River trout are white or red. Description of trout fish

Trout is a valuable species. It can be found both in river and sea ​​water. Many fishermen are interested in the habitats of this fish. After all, she is an enviable trophy. There are many places in Russia where you can find trout.

There are many varieties of this fish. They live in the most different rivers, lakes and seas. Where trout are found depends on its species. This interesting aquatic inhabitant will be discussed further.


Many fishermen are interested in where trout are found in the Moscow region, Leningrad region and other regions of our country. We should start with a detailed description of this aquatic inhabitant.

Trout belongs to the salmon family. This is one of the most coveted trophies of fishermen in Russia and other countries. This is a fairly strong fish, which causes a lot of problems when fishing.

Trout has a flattened body laterally. The muzzle is short. Adult fish reaches 25-35 cm in length. Its weight is 250-600 g. The largest individuals are found in Karelian reservoirs. Here for trout a large number of food. Therefore, here you can find fish of this family, whose weight reaches 2 kg. The record trout weight was 5 kg.

This one predatory fish there are two rows of teeth. The dorsal fins have dots, and the ventral fins are light with yellowish tint.


When considering where trout fish are found, you need to consider it detailed description. The sides of the body of each individual are covered with small scales. You can see dark spots here. The fin on the back is short. It is clearly expressed.

The color of the fish depends on the area in which it lives. The back has a greenish tint. The sides are lighter. They may be yellowish or olive in color. The abdomen is light and has a silvery white color. It has fins that have yellow. You can see many small dots on them.

The color of trout can change due to factors environment. This is influenced not only by the shade of the water in the river. Fish can change color depending on the time of year, as well as the food that prevails in its habitat.

The better the trout feeds, the darker the shade of its body, the fewer spots it becomes. In calcareous water it becomes lighter, but in a river with a muddy bottom it becomes darker. Also, during the spawning period, the fish changes color to a more saturated one. If you transplant an individual from a river to a toll station, it will also change its color.

Female or male?

Many fishermen are interested in where trout are found in Russia. There are many habitats for it. In each of them, the fish has its own characteristics. Males and females differ in their appearance. Therefore, having caught a trout on a hook, you can accurately determine what gender this fish is.

Females are larger in size compared to males. They also have smaller size head and teeth. Males have a smaller body. However, their head is quite large. Males have more teeth. They have a massive jaw. In adult males, its lower edge may even be curved upward. This is also characteristic feature gender

In females and males, the meat can be colored either red, white or yellow. This does not depend on gender. There is also virtually no difference in taste. The caviar is quite large. It reaches a diameter of 5 mm.


When studying where river trout is found in Russia, you should also consider the varieties of this fish. They live in different rivers and lakes of our country. Climatic conditions contributed to the spread of three species in Russia. These include trout:

  1. Ruchevaya.
  2. Ozernaya.
  3. Rainbow.

They live in fresh water. Lake or Karelian trout lives in deep and cold water bodies. It can be found in Lakes Ladoga and Onega. This is one of the most deep-sea species. These fish can live at depths of up to 110 m. These are the largest individuals.

Hand trout prefer to live in cold rivers and streams, where the water is very clear and the current is fast. This is also a fairly large species of trout.

The most common species in our country is rainbow trout. It is this fish that in most cases is released into paid ponds.


When considering where brook trout are found, there are a few things you need to know. Catching this fish, like other representatives of aquatic fauna, is prohibited during the spawning period. It occurs in trout in late autumn or even winter. Trout fishing is not allowed at this time. This significantly reduces the fish population in natural reservoirs.

Spawning lasts quite a long time. It occurs in several stages. The fish begins to spawn at the age of 2 or 3 years. By the age of three, the fish already carries up to 500 eggs, and by five years - 1000 eggs.

During spawning, the female loses her color. The spots on her body disappear. The fish chooses a shallow place to spawn. There should be a lot of stones here. There should be practically no current. Using its tail, the fish digs a hole and lays eggs there. When the male fertilizes her, the female hides the clutch. She floods her with naked ones.

The emergence of fry from eggs occurs within 1-4 months. In the first month, they are provided with food by a pouch located on their body. Until they grow up, the fry stay near the clutch. In the spring they swim into the river.

Lake trout habitats

Depending on the species affiliation of this representative of the Salmonidae, its main habitats are determined. When studying where rainbow, lake or brook trout are found in Russia, it is necessary to consider their largest habitats. This will allow you to understand where to go for this fish.

Lake trout lives in deep-water reservoirs of Karelia. Individuals of this species can be found in rivers and ponds of the Kola Peninsula. Karelia is famous for its lake trout. This fish lives not only in the cold waters of this region.

Trout can also be caught in the lakes of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia mountains. One of the largest habitats of this species here is Lake Sevan. It is also common in other bodies of water in this region. These trout live in schools. Prefers to hide in rocks and bottom holes. Lives in clean water. In hot weather, fish can be found in coastal areas of rivers and lakes. The rest of the time it stays in deep water.

Brook trout habitats

Considering where trout are found in the Leningrad region, as well as other regions of our country, a few words should be said about the stream species of fish. They can live in both sea and river water. Brook trout prefer fresh water.

This type of fish lives in one place and almost never migrates. This trout spawns in autumn or winter. After that, she goes to deep-sea areas. There are many springs here. Brook trout spend the winter in these places. At this time it feeds on small fish.

This type of trout leaves its wintering grounds during spring flood. IN summer time the fish stays near waterfalls, in places with large currents and whirlpools. She prefers rocky bottoms. Representatives of the species live in flocks. Trout like to hide in the shade of rocks near the bottom.

Rainbow trout habitats

Fishermen will also be interested in knowing where rainbow trout are found. The point is that in wildlife this species is practically never found in our country. The original habitats of wild rainbow trout are freshwater rivers and lakes that are located off the coast Pacific Ocean V North America.

This species was also artificially introduced into the waters of New Zealand, Japan, and Australia. This fish can also be found in South Africa.

In European countries, as well as in Russia, this species is actively bred for commercial fishing. For this purpose they are created artificial ponds with clean and cold water. This species thrives in water whose temperature does not exceed 20ºС.

Rainbow trout do not like bright light. She prefers to hide in the shadows. The fish becomes active in cloudy weather, as well as in the morning and evening hours. The reservoir in which this type of fish lives should not be closed and small. In winter it should not be covered with ice. Periodically, the trout rises to the surface to take air into its swim bladder.

Trout farming

Popular in last years commercial fishing. For this purpose, an artificial reservoir is created into which trout and other species of fish are periodically released. Most often in our country you can find carp and rainbow trout in such ponds.

Another species is also bred in Irkutsk. This is an amber trout. It will not be difficult to determine where this fish is found. Its main breeding site is the area near Babr Island. In the Angara reservoirs below the dam of the local hydroelectric power station, entrepreneurs began to actively breed this type of trout. You can come here for fishing both in winter and in summer.

Amber trout are caught using a fishing rod or even just a net. Fresh fish It differs significantly in its taste from the trout that is presented on store shelves. It is brought to our country from Scandinavia. Long-term transportation affects the quality of trout. Therefore, catching fresh fish is not only interesting, but also useful.

How are trout bred?

Considering where trout are found in Russia, you can understand why the popularity of commercial fishing is growing. In many regions of our country, the fish presented are not found in local reservoirs. To be able to catch trout without traveling far from home, artificial reservoirs are created.

Rainbow trout are almost always bred here. Its meat is very tasty and tender, and brings great benefits to the human body. Small fish are first bred in special cages. When individuals reach medium size, they are planted in ponds and lakes.

In such reservoirs, trout are caught by both amateur fishermen and fishing enterprises. The former can pay for a certain amount of time to stay on the pond and fish a certain amount of fish out of the water with their own hands. On an industrial scale, fishing is carried out to supply fresh trout to store shelves in the nearest regions.

Crimean trout

Considering where trout are found, one more variety should be noted. She lives in the waters of the Black Sea. This is Crimean trout. It is a type of brown trout (river trout). This type of trout spawns in Crimean rivers. The rest of the time, this fish lives in the Black Sea.

This species has a freshwater and anadromous form. The second type of trout can reach a length of 1 m. The weight of such fish can reach 10 kg. Fish that live in fresh water are much shorter.

The migratory species of trout differs in color, as well as in the number and size of spots. Most often they go to local rivers to fish for Crimean trout. Here individuals have less weight. However, according to reviews, fishing brings a lot of fun. Sea fishing requires special equipment.

Fishing Features

Knowing where the trout are found, many fishermen go to the reservoir to get their trophy. However, it should be said that this is a rather complex process. Such fish resist well when fished. It is very important to choose the right gear. They must be strong and can withstand trout tugs and blows.

You also need to pay great attention to the choice of bait. Before going to a reservoir, you need to study the area and the features of the river or lake. This will help you find the most catchy places. If you plan to fish for river trout, you need to move downstream. You need to walk along the river. In this case, the fish will not be scared.

Rainbow trout are less shy. However, when she sees the shadow of a fisherman on the water, she will also swim away. Lake trout always stays in the places it has once chosen in the reservoir. There should be an abundance of food here. To catch such fish, you need to use dry flies or maggots as bait. The type of fly you choose depends on the area and the preferences of the particular trout population.

To catch trout on the shore, you will have to be well prepared. You need to choose the right place and time. It is best to fish for trout in places with clear, cold water and a rocky bottom. Here the predator hides in the shadows.

Best trout fishing in early spring when the rivers have not yet become full. When the level in the reservoir rises, the water becomes cloudy. Trout are not active at this time. Before going to a pond, you should also consider the legal norms regarding the possibility of fishing on a given river or lake. Many of them have bans that last for a certain season (spawning).

Having considered where trout are found in Russian reservoirs, you can plan a trip to a river or lake at the most appropriate time.

Have you ever eaten white or red trout? Which fish is better? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. It is known that trout is a general name for several freshwater forms and species of fish that belong to (Salmonidae). Trout are found in three of the seven genera of the family: char (Salvelinus), salmon (Salmo), which contains Atlantic species, and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus).


Have you ever seen white trout? What kind of fish is this? Trout is a common (collective) name for several species of salmon fish, as we discussed above. Each type of meat has a different color, and can be white, red or pink. In many ways, this nuance depends on the amount and type of food and habitat.

The fish that is sold in large quantities in supermarkets and stores is white trout, which is artificially raised in fish farms. It has white meat and sometimes pink meat.


White trout. What kind of fish is this? The vast majority of trout representatives are not large in size. Usually their weight is 200-500 g, and their body length is 25-30 cm.

Mainly brook (river) and rainbow trout, which are grown in ponds, pools and cages, have these parameters. Some individuals grow large sizes and gain weight up to 2 kg. But such giants can only be found in the wild.

Different types of trout are colored differently. It all depends on the conditions in which it has grown. The classic coloring is considered to be those with olive backs. dark color with a greenish tint. These fish have light sides with transverse stripes. Small spots of black or dark red color are clearly visible on them (in some individuals they are also surrounded by a light border). Abdomen white with a shade of gray (sometimes coppery).

Basically, one type has predominant light tones, while the other has predominant dark tones. This depends on the transparency of the reservoir in which the fish live, food, time of year and sometimes on the composition of the bottom. For example, light silver fish live in calcareous water, and if the bottom is peat or covered with silt, then the individuals will have dark color. If the trout is feeding well, you will not see any spots on its sides. When changing their place of residence, they may appear along with the stripes and disappear again.


Many people like white trout. What kind of fish is this, people often ask. Trout live in small streams, seas, large rivers and freshwater lakes. Some species often change habitats. So, it goes into the river to spawn, leaving its offspring there, some of which return to the lake, and some remain to live in the river. The same thing happens with the marine species, which in freshwater rivers spawns.

All trout species are included in three basic genera, which consist of the following varieties:

  • Genus of char: bighead, lake, dolly malma, silver, American trout (paliya).
  • The Pacific salmon genus contains the following species: Apache salmon, sea gold, rainbow, Gila, Caucasian, and sea Biva.
  • The genus of noble salmon consists of the following species: Sevan, Ohrid, marbled, brown trout, Adriatic, Amu Darya, flathead.


Everyone wants to try white trout. Not everyone knows what kind of fish this is. So, we have already talked about the fact that she lives in streams, rivers, the sea, and lakes. This fish is most common in Norway and the USA, countries where trout sport fishing is popular. In Europe, it can be found in forest or mountain streams (rivers) with rapid currents, the water of which has a lot of oxygen.

A large number of trout are found in lakes Ladoga and Onega. She also lives in Armenia in the waters of the high-mountain Lake Sevan. There is a species of trout here that you will not find anywhere else, which is why it is unique. This fish is also found in the Baltic states: here it lives in rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. There are many deep-sea reservoirs that are also home to trout.

The habitats of this fish may expand or change. For example, this happened with rainbow trout, which at first could only be seen in North America. Today it is distributed throughout Europe, as it was introduced and propagated artificially.

Amazing fish

Do you like trout? Do you prefer red or white fish? Trout dishes are exquisite, very tasty and healthy. Its meat contains a huge amount of vitamins (D, E, A), amino acids, minerals, protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. The latter are especially useful for the human body. Trout is used for heart ailments, it removes excess cholesterol, and is also an excellent dietary dish.

White fillet in the oven with vegetables

So, let's find out how to cook white trout. This fish is very tasty. Its meat is really white. Its price is low, so this fish is available to everyone. To prepare this dish you need to buy one white trout carcass, seven potatoes, one bell pepper, salt, leeks, sunflower oil, seasoning (basil, marjoram or thyme).

You also need to prepare a baking dish with high sides. So, first thoroughly treat the walls and bottom of the mold with oil. Then wash the onion, cut into rings and arrange them in a mold. Next, peel the potatoes and chop them finely. Place it in the pan and sprinkle with seasonings and salt.

After this, clean the white trout carcass, cut off the gills and tail, cut into pieces up to 2 cm thick. Rub each piece of trout with salt and place on top of the potatoes. Then you need to wash the pepper and peel (remove the core). Cut it into small pieces and place on top of the fish.

Now preheat the oven and place the dish in it for about 30 minutes. White trout Can be served with vegetables without salad. Bon appetit!


Many have seen photos of white trout. You already know what kind of fish this is. Let's find out how to cook a trout steak. It is prepared very quickly and easily, and looks royal on the table. Country-style potatoes (crumbly boiled tubers with herbs) are suitable as a side dish.

So, you need to take: 700 g of trout, cut into steaks, half a lemon, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, pepper, rosemary, salt and herbs. First, you need to wash the steaks with cold water and place them in a bowl. Next, sprinkle them with pepper and salt, rosemary, and lemon juice. Leave for half an hour. Heat oil in a frying pan. Next, transfer the trout to a hot surface. Cook over medium heat for 8 minutes, then use a spatula to flip each steak and cook for another 5 minutes.

After this, cover the pan with a lid. Reduce heat and simmer steaks for 6 minutes. Serve this dish immediately, garnishing it with lemon slices and herbs.

Trout belongs to the salmon family. It has red meat, which looks very beautiful on the table. This is appreciated by professional chefs who love to delight their guests not only with the excellent taste of their dishes, but also with their appearance.

The fish caught usually ranges in size from 50 cm to 1 meter, so it can be served either whole or in portions. The color of fish meat depends on its habitat. Therefore, when choosing sea trout, pay attention to this indicator. If the meat is bright red, then the trout was caught in the sea, but light-colored meat is a sign that the fish was found in a river or lake.

Sea trout is a fairly popular fish due to its good taste, dietary content, and relatively low price compared to other salmon.

History and geography of the product

There are sea trout and river trout. Marine has a richer red color and, accordingly, a richer taste. Sea trout has been used in cooking since ancient times, because fish was one of the main dishes of primitive ancestors. Sea trout appeared as a restaurant dish in the 15th century in France, and a special technology for breeding this fish appeared in the 19th century in Canada.

There are sea trout everywhere globe, where there are corresponding bodies of water. Some farms also breed sea trout in artificial reservoirs, creating appropriate conditions.

Types and varieties

Trout can be sea, river, lake, or stream.

Depending on where this fish is bred, it can be quite light and red, like salmon. The largest is the Pacific trout.

There are fatty and lean trout, which also differ in carcass size. Sea fish meat is fattier and therefore higher in calories.

There are the following types and subspecies of sea trout:
Clark's Salmon.
Golden trout.
Trout Gil.
Trout Biwa.
Summer trout.
American palia.
Silver loach.
There are other types and varieties of fish, known topics who breeds sea trout.

Beneficial features

Trout meat has a high nutritional value, because it contains vitamins A, D, B12, amino acids. Depending on the method of preparation, sea trout can become part of a dietary, low-calorie, or national cuisine.

Eating sea trout helps:
Fight depression.
Improve metabolism.
Warn oncological diseases.
Improve memory.
Reduce cholesterol.
Restore fat and protein metabolism.

Fish is also indicated to improve the absorption of glucose and the formation of red blood cells. Due to the fact that the fish is quite fatty, it is not recommended for people who have diseases of the duodenum, liver, or stomach ulcers. Also a contraindication is individual intolerance ( allergy to fish).

Taste and use in cooking

The taste of sea trout is quite pleasant and delicate. The addition of lemon, ginger, basil, and rosemary emphasizes it and helps to reveal it. The fish does not have a pungent odor, which appeals to particularly discerning gourmets.

Trout can be called a universal fish, since in cooking it is smoked, salted, fried, and baked. It goes well with various side dishes and can also be served as a separate dish. Not only fresh carcasses can be used for cooking, but also frozen ones. Please note that it is not recommended to refreeze fish, since in this case its taste properties may change.

As a separate dish, trout is prepared in the oven or on the grill, baked with lemon and herbs. For baking, you can use foil, which will preserve the juicy taste. You can also bake fish over an open fire. However, it will not fall apart. Some restaurants may offer you trout shish kebab cooked on the grill. Steamed trout can also be served as a separate dish. In this case it will turn into dietary dish. But here it is important to choose a low-fat variety of sea trout. When preparing this dish, you should not use spicy seasonings. Salt will be enough. When serving, trout can be sprinkled with lemon.

Trout goes well with leaf salads, savoy cabbage, cheese, so it is often added to salads, salted, fried or steamed. As a snack, this fish can also be served salted on sandwiches or canapés; it is also delicious in baskets. To improve the taste of trout, you can add butter and lemon. It is also appropriate to use black olives.
It is noteworthy that sea trout can be served cold in salads (usually this salty fish or boiled), and in warm ( baked or fried). Adding avocado, black or white peppercorns to the salad will highlight the taste of trout.
You can make a delicious fish soup from trout without any pungent odor. The delicate taste of fish will make the dish quite pleasant if you add black pepper, oregano, and dill.

Rice, bulgur, and mashed potatoes are good as a side dish for trout. In this case, the fish can be fried or boiled. If you cook it with tomato or fried carrots, then you can choose buckwheat porridge or millet. In Italian cuisine, trout is served with pasta, in French - with rice and vegetables.

Delicious open and closed pies are also prepared with trout. Moreover, sea trout can be mixed with other types of fish. It is also used for preparing Japanese and Chinese dishes, in particular for sushi and rolls. In cooking, it serves as an excellent substitute for salmon. Trout is often used to prepare canned food in oil.

Sea trout is served with semi-dry white wine, pomegranate or grape juice.

Description of trout species

Under common name“trout” combines various freshwater forms of salmon of the genus Salmo. Lake, river, rainbow and brook trout are found.

lake trout

lake trout

lake trout found in Lakes Ladoga and Onega, as well as in many cold-water lakes in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. Its special forms live in the high-mountain lakes of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Lake Sevan, etc.). It feeds mainly on small fish, as well as insects and their larvae.

Lake trout has all the characteristics that make it similar to other salmonids such as brook trout and char. She has a strong body with a prominent abdomen, a compressed head and a wide mouth with strong teeth. Big eyes located above the jaws. The lateral line is clearly visible, the caudal fin is strongly notched. Lake trout color: reddish-brown back, silvery sides, silvery-white belly. Blackish spots are scattered on the sides, on the back and on the gill covers; sometimes they are also observed on the dorsal fin.

Unlike other salmonids, lake trout spawn twice: from December to February and in July to August. Spawning takes place at a depth of about 100 m, the female lays about 1,500 eggs. Almost a month later, larvae 15 mm long appear. Very rarely, this fish reaches a length of 80 cm and a weight of 1.5 kg.

This schooling fish lives at a depth of 50 to 100 m, sometimes in hot weather schools approach the shores. It feeds mainly on plankton, but occasionally consumes benthos; Obviously, it can swallow small fish, but treats them with lukewarmness and rarely attacks. Recent studies have shown that lake trout also feed during spawning. Thus, the widely rooted myth that spawning salmon completely refuse any food was dispelled.

Brook trout

Brook trout

Brook trout- fish of the salmon family. The Latin name is salmo trutta morpha fario. Body length 25 - 55 cm, weight 0.2 - 2 kg and more, at the age of 12 - 13 years - up to 10 - 12 kg. The body is slender, torpedo-shaped, covered with small but very dense scales (115 - 130 scales along the lateral line). All fins are relatively small, in the dorsal there are 3 - 5 unbranched and 9 - 11 branched rays, in the anal there are 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 rays, respectively. Behind the dorsal there is a small adipose fin in the form of an elongated fold of skin. The large mouth is lined with numerous teeth.

In the taxonomy of fish, brook trout belongs to a special taxonomic unit - a morph, that is, a modified form weakly fixed by heredity, which, with a corresponding change in external conditions, easily returns to its original state. It is recognized that brook trout is a freshwater form of the marine anadromous salmon fish - brown trout (Salmo trutta), which easily forms residential forms in fresh water bodies that adapt well to the freshwater lifestyle, never go to sea, but are smaller compared to the original marine species growth rate and fertility.

The general body color of brook trout is from dark brown to yellowish, the back is usually dark, brownish-green, the head is almost black, the gill covers are golden, the underside of the body is whitish. Its entire body is dotted with numerous dark and red spots, often bordered by a light rim, most intense on the upper body and on the dorsal fin, which is why in many places the trout is called a pied trout. Trout never has the silver color characteristic of other salmon fish. In general, its color varies greatly depending on the color of the water and soil, the time of year, the nature of the food and other factors. It's interesting that in different conditions habitat and food, and the meat of brook trout can be either white or pink - common for most salmon fish.

Brook trout leads sedentary image does not make life or major migrations. Adults immediately after autumn-winter spawning go to deep sections of the river to spring springs, where they feed on small fish all winter. Trout leave these places only in the spring, when high water brings muddy streams of melt water into the river. But the trees and bushes will turn green a little and the first insects will appear, the trout take their summer places habitat: large individuals settle alone throughout the summer near waterfalls, steep banks, mouths of streams and rivers, near whirlpools, small ones stick more to rocky rifts, and in small flocks they wander from one place to another all summer. They can usually be found behind large rocks or clumps of bottom thickets, where the current is not so strong and forms small eddies.

Brown trout usually become sexually mature in the 3rd year of life. Spawning occurs in November - December, at a water temperature of about 6 degrees, in shallow areas with a rocky-pebble bottom and fast current. Quite large (2.5 - 3 mm in diameter) eggs are deposited in grooves and holes specially dug by the female and, after fertilization, buried by her with energetic strokes of her tail. This method of spawning has a number of advantages: as a result of double turning, the soil is cleared of silt and other harmful impurities; eggs covered with pebbles are preserved from being eaten by other fish and are available for fresh water, which provides good aeration of the eggs and other conditions for the development of the embryo throughout the winter and spring. Large trout eggs remain sticky for only about 30 minutes after being spawned, and then are held in place only mechanically. The relative fertility of brook trout is very low - about 2 - 3 eggs per 1 g of fish body weight, the absolute fertility ranges from 200 to 5000 eggs.

The larvae hatch from the eggs in early spring, but remain in place for a long time, using the nutrients from the rather large yolk sac. Only after 4 - 5 weeks do the fry emerge from their shelters and begin actively feeding on small insect larvae. From this moment, the juveniles begin to grow rapidly, already in the 1st year reaching a length of 10 - 12 cm or more.

The growth of brook trout is quite rapid, but is highly dependent on habitat conditions. How more river, in which the trout lives, the more food there is in it and the faster the trout grows and reaches large sizes. In small streams, as a rule, large trout cannot be found, while in large forest rivers, where there are a lot of insects and small fish, they are not uncommon. At favorable conditions trout is capable of reaching a weight of up to 500 g already at the age of 2 years, but in unproductive reservoirs and at 3 - 4 years it barely reaches 80 - 90 g. When growing trout in cold-water ponds, using high-quality fertilizer, you can get from 50 to 150 centners of marketable fish per hectare of water area.

The food for brook trout are small crustaceans and larvae of aquatic insects, caddis flies, small mollusks, insects falling into the water, small fish, tadpoles, frogs and even small mammals carelessly swimming across the river. Trout feed mainly in the morning and in the evening, and often jump out of the water after flying insects. They often eat fish eggs, including their own, if they are not well covered. Large individuals are not averse to feasting on their own young. Most rich food trout are received during strong wind and thunderstorms, when a huge number of insects are blown onto the water. It is at this time that trout are very active and move close to the surface. Apparently, this is why trout prefer rivers that are densely overgrown with trees and shrubs along the banks, the branches of which attract a large number of insects and produce summer days welcome shading. In summer, during intense heat, when the water temperature rises high, trout stay close to springs, and in their absence they can climb into holes, where at times they fall into a state of so-called thermal torpor - at this time they can be caught with bare hands, although at other times trout are very agile, extremely cautious and rush headlong for cover at the slightest noise near the water.

Brook trout meat is moderately fatty, tender, and in taste is second only to the meat of sterlet and, perhaps, eel.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout- fish of the salmon family. The Latin name is salmo irideus. Length 50 - 90 cm, weight up to 2 kg, less often 6 kg. It differs from brook trout in having a longer body, a notched caudal fin, a wide iridescent stripe along the lateral line, and the absence of red spots on the body. The dorsal fin has 4 unbranched and 9 - 10 branched fins, and the anal fin has 3 and 8 - 11 rays, respectively. The scales are small, with 136 - 148 scales along the lateral line.

Many scientists consider rainbow trout to be a freshwater form of Pacific steelhead (salmo gairdneri). IN natural conditions rainbow trout lives in fresh waters the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to southern Oregon. Since the end of the last century, this valuable fish has been acclimatized in Japan, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, south africa, in Madagascar and in a number of other places around the globe. IN Western Europe it is a widespread object of pond fish farming and is also acclimatized in some rivers.

In adult trout, the rainbow stripe along the lateral line, from which the fish gets its species name, is especially brightly colored in purple and red during the spawning period. The body and fins of the fish are covered with numerous dark spots.

Rainbow trout are native to clear, cool waters, but are much more tolerant of rising water temperatures than brook trout. The optimal water temperature for its growth and development is 15 - 20 degrees (at a lower temperature, life processes are inhibited). It is also somewhat less demanding on the oxygen content in water - 7 - 8 ml/l can be considered optimal, a decrease to 3 - 4 ml/l causes depression and death of the fish. The trout's reaction to light is very peculiar: it does not tolerate bright sunlight, hides in the shadows, under stones, snags, goes to deep places, however, it does not tolerate complete darkness. Rainbow trout are most active in cloudy days cloudy days, in the evening and morning hours. Unlike other open-bladder fish (in which the swim bladder communicates with the pharynx), it requires constant access to the surface of the water to fill the swim bladder with atmospheric air. Therefore, it cannot live in closed cages completely immersed in water, as well as in reservoirs that freeze completely in winter. Otherwise, the lifestyle of rainbow trout is almost no different from brook trout.

Sexual maturity occurs in females at the 3rd - 4th year of life, in males a year earlier. Unlike brook trout, rainbow trout spawn under natural conditions in March - April, and the development of eggs lasts up to 1.5 - 2 months, depending on water temperature. Fertility is about 1.6 - 2 thousand eggs per 1 kg of fish weight. The caviar is large, bottom, not sticky, the diameter of the eggs is 4 - 6.5 mm.

After hatching from the eggs, the fry live for a long time off the contents of the yolk sac and only after 1 - 2 weeks they begin to switch to independent feeding on small zooplankton. Adults feed on a wide variety of animal organisms - from small crustaceans, insect larvae to small fish. Great importance It feeds on insects that fall into the water. This fish adapts very easily to new food, which served as the basis for its pond cultivation using artificial feed mixtures.

Rainbow trout grow faster than brook trout. When reared in ponds, growth fluctuates greatly depending on feeding and feeding conditions. Typically, two-year-olds reach a weight of 350 - 450 g, three-year-olds 1 - 1.2 kg, four-year-olds 2 kg or more.

Rainbow trout is of great economic interest for pond fish farming and as a breeding object together with carp. In many countries of the world, it is grown in cages and planted in small rivers and lakes for industrial and recreational fishing. Its meat is incredibly tasty and is highly valued everywhere, which is why serious attention is paid to its production in many European countries. The generally recognized centers of trout farming are Denmark, France, and Italy, where 140 - 180 thousand quintals of this fish are grown annually. Experience has shown that when high degree Intensification in pond trout farms can produce up to 300 centners of marketable fish per blue hectare.

Fishing for trout of various types

Whatever time of year you go fishing, remember that hunting for trout requires special skill and dexterity, and you also cannot do without excellent knowledge of the reservoir; if you have all this, you can safely go to the river for a good catch.

Brook trout fishing

Especially popular among fishermen is brook trout, or, as it is popularly called, pied trout. This is, perhaps, one of the most beautiful representatives of its order; the body of the pestle is painted with black and red spots and shimmers with the most bright colors rainbows. Fishing for brook trout requires the utmost precaution. You should fish by walking, that is, moving along the shore of a reservoir downstream, otherwise you risk scaring the fish, and it, in turn, by rising up, will scare away all its fellow tribesmen. Then you shouldn’t count on a good catch. It is also worth moving because after catching several fish in one place, others stop responding to the bait and leave the place that is dangerous for them.

Rainbow trout fishing

Catching rainbow trout does not require such careful camouflage from the fisherman; unlike pied trout, it is much less careful and timid. Fish of this subspecies are practically not afraid of either the tackle itself or repeated casts, but one cannot say that they are completely fearless - upon seeing a fisherman or his shadow, rainbow trout almost immediately disappears forever. This trout responds well to very bright, provocative baits; red and yellow fluffy flies made from bird feathers, as well as wobblers of similar colors, are especially attractive to it.

Fishing for lake and pond trout

Many fishermen are attracted to their shores by reservoirs rich in lake trout. The main feature of this species is that the fish are very attached to their habitat; having found a place where there is no shortage of food, they never swim away from there. Fly fishing for lake trout is one of the most popular and successful ways When hunting for this fish, it is only important to correctly determine what type of flies the trout prefers in the body of water where you came to fish. There is only one universal piece of advice: you can fish with a dry fly or larva only in clean, transparent water, and if the water is still, then it is better to use a wet fly as a bait.

You can find pond trout in many cultivated reservoirs in central Russia, where there are small dams. The activity of the fish depends on the temperature of the water; the colder it is in the reservoir, the more active the fish, at this time it is not so picky about bait. Fishing for pond trout in warm water most promising in deep places a body of water where fish climb to escape the heat. And if you are planning to fish in a paid reservoir, find out in advance when and where the fish are fed, luck will visit you there, and with it a good catch.

Trout fish is one of the most beautiful representatives of its salmon family. Her body is strewn with multi-colored specks, which sets her apart from other representatives.

The trout is tightly built and appears quite massive. Not so long ago it became fashionable to breed this fish in artificial reservoirs for subsequent sale.

The trout's body is compressed, its scales are arranged in a certain order. Its muzzle is blunt and may appear truncated. Compared to the body, the head is really not proportional, it is an order of magnitude smaller than it should be.

The fish's teeth are sharp and massive, located on the bottom row. There are only 3-4 teeth on the vomer irregular shape. Price for live fish trout varies from 4 to 7 dollars per 1 kilogram depending on the type.

Varieties of trout fish

There are three types of trout:




Brook trout can grow more than half a meter in length and reach 12 kilograms at the age of 10 years. This is a large representative of the family. The body is elongated, covered with very small but dense scales. Has small fins. Her big mouth all dotted with numerous teeth.

Lake trout has a stronger body than the previous subspecies. The head is compressed, the lateral line is clearly visible. It is distinguished by its color: its back is red-brown, and its sides and belly are silver. Sometimes you can see black spots on it.

Rainbow trout is a fish, which according to scientists belongs to freshwater. The body is quite long and grows in weight up to 6 kilograms. Its scales are very small. It differs from its fellows in that it has a distinct pink stripe on its belly.

Pictured is a rainbow trout

Habitat and lifestyle of trout

According to their habitat, sea trout and river trout are distinguished. Their main difference is the size and color of the meat. Sea trout is a large fish with dark red meat. Found in small numbers along the Pacific Ocean in North America. As mentioned earlier, it is distinguished by its large size.

River trout includes all types freshwater fish of this family. Favorite place habitat - mountain rivers, so there is a lot of this fish in Norway. River trout fish prefers only clean and cool water. It can often be found in lakes. This fish is widespread in many reservoirs of the Baltic states, as well as rivers that flow into the Black Sea.

Prefers to stick to river mouths, rapids, and areas near bridges. IN mountain rivers likes to stop in the area of ​​whirlpools and mountain rapids. It prefers deep-water lakes and often lies at the bottom.

Red trout fish prefers rocky bottom. When in danger, it begins to hide under stones and tree roots. In hot weather, trout can even be found near clean springs and springs.

The lifestyle of river trout has been well studied, due to the fact that this fish is excellent for fishing and breeding. After spawning (at winter time years), the fish swims downstream and usually ends up near springs and at great depths. It will be quite difficult to find it on the surface of the river at this time.

Trout nutrition and reproduction

Spawning is the most interesting period in life fish of the salmon family - trout. During spawning, the fish can be seen on the surface of the reservoir in which it lives. She will splash and swim with incredible speed and speed.

These mating games take place on the surface of the river. After them, the youngest individuals will return to their usual habitats, and the rest will remain in the river to increase the population of their species. The fertility of female trout is not high. Maturity in trout occurs already in the third year of life.

The larvae hatch from the laid eggs in early spring. At first they do not move, but remain in their pouch and feed from it. And only after a month and a half have passed, the fry begin to gradually emerge from the shelter.

During this period they feed on the larvae of small insects. From this moment, the trout begin to grow very quickly and actively and within a year they become more than 12 centimeters in length. The growth rate of the fry depends on what body of water it is in.

The larger the reservoir, the more food there is for trout, the faster it will grow. You won’t find large fish in small streams; they mostly reach a size of 15-17 centimeters.

What kind of fish is trout? The answer is simple! Trout is a predatory fish. Food for river variety This fish consists of crustaceans, mollusks, insects and their larvae, as well as small fish. Trout prefers to feed 2 times a day: early in the morning and in the evening.

Often her delicacy is the eggs of other fish. According to research, trout can eat their own eggs if they are not well hidden under rocks. And the largest representatives can even feed on fry or young animals of their own species.

Growing fish - trout in artificial reservoirs

If you decide to breed trout, you must understand that simply organizing a pond for such fish is not enough. Judging by photo, size of fish - trout directly depends on water.

If you breed this species in sea water, the individuals will grow quickly and will be large; if the water is fresh, then the fish will be small in size. The water in the reservoir should always be clean and cold. Under no circumstances should you use chlorinated water. Chlorine is toxic to trout.

It is recommended to breed trout in cages - a metal floating frame that is attached to the shore. You can place the cages in any ready-made body of water: river, pond. Trout are released in quantities of 500-1000 individuals.

Trout do not breed in ponds, so broodstock are introduced there. You need to feed the fish natural food (at least 50%). Fry and young animals should be kept separately from large fish, otherwise they may be eaten.

Buy fish – trout You can contact breeders on the Internet in specialized forums. Do not forget that trout is a fish, price which has not fallen for many years, but on the contrary is only growing.

Interesting Facts about trout

    IN hot weather trout go into a coma and can be caught with bare hands.

    Trout are cannibals, devouring their own kind.

    Sea fish are much larger than river fish.

    Salty water speeds up trout metabolism.

    During the spawning period, all fish swim on the surface of the reservoir and are not afraid of humans.
