Drawings of mushrooms and their names. Beware, poisonous mushrooms: a selection of famous species

Which of us has not gone to the forest at least once in the summer or autumn to pick mushrooms? About what there are edible mushrooms: photo and description mushrooms of central Russia.
Everyone has their own favorite forest, where the most beautiful and delicious mushrooms. Of course, far from civilization, you can find much more mushrooms in the forest. And as a rule, you don’t have to look for them; they catch your eye. Another thing is forests near villages and towns. When many people with baskets have passed along the forest path before you, find good mushroom not so simple. Therefore, it is important to go looking for mushrooms early in the morning; it is better to get up before sunrise. Then it’s not yet hot in the forest, and not all the mushrooms will be picked. Someone walks along the edge of the forest, and someone looks into the dense spruce forest. Experienced mushroom pickers have all their places registered: in one they find boletus mushrooms, in another they find chanterelles, and in a third they find porcini mushrooms. And they choose a place depending on the weather and time of year. When the summer is humid, mushrooms grow where there is less moisture, that is, on the edges and away from tree trunks. In dry summers, on the contrary, mushrooms hide in the shade, under spruce branches, in thick and tall grass.

When picking mushrooms, it is better not to pull them out of deep moss, damaging the mycelium, but to cut them off with a knife at the base of the stem. It is more convenient to immediately clean the leg of soil and needles, rather than drag the dirt on yourself. Firstly, excess weight, and secondly, all the mushrooms will get dirty, and then it will take longer to clean. The main rule of a mushroom picker: If you doubt what kind of mushroom is in front of you, don’t take it! You should also refrain from picking overripe and flabby mushrooms, as they accumulate toxic substances. For the same reason, it is necessary to walk through the forest as quickly as possible, carefully examining all the places where mushrooms may be hiding. Many mushrooms grow not one at a time, but in whole families. Having found one white one, you need to carefully examine everything around. There are probably a few more hiding out there. And chanterelles generally grow in clearings. You can find more than a dozen of these bright red mushrooms in one place.

At home, the collected mushrooms are cleaned and sorted depending on further processing: for drying, salting, pickling. Porcini mushrooms, aspen and boletus mushrooms practically do not need to be cleaned if you have already removed all the dirt from the stem in the forest. Honey mushrooms and chanterelles also just need to be washed. But with boletus, you will have to tinker, removing the sticky skin from the cap, because it is bitter. If you come across a wormy mushroom, do not rush to throw it away. You can soak such a mushroom for several hours in cold salty water, and all the worms will come out of it themselves. Forest mushrooms- boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, boletus, honey mushroom, russula - are used in almost all cuisines of the world. In order to be able to use them all year round, they need to be properly processed. Porcini mushrooms, boletuses and boletus mushrooms can be frozen raw. The remaining mushrooms must be boiled before freezing.

Several photos of edible mushrooms from the forest in baskets.








Porcini mushrooms: photo and description

Now a few words about each of the popular middle lane Russia edible mushrooms. The porcini mushroom is deservedly considered the king of mushrooms. It can be prepared in any form: pickled, salted, dried, fried, boiled. In this case, the flesh of the mushroom retains its white color in any case. The color of the mushroom cap may vary. It can be yellow, brown, purple, brown. The mushroom stalk is dense, thickening at the bottom, often with a mesh pattern. The pulp of the porcini mushroom is always white; the color does not change when cut. Porcini mushroom can be found in the forest from June to October, depending on the region.

White mushroom is more nutritious and tastier than many others. It has a beneficial effect on immune system, as well as on thyroid gland. In addition, porcini mushrooms help strengthen nails and skin, and also help in the prevention of peptic ulcers, tuberculosis, angina pectoris and cancer.

The porcini mushroom has an inedible double called gall mushroom. It’s difficult to get poisoned by them, but it’s possible to spoil all the mushrooms boiling in one pot. The taste of them all will become disgustingly bitter. How to recognize it? Outwardly, he is very similar to white, especially when young. Only the bottom layer of the gall mushroom cap is pink, and the flesh turns pink when cut.

Now let’s see what edible mushrooms look like, photos of porcini mushrooms.
















24-25. On the right is a boletus.

Boletus mushrooms: photo and description

Boletus or redhead is an excellent mushroom, not much inferior in taste to white mushroom. The color of the cap ranges from red to white-brown. The diameter of the cap reaches 20 centimeters, the height of the stem is 15 centimeters. The leg is cylindrical, covered with fibrous scales. When cut, the flesh turns blue, and in some species it becomes reddish or purple. The boletus is found in mixed forests, among aspens and poplars from June to September. It has no resemblance to poisonous mushrooms.

Boletuses contain many useful substances: potassium, iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, B and C. In terms of the amount of vitamin B, they are equivalent to grain crops, and in terms of vitamin PP content they are not inferior to yeast and liver.

We continue to look at edible mushrooms: photos of boletuses. I have the most of them, they are very photogenic. The photographs show how different aspen boletuses can be depending on conditions.





























Boletus mushrooms: photo and description

Boletus or boletus is also a high-quality mushroom. It is very common in Europe, Siberia, the Far East and the Urals. Grows in birch and mixed forests from June to September. The color of the cap can be grayish, whitish, brown, dark brown. There are more than 40 varieties. The flesh of the mushroom is whitish-gray; when cut, the color does not change or turns slightly pink. The leg is long, cylindrical, covered with dark scales. The diameter of the cap can reach 15 centimeters with the same height of the mushroom. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, but quickly becomes loose, so it is better not to collect mature boletus mushrooms. Boletus is considered a good absorbent that can remove toxins. This mushroom has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

The following edible mushrooms: photos of boletus mushrooms.

















Poddubniki mushrooms: photo and description

Poddubnik or dubovik is an edible mushroom the same size as white mushroom, about 20 centimeters in diameter and 10-15 centimeters in height. The cap of the mushroom is dark brown or gray-green. The cut immediately begins to turn blue, which often frightens mushroom pickers. Poddubnik has a pleasant taste and aroma. The stem of the mushroom is yellow-orange or red, with a mesh pattern. Podpodubnik grows in mixed forests from July to September.

It can be confused with satanic mushroom, which is poisonous. However, the satanic mushroom has a whitish or gray cap with a pungent, unpleasant odor.


Chanterelle mushrooms: photo and description

Chanterelles are delicious edible mushrooms, especially good fried or salted. Moreover, you can fry them immediately, without pre-boiling. Chanterelles grow in dense groups from July to October. The chanterelle has a convex or flat cap, gradually turning into a funnel-shaped one. The entire mushroom is bright yellow or pale Orange color. The chanterelle pulp is dense, rubbery, with a pleasant sour taste and smell of dried fruit. The diameter of the cap is up to 10 centimeters.

Distinctive feature real fox is the absence of wormholes and larvae. The pulp of this mushroom contains quinomannose, which has a detrimental effect on the larvae, enveloping and dissolving the contents. Chanterelles have a beneficial effect on the immune system, improve vision - they remove swelling and inflammation of the eyeball.

Next up are the following edible mushrooms: photo of chanterelles.









Honey mushrooms: photo and description

There are summer, autumn (real) and winter honey mushrooms. Autumn honey fungus is a very productive mushroom, growing from late August to late autumn on stumps, trunks deciduous trees, especially old birches. They appear in the forest for just a couple of weeks. Young honey mushrooms are especially valued; it is very easy to collect a basket of them in a good year. The caps of young mushrooms are spherical, with edges curved inward; later they become convex with a tubercle in the center. The color of the cap is yellow-brown, the cap is covered with brown scales. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and white, with a pleasant smell and sour-astringent taste. Honey mushrooms are especially good for pickling. They must be boiled for at least 30 minutes before eating.

It's important to know what they look like false honey mushrooms . In summer you can find a brick-red mushroom that has a rounded-convex cap with flakes from the blanket hanging at the edges. In autumn - a bright yellow mushroom similar to honey fungus, the surface of which is absolutely smooth, without characteristic scales.

The story about edible mushrooms continues with photos of honey mushrooms.


Eggplants are tall, upright plants with broad leaves. dark green and large fruits - create a special mood in the garden beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, growing a decent harvest in the middle zone and further north is not an easy task. But subject to agrotechnical cultivation rules, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many other chemicals, it has properties that protect horticultural crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate to treat garden plants against diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

There were times when the concepts of “garden tree”, “family tree”, “collection tree”, “multi tree” simply did not exist. And it was possible to see such a miracle only on the farm of the “Michurintsy” - people who were amazed by their neighbors, looking at their gardens. There, not just varieties ripened on one apple, pear or plum tree different terms ripening, but also in a variety of colors and sizes. Not many people despaired of such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trials and errors.

On the balcony, in the apartment, on summer cottage– enthusiastic people everywhere find a place for their favorites. It turns out that growing flowers is a very troublesome task and requires only endless patience, hard work and, of course, knowledge. Providing a variety of colors and healthy nutrition- only one, not the biggest, but a problem on the difficult, exciting path of a florist. One of the most responsible and complex work for caring for indoor plants is replanting them.

The unique combination of chrysanthemum-like flowers with fleshy original leaves attracts attention to aptenia. But its ability to grow tirelessly and vigorously, the dazzling colors of both greenery and flowers are its main advantages. And although the plant was long ago transferred to mesembryanthemums, aptenia still remains special star. Hardy and unpretentious, but at the same time resembling a beautifully blooming star, it is rapidly gaining popularity.

The front garden is the face of the garden and its owner. Therefore, for these flower beds it is customary to choose plants that are decorative throughout the season. And, in my opinion, front garden perennials that bloom in spring deserve special attention. Like primroses, they bring us special joy, because after a dull winter, more than ever, we want bright colors and flowers. In this article, we suggest getting acquainted with the best ornamental perennials that bloom in spring and do not require special care.

Climatic conditions Our country, unfortunately, is not suitable for growing many crops without seedlings. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a high-quality harvest, in turn, the quality of seedlings depends on several factors: Even healthy-looking seeds can be infected with pathogens that remain on the surface of the seed for a long time, and after sowing, getting into favorable conditions, are activated and affect young and immature plants

Our family loves tomatoes very much, so most of the garden beds are devoted to this particular crop. Every year we try to try new interesting varieties, and some of them take root and become favorites. At the same time, over many years of gardening, we have already developed a set of favorite varieties that are required to be planted every season. We jokingly call such tomatoes varieties “ special purpose» - for fresh salads, juice, pickling and storage.

Coconut pie with cream - “kuchen”, or German coconut pie (Butter milch shnitten - soaked in milk). Without exaggeration, I will say that this is an incredibly tasty pie - sweet, juicy and tender. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time; cakes with cream are prepared on the basis of this sponge cake in Germany. The recipe is from the “Guests on the doorstep!” category, since usually all the ingredients are in the refrigerator, and it takes less than an hour to prepare the dough and bake.

The snow has not yet completely melted, and restless owners of suburban areas are already rushing to assess the work ahead in the garden. And there really is something to do here. And perhaps the most important thing to think about is in early spring– how to protect your garden from diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners know that these processes cannot be left to chance, and procrastination and postponing processing can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the fruit.

If you prepare your own soil mixtures for growing indoor plants, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the relatively new, interesting and, in my opinion, necessary component - coconut substrate. Everyone has probably seen at least once in their life a coconut and its “shaggy” shell covered with long fibers. Many delicious products are made from coconuts (actually a drupe), but the shells and fibers used to be just industrial waste.

Fish and cheese pie is a simple lunch or dinner idea for your daily or Sunday menu. The pie is designed for a small family of 4-5 people with a moderate appetite. This pastry has everything at once - fish, potatoes, cheese, and a crispy dough crust, in general, almost like a closed pizza calzone, only tastier and simpler. Canned fish can be anything - mackerel, saury, pink salmon or sardines, choose according to your taste. This pie is also prepared with boiled fish.

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we firmly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here’s an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle zone or in a house - in a container.

This delicious creamy seafood soup takes just under an hour to prepare and turns out tender and creamy. Choose seafood according to your taste and budget, it can be a seafood cocktail or king prawns, and squid. I made soup with large shrimp and mussels in their shells. Firstly, it is very tasty, and secondly, it is beautiful. If you are preparing for festive dinner or lunch, then mussels in shells and large unpeeled shrimp look appetizing and pretty on the plate.

Edible mushrooms of Siberia, the Urals, the Russian North, in general, the entire taiga zone of our country. Taiga mushrooms, which we all love to hunt, because going for mushrooms is a quiet hunt that does not require shooting. Every autumn, crowds of people go to the taiga and collect boxes full of various edible mushrooms. Mushrooms are a very nutritious food, although due to some of their characteristics, not all nutrients can be absorbed by our body. Mushrooms contain many essential amino acids, but many of them are not absorbed due to their chitinous shells, which do not dissolve in gastric juice. However, not all mushrooms are like this. And even if sometimes we don’t get as much benefit as we would like, we still can’t resist such an autumn delicacy. So:

White mushrooms of Siberia

Or Volzhanka, as it is popularly called, prefers to grow in birch forests or mixed ones in well-lit areas among grass. It forms mycorrhiza with birch, mainly with aged trees. Sometimes found in wetter places. Good harvest these mushrooms can be collected in the forests of the northern climate zone. Usually grows in groups, but single individuals are also found.
Most favorable period for hunting for tremors, it begins at the end of July and lasts until the first half of September, although you can find this mushroom in June and October. The appearance of this mushroom looks like this:

  • The cap is funnel-shaped, with a well-pressed center; as the mushroom matures, it takes on a flatter shape. The edges are turned down, and the surface is covered with thick, dense fibers arranged in the shape of concentric circles. The edge of the cap is well pubescent. The color is pink-orange, slightly reddish; in the sun the skin fades and becomes pale pink or whitish. The diameter rarely exceeds 10 cm, however, there are specimens with large cap sizes (up to 15 cm);
  • the leg is short, up to 6 cm high and up to 2 cm thick, in the shape of a cylinder tapering towards the base or smooth, covered with fluff. It is very dense, but in adult mushrooms a cavity forms inside it. There are sometimes small pits on the outside. Surface color is pinkish;
  • the flesh is fragile (in young mushrooms it is denser), cream or white in color; when damaged, it abundantly secretes white milky juice, which has a pungent taste and emits a light resinous aroma. At a break, when in contact with air, its shade does not change;
  • the plates are frequent and narrow, descending along the stalk, of a whitish hue. There are also small intermediate plates;
  • The spores are white.


How many are there? The name is the same, but they differ greatly in color. Lots of variety. The cap of all russula is covered with a film, and this mushroom is distinguished by the color of the film. But no matter what color the cap is, the flesh of the russula, like a porcini mushroom, always remains sugar-white. This is the most important difference and sign of a delicate mushroom called russula. Another common name for the mushroom is bruise. It grows everywhere in the Urals and Siberia. Scaly or greenish russula (R. virescens), green russula (R. aeruginea) and their analogues - have a dangerous poisonous double - pale grebe. The fruiting period of these mushrooms coincides, they grow the same in mixed and deciduous forests, and even look similar in appearance with snow-white legs and plates, as well as grass-green or gray-green caps. Therefore, when collecting green-capped russula, they cannot be “tested on the tongue”, and “falsehood” cannot be determined by other typical characteristics of the toadstool. external signs- presence of a ring and a volva on the leg.


There is parchment, yellow, black, but this milk mushroom is dry. The cap is funnel-shaped on top, while the cap of the young mushroom is flat. The plates under the cap are frequent, the stem is dense, the same color as the cap; the pulp is brittle. Dry milk mushrooms have long been valued in Russian cuisine for their taste and aroma. One of the most popular edible mushrooms in Siberia, the Urals and the East European Plain. Dry milk mushrooms are common in coniferous and mixed forests. This species is called Russula delica, or podgrudok. In essence, it is a genus of russula. Real milk mushrooms are rare inhabitants of forests, they are much more difficult to find, they have a bitter milky juice. And the so-called dry milk mushrooms grow from July to October in birch groves, pine and coniferous forests, and their number is simply incredible. It is very easy to detect these strong white creatures in the dry, dark soil of coniferous forests. The defenseless white color stands out against the dark background of the earth and fallen pine needles. But among the grass, the search becomes more complicated: you need to carefully look at each tubercle. Dry breast has a white smooth surface. In young fruiting bodies it has a slight bluish tint; the blue color on the back of the mushroom is even more noticeable. The diameter of the cap can reach 20 cm, while at first the shape is always convex with a small hole in the center, the edges are turned down. The older the dry milk mushroom (photo below), the more the cap opens, cracks in dry weather, rainy summer it is sure to be eaten away by slugs and flies. Over time, yellow and brown spots appear over the entire surface. Dry milk mushrooms - lamellar mushrooms, with white dense pulp, without a pronounced taste or smell


The mushroom is edible; culinary experts undeservedly included it in the third category. The fox got its name because of its yellow color. Like a fungus egg yolk, and when there are a lot of them, it’s as if a living omelette has frozen on the grass. Take a closer look at them and see how the delicate yellow folds of the plates fancifully branch out all the way to the ground along the tapering stem. The sinuous and raked edges of the corrugated caps are beautiful. deserve not only the attention of mushroom pickers, but also respect. Chanterelles are always growing large families, sometimes occupying entire clearings. IN at a young age The mushrooms are convex, quite neat, aligned, sometimes arranged in rows. The more “older” ones have a high leg, an even cap, they are fleshy, dense - the joy of a mushroom picker. But the smell of chanterelles is especially pleasant; it is typical for this type of mushroom, and it certainly cannot be confused with any other. Some mushroom pickers, praising mushrooms, describe this smell as a mixture of steamed birch leaves and mint.

With age, only one thing changes in chanterelles: their elastic young body acquires a more rubbery structure, especially in dry weather, and becomes flabby in damp weather. Towards the end of summer, the cap of the mushroom takes the shape of a funnel, the edges of which often become uneven, as if torn.

Sometimes a mushroom picker wanders through the forest for a long time, especially if the weather is dry, looking at fallen trees, ruffles the old leaves and suddenly comes out into a clearing strewn with chanterelles; even in dry times you can profit from these mushrooms by collecting quite a lot of them.

The first chanterelles, depending on the area, do not appear at the same time, some a little earlier, others a little later, but already now, at the beginning of July, they are definitely there in the forest. Heaps, stripes, circles are the favorite placement options for fox families. By the way, you can collect chanterelles not only in baskets, but also in buckets, bags, backpacks, this is the only type of non-fragile mushroom, and even the most productive species, in any area, especially if there is enough moisture in the soil, chanterelles make up about a quarter of all mushrooms of mixed forests.


- There is such a mushroom. It, unlike others, has a completely closed fruiting body, within which numerous spores are formed. There are no poisonous raincoats among them. If they are called that, it means they always appear after rain. The young fruiting bodies of puffballs are edible. They are tasty and nutritious when fried, in broths and soups. When dried and cooked, they retain their white color. In terms of protein content, they are superior even to porcini mushrooms.


Other names: bull, weeping mushroom And . This taiga mushroom is easy to recognize. The hat of young Valuevs is like a small slippery ball, and those of older ones spread out with a flat roof. Some mushroom pickers do not collect valui, because if they do it, the basket will fill up very quickly. But why disdain these edible mushrooms, although they belong to the third category? So, mushroom pickers need to know that the goby is very tasty in pickling, when there is only one there, i.e. without admixtures of other taiga mushrooms. Best time collecting values ​​when they are born in herds. And there is no need to be afraid of the acrid taste of raw mushroom; it completely disappears when pickled. But it is better to salt the valui in a hot way, i.e. Boil for 10 minutes before salting.


Light gray mushroom. The most popular and widespread mushroom in the world. In nature they grow: in places with moist soil; based on big amount natural fertilizers; on lands rich in compost. In Russia, they can be found not far from human habitation, in the forest, in the meadow, in a forest clearing. The variety of species is so wide that it sometimes surprises even experienced mushroom pickers. The most common is the common meadow, which can be bought in any store and is successfully grown in a mushroom farm. All types of champignons are somewhat similar, but they also have noticeable differences. Meadow, or ordinary, is a white mushroom with a rounded cap, the edges of which are curved inward and pressed against the stem. Its weight ranges from 10 to 150 g. Meadow champignon is unpretentious and is able to grow near people’s homes, especially in rural areas. The cap changes shape as the mushroom grows. It retains its convexity, but becomes increasingly flatter. The plates underneath are loose, thin and wide. They are pinkish in color and gradually acquire a brown tint. The color of the cap itself is white, with grayish scales in the middle. There are meadow species with white-pink or gray caps, the surface of which is soft and silky to the touch.

The stem of this mushroom is dense, fibrous, and quite wide. Its diameter reaches 1-3 cm. The height of the leg is 3-10 cm. It is smooth, widened at the base. While the mushroom is young, its cap is connected to the stem by a white blanket, but over time this connection disappears, and a thin white ring remains. It may persist or completely disappear with the growth of the fungus.

A distinctive feature is its pulp, or more precisely, its color. Dense, white, when scrapped it changes, becoming pinkish. These mushrooms have a rather strong and pleasant mushroom aroma. Not just edible, but very tasty, meadow champignons are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and are even eaten raw. Distinguish edible champignons from poisonous mushrooms similar to them, you can use the plates. In champignons they are dark in color, while in poisonous mushrooms they are light, sometimes yellowish. In terms of its dietary properties, it is inferior in calorie content to many of the mushrooms presented above.

Knowledge about edible mushrooms will be useful to every mushroom picker. Edible mushrooms include those mushrooms that are safe to eat and do not require special preparation. Edible mushrooms are divided into several types, the most famous of them: tubular, lamellar and marsupial. You can read more about edible mushrooms in this article.


Edible mushrooms are mushrooms that do not require special processing and can be cooked and eaten immediately. Edible mushrooms do not contain any toxic substances that can harm the body; they are absolutely safe for humans.

The nutritional value of edible mushrooms falls into four categories, from high-grade to low-grade mushrooms.

In order to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, you need to know some common distinguishing features:

  • edible mushrooms do not have a specific pungent odor;
  • the color of edible mushrooms is less bright and catchy;
  • edible mushrooms usually do not change color after the cap is cut or broken;
  • the flesh may darken when culinary processing or during a fault;
  • In edible mushrooms, the plates are attached to the stem more firmly than in inedible ones.

All these signs are conditional and do not provide an exact guarantee that the mushroom is edible.

The video clearly shows how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones using the example of the most common mushrooms. It also tells you what to do in case of poisoning:

Conditionally edible

In addition to edible ones, there are also conditionally edible mushrooms. They are classified in a separate category because they produce a bitter juice or contain poison in very small quantities.

Such mushrooms must be subjected to special processing before cooking, namely:

  • soak (from 4 to 7 days);
  • boil (15-30 minutes);
  • scald with boiling water;
  • dry;
  • salt (50-70 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

Among conditionally edible mushrooms, even with special processing, it is recommended to consume only young specimens, without signs of aging or rotting.

Some mushrooms may only be inedible if eaten with other foods. For example, dung beetle is not compatible with alcohol.


There are 3 types, which are divided into edible and conditionally edible.


Tubular mushrooms are distinguished by the structure of their cap, which has a porous structure resembling a sponge. The inner part is permeated with a large number of small tubes intertwined with each other. Mushrooms of this type can usually be found in the shade of trees, where there is little sunlight, damp and cool.

Among tubular mushrooms, both edible and conditionally edible ones are common. Their fruits are very fleshy and have high nutritional value.

Among the edible tubular mushrooms there are many poisonous look-alikes. For example, a safe porcini mushroom can be confused with an inedible gall mushroom. Before picking, you should carefully study the characteristics of edible fruits.

Most popular edibles

Below are tubular mushrooms that can be eaten without any precautions:

1 Porcini mushroom or boletus

The most famous representative of tubular mushrooms. If you pay attention to the cap, you will notice that it is slightly convex in shape, gently Brown, with light areas. The inner side of the cap is permeated with white or yellowish pores, depending on the age of the mushroom, with a mesh structure. The pulp is white, fleshy, juicy, and has a mild taste. When cooked and dried, a rich mushroom smell appears. The leg is thick, brown in color.

Mushroom pickers advise looking for boletus in forests, in the shade of pine or birch trees. The best time to collect is from June to September.


The cap is conical, brown, and oily to the touch due to the mucus covering it. The inside of the cap is yellowish; in early mushrooms it is covered with a light mesh, which breaks through over time. The pulp is tender and light, closer to the stem it has a brownish tint. The leg is thin, light yellow.

Butterflies usually grow in families. They can be found in the pine forest from July to September.


The color of the cap can be light brown or soft green, with a yellow interior. When cut, the flesh turns blue, but it is not poisonous. The leg is dense, from 4 to 8 cm in height.

The mushroom grows in the forest, in loose soil, and is sometimes found near swamps. Optimal time For Mokhovikov Cathedral, the period from July to October is considered.


It is distinguished by a convex wide cap of orange-red color. The pulp is porous, light, but when broken it becomes darker. The leg is dense, narrowed at the top, covered with dark scales.

You can find the mushroom in a mixed forest, under aspens or near pine trees. Productivity is observed from August to September.

5 Common boletus

The gray-brown cap has the shape of a semicircle. The lower part is light and soft to the touch. The flesh is white, but darkens during cooking. The leg is long, white, covered with dark scales.

The mushroom grows in families under birch trees. Collection time is June-September.


Similar to boletus. Has a brown cap. The pulp has wide pores, is pale yellow, and darkens when cut. The leg is light brown, with a barely noticeable striped pattern.

When wet, the skin of the mushroom is more difficult to separate.

Often found under pine trees, on loose soils. On a quiet hunt for Polish mushroom You can go from July to October, inclusive.


The cap has a matte surface and has thin scales. There may be color variation from brown to yellowish. The pulp is yellow and has a pronounced mushroom smell. The leg is brown. In early mushrooms you can see a yellowish ring on the stem.

Can be found in forests, in particular mixed type or in deciduous ones. They are usually collected from August to October.


This mushroom is the rarest of those presented. It has a wide flat cap, slightly concave inward at the edges. The surface of the cap is dry, grayish-brown in color. When pressed, it acquires a blue tint. The pulp has a brittle structure, cream color, but when broken it becomes cornflower blue. It has a delicate taste and smell. The leg is long, thick at the base.

Some mushroom pickers mistake the mushroom for being poisonous due to its ability to change color. However, it is not poisonous and tastes quite pleasant.

Most often seen in deciduous forests, between July and September.

Special attention should be paid to conditionally edible mushrooms. There are quite a lot of them among tubular mushrooms. The most common ones are described below.

1 Oak olive-brown

The caps are large and brown. The internal structure is porous and changes color over time from yellowish to dark orange. When broken, the color darkens. The leg is full, brown, covered with a reddish mesh. Used pickled.

Usually grow near oak forests. Oak trees are collected from July to September.


It has a wide hat, the shape of which is something like a semicircle. The color generally varies from brown to brown-black. The surface of the cap is velvety to the touch and becomes darker when pressed. The flesh is red-brown in color and changes color to blue when broken. Has no smell. The leg is tall, thick, and you can see thin scales on it. Speckled oakberry is eaten only after boiling.

Can be found in forests - both coniferous and deciduous. It produces a harvest from May to October. Peak fruiting occurs in July.

Read more about oak trees.

3 Chestnut mushroom

The hat has a round shape and is brown in color. Young mushrooms have a velvety surface to the touch, while older ones, on the contrary, are smooth. The pulp is white in color. Has a faint smell of hazelnut. The stem is similar in color to the cap, thinner at the top than at the bottom. The mushroom must be dried before eating.

Found near deciduous trees from July to September.


The cap of this mushroom is most often flattened. The color is reddish-red-brown. The skin is difficult to separate from the cap. The pulp is dense, elastic, pale yellow in color. Turns pink when cut. After cooking, the mushroom turns pinkish-purple in color. The leg is tall, cylindrical, usually curved. The color of the stem is similar to the cap. Most often they are boiled before eating, salted or pickled.

Can be found near the pine trees. Distributed from August to September.


The hat is round and convex. It flattens over time. The color is yellow-brown or red-brown. May become sticky when wet. The pulp is fragile, yellow in color. It has a distinct pungent taste. These mushrooms have a short, moderately thin stalk. The color of the stem is almost the same as that of the cap, but lighter.

The mushroom is used in powdered seasoning form as a substitute for pepper. It cannot be eaten in any other form.

Pepper mushroom can be found in coniferous forests. It is most often harvested from July to October.


Lamellar mushrooms are called because of the cap, the inside of which is permeated with thin plates containing spores for reproduction. They stretch from the center to the edges of the cap along the entire inner surface of the mushroom.

Lamellar mushrooms are the most common and well-known type of mushroom. Quiet hunting for mushrooms of this species lasts from mid-summer to early winter. They can grow in both deciduous and coniferous forests.

Most popular edibles

The most famous of the edible agaric mushrooms are given in this list:

1 Chanterelle

It is distinguished by a concave cap with curved edges, the color of the cap is yellow-orange. The pulp is a delicate yellow color; if you touch it, you will find that the structure is quite dense. The stem has the same color as the cap and continues it.

Distributed in deciduous and coniferous forests. It is necessary to collect from July to October.

Chanterelles have poisonous counterparts. You should pay attention to the color of the cap; in harmful mushrooms it is usually light yellow or pinkish.


The cap is covered with rings and may be concave towards the middle. Has a light orange color. The pulp is also almost orange in color and has a dense structure. The leg is small, identical in color to the cap.

You can find it in coniferous forests, under pine trees. Collected from July to October.


The cap is convex, covered with thin scales. The color ranges from honey to soft green-brown. The pulp has a dense structure and is light. Attractive with its delicate scent. The legs are narrow, pale yellow, darker towards the bottom, with a small ring under the cap.

Can be found in deciduous forests, on woody surfaces. It is recommended to look for honey mushrooms from September to November.

The honey fungus also has a dangerous double - the false honey fungus. Its differences lie in the absence of a ring on the stem, its color is olive or almost black, more saturated.


In young mushrooms, the caps are shaped like a hemisphere, while in older ones they become flat. Differs in light brown, pink-brown, pink color. The inner side is fragile, whitish, becoming darker with age. The leg has a cylindrical shape, it can be dense or hollow inside, which depends on the variety.

You can see russula in mixed forests, from June to November.


The hat has a convex shape and is cream-colored. The inner side is white, with a dense structure. It tastes like flour. The leg is long, white, with an orange tint visible at the base.

Grows in meadows and pastures. Fruiting time is from April to June.


The cap of this mushroom is shaped like a cap, which is why it got its name. It has a warm, soft yellow color, sometimes close to ocher, with a striped pattern. The inside is soft, slightly yellowish in color. The leg is strong and long.

Can be found mainly under coniferous trees, sometimes under birch or oak. They are usually collected between July and October.


The shape of the cap is dome-like and has a yellow-brown tint. The pulp is ocher color. The stalk is elongated, in earlier mushrooms it is covered with a white network.

Distributed in coniferous forests. Collected from June to October.

8 Honeycomb-shaped row

The hat is convex in shape. The surface is fibrous and the color varies from red to orange-yellow. The pulp is white, with thick plates. The leg is cone-shaped, white, covered with reddish scales. It is recommended to eat only fresh.

You can find it under the pine trees, from March to November.


It has a round cap with the edges turned inward, white or brownish in color, and opens up as the mushroom ages. The pulp is light, and over time changes its color to gray. The leg is low, light, dense in structure. When cooked, mushrooms darken. They have a distinct mushroom smell.

They grow in mixed forests or meadows. It is recommended to collect from June to September.


The hat is ear-shaped and has curved edges. Usually light or soft gray in color. Has a smooth surface. The leg is short, thin, white. The pulp has wide plates, white or pale yellow. They do not have a pronounced odor. It is recommended to eat them young, since old mushrooms have a rigid structure.

They belong to the oyster mushrooms and usually grow in families on trees or rotten stumps. It can usually be harvested in warm weather from August to September.

Champignons and oyster mushrooms are cultivated mushrooms. They get divorced in artificial conditions for consumption. They can most often be found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. You can have oyster mushrooms.

The most popular conditionally edible

Among the lamellar mushrooms you can also find conditionally edible ones. You will read about some of them below:


The hat is white, with faded yellow spots. Curled to the bottom. The pulp is dense, light, and smells of fruit. The leg is white, cylindrical in shape. When cut, the stem releases a pungent juice. Must be soaked before use.

Collected in birch groves and coniferous forests. Collection time is from June to October.


The hat is swamp green in color. It is distinguished by a semicircular shape, wrapped at the edges. The pulp has a delicate yellow color. The stem is short, plump, pale yellow; if the mushroom is broken, a caustic juice is released. Can be eaten after salting.

Distributed in coniferous forests, from June to October.


In early mushrooms, the shape of the cap is convex, with the edges curled towards the bottom. The old ones are flatter, the edges are even, concave in the middle. The skin is covered with thin fibers and has a pale pink or almost whitish color. The pulp is white, dense, and exudes a burning juice when broken. The leg is hard, soft pink, narrowed towards the top. Eaten salted.

Grows in birch and mixed forests. It should be collected from June to October.


The cap is convex, gray-brown, covered with a whitish coating. The pulp is pale white in color and has an earthy odor. The leg is short, cream-colored. Before eating, boil for 25-30 minutes.

Grows in mixed forests. You can collect from March to April.


This mushroom has a convex cap shape with a concave part in the middle. The structure is fragile, brittle. The color of the cap is brown, with a glossy surface. The lower part is light brown. The pulp tastes bitter. The leg is medium in length, brownish in color. This mushroom can be eaten after pickling.

Found under beech or oak from June to October.


The hat is light and completely covers the leg. There is a brown tubercle at the end of the cap. The surface is covered with brownish scales. The pulp is white. The leg is long, white. The dung beetle must be prepared within the first 2 hours after cutting, after boiling it first.

It can be found in loose soil in pastures and meadows. It grows from June to October.


The cap is rounded in young mushrooms, but becomes flat with age. The color varies from yellow to brown. The surface of the valuu is shiny and slightly slippery if you touch it. The pulp is light, quite fragile, bitter. The leg of the value is barrel-shaped, it is light, covered with brown spots. Before eating, the mushroom must be peeled, soaked in salted water or boiled for 15-30 minutes. Mushrooms are usually pickled.

It grows in coniferous forests and is found from June to October.


The cap is semicircular, with a tubercle in the middle. The color of the mushroom varies from dark gray to brown with a purple tint. The pulp is light in color and has a fruity smell. The leg is medium in height, hollow, and has the same color as the cap. Mushrooms are soaked and salted.

Grows in clearings and forest edges. You can find it from July to September.


These mushrooms have a wide, white cap covered with small fibers. The pulp is dense, hard, and produces a caustic juice. The leg is short and fleecy. It is recommended to soak it before salting.

They grow in groups, under pine needles or birch. Collected between July and October.

10 Gorkushka

The cap is bell-shaped, with raised edges. Outwardly it resembles a chanterelle, but differs in brown-red color. The surface is smooth, covered in small fibers. The color of the flesh is lighter than that of the cap, fragile, and secretes caustic juice. The leg is of medium length, reddish in color, covered with villi. The mushroom should also be soaked and salted.

Collected close coniferous trees and birch groves. Mostly found from July to October.


This category includes all mushrooms that have spores in a special bag (ask). Therefore, the second name of this type of mushroom is ascomycetes. The bursa of such mushrooms can be located both on the surface and inside the fruiting body.

Many mushrooms of this species are conditionally edible. Among the absolutely edible ones we can name only black truffle.

The fruiting body has an irregular tuberous shape. The surface is coal-black, covered with numerous irregularities. If you press on the surface of the mushroom, it changes color to rusty. The pulp is light gray in young mushrooms and dark brown or black-purple in old ones. Permeated with white veins. It has a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste.

Black truffle is considered a delicacy.

It grows in deciduous forests, at a depth of about half a meter. The best time to look for truffles is from November to March.

Conditionally edible marsupial mushrooms include:


The fruiting bodies are irregular in shape, with numerous protrusions. The color ranges from light to yellowish. Old mushrooms become covered with reddish spots. The pulp is white, has a pronounced smell and nutty taste. When consumed, it requires additional cooking.

Found among coniferous trees in the cold season.

2 Regular line

hat irregular shape, dotted with numerous grooves. The color is most often brown, with a dark tint, but there are representatives of brighter colors. The pulp is quite brittle in structure, smells like fruit, and tastes good. The leg is full and light.

This mushroom should be boiled before eating for 25-30 minutes. Most often the line is dried out.

Can be found in coniferous forests and under poplars. Fruits from April to June.


The hat is round in shape, elongated at the end. The color may vary from yellowish to brown. The surface is uneven, covered with cells of different shapes and sizes. The pulp has a very brittle and delicate structure, it is creamy in color and has a pleasant taste. The leg is cone-shaped. Young mushrooms are white, while older ones become close to brown. Suitable for consumption after boiling or drying.

It grows in well-lit places, mainly in deciduous forests. Can be found in parks and apple orchards. You can collect from April to October.


The lobed fruits have an irregular shape, with the stem fused to the cap. The leg is covered with small grooves. The fruits are usually light or cream in color. It is eaten after boiling.

It is recommended to search in coniferous forests from July to October.

5 Otidea (donkey's ear)

The fruiting body is a cup with curved edges. The color can be dark orange or ocher yellow. Equipped with a barely noticeable false leg. Before use, boil for 20-30 minutes.

Distributed in deciduous forests from September to November. It mainly grows in moss or on old wood.

Marsupial fungi also include yeast, which is often used in confectionery.

It should be remembered that not all mushrooms are safe - there are many poisonous counterparts, and without knowledge distinctive features It's hard not to make a mistake. Therefore, it is better to eat only well-known edible mushrooms, use the advice of experienced mushroom pickers, and if in doubt, it is better not to take such a mushroom.

The best way to learn to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms- is to familiarize yourself with their names, descriptions and photos. Of course, it’s better if you walk through the forest several times with an experienced mushroom picker, or show your catch at home, but learn to distinguish between real and false mushrooms everyone needs it.

You will find the names of mushrooms in alphabetical order, their descriptions and photos in this article, which you can later use as a guide to mushroom growing.

Types of mushrooms

Species diversity mushrooms are very wide, so there is a strict classification of these forest inhabitants (Figure 1).

So, according to edibility they are divided into:

  • Edible (white, boletus, champignon, chanterelle, etc.);
  • Conditionally edible (dubovik, greenfinch, veselka, milk mushroom, line);
  • Poisonous (satanic, toadstool, fly agaric).

In addition, they are usually divided according to the type of bottom of the cap. According to this classification, they are tubular (outwardly reminiscent of a porous sponge) and lamellar (on inside caps are clearly visible plates). The first group includes boletus, boletus, boletus and aspen. The second includes saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and russula. Morels are considered a separate group, which includes morels and truffles.

Figure 1. Classification of edible varieties

It is also customary to separate them according to their nutritional value. According to this classification, they are of four types:

Since there are so many types, we will give the names of the most popular ones with their pictures. The best edible mushrooms with photos and names are given in the video.

Edible mushrooms: photos and names

Edible varieties include those that can be freely eaten fresh, dried or boiled. They have high taste qualities, and you can distinguish an edible specimen from an inedible one in the forest by the color and shape of the fruiting body, smell and some characteristic features.

Figure 2. Popular edible species: 1 - white, 2 - oyster mushroom, 3 - oyster mushroom, 4 - chanterelle

We offer a list of the most popular edible mushrooms with photos and names(Figure 2 and 3):

  • White mushroom (boletus)- the most valuable find for a mushroom picker. It has a massive light stem, and the color of the cap can vary from cream to dark brown, depending on the region of growth. When broken, the flesh does not change color and has a light nutty aroma. It comes in several types: birch, pine and oak. All of them are similar in external characteristics and are suitable for food.
  • Oyster mushroom: royal, pulmonary, carob and lemon, grows mainly on trees. Moreover, you can collect it not only in the forest, but also at home, by sowing the mycelium on logs or stumps.
  • Volnushki, white and pink, have a cap pressed in the center, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. The volushka has a sweet, pleasant smell, and at the break the fruiting body begins to secrete sticky sticky juice. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in open areas.
  • Chanterelles- most often they are bright yellow, but there are also light-colored species (white chanterelle). They have a cylindrical stem that widens upward, and an irregularly shaped cap that is slightly pressed into the middle.
  • Oiler There are also several types (real, cedar, deciduous, grainy, white, yellow-brown, painted, red-red, red, gray, etc.). The most common is considered to be the true oiler, which grows on sandy soils in deciduous forests. The cap is flat, with a small tubercle in the middle, and a characteristic feature is the mucous skin, which is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Honey mushrooms, meadow, autumn, summer and winter, belong to edible varieties that are very easy to collect, as they grow in large colonies on tree trunks and stumps. The color of honey mushroom may vary depending on the region of growth and species, but, as a rule, its shade varies from cream to light brown. Feature edible honey mushrooms - the presence of a ring on the stem, which false doubles do not have.
  • Boletus belong to the tubular species: they have a thick stem and a regularly shaped cap, the color of which differs depending on the species from cream to yellow and dark brown.
  • Saffron milk caps- bright, beautiful and tasty, which can be found in coniferous forests. The hat is regular in shape, flat or funnel-shaped. The stem is cylindrical and dense, matching the color of the cap. The pulp is orange, but when exposed to air it quickly turns green and begins to secrete juice with a pronounced smell of pine resin. The smell is pleasant, and the taste of its flesh is slightly spicy.

Figure 3. The best edible mushrooms: 1 - butterfly, 2 - honey mushrooms, 3 - aspen mushrooms, 4 - saffron milk caps

Edible varieties also include champignons, shiitakes, russula, truffles and many other species that are not so much of interest to mushroom pickers. However, it should be remembered that almost every edible variety has a poisonous counterpart, the names and features of which we will consider below.

Conditionally edible

There are slightly fewer conditionally edible varieties, and they are suitable for consumption only after special heat treatment. Depending on the variety, it must either be boiled for a long time, periodically changing the water, or simply soaked in clean water, squeezed out and cooked.

The most popular conditionally edible varieties include(Figure 4):

  1. Gruzd- a variety with dense pulp, which is quite suitable for eating, although in Western countries milk mushrooms are considered inedible. They are usually soaked to remove bitterness, then salted and pickled.
  2. Row green (greenfinch) differs from others in the pronounced green color of the stem and cap, which remains even after heat treatment.
  3. Morels- conditionally edible specimens with unusual shape cap and thick stem. It is recommended to eat them only after careful heat treatment.

Figure 4. Conditionally edible varieties: 1 - milk mushroom, 2 - greenfinch, 3 - morels

Some types of truffles, russula and fly agarics are also classified as conditionally edible. But there is one thing important rule, which should be followed when collecting any mushrooms, including conditionally edible ones: if you have even slight doubts about edibility, it is better to leave the catch in the forest.

Inedible mushrooms: photos and names

Inedible species include species that are not eaten due to health hazards, poor taste and too hard flesh. Many members of this category are completely poisonous (lethal) to humans, while others can cause hallucinations or mild illness.

It is worth avoiding such inedible specimens(with photos and names in Figure 5):

  1. Death cap- the most dangerous inhabitant of the forest, since even a small part of it can cause death. Despite the fact that it grows in almost all forests, it is quite difficult to meet. Outwardly, it is absolutely proportional and very attractive: young specimens have a spherical cap with a slight greenish tint; with age it turns white and elongates. Pale toadstools are often confused with young floats (conditionally edible mushrooms), champignons and russula, and since one large specimen can easily poison several adults, if there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put a suspicious or dubious specimen in the basket.
  2. Red fly agaric, is probably familiar to everyone. It is very beautiful, with a bright red cap covered with white spots. Can grow either singly or in groups.
  3. Satanic- one of the most common doubles of the porcini mushroom. It can be easily distinguished by its light cap and brightly colored leg, which is not typical for boletus mushrooms.

Figure 5. Dangerous inedible varieties: 1 - toadstool, 2 - red fly agaric, 3 - satanic mushroom

In fact, every edible doppelgänger has a false doppelgänger that masquerades as the real one and can end up in the basket of an inexperienced fancier. quiet hunt. But, in fact, the biggest mortal danger represents the pale grebe.

Note: Not only the fruiting bodies of pale toadstools themselves are considered poisonous, but even their mycelium and spores, therefore it is strictly forbidden to even put them in a basket.

Most inedible varieties cause abdominal pain and symptoms of severe poisoning, and the person only needs medical attention. In addition, many inedible varieties have an unattractive appearance and low taste qualities, so you can only eat them by accident. However, you should always be aware of the danger of poisoning, and carefully review all the loot you bring from the forest.

The most dangerous inedible mushrooms are described in detail in the video.

The main difference between hallucinogenic drugs and other types is that they have a psychotropic effect. Their action is in many ways similar to narcotic substances, therefore their intentional collection and use is punishable by criminal liability.

Common hallucinogenic varieties include(Figure 6):

  1. Fly agaric red- a common inhabitant of deciduous forests. In ancient times, tinctures and decoctions from it were used as an antiseptic, immunomodulatory agent and intoxicant for various rituals among the peoples of Siberia. However, it is not recommended to eat it, not so much because of the hallucination effect, but because of severe poisoning.
  2. Stropharia shit got its name from the fact that it grows directly on piles of feces. Representatives of the variety are small, with brown caps, sometimes with a shiny and sticky surface.
  3. Paneolus campanulata (bell-shaped asshole) also grows mainly on soils fertilized with manure, but can also be found simply on swampy plains. The color of the cap and stem is from white to gray, the flesh is gray.
  4. Stropharia blue-green prefers the stumps of coniferous trees, growing on them singly or in groups. You won't be able to eat it by accident, as it has a very unpleasant taste. In Europe, this stropharia is considered edible and is even bred on farms, while in the USA it is considered poisonous due to several deaths.

Figure 6. Common hallucinogenic varieties: 1 - red fly agaric, 2 - stropharia shit, 3 - paneolus bell-shaped, 4 - blue-green stropharia

Most hallucinogenic species grow in places where edible species simply will not take root (overly swampy soils, completely rotten tree stumps and piles of manure). In addition, they are small, mostly on thin legs, so it is difficult to confuse them with edible ones.

Poisonous mushrooms: photos and names

All poisonous varieties are in one way or another similar to edible ones (Figure 7). Even the deadly pale grebe, especially young specimens, can be confused with russula.

For example, there are several boletus doubles - Le Gal boletus, beautiful and purple, which differ from the real ones by the too bright color of the stem or cap, as well as the unpleasant smell of the pulp. There are also varieties that are easily confused with honey mushrooms or russula (for example, fiber and govorushka). Gall is similar to white, but its pulp has a very bitter taste.

Figure 7. Poisonous counterparts: 1 - purple boletus, 2 - gall mushroom, 3 - royal fly agaric, 4 - yellow-skinned champignon

There are also poisonous doubles of honey mushrooms, which differ from the real ones in the absence of a leathery skirt on the leg. Poisonous varieties include fly agarics: toadstool, panther, red, royal, stinking and white. Cobwebs are easily disguised as russula, saffron milk caps or boletuses.

There are several types of poisonous champignons. For example, the yellow-skinned one is easy to confuse with a regular edible specimen, but when cooked it gives off a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Unusual mushrooms of the world: names

Despite the fact that Russia is truly a mushroom country, very unusual specimens can be found not only here, but throughout the world.

We offer you several options for unusual edible and poisonous varieties with photos and names(Figure 8):

  1. Blue- bright azure color. Found in India and New Zealand. Despite the fact that its toxicity has been little studied, it is not recommended to eat it.
  2. Bleeding tooth- a very bitter variety that is theoretically edible, but its unattractive appearance and poor taste make it unsuitable for food. Found in North America, Iran, Korea and some European countries.
  3. bird's Nest- an unusual New Zealand variety that really resembles a bird’s nest in shape. Inside the fruiting body there are spores that spread around under the influence of rainwater.
  4. Comb blackberry also found in Russia. Its taste is similar to shrimp meat, and its appearance resembles a shaggy heap. Unfortunately, it is rare and is listed in the Red Book, so it is grown mainly artificially.
  5. Giant golovach - distant relative champignon. It is also edible, but only young specimens with white flesh. Found everywhere in deciduous forests, fields and meadows.
  6. Devil's Cigar- not only very beautiful, but also a rare variety that is found only in Texas and several regions of Japan.

Figure 8. The most unusual mushrooms in the world: 1 - blue, 2 - bleeding tooth, 3 - bird's nest, 4 - combed blackberry, 5 - giant bighead, 6 - devil's cigar

Another unusual representative is considered to be the cerebral tremor, which is found mainly in temperate climate. You cannot eat it, as it is deadly poisonous. We have brought you far full list unusual varieties, since specimens of strange shapes and colors are found all over the world. Unfortunately, most of them are inedible.

Review unusual mushrooms world is shown in the video.

Plate and tubular: names

All mushrooms are divided into lamellar and tubular, depending on the type of pulp on the cap. If it resembles a sponge, it is tubular, and if stripes are visible under the cap, then it is plate-like.

The most famous representative of the tubular ones is considered to be white, but this group also includes boletus, boletus and boletus. Perhaps everyone has seen the lamellar one: it is the most common champignon, but it is among the lamellar varieties that there are the most poisonous ones. Among the edible representatives are russula, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms and chanterelles.

Number of mushroom species on earth
