Why is it raining? Why does it rain - where does it come from?

Why does it rain? It is unlikely that a person will begin to ask this question if the sky outside the window has frowned, the first drops have fallen from it, but he urgently needs to leave the house. In this case, people simply take an umbrella and go about their business. But it is quite possible in moments of leisure, philosophizing and contemplation

think about why it rains. There are many constant processes going on in nature. One of them is its main participants: liquids of various kinds and the sun.

The luminary not only illuminates the earth, but also warms it. When water heats up, it transforms into another state - gaseous. Water vapor rises. The higher the vapors rise, the colder the air surrounds them. In these circumstances, the molecules are transformed into crystals during the process of condensation, which, when accumulated, form clouds and clouds. When they gain a lot of mass, their stability is disrupted. Cloud accumulations are no longer able to hold water, and drops begin to fall out of them. That's why it rains.

The water that falls on the surface of the earth either evaporates again, or seeps into the ground, or immediately enters the reservoir. In any case, the evaporation process begins again. It is infinite and, like everything ingenious, simple.

Usually defined temperature conditions in the subcloud layer, the height of the clouds and their structure. As a rule, clouds bringing precipitation have a mixed composition: ice crystals and drops cold water. Falling down from the total mass, this mixture is transformed in conditions of either warm or frosty air. If the temperature of the subcloud layer is positive, then raindrops reach the ground. If the parameters are negative, snow falls on the ground.

The lower layers of the atmosphere also play a role. If in summer clouds form very high above the ground, in conditions of negative temperatures, then the main composition of the mass consists of ice crystals. This means that snow flies out of the cloud into the subcloud layer. But as they pass through the warm air, the snowflakes melt. Then hail falls to the ground. If they manage to melt completely, then drops of water. That's why it snows, rains, hails.

In the summer - every schoolchild will answer this question. Because it's warm. And that's why in winter it's raining? It happens that atmospheric phenomena occur with deviation (according to various reasons) from the normal course of events. For example, in winter, mid-latitudes may be affected by warm cloud formations that form in a tropical region over an ocean or sea. In this case, a thaw begins, the previously fallen snow melts, and instead of snowflakes, rain falls on the ground.

This happens in the summer too. Masses of cold air are breaking through from the Arctic. The warm one is pushed back, but at the same time it forms with thick clouds. Rainfall can be extremely heavy. First it rains, then as the air cools it may start to hail or sleet. These precipitations can fall without a cold snap, but always in the presence of heavy clouds. If the front hovers over a certain area, the temperature of the atmosphere will drop even more, then real snow will fall on the ground.

Why is it raining? Rain is a natural phenomenon that is predicted by weather forecasters. Thanks to such great people, a person knows what the weather will be like the next day or in a week. Water drops are moisture that falls from heaven. It sometimes comes with a hurricane and most often with a thunderstorm, sometimes it comes with bright sun- this is called blind rain.

Why is it raining

Every person has encountered this phenomenon. Before going outside, everyone checks to see if it will rain soon. Some people love to walk in the rain, and some people hide under their umbrellas. Children often ask their parents why and where does rain come from?

Where does it come from

In order for the required conditions for rain to occur, it is necessary that the warm air that rises from the ground to the top cools down. It cools gradually until it reaches a certain level.

How does this all happen?

As it turned out, everything is much simpler than one thinks. Under influence solar heat Small droplets of water evaporate from the soil. Such drops are invisible to the human eye; they are also called steam or evaporation. Most of the water evaporates from the surface of various bodies of water, but it also evaporates from the leaves of trees, from the ground and from the surface of the human body.

As the water rises, it cools and forms cloud hazes. IN different places Different clouds form, it all depends on where the water accumulates. Then the wind collects all the clouds into one large layer, the clouds no longer become so transparent and light. In some places the clouds take on a dark blue hue. Such clouds do not allow the sun's rays to reach the ground. With them comes thunder, lightning and strong wind. Any particle contains its own amount of galvanic charge: positive and negative energy. In such a cloud, droplets collect among themselves and become very heavy; when they cannot support their own weight, they fall to the ground in heavy sediment.
A powerful, abundant rainfall does not form from the formation of drops. For this creation, it is necessary that 2 types of clouds come into contact: drop clouds and cold icy clouds. After this they form into clouds. The water balance begins to switch from one type to another, after which the ice crystals grow and small drops disappear. The water vapor that collects around the crystals lifts them up to the extreme part of the cloud, and from that place they fall under their own weight to the Earth. Along the way, they collect steam rising to the top and begin to grow more and more. If warm air appears at the level they reach, the ice crystals turn into heavy rain, and if the temperature is near zero, then hail begins to fall from the sky. Hail can be of any size and type.

What are clouds like?

Snow-white clouds are considered clear due to the predominance of evaporation over water droplets. This makes it possible to transmit direct sunlight to the Earth. Large black clouds accumulate a lot of liquid and do not allow sunlight to pass through. The cloud expands into the heights, where the temperature reaches minus thirty degrees. After which the particles crystallize and turn into pieces of ice.

When does it rain most often?

Why does it rain more often in autumn than in summer? If you look at this from a different point of view, there are many days in the fall when clouds cover the entire sky and no sunlight falls on the ground, thus creating the impression that it is constantly raining.
From a scientific point of view, the heaviest precipitation occurs in June, the earth begins to warm up with the first warm rays and a large accumulation of evaporation occurs from the earth.
Why doesn't it rain in winter? IN winter time, nature . The sun appears less and less often and warms the earth. It's getting cold on Earth. Small drops of water do not have time to reach the sky before they turn into fluffy snowflakes and immediately fall back. - this is the same water that is formed from evaporation.

How can you measure rain?

The rain can be prolonged - it lasts for a couple of hours or days, and heavy - it passes in a couple of minutes. All this precipitation is measured by specialists. A precipitation gauge is a special device on which you can see the amount of precipitation that fell during the day. All results are recorded on a pluviograph, from which, after processing the data, all information is read and transmitted to the center.
The degree of moisture in a particular area is usually determined by maintaining the humidification coefficient. It is calculated by dividing the annual precipitation into evaporation over the same time. The lower the humidity ratio, the drier the atmosphere. Largest quantity falls in the Pacific region and the Indian region, where up to twelve thousand millimeters of rain falls throughout the year.
The least amount of precipitation falls on the Libyan Desert, where almost no precipitation falls, and when it does occur, it does not reach forty millimeters per year.

Where does precipitation occur most often?

The fluctuation and intensity of rainfall in various parts of the earth depends on the zones atmospheric pressure. In the region of the equator, low pressure reigns, and the insulated air layer, rising upward, is constantly cooled. There is never a drought in this part, it rains from the sky almost every day a large number of water. Thus, it happens in other zones as well. globe, where the background is due to the spheres low pressure atmosphere. Where the air temperature ranges from thirty degrees, there is almost no rain.
There are also regions where rain may not appear for years, these regions could be the desert or Africa. In such areas there are no bodies of water; steam cannot evaporate from the sand. If this happens, it is not on a large scale, so that raindrops fall from the sky. Dry and hot weather does not allow this phenomenon to occur.
Everything in the world is interconnected and a complete cycle occurs here. When water evaporates, it reaches the sky and then falls to earth as rain or snow. Where does the rain go? All the moisture is absorbed into the soil and the cycle of things occurs again.

Children are very inquisitive. They hope to always receive comprehensive answers to their many questions from adults.

When a child sees rain, on the street, in a picture or in a cartoon, he may have a question: Why is it raining? Where does it come from in the clouds? How is it formed? Why does it fall from the sky?

Rain is one of the stages of the water cycle in nature. When the Sun shines on the Earth, it warms it up. There are many different bodies of water on our planet - rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The light and warmth of the sun heats all this water. Some of the water becomes steam. These are very small droplets of water that are difficult to see individually.

We see it when water boils in a saucepan or kettle. The steam is very light, which is why it rises into the sky. When there are a lot of small droplets of steam, clouds are formed that float in the sky, high above our heads. They are driven by the wind.

While the air is warm, nothing happens to them. But when the air gets cold, small droplets of steam are attracted to each other and become larger raindrops.

Gradually the clouds become heavy and large. And then they rain down on the Earth.

How to make rain with your own hands?

You can demonstrate a simple experiment to your child at home. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire. Hold the lid over the pan. To keep it constantly cold, place pieces of ice on top. As the water heats up, steam will form. It will rise and settle on the bottom of the lid. The steam droplets will begin to connect. The child will then see large droplets of water dripping back into the pan. This is how you get artificial rain at home.

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The fact that the biosphere is influenced by various anthropogenic and natural processes, for a long time known fact. In particular, taking place in earth's atmosphere meteorological changes have a significant impact on the human body. For example, weather changes can cause headache, increased blood pressure, mental disorders, mental discomfort, etc. Tectonic, seismic, and cosmic processes have a similar effect on the human body. Quite often, the deterioration of the condition occurs against the background magnetic storms, and extremely high solar activity. As a rule, weather-dependent people and those who have pathology of the cardiovascular system suffer.

However, bad weather also negatively affects a completely healthy person. Constant rain can cause anxiety, stress, and even depression. That this is exactly the case is evidenced by the fact that at such times people begin to actively purchase in pharmacies sedatives. And the reason is banally simple. In rainy weather, a person is forced to constantly stay indoors. He practically never goes out into the fresh air. The result is oxygen starvation, stress, anxiety, depression.

The most interesting thing is that weather-dependent people feel the approach of rain long before it falls. This is expressed in conditions such as: migraines, increased blood pressure, asthma attacks, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Doctors say that such conditions do not pose any particular danger, although they radically worsen the quality of life. U ordinary person turns on before the rain defense mechanism, which can be expressed in the same drowsiness. A weather-dependent person does not have such protection. His body reacts to changes in weather by worsening his condition. Why this happens is not known for certain. Scientists cannot answer this question. Well, if so, then you just need to calm down and try not to pay attention to everything that is happening.

And yet, the cause of the same migraine is not difficult to explain. This is due to sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which cause similar changes in the blood vessels. They also begin to shrink. And if in a healthy person this process is painless, then in a person suffering from heart disease - vascular diseases everything is a little different. The walls of its vessels have long lost their elasticity and cannot instantly respond to meteorological changes. On the eve of rain, oxygen starvation occurs, and the brain gives a command to dilate blood vessels. However, they cannot complete it, which leads to disruption of the blood circulation process. This is the cause of your headache. You can correct the situation with the help of medications, but to do this you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. The easiest way to get rid of a migraine is to go out into the fresh air to replenish the lack of oxygen in the body.

Sometimes weather dependence manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, heart pain, and angina. It's all to blame high humidity air, which slows down the speed of blood movement in the vessels and disrupts its coagulation. Such conditions can be relieved only by walking fresh air and taking vasodilator drugs.

People suffering from rheumatism and joint diseases react strongly to rainy weather. On the eve of rain, their bones begin to ache. Such people are jokingly called living barometers. The cause of these conditions, paradoxically, is also associated with changes in atmospheric pressure. In this case, the pressure in the joints increases, which leads to pain. Pain-relieving ointments, swimming in the pool, and sauna can help in this case.

Asthmatics also feel weather changes. At this time, they cannot do without an inhaler and medications that relieve suffocation syndrome. To alleviate the condition, you need to diversify your food ration fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and lean meat. You should avoid salty, smoked and spicy foods.

For most people, weather changes can cause nervous disorders. They become irritable and aggressive. To all this, dizziness, sweating, and weakness may be added. Such conditions can be relieved using medicines called adaptogens. This is the same tincture of hawthorn, or eleutherococcus. Well, an infusion of sedative herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help you cope with insomnia. Warm, relaxing baths with the addition of pine extract and sea salt perfectly calm the nerves.

In general, on such days you need to rest more, walk in the fresh air if possible, avoid strong physical activity, do not consume alcohol, give up tobacco, eat more vegetables and fruits, do not be nervous. Good mood And positive emotions will help you cope with weather conditions. You must understand that nature does not have bad weather, and all weather is grace!

Or snow. It goes on and on, but the weather is bad, it spoils the mood. Meanwhile, this is the most interesting a natural phenomenon, which would be useful for everyone to study, because, having become parents, people often hear such seemingly simple questions: "Why is it raining or is the sun shining?" It is not necessary for little ones to explain everything in detail, but a six or seven year old child is already quite capable of understanding a serious explanation. So it is better to know the answer to the question that a child may ask when reminded about an umbrella and bad weather.

Their school course chemistry, many people know that water can exist in several states of aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous. Moreover, from liquid to gaseous state it passes almost constantly and the more intense the higher its temperature. If you leave a puddle of water on the table, after a while it will dry out and evaporate. In the same way, it evaporates from rivers, lakes, from plant leaves, soil - from any surfaces. It got there from the lakes that were fed by the rain that had passed before. So this one turns into

But in nature everything is balanced: both on the lid of a pan with boiling water and high in the troposphere, where the air temperature differs significantly from that observed near the ground, condensation forms, that is, drops of water. When they become very heavy, that is, a lot of them accumulate, form and then drops fall to the ground under the influence of gravity - it rains! The water collects in streams and rivulets, and eventually its remains can reach one of the oceans. Everything starts all over again. Of course, this process is described somewhat simplified, but without serious omissions.

This phenomenon is known as the water cycle or whirlpool in nature. However, the latter term is somewhat incorrect, since a whirlpool is usually called another phenomenon that has nothing to do with precipitation.

All this short story explains why it rains. Sometimes it snows instead, these drops of water freeze and become snowflakes - ice crystals. Hail - even more interesting phenomenon, it occurs when condensation, that is, water droplets collide with very cold air, then some of them may freeze, but not become snowflakes, but turn into hailstones. Large

hail can form if there is strong air in the cloud, which prevents precipitation from falling quite for a long time. When does this cold cloud collide with more warm air, a thunderstorm begins, hail falls. This phenomenon, however, should not be confused with snow pellets or rain and snow - they are significantly different.

After rain, especially if the weather is warm, even hot, you can see a rainbow. When the rain is mushroom, that is, the sun is not hidden behind the clouds, it can be seen directly during the rain. It appears when the sun shines through small droplets of evaporating or falling water. Children really like this beautiful natural phenomenon, so sometimes the question: “Why is it raining?” - you can even answer: “So that people can see the rainbow.”
