The climate of Argentina in winter and summer. When is the best time to go to Argentina?

Argentina has the most cold month July, the hottest is January.

On the territory stretched along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, as you move away from the equator to south pole tropical climate gives way to subtropical, then temperate. In the west, the high Andes protect against climate impacts Pacific Ocean. And the weather is shaped by the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Andes.

To the north, the Gran Chaco is the “heat pole” of South America. Hot humid summer, seasonal showers. Winter is mild and dry. The air in January rises to +30...+40 °C, in winter it drops to +17...+20 °C.

Central Argentina has hot summers, rain with storms, thunderstorms and frequent hail in the western part, cool winters. Wed. January temperature +22°C - July +11°C.

The south is characterized by warm summers and heavy snow and cold in winter. The coldest island is Tierra del Fuego

The Andes have a fairly varied climate. It often rains on the eastern slopes of the mountains, and there are floods in the summer. The highlands are dry, with no more than 200 mm of precipitation. The temperature at the foot of the mountain and at high altitudes may differ up to +30 degrees. +26°C in the lowlands - +4 at the top.

It often blows in Argentina strong winds. On the plains of Pampa and Patagonia there are strong storms. In the central regions of the country, real tornadoes can be observed.

Interesting fact: In Argentina, the seasons are divided not like ours, but according to the days of the solstice. So on December 21st summer begins, March 21st autumn, June 21st winter and September 21st spring.

Climate in Argentine resorts.

Argentina has ski resorts, sea resorts and interesting for tourists cities.

Ski resorts: Bariloche, Las Leñas, Cerro Catedral, Cerro Castor, Cerro Bayo, Chapelco, La Hoya, Cerro Bayo.

Beach resorts: Miramar, Mar del Plata, Cariló, Pinamar, Necochea, Beagle Channel

In Argentina high season The months considered are October - May. Skiers start arriving in June.

Argentine autumn is comfortable for travel. In the north, thermometers show +22°C, in the south +14°C, there may be precipitation. Warm clothes will be useful. And forward to the beautiful places of the country. A great opportunity to celebrate Easter and the May holidays.

In June, with the beginning of winter, they open ski resorts. The temperature fluctuates around 0°C. The level of snow cover provides excellent skiing. You can ride until mid-October.

Spring comes in September. Warm, dry weather up to +25 °C to visit Iguazu Falls or admire the spring beauty of the country. It is colder in the south, only +15°C.

From December, hot summer comes for almost 5 months. In January, temperatures rise to +36..+40 °C. Fresher is closer to the Andes and further south - in Patagonia. High humidity up to 80% makes the heat unbearable. Only air conditioners, Atlantic waters and thunderstorms can save you. The water on the coast heats up to 25°C.

Summer in the northeast can be rainy and cloudy, so choose hotels with an indoor pool. To Miramir temperate climate good for relaxation if you can’t stand stuffiness and heat. If this doesn't bother you, come to sultry Mar del Plata.

Climate in Patagonia.

The entire southern part of the country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Andes is occupied by Patagonia, with a harsh climate and endless winds.

Patagonia has a temperate, arid climate. In most areas, 160–310 mm of precipitation falls annually, in the south up to 500–700 mm. There are two reasons for this: the high peaks of the Andes and the cold Falkland Current in the southeast. There is more precipitation only in the foothills of the Andes, where clouds still squeeze through. The average January temperature is from 20°C in the north and up to 9°C in the south, from 9°C in the north to 2°C in July, and there can be frosts of 30 degrees. Large lakes at the foot of the Andes: Buenos Aires, Nahuel Huapi, Lago Argentino, Viedma also create their own microclimate.

The journey to Patagonia begins from El Calafate, from where they move on to see the amazing glacier - Perito Moreno and on numerous eco-walks through untouched corners of nature.

If you are going to Patagonia, be sure to take warm clothes, a thick jacket and trekking boots that protect from the wind.

Climate in Buenos Aires

Guilty of hot summers and mild winters, the subtropical climate of Buenos Aires is favorable for visiting the city at any time of the year.

Temperatures rarely drop below zero. Short rains often occur in autumn (March - June) and spring (September - December). The average temperature in July is +15, it can drop to +8 and below, you need to dress warmly. January - mid-summer average temperature+30°C rarely drops below +20°C.

The city is on the coast wide river The Rio de La Plata, which flows into the ocean, is very dirty, so swimming in it is prohibited. However, there are beaches in the city where you can sunbathe. Swimming is only possible in swimming pools. There are even public beaches that can be accessed for a reasonable fee. And if you really want to swim in the sea and sunbathe on a real beach, go to Mar del Plata or Miramir.

Because there are many attractions in Buenos Aires, you can book an excursion and get a lot of new information.

Conclusion: Conclusion Argentina is very big country, with a variety of climates and topography, with sweltering heat in the north and frost in the south. The weather is not constant, the wind blows and it rains. Before the trip, you need to study the climate in detail and choose your wardrobe.

You can go at any time of the year, just take into account all the nuances of the weather in the country.

Weather in cities and resorts by month

Buenos Aires

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 30 29 27 23 19 17 16 18 20 23 26 29
Average minimum, °C 20 20 18 14 11 8 8 9 11 14 16 18
Weather in Buenos Aires by month

Mar del Plata

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 26 26 24 21 17 14 13 14 16 19 22 24
Average minimum, °C 14 14 13 9 6 4 4 4 5 8 10 13
Mar del Plata weather by month

Puerto Madryn

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 27 27 24 21 16 13 13 15 17 20 24 26
Average minimum, °C 14 13 11 8 5 3 2 3 5 7 10 12
Puerto Madryn weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 27 26 25 23 21 19 20 22 24 26 27 28
Average minimum, °C 16 16 15 12 8 4 3 5 7 11 14 16

Argentina is a country with the most southern attractions on the planet. Among them the southernmost Railway, the southernmost city (Ushuaia) and much more. In this country you can swelter in the heat and ski from snow-covered slopes, you can admire prickly cacti and meet penguins.

Weather in Argentina now:

It is worth noting that the climate of the country is quite diverse. So, in the north it is hot and humid in summer, and dry and warm in winter. In the central part of the country it is cold in winter, and summer heat often accompanied by thunderstorms and tornadoes. In the south, summers are not swelteringly hot, and winters are usually cold and snowy.

Argentina climate by month:

Spring (Argentine autumn)

Argentina is located in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, so calendar autumn begins in March, although the weather remains summer for another month or two. This best time for traveling throughout the country. In the south at this time it is about 14 °C, and in the north it is a comfortable 22 °C. but you should be prepared for frequent precipitation, so you should have things in your luggage that could be suitable for European autumn. Most tourists prefer this time of year for excursions to the most beautiful places Argentina.

Autumn Argentina can offer tourists to celebrate Catholic Easter, dear to the Russian heart, May Day, and Nation Day on May 25, together with local residents.

Summer (Argentine winter)

Winter comes to Argentina in June. At this time, numerous ski resorts open. In high mountain areas, the air temperature, as a rule, stays around 0 °C and below, at the foot of the mountains it is about 10 °C and even in the north of the country it is no more than 17 °C. But those who choose winter Argentina for the ski slopes in the Andes are not afraid of the cold.

It is believed that real winter It comes to Argentina in the second half of June, when the last leaves fall from the trees. True, in the north of the country, in a month the buds on the trees will swell and turn green again. But in the south of the country, winter is real - with large snowdrifts and quite good frosts.

Autumn (Argentine Spring)

The Argentine spring falls on the European autumn, since we're talking about O southern hemisphere planets. That is, already in September it becomes quite dry and warm weather- up to 25 °C, and only in the south of the country about 15 °C. At this time, it is worth visiting the Iguazu Falls, the surroundings of which are unusually beautiful in spring.

The beginning of the Argentine spring is a period of holidays. The series of celebrations begins with Teacher's Day, celebrated on September 11 as a national holiday. On October 7, it’s worth coming to Buenos Aires, where it’s taking place International festival guitars. Exactly a week later comes Race Day, dedicated to the day of the discovery of the continent by Columbus and which is the starting point for the settlement of Argentine land.

Winter (Argentine summer)

When it is winter on the European calendar, hot summer comes to Argentina. True, this is not 3 months, but almost 5: from December to April. At this time, thousands of tourists and residents of Argentina escape the heat on the ocean beaches. The coastal waters of the Atlantic in the north and northeast of the country warm up to 25 °C. The air temperature is about 30 °C, but it is often hotter. You can plan a trip to the southern part of the country during this period, where the weather is quite comfortable in the summer. But in this case, it’s worth taking a couple of warm jackets with you.

Fans of Argentine festivals and celebrations will enjoy the celebration International Day tango on December 11, as well as hot Argentine Christmas and New Year, which, however, are considered purely family holidays. But from the first Saturday of January to the first Saturday of March, the longest carnival in the world opens in the city of Gualeguyachu. Every Saturday, the streets are filled with people participating in an enchanting show of traditional peacock dancing.

Or the Argentine Republic, located in the southeast South American continent. In addition to the mainland territory, it owns the Estados Islands, the east of Tierra del Fuego and some other islands.

The length of the country from north to south is 3,700 kilometers, from east to west - 1,400 km, the total area is 2,780 thousand square meters. km.

It borders on many countries: Chile in the west, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in the northeast. Argentina is washed from the east by the Atlantic Ocean.

After Brazil, Argentina is the second largest country on the continent South America.

In the western part of the country is the Andes mountain range, which contains the highest mountain in the western hemisphere - Aconcagua, at 6962 meters. On average, the peaks do not exceed 4.5 thousand m.

There are several volcanoes in the western Andes. This is also where the tallest mountain to this day is located. active volcano- Ojos del Salado. Its height is 6887 meters. In the area where volcanoes are located, earthquakes are common.

The lake district is located in the southwestern region of the mountains. Almost the entire north of the country is occupied by the Gran Chaco plateau. A little further south are the steppes called Pampa.

In the very south of the Argentine Republic is Patagonia, a semi-desert plateau cut by canyons.

The Parana River is the main one water artery country, is also the second longest river in all of South America, after the Amazon. The Paraná flows into the Gulf of La Plata. The main tributaries of this river are Uruguay and Paraguay.


Due to its large extent from south to north, Argentina crosses a large number climatic zones.

In the north of the country the climate is subtropical, moving south it changes to humid tropical. And then to moderate.

Summer in Argentina, as in all countries of the southern hemisphere, lasts from December to February, and winter, respectively, from June to August.

In the north of the country, the average temperature in January is +28 °C, in July - +18 °C. In the center it is somewhat colder - in summer up to +24 °C, in winter - up to +15 °C. Most cold climate in the south of the country - +10°C in summer, and +1°C in winter.

Precipitation is especially high in mountainous areas and the northeast - up to 1600 mm per year. In the west of Argentina, in the lowland areas, precipitation is much less - up to 300 mm per year. IN winter time many inland areas are subject to droughts.

The climate in the Andes is also quite diverse. In summer, the eastern slopes of the mountains receive enormous amounts of rainfall, and even floods occur. At the tops at this time there may be drought, or at best no more than 200 mm of precipitation.

At the foot, the average temperature at this time is +26°C, while at the tops it is only +4°C. Moreover, temperature changes can reach 30°C in just one day.

Hot, dry “pamperos” and “zonda” winds are very common. Very strong storms often occur over Patagonia and Pampa.

So interesting and mysterious! What excites me most here is the varied landscapes, from the mighty ocean to the majestic Andes.

I wanted to see everything! Argentina is a very large country, which is located in three climatic zones. Therefore, the seasons in different parts countries fall in different months. Here, just like in Russia, there is winter, spring, summer and autumn. I traveled all over Argentina from north to south, and I was lucky enough to see all the colors of this country in all seasons. You can fly here at absolutely any time, and you will always find where to go to travel. In Argentina, I often feel like a pioneer because there are many unexplored, pristine places. But lovers of civilization also have something to see here. So when should you fly here and why?

Winter in Argentina

Since Argentina is located below the equator, winter falls during our summer and lasts approximately from May to September. But, for example, in the north of the country there is no winter as such, there is never snow. The temperature is around +15 degrees, and this time of year is considered rainy. But in the south it’s the other way around: it’s winter most of the year. The climate is dry and the temperature in the mountains reaches -20, and at the foot it stays within -5. I remember I had a dream - to go snowboarding in July. I could never imagine that there is such a country somewhere on the planet where there is a lot of snow at the height of our summer. And who in Russia will fly to rest and travel from summer to winter? People like me, probably. Dreams must come true!

Ski season

So, winter is, of course, ski season in Argentina. The Andes stretch throughout the country from north to south, so there are a lot of resorts here, some of them have trails international standards and snow parks. All ski resorts are very well organized: hotels, restaurants, schools for beginners and individual instructors for advanced riders. In the southern Andes the season lasts until the end of October. What I like about the mountains of Argentina is that here you can ride on wild slopes. The only negative is the price. Spending a week of winter holidays in Argentina will cost you a lot. Accommodation at ski resorts costs about 100–150 USD per day, and a ski pass will cost 50 USD for the whole day.

Southern National Parks of Argentina

I spent almost the entire winter in the south of the country. It's cold, of course, and many places in the mountains are closed due to large quantity snow. But in the national parks of Patagonia and on the island of Tierra del Fuego there are practically no tourists. Such snowy beauty and silence all around. If you are not afraid of the cold, then this great time rest your soul and head in the south. But in the north it is rainy at this time, so I would not recommend planning a trip there in the Argentine winter.

Thermal springs

For me, one of the most pleasant winter bonuses in Argentina is the huge amount thermal springs. This is the perfect time to spend the day in a hot bath on a winter day. For those who love comfort, the thermal baths are located on hotel grounds with all amenities. But for those who love nature, welcome to real hot rivers and natural pools.

I love wild springs; usually there are not many people in such places, and in some I actually enjoyed the baths alone.

Spring in Argentina

Spring in Argentina falls during our autumn. It was surprising to me, but here official dates The seasons change on the 21st of December, March, June and September. According to my feelings after Russia, spring and autumn in Argentina last for 2 months. And so spring for me means October and November. In spring it is very good to travel around the north of the country: there are not so many tourists yet, and the climate is not as dry and hot as in summer. In the northernmost provinces - Jujuy, La Rioja - it’s generally summer, very comfortable temperatures, about +25 during the day, and about +15 at night. This is also a time of greenery and flowers. I really love to breathe in the freshness of forests and fields after winter.


I would recommend going trekking somewhere in the northern or central Andes. The climbing season begins in November, and, as a rule, there is no one on the routes at this time. So you can enjoy sunrises, sunsets and stunning views in peace and quiet. I love mountain landscapes most of all at this time of year, because the nature is very contrasting. In the north it is desert, in the central Andes green Forest, but the tops of the mountains are snowy. It's just amazing to be in two different seasons at the same time.

Kayaking and rafting

A great time to go rafting or kayaking in Argentina is also November. Spring is the time of snow melt in the Andes. Huge streams of water rush down, filling lakes and lagoons. True, some rivers become dangerous, but you can always find options everywhere.

If you are not a fan of crowds and large gatherings of people, then you can have a great time in the south. It's a little cold, but there are few tourists. And when did the cold stop us after our harsh winters?

Iguazu Falls

But where it’s really worth spending the Argentine spring is at Iguazu Falls. I would say it is a universal place to visit at any time of the year, because it is the northernmost point of the country. But in the spring you will also enjoy the coolness of the jungle and evening walks around the small town. This is where hotels and restaurants for tourists are located. I also recommend taking a boat tour to ride under the waterfall itself. I was simply delighted! Such power! True, in this case you will have to come to the park when it opens, because there are many people interested, but there are not enough places for everyone.

Holiday season

The main holidays in Argentina occur in spring. Celebrated on September 11th as a national holiday, Teacher's Day will remain in your memories for a long time. Argentines party for 3 days to the fullest, with dancing and singing. And on October 7, it’s worth coming to, where the International Guitar Festival is taking place. And a week after that, the discovery of the continent by Columbus is celebrated. So you won’t be bored in the cities. Not a single holiday is complete without Argentinean cowboys - Gauchos. They are very respected in the country.


Summer in Argentina falls between January and March. This is the most popular time for tourists to visit. Although I don’t really like the Argentine summer. In the north it is unbearably hot, temperatures reach +35–40 degrees. But in the south it’s very cool – +10. Where it’s really comfortable is in the central part, but the number of people is simply unrealistic. And all because in summer it is the most pleasant here; the temperature, as a rule, does not rise above +30, with the exception of Buenos Aires. It is very hot in the capital in summer.

Beach holiday on the ocean

Most popular all over the world summer rest– beach. So many people come here to combine both the beaches and active program. At this time, all attention is directed to the Atlantic coast of the country. Here you will find a full service to make your vacation memorable for a lifetime. Hotels and restaurants for people of all incomes, many aquatic species sports: from banana boat and jet ski to diving and kitesurfing.

The most important and largest seaside resort in Argentina - Mar del Plata. I call it a city of noise and discos. There are a lot of people, mostly Argentines. I'm even a little tired from such a rest. But if you're not a fan big cities, then further south on the coast you can relax just as well in small towns. In my opinion, even better.

Holidays on the lakes of Argentina

I myself am from Siberia, and swimming in Lake Baikal is a must-do program every summer. So here it is for the fans fresh water, - paradise! There are a great many lakes here, and the water is clean. The most famous lake region in Argentina is. Almost all the towns here are located in the mountains above sea level, so I prefer to spend the summer here. The trout fishing season also opens.

South of Argentina

Summer is just the most comfortable time to travel around the south of the country. True, it is very cold at night, since the snow in these parts almost never leaves the peaks of the Andes. When the weather is sunny, it's great to visit the glaciers in southern Patagonia. It’s incredible to stand in a summer T-shirt and shorts in front of huge blocks of ice. I trekked along the tongue of the glacier - it was unforgettable! You will find a lot of offers of this kind in numerous agencies.

Climbing season

Great time for hiking and climbing. All trails are open, almost all peaks are safe and calm at this time of year. For those who like week-long or month-long trekking, it won’t be so cold at night in tents. True, get ready for the fact that you will meet an unreal number of people along the road, because Argentina is becoming more and more popular destination for lovers active rest. But there is an opportunity to make friends from all over the world. I made many climbs, but I still chose the time at the beginning of the summer season.


Well, how can you visit Argentina in the summer and not visit the southernmost city on our planet - Ushuaia? Here, by the way, is also the southernmost railway in the world, along which you can travel to the southernmost prison. Like this. And it is from Ushuaia that excursions are organized to see penguins, sea lions, and seals with your own eyes.

If you're not afraid cold water, then you can take a diving tour and swim among these animals.


Autumn in Argentina is a kind of continuation of summer. It falls at the end of March - May. At this time there is little rain and the temperature drops to comfortable limits. The temperature during the day stays around +23 degrees, in the north – +27, and at night you can enjoy the coolness – the temperature does not drop below +10 degrees.

Buenos Aires

I would start my autumn trip from the capital. beautiful at this time of year. Of course, you won’t see flowering streets in the fall, but all the tourists have already left, the holidays are over, which means there will be no queues at museums and theaters. I absolutely recommend renting a bike and riding around the central areas of the city.

Buenos Aires is home to the best opera house in South America, and the touring season begins in the fall. I love the Teatro Colon, and I was able to attend a show by Canadian and world star Rufus Wainwright. The capital also has an excellent art gallery; by the way, admission is free.


The best time to visit wineries is, of course, autumn. To do this, go to Mendoza or the northern province -. There are a lot of vineyards in Argentina, so you can easily find a place that suits your budget. And the grapes are just beginning to be harvested, so you will never forget the views of the Andes with grape gardens.

Of course, you can also go hiking in the spring, because the season is just closing. Or visit the north of the capital, but rain may await you there.


But even though in Patagonia you can no longer swim in the lakes, and the ski season is not yet open, but for the colors of nature this is where you come, and in the fall. Since I am not a frequent visitor to Russia, I looked at all this beauty with tears in my eyes, because it is very similar to our country.

Unique and interesting seasons in Argentina

This is why it is really worth going to Argentina, because of the uniqueness of the phenomena and places. In general, I love something like that, exotic, and WOW! I was surprised by the variety of programs offered.

I would like to start with the highest mountain in South America, which is located in Argentina. Aconcagua is part of the “7 Summits” program - climbing the highest peaks of all continents. Of these peaks, Aconcagua is second only to Everest in height. The height of the beauty is 6972 meters. Climbing this mountain is considered technically easy; sometimes even the use of oxygen cylinders is not necessary. Group ascents with guides and porters are organized here, and you can also climb on your own. The mountain is located on the territory national park, so you will have to pay a lot of money for this pleasure. Climbing in a group will cost about 3,000 USD, and independent climbers will have to pay about 700 USD for entry, plus you will bear all expenses for food and overnight stays. However, the price includes insurance, which is nice. So, the climbing season lasts from early January to mid-March. At other times it is impossible to do this due to track control and strong winds.

One of my dreams was to see a whale. Although this can be done not only in Argentina, the season here is the longest, and whales swim very close to the shore. And there are also a lot of them, because this is where the Main way migration to Antarctica. The season lasts from September to December. To do this you will have to go to the city of Puerto Madryn in the central Atlantic coast countries. There are plenty of boat tours available from here to get up close and personal with the world's largest mammal, although whales can also be seen from shore. Incredible energy! My heart sank. Numerous rookeries will be a pleasant bonus fur seals and lions, as well as meeting penguins who walk right among people.

If you are rich, then you are incredibly lucky, because cruises to Antarctica depart from Argentina. From the very southern city on Earth, from Ushuaia, ships with tourists depart. This is a trip you will definitely not forget. The tour costs from 6,500 to 15,000 USD depending on the number of days and amenities. But the season lasts from mid-November to mid-March. This is definitely a dream. Along the way you will see icebergs, penguins, even killer whales, land on snowy ground, and visit Antarctica.

Well, for those who like to have fun, I advise you to fly to Argentina in February. Because it is in February, in the first and second weeks, that the Carnival takes place! Throughout the week, every day they organize a parade, concerts, fireworks, dancing and a bunch of other entertainment.

During the week I never visited any attraction, because as soon as you step outside, the Argentines pick you up and take you with them into the world of fun and celebration. You will dance for the year ahead, I promise you that. Moreover, the carnival takes place both day and night, so reserve your strength.

Such a different Argentina

Well, you have seen for yourself that there is no time to be bored in Argentina, and a lot of interesting things await you. Therefore, it does not matter what month you have a vacation. Feel free to buy tickets to this extraordinary country and you will never regret it! I love Argentina very much, I traveled for a year to different provinces, and that’s not enough for me. There is so much unknown here. And maybe you will even become the discoverer of some lake, be the first to conquer one of the million Andean mountains, find a dinosaur or some abandoned city. And, who knows, one day Russian tourists will be proud of some attraction named after a Russian person!

Geographical location and relief

Argentina is a country located in the southeastern part of the continent of South America and in the eastern regions of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Argentina borders Chile (in the west), Paraguay and Bolivia (in the north), Uruguay and Brazil (in the northeast). Its eastern territories are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​the territory is 2.8 million square meters. km.

The coastline is slightly indented; only the La Plata estuary cuts far into the land. Argentina's territory extends to meridional direction from North to South.

The country's topography is divided into flat areas (mainly northern and eastern regions) and elevated areas - western and southern territories.

The main landforms in Argentina are:

  • Andes mountain range. It runs along the western border. The largest mountains in the Western Hemisphere. They have a complex geological structure.
  • Volcanic plateau Puna. Located in northwestern Argentina. From the east, the plateau is framed by the Andes, up to 6500 m high.
  • Plain of Gran Chaco. Located in the north of the country. Filled with alluvial sediments and debris.
  • Between the Parana and Uruguay rivers. A flat area, which includes: marl, red sandstone, loess, clayey alluvium. The northern part is represented by a lava plateau, the central part is a swampy flat lowland, South part– slightly hilly plain with sandstone ridges (cuchillas).

Climate zones

Climatic zones of Argentina:

  1. Tropical zone. Southern regions. Winter is cold, with heavy snowfall, especially in the mountains. Summer is warm.
  2. Subtropical zone. Central Argentina. Winters are cold, summers are hot with frequent thunderstorms and tornadoes.
  3. Temperate zone. Northern regions of the country, including territories located on the Tropic of Capricorn. Hot and humid summers, dry moderate winters, droughts are sometimes observed.

Summer in the southern regions of the country is cold, with an average temperature of +15 ºС. The hottest place in the country is the tropical region of Gran Chaco, located in the north of the country. In summer, the temperature here can reach +17-20 ºС. The maximum temperature was recorded in the province of Santiago del Estero in Campo Gallo and amounted to 47.3 ºС. The most low temperature recorded in the province of San Juan - -40 ºС.

Note 1

Different climatic conditions in different regions of Argentina are due to a significant difference in altitude above sea level - up to 7000 m, differences in relief, proximity to the sea, and geographical location.

The Andes mountain ranges stretch in the western regions of the country. On the mountain peaks the climate is alpine. At the most high peaks all year round It's snowing. In the south is the Southern Patagonian Ice Plateau with many permanent glaciers. In the western regions at the foot of the mountains and in Patagonia, the climate is Mediterranean marine.

For eastern regions The country is characterized by a combination of several climate types:

  • warm sea – most of the territory;
  • temperate maritime - the area between Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca;
  • subtropical - northern regions.

Argentina is located in the southern hemisphere. Therefore, the difference in winter and summer temperatures between its regions increases as one moves south. In the northern regions of the country, the difference between temperatures in winter and summer is small. Thus, in the city of Salta, located in the north-west of the country, seasonal temperature fluctuations are 9 ºС. The coldest month is June with a temperature of +19 ºС. From November to January the average temperature is +28 ºС. From April to October there is a dry period.

Atmospheric phenomena and precipitation

Hurricanes are common in Argentina. Hurricanes originating in the Atlantic region move towards the Tropic of Cancer - the Tropic of the North.

The “probe” wind is a warm wind blowing from south direction. The wind usually begins during the day (from 12 to 18 o'clock) and lasts from one to twelve hours.

Precipitation falls unevenly. The average annual precipitation decreases from east to west in flat areas - 1400-1600 - 100-300 mm. In mountainous areas the amount of precipitation increases.

Maximum precipitation occurs on the eastern slopes of the Southern Andes - 2000 or more mm per year. In flat areas, the most precipitation occurs in the northeast of the country – Entre Rios and amounts to up to 1600 mm per year.

The driest areas are the western and southwestern territories. In southern Argentina, most precipitation falls in the form of snow. For Tierra del Fuego, the average annual precipitation ranges from 400 to 800 mm. There is a lot of rainfall in Patagonia.

In the direction from central regions countries to the north, the amount of precipitation increases sharply. Along the borders with Brazil and Paraguay, in the northeastern part of the country, about 2000 mm of precipitation falls annually.

Combination high temperatures, heavy precipitation, and relief features predetermine the formation of a landscape different from other territories.

Argentine summer matches winter period in the Northern Hemisphere. The air temperature during the day rises to 30 ºС. In the north and northeast of the country, the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean warm up to 25 ºС. In Patagonia and the southern regions it is somewhat cooler (up to +20 ºС during the day). All three summer months- December, January, February – differ little in weather conditions and temperature.

Calendar autumn begins in Argentina in March. March is warm, the air temperature is around 14 ºС, in the north the temperature reaches +25 ºС. The season of frequent rainfall begins.

April is the period of golden autumn. From the second half of the month the air temperature drops to +18-22 ºС. May is cold. The temperature can drop to 0 ºС.
