When can you go on a beach holiday in Vietnam? When is the best time to go to Vietnam? Overview of weather and resorts by month

Vietnam is a very popular country, visited by a huge number of tourists every year, it is located in South-East Asia. This country attracts travel lovers with its wonderful tropical beaches, impeccably clean sea and small, uncrowded, very cozy recreation centers. But if you are planning to relax in this beautiful country, then you should not forget that there is a rainy season, which can ruin your vacation a little.

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When is the rainy season in Vietnam?

Before planning a holiday and in order not to miscalculate over time, you must remember that weather conditions in different parts Vietnam can vary greatly. This country is divided into three climatic zones, although it is quite small on the map:

  1. Southern Vietnam, in this part of the country there are all the most popular resorts of Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, as well as the island of Phu Quoc;
  2. Central Vietnam, here are the world famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Phan Rang;
  3. Northern Vietnam is popular for its beaches: in Haiphong, Thai Binh and Nam Dinh.

In the south of Vietnam, the rainy season falls in May and showers continue until last numbers November. In December, tourists from different corners country, because at this time the weather is warm and sunny. This weather lasts here until the beginning of May; during these five months there is no rain here.

It is better to go to the cities of central Vietnam on vacation in summer months. From April to August, here you can bask on the beaches and enjoy your vacation, forgetting about all your problems. Rain in this part of the country occurs in September and continues until January.

From April to September it is better not to go to Northern Vietnam; during this period there is no dry weather there. During periods of rain it is very cold in this part of the country, Temperatures can drop to minus six degrees. It will be good to spend a holiday here in October, then it is very warm, dry and cozy.

Despite the fact that people who love to travel very rarely choose this country for a holiday during this season, in the south of Vietnam you can have a good rest even in the wet season. Tourists who think that it rains here all day long are very mistaken. This is not true at all, in southern cities In the country, it rains mainly at night.

And if the rain started to daytime day, it will last no more than thirty or forty minutes and you can wait it out without any problems in a cozy cafe or in your hotel room. And during the hours when there is no rain, the weather here is warm and sunny. At this time, the thermometer shows the air temperature no less than thirty degrees, the water temperature in the sea also reaches twenty-eight degrees, it is warm and calm.

But it’s better not to visit Central and Northern Vietnam during periods of heavy rain, choose some other country for your holiday. The problem is that when in these regions the rainy season begins and the monsoons come with them. During this period, the sea is turbulent, huge waves are raging and swimming in it becomes completely unsafe. IN northern regions In Vietnam, during the rainy season, a cold cyclone comes from China and therefore it becomes quite cool here.

How long does the rainy season last?

It rains in this country approximately five or six months, but as mentioned above, this period differs in months in different parts of Vietnam. For example, in the southern cities it rains in the summer, but in the center of the country the weather is dry and warm in the summer.

Do not forget that during this period it rains every day and for many hours in a row. And in southern Vietnam, rainfall does not at all interfere with a pleasant vacation. They go no longer than thirty minutes and after sultry heat They bring a pleasant coolness that gives you strength. It may be that there won’t be any during the rainy season, but the weather will remain clear for four or five days.

  • Vietnam rainy season in Nha Trang

If you decide relax in the fall, then give preference to beaches such as Vietnam and Nam Din.

Fruit season in Vietnam

If you are spending your holidays in this wonderful country, then do not forget to enjoy exotic fruits. Mangoes and jackfruits appear around March, and avocados, lychees and rambutans appear in April, mangosteens can be seen and tasted in early summer.

Winter fruits begin to appear in November and December, these are tangerines and apples. In November you can enjoy durians.

considered the fruitiest country in Southeast Asia. It seems that this country has different fruits all year round: dragonfoot, coconuts, guavas, pomelo, papaya, oranges, watermelons, melons, pineapples, bananas, grapes. Here you will find fruits for every taste.

If we look at the map of Vietnam, we will see that the country is very elongated from north to south (almost 2.5 thousand km) Therefore Vietnam climate and weather by month very different in different parts of the country. Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into three climatic zones: Northern, Central and Southern. will vary greatly depending on where a particular resort is located.

Temperatures by month in the north and south of Vietnam

Weather in southern Vietnam

In the south of Vietnam (from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City) two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. The air and water temperatures here fluctuate slightly - within a few degrees. Average annual temperature 26-28. Weather in southern Vietnam by month is this:

— Dry season from December to April.

— From February to May it costs hot weather, almost no rain.

Wet season starts in May and ends in November. Largest quantity precipitation, that is, rainy season in southern Vietnam from June to August. However, these rains are short and it can be said that cloudy days provide a pleasant respite from the heat. The best weather in southern Vietnam in months - from October to April. This period is considered high season in this part of the country.

The main resorts in southern Vietnam are: Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island.

Mui Ne

Mui Ne is located about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, near the town of Phan Thiet. Over the past decades, the former fishing village has become one of the best resorts Vietnam, and throughout Southeast Asia.

Mui Ne is Vietnam resort, weather whom by month It will be comfortable almost all year round. Along with Nha Trang, this is the most visited resort by Russian tourists. The undoubted advantage of Mui Ne is that all hotels are located on the beach (on the first line). In addition, there is a huge number of restaurants and bars. The resort of Mui Ne is considered best place for kite lovers, thanks to the almost constantly blowing strong wind. It is this wind and large waves on the sea that are a feature of the climate in Mui Ne. From November to March is season for active rest on this resort Vietnam. It is in Mui Ne that tourists come from different countries to go kiting here. Along the entire coast there are a large number of kite schools with experienced instructors. Best time for kiting lessons from November to March.

But for the fans calm sea Suitable time is from April to September. At this time, the sea in Mui Ne becomes calm and clear.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is a resort located just 128 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which has a very developed tourist infrastructure. This is one of the oldest resorts in the country. All along the coast are former villas of the Vietnamese nobility, now converted into restaurants and guesthouses. Vung Tau has several beaches: front, back and mulberry. There is also a small, picturesque beach with the French name Rocher Noir.

On the mountain above the city there is a huge statue of Jesus, 32 m high, very similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro. The disadvantages of the resort include its close proximity to oil production platforms, which is why the sea in Vung Tau cannot be called clean.

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand and is the most big island Vietnam. The length of the island is 48 km, width 25 km. This is perhaps the quietest and most beachy of all Vietnamese resorts. The beaches of Phu Quoc stretch from the town of Duong Dong to the south and, almost along the entire length, are built up with hotels. In 2008, Fukuoka's beaches were recognized as the cleanest and most beautiful in the world.

The period from October to March is months of the best weather in a Vietnamese resort- Phu Quoc Island. From April to Fukuoka begins rain season, which continues until September.

There are practically no attractions in Fukuoka, but the nature of the island is beautiful and in some places almost untouched. It is noteworthy that, unlike other areas of Vietnam, rice is not grown here. Instead of rice fields, there are huge black pepper plantations on the island. Phu Quoc ranks first in the world in pepper exports.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is also located in the south of Vietnam and is certainly interesting for tourists. This is the most Big city Vietnam (population about 8 million people). During French rule and later (from 1955 to 1975), Saigon was the capital of the country. At the end of the war with communist North Vietnam, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The best weather in Ho Chi Minh City- This months from October to April.

Central part of Vietnam

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is located 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City to the north. Nha Trang is perhaps the most popular Russian tourists resort in Vietnam. Unlike Mui Ne, also popular among Russians, which is more like a village, Nha Trang is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. A number of luxury hotels stretch along the seven-kilometer sandy beach, including the famous international networks. And the rest of the city is very densely built up with hotels.

The beach in Nha Trang is very clean and well-groomed, like the whole city. The mountains here approach the very coast, so there is less precipitation than in other regions of the country and the likelihood of typhoons is minimal. Nha Trang is suitable for both a relaxing beach holiday and for lovers nightlife. The city has many bars, nightclubs and discos.

It is also a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Dive clubs are everywhere in the city. Nha Trang is also known as a medical resort. There is a mud therapy and treatment clinic in the city mineral water. People come here to be treated for joint diseases, bronchopulmonary and skin diseases. Best holiday season this resort in Vietnam from February to May. At this time there is no rain at all, the weather is clear and the sea is completely calm. in summer Nha Trang season rains. Also rainy weather in November and December. At this time, the sea is cloudy, cool and stormy almost all the time.


Danang is located 500 km north of Nha Trang. The best weather and season for holidays in Vietnamese resort Da Nang is the months from February to May.

Danang is one of the largest port and industrial cities in Vietnam. In terms of population, Da Nang ranks fourth in the country. Despite the developed tourist infrastructure, a large number of hotels and good beaches (China Beach is recognized as one of the best in the country), the number of tourists coming here is much less than in Nha Trang. Most travelers consider Da Nang as a transit point when moving from north to south or vice versa. There are no signs in Russian, and the restaurants will not offer you a Russian menu. But prices are much lower than in Nha Trang and Mui Ne and, importantly, there is no hectic traffic on the roads. Getting around the city on foot or on a rented motorbike is much more comfortable than in most other cities in Vietnam.

Holiday seasons in northern Vietnam

Weather in northern Vietnam by month characterized by clearly visible seasonal differences. Winter in this part of the country is quite cool. In December and January, temperatures can drop below 10 degrees. And here summer weather in northern Vietnam, sometimes it is hotter than in the south of Vietnam. The landscape of the north of the country is mainly mountainous. Snow is not uncommon in these areas, especially around the city of Sapa.


In the north of Vietnam is the capital and main administrative center of the country - Hanoi. If you are planning to visit the capital, then remember that weather in Hanoi very often rainy and cool, especially in winter.

Ha Long Bay

Main resort northern Vietnam is Ha Long.

Halong Bay is a real pearl of Vietnam. He is listed world heritage UNESCO. There are more than 1,600 rocky islands scattered throughout the bay. The view of the bay is stunning at first glance and leaves no one indifferent.

And here weather and climate of northern Vietnam not always comfortable for relaxation. Beach season in Ha Long Bay, due to climatic conditions, it is quite short. In winter, the water temperature here drops to 15 degrees. And summer in Ha Long is very rainy. The most favorable holiday season in northern Vietnam by month

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The rainy season in Vietnam is perhaps the only climatic feature of this country, which causes certain inconvenience to both tourists and local residents. But we all know the saying: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Who didn't dream as a child of getting into exotic country, to the homeland of the “trees of life” - coconut palms with healthy and tasty fruits, where there is a benevolent sun and delightful tropical beaches with golden sand, a transparent sea with a turquoise reflection? Not everything is as rosy as travel agencies try to show us, but if you know what to expect, then the inconvenience can be minimized.

Just like with, when not a single store is open all week and this turns out to be a surprise for many, there is nothing terrible in the rainy season if you are prepared and treat everything with a dose of positivity and humor.

Will a period of precipitation interfere with productive holidays?

Every year the flow of tourists to this country increases, because here the weather allows you to enjoy a holiday on the warm sand in the arms of the welcoming sun not only in summer, but also in winter time of the year. Tropical Vietnam with big amount bright sunny days a year are a great opportunity for residents northern countries and cities to hold winter period warm, near the sea.

However, it should be remembered that this country is characterized by a fair amount of precipitation. However, due to the fact that the territory of Vietnam stretches over a long distance from north to south, the climatic zones are slightly different. So the rainy seasons are different regions countries do not attack at the same time. The main thing is to know when and where they begin in the period of year you are interested in.

Climatic zones of the country:

  • Central– in this territory there are places of exotic beach holidays loved by tourists in cities such as Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue;
  • South– this part contains the famous resorts of Vung Tau, Dalat, Con Dao, Mui Ne, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang, Phu Quoc Island;
  • Northern– here guests of the country will be delighted by the wonderful landscapes and original places of Hanoi, Halong, Sapa, Haiphong, Nam Dinh, Thai Binh.

Rainfall season in the Central Region of Vietnam

Vacationers who have planned a vacation for the summer should go to this part of the country. The dry beach period here begins in April and ends in August. And already from the end of September it’s time heavy rains, which stretches throughout the fall, actively capturing December.

Sometimes precipitation is accompanied by piercing winds and squalls, raising large crests of waves in the sea, so swimming in it becomes unsafe. In October and November - during the peak of the rainy season - central zone The most powerful and... Taking this into account, it is still better to plan a trip to this part of the country not during the “wet” season.

Time of high humidity in the Southern region

Enough heavy showers, accompanied by active gusts of wind, in this part of Vietnam begin to annoy residents and guests of the country in May and continue their vigorous activity until November. In cloudy weather, it feels cool outside and, naturally, the air temperature level decreases. But the petals of strange plants and flowers, rare trees and bushes, sparkling with transparent raindrops, exude a delightful aroma. And the wonderful ones exotic fruits and the berries, saturated with life-giving moisture, give guests incredible pleasure with their taste and smell.

Many tourists are afraid of rain in Vietnam. But the south of the country provides excellent recreation almost all year round. There is an opinion that the rains do not stop for days, therefore, without getting wet, you will not be able to take a walk and enjoy the sights. But that's not true. Precipitation in the southern part of the country prevails at night. Tropical rains last for about half an hour during the day, and it is quite possible to wait out this time with a cup of tea in a cafe or rest in a hotel. And also enjoy contemplating the interior decoration of ancient religious buildings. The rest of the time, the weather in the south of Vietnam is delightfully hot and sunny, the air temperature confidently stays at +30 °C, and the calm sea, warmed up to +28 °C, beckons you to swim.

Season of "tears" in North Vietnam

In this climate zone, the dynamic rainy season begins in April and remains until September. It is accompanied by a noticeable coolness. It is not uncommon for temperatures to drop to +6 °C. Therefore, if you do not like “wet” weather, it is better not to come to the north of the Asian country at this time, but to choose a more favorable time for acquaintance, when the rays of the tropical sun perfectly warm the air. This is October-March.

Rainy season by month in the north climatic zone characterized different levels humidity. Let's say that in April the sky “cries” most actively. During the day the air is heated to 20°C, and at night the thermometer drops to +10°C. January in northern Vietnam is the coldest month of the year. However, the entire winter period in this part is quite cold. In the mountainous areas, zero temperatures are not uncommon, and in Sapa there is even snow. But there is less rain.

Features of the “wet” season by month

January. In the first month of the year, preference should be given to southern resorts, where it is warmest and most comfortable at this time. It is better to plan a trip to the central part in the second half of the month.

February. Beach holidays are difficult only in the north. At resorts in other regions, the rainy season is disappearing, giving way to favorable sunny days.

March. Provides guests with a comfortable stay throughout the entire territory. Even in the north you can do without warm clothes during the day.

April. The perfect time to travel through fabulous Vietnam. It's surprisingly warm everywhere.

May. An excellent holiday will be provided at all resorts.

June, July, August. The most favorable weather at this time is at the resorts Central Vietnam.

September. In the south and center it is the rainy season. In the north you can go to the popular beach resort- Cat Ba Island. It's not rainy and warm here. However, if short-term precipitation, which is replaced by gentle sun and clear skies, does not spoil your resort mood, then you can book a trip to the central part.

October. Quite a bad month for spending time on the beach. There is bad weather in the center; typhoons are not uncommon. In the south, the wet season has not yet ended, so sudden changes in weather are possible: sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy. It’s bliss in northern Catba, the weather is inspiring. A good time for walks around Hanoi, hikes to the mountain peaks in Sapa, and voyages along Halong Bay.

November. Weather in the north and south they are simply magnificent, in the center there is a high probability of typhoons.

December. Guests of the country will be warmly welcomed by any resort throughout the territory.

The rainy season in Nha Trang begins in October and lasts approximately 2-3 months.

As you know, Nha Trang is the most popular city in Vietnam among Russian tourists. A huge number of Russians already live in Nha Trang on a permanent basis. More and more tourists are flying here to relax, at any time of the year.

At this time of year it rains almost every day. At this time of year it “waters” almost every day. But most often it is a light rain that begins in the evening and ends at night. Although sometimes there are exceptions.

Flooded street

Not far from shopping center, 5 minutes away by bike, a small river flows. It instantly turned into a full-flowing river and washed away the only bridge on the same day, which affected the residents of the area.

The entire residential area was flooded. People walked knee-deep in water.

The river water quickly overflowed the nearby storm drain. As a result, literally the entire residential area was flooded. People walked knee-deep in water, and in some places it reached their waists.

In some places the water level reached waist level.

It was amazing to see the boats floating next to the cars. And half of the bikes immediately stalled, and the owners had to roll them further on foot.

It is quite logical that the next morning all these bikers lined up outside the repair shops.

Almost immediately, the electricity went out in all houses.

This is what a rainstorm looks like on a weekday:

How to have a wonderful holiday

The duration of the precipitation period can last up to six months. But this does not mean that the rains do not stop. It happens that the sky does not rain for a week, or even several.

In any case, if the precipitation is catastrophically unsatisfactory for you, you can simply move from one city to another. If tropical rains begin in the resorts of the central part of the country, you can change your holiday destination to cities in the Southern region, then travel to the north of Vietnam. So, no matter what month you are on holiday, there is always the opportunity to enjoy great weather and have a great time in this country.

How the hero spoke about Vietnam famous film Forrest Gump: “There was always somewhere to go.”

And for a modern traveler, choosing an interesting route in this wonderful country will not be difficult at all.

So, if you still decide to take a risk and buy tickets to Nha Trang during the rainy season (and of course, they cost much cheaper during this period), then here are some tips that will help you make this trip easier and not be upset about the lost time .

Buy a raincoat and rubber boots (sneakers)

This will allow you to move around the city calmly and not be afraid of getting wet. Raincoats cost pennies (up to 40,000 dong), but they help out a lot. Let’s immediately say that an umbrella will not help here, since the wind will easily turn it inside out, and a passing biker will splash water from a puddle.

Shoes such as rubber boots or Crocs will help you navigate wet areas more easily.

Trips. Yes, the soul sometimes calls for a journey, long or short, it doesn’t matter. The world is big and I want to see it and learn more. When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, at what time of year and where, if you choose this undoubtedly beautiful and culturally distinctive country for your vacation?

Why Vietnam?

Local travel

Some people prefer to move around within the country without stopping somewhere. A good route: start from the capital, by plane to Hanoi, then from there to Ha Long Bay, which has already become famous among tourists. Favorable time for such travel: the period from April to November, warm, sunny, although there are rainy days, but in the summer this is a small problem. Further, from Hanoi you can go to Dalat in the summer, from there to Nha Trang, where there are wonderful places for traditional swimming and beach holidays.

It is more convenient to visit the south of the country from March to October - sunny, warm, a great time for a beach holiday, local excursions to Mui Ne or Phan Thiet, etc.

Why are tourists just exploring Vietnam, because it is a beautiful, wonderful and original country that has something to offer even the most experienced eye? Everyone dreams of seeing the Colosseum, the Louvre, or catching the English rains while admiring the view of London. After all, the world is truly huge and many corners are still waiting in the wings.

Experts believe the reason is the flight duration. If Vietnam suddenly moved and became Russia’s closest neighbor, then surely 80% of vacationers would rush there, since a visa is not needed, and 15 days allowed to visit the country are enough. After all, the flight, in addition to the duration, is also expensive.

Others note that Vietnam could spoil the impression with cheap consumer goods, those who do not know the combination “Vietnamese market”, and sociable local people, but it is not worth judging the whole country by the market. Vietnam is home to beautiful, ancient temples, fraught with a whole history, and many of the complexes shown to tourists on excursions were built by unknown civilizations; scientists are still arguing.

National parks that are stunningly beautiful, healthy, inexpensive and tasty food, diving, and it is considered the cheapest among other tourist countries (plus the abundance of inhabitants of local reservoirs, the sea, etc.), resorts where the service system is well developed, you can feel the French flavor, after all, this was previously a colony of France.

Reviews from experienced tourists

They will help you create best opinion and plan future vacations. These are stories about the brightest, most memorable moments of the trip, facts about the country through the eyes of tourists.

“Vietnam is wonderful, its weather is a special charm; you can really come here whenever you want, at any time of the year. But when planning a winter holiday, it is more convenient to fly to the resorts of the southern side, because the northern and central parts are quite cold in winter, the air there does not warm up above +20 during the day, the sea is naturally cold and strong wind creates great excitement.

Best time - high season, it falls on us winter months (New Year holidays, why not), only tours become more expensive. To save money, it’s better to go to another one, low season(these are periods from May to October). Then the tours are cheaper, because the country is in the midst of the rainy season, with strong, tropical rains. However, for tourists, even downpours do not interfere and people still go, because it does not get cold, the weather is warm, you can swim. And the rains themselves don’t fall for days; they are fleeting, like ordinary warm summer rain. After them, the heat subsides for a short time, but the sea does not have time to cool down.

For diving enthusiasts, Vietnam is simply smeared with honey. Diving schools are everywhere, in any major city, open without holidays all year round. Those who graduate there are given a certificate and can safely dive. Prices for local diving activities will be lower, which always pleases fans of this sport. Moreover, the level is unlikely to be inferior to other resorts. Undersea world pleases with the variety of inhabitants and diving spots.

For lovers of excursions, entertaining trips, who want to find out better country It’s more convenient to choose the high season, although trips are more expensive. Fishermen too. By the way, there are many places for different types fishing: cold mountain lakes, local rivers, and the open sea, where you can go on a rented boat. Local residents themselves will tell you where the best and richest are. fishing spots, they can keep you company and give you equipment temporarily, for rent.

The dry (aka quiet) season for Vietnam is the period from January to April. Also extremely good time for holidays, people call him velvet season. You can safely fly to any of the corners of the country you like, to any of the resorts.

A big plus is regular and numerous flights from Russia all year round.


From August to November – dangerous time, it’s better not to plan trips at all if you choose Vietnam. This is the time for strong typhoons, which can become a threat not only to recreation, but also to life."


“Many people are interested in Vietnam, everyone goes for something specific. If for the beach, then the velvet or high season is better, although of course prices jump. Tourists more often choose resorts from southern cities, it is warmer there, local beaches They delight with amenities, and in cities there is more adaptation for tourists - trips, comfortable hotels, cafes and restaurants. In October, the water is calmer, waves are rare, and so is the weather. Although sometimes it is cloudy. It is worth considering the constant tide schedule. This is nature. True, whoever visits Vietnam will immediately understand that this country is much more interesting than just places with good beaches. It’s good to swim and lie down enjoying the sand, but it’s better to diversify your vacation with excursions and walks, especially for your first trip.”


“In general, Vietnam can hardly be called a simple country; those who are used to seeing resort places will be amazed by its originality and rich culture. The ancient complexes are fascinating, the local nature is delightful, and the residents are truly friendly. Tourists, however, still travel more often to the south, especially if they go in winter, they want more warmth, because there is snow and storm at home. The climate here is tropical, rainy or hot. The best time, I think, is from December to March! Exactly winter holidays. average temperature it will be +28, normal"


“It rains there from April until October, although this does not mean that it rains everywhere. Yes, and the years are different. The rainy season is definitely not something to be afraid of, especially when the weather is about +28. Rain never bothers Russian people; they are used to harsher weather. Tourists love Vung Tau and Nya Trang, also Cam Ranh, visit Phan Thiet or Phan Rang."


“You don’t have to use travel companies, I’ll tell you. They regularly sell tours, but they add their own markup, and you don’t know whether you will like the hotel upon arrival or what kind of infrastructure is around. Sometimes they settle in an unknown place. Now there is Internet, you can open any city in Vietnam and find out the list of hotels, what changes they have in prices over the annual period and book rooms in the one you like. You can contact us through the phone numbers listed on the website or write by email, everything is much simpler. And you can buy tickets for where you need to go yourself. I traveled through a travel agency a couple of times, then decided to visit Vietnam myself. We really already knew where we would stay, we saw the hotel in person. But it’s really cheaper and less hassle.

It’s easier to find out through websites what excursions and where are offered in the cities of Vietnam, although if you’re traveling for the first time, you can safely take any of the resort towns - everyone will have something to show you. Whether you start with Ho Chi Minh City to see the city through a sightseeing tour or prefer another one, it doesn’t matter. It has its own culture, it is ancient and has left a significant mark. I never tire of being amazed by her, perhaps she is what makes Vietnam so special. Well, of course, the beach of southern cities. Divers should definitely make a point to come here. There are so many diving spots and the local flora and fauna are truly diverse. Vietnam is not Europe, it is Asia, the mysterious East, with a tropical, pronounced climate"

Vietnam is famous for its heavenly beaches, and go there primarily for their sake. However, this paradise will also appeal to diving enthusiasts - diving here is one of the cheapest in the world, but at the same time it is well organized, and there are interesting dive sites, and you can dive throughout the year, just changing resorts.

Those who like excursion holiday, will appreciate the wealth and safety historical monuments. There are medieval imperial citadels, French colonial quarters, and partisan catacombs from the Vietnam War. And the natural beauty of such a small country amazes with its grandeur: the giant Mekong Delta, the largest cave in the world, Son Doong, and the bay of 3000 Ha Long Islands. Makes a great holiday seasoning local kitchen with a pleasant French accent.

Tours to Vietnam

Popular resorts

Vietnam on the map is stretched along the meridian with a winding line. At the top, in the north, is the country's capital -. In the center is the ancient capital of Hue, popular among lovers of excursion holidays.

Beach resorts begin a little further south, in Nha Trang, the most famous and popular of them. Even further south follow, especially suitable for surfers and kiters. Below begins the Mekong Delta, as well as the “Paris of the East”, the industrial and tourist center -.

In the extreme south of the country, the sea gives way to the Gulf of Thailand. In it, at the very borders of Cambodia, is located the largest island of Vietnam. Paradise beaches with white sand and coconut palms should be looked for there, on its western shore.



The level of hotel service in Vietnam is very high: even 3-star hotels in their comfort and quality of service are close to the European “fours”. And local “fours” and even more so “fives”, especially when we're talking about about historical hotels - this is real luxury.

Animation for children, children's clubs and special entertainment programs are not yet available in every resort hotel; information about them must be clarified in advance. Also, not all hotels operate in the all-inclusive format, which, by the way, is not so much in demand. On Vietnamese resorts I don’t want to sit around the clock in a hotel when there are so many interesting and tasty things around.

You can come to Vietnam without even booking a hotel in advance. In large tourist centers you can always find available rooms right on the spot.

Tours to Vietnam

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.



The national currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. Its cost is such that you should have banknotes of 50,000 and 20,000 dong with you as “changes” to pay for a pedicab (“siklo”) or buy a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The largest bill is half a million dong.

It is best to take with you on a trip U.S. dollars: you can pay with them here as freely as with the national currency. The euro has no such circulation.


Visa to Vietnam need not for Russians who are going to come for a period of up to 15 days.

Those who plan to stay in the country longer need to obtain a visa. It can be single or multiple, but in both cases it is issued for a period of 1 or 3 months. To obtain a visa, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the consular department of the Vietnamese Embassy. The visa is issued within 5 - 7 working days. However, you can also apply for a visa on arrival at any of the main airports in Vietnam. It's both faster and easier.

Round-trip flights to Vietnam

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.


What to bring from Vietnam

Even by the standards of Southeast Asia, prices in Vietnam are very low, so no one comes from here without souvenirs. Russians often bring tropical fruits, medicinal artichoke tea and coffee from Vietnam, including such an exotic and expensive variety as “kopi luwak”: it is also cheaper here than, for example, in Vietnam. Snake wine and medicinal tinctures for snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures have become souvenir classics. Men consider them beneficial for their health.

Women love Vietnamese island pearl jewelry and silk clothing. On vacation, many even order national woman suit ao dai, which consists of a long silk shirt and trousers. A traditional conical hat made from palm leaves goes perfectly with it.
