Celsius.

In the central part of the country (Danang, Hue, Hoi An), winter is a transition from the wet to the dry season. The air and water temperatures are sometimes the same - 24-25 degrees above zero.

In the south of the country, winter is hot, there is a dry season, the air is daytime warms up to 30 degrees, at night plus 25. Sea water temperature 26 degrees. It is raining rarely. Only in Nha Trang there is a little more rainfall and sometimes there is a storm.

The climate in Vietnam is monsoon. This means that the weather in Vietnam has two main seasons, which are dictated by the influences of the southwest monsoon from April to September and the northeast monsoon from October to late March or early April.

It is worth remembering that the southwest monsoon brings warmer and wetter weather, while the northeast monsoon brings cooler and less humid weather.

You can mentally divide the country into three parts - north, center and south. In these parts of Vietnam, the weather can vary even at the same time. But in general the temperature is constant throughout the year, with the exception of Hanoi and the northernmost part of the country (where it can be very cold in December and January), as well as the central highlands (where it can be a little cooler than the rest of the country all year round) .

In North Vietnam, as I wrote above, it can be quite cool and even cold (due to the northeast monsoon) from November to March and warm and hot from April to October). December and January in particular can be quite cold and this is not best time for a visit. This time of year can also bring heavy fog that lingers for days - all of which leads to extremely poor visibility in places like Sa Pa and Halong Bay. The wettest months of the year in Hanoi-July and August, the driest- December and January.

Central Vietnam- a kind of transition area from north to south, and accordingly, the weather there is the best. Since the coastline of this part is protected by the Chuon Son Mountains, the rains that come with the southwest monsoon simply do not fall on the coast, so between April and September there is a little rain here, but obviously less than in other parts of the country.

But these pleasant days also pass when the northeast monsoons begin to blow, from September to December, and rain falls over the northern part of Central Vietnam (from Hoi An and Da Nang to Hue and Dong Ha). These regions may also be affected during the typhoon season in the western part Pacific Ocean - severe storms hit the shores from August to November, in particular, Hoi An is often heavily flooded (in October or November). Nothing pleasant!
More southern coastal zones Central Vietnam (from Nha Trang to Mui Ne) is less prone to rain - it is generally drier and sunnier.

Since the Chuon Son mountain range does not protect in any way South Vietnam, especially in the Mekong Delta, there is a lot of rain and hot, humid weather during the southwest monsoon from April to September, with June and July being particularly wet months.
At this time, you are likely to witness minor floods in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), and on the island of Phu Quoc these months are quite unfavorable weather and a rough sea.

Average annual temperatures are generally higher in the plains than in the mountains, and higher in the south than in the north. Temperature fluctuations are lower in the southern plains around Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta - there are always somewhere between 21 and 28 °C throughout the year. Seasonal variations are much more pronounced in the mountains and north, with temperatures ranging from 5°C in December and January to 37°C in July and August.

So, when is the best time to visit Vietnam? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. In general, with Northern destinations such as Hanoi and Sapa are great in October, November and December– there may be a little rain at this time, but in general, clear sky and good weather conditions.

The coastal area from Hue to Nha Trang is good to visit in the first half of the year, from January to July, while in It is better to go to Saigon and the resorts in the Mekong Delta from November to February or March. In general, the warmest month in the country is April, and the warmest cold month- December. September is the rainiest month, and February is the driest. The water here is always quite warm, so there is no need to worry about this.

Vietnam is today one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Tourists from all over the world come here in search of good tropical beaches, clear azure seas and small exotic corners for a perfect holiday. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, then depending on what kind of vacation you are planning, you should choose the appropriate season.

Con Dao Island

- Central region - beach resorts and its surroundings, and with nearby smaller zones;

Zoklet Beach Nha Trang

- Northern region - Nam Dinh, Thai Binh and, which are more popular among the local population than among Russian tourists.

Seasonality in the south

High season

The high season in this state, as in other countries of Southeast Asia, begins at a time when winter is raging in our country. This is the main reason for choosing Vietnam as a holiday destination during the period of chilly winds and snow drifts. Someone comes here at high tourist season in search of summer days, while others prefer to go to celebrate the New Year and Christmas in something more exotic and unusual.

The peak of the high tourist season occurs from the second half of December to the end of March, i.e. our winter. The majority of vacationers in Vietnam at this time are Russian speakers, as well as French and Americans.

Among the disadvantages of this season we can note too high prices for accommodation, food and entertainment. But the time is just perfect to go here for beach holiday.

Given weather description typical for the southern part of the country, where the temperature ranges between +30 - +32 degrees during the day and +23 - +25 at night, and the water warms up to a comfortable +26 degrees.

Low season

Low season or otherwise rainy season tropical rains comes to the south coast around the end of May and continues until the end of October. Despite the fact that this time is not considered the most favorable for a beach holiday, there are still plenty of fans of holidays in Vietnam, and the prices at this time are much more attractive and have a better impact on family budget. Of course, you can book a hotel room in the winter, but you shouldn’t rush too much, since many hotels and inns during the rainy season put out quite interesting offers and very nice discounts online.

If you are planning a holiday in Vietnam during the rainy season, then carefully approach the issues of choosing a resort, because in addition to torrential rains In some parts of Vietnam, typhoons with destructive force. Therefore, it is better not to go to such regions at all during the off-season or low season(in the vast majority of cases, typhoons are not typical for south coast, and more and more people visit the north and center of the country).

Seasonality in the central region of Vietnam

The high tourist season on the coast is completely different in the central part of the country. So, in winter, from late December to mid-February, it is still rainy here. True, the rains are mostly short and warm, and if you want to relax in this part of Vietnam, they will not spoil your vacation.

At a time when autumn dominates in our country, typhoons are not uncommon in the central part of Vietnam, so when going to this country in the second half of autumn, it is better to go to another region.

Most suitable for holidays in central zone Vietnam will be from mid-February to the end of May, when the warm sun, and the rains are receding.

Northern region and its climate

While the southern region is hot and comfortable for spending time on the beach, in the north of Vietnam the weather is not the most pleasant: the sea is cold and the air warms up to about +15 degrees.

The rainy season in this region begins in April and lasts until September. During this period it is quite rainy and cold here (air temperature no more than +10 degrees).

A favorable time for a holiday (high season) in the north of the country is the period from early October to December. And if you are planning a vacation in the north, then it is better to come here at this time.

Beach holiday season

Despite the fact that beach holidays in Vietnam are available all year round, there are still certain areas that are more or less suitable for have a nice rest on the coast, at one time or another.

Thus, in winter, more and more tourists flock to the southern region of Vietnam, where the water warms up to +26 degrees. January-February is the time of the so-called velvet season, when the weather is still comfortable and rain is unlikely.

The same cannot be said about the center and north of the country, where in winter time The conditions here are completely unsuitable for swimming: the temperature during the day does not exceed +20 degrees (on most days it is around +13 +15 degrees), and the water in the sea is not conducive to comfortable swimming.

You can swim in this part of the country at our summer time, when the air and water temperature does not drop less than +26 degrees. True, the holiday may be somewhat overshadowed by rain, because at this time the rainy season dominates here.

If we compare the north and central regions, less precipitation falls in the center, so when vacationing in this part of Vietnam, the risk of a spoiled vacation is much lower. For example, today it is considered the most popular resort in the central part of Vietnam.

From May to July, it offers quite comfortable conditions for a beach holiday, but in August-September it is better to leave these places, as the most powerful and destructive typhoons are observed here.

Diving seasons

As you know, Vietnam is best country for diving, since this type of active leisure is the cheapest in the world. Despite the fact that the cost of this entertainment here is extremely low, this does not at all affect the quality and the organization of diving in Vietnam is in no way inferior, and at times even better, than at the leading fashionable European resorts.

Underwater kingdom South China Sea will give an unforgettable diving experience to both beginners and experienced followers of this type of leisure.

Almost every developed large resort in Vietnam can offer tourists several diving centers. The most popular and visited centers are those located in Fukuoka (here you can see underwater “plantations” of sea pearls), in Huel (there is a turtle farm), on the Con Dao archipelago, where there are several sunken ships, as well as in the popular among Russian-speaking tourists Nha Trang, where there is a diving center specially created for our compatriots with Russian language support, and also has the most beautiful diving bay in the world.

You can choose any month of the year for diving, with the exception of the time from December to February, when the sea is somewhat choppy.

Again, if you are interested in diving in Vietnam, then, for example, in Nha Trang it is best to do this from February to the end of October, while it is better to go to Phu Quoc Island from November to the end of May.

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When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, when is the rainy season, what time and where is the best resort?

Until recently in this country there was Civil War, there was devastation and danger lurked everywhere. But now it’s safe there, there are huge white sand beaches, warm seas and luxury hotels. Yes, Vietnam has become a tourist country with great potential, and every year it gets better and more beautiful. But you can relax in the country not all year round, but only for some months, and this is not summer months. Intrigued? Then let's see when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, what time of year and where here best resorts. And, of course, we won’t forget about the islands, where holidays are always better.

Rainy season in Vietnam

Any country in Southeast Asia experiences the phenomenon of the rainy season once a year. And Vietnam is no exception. Here also heavy rains, frequent typhoons and stormy seas. Fortunately for tourists, this does not last the whole year, but only half of it.

The wet season begins in May and lasts different areas country until November-December. During this period it rains almost continuously. Almost always it is heavy rain, accompanied by wind. Sometimes the rain turns into a typhoon and then many coastal cities are flooded and there is water on the streets.

Beach season in Vietnam

After the rainy season ends, the dry season begins, which is called the beach season. This happens in November-December, and the dry beach season lasts until the end of April. Although you can still swim here in May, because, as a rule, the rains begin to increase their power only at the beginning of summer.
The best months for a beach holiday are January, February and the first two spring months. That is, tourists have at least four months to enjoy their holidays in the resorts of Vietnam.

Tourists love to come to the country to meet here New Year and Christmas. Therefore, prices these days are slightly higher than other times. But the most tourists are observed on the beaches of Vietnam in February and March. People miss the sun and beaches, and want to quickly start the beach season and relieve stress after a long autumn and cold winter.

Where is it always better to go on holiday in Vietnam?

There are many resorts in the country that are happy to welcome tourists. Some of them are large, some are small fishing villages. But they are all beautiful and have gorgeous beaches.

Nha Trang is the number one resort in Vietnam.

Many tourists vacation in Nha Trang, but do not even know that this resort is located in Vietnam.

Nha Trang is a big resort. Everything is done here to make tourists comfortable: entertainment, parks, water parks, attractions, excursions, attractions and much more. Restaurants and cafes are especially attractive at the resort. There are thousands of them here and each establishment offers a variety of food. It is no secret that tourists choose this particular resort not only because of the beaches and hotels, but also because of the food, which is considered the best in the country.

Excursions in Nha Trang are more varied. Here you can visit Monkey Island, where, as is already clear, monkeys live. You can visit the island, which is entirely dedicated to a park with attractions and entertainment. There is an island nearby that is completely made into a farm. In general, in Nha Trang there is where to go and what to be surprised by.

Phu Quoc – holiday on the island.
The second most popular resort in the country is Phu Quoc Island.

There are many beaches on the island, although, in fact, the entire coast of the island is one large beach. The sand on the shore is white and fine. It is better to walk on it barefoot, and your feet will rest.
There is a pearl farm on the island where they grow pearls and make jewelry from them. There is also a fish sauce factory and huge black pepper plantations.

In addition to the listed attractions, there is something else: amazing undersea world. Diving enthusiasts especially come here to dive under the water. Underwater you can see the underwater world with fish and plants, and most importantly: small submerged islands that keep many secrets.
Since Phu Quoc is an island, you can watch the sunrise and see off the sunset there. Believe me, this is where these spectacles are the brightest and most unforgettable.

Muine is a modern fishing village.
Do you like fresh fish dishes? Then go to the resort of Mui Ne.

Just recently it was common fishing village, and people here lived poorly. But now the fishing village has become modern, and the residents began to live better thanks to tourists. Local sailors catch a variety of fish in the ocean, sell them to tourists and rent them to restaurants. In any cafe there are hundreds of fish dishes on the menu, and to try them all, you will have to spend at least a month here.
The village is located in a small bay and the wind often blows here. And since there is wind, there are also waves. And if there are waves, then there are surfers. Riding a board on the waves is a favorite pastime of locals and tourists after fishing. In the evenings at sunset there are hundreds of surfers in the sea trying to catch a wave.
True, there is a minus here - the resort is located quite far from the airport, and after the plane lands, you will have to travel another 5-6 hours to the hotel by land transport. But it’s worth it; there’s hardly anything that can compare with the beauty and silence of the resort.

Da Nang - the history of the country in one place.
The Danang resort is visited more by tourists who love sightseeing holidays rather than beach holidays. The city has museums and exhibitions that preserve the entire history of the country.
