African pygmy hedgehog care and maintenance. Unusual African pygmy hedgehog

The African pygmy hedgehog is an artificially bred species and is not found in the wild. This is why keeping a pygmy hedgehog is very different from caring for all other known varieties of hedgehogs. The African pygmy hedgehog does not hibernate, does not stomp, has virtually no odor and feeds on dry cat food. It is impossible to release a hedgehog into the forest or field, because... he will die there. Life expectancy is about 5 years and depends on care and nutrition.

When you bring the hedgehog to new house, put him in a crate and let him be alone for at least a day. You can take it out and hold it once or twice for a few minutes on the first day, but remember that it will take at least a week before your hedgehog feels at home.

To keep a hedgehog you need to have the following things:

You can use a regular cage for guinea pigs, decorative rabbits, etc. or a plastic terrarium for rodents. Please note that hedgehogs are excellent climbers and can easily escape from an open-top cage intended for guinea pigs or rabbits. If you use a cage with an open top, it must have slippery sides of at least 40 cm and a bottom dimension of at least 70 by 40 cm, and the cage must have good ventilation. Under no circumstances should you use cages with a bottom made of rods, since the legs of Africans, and any other breeds of hedgehogs, are designed to walk on a solid surface. The distance between the bars should not be large, because small hedgehogs weighing up to 300 grams can easily squeeze between the bars or get stuck between them.

Place the cage in a comfortable, warm, well-lit area, free from drafts and direct sunlight. The most comfortable temperature is between 20 – 26 degrees Celsius. The main rule is that if you are comfortable with short sleeves, then a hedgehog will be comfortable too.

Aspen, birch, etc. sawdust is the best material for bedding. You cannot use cedar sawdust, sawdust from thuja, coniferous trees and other sawdust containing essential oils - they are toxic to the hedgehog.

Crushed corn cobs Also relatively good as bedding and safe for hedgehogs and adult hedgehogs, but in no case should they be used for young hedgehogs - boys. Sprinkle a few centimeters evenly on the floor of the cage.

More a good option- paper granules or flakes. They are sold as cat litter or as rodent cage litter.

Many people use fleece, flannel and other materials that absorb well and do not form a puff, since the legs and claws of hedgehogs can easily get tangled in them. Usually they measure the fabric to the size of the bottom of the cage or take the wall for greater insulation and sew 2 identical pieces together. Or absorbent material is sewn inside. Like super absorbent microfiber towels for dogs and cats. One of the advantages is that it is easy to wash in a washing machine, if the fabric is light, it is easy to notice any changes in the pet’s health (blood, unhealthy color of urine and feces). The downside is that it is difficult to fix in one position and does not allow the hedgehog to bury itself, which they love very much.

A running wheel is a must have. The diameter of the wheel is at least 30 cm. The running surface must be solid. Hedgehogs injure their fingers on mesh surfaces or crossbars.

Large soft houses and a specially made fleece sleeping bag are ideal for hedgehogs as a home. You can also use a house for chinchillas in the form of a plastic igloo, suitable in size (for guinea pigs).

The food bowl should be wide and heavy enough to prevent your hedgehog from turning it over to play. Small ceramic cups designed for rodents are perfect for hedgehogs. The width or diameter should be 7-15 cm and no more than 5 centimeters in height.

Ceramic bowl or nipple drinker. A nipple drinker is better than an open bowl. Hedgehogs like to throw sawdust into an open bowl, which subsequently deprives them of water.

Many hedgehogs love to play. The best toys for them are cat toys - plastic balls with a bell inside, etc.


The main food of the African pygmy hedgehog is super premium cat food. The composition should not contain starch-containing products (corn, potatoes, etc.), as well as any dyes or substitutes.
The first 3, or better yet 5 components should be meat (chicken, turkey, lamb, beef, as well as fruits and vegetables).

In addition to the main food, you can give additional treats.

Lean meat (chicken, turkey, lamb, duck, etc.) boiled or steamed without salt or spices.
Basically all types of fish are safe, but may affect the odor of feces and urine. Fish is boiled or steamed without bones, salt or spices.
Fruits: apples, bananas, melon, pitted cherries, cranberries, papaya, pear, peach, apricot, pumpkin, raspberries, Jerusalem artichoke, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, blueberries, kiwi.
Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cucumber, green beans, peppers, peas, spinach, zucchini.
Eggs, hard-boiled or in the form of an omelet. Without salt and spices.

Baby food without dyes and preservatives.

Do not give to hedgehogs:

Milk and any products containing milk- hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and eating such foods can cause digestive upset.

Pineapple is harmful because increased acidity this fruit, which can cause irritation in the mouth.
Dried fruits can get stuck and stick to the larynx.

Grapes are dangerous for most small pets. May cause disruption of internal organs.

Raisins are just as dangerous as grapes and can also get stuck in your teeth or stick to the roof of your mouth, causing dental disease and inflammation in your mouth.

Tea tree oil- can cause death even from a very small dose of a substance eaten or even sniffed by a hedgehog.

Avocado is toxic, there are cases of poisoning with this product.

Nuts and seeds - can stick to the roof of your mouth, get stuck in your teeth and damage your eyes as your hedgehog tries to get them out of the shell.

Any citrus fruits

Onion garlic
Fast food, chips, etc.
Products containing dyes nutritional supplements and chemical preservatives- are harmful for the same reason as they are harmful to people. Only on pygmy hedgehogs do all the consequences of eating such food appear more acutely and quickly than on humans.


Tea tree oil(as well as everything that contains this substance, shampoos, sprays, creams, etc.) - can cause death even from a very small dose of the substance eaten or sniffed by a hedgehog.

Cedar, Thuja, Needles, All coniferous trees(as wood for houses or cages or as sawdust) - a combination of urine and essential oils toxic to hedgehogs. In addition, essential oils contained in wood can cause respiratory diseases in small pets.

Absorbent disposable diapers- hedgehogs tear and chew diapers and gorge themselves on the filler, eventually dying a long and painful death.

Wooden rectangular houses- Many hedgehogs have already been left without eyes because of wooden houses. Hedgehogs damage their eyes on protruding corners and remain permanently disabled or die due to blood poisoning.

Transparent soft plastic wheels- they have a very narrow width and irregular shape - hedgehogs cannot run and fall out of them. Soft plastic makes the wheel noiseless, however, the hedgehog will become disabled, because... running on a soft surface injures the paws and joints.

Wheels irregular shape(cone-shaped, narrow at one end and wide at the other)- hedgehogs cannot run and fall out, injuring their joints.

Pressed sawdust- such sawdust is made from coniferous species trees that are deadly to hedgehogs. The pellets slide, hedgehogs injure their joints and are deprived of the ability to dig and burrow. Such sawdust is preferred by lazy people who do not want to remove debris from crumbly fillers. However, you should not skimp on the comfort and health of hedgehogs; their lifespan is already short.

A new pet has appeared among animal breeders - the African hedgehog. This representative of insectivores is a breed that was bred for keeping at home as a result of crossing several species. The breeders were given the following tasks to obtain a new representative of the hedgehog family:

  • Low maintenance:
  • Not large (small animals produce less odors);
  • Beautiful;
  • Friendly (easily tamed by humans);
  • Non-hibernating;
  • Capable of breeding in captivity to reduce the risk of disease from wildlife

The enthusiasts coped with the task quite well. The African pygmy hedgehog lives near people and is not able to live in freedom.

Housing for a pygmy hedgehog can be chosen in the form of a terrarium, cage or box made of various non-toxic and durable materials. The dimensions of the container are preferably seventy centimeters wide and one and a half meters long. When choosing a terrarium, you need to pay attention to the presence of a lid or mesh, as well as the degree of smoothness of the walls - an African hedgehog will be able to climb a rough vertical surface and escape from the house.

It is important that the gap between the bars of the cage is small, otherwise the animal may try to slip through or harm itself. The bottom is suitable only from solid material with a smooth surface.

It is practical to use a cage with a pull-out tray.

As a substrate you can take:

  • paper towels
  • torn napkins,
  • corn cobs (contraindicated for young hedgehogs, but acceptable for adults),
  • wood filler,
  • sawdust.

Avoid any types of fillers containing pine resins, which are toxic to the animal.

Some owners use fleece or flannel to sew a “mattress” to fit the bottom of the cage, adding absorbent material between the layers of fabric. This option makes cleaning easier because it can be easily washed in washing machine, and also does not form puffs, which prevents injuries to the paws.

If a domestic African hedgehog has chosen one place for the toilet, then it must be cleaned once a day. The substrate is completely changed once a week. Also, 4-6 times a month is enough to wash your home and accessories with a disinfectant.


Temperature mode includes day and night options. During the day, 22-25 C is sufficient; at night, a decrease in temperature to 20-22 C is acceptable. If the microclimate in the room changes, additional heating or cooling may be required. However, the home should not be located in close proximity to heat sources or air conditioning.

When the temperature drops below fifteen degrees, the African pygmy hedgehog goes into hibernation.

Bright additional lighting is not necessary for this animal. It is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from entering the home.

The room where the animal lives should not be damp. The humidity level should be maintained between 40 and 60%.

Home improvement

  • plastic flower pots,
  • wide diameter tubes,
  • ready-made houses,
  • birdhouses,
  • carton boxes.

As a second option prepare:

  • uncolored paper,
  • twigs,
  • sawdust,
  • pieces of fabric.

Additional accessories include stones for grinding claws, a running wheel, and a container with sand for chinchillas. The wheel diameter is selected to be more than twenty-eight centimeters, with a wide and running surface without a grid.

You can install a shallow, wide container of water as a reservoir.

Some owners decorate their homes with plastic plants.


The African pygmy hedgehog adapts well among people. It is not recommended to touch him only in the first week after the change of owner, so that he gets used to his new place of residence.

The character of the animal is calm. He bites only in rare cases when he is very excited.

It is preferable to keep the hedgehog alone. You should not put two males in one cage.

To maintain good physical fitness His hedgehog must be walked indoors, provided with a running wheel, tunnels, balls, plush toys, and squeakers.


Unfortunately, even decorative breed Hedgehogs are susceptible to disease. Here are the most common diseases African hedgehogs:

If there is any change in behavior, feces, urine, or wakefulness, you should contact a veterinarian who specializes in hedgehogs - medications for similar diseases in other animals can be dangerous for the African pygmy pet.


Only after you have become comfortable with one hedgehog, know its habits, and know how to choose food, can you think about breeding the animals. There are certain nuances when obtaining offspring:

  • For three months it is necessary to care for the pregnant woman, and then the female and the cubs that give birth.
  • If the litter is not given to new owners immediately, it is necessary to ensure that the litter is housed in separate cages to avoid uncontrolled mating
  • There may be complications during pregnancy and childbirth and a veterinarian will be required
  • There is a possibility that the female will abandon the offspring and will need to feed them on her own


Healthy individuals who have reached sexual maturity are suitable for mating. For males this is over four months of age, for females - from 6 to 10 months. It is not recommended to carry out the first mating with a female who is one and a half years old - pregnancy is fraught with complications. After 3.5 years, the female may enter menopause with average duration life from four to six years. Therefore, the reproductive period for females is from 6-9 months to three years, for males - all life. It is important to note that ovulation in hedgehogs is induced - it occurs in the presence of a hedgehog.

To mate, the female must be brought to the male. During the first week, it is recommended to place the cleaned cages close to each other to introduce the individuals. After this time, the female can be moved to the male, having first removed additional accessories from the home. Temperature environment should be slightly higher than in common days– it can be raised to 28-30 C. There must be access to food and clean water.

The African hedgehog begins to court the female hedgehog by running around her and snorting. At first, the female may shy away and threaten. When she is ready, she tries to press herself to the ground and bend over, while smoothing the needles.

As a rule, mating occurs in solitude and not in the presence of people. After mating, a plug similar to a piece of wax forms in the female’s vagina - this prevents situations when other hedgehogs want to cover the same hedgehog.

Pregnancy and childbirth

As a rule, hedgehogs bear offspring once a year. But there are cases of several litters. Pregnancy lasts 34-37 days.

Closer to birth, the female begins to prepare the nest. Therefore it must be provided building material in the form of pieces of fabric and unpainted paper. It is also recommended to remove tunnels, wheels and other toys from the cage. And try to clean up, because next time it won’t happen soon.

There can be from one to ten hedgehogs in a litter, but most often there are 3-5. Babies weigh 10-18 grams.

The first two weeks after birth, you should avoid contact with the mother and babies. Otherwise, the mother may eat or kill the litter. If you notice that a baby has fallen out of the nest, use a plastic spoon or scoop to place it back before the female sees it.

After two to three weeks, the little hedgehogs’ eyes open and they become more independent. From this period, you can begin to clean the cage and pick up the animals.

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05/08/2016 at 17:09 Moscow time 3 428

The African hedgehog is an inhabitant of the hot continent. Its tiny size does not prevent the hedgehog from coping even with snakes.

People, touched by the creation, bred a domestic hybrid different colors. There are African pygmy hedgehogs albinos.


Look like ordinary hedgehog, only inferior to a wild hedgehog in sizes. Namely, up to 20 cm in length, weighing no more than 500 grams.

The muzzle is elongated with bead-like eyes. A funny little nose that is constantly sniffing around for something. The tail is 1 cm long and well hidden; it can be seen when the baby waddles. The hedgehog's spines are sharp on both sides and hollow inside. Two shades: white - black, white - brown. Small diameter (2 - 3 cm).

The abdomen and cheeks are covered with light, soft hairs; they are also present on the ears. There are 5 toes on the front legs and 4 on the hind legs. The body is oval.

Environment and habitat

The name itself speaks for itself. The long-eared hedgehog lives in Africa. This:

  1. Senegal;
  2. Ethiopia;
  3. southern Mauritania.

Settles in steppes and savannas, arable lands.

The main thing is the presence of low bushes. Does not favor forests, preferring rocky areas. They even invade the home of other inhabitants (rodents, termites).

Lifestyle, nutrition

This is an omnivorous hunter. Moreover, he likes to eat heavily; in a day he consumes food that takes up 1/3 of his own weight.

A hedgehog comes out of its hiding place to hunt at night. With its thorns it can even deal with poisonous scorpions.

In addition to small insects (worms, snails, etc.), he will calmly snack on carrion or bird eggs, edible mushrooms and fruits.

In the daytime phase, the hedgehog, a charming animal, sleeps, and at dusk it goes for prey. From June to September is the time of summer hibernation. They settle in burrows dug in piles of branches or lie between stones.


By nature he is a loner. Wins the affection of females with a peculiar dance, walks around her and snorts.

Sometimes there is an increased demand for one female and the males have to fight. Mating games among African hedgehogs take place from October to March. Mammals mate when they have genitals.

The hedgehog leaves in intimate place a wax plug, which prevents other members of the genus from having repeated coitus. Pregnancy lasts a little over a month.

There are up to 7 blind hedgehogs in a litter. For another month, the hedgehogs feed on their mother's milk. African pygmy hedgehogs reach sexual maturity in one year.


There are many of them, these are all carnivorous predators of the subtropics:

  • jackals
  • Dingo dogs
  • raccoons

They are also often subject to raids by owls. When in danger, it curls up into a tight ball, with only the needles sticking out. He also has excellent hearing and sense of smell. They can repel the enemy.


IN natural conditions The African hedgehog lives up to 4 years. There are about 6 in captivity. Since the breed is domesticated, everyone is able to place this cute charmer in their home.

The maximum lifespan at home for this type of hedgehog is was equal to 14 years.

The African pygmy hedgehog is not endangered on the contrary, all new instances for home care . Colors range from ashy to champagne, but remember that such tame beauties are not suitable for wild fauna.

  1. Vision is weak.
  2. They can run fast and climb trees.
  3. At high temperature, above 25 degrees they fall asleep, the same goes for minus temperatures.
  4. They mask their scent with saliva or urine. The sight is certainly not very pleasant.
  5. When threatened, it screams, and the slightest discomfort causes aggression and its teeth are used.
  6. They bite painfully.
  7. Each hedgehog has a designated area of ​​200 - 300 meters, where he feels like a rightful owner and enters into battle with uninvited guests.

African pygmy hedgehog - quite exotic a pet, and these cute animals have only recently begun to settle in our homes. Miniature size, cute little face and friendly behavior are the main reasons for the rapid growth in popularity of charming hedgehogs.

African pygmy hedgehog - some facts

This most popular species of domesticated hedgehog in the world is a hybrid of two species - four-toed and Algerian. The practice of domesticating these animals and keeping them around people as pets began in the 1980s, that is, relatively recently.

These vulnerable special animals are not suitable for families with small children. Hedgehogs, like many other pets, can bite if they are forced to do so - intrusively bothered or offended, and therefore should be treated with understanding, providing personal space and taking a closer look at their mood and desires.

The pygmy hedgehog requires gentle, patient handling and will definitely need to spend a little time taming your pet and allowing it to slowly get used to its new surroundings and people.

The average lifespan of an African pygmy hedgehog at home is 6-8 years.

African pygmy hedgehog - feeding

To feel great at home, the African pygmy hedgehog will need a balanced, varied diet.

Good quality dry cat food, rich in protein, is one of the suitable and available products nutrition. In addition, wet cat food from jars based on meat (not fish) will diversify the diet. boiled eggs or an omelette, as well fresh fruits and vegetables (except grapes and avocados), lean chicken, lamb or ground beef.

African pygmy hedgehogs are insectivores and their diet in the wild consists mainly of insects. To stimulate natural nutrition and meet all needs, it is necessary to include mealworms, crickets, wax moth larvae and silkworms in the diet.

African pygmy hedgehog - home improvement

Like most hedgehogs, the African Pygmy Hedgehog is quite solitary in nature, and in the wild these animals tend to congregate in pairs only during the breeding season, so keeping a single African Pygmy Hedgehog is acceptable. Moreover, housing two or more males or females in one cage will invariably lead to fights.

A lonely African pygmy hedgehog will need a cage of at least 60x120 cm, if possible larger. Spacious rabbit cages or, even better, an enclosure with a vertical, fairly frequent arrangement of rods may be quite suitable for them. This precaution is necessary to prevent your pet from sticking its head between the bars and running away or injuring itself.

The horizontal arrangement of the rods is undesirable, since a curious hedgehog can climb well and can fall and get hurt. For the same reason, there is no need to purchase a multi-level cage for your hedgehog.

Wire floors or hard flooring are not suitable for keeping African pygmy hedgehogs, as such a surface will damage the delicate paws and lead to the appearance of painful corns.

At the same time, to satisfy the need for physical activity, you need to install a running wheel similar to those used for hamsters or rats, but the toy must be at least 30 cm in diameter, made of hard metal or plastic, not fine mesh or grates.

African pygmy hedgehogs are sensitive to cold, especially sudden changes in temperature, so it is necessary to warm their home using a reptile heater or other means, such as a radiator. Optimal temperature- 23-24.5 °C.

They are nocturnal animals, which means that the pet will be sleepy and inactive during the day, and the owner needs to respect this natural behavior and allow the hedgehog to sleep peacefully until it wakes up on its own.

Albino African pygmy hedgehog

It is undesirable to use shavings and sawdust as a filler - they can cause allergies due to the presence of essential oils, as well as chronic diseases respiratory system due to inhalation of fine particles and dust.

It is convenient to adapt a piece of flannel fabric, securing it firmly around the perimeter of the cage, and wash this bedding if necessary. In addition, granular paper fillers are successfully used.

The hedgehog will need a heavy ceramic bowl as a feeder and another similar container as a drinking bowl. Automatic drinkers are not recommended as they can injure the mucous membrane.

It is necessary to install a nest house with a small entrance so that the African pygmy hedgehog can hide and sleep peacefully during the day. Many hobbyists use a fabric bag as such a nest, for example, from an old winter hat or made from a warm sweater.

A thermometer should be placed near the cage itself or in an inaccessible place inside it so that you can always ensure that the temperature remains constant and at the appropriate level.

The natural rhythms of the African pygmy hedgehog require twelve hours daylight per day, and the soft light of a daylight bulb with a timer will be optimal.

It is advisable to provide toys and entertainment for the pygmy hedgehog, in the form of plastic balls similar to those used for cats and rabbits, which they will chase and roll, scraps of fabric to burrow in, cardboard boxes and tunnels to hide and play.

The cage must be thoroughly cleaned regularly, especially in the corner where the hedgehog rests, otherwise an unpleasant odor is inevitable.

The African pygmy hedgehog is still considered an unusual pet, and many veterinarians, even those who specialize in exotic animals, do not have experience treating hedgehogs.

Most pets require veterinary care within for long years life at home, so it is very important to find a veterinarian who is able to treat and regularly examine such a pet before making a purchase.

The best way to do this is to talk to African pygmy hedgehog breeders in your city or region and find out where there is a good clinic and the right specialist.

African pygmy hedgehogs - funny babies

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Hedgehogs are adorable in their coat of short needles; at the sight of these amazing animals, the mood rises against one’s will; and the attentive gaze of its sparkling beady eyes can win a person’s heart.

We have seen them hundreds of times in pictures or TV screens, met them in forest clearings and forest edges, we can describe them with our eyes closed. But even experienced wildlife lovers do not always know that hedgehogs are not only gray. For every ten thousand hedgehogs born, one is born completely white.

Albino hedgehogs, according to experts, are very rare. By nature, they lack the pigment that gives color to the needles, skin and eyes. Moreover, albino hedgehogs are born from ordinary parents, painted in the traditional gray color.

The birth of a white hedgehog is widely known in North-West England, in the county of Cumbria, where the Bank Mill Nursery and Nature Reserve animal care center is located.

In 2007, a pair of African pygmy hedgehogs living there gave birth to a completely white hedgehog. According to the owner of the center, Miss James, the cub was healthy and behaved as befits a newborn, without any abnormalities.

A hedgehog born in the center had the opportunity to grow and develop without complications. But his albino brothers, who are born in the wild, have it much more difficult. The fact is that natural coloring hedgehogs provide them with excellent camouflage opportunities. And from this point of view, a white hedgehog has much less chance of remaining unnoticed.
