Where you can relax with your child in winter. Where you can go in winter with children in Russia and abroad, ski resorts and attractions

It was already ten in the evening when the husband returned home. His wife, a young mother of two children, looked at him reproachfully:

It's a bit late. I barely got the kids to sleep, they were all waiting for you. Where are you?
He hugged his wife tenderly:
- I have a surprise for you.
- Which?
- We're flying to the Dominican Republic! For two weeks! To the sea, palm trees and pelicans! And not so expensive - 350 thousand for four, all inclusive. Special offer, cannot be returned.
- How expensive it is! And scary. With small children, and so far away.
- But you yourself said that you were mortally tired and wanted to rest.
- Well, yes, but still somehow restless...

30 days before departure. Saturday

The youngest son Petya (1.5 years old) then developed a fever, runny nose, and severe cough. Before this, the eldest son (4 years old) was sick, apparently, he infected the younger one. Usually, in such cases, my mother would call a doctor from a private clinic, but there would be such expenses - we had to save money. Mom hoped that she could handle it herself. She inhaled the child through a nebulizer, gave mucolytics, dripped it into the nose, and brought down the temperature.

26 days before departure. Wednesday

The temperature has persisted for the fifth day. Petya coughs a lot. No appetite at all. I had to call the doctor. Against the background of powerful whistles on both sides - a sign of obstructive bronchitis, gentle fine rales were clearly heard in the lower parts of the lung on the right. - Most likely, the child has pneumonia.
- We have a trip to the Dominican Republic in three weeks. Will we have time to cure the child? - the doctor’s mother asked anxiously.
“In principle, it’s nothing to worry about,” answered the pediatrician. - They should finish it in a couple of weeks.
Augmentin in syrup, and after a couple of days the condition improved significantly. After 10 days, the antibiotic was stopped.

11 days before departure. Thursday

The alarm bell rang within 3 days. The eldest Dima returned from kindergarten again with snot, and Petya also became infected a couple of days later. We called the doctor. So far it’s okay, it’s probably just an ARVI: just a runny nose. Appetite is good. There's not even a temperature.

4 days before departure. Thursday

Doctor, I know that you are not working today, but what should we do: Petya is 39 again, his snot is thick, yellow-green. Somehow he grabs his ear.
“Unfortunately, otitis is most likely starting, and you will need to take an antibiotic again.”
- But we just drank it away. Maybe we can do a blood test first and you can look at it tomorrow?
- Fine.

3 days before departure. Friday

The blood test showed elevated leukocytes and ESR. Both ears were very inflamed. Bilateral otitis.

I need to take the antibiotic again. Let's suprax.
- Doctor, can we fly? You can’t return your ticket anymore...
- No comments. I can't decide for you. Take an antibiotic for a week. If anything, write. Take the entire first aid kit with you, as much as possible, and two more antibiotics just in case.

4th day after arrival. Tuesday

Viber call:

Doctor, we took the last dose of antibiotic this morning, everything was fine for six days. But now the child’s temperature has risen again - 41!
- Call a doctor. But most likely this is something new.

In one hour:

We are already at the hospital. Blood - slight leukocytosis. They offer an antibiotic (rofecin) intravenously. Stay in the hospital?
- How is the child feeling?
- Lousy.
- Then stay.

5th day after arrival. Wednesday

Viber call:

How are you?
- The temperature has disappeared. But the child was covered in everything. Sores in the mouth. Rash on the hands, feet, body and legs.
- Send a photo... Yes, it looks a bit like an enterovirus, only the rash is very severe.
- The hospital says it's the Coxsackie virus. They say there is no need for antibiotics and they send me home.
- They say that correctly.
- So that's great.

8th day after arrival. Saturday

Doctor, excuse me, it's us again.
- What happened again?!
- Our dad is sick. Looks like the same thing. It turns out that the whole hotel is sick with this Coxsackie. I had a fever for one day, and today it’s all over. He can't even walk, it hurts to step on him - all his feet are covered in blisters. What to do?
- What can you do here... We have to wait. Take antihistamines.
- Okay thank you.

1 day before leaving home

SMS: “Doctor, Petya is 40 again. We are flying out tonight. There are no other symptoms.

He eats normally."

Answer: “Okay, shoot it down.”

1st day after arriving home

Phew, we're finally home! Dominican doctors, by the way, turned out to be very adequate, but in their own walls, of course, it’s calmer.

The temperature persists for the second day, but the child feels fine. When examined by the doctor, there is nothing special. Tomorrow a clinical blood and urine test.

3rd day after arrival

The temperature went away, and a large rash appeared on the face, back and stomach. Blood tests show leukopenia. This means it is roseola (sudden exanthema). A common childhood infection, no big deal. But it made me nervous, you can’t say anything.

Roseola has nothing to do with travel; it can occur at any time, usually in children under 2 years of age.

Did you at least manage to rest?
- Don't laugh, doctor. In those rare days When we were healthy, it rained in the Dominican Republic. My husband said that he would never travel with us again!
- But it was he who decided to buy the ticket?
- Yes, but before he and I vacationed in the same place, just the two of us, and everything was wonderful.

This is absolutely real story from life... But this does not mean that the author is categorically against winter holiday!

It's very nice to relax in the south. Especially in winter. The sun, sea, fresh vegetables and fruits are much nicer than the slush or frost of our harsh climate. Adaptation? Yes, this is a problem. But not when you fly there - from cold to warm. Often, the residual effects of ARVI - all these snot and coughs - instantly disappear under the rays of the gentle southern sun.

But when you fly back, from warm weather to winter, problems with adaptation arise regularly. The body needs time to adjust to the cold. Therefore, we recommend that upon returning, dress warmly and be careful about possible hypothermia.

In general, when we decide how to relax in winter, we need to remember that abrupt change climate can be stressful for the whole body. You can get sick, if not there, then already here, after returning, and then your vacation will still be ruined.

By the way, for small children the main problem not in adaptation, but in being among mass gatherings of people, where there may be sick people (airport, plane, hotel). It is definitely safer and cheaper not to go far - to renew the ski track at the nearest sports center, swim in the pool and warm up in the sauna.

But for those who have finally decided, I give general recommendations on a trip to the south in winter with children.

  1. Vaccinate your children in advance against all possible infections that may occur on vacation. The most relevant are measles, hepatitis A, pneumococcus, chickenpox. Temper your children, then adaptation will be easier.
  2. Remember that children get sick much more often than adults. If possible, purchase travel insurance with your trip. It’s better not to take your children to kindergarten for the last week, so as not to catch something just before leaving.
  3. Do not plan to leave on the last day of work (school/kindergarten). It’s better to go on vacation gradually; go on vacation a couple of days before departure, then the adaptation will be smoother.
  4. Take a first aid kit with you. On the plane for your child, take vasoconstrictor nasal drops and an antipyretic/pain reliever. For children prone to stenosis/obstruction, you will also have to take a nebulizer and appropriate medications with you. When traveling to Europe, it is better to take a couple more antibiotics, they are not sold there without a doctor’s prescription, and situations vary.

Mikhail Nikolsky

Photo istockphoto.com

Every year, travel companies open new places for Russian citizens to go on a winter holiday.

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Everyone knows that last-minute trips can be purchased at a minimal cost in January and in the second half. Let's consider what will be relevant in 2019 in the tourism world for Russians.

Comparative table of countries suitable for holidays

When everyone wants to go abroad? Of course, when in your homeland bad weather or you want to celebrate another holiday in some special way.

Let's try to display the most current and popular resort places in the world in a table and describe their advantages:

A country Description
Egypt Exotic country. Without any problems, you can go there both in January and at any other time of the year. Egypt attracts tourists with its fairly low cost, which is affordable for most. Egypt is number one among family holiday destinations
Cuba rest in winter period our latitudes in Cuba will seem like heaven on earth. By the way, it is better to come to this exotic country in January (winter), since if you visit it in the summer (June-July), you risk encountering heavy rains And strong winds this region
India Goa enjoys tourist popularity here, the average temperature per day reaches 30 degrees, the weather is pleasant and without precipitation
Emirates (UAE) Ideal for those tourists who wish to admire achievements in architecture and modern technology. Tallest skyscrapers will turn anyone's head
Costa Rica A great opportunity to retire from the bustle of the city and stay with your thoughts. Virgin nature, untouched by the hand of modernity. Local residents show their respect for tourists and will help you spend your holiday at the highest level
Maldives Exclusive beach holiday. The beauty of nature, clean sand and coastal waters are all you need. Additionally, you can visit the Seychelles, but the cost of a holiday there will be a little more expensive
Canary Islands Among tourists they are referred to as “islands eternal spring" You are guaranteed a calm and quiet holiday, sunbathing and pure water shores
Morocco Not such a hot part of the world, but for a holiday in January it will be a small, warm, secluded place for you
Dominican Republic The Caribbean Sea attracts with its warm waters, especially in our harsh January days. average temperature The sea temperature is 27 degrees, perfect for underwater excursions. The northern edge of the sea allows you to admire the amazing humpback whales at this time of year

Where can you go with your child?

I want to fly to the sea in winter not only myself, but also with my children. To do this, parents must take into account many factors and components.

Firstly, what is the weather like in a particular country, the availability of hotels with rooms and entertainment centers for children, and much more.

Safety issues are of particular importance, especially if we're talking about about holidays at sea. And this involves boat trips, beach attractions, etc.

Based on statistics from parent surveys, the top places for seaside holidays with children include:

Thailand Phuket and Pattaya are considered resort areas. For children there are park areas, a water park, and various areas children's recreation and tourism. And the climate is mild of this region will make your vacation pleasant and unforgettable
Egypt is a long-loved part of the land for tourists from all over the world Hotels in these parts are famous for their five-star all-inclusive, and the archaeological and historical side of the country will not leave anyone indifferent. Special beach areas have been developed for children; safety is guaranteed by the hotels themselves. Entertainment programs and animators, warm sea and clean sand, a varied cuisine of children's food, and for parents who want to spend an evening for two, a babysitting service is provided
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Nowhere else will you find the number of park spaces, list of entertainment and related places as here. How much does a zoo cost?

Average trip cost

The budget side of the upcoming trip is of considerable importance for our person. Not in the sense of saving money, but in order to get the best possible deal and not make a mistake with the tour, combining business with pleasure as much as possible.

So, how much will travel cost in 2019:

A country Price
Sri Lanka A full complex for two during the January holidays will cost from 120 thousand rubles
The second half of January will cost from 75 thousand rubles
For independent travel from 90 thousand rubles
Calculations include departure from Moscow and a 7-day tour
Egypt 7 days of vacation for two, including tickets, flights and accommodation will cost from 25 thousand to 30 thousand rubles
Emirates (UAE) A week of tour with the slogan “all inclusive” for two will cost from 5 thousand to 70 thousand rubles
Thailand The cost of tickets in both directions is from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles. in January
Tour for 7 days in January from 60 thousand to 120 thousand rubles. for two
Hotel room per night from 800 rub. for two
Apartments from 700 RUR
Vietnam The cost of tickets in both directions is from 25 thousand to 45 thousand rubles. in January
Tour for 7 days in January from 50 thousand to 130 thousand rubles. for two
Hotel room per night from 500 rub. for two
Apartments from 600 RUR
Tanzania The cost of tickets in both directions is from 30 thousand to 55 thousand rubles. in January
Tour for 7 days in January from 100 thousand rubles. for two
Hotel room per night from 900 rub. for two
Apartments from 2000 rub.
Dominican Republic
Tour for 7 days in January from 110 thousand to 150 thousand rubles. for two

Apartments from 1200 rub.
Cuba The cost of tickets in both directions is from 40 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. in January
Tour for 7 days in January from 110 thousand to 130 thousand rubles. for two
Hotel room per night from 1500 rub. for two
Apartments from 1700 RUR
Maldives The cost of tickets in both directions is from 30 thousand to 35 thousand rubles. in January
Tour for 7 days in January from 150 thousand to 230 thousand rubles. for two
Hotel room per night from 2500 rub. for two
Apartments from 2000 rub.

Where can you travel inexpensively without a visa?

When you don’t have enough time for paperwork with documents... where can you go on vacation in the winter and not worry about not having a visa?

And it is desirable that this entire journey does not cost too much for a Russian citizen.

The countries of Asia and Africa are considered most acceptable, where in winter Russian region Cold and drizzle reign, and in those areas the temperature reaches a pleasant plus.

At this time, many travel companies offer huge price lists of last-minute tours to seaside resorts.

In addition, they take care of all the paperwork, including arranging for a visa-free trip.

If you are interested this proposal, consider these options that allow you to stay in the country for a while without a visa:

A country Number of days without a visa
Türkiye 60
Maldives 30
Cyprus 90
Montenegro 30
Cuba 30
Madagascar 30
Israel 90
Hong Kong 14
Vietnam 15
Bali 30
Morocco 90

This is far from full list supposed countries for tourists, but the most common.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, the initial data: winter (New Year holidays), mother, father and one and a half year old child. Where to go on vacation? We do not consider purely sightseeing tours, the child is too small. Options: go in winter, i.e. Finland, the Baltic states, central and southern Europe, or go to the sea to warmer climes.

Warm sea options:

Thailand, Indonesia (Bali), Dominican Republic, Vietnam, India (Goa) or Sri Lanka, Jordan, Hainan Island in China, Maldives. It seems that's it.

After some thought, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Dominican Republic and Bali are shallow - firstly, the regions do not seem safe from the point of view of all kinds of infections (spicy food, not very clean, exotic diseases - well, anything can happen), and also because of the long flight (Dominican Republic and Bali especially).
Sri Lanka: you can go, we’ve already asked the price - tickets are very expensive for the New Year, although the holiday itself is within our budget.
Hainan: there are concerns that on the New Year itself it is not so warm there, and I don’t like the flight: only Transaero has a direct flight, and I will not fly with this airline. More and more decent airlines fly with very inconvenient connections and transfers. It’s better to take then an excursion + vacation tour, such as Beijing-Hainan-Shanghai. When the child is older, we will definitely fly like this; in my opinion, it’s very interesting and relaxed. But now it’s too early for us to embark on such a serious journey.
The Maldives is unfortunately not in our budget. Especially, as I understand it, on New Year's Day. Even if you find a more or less inexpensive hotel, on the island itself you will have to spend a lot on food, and there will be no choice - usually there are 1-2 hotels on one island.
Jordan: everything is fine except the weather. In winter you can’t really swim there, and then there’s no point in going to the sea. In Jordan, there are cool excursions - the same Petra, but for a small child it will be more tedious than truly interesting and memorable.

I have another prejudice against warm regions - problems of acclimatization. Not only does the regime change greatly due to the change in time zones, but also going from winter to summer, and then back to winter - this can be too difficult for a small organism. As a result, upon arriving home, the child may get sick.
In general, it is clear that the warm sea is far from us, and we are not flying there this winter.

We look to Europe. What we don't need: skiing. Well, we don't ride. Excursions are also not very good, so most likely all sorts of Austria, Germany and Italy are out of the question. We’d better go to France sometime in the summer - I’ve long had a dream of taking a barge boat and sailing along the canals in the French province on our own with our whole family - stopping at private distilleries for new wine, taking radial rides on bicycles, buying fresh bread in village bakeries... Ah, Provence.

Finland: they say this is an interesting place for a relaxing winter holiday. A cottage with a warm fireplace, sleighs, horses, riding a dog sled and catching fish from under the ice can be exciting for a child too. It seems that there are no severe frosts in Finland, we can easily walk all day long.
We are still looking at Finland with enthusiasm.

The Baltics: they say that in winter there is a gloomy climate, the sea is close. Well, in general it should be something like the Finns: snow, horses and sleighs, mulled wine and Christmas decorations on the trees. And it is closer to us than Finland.

Alternatively: Czech Republic or Slovakia, southern Poland (Zakopane). It seems that it’s better for us to go to the Czech Republic later too - there good excursions. I don’t know anything about Slovakia, except that there are excellent cycling routes along the hills there. I was in Zakopane in the summer, but it is a winter resort. There are beautiful houses here, delicious food (Krakow sausage!), there are also horses and even an ostrich farm. We don’t ski, but you can just take a walk here.

I’m sitting, choosing from a list of places I can think of to go on holiday for the New Year with a small child.

And here is the continuation:

As expected, we went to Latvia anyway.

For two days - one full day we walked around the square of the Dome Cathedral: there, during the period of Christmas (Catholic) and New Year, they put up houses on the square where they sell mulled wine, baked apples, they bottle balm, and also sell souvenirs such as woolen socks, mittens with national patterns, and other homemade sausages and cranberries with honey. There is also a huge decorated Christmas tree. Our daughter absolutely did not want to leave this square - children's choirs still perform there all the time - they sing Christmas songs, and everything shimmers with lights and rings bells. Fabulous, in general.

After 2 days we went to a real castle. An hour's drive from Riga is the village of Birini, and nearby is a real huge Birini castle, turned into a hotel. We were almost alone there, and at our disposal were luxurious halls with pianos - here we danced and fooled around, a restaurant with wonderful French cuisine. We were given a sled, a ride on a horse, and also given a kilo of carrots every day so that our daughter could feed the live rabbits on the estate. The horses were supposed to be fed pumpkin, but we were somehow afraid. In general, we spent a whole week lying in the snow, rolling around, feeding the animals, walking, playing the piano and singing, and relaxing with our family. Our dad had a very good rest from work, and my daughter still remembers these rabbits. It was a good holiday. According to the weather - bright sun during the day and snowfalls at night. For 2 days it was minus 25, the rest of the time it was about minus five. Simply wonderful winter weather.

Many adults do not particularly like winter because of the cold, slush and lack of sun. It seems that daylight lasts only a couple of hours, and the rest of the time is endless twilight. However, children perceive this time of year completely differently - snowfalls and cold weather bring with them a lot of fun games and entertainment. Winter means sledding, building snow castles, and snowball fights for kids. This is why winter holidays become as long-awaited as summer holidays. There are different ways to spend a winter holiday with children: for lovers active rest It will be interesting to spend time in nature; those who miss summer should go for a week in the heat of the country, and those who dream of fairy tales and magic should pay attention to a holiday in European countries ah or in the homeland of Santa Claus.

Rest outside the city

During the winter holidays, many parents choose to vacation outside the city for their children - in the Moscow region, Leningrad region or outside another city. One of the main advantages here is saving time on travel - you can get to a cottage community or dacha in just a few hours, and if necessary, go back to the city. Also, the cost of the road will be incomparably lower than a trip, for example, to Finland, not to mention a trip to the sea. Also, this format of winter holidays is chosen by those parents who do not want to expose their child to climate change and sudden changes in temperature. In your native land, you don’t have to worry that your baby will spend most of the vacation suffering from acclimatization.

Finally, holidays at country recreation centers, boarding houses and hotels are in no way inferior to holidays abroad in terms of entertainment. During the winter holidays, almost all hotels and resorts offer a variety of entertainment programs, sporting events and offers all sorts of exciting activities for the whole family. By the way, after spending a week or two outside the city, you can not only have a great rest, but also improve your health and strengthen your immune system, since many sanatoriums offer special programs on health improvement for adults and young tourists. Also, most modern recreation centers, for example, in the Moscow region, offer nanny services for small guests. This will allow parents to leave their child with a qualified specialist and spend a couple of hours in the spa or playing bowling or billiards. In addition, for young holidaymakers, most boarding houses offer specially compiled children's menu, as well as a variety of entertainment and games with animators.

On vacation to Karelia

The picturesque nature of Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year - both summer and winter. A trip to this region of forests and lakes will be a wonderful option for winter family vacation both for lovers of active spending time and for those who love quiet idleness. In Karelia, tourists can stay in comfortable hotels and cottages, as well as in real Russian huts.

Karelia in winter time year offers tourists all kinds of entertainment options - here parents with children can go on a ski trip, a tour of snowy expanses on snowmobiles or even dog or reindeer sleds. Such a vacation will surely be remembered by children for a long time and will give the most unforgettable emotions and impressions. Since Karelia is for the most part focused specifically on family and excursion holidays, many tours here include visits to attractions, museums and most interesting places this region. For those who are limited in time, the best option would be two- to three-day tours, which are especially popular during New Year's holidays and Christmas. The most popular here, of course, are trips to the Karelian Father Frost. The children will see how the Karelian Father Frost lives in an unusual tent on the shores of Lake Onega, and will also meet his assistant named Lumine. New Year's trips for children also include sleigh rides pulled by huskies, sightseeing and various fabulous adventures.

European winter

Winter holidays with children in Europe are extremely varied, so in order to spend your holidays profitably, you should think through the route in advance. Such European holidays will be a wonderful pastime not only for children, but also for adults, as you can successfully combine trips to museums, water parks, zoos and visits winter sales, exhibitions and entertainment centers.

By the way, European museums will definitely appeal to little tourists, since in each of the European countries there are special museums for children dedicated to toys, fairy tales, games and other topics interesting to children. The exhibits of most children's museums can not only be viewed from a distance, but also touched with your hands. For example, in Prague there is a toy museum, which is the ultimate dream of many boys. There are countless models of cars on display here, as well as a replica of a real train station. Girls will not be able to pass by the collection of teddy bears and the collection of Barbie dolls.

An excellent gift for a child would be a themed trip to Europe, for example, a tour of several countries with visits to local zoos, amusement parks, Disneyland, etc. You can also go with the whole family to one of the ski resorts. This type of recreation is becoming more and more accessible - for example, of Eastern Europe offer tourists their ski slopes at a price 2-3 times lower than the slopes of Switzerland and Austria. Slovenia is famous for its well-equipped slopes, Bulgaria will appeal to fans of snowboarding, and you can safely go to Uludag in Turkey with small children, since easy and wide slopes prevail here, ideal for children and beginners.

Snowy Finland has been one of the most popular European destinations during the winter holidays for many years. Here you can enjoy all the delights of European Christmas - fabulous decorations of houses and streets, fairs that create the appropriate spirit and festive mood, and an abundance of entertainment for children of all ages. At the same time, Finland also pleases with the obligatory New Year's decoration - pure white snow and real New Year's frost. Although this is not surprising - after all, it is here, not far from the city of Rovaniemi, that the birthplace of Santa Claus is located. Here, even adults can believe in a fairy tale and forget about everyday worries for a while, plunging into the magical atmosphere of the entertaining Santa Park.

Lapland will become an ideal place to celebrate a “real” Christmas with your child and celebrate the New Year the way it should be. Here you can not only get to know Santa himself better and look at his elf helpers, but also ride a sleigh, reindeer and dog sled, and also go to the mountain slopes in Ruka, Vuokatti, Himos. Animal lovers should set aside a couple of days to visit the Finnish Arctic Zoo, a center underwater world and a dolphinarium.

New Year under a palm tree

One of the options for spending the winter holidays is traveling to hot countries. Such a vacation can be recommended to parents whose child has already reached the age of 5-7 years, since it will be quite difficult for children to endure acclimatization with such a sharp change in climate. As a rule, children adapt well to a warm country, but there is a risk colds when from the hot sun and warm sea the family will return to the chilly and windy Russian winter. For those who plan to take their child to New Year to the sea, it is worth paying attention to the convenience of the flight. It would be ideal if you can find direct flights without tedious transfers and connections. The road to Tunisia, Egypt, the UAE or the Canaries will not be too difficult for a child, while flying to Thailand or the Maldives with a baby will not be easy.

As for Egypt, it has long become a lifesaver for tourists, attracting with low prices for holidays at any time of the year. However, when traveling here with a child, it is better to choose a high-quality and comfortable four-five-star hotel, so as not to spoil your vacation with the possible disadvantages of hotels of lesser stars. In large hotels, the main entertainment for children and adults is concentrated on the hotel territory, and for variety you can go on excursions, sail on a yacht or ride ATVs.

Add a little luxury to your winter holidays by taking your family to magnificent United Arab Emirates. By the way, it is better to come here before the New Year, since in January it will already be cold to swim - the water temperature in January-February is about + 20 degrees Celsius. Although at this time you can enjoy sunbathing, since the air temperature does not drop below +28. Among other things, the UAE is famous for its high-quality service, which will allow you to carefreely enjoy a family vacation and not worry about everyday details. Finally, adults and young shopping lovers can't help but enjoy Dubai, where children will definitely want to get new model phone, a modern car, a Barbie doll or some designer trinket.

Those brave parents who decide to take a long (10 - 12 hours) flight with their children will be able to spend their winter holidays in hospitable Thailand or on delightful Maldives. Thailand is suitable for those who are looking for a combination of exoticism, heat and humid climate. By the way, winter is considered best time to visit Thailand, as during these months it is hot, but without the sweltering heat. However, it is worth remembering that it is in winter that most tourists come here, so it may be worth booking hotels, tickets and buying tours in advance.

The Maldives in winter will delight travelers with a warm climate and comfortable (about + 25 degrees) water temperature in Indian Ocean. This paradise with snow-white sand and clear turquoise ocean will be equally pleasant for both children and adults. Kids can frolic on the soft sand without fear of stepping on an angry reptile or sea urchin, and also admire the colorful fish and parrots. The water here is so clear that you can observe the underwater inhabitants without a mask, you just have to go knee-deep into the water.

The warm sea and hot sun are perhaps the main components for a wonderful and carefree holiday after a busy day at work. However, it often happens that a well-deserved vacation occurs during cold weather. winter months when snowstorms are raging outside the window and the thermometer does not rise above zero. In such a situation, the best solution is to go to warm countries where summer never ends. Thanks to detailed information about the best resorts in the world, you can easily choose where to go on vacation in winter.

Mexico: Riviera Maya

The Caribbean coast of the Riviera Maya gets its name from the Indian tribe of the same name that once lived on these beautiful lands. Nowadays, here is located one of the most best resorts Mexico. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world come here to sunbathe under the tropical sun and wander through the ruins of ancient Indian pyramids.

A huge sandy strip of coastline stretches for one hundred kilometers between the Mexican cities of Cancun and Tulum. If you want to fly on vacation in winter, where it is warm, then the Riviera Maya is ideal for this purpose. From November to April, the weather is always sunny and clear.
The Riviera Mayan coast has a developed infrastructure that meets the needs of even the most demanding travelers. Near the coast you can find many cute bungalows, or mud huts.

However, this is only an architectural solution for the exterior of hotels. Inside these “huts” there are modern, comfortable rooms equipped with air conditioning, showers, refrigerators, as well as Internet and satellite TV.

Visitors to the Riviera Maya can enjoy spearfishing, diving, jet ski racing or exciting journeys through the labyrinths of miraculous caves. Recently, the Sian Kaan Conservation Area was opened here, where tourists raft down the underground river.

Almost everyone can afford to go on a beach holiday to Mexico in winter. According to current rules, residents of Russia can stay in this beautiful territory for six months exotic country without a visa. You just need to obtain a special electronic permit by filling out a form on the website of the Mexican Embassy.

Dominican Republic

For the Dominican Republic, winter simply does not exist. From December to April it is warm, sunny, and there is practically no rain. Combination high temperature and low humidity make the climate of this country lost in the Atlantic Ocean comfortable and favorable for health. Therefore, when choosing where to go on a seaside holiday in winter, the Dominican Republic will be one of the best destinations.

From year to year Dominican Republic is becoming more and more popular among Russian tourists. And this is not surprising, because they are beautiful clean beaches with snow-white sand stretch here for a thousand kilometers along Caribbean Sea. Add to this a high level of service, incendiary Latin American parties, many attractions, attractions and entertainment - and you will get a real paradise on earth.

The Boca Chica resort has the best places for beach holiday and all kinds of sports. Here you can go surfing, learn how to drive a jet ski, go boating on wild and fast-flowing rivers, or go on a jeep trip through the tropical jungle. Diving enthusiasts from all over the world come to the territory of the Kaleta Nature Reserve to independently find the ruins of a sunken ship in the depths of the sea.

Not far from the town of Boca Chica is the wild, picturesque island of La Matica. Tourists come here on boats and catamarans to take pictures with seagulls, storks and pelicans, which live here in huge flocks.


Going on holiday abroad inexpensively and getting excellent service at the same time - is this possible? Of course, it is possible if we are talking about Thailand. In this paradise with a unique and original culture, you can have a great rest at affordable and affordable prices. Tourists from Russia do not need to apply for a visa to visit Thailand. Immediately after arrival, a stamp is automatically placed in your passport, giving you the right to a month of comfortable and serene living in Thailand.

The resort city of Pattaya, located just one hundred and sixty kilometers from Bangkok, is extremely popular among Russian tourists. It is in Pattaya that you can find Russian restaurants, Russian guides and even Russian schools. One of best places Jomtien Beach and the evergreen Pratamnak Hill, reminiscent of a huge tropical garden, are considered places to relax in Pattaya.

However, the mainland beaches of Thailand have one significant drawback - they are not always perfectly clean. Therefore, when choosing a place to relax in the winter at sea, the most suitable ones will be. If you want to live close to large supermarkets and shopping malls, then it is best to choose large islands, such as . And for an idyllic holiday in absolute harmony with nature, the picturesque beaches and Koh Lana are suitable. Each island can be reached by ferries, which provide daily connections with the mainland.

Canary Islands

The famous Canaries are picturesque Spanish islands located off the African coast. There are many beautiful beaches where you can fly to relax in winter. However, the tourist status of a “winter” resort belongs to the island of Tenerife, since at this time there is no precipitation or cool weather. The average daily temperature here ranges from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. Thus, the Canaries are the warmest European resort. Among Europeans, it is known as the closest point where going to the sea in winter is easy and affordable.

A complete beach holiday Canary Islands much cheaper compared to prices in mainland Europe. Luxury all-inclusive hotels are distinguished by professional service and a wide range of different offers and services for their clients. Beach holidays in Tenerife can be diversified by visiting interesting and exciting water parks, as well as sea trips to meet whales and dolphins.


To the question “where is the best place to relax at sea in winter,” millions of Russian tourists answer unequivocally – in Egypt. It is in this direction that you can often purchase last-minute tours around low prices. Obtaining an Egyptian visa is more like a formal procedure: it is paid directly at the airport and does not require the preparation of various data and documents.

The recognized leaders among Egyptian resorts are Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh, conveniently located on the Red Sea coast. These resort towns are great for going on vacation with your child. Almost every hotel has a special menu for kids. Thus, there is no need to rack your brains about how to provide nutritious baby food in an unknown country. In addition, at the request of parents, hotel staff are always ready to put a separate crib in the room for a child.

Comfortable hotels in Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh provide leisure and entertainment program for young travelers. For bathing children, there are children's pools with a shallow bottom, as well as various inflatable rubber toys and slides. When going to the beach of Hurghada, you can be sure that your child is not in danger of coral, sea ​​urchins and deep bottom. There are many professional animators from Russia working in Egypt who will entertain the child with fun and educational games.

The only small disadvantage that can be found in Egypt in winter is windy weather. However, many tourists do not even pay attention to this factor, since positive sides clearly outweigh.

Comparison of the best places for a beach holiday

Prices in the countryAverageLowLowHighAverage
t 0 C air in January
day Night
+27/+19 +29/+20 +31/+21 +21/+15 +21/+12
t 0 C water in January+24 +26 +26 +19 +21
Is a visa required?*YES
issued electronically
Number of vacationersA lot ofFewAverageAverageAverage
Beach cleanliness
