Deforestation impacts the environment. Deforestation is a pressing environmental problem

It's hard to overestimate. It's not for nothing that there are trees. They generally constitute a single ecosystem, which affects the life of various species, the soil, atmosphere, and water regime. Many people have no idea what kind of disaster deforestation will lead to if it is not stopped.

The problem of deforestation

IN this moment the problem of cutting down trees is relevant for all continents of the earth, but this problem is most acute in countries Western Europe, South America, Asia. Intensive destruction of forests leads to the problem of deforestation. An area cleared of trees turns into a poor landscape and becomes unsuitable for life.

To understand how close the disaster is, you should pay attention to a number of facts:

  • more than half have already been destroyed, and it will take a hundred years to restore them;
  • now only 30% of the land is occupied by forests;
  • Regular cutting down of trees leads to an increase in carbon monoxide in the atmosphere by 6-12%;
  • Every minute, an area of ​​forest that is the size of several football fields disappears.

Causes of deforestation

Common reasons for cutting down trees include:

  • wood has a high value as construction material and raw materials for paper, cardboard, manufacturing of household items;
  • forests are often destroyed in order to expand new agricultural land;
  • for laying communications and roads

Besides, a large number of trees suffer as a result, which constantly occur due to mishandling with fire. They also occur during the dry season.

Illegal deforestation

Quite often, cutting down trees occurs illegally. Many countries around the world lack institutions and people who can control the process of deforestation. In turn, entrepreneurs in this area sometimes commit violations, annually increasing the volume of deforestation. It is also believed that wood supplied by poachers who do not have a permit to operate also enters the market. There is an opinion that the introduction of a high duty on timber would significantly reduce the sale of timber abroad and, accordingly, would reduce the number of trees cut down.

Deforestation in Russia

Russia is one of the leading wood producers. Together with Canada, these two countries contribute about 34% of the total material exported to the world market. The most active areas where trees are cut down are in Siberia and the Far East. As for illegal logging, everything is resolved by paying fines. However, this does not contribute in any way to the restoration of the forest ecosystem.

The main result of cutting down trees is deforestation, which has many consequences:

  • climate change;
  • environmental pollution;
  • ecosystem change;
  • destruction of a large number of plants;
  • animals are forced to leave their usual habitats;
  • deterioration of the atmosphere;
  • deterioration in nature;
  • soil destruction, which will lead to;
  • emergence of environmental refugees.

Permit for deforestation

Companies that cut down trees must obtain a special permit for this activity. To do this, you need to submit an application, a plan of the area where the felling is taking place, a description of the types of trees that will be cut down, as well as a number of papers for coordination with various services. In general, obtaining such permission is difficult. However, this does not completely rule out the illegality of deforestation. It is recommended that this procedure be tightened while the planet's forests can still be saved.

Sample permit for deforestation

What will happen to the planet if all the trees are cut down?


The problem of forest loss.

Completed by: Mikhaleva K.S.,

2nd year student of natural sciences

Faculty of Geography

specialty "Geography"

Checked by: Lyubimov V.B.,

professor, doctor of biology

chemical sciences


1.Forest fires……………………………………………………………….4

2. Deforestation…………………………………………………………………...5

3. Global solutions to the problem of forest loss……………………………..7




The forest filters water and regulates the water cycle in nature. It retains moisture in the soil longer than a non-forested area, since evaporation from the forested soil and the release of moisture from tree leaves occurs much more slowly. Thus, the forest makes it possible to more evenly fill streams and rivers with water, especially during the period of snow melting. The risk of flooding in wooded areas is much lower than in areas with few trees. The forest reduces the removal and erosion of soil by wind, water, scree and snow avalanches and thereby prevents karsting of the landscape. In addition, the groundwater level is protected from falling due to the root system of trees. The forest is a carbon store because it constantly binds carbon from carbon dioxide adsorbed in leaves and needles. One kilogram of dry wood contains approximately 500 grams of carbon. By absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and sequestering carbon in wood, the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere, which causes the greenhouse effect, is reduced.

It is estimated that around 32 million acres are lost each year worldwide.

forests. Over the past 20 years (1970 - 1990), the world has lost almost 200 million hectares of forestland, which is equal to the area of ​​the United States east of the Mississippi.

A particularly great environmental threat is posed by the depletion of tropical forests - the “lungs of the planet” and the main source of the planet’s biological diversity. There, approximately 200 thousand square kilometers are cut down or burned annually, which means 100 thousand species of plants and animals disappear. This process is especially fast in the regions richest in tropical forests - the Amazon and Indonesia.

Forest fires

Fires are among the important abiotic factors influencing the nature of communities formed in an ecosystem. The fact is that some areas are regularly and periodically exposed to fires. In coniferous forests growing in the southeastern United States, and treeless savannas, as well as in the steppe zone, fires are a very common phenomenon. In forests where fires occur regularly, trees usually have thick bark, which makes them more resistant to fire. The cones of some pine trees, such as the Banks pine, release seeds best when heated to a certain temperature. Thus, the seeds are sown at a time when other plants con. Number of forest fires in one of the regions of Siberia over two centuries: In some cases, the soil after fires is enriched with biogenic elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium. As a result, animals grazing in areas exposed to periodic fires receive more nutritious nutrition. By preventing natural fires, humans thereby cause changes in ecosystems, the maintenance of which requires periodic burning of vegetation. Nowadays, fires have become a very common means of controlling the development of forests, although the public consciousness has difficulty getting used to this idea. Protecting forests from fires. The Earth's forests suffer severely from fires. Forest fires destroy 2 million tons of organic matter annually. They apply great harm forestry: tree growth decreases, forest composition deteriorates, windbreaks increase, soil conditions and windbreaks deteriorate, soil conditions deteriorate. Forest fires contribute to the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi. World statistics claim that 97% of forest fires occur due to human fault and only 3% due to lightning, mainly ball. The flames of forest fires destroy both flora and fauna in their path. In Russia, great attention is paid to protecting forests from fires. As a result of measures taken in recent years to strengthen preventive fire-fighting measures and implement a set of works to timely detect and extinguish forest fires by aviation and ground forest fire units, the area of ​​forests covered by fire, especially in the European part of Russia, has been significantly reduced.

However, the number of forest fires is still high. Fires occur due to careless handling of fire, due to a profound violation of fire safety rules during agricultural work. An increased risk of fires is created by clutter in forest areas.


The process of deforestation is a pressing problem in many parts of the world, as it affects their environmental, climatic and socio-economic characteristics. Deforestation leads to a decrease in biodiversity, wood reserves for industrial use and quality of life, as well as an increase in the greenhouse effect due to a decrease in photosynthesis.

The full extent of the consequences of deforestation is unknown and not verified by sufficient scientific data, which causes active controversy in the scientific community. The extent of deforestation can be seen in satellite images of the Earth, which can be accessed, for example, using the program

Define real speed deforestation is quite difficult, since the organization responsible for recording these data (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) mainly relies on official data from the relevant ministries of individual countries. According to estimates of this organization, the total losses in the world over the first 5 years of the 21st century amounted to 7.3 million hectares of forest annually. According to World Bank estimates, 80% of logging is illegal in Peru and Bolivia, and 42% in Colombia. The process of disappearing Amazon forests in Brazil is also happening much faster than scientists thought.

Globally, the rate of deforestation decreased in the 1980s and 1990s, as it did from 2000 to 2005. Given these trends, forest restoration efforts are projected to increase forest area by 10% over the next half century. However, reducing the rate of deforestation does not solve the problems already created by this process.

Consequences of deforestation:

1) The habitat for forest inhabitants (animals, mushrooms, lichens, herbs) is being destroyed. They may disappear completely.

2) The forest retains the top fertile layer of soil with its roots. Without support, the soil can be carried away by the wind (you get a desert) or water (you get ravines).

3) The forest evaporates a lot of water from the surface of its leaves. If you remove the forest, the air humidity in the area will decrease, and the soil moisture will increase (a swamp may form).

The thesis that after cutting down a forest the amount of oxygen will decrease is incorrect from an ecological point of view (a forest, as a developed ecosystem, absorbs as much oxygen from animals and fungi as it produces by plants), but it may work in the Unified State Examination.

The true wealth of the world is moist evergreens rainforests are being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, deforestation has increased by 8.5 percent this decade compared with the 1990s.

Asia has the highest rate of deforestation at 1.2% per year since 1990, followed by Latin America at 0.8%, and Africa at 0.7%. However, during the same period, the total area of ​​deforested areas per year in Latin America is 7.4 million hectares, in Africa - 4.1, in Asia - 3.9.

Brazil contains 30% of the world's tropical forests and has the highest rates of deforestation. And this despite the fact that the Amazon forest, located in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru, is the largest tropical forest on the planet and contains about a fifth of all clean water in the world, which speaks of its enormous importance.

Deforestation is the process of converting forested land into land without tree cover, such as grasslands, cities, wastelands and others. The most common cause of deforestation is the clearing of forests without sufficient replanting of new trees. In addition, forests can be destroyed due to natural causes such as fire, hurricane or flooding, as well as other man-made factors such as acid rain.

Deforestation leads to a decrease in biodiversity, wood reserves for industrial use and quality of life, as well as an increase in the greenhouse effect due to a decrease in photosynthesis.

According to Greenpeace, it takes approximately 4-5 cubic centimeters to produce 1 gram of paper. coniferous wood(depending on the type and quality of paper, manufacturer). 1 ton of waste paper saves 5 cubic meters of wood, or up to 20-25 trees.

Global solutions to deforestation

Currently, forestry rights have been significantly expanded state protection to combat violators of fire safety regulations in forests, to bring to justice officials and citizens who violate fire safety requirements. In populated areas with intensive forestry, the protection of forests from fires is ensured by forestry enterprises and their specialized units - fire-chemical stations. In total, there are about 2,700 such stations in the country. To increase the fire resistance of forests, work is carried out on a large scale on the fire protection of the forest fund, systems of fire breaks and barriers, a network of roads and reservoirs are created, and forests are cleared of clutter. Fires occurring in the forest are detected mainly with the help of fire observation stationary points, as well as forest guards during ground patrols. Forest fire units are armed with tank trucks, all-terrain vehicles, soil meters and foam generators. Cord charges of explosives are widely used, as well as

artificially caused precipitation. Television equipment is being introduced,

facilitating the work of observers. It is planned to use infrared aircraft detectors to detect fires from the air in conditions of heavy smoke. Information received from artificial Earth satellites is used. Increased efficiency in detecting and extinguishing forest fires will be facilitated by the introduction of computer-calculated optimal operating modes for air forest protection units. In sparsely populated areas of the North, Siberia and the Far East, helicopters and airplanes with teams of paratroopers and paratroopers-firefighters are used to protect forests. Barrier to a forest fire

there may be a solution timely applied to the soil at the border of the burning area. For example, a solution of bischofite, which is cheap and harmless. An important section of fire prevention is well-organized fire prevention propaganda using radio, print, television and other means mass media. Forestry workers familiarize the population, forest workers and expeditions, and vacationing tourists with the basic requirements of fire safety rules in the forest, as well as with the measures that must be applied in accordance with current legislation to persons who violate these rules. Protecting the forest from harmful insects and diseases. To protect forest plantations from damage, preventive measures are used aimed at preventing the appearance and mass reproduction of forest pests and identifying diseases. Extermination measures are used to destroy pests and diseases. Prevention and extermination control provide effective protection plantings, subject to their timely and correct application. Protective measures are preceded by forest entomological examination, identification of places of distribution of harmful insects and diseases. Based on the data obtained, the question of the advisability of using certain protective measures is decided.

Measures to combat forest pests and diseases are divided according to the principle of their action and technical application into groups: forestry, biological, chemical, physical-mechanical and quarantine. In practice, these methods of forest protection are used comprehensively, in the form of a system of measures. A rational combination of control methods ensures the most effective suppression of the vital activity of pests in the forest. Forestry measures in forest protection have a predominantly preventive purpose: they prevent

spread of harmful insects and diseases, increase biological

acquires a microbiomethod based on the use pathogenic microorganisms. A number of bacterial preparations have been proposed: dendrobacillin, insectin, taxobacterin, exotoxin, bitotoxybacillin, gomelin, etc. Protection of forests from pests and diseases should be carried out in ways that do not harm humans and the environment. The chemical method of combating harmful insects and diseases is based on the use of toxic substances against insects - insecticides, against fungal diseases - fungicides. The action of insecticides and fungicides is based on chemical reactions them with substances that make up the cells of the body. The nature of the reaction and the strength of the effects of toxic substances manifest themselves differently depending on their chemical structure and physicochemical properties, as well as on the characteristics of the body. Chemical control methods are carried out using ground vehicles, airplanes and helicopters. Along with chemical and biological methods, physical and mechanical methods are also used: scraping clutches of gypsy moth eggs, cutting off the web nests of lacewings and pine shoots affected by whirligigs and pinworms, collecting sawfly larvae and May beetles, beetles, etc. These methods are labor-intensive, therefore they are rarely used and only in small areas.

Forest protection measures. The main objectives of forest protection are its rational use and restoration. Measures to protect forests in sparsely forested areas are becoming increasingly important due to their water protection, soil protection, sanitary and health-improving roles. Special attention should be given to the protection of mountain forests, since they perform important water-regulating and soil-protective functions. With the right

in forestry, repeated felling in a particular area

should be carried out no earlier than after 80 - 100 years, upon reaching full ripeness. An important measure to rational use forests is the fight against wood loss. Significant losses often occur during timber harvesting. In the felling areas, branches and needles remain, which are valuable materials for preparing pine flour - vitamin-rich feed for livestock. Forest cutting waste is promising for obtaining essential oils.

The forest is very difficult to restore. But still, forest is restored in deforested areas, sown in areas not covered by forest, and low-value plantings are reconstructed.

Along with artificial forest growing, work is widespread

on natural regeneration of the forest (leaving seeders, caring for self-seeding economically) valuable species and etc.). Much attention is paid to preserving undergrowth during forest cutting. New technological schemes for logging operations have been developed and introduced into production, which ensure the preservation of undergrowth and young growth during forest exploitation.

A significant factor in increasing forest productivity and enriching their composition is the breeding of new valuable forms, hybrids, varieties and introduced species. The study of form diversity and selection of economically valuable forms is carried out on a new theoretical basis, based on the analysis of pheno- and genotypic structures of natural populations and selection based on comparative analysis biotypes with certain valuable traits. When selecting valuable forms in nature and evaluating hybrids, attention is paid to plants that have not only high productivity at the age of quantitative or technological ripeness, but also plants that are characterized by high growth intensity in the initial period of ontogenesis. They are necessary for high-intensity plantations with short cutting rotations. Plantations are a special independent form of crop production in forestry to obtain a certain type products (wood, rod, chemical substances, medicinal raw materials, etc.). Intensive agrotechnical measures are used on plantations. They serve as a powerful lever for the intensification and specialization of forestry production.

A forest is not just a collection of trees, but a complex ecosystem that unites plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms and affects the climate, condition drinking water, air purity.

Millennia ago, a huge part of the Earth's surface was covered with forests. They extended to North America, occupied a significant share of Western Europe. Vast areas of Africa, South America and Asia were dense forests.

But with the increase in the number of people and their active development of land for economic needs, the process of deforestation began.

People take a lot from the forest: materials for construction, food, medicine, raw materials for the paper industry. Wood, pine needles and tree bark serve as raw materials for many branches of the chemical industry. About half of the extracted wood is used for fuel needs, and a third is used for construction. A quarter of all medicines used are obtained from tropical forest plants.

Thanks to photosynthesis, forests give us oxygen to breathe while absorbing carbon dioxide. Trees protect the air from toxic gases, soot and other pollutants and noise. Phytoncides produced by most coniferous plants destroy pathogens.

Forests are habitats for many animals and are real treasure troves of biological diversity. They participate in creating a microclimate favorable for agricultural plants.

Forest areas protect the soil from erosion processes, preventing surface runoff of precipitation. The forest is like a sponge, which first accumulates and then releases water to streams and rivers, regulates the flow of water from the mountains to the plains, and prevents floods. , the forests included in its basin are considered the lungs of the Earth.

The damage caused to the planet by deforestation

Despite the fact that forests are a renewable resource, the rate of deforestation is too high and is not covered by the rate of reproduction. Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests are destroyed every year.

Tropical forests, home to more than 50% of Earth's species, once covered 14% of the planet but now cover only 6%. India's forest area has shrunk from 22% to 10% over the last half century. Destroyed coniferous forests central regions of Russia, forest tracts in the Far East and Siberia, and swamps appear at the site of clearings. Valuable pine and cedar forests are being cut down.

The disappearance of forests is... Deforestation of the planet leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speeds.

Burning forests causes carbon monoxide pollution in the air, releasing more than it absorbs. Also, deforestation releases carbon into the air that accumulates in the soil under the trees. This contributes about a quarter to the process of creating the greenhouse effect on Earth.

Many areas left without forest as a result of deforestation or fires become deserts, since the loss of trees leads to the fact that the thin fertile layer of soil is easily washed away by precipitation. Desertification causes a huge number of environmental refugees - ethnic groups for whom the forest was the main or only source of subsistence.

Many inhabitants of forest areas disappear along with their homes. Entire ecosystems are being destroyed, plants of irreplaceable species used to obtain medicines, and many biological resources valuable to humanity are being destroyed. More than a million biological species living in tropical forests is endangered.

Soil erosion that develops after cutting down leads to floods, since nothing can stop the flow of water. Floods are caused by disruption of the groundwater level, as the roots of trees that feed on them die. For example, as a result of extensive deforestation at the foot of the Himalayas, Bangladesh began to suffer from large floods every four years. Previously, floods occurred no more than twice every hundred years.

Methods for cutting down

Forests are cut down for mining, timber, clearing areas for pastures, and for agricultural land.

Forests are divided into three groups. The first is forest areas prohibited from logging, which play an important ecological role and are nature reserves.

The second group includes forests of limited exploitation, located in densely populated areas; their timely restoration is strictly monitored.

The third group is the so-called production forests. They are cut down completely and then reseeded.

There are several types of logging in forestry:

Main cabin

Felling of this type is the harvesting of the so-called mature forest for timber. They can be selective, gradual and continuous. When clear-cutting, all trees are destroyed, with the exception of the seed plants. With gradual cutting, the cutting process is carried out in several steps. With the selective type, only individual trees are removed according to a certain principle, and the overall area remains covered with forest.

Plant care cutting

This type involves cutting down plants that are not practical to leave. They destroy plants of poorer quality, while simultaneously thinning and clearing the forest, improving its lighting and providing nutrients to the remaining more valuable trees. This makes it possible to increase forest productivity, its water-regulating properties and aesthetic qualities. Wood from such fellings is used as technological raw material.


These are reorganization fellings, reforestation and reconstructive fellings. They are carried out in cases where the forest has lost its beneficial properties in order to restore them, Negative influence environmental impact is excluded with this type of logging. Felling has a beneficial effect on brightening the area and eliminates root competition for more valuable tree species.


Such cutting is carried out to improve the health of the forest and increase its biological resistance. This type includes landscape cuttings carried out to create forest park landscapes, and cuttings to create fire breaks.

Clear-cutting produces the most severe intervention. Cutting down trees has negative consequences when more trees are destroyed than grow in a year, which causes depletion of forest resources.

In turn, undercutting can cause forest aging and disease of old trees. During clear cutting, in addition to the destruction of trees, branches are burned, which leads to the appearance of numerous fire pits.

The trunks are dragged away by machinery, simultaneously destroying many ground cover plants, exposing the soil. The young animals are almost completely destroyed. Surviving shade-loving plants die from excessive amounts of sunlight And strong winds. The ecosystem is completely destroyed and the landscape changes.

Deforestation can be carried out without harm to the environment if the principle of continuous forest management, based on a balance of deforestation and reforestation, is observed. The selective logging method has the least environmental damage.
It is preferable to cut down forests in winter, when snow cover protects the soil and young trees from damage.

Measures to eliminate damage caused by deforestation

In order to stop the process of forest destruction, norms for the wise use of forest resources should be developed. It is necessary to adhere to the following directions:

  • conservation of forest landscapes and its biological diversity;
  • maintaining uniform forest management without depleting forest resources;
  • training the population in the skills of caring for the forest;
  • strengthening control at the state level over the conservation and use of forest resources;
  • creation of forest accounting and monitoring systems;
  • improvement of forest legislation,

Replanting trees often does not cover the damage caused by cutting down. In South America, South Africa and Southeast Asia, forest areas continue to decline inexorably.

In order to reduce damage from logging, it is necessary:

  • Increase areas for planting new forests
  • Expand existing ones and create new protected areas, forest reserves.
  • Deploy effective measures to prevent forest fires.
  • Conduct measures, including preventive ones, to combat diseases and pests.
  • Conduct selection of tree species resistant to environmental stress.
  • Protect forests from the activities of mining enterprises.
  • Realize fight against poachers.
  • Use effective and least harmful logging techniques. Minimize wood waste, develop ways of using them.
  • Deploy methods of secondary wood processing.
  • Encourage ecological tourism.

What people can do to save forests:

  • use rationally and economically paper products;
  • buy recycled products, including paper. It is marked with the recycled sign;
  • green the area around your home;
  • replace trees cut down for firewood with new seedlings;
  • draw public attention to the problem of forest destruction.

Man cannot exist outside of nature, he is part of it. And at the same time, it is difficult to imagine our civilization without the products that the forest provides. In addition to the material component, there is also a spiritual relationship between the forest and man. Under the influence of the forest, the culture and customs of many ethnic groups are formed, and it also serves as a source of existence for them.
Forest is one of the cheapest sources of natural resources; 20 hectares of forest areas are destroyed every minute. And humanity should now think about replenishing these natural resources, learn to competently manage forest management and the wonderful ability of forests to renew themselves.

Today, the problem of forest destruction is one of the first places among the global problems of mankind. The phenomenon of mass destruction of forests is widespread throughout the European territory of Russia and Siberia.

As for the forests of the planet, in most cases they are destroyed not on a whim, but in order to survive and not die of hunger.

Radiation exposure is a consequence of the death of forests

The death of forests due to strong radiation throughout history since the beginning of the atomic era (about 50 years) was noted in the traces of radioactive fallout from the Kyshtym and Chernobyl radiation accidents and occurred from exposure to high levels of radiation in the first 1-2 years after the accident.

In total, the area of ​​completely destroyed forest plantations was no more than 10 km2. The share of forests that died from radiation damage in the entire history of the nuclear industry is 0.3-0.4% of the annual loss of forests in the country (2-3 thousand km2).

Death and deforestation

One of the reasons for the death of forests in many regions of the world is acid rain, the main culprits of which are power plants. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and their transport over long distances result in such rain falling far from the sources of emissions.

Over the past 20 years (1970 - 1990), the world has lost almost 200 million hectares of forestland, which is equal to the area of ​​the United States east of the Mississippi.

A particularly great environmental threat is posed by the depletion of tropical forests, the “lungs of the planet” and the main source of the planet’s biological diversity. There, approximately 200 thousand square kilometers are cut down or burned annually, which means 100 thousand species of plants and animals disappear. This process is especially fast in the regions richest in tropical forests - the Amazon and Indonesia.

Forest and tourism

Young trees die not only under fires, but also under axes, and even simply under the feet of numerous visitors. Forests often visited by tourists are so thoroughly littered with cans, bottles, rags, paper, etc., and bear traces of large and small wounds, that this negatively affects natural reforestation.

Not least important in causing damage is the custom of decoration. Christmas trees. Picking mushrooms, flowers and berries undermines the self-renewal of a number of plant species. A fire completely disables the piece of land on which it was laid out for 5-7 years. The noise scares away various birds and mammals and prevents them from raising their offspring normally. Breaking branches, nicks on trunks and other mechanical damage to trees contribute to their infestation by insect pests.

Protecting forests from fires. The Earth's forests suffer severely from fires. Forest fires destroy 2 million tons of organic matter annually. They cause great harm to forestry: tree growth decreases, forest composition deteriorates, windbreaks increase, soil conditions and windbreaks deteriorate, soil conditions deteriorate. Forest fires contribute to the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi. World statistics claim that 97% of forest fires occur due to human fault and only 3% due to lightning, mainly ball. The flames of forest fires destroy both flora and fauna in their path. In Russia, great attention is paid to protecting forests from fires. As a result of measures taken in recent years to strengthen preventive fire-fighting measures and implement a set of works to timely detect and extinguish forest fires by aviation and ground forest fire units, the area of ​​forests covered by fire, especially in the European part of Russia, has been significantly reduced.

However, the number of forest fires is still high. Fires occur due to careless handling of fire, due to a profound violation of fire safety rules during agricultural work. An increased risk of fires is created by clutter in forest areas.

Humanity needs to realize that the death of forests is a deterioration of the environment. It will take centuries to stop its further destruction and delay the approach of an environmental catastrophe in the world.

We can only invite everyone to take care of the forest and its surrounding nature:

do not litter forests with household and industrial waste and natural landfills;

stop numerous constructions in forest areas dachas, cottages, roads, including spontaneous and uncontrolled ones;

do not damage or destroy forests as a result of industrial pollution;

do not cut down trees without control and without permission for economic needs;

protect from forest fires;

work more intensively to restore forests after logging;

Increased control

Problems of preserving the Earth's biological diversity

Biological diversity (BD) is the totality of all forms of life inhabiting our planet, this is the richness and diversity of life and its processes, including the diversity of living organisms and their genetic differences, as well as the diversity of the places where they exist.

According to the UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment (1995), more than 30,000 species of animals and plants are at risk of extinction. Over the past 400 years, 484 animal species and 654 plant species have disappeared.

The reasons for the current accelerated decline in biological diversity are

1) rapid population growth and economic development, making huge changes to the living conditions of all organisms and ecological systems of the Earth;

2) increased migration of people, growth of international trade and tourism;

3) increasing pollution of natural waters, soil and air;

4) insufficient attention to the long-term consequences of actions that destroy the conditions of existence of living organisms, exploit natural resources and introduce non-native species;

The impossibility in a market economy to assess the true value of biological diversity and its losses.

Over the past 400 years, the main direct causes of extinction of animal species were:

1) introduction of new species, accompanied by displacement or extermination of local species (39% of all lost animal species);

Destruction of living conditions, direct seizure of territories inhabited by animals and their degradation,

3) uncontrolled hunting (23%); and etc.

The main reasons for the need to preserve genetic diversity.

All species (no matter how harmful or unpleasant they may be) have the right to exist. Enjoying nature, its beauty and diversity has the highest value, not expressed in quantitative terms. Diversity is the basis for the evolution of life forms. The decline in species and genetic diversity undermines the further improvement of life forms on Earth.

There are many ways to protect biodiversity.

Reserve. The goal is to preserve nature and natural processes in an undisturbed state.

2.National park. The goal is preservation natural areas of national and international importance for scientific research, education and recreation. 3.Nature monument. These are usually small areas.

Managed natural reserves.

Protected landscapes and coastal species.

6. Resource reserve created to prevent premature use of the territory.

An anthropological reserve created to preserve the traditional way of life of the indigenous population.

A territory of multi-purpose use of natural resources, focused on the sustainable use of water, forests, flora and fauna, pastures and for tourism.

Biosphere reserves. They are created to preserve biological diversity.

Places world heritage. They are created to protect unique natural features of global importance.

The main reason for the global energy problem should be considered the rapid increase in the consumption of mineral fuels in the 20th century. The increase in the production of fuel and energy resources has resulted in a serious deterioration of the environmental situation.

An extensive way to solve the energy problem involves a further increase in energy production and an absolute increase in energy consumption. Energy crisis of the 70s. accelerated the development and implementation of energy-saving technologies and gives impetus to the structural restructuring of the economy.

IN modern conditions a ton of energy saved as a result of conservation measures is 3-4 times cheaper than a ton of additionally extracted energy. Under the influence of the energy crisis, developed countries in the 70-80s. carried out a large-scale structural restructuring of the economy in the direction of reducing the share of energy-intensive industries.

At the same time, many countries with emerging markets (Russia, Ukraine, China, India) continue to develop energy-intensive industries (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry etc.), as well as use outdated technologies. In these countries, we should expect an increase in energy consumption both due to an increase in living standards and changes in the lifestyle of the population, and due to the lack of funds in many of these countries to reduce the energy intensity of the economy. Therefore, in modern conditions, it is in countries with emerging markets that the consumption of energy resources is growing, while in developed countries consumption remains at a relatively stable level. Thus, the global energy problem in its previous understanding as a threat of an absolute shortage of resources in the world does not exist. Nevertheless, the problem of providing energy resources remains in a modified form.

37. Alternative energy is a set of promising methods of obtaining, transmitting and using energy, which are not as widespread as traditional ones, but are of interest due to the profitability of their use with, as a rule, a low risk of harm to the environment.

Today, there is a growing need for promising methods of obtaining energy through the development of alternative energy (AE), since it is beneficial to use and, as a rule, causes low harm to the environment. Its share compared to traditional energy is still quite modest. Most of the world's energy needs are met by thermal and nuclear power plants. However, by-products of nuclear power plants are radioactive waste, the issue of burial of which has not yet been resolved. In addition, there is the threat of terrorism, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. As for fossil energy resources (oil, gas, coal, peat) used by thermal power plants, they are not unlimited and cause damage to the environment.

Energy is divided into non-renewable and renewable (alternative) energy sources. In turn, renewable energy is divided into two more groups - traditional (hydropower and biomass energy) and non-traditional energy sources (defined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Electric Power Industry”).

The main property of populations, like other biological systems is that they are in continuous movement, constantly changing. This is reflected in all parameters: productivity, stability, structure, distribution in space. Populations are characterized by specific genetic and environmental characteristics that reflect the ability of systems to maintain existence in constantly changing conditions: growth, development, stability.

Main characteristics of populations: Number and density are the main parameters of a population. Abundance – the total number of individuals in a given territory or in a given volume. Density is the number of individuals or their biomass per unit area or volume. In nature, there are constant fluctuations in numbers and density.

The dynamics of numbers and density are determined mainly by birth rates, deaths and migration processes. These are indicators that characterize population changes during a certain period: month, season, year, etc.

Structure and dynamics of populations. The dynamics, condition and reproduction of populations are consistent with their age and sex structure. The age structure reflects the rate of population renewal and the interaction of age groups with the external environment. It depends on the characteristics of the life cycle, which differs significantly among different types(for example, birds and mammalian predators), and external conditions.

In the life cycle of individuals, there are usually three age periods: pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive. Plants are also characterized by a period of primary dormancy, which they go through in the stage of dormant seeds. Each period can be represented by one (simple structure) or several (complex structure) age stages. Annual plants and many insects have a simple age structure. A complex structure is typical for tree populations of different ages and for highly organized animals. The more complex the structure, the higher the adaptive capabilities of the population

The productivity of agricultural crops depends on many factors. Such as temperature conditions and solar radiation are not regulated by humans in an open field, but are taken into account in practice by choosing the timing of sowing, plant density, row direction, etc.

Other factors are provided production activities person. The most important of them include: the presence of moisture in the soil; supply of plants with nutrients; variety; seed quality; protection of crops from pests, diseases and weeds; growth regulation; harvest.

The essence of intensification of agriculture and intensive technologies is the following: placement of crops according to the best predecessors in the crop rotation system; cultivation of high-yielding intensive varieties with good quality grains; high provision of plants with mineral nutrition elements, taking into account their content in the soil; integrated plant protection system from pests, diseases and weeds;

Application of fertilizers. There is an objective contradiction between agricultural productivity and soil fertility: the more we take per hectare of produce, the higher the removal of nutrients. This contradiction can only be overcome by replenishing and increasing the energy potential of soils, introducing organic, minerals, microelements.

The meaning of chemicalization Agriculture in this regard, it is difficult to overestimate: it allows you to increase soil fertility, improve acidic and saline lands, better preserve and increase the nutritional value of feed, etc.

The use of mineral fertilizers can only slow down the rate of this process, but not eliminate it completely. The result is plowed soils, depletion of their humus reserves and a decrease in effective and potential fertility. This not only worsens the soil nutrition regime, but also negatively affects the physical and chemical properties, water-air and thermal regimes, the soil absorption complex and the biological activity of mineral fertilizers and leads to a significant shortage of crop yields.

Side effects of mineral fertilizers. The chemicalization of agriculture, which is carried out at an increasing pace, occupies not the last place among the anthropogenic factors affecting soils and nature in general.

The industrial synthesis of nitrogen fertilizers and their dispersion over the earth's surface introduces serious changes into its biogeochemical cycle. An increase in the amount of nitrogen in natural environments due to human activity is a dangerous phenomenon, since nitrates introduced in excess are not completely denitrified, and hence the balance between the processes of nitrification and denitrification is disturbed. Every year, the excess of nitrates reaches more than 9 million tons. They accumulate in the hydrosphere, plants, and subsequently in food products, causing severe poisoning.

Exhaust air from livestock buildings in the form of ventilation emissions also poses a certain threat to rural areas. As a result, air pollution and the introduction of large quantities of liquid manure into fields in the immediate vicinity of livestock farms can lead to pollution of an area of ​​about 100 thousand hectares.

Without drawing up an environmental passport and implementing its recommendations, harmful emissions from the complexes will continue to be unregistered, and consequently the air, soil, surface and ground water will be polluted, and the requirements regulating the protection of the surrounding territory of the complexes and adjacent areas will not be met.

For these purposes, an environmental passport has been developed for livestock farms with industrial technology for the production of meat and milk. The basis for the development of an environmental passport is a permit for the use of natural resources, operating instructions for technological equipment, passports for treatment and production premises, statistical reporting data, production indicators and regulatory and technical documents.

Thus, on the basis of the environmental passport of the livestock complex, environmental protection measures are developed, the implementation of which guarantees environmental protection and guarantees a healthy living environment for animals and humans

The MPC value is determined by calculation based on the ADI value and the amount of product in the daily diet. ADI and ADI are established on the basis of threshold doses, reduced by the safety factor. ADI and ADI values ​​for many food additives and pesticides have been developed by a committee of experts of the Food and Agriculture Section of the United Nations and a WHO expert group (FAO/WHO).

Hygienic standards for the content of chemical substances characterize acceptable, and not optimal, conditions for exposure to environmental factors. Therefore, their strict observance is minimal necessary measure on ensuring chemical safety.

Soviet scientists (A.E. Fersman, N.N. Semenov, I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, B.N. Laskorin, etc.) made a significant contribution to the concept of waste-free production. Waste-free production is based on the technogenic cycle of substances and energy. The need to create waste-free production arose in the 50s. 20th century due to the depletion of the world's natural resources and pollution of the biosphere as a result of the rapid development of industries (oil refining, chemical industry, nuclear energy, non-ferrous metallurgy, etc.).

According to the ideas of D.I. Mendeleev (1885), the measure of production excellence is the amount of waste. With the development of science and technology, each production is increasingly approaching waste-free production. At this stage, waste-free production refers to essentially low-waste production, in which only a small part of the raw materials is converted into waste. The latter are buried, neutralized or sent for long-term storage with the aim of their disposal in the future. IN low-waste industries emission of harmful substances does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration, as well as the level at which irreversible environmental changes are prevented.

The main directions for creating low-waste production at a separate enterprise or in an entire industrial region: environmentally friendly preparation and complex processing raw materials in combination with the purification of harmful emissions, waste disposal, optimal use of energy, water and gas cycles; the use of so-called short (low-stage) technological schemes with max. extraction of target and by-products at each stage; replacing batch processes with continuous ones using automated control systems and more advanced equipment; widespread involvement in the production of secondary resources.

Environmental monitoring

A comprehensive system of long-term observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment under the influence of anthropogenic factors. The main tasks of monitoring: monitoring the state of the biosphere, assessing and forecasting the state of the natural environment, identifying factors and sources of anthropogenic impacts on the environment, warning about emerging critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to the life and health of people and other living organisms.

Natural resources - natural objects, used by humans and contributing to the creation of material wealth. Natural conditions influence human life and activity, but do not participate in material production.

Natural resources are classified according to their characteristics: atmospheric, water, plant. Classification of natural resources according to their exhaustibility: animals, soil, subsoil, energy. Exhaustible resources include those that can be exhausted in the near or distant future. These are subsoil and wildlife resources. Inexhaustible resources are resources that can be used indefinitely. These are the resources of solar energy, sea tides, and wind. Water has a special position among resources. It is exhaustible due to pollution (qualitatively), but inexhaustible quantitatively.

Natural resources are an important part of a country's national wealth and a source of wealth and services. The process of reproduction is essentially a continuous process of interaction between society and nature, in which society subjugates the forces of nature and natural resources to satisfy needs. Natural resources largely determine not only the socio-economic potential of the country and region and the efficiency of social production, but also the health and life expectancy of the population.

By sources and location: natural resources (bodies or natural phenomena) arise in natural environments (water, atmosphere, plant or soil cover, etc.) and in space form certain combinations that change within the boundaries of natural-territorial complexes. On this basis, they are divided into two groups: resources of natural components and resources of natural-territorial complexes.

Resources of natural components. Each type of natural resource is usually formed in one of the components of the landscape envelope. It is controlled by the same natural factors that create this natural component and influence its characteristics and territorial location. According to their belonging to the components of the landscape shell, resources are distinguished: 1) mineral, 2) climatic, 3) water, 4) plant, 5) land, 6) soil, 7) animal world. This classification is widely used in domestic and foreign literature.

Resources of natural-territorial complexes. Each landscape (or natural-territorial complex) has a certain set of various types natural resources. Depending on the properties of the landscape and the combination of types of resources, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics change. Almost any landscape has climatic, water, land, soil and other resources, but the possibilities for economic use are very different. In one case, favorable conditions may arise for the extraction of mineral raw materials, in others - for the cultivation of valuable cultural plants or for the organization of industrial production, a resort complex, etc. On this basis, natural resource territorial complexes are distinguished according to the most preferred (or preferred) type of economic development. They are divided into: 1) mining, 2) agricultural, 3) water management, 4) forestry, 5) residential, 6) recreational, etc.

By area of ​​use

Based on the principle of replaceability

according to the principle of exhaustibility and renewability:

Exhaustible (renewable, non-renewable): They are formed in the earth's crust or landscape, but the volumes and rates of their formation are measured on a geological time scale. At the same time, the need for such resources from production or for the organization favorable conditions a habitat human society significantly exceed the volumes and rates of natural replenishment. As a result, depletion of natural resources inevitably occurs. The group of exhaustible resources includes resources with unequal rates and volumes of formation. Based on the intensity and speed of natural formation, resources are divided into subgroups:

Non-renewable, which include: a) all types of mineral resources or minerals. As is known, they are constantly formed in the depths of the earth’s crust as a result of the continuously ongoing process of ore formation, but the scale of their accumulation is so insignificant, and the rates of formation are measured over many tens and hundreds of millions of years, that practically they cannot be taken into account in economic calculations. The development of mineral raw materials occurs on a historical time scale and is characterized by ever-increasing volumes of withdrawal. In this regard, everything mineral resources are considered not only exhaustible, but also non-renewable. b) Land resources in their natural form are the material basis on which the life of human society takes place. The morphological structure of the surface (i.e., relief) significantly affects economic activity, on the possibility of developing the territory. Once disturbed lands (for example, by quarries) during large-scale industrial or civil construction are no longer restored in their natural form.

Renewable resources, which include: a) resources of flora and b) fauna. Both are restored quite quickly, and the volumes of natural renewal are well and accurately calculated. Therefore, when organizing the economic use of accumulated reserves of wood in forests, grass in meadows or pastures, and hunting wild animals within limits not exceeding annual renewal, resource depletion can be completely avoided.

Relatively (not completely) renewable. Although some resources are restored over historical periods of time, their renewable volumes are significantly less than the volumes of economic consumption. That is why these types of resources turn out to be very vulnerable and require especially careful control by humans. Relatively renewable resources also include very scarce natural resources: a) productive arable soils; b) forests with mature tree stands; c) water resources from a regional perspective. Anthropogenic soil destruction has been occurring so intensely in recent decades that it gives grounds to classify soil resources as “relatively renewable.”

Inexhaustible (solar energy, water resources, climatic resources): among the bodies and natural phenomena of resource significance, there are those that are practically inexhaustible. These include climatic and water resources:

Climate resources. Typically, climate resources are understood as the reserves of heat and moisture available in a particular area or region. Since these resources are formed in certain parts of the thermal and water cycles, constantly operating over the planet as a whole and over its individual regions, the reserves of heat and moisture can be considered inexhaustible within certain quantitative limits, precisely established for each region.

Water resources of the planet. The earth has a colossal volume of water - about 1.5 billion cubic meters. km. However, 98% of this volume is the salty waters of the World Ocean, and only 28 million cubic meters. km - fresh waters. Since technologies for desalination of salty sea waters are already known, the waters of the World Ocean and salt lakes can be considered as potential water resources, the use of which in the future is quite possible. Subject to the principles of rational water use, these resources can be considered inexhaustible. However, if these principles are violated, the situation can sharply worsen, and even on a planetary scale there may be a shortage of clean fresh water. In the meantime natural environment annually “gives” humanity 10 times more water than it needs to satisfy a wide variety of needs.

Deforestation as an environmental problem.

Forest cutting is part of the natural process of changing green spaces. In recent decades, it has become one of. Despite the fact that Russia has the most coniferous forest resources, the rate of their destruction in the country is also high. All this entails unpleasant consequences for the environment.

Realizing that the problem is growing, many states have united in the fight to preserve the plantings. As part of this, Russia has repeatedly introduced changes to the Forest Code.

Characteristics of forest resources

In Russia, it is customary to call only coniferous plantations or oak and birch groves forests. But the majority of the planet is tropical. The main characteristics of the forest, which allow us to assess the reserves of these resources in the world and in a particular country, are:

  • planting area;
  • forest cover;
  • standing timber reserves.

It is believed that the world's wood reserves amount to 384 billion m 3 . In Latin America, this figure reaches almost a third of the world level. But these are tropical forests, which often have low consumer qualities.

The main problem is that deforestation various properties leads to the same negative consequences. Modern technologies allow a more qualitative assessment of the condition of plantings. The Google system has even created a special map that marks areas left without forests.

Why is it important to preserve forests?

From school, people learn that forests provide the Earth with oxygen. That is why they are called the “lungs” of the planet. In addition, their value lies in the following:

  • prevention ;
  • reducing the risk of soil waterlogging;
  • maintaining soil fertility by creating a microclimate and retaining moisture in the area;
  • maintaining the required groundwater level;
  • preserving the soil from drying out, wind drift and other unfavorable natural factors;
  • make the climate in the region softer and more comfortable for humans;
  • provide the necessary living conditions for animals, birds, insects;
  • provide an opportunity to obtain large amounts of energy and goods for the population.

The environmental results of logging are felt quite quickly. Indeed, already 5–10 years after the start of irrational use of forest resources, the local population can notice a whole range of real problems. This often reduces the attractiveness of the area for living.

Many animals are endangered. These include:

  • capercaillie;
  • white-backed woodpecker;
  • Amur tiger;
  • Far Eastern leopard.

IN natural environment Oaks and ash trees are becoming less and less common.

What happens after deforestation?

After the elimination of any number of trees, the environment for animals, birds and insects changes locally. This also affects plant life. The following characteristics of the territory change:

  • The illumination changes. And it doesn’t always have this positive influence. As a result of the abundance of sunlight, many plants that prefer shade die. The soil dries out faster, which reduces its fertility.
  • The level of temperature fluctuations is increasing.
  • The amount of nitrogen in the soil increases as a result of root decomposition. This can have an adverse effect on the plants and also prevent the growth of new trees.

After active deforestation, there is an increase in wind, an increase in the number of storms and other natural disasters.

Correct forest cutting

The problem of forest conservation is due to the fact that they are cut down illegally. Coupled with fires, this leads to colossal losses. This is typical not only for Russia. There are regular reports that countries Latin America Another illegally logged area has been found. This aggravates the environmental problems that already exist in these states. Similar situations are also typical for Russia.

In order for the natural renewal process to occur, deforestation must be carried out regularly. If wood harvesting is carried out for industrial purposes, then cleaning the area must also be carried out competently. The problem is that some trees do not meet the parameters of industrial harvesting. They are passed during the work process, but subsequently they must be eliminated, just like the garbage left after cutting.

There are a number of other reasons that lead to the need to eliminate forests:

  • expansion of the territory for population residence and construction of houses;
  • freeing up areas for crops and other agricultural work;
  • the need to carry out work for mining and laying communications and electrical networks.

Reasons for illegal logging

In order to obtain official permission to cut down, you must contact the government authorities. They have to:

  • determine the location of felling;
  • indicate the volume possible for cutting;
  • indicate the amount of the fee that must be paid to an individual or organization.

It is highly likely that the area where work will be permitted has inconvenient access roads. Or the potential customer will not be satisfied with the forest cover of the area.

Many loggers are reluctant to complete any paperwork. The introduction of foam payments significantly increases the cost of production, which can make felled trees uncompetitive.

Additional factors for the spread of this phenomenon should be considered:

  • unemployment in forest areas;
  • reduction in the number of persons controlling the forest area;
  • reduction of control in the process of acquiring wood, which allows you to buy illegally cut timber.

Types of deforestation

Depending on the purpose pursued by logging, it is customary to distinguish several types:

  • Sanitary - such cutting decides environmental objectives to eliminate diseased trees that have fallen during natural disasters, etc. The main task is to improve the health of the forest.
  • Final felling, which solves the problem of procuring resources necessary for industry. In Russia it is most widespread.
  • Complex, designed, together with other types of work, to solve the problems of landscaping the territory or conducting communications.
  • Care - needed to free up space for the growth of valuable trees. It must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to disturb the growing specimens.

In Russia, forestry experts are sounding the alarm that sanitary felling of trees is practically not carried out. The exception is trees in populated areas and cities. As a result, the number of insects that kill trees has sharply increased in the country. For Russia, this could have serious environmental consequences, not counting the fact that the bugs can devalue forests for industrial needs.

How to preserve forest wealth?

To prevent deforestation from becoming a disaster for Russia and the world, it is necessary to create a whole range of measures. They relate to the areas of legislative, executive and judicial power. The most common ways to combat destructive logging:

  • Establishing areas where legal logging can take place.
  • Control by government agencies over work carried out in the forest.
  • Establishing serious penalties for violating the rules of deforestation.
  • Imposing an obligation on an industrial enterprise to carry out reforestation work.
  • Determining the list of areas where tree felling is prohibited to preserve valuable and unique species.
  • Conducting specialized training that would make it possible to fill vacancies for foresters in the future. This is one of the pressing problems for Russia.
  • Determine how deforested forests should be noted in documents in order to control their further legal movement.
  • Creation of a road control system to promptly identify cutting violations.

This is far from full list activities that can lead to a reduction in negative consequences. How successful the fight for forest conservation will be depends on each person. After all, incorrect behavior in nature, lack of signals about illegal logging can lead to the destruction of significant forest areas. For actions to be effective, states cooperate and exchange experiences. This allows us to improve the forest management system.
