Thailand swimming season. There are two ways to decide where to go to Thailand

Thailand - mysterious country, which never ceases to amaze the most sophisticated travelers. Tourists love it for its beautiful natural landscapes and the flavor of local traditions. Particularly attractive is the fact that you can relax in the country throughout the year. But still, tourists should find out the climatic features of the Far Eastern resort in order to decide for themselves when is the best time to go to Thailand.

General characteristics of the country

Thailand is a country located in South-East Asia. On one side the country is washed by waters Pacific Ocean, and on the other - Indian. The state is home to 64 million people. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok, and the form of government here is kingdom. The country is gaining popularity among fans exotic holiday. Perfect match here unique nature, rich cultural values, warm climate, clear clean sea and high-class service. The kingdom attracts tourists from different corners lands, many of whom return to the country again. The climate in Thailand is tropical, but it has its own characteristics: there is a summer, a rainy season and a “cold” period. This fact should be taken into account by tourists who want to relax comfortably in fairyland. Each traveler decides for himself when to vacation in Thailand. Throughout the year, air temperatures here do not fall below +25 °C. But during the rainy season, the sun pleases people less with its warmth, the sky is often overcast; Resorts experience periodic precipitation.


The summer season in Thailand begins in March and lasts until the end of May. During this period, real heat begins in the country, especially on the islands. The country is drowning in heat. The air temperature throughout the season remains around +30 °C. This is the ideal time for a beach holiday. Therefore, to the question: “When is the best time to go to Thailand to sunbathe?” - you can answer without hesitation - at the beginning of spring: the summer season begins in the country. For tourists who do not tolerate heat well and prefer to bask in the sun at more low temperatures, other seasons should be considered. IN summer period The resorts in Thailand are really very hot, the air is dry, and acclimatization is problematic.


In June, the rainy season comes to Thailand, lasting until October. Many tourists think that there are heavy rains in the country during this period. But that's not true. Rain spoils Thais for only a few hours, most often at night. Therefore, in the morning, tourists can calmly bask on the warm sand, sunbathe and inhale the fresh aromas of the recently ended rain. This period is considered velvet season. average temperature air is +28 °C. During the rainy season, the sweltering heat recedes, the air becomes soft, and acclimatization occurs quickly. But those travelers who want to skip the rainy season should think about when is the best time to go to Thailand. They should consider summer and the “cold” period at resorts.

"Winter" in Thailand

Of course, there is no traditional winter in tropical countries. During this period, only a slight decrease in temperatures is observed. In Thailand, the “cold” season begins in November and ends in February. During this period, the air warms up to +25 °C. For Thais, such a jump in temperature means the arrival of winter. But residents of temperate zones will be only too happy to visit a tropical resort with warm, but not sweltering sun. Therefore, you should not think about the question: “When is the best time to vacation in Thailand?” You can safely go to the country with the arrival of winter. By the way, in February the kingdom celebrates New Year By Chinese calendar. Therefore, tourists who decide to visit an exotic country this month can join the New Year's mass celebrations.

Rainy season in different parts of the country

Many people go to Thailand not only to soak up the sun, but also to admire the local attractions. The rainy season will not be an obstacle to excursion programs. But in different cities of the country the rainy season occurs differently. This fact also needs to be taken into account by tourists who want to make sightseeing tour across the kingdom.

So, when is the best time to go to Thailand for sightseeing? You can go to Bangkok at any time of the year. But tourists should remember that in April and May the city is very hot. In Koh Samui, the dodge season lasts for 3 months (from November to January). During this period, the sea is rough and precipitation can occur every day. When the season is in full swing in Thailand, many tourists go to Pattaya. Here it is observed good weather all year round, and the rainy season passes unnoticed. But Phuket experiences the most rainfall. It can rain here from May until the end of October. Showers are accompanied strong wind which causes big waves on the sea. Chiang Mai is warm throughout the year, and from March to April it is especially hot.

For festival fans

When is the best time to vacation in Thailand? This is a question that holiday lovers and entertainment events. At the end of November, a grand entertainment show takes place in Surin. To visit the flower festival, you should go to Chiang Mai in February. In June, Thailand spoils visiting guests with an abundance of pineapples. It is during this month that the pineapple festival is organized in Lampang province.

Popular holiday resorts

Many people want to know when the season begins in Thailand, namely at its most popular resorts.

  1. Pattaya: the most popular resort town in the country. The water temperature here warms up to +26 °C, and the air temperature up to +34 °C. The resort has good weather throughout the year. But the beaches here are noisy and not very clean.
  2. Phuket: The largest island in the kingdom by area. On its western part there are best beaches, where you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery. From November to April the weather is sunny. The sea off the coast heats up to +28 °C. The resort is suitable for a relaxing holiday.
  3. Samui: the pearl of the Gulf of Thailand. There are magnificent sandy beaches and warm, clean seas. Tourists come here to go diving and snorkeling. Throughout the year, the sea temperature does not fall below +26 °C, and air masses warm up to +34 °C.
  4. Krabi: A province of the kingdom containing more than 130 islands. The resort has the highest sea ​​temperatures: up to +29 °C.
  5. When does the season in Thailand begin at the famous snow-white resort Phi Phi? Nai best time- from November to April. The picturesque archipelago provides unlimited opportunities for diving and underwater excursions. Tourists love the resort for its privacy and peaceful atmosphere.

Nature of the Kingdom

Thailand stretches from north to south for more than 1,500 km. There is a large difference in altitude in the country, which led to the creation of various natural areas. Among them - rainforests, bamboo thickets, mangroves. Thailand is home to more than 500 species of trees and 27,000 flowers, of which a significant proportion are orchids (more than 1,000). To admire the rich vegetation of the country, you don’t need to rack your brains over the question: “When to fly to Thailand?” Throughout the year, the kingdom delights visiting guests. beautiful scenery. Tourists are amazed by the variety of fruit plants and bamboo. There are 6 national natural parks and 32 nature reserves in the country. Most forest parks include multi-stage waterfalls of incredible beauty.

It is very important to choose the right holiday season in Thailand; we will consider when is the best time to go to this country depending on your goals.

Thailand is attractive to all categories of tourists; this country has prepared its own surprises and pleasant moments for everyone. But there are still those who could not get the maximum pleasure from visiting this wonderful country. First of all, this happened for a very simple reason - the holiday season was chosen incorrectly. And there is no mistake of the tour operator here; there is no universal time of year for everyone. Thailand is multifaceted, and everyone wants to get something unique and unforgettable from it. In order to ensure the most favorable conditions while on vacation, you should know exactly what you want to get.

Beach holiday season in Thailand

For many tourists, Thailand is associated with the endless sea, clean beaches and the amazing sound of the surf. In order to truly enjoy such a vacation, you should go to Thailand in winter. From mid-October to March, this country has amazing weather. The sun is in the sky almost every day, the weather is without winds, and it can be quite hot. These are simply ideal conditions for a holiday at sea. Such weather is observed throughout the country during this period. Accordingly, the number of people wishing to visit Thailand during this period increases many times, a lot of tourists come from cold regions, and not everyone likes this number of vacationers. Another unfavorable point may be the prices for all services. With the increase in the number of people wishing to relax, the cost of travel packages and hotel rooms increases, souvenirs and other categories of goods become more expensive. But there is always the opportunity to purchase a “hot tour” and get maximum comfort at an affordable price.

We can safely say that the period October-March is the main tourist season. At this time, many tourism areas are activated to the maximum, it is proposed a large number of various tourist routes, all conditions are created so that a tourist on vacation can get everything he wants.

Sights can be seen all year round

Probably everyone knows how beautiful and interesting Thailand is. There is something in this country, and there is something to be surprised by. Magnificent palaces and temples, nature, modern buildings and scientific centers, shops, squares can surprise everyone who dares to become more closely acquainted with the history of this people. An excursion tourist can go to Thailand at any time of the year; there are no obstacles for him except, perhaps, a tropical downpour. Although it may be a piece of cake if you can forego walking along the river and prefer to see the sights from the inside rather than the outside.

But still, for sightseeing it is better to choose the time from March to May-June. This period is completely unsuitable for the beach season; accordingly, the total number of tourists in the country decreases significantly. Tourist routes deserted, which gives real pleasure to those who really want to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Of course, hot weather makes some adjustments to the schedule. But all excursion routes are developed taking into account climatic features. Lower prices and the absence of crowds of tourists will ensure a good rest and the most favorable conditions for sightseeing in Thailand.

Summer shopping season in Thailand

Among all the attractions of Thailand, a special place is occupied by markets and shops where you can buy a wide variety of goods. They sell both high-quality items from famous manufacturers and fairly inexpensive copies of popular brands. Thailand offers numerous handicrafts

  • silk fabrics
  • wood crafts
  • china

Many tourists are attracted by this assortment, and shopping becomes an integral part of a holiday in Thailand.

The best season for shopping is May-July.

This is the time when the hot season ends, the number of vacationers decreases significantly. After this season there will be a period of rains, when tourists will be almost completely absent. Accordingly, from May to June there are big sales in stores; you can get a significant discount on almost everything. Going to Thailand at this time, you can perfectly combine a seaside holiday, sightseeing and shopping. The main thing is to guess the time correctly and not go on vacation when the period of tropical downpours has already begun.

A time of peace and comfort

There is a separate category of tourists who do not like to appear in front of large crowds of people, they do not go to the beach or attend excursions, and they are also not interested in shopping. If you fall into this category, a holiday between July and October would be ideal for you. At this time, there are practically no tourists, prices for everything are minimal. You can easily check into any hotel by choosing a room with ideal conditions. Despite popular belief, tropical rains don't go all the time. The rain may be heavy or lightly dripping, and it may continue for several hours or end within an hour. At the same time, the temperature remains as favorable and provides very comfortable conditions for walking around the city or relaxing in nature.

Thai nightlife season

Thailand offers entertainment for every taste; imposing gentlemen and strict ladies are welcome here, and, of course, unbridled youth. Numerous clubs are intended for the latter, where the fun does not end until the morning.

The season for recreational holidays has absolutely no meaning.

Thailand will provide the best conditions for everyone who has chosen this country for their holiday. These can be small bars, chic restaurants, fashionable clubs and establishments closed type. They work constantly, regardless of the weather and time of year.

When going on a trip, you need to get acquainted with a lot of details: cultural characteristics, climatic conditions . Many countries are ready to welcome tourists at any time of the year, however, not everyone will be happy to spend their vacation under a threatening cloudy sky, moving from building to building through endless puddles. To avoid such incidents when going on vacation, you need to find out what seasons in Thailand , are more suitable for you, let's get acquainted with the periods that are minimally and maximally welcoming for relaxation.

Opening of the beach season falls on . It is worth noting that during this period hundreds and thousands of tourists come to the country; huge demand generates a rapid increase in prices in hotels and companies providing various services.

Weather in southern Thailand is different high temperature, an average of 32 degrees Celsius. During this period, you can fully enjoy the warmth, sun and incredible natural scenery. This continues until the very beginning of which comes, and the number of vacationers is noticeably decreasing .

Maximum influx of tourists occurs in the period from November to , at this time it is quite comfortable and warm here, and already in the heat it reaches its maximum peak, which does not always have a favorable effect on vacation.

If you are planning visit the northern part of Thailand , teach what's here weather somewhat different. Minimum temperature from November to can reach plus ten. Of course, in comparison with the frosts at home, this temperature does not seem so frightening, although there is one "but" . Hotel rooms are not designed for cool days and in such weather they do not have any special heat-saving qualities.

Since April, holidays in this region have also not been favorable. Because of extreme heat Fires start in the fields, and the cities are filled with suffocating and acrid smoke.
The most favorable holiday season in Thailand in the north of the country it is either , , and .

In the last three months you may experience rain, but here it is not as frequent and strong as in the south.

Popular resorts in Thailand

- the island where beach season starts in the first days of November . Until March, vacationers here will enjoy clear skies, calm, transparent sea ​​waters, lots of entertainment.

At the beginning of May, the island becomes the least attractive for tourists. At this time they begin here heavy rains . The wind raises strong waves and the water becomes cloudy. Flooding begins every day in the late afternoon. Therefore, holidays on the island during this period are not the best.

Another popular resort. The most attractive time to vacation here it falls on December-February. In March the heat peaks. Air temperatures can reach 40 degrees above zero.

If your vacation falls at this time of year, try to find a hotel as close to the coastline as possible. The fact is that even at a distance of half a kilometer from the sea, the air is filled with strong smog and exhaust fumes from cars.

The most unfavorable seasons in Thailand

Beginning from May until October. This time is the least popular among tourists who prefer beach holiday. And what kind of swimming can we talk about when the sea becomes choppy and often greets people with huge waves.

It is also worth noting unpredictability of weather changes . The day can start out beautiful, sunny and warm, and within an hour you find yourself under pouring rain, which seems to never end. At the same time, if you did not manage to take cover in time and got wet, it will be difficult to find a suitable place to warm up. All working cafes and bars always have air conditioning on.

If you are not afraid of rain and high humidity, then this time for travel will help you good savings . Housing prices drop to six thousand Thai baht. Tourists can easily find something acceptable in financially housing in the most popular cities.

But Don't bet on a low price . After all, a poorly air-conditioned room will become absolutely uncomfortable during the rainy season. High humidity and cold can provoke complex colds.

Most Peak rainfall occurs in October . Most often, showers begin at five o'clock in the evening and turn the streets into endless rivers of water. The most unattractive city at this time of year is Bangkok. But in Pattaya you will be able to survive the rainy season with greater comfort.

Looking for landmarks

If you are wondering: why visit Thailand during the rainy season , then this chapter is just for you. At the end of the beach season, when there are several times fewer tourists and housing prices also decrease, favorable period For active rest and dating historical sites countries. May and June are excellent for various excursions and trips to explore the sights of the country.

Ready to receive guests all year round. For residents of Russia, accustomed to cold winters and moderate summers, Thailand seems like a paradise country. After all, the hot climate here is complemented by a gentle and warm sea. But even tropical living conditions are not always the same, because the season in Thailand varies.

There are two types of division of holiday conditions in Thailand:

  • According to the time of year.
  • At a place of rest.

Let's look at the first point first.

Throughout the year, Thailand's climate undergoes some changes. And we can talk about the most and least comfortable time of stay in the country.

They change in the following sequence.

November - February

The most popular time for tourists. The retreating air gives way to cool air - the tropical winter has begun. It is not for nothing that in Russia these months are considered the coldest of the year. Holidays in Thailand at this time are the most comfortable, but also the most expensive. The country is flooded with millions of tourists.

Prices for accommodation, food and excursions are skyrocketing by 20-40%. At this time, many compatriots come here for "wintering", including with small children. For those who have health problems, it is also better to choose these months for travel. The air temperature during the day is about 28-30 degrees Celsius, and at night about 22. Bright sun and fairly dry air make the stay very pleasant, especially on the coast and islands. But don't forget about sunscreen;

March, April

At this time there is practically no rain, but the air becomes hotter by 3-5 degrees, which, of course, cannot but affect the comfort of your stay. If near the sea such a difference is compensated by a pleasant breeze - a breeze, then in the depths of the country, especially where they grow "rainy" forests, the air becomes excessively humid and stuffy. Not everyone likes the scorching sun. For example, in cities it is better to escape under air conditioning at this time. If in Southern European countries the hottest time of the day is called "siesta" and prefer to relax, then in Thailand they simply will not work if it is not for them "sanuk" and not "sabai"- that is, not a pleasure.

During this season in Thailand, all the street life begins to appear only towards sunset. Prices at this time of year are quite high, as many people like "roast" under the sun. But you need to be very careful. For northerners, such solar activity is not typical, so you need to be in direct rays as little as possible. Be sure to use protective creams on the beach, and when outside, do not neglect closed clothing. Even if there is no sun, ultraviolet light breaks through the clouds and harms the skin. Be careful!

May– August

This is the most favorite season in Thailand for Russians, but unfortunately at this time in the country it's raining . IN different areas countries, its intensity varies. Even the Thais themselves and our compatriots, who have lived in Thailand for many years, do not make forecasts about the amount of precipitation. However, the so-called "rain season" will not become an obstacle to proper rest. It doesn't rain all the time, only 3-5 days a week, for a maximum of 2-3 hours. The rest of the time it is dry. And even if the sun is not shining, you will receive your dose of ultraviolet radiation through the clouds. Be sure to use protective creams even during these months.

May-August are especially attractive because prices for everything in Thailand are reduced, sometimes by 20-30%. There are fewer tourists from Europe, more and more of our compatriots who are taking advantage of the savings and lower prices;

September October

If you have once seen what a tropical downpour is, then you are unlikely to confuse it with other precipitation. It really rains in Thailand "out of the blue". In autumn, this spectacle is usually observed for 2-3 hours almost every day. Therefore, during these months there are the fewest tourists in Thailand. Prices are minimal when compared with other seasons. Are you unsure when is the cheapest time to go to Thailand? Make no mistake, this is exactly September and October. This is the most cheap season in Thailand for relaxation, if you close your eyes to the continuous rains.

The combination with hot air gives the feeling of a sauna, especially away from the coast. For example, in Bangkok, such weather is difficult to survive if you do not have air conditioning nearby. In addition, the rain fills the streets and temples with liquid so quickly that literally after 20 minutes of rain, you will have to wade through ankle-deep water on excursions. However, moisture on the ground disappears as quickly as it appears.

But it remains in the air constantly. This weather is not suitable for people with problems in the cardiovascular system, joints and bones. High humidity and heat is an excellent environment for bacteria. For example: tuberculosis, other infectious diseases. What didn’t cause trouble at home in a colder climate can “grow” here in a matter of days. Keep this in mind.

Need to know

It is better to consult your doctor before visiting Thailand. By the way, doctors do not advise changing the climate even for healthy people for less than 2 weeks. An organism that has received stress in the form of acclimatization will not feel the benefits of a week-long trip. If you don’t have enough time or money for a longer trip to Thailand, as well as to other tropical countries, then it’s better to choose another holiday destination.

Now let's talk about Where is the best place to relax in Thailand? , in relation to geographic reference.

The most expensive and comfortable stay The islands and the province of Krabi are considered. The latter due to its natural beauty. The climate on the islands is milder due to coastal winds. is located south of the other islands and, unlike the latter, is located in the Andaman Sea

Indian Ocean. Due to this, the climate here is slightly different – ​​drier and hotter. On the other hand, it is more open to external natural disasters.

The islands located in the Gulf of Thailand are protected from unpredictable things such as tsunamis.


In 2004, Phuket was hit hard by a huge wave that hit the southern provinces of Thailand. The islands of the Gulf of Thailand were much luckier. There was no destruction or casualties. At least they were not comparable to those in Phuket.

But let's not talk about sad things.

Thailand is very long coastal strip. It consists of thousands of large and small islands. Choosing where to relax in Thailand is a problem. There are so many interesting places here.

The most popular mainland resort is. Since this Big City, then it's pretty dirty here. It's not so much the abundance of tourists as the peculiarities of the seabed. Compared to nearby islands, such as Koh Chang, it receives more rainfall. But a holiday here is 20-30% cheaper than the last one.

But Thailand lives not only by the sea. On its territory there are more than a hundred natural national parks, including more than 20 marine reserves. You can go north - deep into the country, where no tourist has gone before.

Climate in the north of the country

The climate here is completely different than on the coast. In the north of Thailand there is no high mountains, rather these are hills. Nature is sometimes similar to northern Russia, with deciduous trees and the absence of palm trees. If on the coast the night temperature does not drop below 20-25 even in winter months, then in the north at night it practically never gets above 20-22 degrees. During the day the air warms up no higher than 30-35. Comfortable enough for travel. It can be said that the climate of northern Thailand is similar to middle lane Russia, when it's a hot summer. The seasonality of precipitation is comparable to the rest of the territory.

The disadvantage of the north is the complete absence of the tourism industry in these regions. On the other hand, this can be an advantage for those who love adventure. While places like Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket have been on everyone’s lips for many decades, the north of the country remains unexplored. And perhaps in vain.

The further south we go, the hotter it gets. During the rainy season, the ground no longer cools so much, and evaporating moisture hangs in the air, creating "bath" Effect. Therefore, the popularity of coastal holidays is also due to climatic factors. Here the air does not stagnate, it is renewed by the breeze, making it more comfortable and easier to breathe.

To summarize, we can say that Thailand will be glad to see you at any time of the year. Rainy season is compensated low prices for accommodation and food, and cool is comfortable, attracts a maximum of tourists from all over the world and, of course, is characterized by increased prices. What you choose for yourself is up to you!

Have a nice trip!


Every tourist who loves the sea and loves the sun knows that Thailand has both in abundance. Therefore, every tourist, when choosing a place for his vacation, must include Thailand in his preliminary list. And you haven’t decided yet which country to choose. Let me tell you when is the best time to vacation in Thailand, what time of year and where the beautiful weather is. Watch and follow our advice. Then you will definitely remember your vacation forever and will remember it only from the positive side.

Thailand - not seasons, but seasons!
Yes, it’s no secret that in Thailand it’s not customary to talk about the seasons; here it’s customary to talk about the seasons. And there are three of them in Thailand.
The first one is tropical.
The second one is hot.
The third one is rainy.

We will talk about all of them further, and at the same time we will tell you when is the best time to visit Thailand.
It should be noted that tourists fly to the country at any time of the year and in any season. After all, tourists are different, and not everyone needs the beach and sun. Some people like to travel and get acquainted with the culture of countries, their cities and inhabitants. And some people prefer to just live in a hotel and go on excursions. And there are those who come to another country for shopping, and they know exactly where and when the sales are. In general, let's talk about everything in order.

Weather in Thailand by months and seasons.
Each month of the year has its own climate and weather. And many are mistaken when they think that with the onset of calendar autumn, the beach season begins here. IN southern parts It is possible to swim in the country, but in the central and northern parts it is too early to swim.
Look further at the weather chart in Thailand, and you will immediately understand when and at which resort the most good time for swimming.

The tropical season is the best time for a beach holiday.
When autumn comes to an end in our country, snow falls and frosts begin, the tropical season begins in Thailand - this is the best time for the beach season.

The tropical season lasts four months: November, December, January and February. During these months, it is not hot on the coast of Thailand, but warm weather. The average temperature at the resorts is +29 degrees. The sea is just as warm and warms up to +28 degrees. The winds no longer blow, the rains are long gone, and the sun shines 8-10 hours a day. Depending on your holiday area.

Since the tropical season is the best time for relaxation, there are many tourists here at this time. And not just a lot, but very, very much. Therefore, we recommend booking a hotel in advance to both save money and get on vacation.

Hot season - hot, hot, hot!
With the onset of spring, heat comes to Thailand. Yes. Tourists come here who think - well, now after cold winter we'll warm up! But in reality it turns out that they are not warming up, but suffering!

The average air temperature is above +37 degrees. The humidity is high and this creates inconvenience. If you go to the beach, then only in the mornings and evenings, when the sun is not very hot.
There is no rain in March and April. They happen at night and come with showers and thunderstorms. There are tourists who come here for such scenes, when lightning and thunderstorms constantly flash outside the window in the dark. It's beautiful and scary.
IN spring months It is not recommended to visit Thailand for people who have heart and blood pressure problems. Even lovers of nature, culture and just vacationers are in no hurry to come here in the spring. Everyone knows that it is impossible to live here; life in Thailand at this time takes place at night.

The rainy season means swimming, sunbathing, and staying at the hotel.
The rainy season is like Russian roulette. The weather may or may not be lucky.

Most people think that during the rainy season it rains like buckets here every day. But that's not true. In June it rains heavily, but in July it does not rain so often, and mostly in the afternoon. It’s just that in July and August there is little sun here, the sky is overcast, and you won’t be able to sunbathe in such weather. Although the sea is warm and sometimes reaches +30 degrees! The air is also very warm to +35 and above. All this, coupled with rain, makes the air humidity almost 88%!
During the rainy season, those who love sightseeing flock to Thailand Beautiful places and get to know another culture. There are also quite a few tourists here who catch sunny days on the beaches. But, as already said, you can go a week without seeing the sun, or you can enjoy it for ten days in a row - depending on your luck.

Let's summarize.
So, if you want to relax in Thailand on the beach, then we recommend that you visit it during the winter months.
If you love excursions and just want to see the country, then choose August or September.
But in the spring it’s better not to come here - the heat and humidity are unbearable. You will just spend your entire vacation in hotels.
