Beach and other types of recreation in Vietnam: where and what time of year is best to go? Best time to travel to Vietnam.

Trips. Yes, the soul sometimes calls for a journey, long or short, it doesn’t matter. The world is big and I want to see it and learn more. When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, at what time of year and where, if you choose this undoubtedly beautiful and culturally distinctive country for your vacation?

Why Vietnam?

Local travel

Some people prefer to move around within the country without stopping somewhere. A good route: start from the capital, by plane to Hanoi, then from there to Ha Long Bay, which has already become famous among tourists. Favorable time for such travel: the period from April to November, warm, sunny, although there are rainy days, but in the summer this is a small problem. Further, from Hanoi you can go to Dalat in the summer, from there to Nha Trang, where there are wonderful places for traditional swimming and beach holidays.

It is more convenient to visit the south of the country from March to October - sunny, warm, a great time for a beach holiday, local excursions to Mui Ne or Phan Thiet, etc.

Why are tourists just exploring Vietnam, because it is a beautiful, wonderful and original country that has something to offer even the most experienced eye? Everyone dreams of seeing the Colosseum, the Louvre, or catching the English rains while admiring the view of London. After all, the world is truly huge and many corners are still waiting in the wings.

Experts believe the reason is the flight duration. If Vietnam suddenly moved and became Russia’s closest neighbor, then surely 80% of vacationers would rush there, since a visa is not needed, and 15 days allowed to visit the country are enough. After all, the flight, in addition to the duration, is also expensive.

Others note that Vietnam could spoil the impression with cheap consumer goods, who do not know the combination “Vietnamese market”, sociable local people, but judge the whole country not worth it according to the market. Vietnam is home to beautiful, ancient temples, fraught with a whole history, and many of the complexes shown to tourists on excursions were built by unknown civilizations; scientists are still arguing.

National parks that are stunningly beautiful, healthy, inexpensive and tasty food, diving, and it is considered the cheapest among other tourist countries (plus the abundance of inhabitants of local reservoirs, the sea, etc.), resorts where the service system is well developed, you can feel the French flavor, after all, this was previously a colony of France.

Reviews from experienced tourists

They will help you create best opinion and plan future vacations. These are stories about the brightest, most memorable moments of the trip, facts about the country through the eyes of tourists.

“Vietnam is wonderful, its weather is a special charm; you can really come here whenever you want, at any time of the year. But when planning a winter holiday, it is more convenient to fly to the resorts of the southern side, because the northern and central parts are quite cold in winter, the air there does not warm up above +20 during the day, the sea is naturally cold and strong wind creates great excitement.

Best time– high season, for us it falls on winter months(New Year's holidays, why not), only trips become more expensive. To save money, it is better to go in another, low season (these are the periods from May to October). Then the tours are cheaper, because the country is in the midst of the rainy season, with strong, tropical rains. However, for tourists, even downpours do not interfere and people still go, because it does not get cold, the weather is warm, you can swim. And the rains themselves don’t fall for days; they are fleeting, like ordinary warm summer rain. After them, the heat subsides for a short time, but the sea does not have time to cool down.

For diving enthusiasts, Vietnam is simply smeared with honey. Diving schools are everywhere, in any major city, open without holidays all year round. Those who graduate there are given a certificate and can safely dive. Prices for local diving activities will be lower, which always pleases fans of this sport. Moreover, the level is unlikely to be inferior to other resorts. Undersea world pleases with the variety of inhabitants and diving spots.

For lovers of excursions, entertaining trips, who want to find out better country It’s more convenient to choose the high season, although trips are more expensive. Fishermen too. By the way, there are many places for different types fishing: cold mountain lakes, local rivers, and the open sea, where you can go on a rented boat. Local residents themselves will tell you where the best and richest are. fishing spots, they can keep you company and give you equipment temporarily, for rent.

The dry (aka quiet) season for Vietnam is the period from January to April. Also extremely good time for the holidays, people call it the velvet season. You can safely fly to any of the corners of the country you like, to any of the resorts.

A big plus is regular and numerous flights from Russia all year round.


From August to November – dangerous time, it’s better not to plan trips at all if you choose Vietnam. This is the time for strong typhoons, which can become a threat not only to recreation, but also to life."


“Many people are interested in Vietnam, everyone goes for something specific. If for the beach, then the velvet or high season is better, although of course prices jump. Tourists more often choose resorts from southern cities, it is warmer there, local beaches They delight with amenities, and in cities there is more adaptation for tourists - trips, comfortable hotels, cafes and restaurants. In October, the water is calmer, waves are rare, and so is the weather. Although sometimes it is cloudy. It is worth considering the constant tide schedule. This is nature. True, whoever visits Vietnam will immediately understand that this country is much more interesting than just places with good beaches. It’s good to swim and lie down enjoying the sand, but it’s better to diversify your vacation with excursions and walks, especially for your first trip.”


“In general, Vietnam can hardly be called a simple country; those who are used to seeing resort places will be amazed by its originality and rich culture. The ancient complexes are fascinating, the local nature is delightful, and the residents are truly friendly. Tourists, however, still travel more often to the south, especially if they go in winter, they want more warmth, because there is snow and storm at home. The climate here is tropical, rainy or hot. The best time, I think, is from December to March! Exactly winter holidays. The average temperature will be +28, normal"


“It rains there from April until October, although this does not mean that it rains everywhere. Yes, and the years are different. The rainy season is definitely not something to be afraid of, especially when the weather is about +28. Rain never bothers Russian people; they are used to harsher weather. Tourists love Vung Tau and Nya Trang, also Cam Ranh, visit Phan Thiet or Phan Rang."


“You don’t have to use travel companies, I’ll tell you. They regularly sell tours, but they add their own markup, and you don’t know whether you will like the hotel upon arrival or what kind of infrastructure is around. Sometimes they settle in an unknown place. Now there is Internet, you can open any city in Vietnam and find out the list of hotels, what changes they have in prices over the annual period and book rooms in the one you like. You can contact us through the phone numbers listed on the website or write by email, everything is much simpler. And you can buy tickets for where you need to go yourself. I traveled through a travel agency a couple of times, then decided to visit Vietnam myself. We really already knew where we would stay, we saw the hotel in person. But it’s really cheaper and less hassle.

It’s easier to find out through websites what excursions and where are offered in the cities of Vietnam, although if you’re traveling for the first time, you can safely take any of the resort towns - everyone will have something to show you. Whether you start with Ho Chi Minh City to see the city through a sightseeing tour or prefer another one, it doesn’t matter. It has its own culture, it is ancient and has left a significant mark. I never tire of being amazed by her, perhaps she is what makes Vietnam so special. Well, of course, the beach of southern cities. Divers should definitely make a point to come here. There are so many diving spots and the local flora and fauna are truly diverse. Vietnam is not Europe, it is Asia, the mysterious East, with a tropical, pronounced climate"

Vietnam is today one of the most popular tourist destinations in South-East Asia. Tourists from all over the world come here in search of good tropical beaches, clear azure seas and small exotic corners for a perfect holiday. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, then depending on what kind of vacation you are planning, you should choose the appropriate season.

Con Dao Island

- Central region - beach resorts and its surroundings, and with nearby smaller zones;

Zoklet Beach Nha Trang

- Northern region - Nam Dinh, Thai Binh and, which are more popular among the local population than among Russian tourists.

Seasonality in the south

High season

The high season in this state, as in other countries of Southeast Asia, begins at a time when winter is raging in our country. This is the main reason for choosing Vietnam as a holiday destination during the period of chilly winds and snow drifts. Someone comes here at high tourist season in search of summer days, while others prefer to go to meet New Year and Christmas is somehow more exotic and unusual.

The peak of the high tourist season occurs from the second half of December to the end of March, i.e. our winter. The majority of vacationers in Vietnam at this time are Russian speakers, as well as French and Americans.

Among the disadvantages of this season we can note too high prices for accommodation, food and entertainment. But the time is just perfect to go here for a beach holiday.

Given weather description typical for the southern part of the country, where temperatures range between +30 - +32 degrees daytime and +23 - +25 at night, and the water warms up to a comfortable +26 degrees.

Low season

Low season or otherwise rainy season tropical rains comes to the south coast around the end of May and continues until the end of October. Despite the fact that this time is not considered the most favorable for a beach holiday, there are still plenty of fans of holidays in Vietnam, and the prices at this time are much more attractive and have a better impact on family budget. Of course, you can book a hotel room in the winter, but you shouldn’t rush too much, since many hotels and inns during the rainy season put out quite interesting offers and very nice discounts online.

If you are planning a holiday in Vietnam during the rainy season, then carefully approach the issues of choosing a resort, because in addition to torrential rains In some parts of Vietnam, typhoons with destructive force. Therefore, it is better not to go to such regions at all during the off-season or low season(in the vast majority of cases, typhoons are not typical for south coast, and more and more people visit the north and center of the country).

Seasonality in the central region of Vietnam

The high tourist season on the coast is completely different in the central part of the country. So, in winter, from late December to mid-February, it is still rainy here. True, the rains are mostly short and warm, and if you want to relax in this part of Vietnam, they will not spoil your vacation.

At a time when autumn dominates in our country, typhoons are not uncommon in the central part of Vietnam, so when going to this country in the second half of autumn, it is better to go to another region.

Most suitable for holidays in central zone Vietnam will be from mid-February to the end of May, when the warm sun, and the rains are receding.

Northern region and its climate

While the southern region is hot and comfortable for spending time on the beach, in the north of Vietnam the weather is not the most pleasant: the sea is cold and the air warms up to about +15 degrees.

The rainy season in this region begins in April and lasts until September. During this period it is quite rainy and cold here (air temperature no more than +10 degrees).

A favorable time for a holiday (high season) in the north of the country is the period from early October to December. And if you are planning a vacation in the north, then it is better to come here at this time.

Beach holiday season

Despite the fact that in Vietnam beach holiday accessible all year round, yet there are certain areas that are more or less suitable for a good holiday on the coast at one time or another.

Thus, in winter, more and more tourists flock to the southern region of Vietnam, where the water warms up to +26 degrees. January-February is the time of the so-called velvet season, when the weather is still comfortable and rain is unlikely.

The same cannot be said about the center and north of the country, where in winter time The conditions here are completely unsuitable for swimming: the temperature during the day does not exceed +20 degrees (on most days it is around +13 +15 degrees), and the water in the sea is not conducive to comfortable swimming.

You can swim in this part of the country at our summer time, when the air and water temperature does not drop less than +26 degrees. True, the holiday may be somewhat overshadowed by rain, because at this time the rainy season dominates here.

If we compare the north and central regions, less precipitation falls in the center, so when vacationing in this part of Vietnam, the risk of a spoiled vacation is much lower. For example, today it is considered the most popular resort in the central part of Vietnam.

From May to July, it offers quite comfortable conditions for a beach holiday, but in August-September it is better to leave these places, as the most powerful and destructive typhoons are observed here.

Diving seasons

As you know, Vietnam is the best country for diving, since this type of active leisure is the cheapest in the world. Despite the fact that the cost of this entertainment here is extremely low, this does not at all affect the quality and the organization of diving in Vietnam is in no way inferior, and at times even better, than at the leading fashionable European resorts.

Underwater kingdom South China Sea will give an unforgettable diving experience to both beginners and experienced followers of this type of leisure.

Almost every developed large resort in Vietnam can offer tourists several diving centers. The most popular and visited centers are those located in Fukuoka (here you can see underwater “plantations” of sea pearls), in Huel (there is a turtle farm), on the Con Dao archipelago, where there are several sunken ships, as well as in the popular among Russian-speaking tourists Nha Trang, where there is a diving center specially created for our compatriots with Russian language support, and also has the most beautiful diving bay in the world.

You can choose any month of the year for diving, with the exception of the time from December to February, when the sea is somewhat choppy.

Again, if you are interested in diving in Vietnam, then, for example, in Nha Trang it is best to do this from February to the end of October, while it is better to go to Phu Quoc Island from November to the end of May.

When planning a vacation to Vietnam, it would be a good idea to find out the weather conditions from the very beginning, and only then choose a time of vacation and a suitable resort. You can relax here at any time of the year, you just need to set your priorities correctly and choose for yourself what would be the most interesting from the variety of offers from domestic and local tour operators. In this article you will find out when is the best time to go to Vietnam, we will tell you about the high season in Vietnam, when is it better to go to Vietnam with a child and, of course, when is it better to buy tickets to Vietnam.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam?

Vietnam is a charming and mysterious country, with a rich history, interesting and unique culture.

Vietnam emerged as a serious player in the tourism market relatively recently, when two parts of the country - North and South - reunited into one state and peace came to this land. Although the resort traditions here can be said to be ancient: Nha Trang, for example, was known as a vacation spot not even in colonial “French” times, but since the times of the emperors.

The country attracts tourists with its snow-white and golden beaches, picturesque bays with a scattering of islands and islets of the most bizarre shapes, Asian exoticism and interesting original holidays and customs.

Vietnamese resorts receive almost 8 million tourists (2016) from different countries. Most of them come from China, the USA, Japan, South Korea and France.

High season in Vietnam

Most tourists who ask themselves the question – when is the best time to go to Vietnam, try to choose the high season. However, even this high season in Vietnam may differ depending on the region or type of holiday you prefer

Beach season in Vietnam

In principle, the entire Vietnamese coast is almost a continuous resort area. But three places are most suitable for tourists from Europe, tours to which are chosen by our compatriots. The best time to relax at these resorts:

Nha Trang: February – August

Phu Quoc Island: November – June

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne: November – April

High season in Vietnam at most of the named resorts: the period is from December to April. And as always and everywhere, one of the minuses high season at any resort - its high cost.

But you shouldn’t be upset, because in addition to the high “beach” season, Vietnamese resorts there are others, no less interesting, that allow tourists to visit the country all year round.

Diving season in Vietnam

Adherents of this activity know that the cheapest diving in the world is in Vietnam, and here it is no worse than in European resorts. The underwater world of the South China Sea amazes with corals, mysterious grottoes, colorful fish and exotic inhabitants.

Here you will see huge green turtles, sea ​​cows and stingrays, sea cucumbers and other curiosities of the seabed.

Popular "dive spots" on the Vietnamese coast

Nha Trang: February-October (Russian diving center and wonderful bay)

Con Dao Archipelago: March-December (site of sunken ships)

Isle of Wel: February-October (turtle farm)

Phu Quoc Island: November-May (“plantations” of pearls)

Surf season in Vietnam

As a sport on the Vietnamese coast, diving is still less developed than diving, but competitions are already being held between resorts, even at a professional level.
The Vietnamese coast is designed for experienced and trained surfers. Fans of windsurfing and kitesurfing are most comfortable in the resorts of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

Fishing season

Do you want to catch an angelfish or a shelled pike with your own hands? What about swordfish or sabrefish? They are found here, but rather, it is a dream and luck, but tuna, sardine, mackerel, conger eel It's quite possible to catch. This country is a paradise for fishing fans; you can catch fish here in the sea, in lakes, and in mountain rivers - they are literally teeming with it.

But our calendar summer, when in some parts of Vietnam the winds blow and there are downpours, is not suitable for this activity.

The rest of the time is quite favorable. And it is not at all necessary to order a special “fishing tour”: every local fisherman will help you organize a fishing trip for a small fee, share equipment and show you the best places.

Excursion season

If you don’t really need beaches and the sea and you decide when is the best time to go to Vietnam to see the maximum interesting places, then the following information is for you.

Ancient temple complexes, waterfalls, bays, picturesque islands, mountain rivers, carpets of green rice fields, strange and exotic flora and fauna, Asian markets with local delicacies - a Vietnam excursion surprises Europeans with things unusual for us.

“Dry season” is the best time for excursions along the coast and islands, then they will give you maximum pleasure.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam? Climate, seasons overview

The territory of the country is stretched out in a narrow strip along the meridian along east coast Indochinese Peninsula. The length of the coastline (South China Sea) is almost 3.5 thousand km. On geographical map Vietnam twists and turns like the letter S.

Due to this peculiar geography, the climate in different parts The country is significantly different, although all of Vietnam is located in the tropics. Briefly about when is the best time to go to Vietnam, depending on the region.

South: close to the equator, tropical climate savannah

There is no obvious difference between the seasons here, the mountains protect from the northern winds, and the sea water is from +26 to 29 ⁰C all year round.

There are two seasons: dry (November - April) and tropical rain season from May to October.

North: tropical monsoon climate

The seasons can be seen a little more sharply: summer is hot (+31⁰С), with heavy rains, and winter is cool, but also rainy.

In winter there is no swimming in the northern resorts, and in the mountains there are frosts and even snow (Sapa)

Center: climate characteristics are average between tropical in the South and tropical monsoon in the North.

Winters are warmer than in the north, and summers are not as hot as in the south. The peak of the rainy season is October-November, and the rains begin to fall at the end of July.
In January the temperature can be below +20⁰С.

The heat in Vietnam is difficult to bear almost everywhere; the average annual humidity throughout the territory is almost 80%. This unpleasant fact is greatly alleviated by the hotel's air conditioning.

Vietnam in winter

In winter, the monsoon blows dry and sunny weather to the south, air temperature +30⁰С, water temperature +26⁰С, rains are rare.

On the northern coast it is humid, air + 10-15⁰С (sometimes rises higher), water + 8-15⁰С

In the center at this time the season changes - from wet to dry, the temperature of water and air is almost the same: about +24-25⁰С.

Vietnam in December
Great month for relaxation at all resorts. There may still be some rain in the Center, but it’s already good there.

Vietnam in January
A good time for a beach holiday in the resorts of the South and Center, it is uncomfortable in the North, here the temperature can drop to 10⁰C, a cold wind blows, but there is almost no rain.

Vietnam in February
The weather is great everywhere except the North, beach season in full swing.

Vietnam in spring

Spring is perfect for beach holidays, travel and excursions: it is warm and not very humid, the heat has not yet set in, the temperature usually does not rise above +30, but it is too early to swim in the northern resorts, although in April you can already go there. In May in the North there is heavy rain at night or in the morning, but the sun shines during the day.

Vietnam in March
This month you can have a great rest at all resorts; the heat is not “severe” because there is little precipitation. In the North, you can also walk around during the day without taking your clothes off; at night it’s still cool.

Vietnam in April
An ideal month for excursions throughout the country. Warm, little rain.

Vietnam in May
You can go to any resort, the weather is excellent everywhere. The rainy season begins in Dalat, Con Dao Island and Hanoi, but they are short-lived and swimming season don't interfere.

Vietnam in summer

At the very beginning, all resorts are humid, only the Center is dry. The air is +30, the water is a little cooler, +28.

In the North and South, mid-summer is the peak of the “wet” season, heavy showers They go every day, about one and a half to two hours. But in the Center it’s still hot and dry.

In the last month of summer the weather is hot and humid. The air heats up to +32, and sea water becomes even warmer, +29⁰С.

Vietnam in June
This month is best to relax in the Center. In the southern and northern resorts in June, it begins to rain alternately and be extremely hot; Ha Long Bay is often stormy. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, even healthy people do not tolerate the heat well - it is very humid.

Vietnam in July
It’s even hotter, the rainy season (North-South) is intensifying, and, as in July, the most comfortable place to relax is in the Center. In the north heavy rains and storms and excursions are cancelled.

Vietnam in August
Beach holidays are only in the Center, there are heavy rains in the North, prolonged downpours in the South, and in the absence of rain there are heavy clouds in the sky.

Vietnam in autumn

At the beginning of autumn in the North, the rains gradually subside, but in the Center and South the downpours are in full swing. But throughout Vietnam it is very hot, +30⁰ C.

Autumn is notable for its rains, winds, storms and even typhoons. Having raged, nature subsides and after a month the heat subsides, and the elements also subside. In October, it is rainy every day in the North and South.
IN last month In autumn it becomes much colder, the temperature is +15-16⁰С, and you can only relax on the beaches in the South.

Vietnam in September
It rains everywhere, only Cat Ba Island is dry. At the resorts of the Center, heavy short rains alternate during the day with sunny weather.

Vietnam in October
A completely unlucky month for those who were hoping to relax on the beach. It’s especially bad in the Center, there are typhoons, you can go to the South, but sudden weather changes during the day cannot be avoided.
The weather in the North is good, but there is only one beach on Cat Ba Island. Now is the best time for excursions: Halong Bay, hiking in the mountains in Sapa and exploring Hanoi.

Vietnam in November
Everything has changed places. Now Nice weather in the North and South, and in the central part the beaches are almost unsuitable for recreation, the likelihood of typhoons is high. Take this into account if you are still deciding when is the best time to go to Vietnam!

When and where is the best time to go to Vietnam with a child?

During the season, you can comfortably relax with children at any Vietnamese resort, but the Phu Quoc resort and its entire infrastructure are most suitable for this.

There is no big waves, most hotels are a stone's throw from the sea, and some are designed as if especially for tourists with children: for example, at the pool at the Famiana Hotel, one employee on duty only watches over the children, and if you need to go away, you can always leave the child in his care. On the sea beach, children's areas are fenced, there are trampolines, slides, and various playgrounds.

Near Nha Trang, the sea bathing area on Paragon Beach looks like a large natural pool; breakwaters reliably protect it from the sea elements.

White sand and several hotels for family vacation There is also one near Doc Let beach.

The resorts of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne can also boast of having child-friendly zones. You won’t see surfers near the City Links hotel – there are powerful breakwaters nearby, so there are very few waves here. In the beach area, it is not a problem to rent excellent apartments with separate bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. This will allow you to quickly prepare familiar food for your family and children, or enjoy with them your own home-cooked Vietnamese dishes from products purchased at the local market.

A good solution for a family with children would be to book apartments for the season in inexpensive but high-quality Vietnamese family hotels on the shore near An Bang Beach, near the city of Hoi An. There are no tourists here who arrived on package tours, there are few people, but the beaches are all soft white sand, and the sea is clean and azure.

If you have already decided when is the best time to go to Vietnam with a child, then here is some more useful information for you. When holidaying with children, it is worth visiting at least one of the three amusement parks in Ho Chi Minh City: Suoi Tien, Dai Nam or Dam Sen. Their territories are huge; you will travel around the parks themselves by steam trains or monorail, buses, electric car or vintage train, four-wheeled bicycle, sail on a boat on a large lake or simply walk.

There are zoos, water parks and amusement parks in all of them, but each also has some kind of zest: a huge Ferris wheel or an ice city, cute sculptures of full-length dragons or live crocodiles lazily stretched out at the bottom of the pool, waiting for food; an orchid garden or exotic birds that walk importantly throughout the park.

When is the best time to buy tickets to Vietnam?

Despite such a long distance, it is not difficult for our compatriots to get to Vietnamese resorts; there are regular flights from the airports of many cities, and at the height of the season, many large companies organize their own charters.

As a rule, air tickets are more expensive for travelers during the high season at each resort, and the cheapest during the low season or in the off-season.

There are international airports near Nha Trang (30 km, Cam Ranh) and on Phu Quoc Island (10 km from Duong Dong), and upon arrival, tourists can get to their hotel in about half an hour. But you can get to the single resort area of ​​Phanyet and Mui Ne from Ho Chi Minh City Airport only in a few hours.

Direct and charter flights are operated by Vietnam Airlines and Aeroflot.

Use the low price calendar, it will help you determine in which month, depending on the resort you choose, airlines offer the cheapest tickets to Vietnam. this direction.

Useful Using this form you can find the cheapest tickets to Vietnam

Select dates

From May to September, all resorts in Vietnam experience a significant drop in prices. This is the best time for economical travel; you can see many sights and get to know the ordinary life of the Vietnamese better.

There are very few tourists at this time, and the price of rooms in hotels and private mini-hotels can decrease by 30 or even 50%.

Here clear example. The same room in a 5***** Sheraton Nha Trang hotel costs 12,425 rubles in February, and half as much in June:

In May and throughout the summer, in Vietnamese resorts in the central part you can find not only high-quality comfortable accommodation, but also quite decent rooms in small hotels from $15-30.

The weather conditions at this time in places such as Hue, Danang, Nha Trang, Hoi An are quite comfortable and almost without surprises. Surprises can only begin in September - winds, rains and downpours, and sometimes typhoons. You need to know about this when planning to travel to Vietnam during the low price season.

Useful It’s easy and convenient to compare prices and choose a hotel for any season in the resorts of Vietnam here:

We hope that we helped you decide when is the best time to go to Vietnam. Have a nice trip!

So that your vacation is complete and you do not encounter an unpleasant surprise in the form of bad weather or disasters, you should approach the preparation of your trip responsibly and study all the intricacies of the local climate. And our article will help you with this, in which we will together try to figure out when is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam.

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You need to know that this Asian country has a unique geographical location, due to which the entire territory of the state is conventionally divided into three climatic zones.

The southern part has a hot climate. Throughout the year, the air here warms up to at least 26 degrees, so you can have a pleasant and exciting time here at any time of the year. The northern regions, especially the mountainous ones, boast completely different temperature indicators, which are often on the other side of the zero mark. In general, you can relax at sea here almost all year round, because when it’s cool in one resort, you can enjoy your vacation in another.

North of Vietnam

When going to the north of the country, you should remember that winters in these parts are quite cool, and summers are too rainy. Another thing is mid-spring and late autumn, which are considered the most real holiday season. It is in April-May and October-November in the north that the amount of precipitation reaches its minimum, and the water in the sea warms up to a comfortable level for swimming. Therefore, if you have planned a vacation for spring or autumn, feel free to book rooms in hotels located north of the capital.

As for beaches, Ha Long is considered the most popular on the northern coast. In the winter months it is stable here around +17-20 degrees. January is the most cold month. But this is if you don’t climb the mountains. After all, there the thermometer often drops to just +5, and it is possible that snow may fall.

It is not recommended to stay in the north in the second half of May. A long rainy season begins here, which lasts until the first days of October. Just imagine, more than 80% of the annual precipitation falls during these four and a half months. At the same time, it is quite hot, +28-30 degrees.

Holidays in the northern part have several other advantages. In particular, these areas are considered more developed; the capital Hanoi is also located here, which also has something to see for visiting tourists. A lot of attractions, entertainment and exotic excursions await you. And the choice of souvenirs here is much more diverse. But special attention In the spring, a small mountain town called Sapa deserves its attention. It is during the spring months that the mountain slopes are covered with a thick carpet of varied vegetation, and you can take simply stunning pictures.

Central Vietnam

Nature has rewarded us with a completely different climate. central regions. The rainy season here begins only at the end of August, and the peak occurs at the end of October - beginning of November. During this period, warm, cloudless weather can be observed in other areas. Therefore, the best time to spend a vacation in this part is considered to be spring and summer. The resorts of Nha Trang, Danang, and Hoi An are especially popular among travelers.

It is worth knowing that the bulk of the destructive typhoons that we see almost every year on TV occur in the central regions and precisely during the rainy season.

Dry weather will delight all resort guests from February to August. At this time, there is practically no rain, and the air temperature warms up to +35 degrees.

Weather in southern Vietnam

Well, the southern regions of the country are famous for their stable temperature conditions during the whole year. It turns out that the difference between the air temperature in winter period and in summer months may be only 5-10 degrees. Therefore, the largest number of resorts are concentrated here. You can relax here almost all year round.

But even here we cannot do without the rainy season. The first raindrops fall from the sky in early April, and sometimes in May. Ongoing wet season up to late autumn. Approximately 90% of all annual precipitation occurs precisely from late autumn to early October. It is not recommended to vacation in the south in July and August, since it is during these months that there are heavy rains and the sun practically does not appear due to thick clouds. Although, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the tropical climate in this part means that precipitation falls mainly at night.

Don't forget about the danger of typhoons. Although there are not as many of them here as in the central part, it is still necessary to take precautions to avoid encountering a destructive natural phenomenon.

It turns out that the best time to visit the southern resorts is the beginning of winter and until April. At this time it is stable here +26-27 degrees. If someone wants milder weather, then they should think about a vacation in January or February. The most hot weather and sweltering heat in April. The thermometer can soar to +37 degrees!

Taking into account the information presented, each traveler will be able to choose the optimal time for his vacation. Then you are guaranteed to get an unforgettable experience from the time spent and interesting excursions. We wish all tourists clear weather and new experiences!

Holidays in Vietnam in the summer are becoming increasingly popular. Every year, more and more tourists from all over the world come here in order to have a good time away from everyday worries and problems, and get acquainted with local traditions, cuisine and culture. Due to some blur geographical location In Vietnam, there is no clear answer about the time and duration of holidays in this country.

In order to understand when is the best time to fly to Vietnam on vacation, you need to proceed from the date indicated on the air ticket. The fact is that the territory of the country has an elongated location, which is why the climate in different parts of Vietnam at the same time of year has different temperatures.

Vietnam: where is the best place to go in summer?

Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into 3 climatic zones - Southern, Central and Northern. The varied topography, changing wind direction throughout the year, and the difference in latitude create their own microclimate in these areas, completely different from each other.

Northern Vietnam

Summer in Northern Vietnam is usually rainy, sunny days noticeably less than in other regions of the country. Winter here is cool, almost windless. The most popular resort here is Halong. Not far from it is the capital of Vietnam - Hanoi, as well as the city of Sapa, famous for its mountainous landscape, and the largest port center - Haiphong.

Your vacation in Vietnam is approaching - when is the best time to go on vacation to the Northern part of the country? The most favorable months for a pleasant stay in the north of the country are October, the first half of May and the whole of April. During this period of time there is quite little precipitation, and the water in the sea is well warmed up and suitable for swimming.

In winter, the air temperature here fluctuates between +17°+20° C. February and March are the months when it rains incessantly. The coldest month is January. Temperatures in the mountains can drop below +5°C, and frosts are common. The average air temperature in Northern Vietnam is +28°+30° C. The rainiest season occurs from the end of May to the end of September.

Central Vietnam

When to fly to Vietnam in the Central region of the country? The rainy season in this part of the state begins somewhat later than in other areas - early July and closer to August. Largest quantity precipitation occurs in October-November. Sometimes during the rainy season, the country can be visited by typhoons that have powerful destructive power.

At this time, other regions of the country are already flooded with hot sun rays and receive thousands of visiting tourists on their territory. Danang, Nha Trang, Hue, Hoi An - these resorts are the most visited by travelers from all over the world. Peak attendance occurs in spring and summer - the most favorable times year for a holiday with the whole family. The dry season in Central Vietnam lasts from February to August. There is very little rain during this period, and the air temperature warms up to +30°+35° C. When moving to the northern part of the country, the temperature gradually decreases; when moving to the south, on the contrary, it becomes warmer.

South Vietnam: summer holidays

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam, to its southern part? What conditions are created here for tourists to relax? Temperatures in the southern region of the country, compared to other regions climatic zones, more or less stable throughout the year. The air temperature difference varies only by 3-4° C from month to month. The average temperature range is +26°+33° C.

The south of the country is incredibly popular among tourists, because it is in Southern Vietnam that resorts such as Mui Ne, Vung Tau, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc Island, as well as the second most important city in the country, Ho Chi Minh City, are located. You can vacation in South Vietnam all year round.

If you want to see Vietnam, when is the best time to go on vacation to avoid the rainy season? The rainiest months in the region are the summer months. In general, the rainy season occurs from April to November. The amount of precipitation falling during this time is 90% of the total annual norm (this is approximately 2000 mm).

Do not be afraid of these summer rains - they pour onto the ground, as a rule, in the evening and at night, and in the morning the sea coast is already warmed by the rays of the rising sun and welcomes the first lovers of water treatments. Occasionally, strong typhoons can occur in South Vietnam, just like in the central part of the country.
Many tourists are not able to take a vacation in July or August. Therefore, we advise you to read the article:.
Holidays in Vietnam - when is the best time to go? to the southern region of the country? The most favorable months in terms of beach holidays, excursions, and study tours are from December to April. There is quite a bit of rain during this period of time, the water temperature is well warmed up (+25°+27° C). For travelers who cannot stand intense heat, it is best to go on vacation in January and February. From the end of February until May, South Vietnam is under the influence of the scorching sun; the hottest month here is April, the temperature sometimes reaches +37° C.

Holidays in Vietnam: how to combine business with pleasure?

Not all tourists come to Vietnam solely for the purpose of sunbathing on snow-white sandy beaches, swimming in crystal clear sea ​​water, go diving, ride scooters and jet skis. Many travelers also visit the country to:

  • try the National cuisine;
  • get acquainted with the traditions and customs of local residents;
  • take part in excursion trips to important historical and cultural sites;
  • see the sights of Vietnamese cities with your own eyes;
  • purchase original souvenirs, gifts, natural cosmetics, etc.

Vietnam in summer - where is the best place to go for a cultural holiday? Travel agencies recommend that people who want to combine a beach holiday with cultural pastime should choose Hoi An resort for their trip. Tourists who want to combine a beach holiday and exploring the huge city of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) can choose a route through Nha Trang or Phan Thiet. The most convenient way to get to these cities is from Ho Chi Minh City, which you can get a great look at if you stay here for a few days.

When is the best time to go to Nha Trang?

Nha Trang and Phan Thiet are the most visited cities in Vietnam by tourists, because they have everything for a comfortable and enjoyable time with the whole family:

  • excellent infrastructure;
  • well equipped beaches;
  • a lot of water, sports and other entertainment;
  • exciting excursions;
  • an endless number of all kinds of shops, boutiques and retail outlets with a variety of products;
  • a huge number of attractions;
  • excellent restaurants with national and European cuisine;
  • many comfortable hotels and inns.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam to Nha Trang? Only the traveler can decide. This city is hospitable throughout the year, because climatic conditions here they allow tourists to visit Nha Trang either in summer or in winter. Tourists are also attracted to Hon Tre Island, which is located in close proximity to the resort town. The longest cable car is laid between the island and Nha Trang, which gives travelers a lot of positive emotions.

Hon Che Island is also famous for its original amusement park - discos taking place inside an artificially created mountain. There are many attractions in Nha Trang, such as: Monkey Island, Cham Towers, Long Son Pagoda, ancient temples, etc.

When choosing a holiday in Vietnam, when is the best time to go and what to see in this country, it is advisable to think about it in advance. Flights from Russia to this amazing country were launched quite recently, but the number of Russians visiting Vietnam is increasing every year.
