Where to relax in mid-March at sea. The best options for where to go to the sea in March

March is a special month in many ways. Many Russians are already unbearably tired of winter and greyness, and they are eager to get into the warmth and to the beach at any cost. Fans of snow holidays, on the contrary, flock to ski resorts to have fun while still good snow, but it's already enough warm weather. And at the same time, almost everywhere in the world, March is low season, when prices pleasantly please travelers who prefer a budget holiday.

Beach holiday

Holidays on the sea or ocean coast in March - great way prepare for the coming spring days and get a beautiful tan before the onset of the summer season.

In March, you can combine exoticism with a beach holiday in, where on south coast On Hainan Island, the air warms up to +30°C during the day, and the water temperature during this period is about +25°C. The weather is conducive to comfortable rest on the island's many beaches.

Visiting attractions and relaxing on the coast can be combined in , where tourists will find a wide variety of landscapes. It is worth considering that in Vietnam resorts in March the weather can be quite unstable - and strong winds and short-term rain showers are possible. The most comfortable water and air temperatures during this period are typical for the south of the country and the resort of Dalat.

At the Bukovel resort, located in the Carpathians, March is the final month of the season, so this period is characterized by small discounts on accommodation and equipment rental.

Vacation with children

Spring school holidays are ideal for educational and excursion holidays with children school age and even kids. Schoolchildren will be interested in following the tracks medieval knights- and visit ancient castles in, or. The warm spring sun, coupled with a tour of the ancient Greek ruins, will give children wonderful memories about a wonderful vacation.

If you want to go on an entertaining trip with your children, then you should pay attention to European amusement parks. A trip in March means, first of all, comfortable weather, as well as the absence of queues - which means it beats traveling to summer period. It is worth paying attention to Disneyland and Port Aventura and Parque Warner Madrid.

Another interesting option children's recreation is a variety of language schools in. Some of the programs are designed to last throughout the spring school holidays - and are suitable for both younger and older schoolchildren. Such trips are well organized: in addition to lessons foreign language, children participate in the life of the camp and go on various excursions. It must be taken into account that the cool air and water temperatures are not conducive to swimming in the sea.

Trips around Russia

In March, when the winter cold is already receding, it's time to visit the most beautiful northern regions. IN Arkhangelsk region Ecological tours are organized to the steppe of reindeer herders, to the beauty of the Golubinsky Nature Reserve, where you can see relict plants, a karst cave and all kinds of northern wildlife. You can have a great rest in the most beautiful Karelia: relaxing on the shore of frozen Lake Onega, snowmobiling and a trip to Kizhi will not leave even experienced tourists indifferent. The beginning of spring allows you to enjoy northern nature at a comfortable temperature.


When it’s spring according to the calendar, not everything is so rosy and beautiful outside the window. There is still snow, blizzards are blowing, and the temperature is still low. So spring is only in the calendar and in the soul. But it’s too early to despair, because there are places in the world where a beach holiday at sea in March 2019 is a reality. Where to go to swim and sunbathe for the first time spring month? This is exactly what we are going to talk to you about. Let's look at the world map and look for the best places to relax, where it is warm and inexpensive.

March is the beginning of spring. In some countries, the holiday season is just beginning, and in some, on the contrary, it is coming to an end. We will offer you several options, but we cannot say one hundred percent that you will be lucky with the weather or the hotel. Our article contains only “bare” statistics and that’s all.

Thailand is your last chance to relax.
With the beginning of spring, the resorts of Thailand begin to slowly empty. But this is not because of the beginning of the rainy season, but because of the approaching heat. Yes, it is in March that the heat begins, which after a couple of months will gradually turn into the rainy season.

In March, there are still quite a lot of tourists on the coast of the country who are trying to catch the last chance to relax at local resorts. During the day, the air temperature often rises above +40 degrees. but in March this temperature is tolerated more or less normally. Humidity helps, which is also high and makes the air softer.

But the water in the sea at this time of year is simply gorgeous, it is heated to +29 degrees. the most popular destinations these days Phuket and Pattaya. It is to these two resorts that tourists fly to spend their holidays.

Goa is the second most popular destination.
After the resorts of Thailand, the most popular holiday destination is Goa. People come to the Indian state for beach holiday, for excursions and elephant rides.

Those who come to Goa for the first time spend whole days relaxing on the beach and enjoying the sea and sun. Tourists who have already been here go into the jungle, admire nature and attend excursions.
In March, the weather in Goa is dry, as is the case along the entire coast. South-East Asia. There is no rain here, and every day the air warms up more and more. Because it's getting hot. And the rainy season is just around the corner, so anyway inexpensive holiday it becomes even cheaper. Hotels offer discounts to retain tourists. Cafes and restaurants are also keeping up with them. It is in March that Goa has the lowest prices and here you can have a luxurious holiday for little money.

Vietnam - golden beaches.
Many people say that Vietnam is the Hawaii of the East. Perhaps this is so, we will not argue. One thing is clear - there is a very high-quality holiday for tourists here.

Vacationing in Vietnam means visiting eastern country, where it has its own laws, its own lifestyle and its own flavor. There are beautiful beaches, gorgeous jungles and unique waterfalls.
Vietnam is increasingly strengthening its position in the tourism market every year. Residents of Europe and the USA fly here, tourists relax here all year round.
Palm trees grow on the coasts and there are coconuts on them. Tourists pick coconuts and drink milk. If you go further into the jungle, you can find wild bananas and try them. In general, the nature of the country is very diverse and beautiful. Therefore, you shouldn’t spend all your time on the beach; you can take a walk along the shore and come across a waterfall or blue lagoon.

Israel - you can relax at sea.
With the beginning of spring, tourists begin to appear at Israeli resorts. Actually, they didn’t go anywhere, they were just not visible near the sea, since it was a little cool. But with the onset of March, the sea warms up and you can swim in it.

Israel compares favorably with Asian countries in that you do not need a visa. Plus the flight will not take much time. There are also many attractions, luxurious spa salons and the Dead Sea, which heals in itself.
Vacationing in the country is both healthy and beneficial. Tourists leave here with a smile on their face and in a great mood.


People often wait for spring to bask in the warm rays of the sun and quickly forget cold winter. And now spring comes, the calendar tells us that March has come. Hurray, long-awaited spring! But in fact, spring has only arrived according to the calendar, and real warmth is still far away... what to do? How to fix the situation? Easy and simple - you can go to the sea with your child at the end of March! And we will tell you where to go. Check out our recommendations best tourists, and you will find out everything about your vacation in March.

First, let’s remember what we already have on our website about holidays in March. And there is the following:
- European countries where you can go on vacation in March.
- and a list of Russian cities where it’s wonderful and beautiful in March.
So check out these tips and maybe you won't fly to the sea!

And now our list of countries and places where at the end of March it will be comfortable at sea with a child.

Goa is a great place to holiday with a child.

Yes, Goa immediately fell in love with Russian tourists. And he fell in love with himself with his landscapes, warm sea, hotels and, most importantly, affordable prices! A holiday in Goa is not the most expensive holiday. And even seven with average income can buy a tour to these resorts.
What awaits you in Goa in March? And the warmth and sun awaits you. During the day the air warms up to +33 degrees. At the same time it is not felt extreme heat because it's already coming to an end beach season and the winds begin to blow. They relieve the heat and make it more comfortable for you to rest.
But the winds will not interfere with your relaxation, the water will be consistently warm, around +27 degrees. There is little rain, and sometimes there is simply no rain. The only negative is the tourists. There are a lot of them here in March and April, as everyone wants to “steal” summer before it starts.

Thailand – the best place For family vacation.

Thailand is known for having wonderful hotels that are built exclusively for families. Almost every hotel has its own beach, which is sandy and free of dirt. Plus there are a variety of attractions for children.

And many hotels in Phuket have their own water parks! these hotels and choose one of them. Your child will spend the whole day in the water park and will give you peace of mind.

Thailand hotels also have children's playgrounds. And they employ Russian-speaking nannies who will be happy to look after your child.
In general, a holiday in Thailand with children is a fairy tale that you want to extend for the rest of your life.

Vietnam and its resort Nha Trang.

The Nha Trang resort is ready to welcome tourists to its beaches in March. Every day the air here becomes warmer, and the water warms up to the desired temperature.
Resorts and hotels in Nha Trang also have water parks and entertainment for children. And the sandy beaches will allow you to enjoy your beach holiday to the fullest!
You can also rent a boat or a small boat and go on a trip with your children to some bay. And have a picnic there that you will never forget.
And if your children are already adults, they are over 14 years old, then you can dive with them under the water with scuba gear. You will see amazing undersea world and take amazing photos as a keepsake.

Nha Trang also has its own attractions. Just look at the cost of the cable car to the island across the sea! This is the kind of trip you will always remember.
that are worth visiting on vacation.

Distant shores - Cuba, Maldives, Seychelles.

These and other countries Latin America. They will also delight you with their warmth. But their disadvantage is that the flight takes almost a day. And plus acclimatization, which children do not tolerate well. And if, after a rest, the child goes to study, and exams are just around the corner, then such a flight will have a bad effect on health and academic performance.
But this is all talk about what could happen. But what you will definitely get if you fly here is a wonderful vacation!
Sandy beaches, clear water, magnificent bays, landscapes like in the pictures - all this is a vacation in the Maldives and other Caribbean islands. You will also be surprised when you see hotels located right in the ocean! It's a pleasure to live in such hotels, but it's true... expensive pleasure on finance.
On the beaches Maldives You can rent jet skis, boats, speedboats and other entertainment. You will have fun, and when you get tired of lying on the beach, you can visit the mountains and explore the entire Caribbean from their heights.

March is the first month of spring, but it doesn’t spoil us with any special warmth. And there is frankly no desire to wait until the drops sing. Arrange for yourself and your family a real holiday, having bought a ticket to heavenly places. Where to go on vacation abroad in March 2018 to go on a beach holiday, surfing, diving?

Tour operators offer many options. Naturally, prices for tours will vary. However, you can always find a solution that suits a particular case. And you will already be able to advise others where it is better to go on vacation in March - to the warm sea in Turkey, Egypt or another country. By the way, don’t forget about last-minute tours and special offers. Thanks to them you will have real opportunity take an inexpensive trip to the sea and see the most interesting places.

Where can you go on vacation at sea in March 2018?

Travel to exclusive Mediterranean countries or stay in a five-star hotel on the shores of Turkey or Egypt? There are many places where to go on a family vacation in March. You can go to the sea inexpensively even on holidays, for example, on March 8th. You are guaranteed great mood and a lovely chocolate tan.

It’s worth going to the sea coast in March to:

  • escape from the gray everyday life;
  • enjoy exclusive entertainment;
  • go on interesting excursions;
  • swim for your own pleasure, without waiting for summer;
  • devote time to active recreation;
  • treat yourself to sea adventures;
  • Great holiday for the whole family.

If you are tired of everyday affairs, think now about where to go on vacation at sea in March. There are many options for both married couples and those who like to travel alone. Your choice depends on the allocated budget and personal preferences.

Where to go on a seaside holiday with children in March 2018

What could be better for a child than a vacation at sea? And if it’s also spring break, when many kids only dream of beaches... Your classmates will be jealous, and your child will get healthier and get new impressions. There are many places on Earth where it is worth going on a seaside holiday in March with your child. Before making a choice, look at the weather forecast for early spring, living conditions in hotel rooms at the resort.

The list of countries will be virtually the same as if you were driving yourself. The most popular resorts for families with children are:

  • Dominican Republic Is one of most beautiful places on the planet. Don't let the long flight scare you. The pleasure gained from staying in the Dominican Republic fully compensates for the time spent.
  • Egypt. Affordable holidays, which attracts thousands of tourists from Russia to the country. Many hotels offer promotions for children. You can count on special children's menu, animation entertainment, discos. Rainy weather is rare, so you can count on a rich and varied holiday.

  • China. The calm sea and sandy beaches of Hainan are what you need for a holiday with children, even one-year-olds. You can combine a vacation on the sea coast with trips to amazing temples. This is an opportunity to enjoy Eastern philosophy and the atmosphere of an ancient civilization.
  • United Arab Emirates. You will enjoy comfortable weather and a sea in which you can swim. At the same time, there is no sweltering heat, so in addition to swimming, you can visit water parks and see historical and architectural monuments.
  • Tenerife. Quite an expensive pleasure, but for a holiday with children it is heavenly place. At the beginning of spring, the island hosts many colorful carnivals and spectacular festivals.
  • Thailand. With your children, you will explore the underwater kingdom, ride the waves, sunbathe and swim to your heart's content. Easy visa processing, affordable prices and excellent resorts are the advantages of a holiday in Thailand. The only point that needs to be taken into account is the instability of the political situation.
  • Brazil. You can come here not only for a beach holiday with children (even in the first days of March, the sea temperature here is above thirty degrees), but also for an exciting trip through the tropical forests and the Amazon.
  • Goa. The absence of heat and stuffy nights at the beginning of spring makes a trip to India comfortable for traveling with children. It rarely rains, so nothing will interfere with your vacation.

  • Vietnam. Visa-free visits, low prices for hotel rooms, wonderful sea and interesting excursions - a real “vitamin” cocktail for your child.
  • Cuba. The beginning of spring is accompanied by dry and comfortable weather here. Showers They are rare in Cuba. Together with your child you can enjoy warm sun and the gentle sea, the hospitality of the Cubans.
  • Singapore. Experienced travelers will definitely recommend you a trip to this country. At the beginning of spring, wonderful weather reigns here. In addition to the beach, you can visit the local amusement park, zoo, amazing protected area Bukit Timah, etc. with your children.

Going to the sea in the UAE in March: is it worth it or not?

If you want to relax by the sea in March, the United Arab Emirates will be an excellent choice. However, you need to take into account that the weather at the end and beginning of the month will be significantly different. It is better to go to the sea in March after the 20th, when it is hot on the coast. 27-30 degrees Celsius daytime can be observed on the thermometers in Fujairah and Dubai. At night it rarely gets colder than twenty degrees. Do you want to have a great holiday at sea in March? Then you are definitely in the UAE!

By the way, it is at the beginning of spring that the shopping holiday starts in Abu Dhabi. You can shop abroad for little money and buy imported items for yourself and your loved ones at an affordable price. A trip to this country will be interesting family people(you will find many places to have fun with your child).

Southeast Asia: where to go

The most popular resorts among tourists in Southeast Asia are Thai and Vietnamese resorts.

While in Russia spring has arrived only according to the calendar, in Thailand the hot season has already arrived. It is felt by an increase in day and night temperatures. The beaches of Phangan, Samui, Hua Hin and Pattaya are washed by the warm South China Sea. And the shores of Krabi and Phuket are Andaman. The weather forecast for early spring 2018 will please you: no rain, bright spring sun and water temperature +29-30°C.

In March, you can visit here with your child as part of a promotion. It is possible to book a hotel room inexpensively. There are still few tourists here. Want to save even more? Then you should choose less popular resorts, such as Koh Chang, Koh Samet and others.

Thailand is one of those countries where you can go on holiday at sea in March. Here, abroad, it will be good for the whole family. In addition to swimming, you can entertain yourself and your loved ones by visiting festivals, fairs, and all kinds of sales. Fresh Exotic fruits They sell it on every corner, so you can get a great dose of vitamins.

If you decide to come to Thailand with your child in March, consider the following nuances:

  • Poor quality water. It's definitely not worth drinking from the tap.
  • Kitchen for everyone. Not everyone will like what the Thais cook.
  • Towards the end of the first spring month, humidity and heat intensify.

When looking for countries where you can go on vacation to the sea in March, Vietnam occupies one of the first places. This is where the most popular resorts of Phan Thiet and Nha Trang are located. It is here that it is almost always warm, and clean and cozy sandy beaches are scattered along the coastline. Food is inexpensive in Ho Chi Minh City, and traveling to Laos will be a real adventure.

The Caribbean region will also offer tourists wonderful resorts, where you will be pleased with the colorful atmosphere, azure sea water and clean sandy beaches. This:

  1. Mexico. “Where to go on vacation at sea in March 2018, where to go...” - this question haunts you? Visit the famous Mexican resort of Cancun. It's worth the twelve hour flight. There is a quiet area here, which is optimal for relaxing with kids. There are also places to relax with numerous cafes, bars and discos. Cancun is just a stone's throw away from the popular architectural monument Chichen Itza. An exciting place to go on holiday at sea in March is Playa del Carmen. Life never stops here. At the resort you can swim with dolphins, relax on catamarans, fish and snorkel. Mexico is washed by the gentle waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It guarantees the most beach holiday. Divers eager for new discoveries, passionate surfers, fishing enthusiasts and seekers of real treasures will find themselves here. This is simply a paradise for travelers. The presence of budget and, conversely, luxury hotels is a huge plus of Mexican resorts.
  2. Cuba. The beaches here are free, so you will have the opportunity to save money on buying gifts for loved ones. Varadero, where you can go on vacation abroad in March 2018, will delight you with a clear sea and a beach strewn with the purest sand. There are places for both family recreation and entertainment for noisy groups. Hotel areas are strictly guarded. You don’t have to pay for sunbeds and areas. Lovers will be delighted with Guardalavac. The setting at this resort is very romantic. This is what you need for a tete-a-tete. Do you like everything exclusive? Then you should go to Cayo Coco. There is an atmosphere of privacy here.
  3. Dominican Republic.You can afford to lie on the coast in the Dominican Republic, take memorable photos and get a bronze tan. At sea in March it is worth going to Boca Chica. Compared to its “competitors,” it’s a couple of degrees warmer here. Bounty style beaches can be found here in Punta Cana. Ideal conditions for diving, snorkeling, hundreds of cocktails, aromatic cigars - this is the best for tourists. Puerto Plata is famous for its comfortable hotels with excellent tourist infrastructure. Here, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, there is always a place for connoisseurs active rest. Stormy night life reigns in Las Terrenas and the Samana Peninsula. As soon as the sun goes down, hundreds of night bars and clubs open their doors here. Young people will find a place to have fun. IN Dominican Republic tropical climate. It rarely gets colder than 25 degrees here, even in winter.

Where can you go on holiday in Europe?

Most travelers believe that at the beginning of spring beach resorts Europe has nothing to do. And in many ways they are right. In March, the temperature here is not so hot, the water and air are cool like spring. But there is one place where the friendly sun shines all year round and the sea waves caress the shore. This Canary Islands. In March-April the temperature here is approximately 22-23 degrees Celsius. The water is also warm enough to swim.

Although if you are thinking about where to go on holiday in March with your child at sea, it is better to visit the Canary Islands a little later. At the end of spring it is already very warm here. A March holiday for children in the Canaries will not be so comfortable. Although for adults this is a great option. Tenerife reigns spring weather, but it is more pleasant than in Moscow. This is why tourists from Russia prefer to spend time on a fabulous island rather than in a dusty metropolis. A pleasant bonus will be the many local attractions that you can see in your free time.

Resorts of Egypt in early spring

If you are looking for an inexpensive place to go to the seaside this March, check out the last minute offers to Egypt. The sweltering heat, which is inherent in the land of the pharaohs, will not interfere with your holiday abroad. You can not only splash around in the sea, but also see local attractions.

By choosing Egypt for a beach holiday, you can relax in March for pennies. The “high season” has not yet begun, and hotel rooms are three times lower than in summer.

The water in the sea is usually no higher than 20-22 degrees, which is quite suitable for swimming. Although good hotels in Egypt provide heated pools for force majeure situations. Where to go on vacation? The best places to swim are on the coast of Hadaba and Naama.

Vacation at sea: to India or to the islands?

Tourists in Goa will definitely enjoy it. You can relax here in March for little money, since the “high season” is not yet open. The average temperature is 30-31 degrees, the water is up to twenty-eight plus. Comfortable for swimming! In addition, you can see the local beauty and visit the most popular attractions.

Remember that a trip to India is a dramatic change. While you are at home, you have to wrap yourself in a coat and wear boots, but when you move to Goa, you can walk around in a summer outfit and bask on a warm beach. If you are chasing record warmth, you already know where to go on vacation abroad in March 2018. The contrast of heat and fresh breeze is what makes a stay in Goa remarkable. You will remember it for its tranquility, measured life and impeccable service.

Places where you can go on vacation abroad in March 2018 at any time are exotic islands. Summer is always warm on distant shores. Seychelles and Maldives beckon with their gentle sun, gentle sea breeze, snow-white sand. Life here is amazing, completely different from the dullness of everyday life. Although taking your bags and going to any of these islands in March is quite an expensive pleasure.

The best place to go on vacation in March is at the seaside in China. The best resort in the Celestial Empire is Hainan Island. This is the true embodiment of luxury. Only those Russians who have a visa can touch it. You can get it locally or at the embassy.

Once on the island, devote several days to visiting excursions. There are many attractions in Hainan. This is the ancient Nanshan Temple, the Buddha Sanctuary, the huge Guanyin statue, and the Bethel Nat ethnic park. In addition to swimming in the sea, you can visit the healing hot springs. The mild climate will delight you every day of your vacation.

Israel is a place where you should go with your family and relax. In March, on the sea of ​​Elata - the most best resort Israel is very comfortable. Arriving from snowy and cold Moscow, you can enjoy the purity of the Red Sea and solar heat. The climatic conditions are simply unique. Tourists will be able not only to relax at sea in Israel, but also to improve their health. Numerous parks, green forests, nature reserves - all this is at the disposal of travelers. You will be pleased with the local service. You don’t have to worry about insurance, food, entertainment. Well-established routes have been developed for travelers. After splashing around in the Red Sea, you can devote time to the excursion program.

Welcome spring abroad! A trip to distant countries, where there is warm sea and sun, will bring you a lot of pleasant impressions and a beautiful bronze tan.

We'll tell you where you can swim in the sea in March. We have compiled a list of destinations where to go on vacation abroad. Read on to plan your vacation and get the perfect tan!

A March holiday is a way to change the scenery and visit countries you have never been to. This is low season, so prices at resorts are lower than usual. Let's look at the most interesting destinations available in the first month of spring.


The country is attractive snow-white beaches, warm climate and low prices.

Simplified rules for visiting the country apply, so Russian citizens have the right to stay in the Kingdom of Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa. From Moscow, the duration of a direct flight is 8-9 hours.


  • Best time For
  • Phuket or Pattaya -
  • Where to look for the most


It's warm in March. Beach holiday paradise. It rarely rains. The air temperature during the day is +30-34°C, at night - up to +27-29°C. Sea water off the coast of popular resorts - Krabi, it heats up to +28-30°C.

Things to do

  • those who like to flounder in the surf choose Phuket or Koh Chang;
  • divers prefer the province of Krabi and the Similan Islands;
  • for excursions you need to go to Bangkok and Chiang Mai province.


  • long flight;
  • spicy food unusual for Europeans;
  • dirt and unsanitary conditions (read).


  • low prices for accommodation, food and entertainment;
  • an abundance of exotic fruits;
  • warm sea;
  • and gorgeous nature.

Price: from 30 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


Vacationers come to this country for a soak in the sea and sightseeing. Russian citizens can stay in Vietnam for up to 15 days without obtaining a visa. The duration of a direct flight from Moscow to Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang is 9-10 hours.


  • How to choose
  • When
  • What souvenirs


The climate at the most popular resorts and islands is well suited for swimming. The chance of precipitation is minimal. The air temperature in Nha Trang during the day is +27-30°C, at night - +23-26°C. Sea water heats up to +25-26°C. Phu Quoc lies further south, the water and air temperatures are several degrees higher.

Things to do

According to a number of indicators, Vietnam is close to neighboring Thailand. On Vietnamese resorts tourists:

  • visit medical and health complexes with mineral water in Nha Trang;
  • sunbathe on the sandy shore;
  • are engaged aquatic species sports in Mui Ne;
  • have fun - there is its own water park, various attractions, various shows and performances are held.
  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on purchasing air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - look at the price order in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance so you don't have to worry.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


  • even in tourist places the streets are dirty;
  • long and expensive air travel;
  • less developed tourism infrastructure compared to Thailand.


  • low prices for accommodation and entertainment;
  • comfortable conditions for a beach holiday;
  • beautiful - waterfalls, caves, rainforests;
  • moving around the country is convenient and inexpensive.


Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours

Dominican Republic

The country attracts with its long sandy beaches and warm climate. You can fly from Moscow to the Dominican Republic in 12-13 hours. Russian citizens do not require a visa to visit the republic. Instead, before going through passport control at the airport, a “ tourist map" It gives the right to stay in the country for up to 60 days. The application fee is $10.

  • How not to make a mistake with
  • When it comes
  • What to bring to


The first month of spring marks the end of the “high season”. The weather is stable. Not hot, but warm. There is little chance of precipitation. Air temperature +28-32°C during the day and +20-23°C at night. The water on the beaches of Punta Cana and San Juan does not drop below +25-27°C.

Things to do

  • Caribbean resorts are known for their beaches;
  • good conditions for divers and fans;
  • The Atlantic coast attracts lovers of water sports - surfing and kitesurfing.


  • Long flight;
  • High cost of excursions;
  • A small number of historical attractions.


  • Extended sandy coastline;
  • Colorful underwater world;
  • Beautiful tropical nature;
  • Interesting local culture and customs.

Price: from 70 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours

Sri Lanka

To visit the island, Russians need to obtain a visa. Its cost is $35. You can obtain a visa immediately upon arrival at the airport or in advance on the website of the Immigration Department of the Republic of Sri Lanka. The duration of the flight from Moscow to Colombo is 8-9 hours.



The beginning of spring marks the start of the hot season, but the air temperature has not yet reached its maximum values. During the day the thermometer is in the range of +27-31°C, at night it drops to +23-25°C. The water near the coast of the resorts is +26-29°C. Precipitation falls in the form of showers. There is little chance of rain.

Things to do

  • beach holiday:
  • windsurfing;
  • visiting natural attractions in the interior of the island.


  • low level of service;
  • there is a lot of dirt and garbage on the city streets;
  • unusual and spicy food for Europeans.


  • low price level;
  • plenty of options for excursions;
  • climate comfortable for a beach holiday;
  • original culture.

Price: from 32 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


Vacations in Israel mean beaches on the Red Sea coast, the healing Dead Sea, biblical sites and the ruins of old cities. The flight duration from the European part of Russia to Tel Aviv is 4-5 hours. Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Israel.


  • What kind of money


The air temperature in Eilat during the day is +20-26°C, at night it is colder, up to +14-16°C. Sea water heats up to +21-24°C. In Jerusalem and Bethlehem it is noticeably colder; during the day the thermometer only rises to +12-15°C.

Things to do

  • beach holiday on the Red Sea coast;
  • treatment and recovery at the Dead Sea;
  • visiting historical sights.


  • high price level;
  • You can only swim in the Red Sea resorts in March;
  • threat of terrorist attacks in major cities.


Advantages of holidays in Israel:

  • short flight duration;
  • numerous attractions;
  • decent level of service;
  • many local residents speak Russian.

Price: from 25 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


The United Arab Emirates is luxury and comfort abroad. You can get there without a visa. The flight duration from Moscow to Dubai is 5-6 hours.


  • Review of resorts, and


In March, the weather is favorable for sitting your pants on the shore. During the daytime the air warms up to +25-28°C, at night it drops to +12-16°C. The water temperature on the coast is +20-23°C. The likelihood of precipitation is negligible. In the second half of March it becomes noticeably warmer.

Things to do

  • relax in hotels offering excellent level service;
  • go shopping in the largest malls in Dubai and Abu Dhabi;
  • visit entertainment centers and amusement parks.


  • a small number of historical attractions;
  • probability sandstorms;
  • public transport is poorly developed.


  • relatively short flight;
  • long sandy beaches;
  • high level service;
  • low crime rate;
  • You can take a tour inexpensively.

Price: from 20 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


The island, which belongs to China, is visited mainly for the purpose of swimming. The flight duration from the European part of Russia is 10-11 hours. For an individual visit, you will need a visa on arrival. Its cost is $69. Organized groups of tourists arriving in Hainan as part of a package tour are exempt from visa requirements.


  • When not necessary


The daytime air temperature in March stays at +23-26°C. At night it is colder, up to +16-18°C. Sea water off the coast warms up to +23-25°C. There are few rainy days in March.

Things to do

  • lie on the shore and bask in the sun;
  • attend therapeutic and preventive procedures;
  • travel around the island.


  • long flight;
  • few interesting sights;
  • A group tourist visa does not allow you to visit mainland China.


  • warm climate;
  • good conditions for a beach holiday;
  • decent level of service;
  • safety on the streets.

Price: from 45 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


The mild climate, sandy and pebble beaches attract tourists to the islands of the Canary archipelago 365 days a year.

Direct flight time from Moscow to Tenerife and Gran Canaria is 7-8 hours. The islands belong to Spain, so a Schengen visa is required to visit them.


The weather in March is favorable for active excursion recreation and sunbathing. During the day the air temperature is +18-25°C, and at night +15-18°C. The water in the ocean warms up to +18-19°C. Most of the islands have several climatic zones, the weather in which can vary greatly. The south of Tenerife is dry and hot. The north is usually colder and has a higher chance of precipitation.

Things to do

  • water sports
  • inspection of historical monuments;
  • visit natural attractions - the Teide volcano in Tenerife, the Maspalomas sand dunes in Gran Canaria;


  • the need to obtain a visa in advance;
  • long flight;
  • high price level.


  • big choice diverse attractions;
  • developed network of bus routes;
  • low cost of car rental;
  • a large selection of hotels and apartments for accommodation;
  • cuisine familiar to Europeans.

Price: from 35 thousand rubles per person.

Where to buy a cheap ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours

Where to go in Russia

In March, the main Russian resorts are in the off-season. It's cold, windy and you can't swim yet. But there are also advantages: there are few people on the coast, prices are low, and the weather is ideal for excursions and active recreation.

Read more in our reviews:

Where to fly with a child in March

Long hours of flights abroad and sudden climate changes are difficult for young travelers. This leads to prolonged acclimatization. Unusual food, imperfect sanitary conditions, a big difference may end up causing problems over time. Therefore, for a holiday with children in March, we recommend choosing those options that are cleaner and closer to civilization.

Visiting the UAE with children has important advantages. Hotels offer a decent level of service: their own beaches or free transfer to equipped beaches of other hotels. Entry into the sea is most often smooth and comfortable. The bays are protected by breakwaters. Swimming with small children is safe and convenient.

The UAE has a lot of entertainment centers and water parks. Among them are the famous Aquaventure and Wild Wadi in Dubai. IN mall Dubai Mall is home to the KidZania children's center and the largest aquarium, the Dubai Aquarium. The capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, is home to the famous Ferrari World amusement park.

If a child is able to endure a long flight without any problems, the Canary Islands would be an interesting holiday destination.

Unlike flights to the countries of Southeast Asia, traveling to the Canary Islands from the European part of Russia does not cause a sharp change in climatic conditions, so children will not need long acclimatization.

Although the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in March are not warm enough for comfortable swimming, the resorts of Tenerife and Gran Canaria have hotels with their own pools where the water is artificially heated.

European food in cafes and restaurants is familiar to compatriots. Living in an apartment gives you the opportunity to cook on your own. Local supermarkets have a lot of quality and fresh products.

On the island of Tenerife, tourists with children visit Siam Park and Loro Park. The first is one of the best water parks in Europe. Loro Parque is a zoo where you can see exotic animals. In addition, in the southern part of Tenerife there are other entertainments for children - the Aqualand water park, the Monkey Park animal park.

On the island of Gran Canaria there are also interesting places to visit for holidaymakers with children. Sioux City is a theme park dedicated to the period of exploration of the American Wild West. Here you can see vibrant show programs - cowboy races, battles with Indians. Holiday World, located in the southern part of the island, offers exciting rides and attractions.

Traveling abroad for tourists with children does not present any particular problems. The islands have a developed network of bus routes. Another convenient way is to rent a car.
