How to properly dry porcini mushrooms. Which mushrooms are suitable for drying

We all love to indulge in mushrooms, salted or pickled. But sometimes you want fresh mushroom soup in winter. Canned mushrooms will not work here, here you need to know how to dry mushrooms at home, correctly and in different ways.

Begins mushroom season and our whole families go out hunting in order to collect more forest trophies. We collect them in baskets, buckets, bags, bathtubs, trunks, and simply, in the bosom.

But what mushrooms can be dried and how to prepare them, few people know, we tear everything in a row, but for home drying you have to choose well, if half of everything.

If for all types of canning, or pickling, you can take almost everything edible mushrooms, then not all are suitable for drying, and they even need to be collected in a special way. Now we are with you and will understand this.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying at home

To begin with, let's still decide which mushrooms we will dry in order to pamper ourselves with soup or fried with potatoes. So, what kind of mushrooms are we going to leave to dry?

  • Chanterelles
  • White
  • Birch trees
  • Aspen boletus
  • Obabki
  • Flywheels

In general, only tubular mushrooms are suitable for drying. The lamellas contain a bitter juice, which, after drying, makes them generally unsuitable for eating. and among the lamellar ones there are too many poisonous, which are not so easy to recognize.

How to pick mushrooms for home drying

Before the actual drying process of mushrooms, they cannot be washed, generally wetted. To you. I hope it is known that tubular mushrooms absorb water like a sponge and then retain moisture for a long time. The washed mushrooms are unlikely to dry out, but rather mold.

The mushrooms that we decided to dry, no matter what method, we go to pick in dry, sunny weather. We choose not contaminated, so that they can only be cleaned with a knife. We make sure that the mushrooms are young, strong, without wormholes. These are only suitable for us. After the mushrooms are collected, selected and cleaned, we will determine the method of drying them. Everything is very simple here, choose the most convenient way for you and go ahead, take action.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

Drying mushrooms in the oven is easiest and most convenient if you are a resident of a city apartment. Mushrooms, if too large, are cut into pieces and laid out in one layer on a grate, it must be made of stainless steel. Mushroom drying trays will not work because the air will not circulate.

During drying, the oven heats up to 40-60 degrees, you need to put a towel under the door so that it is ajar. In this form, dry until completely dry.

You can determine the degree of drying, whether the mushroom is ready or not ready for long-term storage, by touch. overdried mushrooms become brittle and break, underdried mushrooms will be too soft, and dried mushrooms are moderately elastic, difficult to bend, but do not crack.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

This method is more complicated and in order to properly dry mushrooms at home in the microwave, you need to be patient and it will not hurt to gain experience.

The most important thing for this method is to cut the mushrooms into absolutely equal parts so that they dry for the same length of time. And it is also very important to dry the already prepared, peeled and chopped mushrooms a little in the air, so the process will go faster.

We spread the prepared mushrooms directly on the bowl, turn on the power of 180 W and the time is twenty minutes. After that, we check if moisture can be released, it needs to be removed, open the door for ventilation. After about ten minutes, repeat the process. Repeat this process until you see that the mushrooms are dried properly.

If you overexposed the mushrooms and they turned out to be brittle and fragile, do not be discouraged, you can make an excellent mushroom seasoning, just chop the pieces of mushrooms in a blender.

How to dry mushrooms at home on a string

Probably the most ancient way. As far back as I can remember being a little girl, there were mushroom beads hanging around the house, and this wonderful forest smell. Mushrooms, also preferably of the same size, are pierced with a thick needle threaded with a nylon or canvas strong thread. You can hang such "beads" in the house or in any room where there is good air circulation and there is no humidity. Some put cheesecloth on the mushrooms to keep out flies.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The electric dryer was invented for our convenience, the most optimal option for drying forest gifts. To dry mushrooms in an electric dryer, they also need to be prepared in a special way, do not think that if the device is specially designed for drying, it will dry absolutely everything.

The fact is that the mushrooms need to be cut into plastics, and the thickness of the plastic depends on the drying time. The average thickness is taken about 10 cm.

All pieces are evenly distributed over the grid. At 55 degrees, you will get well-dried mushrooms in two to three hours.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

What can compare to the smell of dried boletus? We specially select them in the forest for drying. They are always clean and beautiful. It is very expensive to dry them.

Porcini mushrooms can also be dried in the oven, cut into plastics and laid out in one layer on a grid or wire rack. The temperature for drying is 60-75 degrees, the time is usually about two to three hours, depending on the thickness of the plastics.

Also, white slices are dried in an electric dryer. You can also dry them in a conventional dryer on fresh air, just so that there are no straight lines sun rays.

You can dry porcini mushrooms on a string by separating the caps from the legs. The legs can be fried immediately with potatoes, and the hats can be dried.

How to store dried mushrooms

Everything is very simple, I use fabric or paper bags for storage and simply store in the kitchen in the upper cabinet, where there is no moisture and strong odors. You can also put a salt shaker next to the bag so that the salt absorbs excess moisture. also, we must not forget about the mushrooms and sometimes visit with a check.

How to dry mushrooms at home, video

How to properly dry mushrooms at home?


First, it is still necessary to note which mushrooms can and should be dried. These are white, boletus, boletus, boletus, kids, mushrooms and chanterelles. Some mushroom pickers dry mushrooms, morels and lines. However, the latter (morels and lines) is difficult to dry, since mushrooms are usually not washed before drying, but dirt is removed from them with a knife or dry cloth, which is difficult to remove from the delicate and wrinkled body of these mushrooms. If, nevertheless, you managed to clean these mushrooms and dry them, then you must remember that they contain poison and morels and lines can be eaten only after two months of storage !!!

Secondly, which mushrooms are suitable for drying?
Any mushroom picker and a good housewife will tell you that only strong mushrooms are suitable for drying, preferably young mushrooms with a dense body without damage, and even more so without mold and by no means wormy. You should not dry old mushrooms: they may contain toxins, if they can dry out at all, and they will not ferment, thus infecting the rest of the good mushrooms.

When to pick mushrooms for drying?
It is good to pick mushrooms for drying dry and in dry sunny weather. Mushrooms collected in the rain are not suitable for drying, there is too much moisture in them and they are likely to rot and become moldy rather than dry.

What you need to know about drying mushrooms?

  1. Lamellar mushrooms are usually not dried, as many of them contain a bitter milky juice and keep the bitterness dry. In addition, dry lamellar mushrooms are difficult and even impossible to distinguish from each other, and most importantly, from poisonous ones.
  2. It is very important to determine when the mushroom drying ends. Underdried mushrooms can quickly become moldy, overdried mushrooms break easily, are excessively hard, do not soak in water and do not even boil down, they are tasteless. A well-dried mushroom bends slightly, breaks relatively easily, but does not crumble. People say: "Sush mushrooms for future use, but do not overdry".
  3. Dried mushrooms are very hygroscopic, they absorb moisture from the surrounding air, they easily become damp and moldy. In addition, they quickly absorb extraneous odors. Therefore, they should be stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 10-15 ° C and, best of all, in canvas bags or in food bags made of thick paper.
    It is often recommended to store them in tightly closed glass or metal jars, but in these cases, "living things" are sometimes found in the mushrooms.
  4. When dried, the mushrooms darken and lose their aroma.
How and what can be cooked from dried mushrooms?
Before cooking, dried mushrooms must be kept in salted milk for several hours - they will become like fresh. Can also be soaked in plain water and leave them for a while, it is better to swell a little overnight and almost take their original appearance. Dried chanterelles boil better if you add a little baking soda to the water.
You can cook all the same dishes from dry mushrooms as from ordinary ones. However, only dried mushrooms can be used to make the most delicious mushroom puree soup, while dry mushrooms are ground in a coffee grinder almost to the state of flour and at the end of cooking potato soup containing potatoes, carrots and onions add mushroom flour to taste. Then we boil everything for 10 minutes, knead large pieces of potatoes and carrots, trying to bring them to the state of puree. Add a little cream and a small piece of butter to the boiling soup, mix everything until smooth and pour into plates.

Remember that one of the better ways to preserve the taste and nutritional qualities of mushrooms for a long time is their drying! How to properly dry mushrooms at home? This is done as follows, peeled mushrooms are sorted out, sorted by size and quality. Then in boletus, boletus, kids, butter, mushrooms, the leg is cut flush with the cap, and in porcini mushrooms - only the lower part of the leg
White fresh mushrooms cut (together the cap with the leg) along with a sharp knife into pieces no more than 10-15 mm thick. The slices are laid out in one row on sieves and dried in a place protected from rain, then dried in an oven, oven or dryer at low temperature. You can also use the Dobroe Teplo heater or another heater that runs on minimum temperature using a metal tray covered with a clean white cloth.
If you do not have any such items for drying in your house, you can use the old grandfather's method: string mushrooms cut into pieces or slices on a thread with a needle, separating each of them with a small layer of ordinary thick white paper. You need to start with a piece of paper strung on a thread, then a slice of mushroom and so on, finish with a piece of paper. The length of the thread can be arbitrary, it all depends on your imagination, the number of mushrooms and the thickness of the thread, trying, however, to leave a space between the mushroom wedges and a piece of paper. This will dry the mushrooms faster and allow the air to circulate better, which helps drying. And the pieces of paper will keep moisture from the pieces and prevent the worms, if any, to crawl over to the rest of the mushroom crop.
The right amount of such threads with mushrooms is made. Then the strung mushrooms can be hung in the sun so that they dry out and dry properly, or they can be hung in a well-ventilated dry room. To prevent the flies from drying out, you can fence all the threads with mushrooms with gauze or a thin mesh - this will be additional protection against worms appearing on the mushrooms. And leave until the mushrooms are completely dry. At the same time, it is imperative to constantly check the mushrooms and remove rotten and hardened parts if they are found.
The output of dried mushrooms is 10-12% of the weight of fresh ones.

One of the safest, most gentle, simple and useful ways harvesting mushrooms - drying. After it, the product retains its nutritional value, nutritional value, and digestibility much better than after pickling or salting. And the aroma of many mushrooms becomes simply breathtaking. But how to dry mushrooms correctly?

What does a hostess need to know?

There are many ways to dry this valuable product... For example:

  • outside in the sun;
  • in an electric or gas oven;
  • using a microwave oven;
  • over the stove;
  • on radiators, heaters, etc.

Theoretically, at home it will be possible to dry almost any mushrooms suitable for human consumption. But in practice, there are some exceptions to keep in mind. So, mushrooms that have a pronounced bitterness (when dried it becomes even more concentrated) are unsuitable for drying, as well as too small, which after drying become almost microscopic and, moreover, rather tough.

So, the following are considered suitable for drying:

  • among tubular - white, boletus, boletus, boletus;
  • among the lamellar mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, cherry trees;
  • among marsupials - morels, white truffles;
  • among chanterelles - chanterelles.

Absolutely not suitable for this type of workpiece due to the very bitterness:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • loading;
  • russula;
  • value;
  • waves.

Drying mushrooms for the winter is a process main feature which is a significant reduction in the size of the product: only 10-15% of the original remains. That is, from 10 kg of fresh raw materials, more than one and a half kilograms of dried product will not turn out. For this reason, for drying, you should not choose too small types of mushrooms (for example, mouse mushrooms), as well as small mushrooms of large species that have not grown to a weight of at least 40 g.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying?

First of all, you need to immediately select those of them that are unsuitable for this. And this is not only the whole "trifle". Overripe, old specimens, rotten, heavily spoiled by worms, are not suitable. It is better to rinse, trim and cook them right away, rather than for future use. That is, you need to dry mushrooms only in an average state: not "kids" and not "oldies".

Before sending the product for drying, it must be properly prepared:

  • to clear from forest soil, sand, adhered moss, needles, leaves and other debris;
  • it is better to pre-cut large caps into identical slices or plates;
  • legs of representatives of "long-legged" varieties (these include porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus) are divided into pieces about 3-4 cm in length or cut into small plates (no more than 2 cm);
  • in chanterelles, honey agarics, butter, it is necessary to remove the legs (since most often only the caps are dried for them);

Morels are not cut before drying - they are usually dried whole.

After that, mushroom raw materials can be considered prepared: washing mushrooms for subsequent drying is contraindicated. They are quickly saturated with water, and then give it away for a very long time. The result is that during drying, the mushrooms are more likely to rot or mold.

Hats and legs are dried with different speed, therefore, it is better to sort and dry them in separate batches in order to save oneself from constantly feeling them for readiness and endless sorting of the finished product from the unfinished one. For the same purpose, it is prudent to sort the raw materials into batches of approximately the same size.

How can you dry?

Now is the time to consider different ways drying to choose a suitable one.

The natural method (in the fresh air) cannot be called universal, since it requires extremely dry, warm, sunny weather, and this is not always possible. In addition, at the slightest change in the direction of dampness (fog, dew, rain), all workpieces will have to be urgently removed somewhere, otherwise they will collect water and deteriorate.

If this method is chosen, you should know that the mushroom raw material will dry for several days. The exact time depends on the air temperature (faster in summer, slower in autumn or spring), as well as on the size of the mushroom slicing. For air drying, prepared mushrooms are carefully strung on thick fishing line or reinforced threads, leaving free space between each piece (natural ventilation between them is required, otherwise mold may also result). Mushrooms, hung in this way on strings, are hung out on the street in direct sunlight, covered with a couple of layers of gauze on top to protect them from insect attacks and dirt or dust.

Do not place the mushrooms on metal sheets or baking trays, otherwise they will bake in the sun and turn black.

The oven assumes more human participation than the previous version. Therefore, any mistake will cost the spoilage of a large amount of mushroom raw materials.

If the oven is equipped with an additional airflow option, this is a big plus, which will allow you to ensure the necessary air circulation during the process. Otherwise, you will have to leave the door ajar, because without such ventilation, drying can take a long time, which will also affect the quality of the finished product.

With this method, the raw materials are laid out in one layer on grill grates and sent to the oven, setting the temperature to about 50-70 degrees. Periodically (with an interval of 15 minutes), the grates must be interchanged so that all raw materials dry evenly. The exact time with this processing option is also impossible to determine - it depends on the size and thickness of the mushrooms, the amount of moisture in them, the number of grates in the oven, the dimensions of the oven itself, and the quality of the blowing. The only criterion for readiness is that the pieces should feel dry, but firm (not oily, sticky or too rough).

During the drying process, never raise the oven temperature to speed up the drying process. So you will be able to, if not bake, then at least dry the mushrooms to the state of twisted plastic.

A special dryer ensures optimal results, eliminating damage to the workpieces. The electric dryer has several tiers on which grates with chopped mushrooms are placed. The only condition for obtaining a high-quality result is to cut the raw materials to the same size and do not dry knives with hats together. Having sent the grates to the dryer, you need to set the temperature to 55-60 degrees and periodically check the readiness. To dry mushrooms in this way, it may take 2 hours or all 6 (it also depends on the size of the pieces and the amount of moisture in them). The dryer will provide high-quality drying of all types of mushrooms: tubular, lamellar, chanterelle ...

Microwave is an option that you can use "for want of the best." This method has many disadvantages: you can dry only a small portion at a time, while there is a high risk of getting “rubber” mushrooms or a semi-finished product that requires additional drying at the output. In addition, during the drying process, you will have to turn on and off the power more than once.

The product is laid out in a thin layer on a dish, plate or other flat dish suitable for microwave ovens, and the microwave oven is turned on for 15–20 minutes at a power of no more than 180 W. Then, for the same time, the door must be opened so that the accumulated steam escapes. This cycle will have to be repeated 2 to 6 times, depending on the same factors.

How to store dried mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms can be stored for 3 years. But in order to achieve this, it is important to provide them the right conditions... First of all, they themselves must have the necessary condition. Too wet mushrooms are short-lived - very soon they will become moldy, even if stored in a dry place. Overdried ones become non-aromatic, and when cooked, they become tasteless and tough, since they do not boil over.

The criteria for readiness are very conditional, they need, as they say, to learn to feel. And this comes with practice. V general outline, the mushroom should be flexible, springy (bend, but not break), but wrinkled, and dry to the touch. It will resemble dried apples in color.

How to store such mushrooms? If they are nevertheless overdried, storage in the form of mushroom powder will be salvation. True, this is more a spice than an independent product. But, nevertheless, there will be a use for it: when grinding, all coarse films and fibers are destroyed, which allows the mushroom aroma to unfold in its entirety. And it is much easier for our body to assimilate this form of the product.

To prepare the powder, the mushrooms are ground in a blender or coffee grinder, adding about 1/10 of the salt to the volume of the product (as a preservative). You can add any other spices to taste. Such a powder is added no earlier than a minute before cooking. He will give the usual dishes a unique piquant taste.

If the product is dried with high quality, it is stored, observing the following rules:

  • The container should be made of "breathable" materials: cardboard, paper, cotton fabric.
  • Storage next to other aromatic products is not allowed.
  • Also, high humidity in the storage location (no more than 60%) must not be allowed, otherwise mold will inevitably appear.
  • The room must be well ventilated.
  • Dried mushrooms must be periodically inspected and sorted out, removing pieces that have begun to deteriorate.
  • After 36 months, even if external signs spoilage is not detected, the product is not used for food, since it loses valuable taste qualities and aroma.

Drying mushrooms is a responsible process, since in many respects it is worth relying only on organoleptic sensations. Therefore, in the absence of proper experience, the result may turn out to be unsatisfactory. However, if you plan to regularly procure a product in this way, it makes sense to learn to recognize readiness. For starters, you can, for example, purchase some ready-made dried mushrooms. good quality and study them by sight, touch, shape, weight, smell. Having learned how to dry mushrooms correctly, you can provide all households and guests with wonderful dishes that delight with their taste and aroma.

The simplest, most convenient and affordable type of mushroom processing is drying. The mass of mushrooms decreases 10 times, while new taste and aroma properties appear, and mushrooms in this form can be stored for years. Dried mushrooms are very easy to store: tied in a cloth bag, put in a dark place - that's all storage. And in terms of their nutritional value, protein content and digestibility, dried mushrooms are superior to all others. So, how to properly dry mushrooms in order to enjoy your favorite delicacy for a long time? We will tell you further.

Most often tubular mushrooms are dried, since marsupials, and most lamellar mushrooms contain bitterness that does not disappear during the drying process. At home, you can dry porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, moss, goat, oak, polish mushroom, morels, morel cap, stitching, truffles, raincoats, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, mushrooms, etc. When drying, the taste of morels and lines is noticeably improved, porcini mushroom, boletus.

For drying, choose only fresh, healthy and strong mushrooms, without wormholes. There is a lot of controversy about whether or not to wash the mushrooms before drying. does not recommend doing this, because wet mushrooms, firstly, dry longer, and secondly, they can darken and become simply ugly. Before drying, it is enough just to wipe the mushrooms with a brush or cloth, removing needles, leaves, moss, sand, earth. To speed up drying, large caps are best cut into slices, cutting off the stem at a distance of 2-3 cm from the cap. The legs of porcini mushrooms, boletus and brown birches are cut into columns 3-4 cm long or wheels up to 2 cm thick.In butter mushrooms, mushrooms, honey agarics and chanterelles, only caps are used for drying, and morels and lines are dried whole.

How to dry mushrooms? We offer several ways.

At home, mushrooms can be dried in the open air or in the sun, in a Russian stove, in an oven, on a gas or electric stove, in special dryers. At the same time, it is important that drying begins gradually, the mushrooms dry out, and not boil. At the same time, they must be dried quickly with a relatively high temperature and constant air circulation, since slow drying can spoil the mushrooms.

Sun drying is the most ideal way to dry mushrooms.

This method of drying is called air drying. It is clear that in the open air mushrooms can only be dried in sunny days, in hot and dry seasons. In order for the mushrooms to dry well in the sun, they must be strung on a fishing line, thread or metal rods so that the pieces do not come into contact with each other, and put them in the sun, covering them with gauze from dust and flies. It is better if the mushrooms are dried somewhere under a canopy, this will allow them to be protected from dust and rain. In the sun, mushrooms can only be dried, and drying can be completed already in the oven, this is especially useful if the weather begins to deteriorate.

Drying in the sun usually takes 5-7 days. Those mushrooms that you cut into thinner slices will dry faster: in 2-3 days. Do not overdry them, otherwise they will darken and lose their aroma.

Natural air drying.

Also, mushrooms can be dried outdoors under a canopy. To do this, they should be spread out in a thin layer on straw lined on the floor, on baking sheets, racks, frames - in general, on any available substrate. In this case, the main thing is not to overdry, so you should periodically turn the mushrooms, remove the already dried ones and bring the rest to the desired condition.

Do not overdry mushrooms, as they become tasteless and lose their aroma, do not soften and do not boil during cooking. At the same time, under-dried mushrooms are poorly stored, begin to grow moldy at the slightest dampness and quickly deteriorate. Well-dried mushrooms (moisture content 12-14%) feel dry and light to the touch, they break relatively easily, but do not crumble, they bend slightly. They resemble fresh mushrooms in taste and aroma.

Drying in the oven

When drying in the oven, the mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on specially made grates that are installed in place of ordinary baking sheets. Drying should be started with an oven temperature of 45 ° C. Only in this case they will not darken. Then the temperature can be increased, but it should be within 60-70 degrees, and in order for the air in the oven to circulate constantly, the door should be kept ajar. As the mushrooms dry up, the sieves are reversed from top to bottom.

Electric dryer

Modern technology greatly simplifies the life of housewives, so it is also an excellent assistant in drying mushrooms. This device saves a lot of time and does not require constant monitoring and presence. Mushrooms should be laid out in one layer. Fortunately, many dryers have from 3 to 8 tiers, so many mushrooms can be dried in one "sitting". We recommend choosing a temperature for drying around 55 degrees, and the drying time will take from 2 to 6 hours. The drying time is influenced by the thickness of the mushroom slices. The thinner the mushroom is cut, the faster it dries. As soon as the mushroom plates begin to spring slightly when bent and look dry, the device can be turned off.

Microwave drying

Not a very common drying method, but no less effective for this. For this drying, the mushrooms should be cut to a thickness of approx. 5 mm., Put on a wire rack or plate and microwave. Set the machine to a power of approx. 150 watts for 20 minutes.

After the end of the time, open the microwave door, steam will come out from there. Leave to air for 10 minutes, and then repeat the procedure 3 times. After such manipulations, the mushrooms will either dry out completely, or will be ready for further shrinkage, at least you will dry them in the oven for a couple of days less. The downside is that in this way you can dry a small amount of mushrooms, and you will spend a lot of time.

Store dried mushrooms in tightly sealed glass jars or in moisture-proof bags, in a dry, dark and cool place. Under these conditions, mushrooms can persist for years. If during storage the mushrooms are damp and moldy, they need to be sorted out and dried, and the spoiled ones must be removed.

For another drying method, see the video:

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Fender 07.10.2016 18:54
Drying mushrooms is very simple. Near the slightly open (for airing) kitchen window, I place a floor dryer for clothes. I cover it with a mosquito net (sold in household goods), pull and fix it with clothespins around the perimeter. I sprinkle the chopped mushrooms in one layer. Everything is ready in two days. You can periodically light the gas if the humidity is high or blow it with a fan (air circulation is very important). I store it in glass jars under nylon. In winter I check for moisture.

Luda 22.09.2016 18:58
I recommend the electric dryer for vegetables and mushrooms. A wonderful thing!

Yuri 26.08.2016 08:55
As a matter of fact. The best way by time and temperature: 4 hours at 45-50 degrees. then break for 4 hours and dry at 75-80 degrees for 4 to 6 hours. I dry myself in a bathhouse at the dacha in a steam room on a triangular frame I have thin stainless steel ponds. Very comfortable, nothing slips or sags.

Delicious and nutritious mushrooms- This is a product that is useful at any time of the year, because it has a truly huge amount of substances valuable for the human body. They can be included in soups, added to meat, made sauces with it, and baked pies.

Those who pick mushrooms on their own or buy from the market are faced with the question of how to save them in winter time... Fortunately, the ability to preserve blanks has been passed from mistress to mistress for centuries. It is only important to choose the right way to dry mushrooms at home. Preserve dried a large number of nutritional properties and remain of higher quality than when salted or preserved.

Which mushrooms are suitable for drying

In order to enjoy excellent taste in winter, it is better to harvest:

  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • aspen mushrooms;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • goats;
  • chanterelles;
  • boletus;
  • flywheels;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • oak trees;
  • morels;
  • tinder fungus;
  • Champignon;
  • Polish mushroom;
  • pendants, etc.

Such mushrooms, after drying, retain useful qualities and do not acquire a bitter taste. They convey a magical forest smell, remain very tasty and are suitable for inclusion in any dish.

Volnushki, Milk Milk and Russula, on the contrary, after drying, leave a not very pleasant shade.

It is necessary to dry it according to special rules, which exist primarily in order for the harmful impurities accumulated in it to completely evaporate.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

In order for the product to be preserved in the best possible form, everything must be done to ensure that it does not deteriorate. Both spongy, tubular, and lamellar varieties require very careful attention. It is necessary to prepare everything in the right way so that they not only endure the long winter, but also bring the greatest pleasure while eating.

You need to dry it for a precisely calibrated period, because otherwise the mushrooms will not be capable of long-term storage.

It should be borne in mind that mushrooms lose at least half or even more of their natural volume, therefore, it is required to be very careful about the procurement process.

Most often it happens that from one kilogram of fresh raw materials, a little more than one hundred grams of dried is obtained.

Therefore, proper preparation of mushrooms for drying is of great importance. It is necessary to inspect each of them separately, clean, dry. This part of the process will largely determine their nutritional value in the future.

It is necessary to stop at absolutely whole, fresh and strong specimens. Any wormholes must be removed immediately. It is better not to take spoiled mushrooms for harvesting immediately.

Before leaving the raw material for winter use, it should be washed clean. It is best to use a regular, damp kitchen sponge. Mushrooms should not be placed under the tap or placed in a pot of water.

In the future, they are laid out so that they do not differ in volume from each other. In whites, oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, oak woods, champignons, the bottom of the leg is removed. Caps are taken from boletus and boletus.

In the future, everything is cut in very thin layers about a centimeter thick. It is also allowed to cut into cubes.

At what temperature to dry mushrooms

Temperature regime is selected depending on the method of preparation of the product. The amount of raw materials, safety, degree of preparation, and the time spent on the process are also important.

In any case, it is better to dry the mushrooms at home, after distributing them in a thin layer and leaving small gaps between them. Putting them in several rows, located one on top of the other, is impossible. The temperature should remain in the range of fifty-five to seventy degrees. Accordingly, the period during which the product will be dried will also be distributed. On average, it takes at least six to eight hours.

How to dry mushrooms at home

In order to ideally dry mushrooms without leaving your home, you should know the most preferable harvesting options suitable for preservation nutritional value and extending the shelf life.

Most of the methods are quite simple and are used even by housewives who do not have long experience in handling mushrooms.

In order for the result not to disappoint, it is advisable to carry out the process in the summer or early autumn. What is harvested in October, it is better not to leave, but immediately recycle for cooking.

Drying in the open air

This method is traditional and has been used by women for more than one century. Mushrooms can be laid out on a balcony, in a loggia or in a well-ventilated indoor area.

  1. They are placed on newspaper or thick fabric. They must be laid out in several rows so that they do not touch each other.
  2. It must be very warm so that there is enough sun on the raw materials. In the absence of sunlight, the product is processed with heat from a battery or air heater. The temperature must be left even, without fluctuations.
  3. The measure of readiness is determined visually as well as by touch. After it becomes clear that the mushrooms are completely ready for long-term storage, they should be packed in paper or canvas bags. Their content is also allowed in iron or glass containers with tightly ground-in lids.

The cabinet in which they are placed must be dry, well ventilated and very clean. It is required that it be removed from the stove and other food products, since foreign odors quickly penetrate into the dried raw materials.

Drying in the oven

The oven serves excellent tool for harvesting mushrooms. Unlike the previous method, it needs much more attention and hassle, but the results are much faster and better.

However, in the absence of the proper skill, some women spoil a large number of mushrooms at once, so it is better for an inexperienced housewife to practice on a small amount of them first.

The workpiece looks like this.

  1. They take a metal grate and distribute the product on it in one layer, then push the sheet inside.
  2. The stove is put on a mode of sixty-seventy degrees.
  3. During drying, it is necessary to open the outer door from time to time for a stable flow of fresh air.
  4. After about a quarter of an hour, they take the second sheet and put it in place of the first. After a similar period, they are changed again.

The degree of readiness is determined visually. Much depends on the size of the mushrooms and the degree of their strength. One of the indicators is the change in the volume of the product. As soon as it has clearly decreased, it means that the drying time is coming to an end. Another determinant is complete dryness and lack of oiliness.

Drying mushrooms in a dryer

Experts believe that this method of harvesting mushrooms is preferred. Especially quality product it turns out if you process it in an electric dryer. Of course, technology will not replace all the benefits of natural drying, but it will not spoil the product. After harvesting in the fresh air, it is considered the most successful.

They do this.

  1. The mushrooms are carefully peeled, dried and cut into pieces. If they are small, then they are chopped into cubes or simply cut into pieces.
  2. The pieces are laid out in the thinnest layer.
  3. The temperature regime is set equal to fifty-five degrees Celsius. The process takes approximately two hours. In some cases, the time is longer if the mushrooms are significantly saturated with moisture or too large.
  4. The degree of their readiness, as in previous cases, is determined visually.

The use of an electric dryer is the most the best method preservation of mushrooms, as it fits absolutely any of their varieties and types.

In the sun

This method of drying mushrooms is most suitable for the owners of summer cottages, who take them out in the sun or put them back into the house at nightfall or precipitation.

The method does not need any additional adaptations and does not require the constant attention of the hostess.

Workpiece travel.

  1. Mushrooms should be thinly sliced ​​or cut into small pieces.
  2. It is better to thread them through a harsh thread, and then spread them out on a tarp or on a wooden board in even rows.
  3. In the process, they must be periodically turned over to the other side, so that each surface is evenly and fully illuminated by the sun. At strong gusts wind or significant cloudiness, the mushrooms should be carried under the canopy or in the canopy.
  4. They should be laid out so that they do not get dirt from the roads and do not carry dust from the gardens.
  5. In case the weather has deteriorated hopelessly, the mushrooms need to be dried by a different method. You cannot leave them to reach readiness in room conditions.

For this type of workpiece, it is desirable for at least fifteen days of continuous stay in sunlight, therefore, drying better in summer.

How to dry mushrooms on a string

This method is also the traditional method for drying mushrooms.

  1. Nylon or thin line are best suited for stringing them.
  2. Pre-prepared raw materials are carefully threaded onto the thread, making small gaps. Then it is attached in a dry, warm, ventilated and well-lit place.
  3. If the mushrooms are large, then they are cut into cubes. Small ones are hung entirely.
  4. In order that they do not hang for too long, it is necessary to place them near the central heating battery, fan heater, stove, stove, electric radiator.

The degree of readiness is determined by eye.

Drying in an airfryer

The method is suitable in cases where there are very few mushrooms and they are not supposed to be dried in large quantities... It is also good for those who live in rural areas and often enough go for the gifts of the forest, stocking up on them in small portions. It is also suitable for those who were late and started the process in the cold autumn time, when natural methods can no longer be applied.

Drying boletus, boletus, chanterelle mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus boletus, aspen mushrooms, Polish mushrooms... They come out beautiful, not darkened and have not changed their structure.

Mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, cut into a thin layer and held over gas until moisture is completely removed from their surface.

The raw material is placed on special mesh supports and pushed into the device. Then turn on the rotary mechanism.

The temperature regime is first set at around forty degrees, then added to seventy. Leave space for air to enter between the cover and the outside.

The raw materials are dried for five hours or more until cooked, making sure that the mushrooms do not burn. It is required to carefully monitor the process to avoid spoilage.

In the microwave

The method is not one of the best, but in the absence of any other possibility of drying mushrooms, they use it.

  1. Raw materials are prepared in the same ways as in other cases.
  2. The pieces are placed on a wide and flat wire rack or plate and placed inside the appliance. Do not use iron containers.
  3. The knob is placed in the position corresponding to one hundred and fifty degrees and left for twenty minutes.
  4. Then the device is turned off and the mushrooms are taken out for fifteen minutes for airing.
  5. The procedure is repeated three times. If each specimen is dried whole, up to five repetitions may be required.

The degree of readiness is determined visually.

Clarification of the condition of the harvested raw materials

Despite the indications that the level of drying is measured by eye, there are still certain criteria for establishing it.

Two or three times is enough and the hostess will learn at a glance to determine whether the mushrooms have dried enough. They bend easily without breaking, spring under the fingers. It is unacceptable to feel that moisture has remained in the raw material or, on the contrary, it is crumbling.

Some specimens wrinkle slightly and look like baked apples. Their color should range from light brown to brown.

If a woman is harvesting a product for the first time, then for indication it is useful to purchase some ready-made raw materials in a store or at a bazaar and compare the result with it.

How to store dried mushrooms

When everything is done properly and beautiful dried mushrooms have been obtained, they should be preserved so that they do not lose their taste properties.

A number of rules are required:

  • The best view storage is paper or cardboard. It is also allowed to pour it into a linen bag.
  • Dried product must not be mixed with other types of groceries.
  • Keep it near a window or window.
  • A battery should be located nearby, otherwise the mushrooms will become moldy.
  • It is necessary to periodically pour them out and air them on the newspaper;
  • If spoiled copies are found, they must be urgently removed.

The bag or box is stored for no more than three years. But every two to three months, the container should be changed to a clean, dry and free from defects.

Do not leave mushrooms for too long, from time to time without removing a sample from them in order to make sure that their structure is not disturbed and there is no damage.

Useful video

In order to determine which method will be used to harvest raw materials for the winter, it is worth watching a video that details all stages of drying. With strict adherence to all the rules, the mushrooms can be preserved so that they do not lose nutritional value, do not start to deteriorate, and have an excellent taste and smell.

Every woman knows how useful it is to have dried raw materials in the house so that winter dishes acquire a special summer flavor. It is used in unlimited quantities of recipes, as well as supplemented with it. ready meals.

If you fulfill all the wishes for drying them at home, then for the whole year there will be an excellent variety in the prepared recipes for baked goods, meat, vegetables and soups.
