Birch is what a fruit. Birch is a purely feminine tree

Botanical name: Warty birch (Betula verrucosa), drooping. Birch genus, Birch family.

Homeland of the warty birch: Far East.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: well fertilized.

Watering: abundant.

Maximum tree height: 30 m.

Average lifespan of a tree: up to 120 years.

Landing: seeds.

Warty birch: description of the tree

Warty birch is a deciduous tree about 25-30 m high. Young individuals are distinguished by brown bark, which becomes white by the age of 8. In older plants, cracks form in the lower part of the trunk, and the bark becomes black. Birch wood has a yellowish-white tint and is quite dense and heavy. The branches are covered with resinous glands - warts, from which the birch got its name “warty”. Young branches stretch down, this gives the crown a characteristic appearance, hence its second name “dangling.”

Birch leaf

The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, triangular-diamond-shaped, with a wedge-shaped base, smooth, 3.5-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide. The edges of the leaves are double-toothed. The warty birch leaf has a weak aroma and astringent taste.

The buds are sessile. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, and have no decorative value. Collected in unisexual racemes - catkins: at the ends of the branches staminate, oblong, cylindrical, 6-10 cm long, yellow; on shortened side branches - pistillate, cylindrical, directed upward, 2-3 cm long, green.

The warty birch blooms from April to May.

The fruits are small winged nuts that ripen in late summer - early autumn. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 10, and in plantations at the age of 20-25.

Deciduous tree warty birch: root system

The warty birch tree is distinguished by a powerful root system, which, depending on the growing conditions, can be superficial or go deep.

The tap root quickly dies, the lateral roots develop at an accelerated pace and are overgrown with fibrous small roots. Root system lies almost on the surface of the earth, so the plant requires increased watering, especially on hot, dry days.

A burl on the trunk of a warty birch is a very common occurrence and a distinctive feature of the tree. This growth has a rougher and denser wood than the wood of the tree itself. A month before the leaves appear and flower, the birch tree begins to flow sap.

The secretion of juice begins in March, the most copious discharge birch sap is observed at the end of April, sap flow lasts 15-20 days. Birch sap has a pleasant sweet taste and beneficial properties.

Reproduction of warty birch

The warty birch, silver birch, reproduces by seeds. Seeds are sown during the period of browning of catkins, immediately after collection, late autumn or in the spring.

Seeds left for spring sowing are stored in a closed container. When sowing, they are lightly sprinkled with earth and leveled. Straw or thin branches are laid on the surface of the ridge, through which watering is carried out. After pipping of the seedlings, the coating is removed, and the seedlings are shaded with shields. The warty birch is restored by stump growth formed after the death of young trees.

Plant seedlings

Warty birch seedlings are transplanted in early spring, when the trees are no older than 5-7 years, since older seedlings take root worse.

Larger plants are planted in winter with a large frozen ball. The distance between trees is 3-4 m. Soil mixture: .

Warty birch fruits

In open areas, the tree begins to bear fruit at 10-12 years of age. In plantings – from 20-25 years.

The birch fruit is a small, flattened nut with two membranous wings. The tree bears fruit annually and quite abundantly. The fruits ripen in July, the catkins open after the seeds ripen. One part of the seeds falls on the soil in the fall, the other in the spring. Seeds germinate on an empty, vegetation-free surface of the earth. They prefer soil rich in minerals and. Thickets of grass and moss prevent the emergence of seedlings. Warty birch seeds strong wind are carried at a distance of up to 100 m from the mother tree. The fruits do not open.

Distribution of birch warty

Warty birch is widespread in North America, Europe, North Africa, Front and Central Asia. It rises into the mountains to a height of 2100-2500 m above sea level.

Prefers territories with temperate climate. In Russia it is one of the most common trees. Most often grows in the European part, Western Siberia, in Altai and the Caucasus.

Birch forests are formed on the site of cleared or burned forests, often coniferous. Since birch is very light-loving, it is quickly replaced by other more shade-tolerant and larger trees. Grows in broadleaf and mixed forests, in steppes and forest-steppe areas.

It grows in forests as an admixture with the bulk of other trees in light areas. Birch plantations are found in gardens and parks.

Birch Fastigiata: description of the tree

Betula pendula Fastigiata is a species of silver birch. The crown is narrow, columnar. Its height reaches up to 20 m, width up to 5 m. The branches are directed upward. The leaves and trunk are the same as those of the warty birch. The leaves do not fall for a long time and remain on the branches until late autumn. The root system is powerful and wind-resistant. The height of the Fastigiata birch tree is about 10 m. The crown diameter is 2 m. It grows quickly, the annual growth is 40 cm in height. Life expectancy is up to 100 years. Flowers, flat, green, irregular shape, 1 cm long. The leaves are diamond-shaped, bright green, yellow in autumn from 3 to 7 cm.

The silver birch Fastigiata has a decorative trunk and a beautiful crown. Used in single plantings and in groups to create alleys and parks. Photophilous, drought-resistant, not picky about the soil. Winter hardiness is high. The root system is superficial.

The plant is planted in open areas or partial shade. Soil mixture: turf soil, peat, sand. Fertilizing is necessary in early spring before the leaves appear and at the end of spring. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used: ammonia, urea, ammonium nitrate. In autumn, mineral fertilizers, nitroammofosk. Watering is required after planting and during dry periods. Loosening to a depth of 3 cm to control weeds and saturate the soil with oxygen. Drying branches are pruned in the spring.

Tree pests: birch sapwood, bucephalus corydalis, tubeworm beetle, chafer beetle, nun silkworm.

The use of warty birch in industry and in everyday life

The warty birch tree, the photo of which is located above, is quite in demand in industrial production. Due to its strength, elasticity and ease of processing, birch is used as a material for making furniture. It is quite easy to polish and sharpen; furniture made from its solid wood has a pleasant golden hue. Birch is used to produce plywood, fence boards, toys, skis, coal, souvenirs and much more. When processing birch wood, methyl alcohol, acetic acid, and turpentine are obtained from it. It is used in medicine and perfume production.

Many parts of this plant are used in everyday life: bark, wood, birch bark, Birch juice. Birch firewood has been used as fuel for quite some time. They are good because they dry quickly, prick easily and burn for a long time. When burning, they emit much more heat than aspen or pine. Possess medicinal properties. When burned, they fill the room with a special aroma that disinfects the air and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, thereby preventing colds.

The use of warty birch in medicine

IN folk medicine leaves of the plant are used. Their infusion is an effective diaphoretic and diuretic. Fresh leaves are doused with boiling water and used as compresses for rheumatism and polyarthritis. To strengthen and grow hair, infusions and decoctions of birch leaves and buds are made. Birch sap serves as a general tonic. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Contains tannins, aromatic substances, sugar, malic acid.

Birch wood is widely used in traditional (scientific) medicine. Birch charcoal is obtained from it in the form of “Carben” tablets, which helps with food poisoning and diseases gastrointestinal tract, at increased acidity, fermentation and flatulence.

The composition of the well-known ointments “Konkova”, “Vishnevsky” and others used for healing wounds and skin diseases includes birch tar. The bark effectively fights malaria, dropsy and pulmonary diseases. Made from birch bark and essential oil, used for cosmetic purposes. An infusion of birch buds is effective as a choleretic, diuretic, antiseptic, and disinfectant. Warty birch sap is part of the Biomos preparation, which is used to heal wounds and burns. The juice is used to prevent vitamin deficiency, for colds and skin diseases, for kidney stones, venereal diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, for the prevention of caries and as an anthelmintic. Birch syrup is prescribed instead of glucose.

Warty birch leaves are collected in May, when the tree is flowering. Dry in the open air, away from direct sun rays. The shelf life of treated leaves is 2 years. Birch sap is collected during sap flow from trees intended for felling. The buds are collected from logging sites and tree felling sites. Best period for collection - early spring, the time of swelling of the buds. Cut into winter period The branches are tied into bunches, kept in the sun so that the buds swell and thresh them.

Birch tar

Birch tar has been used for a very long time. Its production was previously carried out by tar workers. Today, tar is produced in industrial production.

Treated birch bark is tightly placed in iron boilers and tar is distilled from it. To prevent a vacuum from forming in the furnace, the birch bark must be tightly clamped. Filled boilers are closed and heated. One distillation lasts up to 11 hours.

History of the use of birch bark

In the past, birch bark occupied an important place in people's lives. It was used in the construction of houses to prevent dampness. Thanks to its antiseptic and moisture-repellent properties, it protected the home from rotting and mold.

They made toys, dishes and many other products from birch bark, used in Everyday life and in everyday life. IN peasant hut all utensils were made from this material: baskets, containers, bags, boxes, salt shakers and much more. Birch bark was used to make bast shoes, hats, feet and waders. They also made clothes from it. Children received birch bark toys: rattles, animal figurines, balls, small toy boats from a very early age.

It was also used to create musical instruments: pipes, horns, regrets. In addition, birch bark was necessary for writing. Birch bark was the most accessible and cheapest material. To make the hard bark suitable for writing, it was boiled, and then letters were written on it with a sharp bone, and later with a metal rod. Adults wrote letters on birch bark or created scientific works, the children learned to write on it, wrote letters, and drew.

Photos of a birch tree are presented below the photo gallery.

Family: birch (Betulaceae).

Homeland: North hemisphere.

Form: tree or shrub.


Birch is the most commonly found hardwood species in the Northern Hemisphere. Various types of birch (there are about 120 of them) are distributed from the subtropics to the tundra. Birch is a beautiful tree 30-45 m high or a shrub with an openwork crown. The main distinctive feature of birch is its white, yellowish or pinkish trunk covered with birch bark. Birch leaves are petiolate, round or lanceolate, entire (rarely lobed), toothed. Birch leaves acquire in autumn yellow color. Birch blossoms begin before the leaves bloom. Birch flowers are collected in earrings. Birch fruits are single-seeded nuts 1-5 mm long with two membranous wings. Birch trees have a fairly large root system that takes moisture and nutrients from upper layers soil Therefore, the vegetation under the birches is sparse.

The lifespan of a birch is 100-150 years.

In the European part of our country, two types of birch trees are widespread: downy birch and silver birch.

Downy birch (curly birch) (B. pubescens), or birch warty(B. verrucosa) - a tree up to 15 m tall, with a pure white trunk that does not form a dark, rough crust at the base, for which it received another name - white-trunked birch. The crown of the curly birch (warty birch) is widely branched and ovoid. The branches are directed upwards. The bark of young branches is smooth, reddish-brown, later pure white. The leaves of downy birch are shiny, ovate or rhombic, up to 6 cm, sticky and fragrant after blooming.

Silver birch has several forms, of which the most decorative: pyramidal(f. fastigiata) - with a narrow pyramidal crown; mourning(f. tristis) - distinguished by very thin weeping branches and a rounded crown; cabin boy(f. Youngii) - with an irregular, graceful crown, with thin drooping branches; purple(f. purpurea) - with purple leaves.

(B. pendula) - a tree with an openwork, irregular crown. The height of silver birch can reach 20 m. The trunk of silver birch is white. In mature trees, the lower part of the trunk is covered with a rough blackish deep cracks crusty The branches are mostly drooping, for which the silver birch has received another name among the people - weeping birch. The leaves of silver birch are rhombic, glabrous, up to 7 cm, resinous and sticky for some time after blooming. The fruits of silver birch have drooping catkins. Silver birch grows quickly and is frost-resistant.

The following types of birch shrubs are popular.

(B. nana) is an elegant bush up to 1 m high with small round leaves characteristic of birch. In autumn, the leaves of dwarf birch are colored yellow. To grow dwarf birch, it is recommended to buy cultivated specimens.

Ferruginous birch (B. glandulosa) is similar to dwarf birch, but taller (up to 3 m) and has larger leaves.

Birch is low (B. humilis) is a highly branched shrub with a straight crown. The leaves of low birch are oblong and up to 3 cm long.

Birch Medvedeva (B. medwediewii) is a large shrub that becomes tree-like with age. Medvedev's birch is distinguished by its very large, compared to other types of birch, buds and leaves (up to 10 cm long!).

Growing conditions

Birch is an undemanding tree when it comes to soil, but downy birch prefers moister soils and a humid climate. Birch bushes are also not picky about soil, but prefer light sandy loam.

Birch trees need good lighting. With a lack of light, birches become frail and depressed.


Due to their unpretentiousness, birch trees are used in groups, as well as for creating small forest plantations, protective stripes and so on. Birch is indispensable in the garden for landscaping recreation areas. It is possible to plant birch trees, but it should be borne in mind that they lose leaves and branches throughout the summer, so the area around them requires periodic maintenance.

Downy birch is good for planting in swampy and damp places: the root system of downy birch is able to cope with waterlogging of the soil.

But in urban landscaping, birch trees are not so popular due to the transparency of their crowns and are found mainly in parks and squares.

Dwarf birch trees are suitable for.

Planting and care

Birch tree care is minimal. During drought, watering is required.

Birch replanting is best done in early spring. Birch trees are transplanted before the age of 5-7 years, since older specimens are not well accepted. Autumn replanting of birch trees is not recommended, as it has a higher mortality rate. When planting birch seedlings, it is not recommended to bury the root collar. Birch roots lie shallow, so they require watering during drought.


Birch propagation is carried out mainly by seeds. Some types of birch (usually cultivated) are taken from cuttings.

Birch seeds are collected during the period of browning of catkins. It is recommended to sow seeds immediately after collection, in late autumn.

Birch seedlings of cultivated species can be found in garden centers and nurseries. Birch seedlings of wild species can be taken from the forest.

Diseases and pests

Dangerous pests of birch are the May beetle and the gypsy moth.

Birch is perhaps the most “Russian” of all types of trees. It is difficult to imagine a plant so praised by the classics of all generations. This is not surprising: the rare grace and power combined in her image inspire people to create. But, in addition, it is also a very valuable representative of forests, providing not only wood. Today we will talk in more detail about these beauties, find out what types of common and rare birch trees exist.

Birch is one of the most common plants in our country. There are about a hundred species of birch trees, growing not only in Russia, but also in the forests of North America and throughout Europe. All varieties of birch trees can be divided into two large groups:

  • trees (their height varies between 30-50 meters, and the trunk width can reach 1.5 meters);
  • shrubs (large, small and creeping species).
  • Wood. Wood birch flesh is different high degree strength, which allows it to be used for the production of plywood products.
  • Burls are growths that can form on birch roots, trunks or branches. In cross-section, the burl has a very interesting pattern, which, after processing, allows it to be used for making various crafts.
  • Tar is a special substance extracted from this tree by dry distillation. It is used in medicine, as a rule, as part of various ointments or tar soap.
  • Dye . With certain processing, a yellow dye can be obtained from the leaves of the plant.
  • Pollen bearer. fishery, as it is an important pollen carrier.
  • Birch bark is the top layer of bark, characterized by strength and durability (thanks to the resins it contains). It is used as a flammable substance or material for various crafts.
  • Birch sap, which is extracted in the spring, is very useful. It is used both raw and as a component of various decoctions and syrups. In addition, birch sap can be used to feed apiary bees.
  • Medicine . Decoctions and infusions from various parts of birch are used in medicine as diuretics, bactericidal or antipyretic agents. Next we will try to find out what types of birch trees exist.

Popular types

As mentioned earlier, there is a large number of varieties of birch trees. Today we will talk about some of the most popular of them.


The most common variety of birch in Russia is silver birch. It looks like a tree, up to 3 meters high with smooth white bark. In young trees, it is noticeable that the top layer of bark peels off easily. In “retired birches,” deep gray furrows are visible, penetrating the entire upper layer of bark. The trunk of this variety is quite flexible, straight with drooping branches, wedge-shaped leaves and catkins.

The average lifespan of this tree can be from 100 to 120 years. The tree becomes an “adult” by the age of 8, at which time the color of the bark also changes: from brown it becomes white. It is also worth noting that silver birch becomes drooping in old age; young representatives of the species have ordinary straight branches.

This plant is distributed throughout the country, but most often it can be found in the central regions and Western Siberia. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can grow in various climatic regions: it is found both in the tundra and in the steppe. Birch grows quite quickly, occupying any free plot of land, displacing other tree species.

This plant is widely used in economic activity person. So, resinous birch trees are almost collected in early spring, and young leaves are collected immediately after that. Birch bark is usually collected from the middle part of a growing tree or dead wood. In early spring, birch sap is also extracted, which, due to its composition (water, chemical elements of a special order and organic compounds), has a mass beneficial properties. It is known that up to 10 tons of sap can be obtained from one hectare of silver birch. All year round They also collect chaga (a medicinal mushroom that chooses the trunks of this type of tree as its place of residence).


The appearance of the dwarf birch is much more reminiscent of a low-growing branchy shrub than a tree familiar to everyone. Its other name “Ernik” seems to emphasize the predilection of this shrub for the formation of thickets. It grows in northern Russia, as well as in Europe, Canada and China. It can be found in the Alps or mountainous areas of Scotland. In our country, it can most often be found in Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka or the Amur region. This is understandable, because this plant prefers mountainous or marshy areas and damp soils.

Dwarf birch is a shrub whose growth usually does not exceed 2-2.5 meters. Trunk dwarf species the same is smooth, but the foliage is small (up to 2 centimeters), with a darker top part. The branches are usually straight. The bark is not the usual white, but brownish-brown. It is important to note that this shrub grows very slowly, but is one of the most frost-resistant in the world. It is rarely used in economic activities: only among the northern tribes it is used as fuel or reindeer feed.


Karelian birch is a variety of low-growing trees, distinguished by the presence of a strange growth on the trunk (burl) and very patterned beautiful cut wood It grows, as the name implies, in Karelia, but not only. This type of birch is also found in other territories of Russia, as well as in Lithuania. This species is divided into three more varieties: low-growing, medium-height, tall.

When processed, the wood gives dark brown and yellowish shades. The unusual pattern of wood allows the Karelian tree to be used for making dishes, boxes, vases, watches and any other souvenirs.


Paper birch is a fairly powerful tree, the growth of which easily reaches 30 meters. It got its name because of the wide, dense bark, which, being pink in young animals, becomes white over time. The leaves of this tree are quite large, reaching a length of 10 centimeters. This plant is very unpretentious and can grow in any soil, with any lighting.


North American species of birch. It is a tree up to 25 meters high. Young plants have a pyramidal wide crown, which with age begins to droop, forming a ball. The bark is of an unusual dark color (mostly cherry or red). It has fairly large leaves, up to 12 centimeters long, with pubescent veins along the perimeter. In spring, the tree blooms profusely, producing a large number of long catkins. The tree grows quite quickly and lives a long time. Prefers deep, moist bud.


This is a large tree, reaching 30 meters in height. The homeland is considered North America(hence the other name - American birch). It has a very interesting bark color, which can be light orange or gray, or reddish-brown. The leaves are also large: up to 12 centimeters. The plant is very tenacious and grows quickly. Prefers moist but drained soils. It can live calmly for up to 300 years.


A relatively short tree (up to 15 meters), it can often grow as a gnarled shrub. Distributed in desert valleys, rivers and swamps of Western Siberia, Altai or Mongolia. The bark is yellowish-gray or even pink. The leaves are quite small.


A low tree, distinguished by a 15-meter white trunk and a wide crown, which is formed by branches directed strictly upward. The leaves are shiny, small (up to 6 centimeters). Immediately after formation, the foliage is sticky and very fragrant. The plant tolerates shade and marshy soils well.

Far Eastern

Perhaps the hardiest plant in this group. It is a slender, straight tree with a 30-meter trunk and a spreading crown. Very shade tolerant. Young plants, for example, are not able to develop at all unless they are in the shade. Prefers foothills. Far Eastern birch can be found in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, as well as in the vast expanses of China and North Korea.

It is distinguished by the presence of a shaggy wide trunk covered with light yellowish bark. The leaves are oval, large and dense. This type of birch can live up to 80-100 years.


This is a representative of the flora of mountains and mountain clearings, dark coniferous forests Eastern Siberia, Far East Russia and Korea. It is a 15-meter tree with big amount fluffy buds. The leaves are wide, up to 9 centimeters, covered with soft edges along the lower veins.

Rare species

There are also rare species of birch trees. These are, first of all, squat birch, Daurian birch, Schmidt tree, red birch, Dalecarlian birch and Erman birch. We will talk about them in more detail.

From the video “Varieties of Birch Trees” you will learn a lot of interesting things about this plant.


Another deciduous fluffy plant from the large birch family. Most often it can be found in wetlands Western Europe, Mongolia and in the European part of Russia. The plant is a shrub with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The branches are straight, the leaves are quite small (up to 3.5 centimeters). The bark of this type of birch is smooth, often dark or brown. The squat birch is included in the Red Book of several regions and republics of Russia. This plant is used medicinally as a component of certain types of medicines.


A tall plant (up to 25 meters tall), which requires a lot of light and moisture to grow. Daurian or Korean birch grows in the Far East, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan. It is noted that the places where it grows can be considered very successful for agriculture.

It has an original openwork crown: in young plants it is pinkish or red, in adult plants it is dark gray or brown. The peeled layers of birch bark do not fall off, but remain hanging on the trunk. The leaves are oval and dark green. Coal is usually produced from Daurian birch, and its wood is also used to make all kinds of crafts.

Birch Schmidt

It is also called iron birch. The plant can reach 20 meters in height. It is distinguished by a wide, low-set crown, which can start at a level of 8 meters. The bark of the tree is usually dark, gray or brown. It grows in the rocky regions of Primorye, China and Japan. This type of birch tree loves light. At good conditions The life of this type of birch can reach up to 400 years.


Red birch, as its name implies, is distinguished by its unusual bark color, ranging from red to yellow and gray. This is a low tree, about 5 meters tall. It grows only in Kazakhstan and is on the verge of complete extinction.


A very beautiful plant with small thin foliage and long weeping branches. A fairly frost-resistant plant that grows in the European part of Russia and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Birch Erman

Tree 15-20 meters high with a spreading crown. The bark of this type of birch is dark gray, brown, and sometimes yellowish in color. The leaves are quite large (up to 14 centimeters). The upper half of the leaf is usually dark green, and the lower half is light. This tree is very undemanding to soil and can grow on rocky surfaces. Distributed in Kamchatka, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands, in the eastern part of Russia and Japan. Used in the production of coal or decorative crafts.

Photo 3. Silver birch Photo 4. Squat variety of birch

Video “Common birch”

In this video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this tree.

For a long time, the birch tree has been considered a symbol of Russia. Poets wrote poems about her, praising her simplicity and beauty. It perfectly decorates any area and at any time of the year.

On Holy Trinity, the house is decorated with branches of this tree. Birch is used in the production of yellow paint. In ancient times, huts were illuminated with it, as it burned for a long time and brightly. At the same time, it did not leave soot on the ceiling.

She belongs to the family deciduous trees and shrubs of the Birch family. This plant is one of the most common in the area. Russian Federation. There are more than a hundred species.

Birch is widely used in households. Delicious birch sap is obtained from it. The bark is used to create boxes. The buds and leaves of the tree are used in medicine.

Birch pollen has miraculous properties, which is why it is used in medicine. Some types of birch are used to create landscape design.

Mostly various types trees can be found in mixed forests in Eurasia, as well as in the northern part of America.

In Siberia you can find birch - a shrub. Its name is dwarf birch, it is no more than one meter high.

Characteristics of wood

In most cases, its height is 35-45 m, the radius of the trunk is 125-145 cm. All types of tree are considered:

  • dioecious;
  • monoecious;
  • anemophilous.

The roots of a tree most often go deep into the ground, but it happens that they lie on the surface. The central rod does not grow for a long time, but the lateral roots actively grow and have many fibrous roots.

In the early years young tree grows slowly, and then grows with lightning speed into a large and beautiful tree.

Birch bark depends on the type of species. Primary colors:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • reddish.

The bark has a resin that gives it a white color. Birch bark, as a rule, peels off from the trunk in ribbons. Old birch trees have bark that already has large cracks in the lower part.

The leaves of the tree are 7 cm long and 4 cm wide. The shape is triangular-ovate. Birch trees bloom in early spring. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Young breeds have a sticky layer on the leaves.

Birch buds are transverse and arranged in a spiral pattern.


Birch can be planted in almost any area. However, do not forget that she loves water very much. Therefore, planting birch trees should be done in an area with high humidity.

Of course it survives in any soil. However, it prefers loose, moist soil. The composition is preferably light loamy.

If you are planting a tree in your local area, it is important to remember that such a plant absorbs about 250 liters of water per day in the summer.

Large seedlings with bare roots take root rather poorly. Therefore, you should choose seedlings with soil. This increases the chances that the plant will take root. Birch can be planted in cold weather.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a hole. It is covered with a mixture of peat, sand, humus and ordinary garden soil. In a ratio of 1:1:1:2.

Characteristics of cultivation

Watering. After planting, be sure to water, and also for 4 days. In dry summers it is necessary to water; it grows based on the need for 1 bucket of water per 1 sq.m.

Feeding. It is required in spring and autumn, in the first case with a nitrogen-containing solution, and in the other - nitroammophoska.

Loosening. Perhaps not deep loosening of 3 cm to get rid of weeds.

Trimming. You can trim the tree only in early spring, when the sap has not yet begun to flow.

Pests and diseases. For preventive purposes, fungicide and insecticide are used. It is necessary to process every year.

Types of wood

Birch has many types and forms. It can be found in completely different climatic latitudes.

Hanging. It has drooping branches and white bark. With age, it darkens and crackles. It reaches a height of up to 30 meters.

Fluffy. It is also called omitted. Common in cold climates, as it is very resistant to negative temperatures. Its crown is elongated, and its trunk is completely white.

Yellow. Far Eastern birch with a yellow crown. The surface may be smooth or flaky. Can do without the sun.

Birch Schmidt. It grows on mountain slopes and has a gray crown.

Daurskaya. Distributed in the territory East Asia. It has a relatively dark crown, brown in color. Birch bark is a little flaky. Woolly. It has a gray crown and grows well in the shade.

Manchurian. She has bark Brown. Grows in East Asia.

Trees of this type are planted in the landscape different ways. For example, in the photo, birches are planted in mixed picturesque groups. However, they can be used to create dense tracts or through groves. They are also planted along roads.

Photo of birch
