Sudden weight gain: how to identify the causes. Why can't I gain weight - the main reasons for the problem

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovary syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome, syndrome chronic fatigue and several types of depression are common in women and affect hormonal balance. With age, the frequency of these disorders increases and their symptoms worsen. They are largely to blame for women gaining excess weight in middle age.

First a few definitions. Premenopause- the period when a woman has normal hormonal balance and regular menstruation; perimenopause- a period when the formation of estradiol and/or progesterone decreases, as a result of which menstruation becomes irregular, the amount of bleeding may change every month (i.e. one month you lose a lot of blood, the next - very little). PMS is a physiological and emotional change that occurs between ovulation and menstruation and disappears after it, but reappears after ovulation. Both premenopausal and perimenopausal women suffer from PMS, since they have natural ovarian function and menstrual cycle. Menopause is the cessation of menstruation and ovarian function, usually occurring around the age of fifty. It is believed that natural menopause has occurred when menstruation has been absent for a whole year. Surgical menopause is the removal of the uterus and the associated cessation of menstruation, although the ovaries were not removed. Postmenopause - the period after the final disappearance of the menstrual cycle.

These concepts are used differently in different articles and books, even by doctors; Keep this in mind when obtaining information from other sources.

Perimenopause and weight gain

Menopause- years of decline in hormone levels from normal reproductive levels to low and non-reproductive levels of menopause, covering the pre- and perimenopausal periods. Some women tolerate this easily and do not gain weight. But 80-85% suffer from a plump waist, very often from insomnia, lack of sexual desire, memory impairment, lethargy, exacerbation of PMS, irritability, frequent mood swings (lability), tendency to cry, allergies, worsening heartbeat. The first evidence is restless sleep, fatigue, a plump waist, and all this is often long before the onset of “hot flashes”! During this period, when the body is slowly changing, the cycle may become somewhat irregular and with changes in the amount of blood released. In middle age, women endure a lot of stress and changes in life - setting up a home, making a career, caring for children and aging parents, performing social functions. Reduced amounts of estradiol and changing hormonal balance increasingly expose women to situational stress and increase the production of stress hormones that promote fat accumulation. Loss of estradiol, accompanied by increased cortisol levels, leads to a risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure and erosion of bones. Thus, an ominous cycle arises: physiological changes at the hormonal level and psychological stress act together, which further inhibits ovarian function. Lack of ovarian hormones along with stress hormones leads to weight gain. This cycle will manifest itself even louder if a woman stops exercising regularly, complaining of stress and fatigue!

The question arises: “How can a woman distinguish the manifestation of perimenopause from PMS?” The term PMS is used when there are cyclical symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, low levels of FSH and luteinizing hormone (normal premenopausal levels) and regular menstruation. The term "perimenopause" refers to irregular menstrual cycle, increased levels of FSH and luteinizing hormone, i.e., a period of approximately 4 years before and after menopause. It is important that perimenopause and the decline in estradiol, testosterone and progesterone levels can begin 10-12 years before the cessation of menstruation (menopause). A hormonal level analysis will give you the exact answer. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what we call it, what matters is that our body is changing for the worse! Weight gain is a consequence of changes in the endocrine system.

Other factors that play a role in weight gain and excessive obesity in middle-aged women include:

    late pregnancy and fewer pregnancies compared to women in previous years. This leads to more frequent ovulatory cycles, which depletes follicle reserves faster and triggers the process of reduced estradiol production earlier;

    increased volume of transition of androgens contained in adipose tissue into estrone (E1). Changing the ratio of estrone and estradiol, estrogen and progesterone leads to the accumulation of fat. The conversion of androgen to estrone does not replace the estradiol produced by the ovaries - because although more estrogen is created in the body, this is not the type that effectively affects the brain receptors;

    the fact that typical meals are served in huge portions and these foods contain a lot of fat, salt, refined sugars and carbohydrates, as well as alcohol, which are harmful without alcoholic drinks and caffeinated drinks. All of these foods contribute to severe weight gain;

    deficiency of magnesium in your food. Magnesium affects metabolism, appetite and glucose regulation. It plays a role in synthesis chemical substances affecting appetite and improving mood; Insufficient calcium intake by many American women is often associated with difficulty losing weight; insufficient intake of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which affects mood and weight regulation, and is also involved in the hepatic metabolism of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.

    a sedentary lifestyle and constant dieting - both factors reduce the metabolic rate and lead to obesity over time.

Polycystic ovary syndrome and syndrome X are serious causes of excess weight

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an often overlooked serious endocrine disorder that affects about 6% of premenopausal women, including teenagers. Metabolic disorders in polycystic ovary syndrome cause severe and rapid weight gain. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a devastating disease. It affects the female body in many ways, causing high blood pressure, high level androgens, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes and an apple body shape (which is very frustrating for teenagers). With polycystic ovary syndrome, women 40-49 years old have a 4 times greater risk of heart attack compared to other women of the same age. Polycystic ovary syndrome causes frequent mood swings, so it is perceived as manic depression and a woman is forced to take psychotropic drugs, some of which further aggravate PCOS.

Syndrome X is another metabolic and endocrine disorder found in premenopausal women. It can also cause a heart attack in early age. Syndrome X is characterized by obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Gynecologists very often do not take into account polycystic ovary syndrome and syndrome X, because they were taught that polycystic ovary syndrome can only occur in postmenopausal women or those suffering from infertility. Accumulation of belly fat, facial hair, and irregular periods were seen as “minor” or “cosmetic” problems that were not worth paying attention to. Even now, many doctors don't realize that polycystic ovary syndrome can be life-threatening because it leads to death due to a heart attack - and this can happen long before menopause. Therefore, you should not focus only on the problem of weight if you think you are suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome or syndrome X.

Chronic fatigue and weight

Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by extreme fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy and other symptoms . 70% of those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome are women. Many of them also struggle with excess weight. Hormones play here too important role. If you remember that hormonal changes in middle age (lower levels of estradiol, increased levels of male hormones, attenuation of thyroid function, increased amounts of insulin and resistance to it, etc.) cause weight gain and changes in blood sugar, which provides us with energy, it is not surprising that fatigue is also inherent in this group of women. Since ovarian hormones affect the metabolism in every organ, we must check the amount of hormones in the body if we want to understand chronic fatigue syndrome in women.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, being a syndrome of unrelenting and intense fatigue, can be caused by several reasons. Reduced ovarian hormone secretion is only part of the problem. But milder forms of fatigue and lack of energy are observed in many women suffering from changes in ovarian hormone levels - teenagers with polycystic ovary syndrome, young mothers whose ovarian hormone production has been suppressed by feeding, infertile women, perimenopausal and menopausal women. Along with fatigue, these women also suffer from excess weight. Estradiol and testosterone in particular strongly stimulate metabolism and release energy. The loss of these key metabolic hormones contributes to fatigue, slow metabolism and weight gain, which in turn causes even more fatigue, even if you do not suffer from acute chronic fatigue syndrome.

Fibromyalgia and weight

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by diffuse muscle pain, multiple pain points throughout the body, weakness, sleep disturbances and fatigue. More than 80% of those suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome are women, most of them middle-aged. But how does muscle pain contribute to weight gain?

First, this syndrome saps your energy and ability to exercise. Secondly, when your muscles are hard and sore, you're less likely to want to exercise. Lack of exercise, low levels of estradiol and testosterone with age lead to loss muscle mass and fat deposition. Even if you've lost a few pounds or haven't had to change up a clothing size, inactivity due to fibromyalgia syndrome will still lead to muscle frailty and weight gain over time. Fibromyalgia syndrome also causes weight gain due to increased cortisol levels, which promotes fat storage and loss of muscle mass. Excess cortisol makes a woman insulin resistant, hence the woman will experience fluctuations in blood sugar levels due to unbalanced functioning of glucose and insulin.

Depression, mood swings and weight gain

Each of us sometimes experiences a drop in mood for a while and we feel sad. Women are more likely than men to gain weight due to depression. How can you figure out whether mood swings and uncontrolled appetite mean hormonal problems or severe depression? The main thing is to determine when you are depressed - 7-10 days before menstruation or constantly. A decline in hormonal levels causes Bad mood in the premenstrual week (due to an imbalance of estradiol and progesterone) or a day or two before bleeding and in its first days (due to low estradiol levels). These days also include a tendency to cry, interrupted sleep, anxiety attacks, palpitations and irritability.

There is another reason why perimenopausal women suffer from anxiety, mood swings and weight gain: falling estradiol levels cause hot flashes, you sweat at night and wake up frequently. Hot flashes at night may appear several years before the onset of irregular menstruation during perimenopause. If you don't sleep well night after night, are stressed and eat poorly, you will certainly suffer from depression and become irritable. In addition, your memory has deteriorated, you can’t concentrate and you just don’t feel good. Stress from lack of sleep and other daily problems lead to increased amounts of cortisol and insulin, which cause fat storage. When mood changes are associated with low content estradiol, women benefit more from hormonal balancing than antidepressants, sedatives and sleeping pills.

Stress: the influence of the cycle on hormones

Stress causes changes at the chemical level even when it seems to us that everything in life is going well. Our brain perceives all changes within the body and in environment. Brain - physical and the psychological organ of thinking, expressing our personality, psyche and behavior. What are often called psychological symptoms may be caused by biochemical changes in psychological balance. Whether we are affected by external stimuli or internal changes that require the brain to adapt, it is our body that is the center of these changes. An example is "anxiety" caused by a sharp drop in estradiol during menstruation or a drop in blood sugar after eating sweets. This is the same anxiety that can be caused by worrying about something in life. How can you tell the difference if the symptoms and sensations are the same?

How do women get fat from stress? This occurs through increased production of stress hormones such as cortisol, which promotes the storage of fat in case of “ emergency" Disruption of cortisol production causes insulin resistance and accumulation of fat around the waist. Prolonged stress also undermines the body's balance (homeostasis), leading to symptoms that indicate adrenaline overactivity: headaches, high pressure, panic attacks, colitis, irritable bowel, muscle tension, fatigue and many others. Prolonged stress causes disease due to its adverse effects on immune system Problems may arise associated with overactivity of the immune system - asthma, allergies - or with its insufficient activity - frequent infectious diseases, slow wound healing, malignant tumors. Sometimes the immune system malfunctions and attacks your own body, in such cases autoimmune disorders occur, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or autoimmune thyroiditis. All this speaks to the effect on the body of changes that occur over time under the influence of stress.

In the female body, chronic stress also suppresses the production of ovarian hormones, which also affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. Because estradiol is involved in regulating chemicals that affect mood, appetite, memory, and sleep (norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine), the loss of estradiol makes it increasingly difficult for us to cope with psychological stress that we previously handled well. So, the influence of stress is two-way: it suppresses the work of the ovaries, which reduces the formation of estradiol, which leads to sleep disturbance, etc. With age, the amount of estradiol also decreases, this changes chemical composition brain, it is more difficult for us to cope with stress.

Instability of hormonal levels causes hormonal balance.

PMS. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Postpartum depression. Premature menopause. Perimenopause. Weight gain. Depression. Fatigue. All this is closely connected and affects health. And it's all caused low level estradiol in combination with instability of other hormones, such as excess cortisol and/or androgens.

According to existing myths and unverified information leaked onto the pages of books, estrogens promote weight gain in middle age. This is wrong. There are other factors that greatly influence completeness:

    changes in the ratio of estradiol and estrone, which are formed in the ovaries;

    change in the ratio of estradiol, DHEA and testosterone;

    taking excessive amounts of progesterone relative to estrogen;

    the effect of excessive amounts of adrenal androgens and cortisol in relation to estradiol;

    high insulin levels that occur with age due to the loss of estradiol;

    Deteriorated functioning of the thyroid gland that occurs with age.

All of these hormonal changes slow down your metabolism. A slow metabolism affects the appearance of excess weight. A low metabolic rate, loss of muscle mass due to loss of testosterone and estradiol, plus exposure to stress, decreased physical activity due to lethargy and fatigue, plus eating more food than we need as we age, all contribute to fat deposition. In addition, when you begin to gain weight, your body produces more insulin, and increased level promotes fullness. This is another factor influencing weight gain! To achieve a normal premenopausal figure, you need a premenopausal balance of estradiol, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid hormones, cortisol and insulin. Otherwise, you will invariably start to take on an apple or pear shape.

Average age may be a period of “jumping hormones” and other changes in the body, but this does not mean that you should give up wellness. Middle age is a time to focus on yourself, pay attention to yourself and take care of your body and psyche. Whatever your age, the choices you make now will have a decisive impact on your weight and health in the future. The most important thing is that you must understand all the hormonal changes that are causing you to gain weight.

Because sometimes you first need to eliminate the cause that contributed to the sudden gain of extra pounds and eliminate it.

Factors influencing the female figure

Sharp weight gain in women does not happen just like that; there are always reasons that contribute to a change in figure for the worse. There are many factors that give rise to a rapid gain of extra pounds: starting from poor nutrition and ending with disturbances in the functioning of the body, this most often occurs in women after 30.

But the main reasons are the following:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle is the most common factor influencing female figure. Many women spend most of their time sitting. Because of this, the body does not consume the calories received and simply stores them. Because of this, young girls accumulate extra pounds more slowly than women over 30. But they still accumulate.
  2. Poor nutrition. About 8 out of 10 people eat poorly. Not only do some people eat only 3 or even 2 times a day, they also eat junk food. And naturally this affects the figure.
  3. Hormonal imbalance, this happens most often after 30. With hormonal imbalance, an increase in body weight occurs, even with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Therefore, if unreasonable weight gain occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist. Since neither diets nor grueling workouts will help you get rid of extra pounds. A hormonal disbalance are a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the body.
  4. A malfunction of the thyroid gland always provokes a sharp increase in weight. The failure occurs in both young girls and women after 30. In addition to causeless weight gain, symptoms of thyroid dysfunction include deterioration in the appearance of nails, hair and skin, and a constant feeling of cold. If a woman has these symptoms, she should immediately contact an endocrinologist. Since disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland can lead to serious consequences.
  5. The human body consists of 80% liquid, and it is necessary for human life. However, sometimes it accumulates too much. Fluid accumulates in and between the cells, causing swelling and cellulite. Typically, swelling goes away quickly and does not affect the person’s condition. But if this happens too often, then you need to check your kidneys and heart.
  6. Medicines and antidepressants. Sudden weight gain often occurs due to taking various medications. Typically, rapid weight gain occurs with long-term use. And when you stop taking them, the weight quickly returns to normal. If medications need to be taken for several years, then you should find out about the possibility of replacing them with analogues that do not have such side effects.
  7. Psychological reasons. Constant stress and depression affect each person differently. Some people gain weight sharply under stress, while others, on the contrary, lose weight very quickly. A sharp increase in weight during stress is due to the fact that a person tries to suppress his emotions with food. And with depression, a person feels empty and looks for a way to fill this emptiness, and many use food to do this.

In addition to the above factors, there are many more reasons that contribute to sudden weight gain: quitting cigarettes, bad dream, menopause, deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

There are also many more psychological reasons besides stress and depression: guilt, falling in love, apathy, etc.

It is important to remember that sudden sudden weight gain is most often a sign of a disorder or a symptom of a disease.

Reasons for weight gain at different ages

Rapid weight gain never occurs without reason, however, the reasons for women different ages are different. There are many factors that contribute to the rapid change in weight, which depend on age:

  1. Weight gain is rapid after 20. In young girls, weight problems mainly arise from drinking alcoholic beverages and partying. Since at parties there is always unhealthy and high-calorie food that is consumed large quantities and at late times. Falling in love also affects a girl’s figure. Since people influence each other, and if someone in a couple often eats junk food, then the other one will also eat it.
  2. Weight gain after 30. Basically, problems with excess weight clearly appear after 30. This is primarily due to the birth of a child, which is accompanied by changes in the female body. Getting rid of extra pounds after pregnancy is very difficult. After giving birth, she also suffers from lack of sleep, which also negatively affects her figure. In addition to all this, rapid weight gain in a woman after 30 also occurs due to psychological reasons. Women over 30 are more likely to experience stress, depression, apathy, and fatigue.
  3. Weight gain after 40 and 50 years. After 40, a woman’s body undergoes serious changes that greatly affect her figure. At this age, every 2 women have problems with excess weight. This is due to a slowdown in metabolism, taking various medicines, illness, stress and depression.

A woman’s age greatly affects her figure, the condition of her skin, hair and nails. Therefore, when developing a training program and diet, you need to take this factor into account.

What to do if you are gaining weight rapidly?

When their figure changes dramatically, many women begin to panic and take measures that have a negative impact on their health. Therefore, if your weight begins to increase for no reason, first of all you need to determine why this is happening, and only after that take measures:

  1. If weight gain occurs due to medications, you should not stop taking them. In this case, you need to consult the doctor who prescribed these medications, and if possible, replace them with analogues.
  2. If there is fluid retention in the body, no measures need to be taken. After the fluid leaves the body, the weight will return to normal. But if fluid retention occurs too often, you should immediately check your kidneys.
  3. If your metabolism is slow, you need to change your diet and only consume healthy foods. And if you are overweight for this reason, you will need to stick to a diet for some time.
  4. If psychological problems are the cause of sudden weight gain, then you need to consult a psychologist. You can also cope with such problems by changing your lifestyle. Physical activity provides a distraction.
  5. To combat excess weight, you need to change your diet and lifestyle. Also, a contrast shower and massage will help you lose weight faster.

Striving for the ideal, people forget about their health and direct all their efforts to achieving the goal. However, such a negligent attitude towards one’s health is fraught with consequences. Therefore, when fighting excess weight, one should not forget about health. It should also be remembered that each person’s body is individual, and the reasons for weight gain are different for each person, as are the ways to deal with it.

Excess weight affects the physical and mental health person. Female body Unlike men, they are more often susceptible to this problem, and it is much more difficult for a woman to deal with it.

In order to develop a program to combat excess weight, it is necessary to find the cause that provoked the problem, and first get rid of it, and only then develop a weight loss program.

The main reasons for rapid weight gain are:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the body, diseases.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Stress, depression and other psychological problems.

Any changes do not happen without reason. The condition of the skin, hair, and nails depends on the condition of the body. Any failure in its work affects the figure and appearance. Therefore, any problems can be solved immediately after the changes appear.

Women are always upset by sudden weight gain. The reasons for this may be hidden diseases, medications, abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems. Weight gain can be stopped only after the provoking factor is eliminated.

The main causes of excess weight are considered to be overeating and lack of exercise. But situations often arise when, despite following nutritional rules and systematic exercise, weight gain occurs.

What can trigger the accumulation of extra pounds?

Most often, the reason lies in hormonal imbalance, which can occur as a result of various diseases - for example, polycystic ovary syndrome. In this syndrome, the ovaries produce a large number of the male hormone testosterone, which becomes a provocateur of recruitment extra pounds. A woman cannot independently determine whether she has this disease, since her body begins to acquire a layer of fat gradually, starting from puberty. Polycystic syndrome can be cured.

Early diagnosis is of great importance. The first symptoms are thinning and brittle hair, increased hairiness, acne that does not go away after puberty, irregular periods and infertility. As a rule, the weaker sex begins to worry only when it is impossible to get pregnant. An alarming sign should be the absence of menstruation before the age of 16. In general, gynecologists recommend undergoing an annual preventive medical examination starting at the age of 18. Polycystic disease, like many other diseases, can be easily diagnosed through ultrasound and special hormonal tests. Women mature age special medications are prescribed to regulate hormone levels - so-called antihormones.

Young girls are recommended to take vitamins and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures. In approximately 50% of patients, the normal structure of the ovaries is restored within a year. But, unfortunately, this does not lead to weight loss. To combat extra pounds, you have to follow a diet and perform a complex daily special exercises. Weight loss, in turn, becomes an additional beneficial factor for regulating hormonal levels.

Hypothyroidism can also lead to excess weight and obesity. This disease of the thyroid gland is characterized by its low activity and insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are directly involved in the regulation of metabolic processes. Their deficiency leads to a slowdown in metabolism, resulting in rapid weight gain. The cause of the disease may be a lack of iodine, which is necessary for the synthesis of triiodothyroxine, thyroxine and calcitonin. Its symptoms, in addition to weight gain, are a constant feeling of cold, brittle hair and nails, and excessive dry skin. If they are present, you must consult a doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. After correcting the functioning of this important gland, the metabolism returns to normal, and excess fat disappears. However, if the weight exceeds the norm by 10 kilograms or more, then the likelihood that only hypofunction of the thyroid gland is to blame is very low, and you should look for it in something else.

A possible cause of weight gain is also excess water content in the body. It accumulates in cells, intercellular space and leads to swelling, cellulite, and the accumulation of extra pounds. You can determine the presence of excess moisture using a simple test: you need to press your finger on the skin and release. If there is water under it, then a dimple will remain in this place. To a certain extent this problem is familiar to any representative of the fair sex: even with absolute health, all women experience swelling before menstruation, which goes away without additional measures with the onset of menstruation. When continuing education edema, they indicate the presence of diseases, sometimes quite dangerous. They can be caused by cardiac and renal pathologies, which, if not treated in a timely manner, lead to disability and even death. If you have any diseases, you must undergo a course of treatment, and swelling can be combated with the help of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

What else could cause sudden weight gain? The reasons sometimes lie in the occurrence of tumors in the abdominal cavity. This phenomenon is quite rare, but it also should not be overlooked. It can be caused by so-called dermoids, which consist of the most different types tissues and tend to grow and develop rapidly in the abdominal cavity. There have been isolated cases where, as a result of such neoplasms, patients gained 40 kg of excess weight. At the slightest disproportionate increase in the abdominal area, you should immediately consult a doctor, since dermoids lead not only to an unaesthetic appearance, but also to serious health problems. Weight may also increase as a result of taking certain medications.

A side effect of taking antidepressants is sometimes weight gain. In this sense, the most striking example is paroxetine. Its use provokes a sharp increase in weight. Another drug in this category, Prozac (fluoxetine), causes obesity only when long-term use. The same applies to setralin. Doctors say that short-term use of antidepressants does not cause excess weight. But with long-term use (more than a year), they almost always provoke the appearance of extra pounds.

It may seem strange, but medications to treat type 2 diabetes, which often develops as a result of obesity, lead to weight gain. It is not very easy to get out of this kind of vicious circle. A new generation of medical products have now been developed to avoid this serious problem. One of the best drugs is siofor, which has a double effect: it reduces blood glucose levels and regulates the speed of metabolic processes, thereby preventing the accumulation of kilograms. However, do not forget about classical ways weight loss: dietary restrictions and physical exercise. Doctors are categorically against drugs that promote weight loss by blocking fat absorption. They are prescribed only in cases of extreme necessity.

Steroid hormones also promote fat accumulation. In addition, drugs in this category lead to increased appetite and provoke overeating. But in some cases, their use is vital - for example, with bronchial asthma, skin tuberculosis, inflammation of certain internal organs, etc. With short-term use of steroids, weight does not increase much, but even with a significant gain, after stopping the drugs, you can quickly get rid of kilograms. If you take it for a long time, you should consider alternative medications.

Whatever the reasons for weight gain, extra pounds must be dealt with, as they can lead to the development of serious diseases.

U fat people There is often an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood, which is extremely dangerous because it can lead to the development cardiovascular diseases. Obesity becomes one of the favorable factors for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. The liver also suffers, since it is the main organ responsible for processing and utilizing fat. The kidneys, pancreas, and digestive organs are also at risk. Fat on the internal organs is especially dangerous, which is very difficult to fight. It leads to the appearance of pockets of stagnation, the accumulation of toxic substances, toxins, and waste, which become the cause of the development of pathologies. As a result of being overweight, certain types of malignant tumors can also develop, including colon, endometrial, and breast cancer. Increased load on the skeleton and joints leads to various pathologies and injuries musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteoarthritis.

To avoid the consequences of obesity, at the slightest increase in body weight, you should consult a specialist to determine the cause of this phenomenon and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease.

It seems that nothing has changed in the diet, but jeans say the opposite? Don't rush to panic. Perhaps you can already identify the cause of weight gain and be able to get rid of it by reading this text.

Taking medications

Regular use of large amounts of antibiotics and immunomodulators can lead to decreased detoxification functions, fermentopathy, and decreased absorption of food, which inevitably contributes to weight gain. Also directly or indirectly affect weight gain such drugs as oral contraceptives, hormonal agents, steroids, beta blockers for heart disease and hypertension, antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If you notice weight gain while taking medications, consult your doctor immediately. In no case should serious medications be “cancelled” or “prescribed” on your own - this can cause serious damage to health, since many medications must be taken in courses, decreasing or increasing the dosage. Remember: the medicine for poison differs only in dose. And only a good doctor can choose this dose correctly.

Eating salty foods

As a rule, if a person abuses foods containing large amounts of salt (especially if he takes such food in evening hours), then one day the scale arrow may scare him with a sudden gain of several kilograms. First of all, this can be noticed by those who have impaired water-salt metabolism and a tendency to swelling and pastiness of the lower extremities.

The fact is that excess salt retains water in the body (one extra sodium ion “pulls” 16-18 water molecules onto itself!). And excess water in the body means edema, high blood pressure, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, delayed elimination of toxins, and slowed fat metabolism. To avoid this, it is enough to limit your salt intake to 2 g per day, which is our physiological norm. After 15 hours it is better to generally be on a salt-free diet, because in the products that we consume per day, with balanced diet enough salt and so on.

Sensitivity to the milk protein casein

There is a category of people who have casein intolerance. It can be expressed not only in the presence of allergic reactions that manifest themselves when consuming casein-containing foods (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), but also in a tendency to fluid retention. This is observed in 8-12% of the population.

By using a step-by-step study of the effect of various foods on the body, it is possible to exclude foods containing casein, which clearly contribute to fluid retention in the body. Casein intolerance can be determined using immunoglobilin G4 testing (a method for diagnosing food intolerance by the presence of specific antibodies in a person’s blood, which allows diagnosing even hidden forms of food allergies). Having identified products that this moment are insufficiently or completely not perceived by the body, and by excluding them from the diet, you can solve the problem of excess weight.

Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle

Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle most directly affect weight fluctuations. In the first half of the cycle, body weight, as a rule, “goes away”. On the 5th-7th day of the cycle there is a period ideal weight. And after ovulation, from the 13th to the 15th day, weight begins to increase and reaches its apogee by the 26-28th day.

Weight gain occurs due to fluid accumulated in the luteal phase, as well as due to fat and mineral salts. And if pregnancy does not take place, then along with the beginning of the cycle, excess weight begins to disappear.

To ensure minimal weight gain in the second half of the cycle, first of all, do not give in to increased appetite. If you have a passion for sweets, limit yourself. For example, you can “protect yourself” with chromium preparations or replace “aggressive” sweets with products that have sweet taste(cake - for dried fruits, sugar - for honey). And do not eat fruits after 16.00 (before this time, the pancreas is active and can adequately respond by releasing insulin to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels). After 16.00, only 30 g of dark chocolate is allowed from sweets.

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in the seeds of cereal plants: wheat, rye, oats. Like flour, gluten is a provocateur of uncontrolled weight gain - for those who have gluten intolerance.

To determine individual sensitivity to gluten, it is necessary, as in the case of the milk protein casein, to be tested using the immunoglobulin G4 method. The duration of the study is 5-7 days. If the results of the analysis exclude a large group of gluten-containing products, it is recommended to conduct a control study after 4 months. As usual, a follow-up study is carried out after 6 months. It is recommended to repeat the analysis during the first two years, every six months or year.

Lack of proper sleep

Scientific studies have shown that if a person does not get 2-3 hours of sleep every night for a week, then the level of insulin in his blood turns out to be consistently higher than normal - and the sugar level, naturally, is constantly lower. This creates conditions for the development of insulin resistance (decreased sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin), and in the future can lead to diabetes mellitus Type II.

If you fall asleep after midnight or have inadequate, intermittent sleep due to chronic stress, then from 23.00 to 02.00 the phase of active fat breakdown is shortened. As a result, the lack of recovery process during sleep reduces metabolic processes. And this not only prevents weight normalization, but also contributes to the acquisition of extra pounds.

Insufficient fluid intake

Water is the main thing vehicle, involved in the process of removing toxins and fat breakdown products from the body. And a lot of it is required. The human body needs and suffices 30 grams of clean (well, spring, bottled artesian) water per kilogram of body weight per day. You need to drink water regularly throughout the day and never forget about it.

If there is not enough water in the intercellular space, then the release of waste products from fat cells becomes difficult. Metabolic processes slow down, fat breakdown is blocked. This means that weight loss becomes impossible - on the contrary, the weight can “creep” up. Please note that no drink can replace pure natural water. Tea, coffee and other drinks contain calories, and therefore are not liquid, but food for us. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that by drinking, say, a liter of fruit drink a day and a liter clean water, you are drinking enough fluid.

State of stress

A stressful situation can lead to hormonal imbalances and lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is important to maintain not only physical but also mental health. After all, the reason for gaining excess weight in the vast majority of cases is discord in the soul. Internal conflict creates tension and anxiety at the cellular level, traps kilograms of excess fat, toxins, and breakdown products in adipose tissue, causing chronic stress to “eat up.” Therefore, it is important to identify psychological reason weight gain (this could be dissatisfaction with your environment, relationships with family, friends and colleagues; dissatisfaction with work; a sudden problem that needs to be solved) and try to get rid of this reason. Remember - everything is in your hands!

Do you exercise, go to the gym, lead active image life, watch your diet, but still continue to gain weight? Let's try to figure out what this could mean.

If you have suddenly gained weight, do not rush to increase physical activity or go on a diet. Weight gain may indicate big problems with health. What if you have a hormonal imbalance that causes your metabolism to slow down?

In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor. But before making an appointment, observe yourself and your well-being for a week or two. Keep a notebook where you will write down the amount of sleep, what you eat, what your physical activity is during the day. Physical activity here means not only working out in the gym, but also housework, walking and the total number of steps per day. The number of hours of sleep and the number of steps will help you calculate the fitness bracelet, which will do everything for you.

Sometimes a prerequisite for weight gain can be so-called calorie amnesia. This means that you eat more than you feel. For example, you may not notice the next candy you eat or you eat more for lunch than you need, but you don’t realize that this is so. Lack of physical activity can also cause weight gain. Try to fulfill daily norm according to the number of steps (10,000 steps), do exercises or small workouts, as well as warm-up during your work break. It's better to distribute evenly physical activity for the whole week than killing yourself at the gym on the weekend.

If you did not see yourself in the examples described above, then we suggest that you consider other symptoms that may be a sign of more serious health problems.

Weight gain and fatigue

If weight gain is accompanied by eternal fatigue, then this may be a signal that you have hypothyroidism – a condition caused by a lack of thyroid hormones.

Chances are, if you go to the doctor with unexplained excess weight, the first thing the doctor will check is your thyroid hormone levels. Statistics show that at least one in eight women thyroid crashes and stops producing required amount thyroid hormones. It is these hormones that are responsible for regulating metabolism. And if the gland is insufficiently active, metabolism slows down, which causes weight gain. In addition to excess weight, hypothyroidism has other signs:

  • Fatigue sets in quickly.
  • Activity decreases.
  • The face swells.
  • Hair falls out and nails become brittle.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  • The voice sits down and even hoarse.
  • Constipation.

Weight gain and chronic stress

If you notice that you are gaining weight while under constant stress, then this is fraught with the occurrence of depression . The thing is that stress causes excess adrenaline And cortisol . In turn, it is cortisol that stimulates appetite, and hence the formation of fat deposits. In addition, the activity of these hormones can cause motor impairment. gastrointestinal tract, as a result - constipation or diarrhea. Cortisol also has Negative influence on the immune system, reducing its activity. For this reason, we are more likely to get sick when we are stressed.

Therefore, if, in addition to gaining weight, you are constantly nervous, have a feeling of anxiety, sleep poorly, get tired quickly or have no interest in anything, then in addition to consulting with an endocrinologist, consult a psychiatrist or neurologist.

Weight gain and irregular cycles

Have you noticed your weight gain, and even your cycle has become irregular? It is likely that these are signs polycystic ovary syndrome . Simply put, polycystic ovary syndrome is a malfunction of the endocrine system in which the balance between the production of testosterone and estrogen is disrupted. This can lead to disruptions in your cycle, weight gain and hair growth. male type. Other symptoms:

  • Acne.
  • Apathy, constant drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

Weight gain and age over 40

Have you had to deal with being overweight even though you are over 40 years old? Perhaps this is one of the signs perimenopause .

All women experience menopause differently. For some, this happens abruptly, without any significant changes in the cycle. For others, on the contrary, cycle fluctuations and jumps in the duration of menstruation begin. Such a restructuring of the body can take from 2 to 10 years. This is perimenopause. During this period, the production of the hormone estrogen becomes unstable. Its rise and fall can lead to weight gain.

Therefore, if your cycle has become irregular and your weight increases for no particular reason, we advise you to consult a doctor. Early symptoms of perimenopause may include:

  • Hot flashes.
  • Unreasonable mood swings.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Insomnia.
  • Incontinence.

Weight gain and taking new medications

Many medications can unexpectedly cause weight gain or edema by retaining water in the body. For example, when taking antidepressants, appetite may increase, because under their influence serotonin is actively produced, which provokes appetite. Drugs for lowering blood pressure inhibit metabolism, and steroids (prednisolone) initiate water retention in the body.

If such signs appear, you should not stop taking medications. Better discuss this effect with your doctor. Perhaps it will be possible to find an alternative to these medications.

Other causes of excess weight

Weight gain may also be associated with restless nights . There is nothing worse for the body than a night without sleep. If you didn’t get enough sleep at night, then get ready for the fact that the next day you will crave something sweet or fatty. This occurs due to increased production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decreased production of leptin, the satiety hormone.

Therefore, if before bed you choose between an extra hour healthy sleep and watching your favorite TV series, choose sleep. People who get enough sleep lose pounds and fat mass faster than those who get little sleep.

Also, weight gain can provoke refusal bad habits . Many people complain that when they quit smoking, they begin to gain weight. Nicotine dulls the feeling of hunger and when this substance stops entering the body, appetite increases.

Of course, there are many diseases that cause weight gain. Among them not only dysfunction of the thyroid gland or ovaries . Excess weight may arise as a result improper functioning of the adrenal glands or liver . Often visible signs of dysfunction of the adrenal glands and liver are fat on the abdomen and waist, joint pain, as well as problems with the skin and allergic reactions. But at the heart of each of these ailments is a hormonal imbalance. Therefore, if you see changes in weight, but do not understand the reason, go to the doctor immediately. We hope that our tips were useful to you. We wish you health, comfortable weight and excellent health!
