Guest from Australia. Eucalyptus forests of Australia What is eucalyptus in Australia

The healing properties of spherical eucalyptus have been used by mankind since ancient times. Its antiseptic properties have been compared to quinine and used even where all antibiotics are powerless. Preparations from the plant are produced on an industrial scale, and traditional healers include eucalyptus in most antimicrobial preparations.

General characteristics of the tree

Eucalyptus grows well in natural conditions, but its great value compels humanity to grow the tree additionally. This is not surprising, because the price includes not only leaves as a medicinal raw material, but also the bark and wood of the plant.

Growing places

The eucalyptus tree is classified as a fast-growing tree. V tropical climate it can reach 30 m in height in just 15 years. It is actively grown for industrial processing in Africa, America, southern Europe, as well as in the region of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the wild, eucalyptus grows almost throughout Australia, on the island of Tasmania. These places are considered his homeland.

Eucalyptus globose prefers moist soil with good drainage. Feels great on the ground with an admixture of sand, clay, small stones. Although eucalyptus is considered a very thermophilic plant, it tolerates small frosts (up to -8 ° C). With an even greater decrease in temperature, the tree dies, freezing from the root.

What does it look like

Globular eucalyptus is one of the evergreens. In nature, there are trees up to 80 m in height, their diameter reaches two meters. That is, the eucalyptus is quite a worthy competitor to the American Sequoia, both in height and in the massiveness of the trunk. At the same time, the tree simply surprises with its volumetric crown of the correct spherical shape.

  • Bark. The trunk and branches of spherical eucalyptus are covered with a bark of medium thickness of an unusual color - white-gray with a blue tint. Deep grooves are visible on the surface resulting from gradual flaking upper layers bark. Parts of it often hang from the tree, falling off from time to time.
  • Leaves. All foliage on the tree is divided into young and old. The first is represented by leaves "sitting" on young shoots, closely covering them. The color is bright gray, the surface is leathery. Even young leaves are quite large - from 7 to 16 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. It is in young foliage that the largest number essential oil, rich in antiseptic cineole. Large old leaves, thanks to the petiole, unfold with an edge towards the sun's rays. They are shiny dark green, have a crescent-lanceolate shape. Sizes reach from 10 to 30 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.
  • Flowers. With light axillary flowers, eucalyptus blooms for the first time in October, in the third year of the tree's growth. Flowering is short-lived.
  • Fetus. Presented by a tube-shaped box. It reaches 15 cm long and 30 cm wide. There are several grooves on the surface of the capsule. Inside there are one or two seeds, which finally ripen only after a year and a half.

The powerful root system of eucalyptus is capable of absorbing moisture from a large area. For this quality, the tree is also called "natural pump" and is planted in swampy places that require draining.

Leaf harvesting process

Eucalyptus leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. In order to obtain them, wild and specially grown trees are cut in the fall. The cut branches are folded neatly so as not to damage the sheets. During the collection of raw materials, annual pruning takes place in order to form a dense crown.

The branches, along with the leaves, are tied into small brooms and hung in a shaded area outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Drying, the leaves emit vapors containing phytoncides. They are capable of disinfecting and purifying the air in any room.

Dry branches are wrapped in paper, and on top with a plastic bag. Store in a suspended state for two years in a dry place with good ventilation. If necessary, separate the leaves from the branches, they are folded into a glass or plastic container and sealed. Store away from light. If dryers are used for the preparation of raw materials, it is necessary to observe the reduced temperature regime 35 ° C to avoid evaporation of essential oil.

The composition and medicinal properties of eucalyptus

The beneficial properties of eucalyptus, namely its activity against most existing microbes and anti-inflammatory effect, are due to the multicomponent chemical composition of the leaves:

  • essential oil (contains antiseptics and aromatic substances);
  • tanning components;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids (antioxidants and anti-inflammatory);
  • minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cr, Zn);
  • coumaric, cinnamic organic acids.

Actually chemical composition eucalyptus globular is much more complicated. One essential oil consists of 40 types of volatile components. It is this extensive natural combination that gives the antimicrobial effect of eucalyptus, comparable to synthetic antibacterial drugs.

pharmachologic effect

In the official and folk medicine the use of eucalyptus leaves accompanies the therapy of a huge list of diseases, because the plant has a number of healing properties, effective even for complex pathologies.

  • Antimicrobial action. It manifests itself due to the content of a large amount of volatile substances with bacteriostatic, bactericidal, antifungal activity. It has been scientifically proven that preparations with eucalyptus are effective for eliminating the following pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dysentery amoeba, Trichomonas, streptococci, Escherichia coli. The bacteriostatic effect is observed with respect to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa and typhoid bacillus. Such a spectrum of action allows the use of eucalyptus for the treatment of the carriage of bacteria, upper respiratory tract infections, trophic ulcers, infected wounds, furunculosis, fungal diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. The effect is manifested due to the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, as well as due to the presence of flavonoids. At the same time, normal tissue blood supply is restored, and signs of inflammation (swelling, hyperthermia and soreness) come to naught. The anti-inflammatory effect of eucalyptus leaves is actively used to treat skin lesions, as well as internal diseases of an inflammatory nature: gastritis, enterocolitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. Elimination inflammatory process accompanied by the healing and analgesic effect of the plant.
  • Expectorant action. It occurs as a result of vasodilation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This leads to the normalization of secretory processes in the bronchial mucosa and improved excretion of viscous sputum. Bactericidal fumes of eucalyptus help clear the lungs of bacteria that cause bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and tuberculosis.
  • Cardiotonic influence. The use of drugs with eucalyptus has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle - its endurance increases, the amplitude of contractions increases, and the supply of oxygen to the myocardium improves. Regular use of products with eucalyptus inside will serve as an excellent prevention of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.
  • Sedation. Under the influence of essential oils from eucalyptus leaves, a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system is observed. This effect allows you to eliminate insomnia, increase the body's resistance to stress, neutralize anxiety and depression.
  • Impact on digestion. Eucalyptus stimulates the secretion of edible juices due to the presence of bitterness. Increases appetite, exhibits mild choleretic and diuretic effects.

The huge benefits of eucalyptus lie not so much in the listed effects, but in their combination and strength. The combination of pharmacological properties makes it possible to speed up the healing process at times from diseases of a bacterial nature.

Application in traditional medicine

Globular eucalyptus is a tropical tree, so it is rather difficult for residents of the middle lane to prepare its leaves at home. Fortunately, every pharmacy sells pre-dried leaves. And not as a biologically active additive, but as a real standardized raw material collected from a pharmacopoeial plant. But for successful treatment, it is important to use this drug correctly.


Peculiarities. It is used internally to treat wet and dry cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. The use of eucalyptus in the form of an infusion is advisable for gargling with laryngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, regular rinsing oral cavity will help with stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour 10 g of dried eucalyptus leaves with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Insist for a quarter of an hour, then strain.
  3. Take orally 40-50 ml four times a day.
  4. Warm the infusion slightly before rinsing, apply three times a day.


Peculiarities. Suitable for compresses and rinses. Indications for use include phlegmon, abscess, furunculosis, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, purulent mastitis.

Preparation and application

  1. Place 20 g of eucalyptus leaves in a saucepan, pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover the mixture and keep in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Insist 10 minutes, strain, squeeze the cake.
  4. Bring with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.
  5. Treat the affected surface twice a day or apply a compress for two hours, soaking a flap of cotton cloth in the broth.


Peculiarities. It can be used as a general tonic before the cold season for the complex treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The remedy is recommended in the absence of appetite, with poor digestion, dysbiosis.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour a cup of boiling water (250 ml) over 30 g of dried eucalyptus leaves.
  2. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drink in small sips throughout the day.


Peculiarities. It is used internally for ARVI, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, malaria, stomach diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder, intestinal infections. Externally used for rubbing the back with sciatica, injuries, dislocations, sprains. In folk medicine, douching is popular for healing erosion of the cervical canal (cervix) c. There is a ready-made pharmacy version.

Preparation and application

  1. Fill a dark glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5-0.7 liters with chopped fresh eucalyptus leaves by a third.
  2. Add granulated sugar to half of the entire bottle.
  3. Put the vessel in a dark place for four days, tying the neck with gauze.
  4. Add half a liter of vodka to the resulting syrup, mix well.
  5. Insist a week in a dark place.
  6. Strain into a clean container, squeezing out the cake thoroughly.
  7. When taken orally, add 20-30 drops of the tincture to 50 ml of water. Take three times a day.
  8. For external use, including douching, mix 200 ml together warm water and a teaspoon of the drug. Treat damaged areas with a cotton or gauze swab twice a day.


Peculiarities. Effectively eliminate bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tracheitis. Used for a cold, sinusitis, nasal congestion, headache.

Preparation and application

  1. For inhalation, cool a glass of boiled water to a temperature of 60-70 ° C.
  2. Add to the prepared water 15 ml of broth, 20 drops alcohol tincture, or 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  3. Breathe in pairs, covering your head with a towel, twice a day.


Peculiarities. is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic cineole aroma. Has strong bactericidal properties. It is used after dilution with water or indifferent oil. Pure oil is used only for herpes rashes.

Preparation and application

  1. Sold in pharmacies in dark glass jars. It is extracted industrially from fresh leaves.
  2. For rinsing, lotions, compresses, inhalations, 15-20 drops of oil are diluted with a glass of water.
  3. Evaporation of oil with an aroma lamp helps to disinfect the air in the room.

It is advisable to add eucalyptus essential oil to hair shampoos and facial cleansers. Short-term exposure to natural antiseptics helps to get rid of seborrhea, excess oily scalp, acne, and dermatitis.

Eucalyptus is part of the ready-made medicines... These are sprays for the throat "Kameton", "Ingalipt", an extract from eucalyptus - "Chlorophyllipt", lozenges "Eucalyptus-M". All drugs are distinguished by antimicrobial activity, and have been successfully used in official medicine for a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

The healing properties of eucalyptus make the plant an indispensable tool for home treatment of bacterial diseases. However, like any medicine, eucalyptus globose leaves should only be used as directed. Recipes for the preparation of infusion, broth, tincture from the leaves must be strictly followed in order to prevent unwanted action a self-prepared drug.

Side effects from using dried eucalyptus leaves may appear allergic reactions: skin redness, rash, itching. As a rule, such phenomena disappear immediately after stopping the use of the plant. According to reviews, the external use of eucalyptus preparations causes allergies very rarely.

Also, before using medicinal raw materials, you must make sure that there are no contraindications to eucalyptus:

  • undesirable use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual sensitivity reactions;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure.

Before using eucalyptus essential oil, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test: apply the oil to the inner bend of the elbow and evaluate the skin reaction after 20 minutes. Due to the high concentration of volatile substances and the local vasodilator effect, slight reddening of the skin is permissible after the application of the oil. The oil should not cause a burning sensation, pain or itching. With the right approach and following the instructions, it is impossible to harm the body with eucalyptus.

The globular eucalyptus tree is a source of valuable plant materials and essential oils, the properties of which go far beyond antimicrobial effects. The most popular treatment for cough is eucalyptus, but even with beginning heart disorders or disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, this plant will help restore the proper functioning of the body.


Family - Myrtle - Myrtaceae.

The parts used are leaves.

The popular name is a feverish tree, a gum tree, a wondrous tree.

Pharmacy name - eucalyptus leaves - Eucalypti folium (formerly Folia Eucalypti), eucalyptus oil - Eucalypti aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Eucalypti).

Botanical description

Eucalyptus is an evergreen shrub or tree up to 90 m high with a straight or curved trunk (often covered with gum secretions) and mostly grayish-white bark. The crown is the most diverse - pyramidal, ovoid, almost tent-shaped, weeping and a number of other forms. Bark happens different types- fibrous (brown thick layer), folded (scaly bark with folds), scaly (scaly outside, cut by grooves), smooth (gum trees, smooth bark, crustal layer falls off in ribbons or pieces), bearded (hard, thick, fragile, with deep furrows), peppermint (cortical layer, similar to a scaly cortical layer, but more fibrous and more furrowed, mostly gray outside).

In almost all species, heterophilous and go through three stages of development - young leaves, intermediate and adult. In some species, the transition from young leaves to adults occurs rather quickly, while in others, young and intermediate leaves can persist for several years. Young leaves are opposite, sessile, ovate, oblong, round, lanceolate or cordate, narrowed towards the apex, green, sometimes gray-gray. Intermediate leaves are opposite or alternate, sessile or petiolate, larger. Adult leaves are leathery, twice as thick and four times as long as young ones, alternate, petiolate, ovate, lanceolate, pointed, green, glaucous or bluish.

Whitish or red - regular, bisexual, sessile or on legs, collected either in corymbose or apical inflorescences, or in axillary umbrellas. Before the flower blooms, the perianth becomes woody and tightly covers the bud, and when the flower opens, it is discarded and the whole flower consists of a large number of bright stamens, which are attached to the edge of the receptacle and are located in two or more irregular circles, soldered in four bunches at the base. For the first time, a flower blooms in the 4th-5th year of life.

The fruit is a woody capsule, smooth or furrowed, ribbed or tuberous, ripens within a year, but remains on the mother plant for up to several years. The fruits ripen within a year. Seeds are ovoid or round, flattened or angular, sometimes with wings, they are mostly underdeveloped, located one by one, sometimes several in the nest, their shell is black, smooth or ribbed, often pale brown. Seeds remain viable for up to 10 years, sometimes up to 40 years, germination rate - from 2 to 96%.

Homeland - Southwestern Australia and Tasmania. They are currently bred in California, southern China, New Zealand and South America. And in Mediterranean countries, in tropical Asia and in Africa, eucalyptus is cultivated and used to drain swamps, where it received the name "fever tree".

Currently, there are more than 700 species of eucalyptus, and about 30 species of eucalyptus are cultivated in the subtropics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Eucalyptus trees live for both 300 and 400 years..

Collection and procurement

For medicinal purposes, the leaves are collected exclusively from cultivated plantings. The essential oil is obtained from the leaves by steam distillation.

Active ingredients

The main thing is essential oil, and bitterness, tannins, flavonoids, resins, rubber and others are only accompanying.

Use in homeopathy

The homeopathic remedy Eukalyptus is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tuberculosis of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as diseases of the renal pelvis.

Healing action and application

Eucalyptus essential oil is part of many drugs. Eucalyptus is used mainly for coughs, bronchitis, flu, lung abscess and laryngitis. Eucalyptus is also an indispensable remedy for getting rid of many pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus and streptococcus). It stops the spread of Trichomonas, mycobacterium tuberculosis and is indispensable for suspected fever caused by malaria.

Eucalyptus infusion is good remedy that relieves redness and relieves itching caused by insects.

Essential oils with a predominance of geraniol have a delicate pleasant smell, they are used in perfumery, with a predominance of cineole, they have a strong bactericidal effect, are used in medicine, with a predominance of fellandrene (which are unpleasant) are used in technology for enriching metals as solvents for varnishes, paints, adhesives ...

Eucalyptus bark is used for leather dressing, as it contains tannins.


Inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, severe liver disease.

V Lately this tree attracts the attention of not only koalas, but also indoor florists.

The genus Eucalyptus, belonging to the Myrtle family, includes more than 800 species of shrubs and trees. The homeland of this plant is Australia, where trees grow up to 100 meters in height, forming huge groves. Strong tree roots in such forests grow along the surface of the earth, intertwining and tangling to extract maximum amount moisture. Other plants in the vicinity of eucalyptus trees simply cannot survive, but koalas, greedy for dense fragrant leaves and tasty branches, happily settle down. eucalyptus forests grow very quickly and after 5–10 years of life, annually produce about 20 cubic meters of wood per hectare.

One of the features of Eucalyptus is the unusual arrangement of the leaves. Their plates turn towards the light not with a flat surface, but with a sharp edge. Thanks to this, there is almost no shadow under the eucalyptus tree. The leaves themselves, depending on age, differ in appearance. Freshly grown leaves are almost round, soft, light green with a bluish tinge. With age, they stretch, become stiffer and slightly darker, eventually taking on a pointed shape.

Unlike the trees of the middle lane familiar to us, Eucalyptus trees shed not old foliage every year, but bark. The period of "molting" the tree looks sloppy and peeling, but later the trunk regains its shine and beautiful color.

Unfortunately, only a few types of Eucalyptus have been “tamed”. In warm regions, they are kept outdoors; in colder regions, the tree takes root well in containers in conservatories or apartments. Indoor Eucalyptus fights bacteria, purifies and humidifies the air in the room, saturating it with a pleasant soothing scent, which is also very disliked by mosquitoes and flies.


The most suitable types for home content- these are Lemon Eucalyptus (lat.Eucalyptus citriodora) and Gann Eucalyptus (lat.Eucalyptus gunnii).

Eucalyptus Lemon indoor native to Eastern Australia and in the forests reached a height of 30 meters. In culture, its height is regulated by pruning and pinching the shoots, usually it does not exceed one meter. Bristly leaves of a yellowish tint on the branches are arranged in a spiral and can be up to 16 centimeters long. The smooth bark is light brown, in places it can be reddish, small growths form on the trunk with age.

Gann Eucalyptus came to indoor floriculture from the forests of Tasmania. This species is the most unpretentious of all representatives of the genus, easily tolerates a short-term cold snap and too dry air. In Russia, it is cultivated in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. This Eucalyptus has a light orange bark, falling off in scales, the leaves in the process of growth also go from oval to pointed.


After a long search for this tree in stores and with friends, many growers ask themselves the question - how to grow Eucalyptus?

From seed

The most affordable way, because seeds are much easier to find than ready-made seedlings - they are well stored and sold almost everywhere. Growing Eucalyptus from seeds is a simple process that almost always ends in success. Eucalyptus seeds are small, retain their germination well, so a bag bought in any store will be enough to get one or two healthy plants.
Light soil, such as a mixture of earth and sand, is moistened, and then future Eucalyptus trees are sown there. The first four days keep the temperature around 20 ° C, watering is not required. The sprouts appear in five to ten days, after which it is important to water them regularly, but not too abundantly, and ventilate the room so that excess moisture does not lead to the appearance of mold - for small Eucalyptus trees, it can be fatal.

After the appearance of several true leaves, homemade eucalyptus are transplanted into separate small containers, after which watering is again interrupted for four days. Then daily moderate watering is resumed, allowing the sprouts to gain strength on their own territory.

Planting and leaving

Pot and drainage device

If eucalyptus is grown from seeds, then a month after the first shoots have broken out of the ground, the strengthened seedlings are moved to pots for permanent residence. In order for a tree to develop its root system well, you need a wide pot with holes, including a container entirely consisting of cells, in some stores it is called an Air Pot. In an ordinary pot, it is imperative to fold a thick drainage layer, and add a little perlite to the soil.


Eucalyptus like indoor plant loves good lighting, but it is not recommended to abruptly rearrange it from partial shade to the scorching sun - it is much better for the first time to take the flower pot to a new place for just a few hours. If the branches of the tree suddenly began to stretch, and the leaves turned pale, there is clearly not enough light for the plant.


During the growth period, caring for Eucalyptus at home is to maintain the temperature within 22..25 ° C. From the end of autumn, the tree begins to prepare for the dormant period, therefore, if possible, the temperature is lowered to 16 ° C.


It depends on the season: in spring and summer, it should be abundant, the roots should not be allowed to dry out, especially in young plants. In the fall, watering is gradually reduced to moderate, just to prevent the soil in the pot from drying out completely.

This plant is not demanding for humidity, since in dry air it actively evaporates water itself through the leaves. The tree does not tolerate spraying well, so it is better not to moisten the leaves unnecessarily.


It is recommended to transplant a plant once a year or two. Root system of these trees is very strong, so if during the time between transplants the plant manages to braid the whole clod of earth with roots, they are partially pruned to moderate growth and adapt to a relatively small flower pot.

Tree formation

Every spring, the formation of the crown is carried out, cutting and pinching the branches in accordance with the plan. So, when caring for Lemon Eucalyptus, regular strong pruning will create a bushy plant with round, young leaves. Without pruning, the plant will eventually take on the shape of a small tree with long, pointed leaves.

Medicinal properties

Eucalyptus, growing at home, has the same medicinal properties as its counterparts "in the wild." The main medicinal raw material of this tree is leaves, of which large quantities eucalyptus essential oil is obtained. Even dry eucalyptus has medicinal properties: infusions, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from it, inhalations with eucalyptus leaves are made at home, which helps to cure laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and even pleurisy. As a disinfectant, oil is used to wash infectious wounds and ulcers. Treatment with Eucalyptus preparations has proven itself well for purulent mastitis, open fractures, chronic osteomyelitis and other similar diseases.

With tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sore throat, you can gargle with an infusion of eucalyptus leaves. To prepare an infusion of Eucalyptus, grind 10 g of dry leaves, brew with a glass of boiling water, like tea, and then keep it in a water bath over low heat for an hour, without bringing it to a boil. You need to use the ready-made infusion within two days. It can also be used internally - three times a day, one tablespoon.

For the preparation of eucalyptus tincture, fresh leaves, vodka and sugar are used. Washed, finely chopped leaves are placed in a dark glass bottle, filling it by a third. Then half of it is covered with sugar, covered with gauze and kept in a dark place for three to four days. After aging, the resulting syrup is poured with vodka, shaken thoroughly and left for another week. After aging, the leaves are squeezed out and discarded, the tincture is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle for storage. They consume eucalyptus tincture in the amount of twenty to thirty drops, diluted in a glass of warm boiled water three times a day. Also, the resulting drug is used for rubbing, lotions, washing in the fight against various skin diseases. This tincture is used to treat tonsillitis, stomatitis, loose stools, enterocolitis, as well as in the fight against severe bleeding.

Eucalyptus essential oil has deodorant properties, therefore it has been used for many years in the manufacture of dry perfumes, in the composition of aromatic pillows - sachets.
At home, Eucalyptus oil can be used to repel insects: mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other species.

Energy Eucalyptus

In addition to its undeniable healing properties, indoor Eucalyptus has a particularly strong energy. Its effect on others contributes to longevity, restoration of strength and preservation of youth. In the form of an essential oil in an aromatic locket or a few leaves in a sachet, eucalyptus helps to quickly recover from stress, illness, negative impacts other people.

Human use

All over the world, Eucalyptus has found many uses. Expensive furniture and even houses are made from solid wood that does not rot. The substances contained in the bark are used in leatherworking and many other industries. An essential oil is obtained from the leaves - a precious extract that has many medicinal properties... It has been proven that inhalation with this oil is good for the treatment of respiratory diseases, relieves stress, and when applied externally in the form of a lotion, it helps to maintain healthy look skin.


To summarize, Eucalyptus can be called a truly unique home plant, almost not demanding to care for. It will take literally a little effort and attention, and this tree will become an excellent home doctor for the whole family, because at home it is not for nothing called the “tree of life”.

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Eucalyptus- one of the most tall trees in the world. It can rival the American and Lebanese. And in Australia, where the most species of eucalyptus grow, there is no tree taller than eucalyptus. Its 100-meter straight trunks are adorned with Australian humid forests. Eucalyptus trees also grow in the deserts of Central Australia, but these are already shrubs 2-3 meters high.

These trees have adapted to heat, rocky soils, and sudden changes in temperature. Eucalyptus trees grow very quickly. By the end of the first year of life, this is already a tree 2-2.5 m high. Some already grown trees have bark hanging on their trunks in rags. The trunk grows so quickly that it does not have time to be covered with bark in time.

In young plants, tubers are formed on the roots. A tree grows - so do tubers. With age, they become covered with tree bark. One eucalyptus was found to have a tuber with an area of ​​75 m. It had 301 live shoots and 70 dead ones.

Eucalyptus - evergreens... But during droughts, which are common in Australia, trees shed their leaves in order to survive. Eucalyptus leaves are on long stalks and always turn parallel to the incident sunbeams. Therefore, it is always light in the eucalyptus forest, and acacias and other shrubs feel good under these trees.

Eucalyptus grows quickly, but you have to wait for its flowering for a long time. His red flowers bloom in a year and a half after the appearance of buds. The fruits also ripen for a whole year, and for several more years they hang on the tree until they are opened in capsules. The fruits of eucalyptus are eaten by the Australian.

Eucalyptus - valuable plant... From it durable wood make fastening piles. Twigs and branches are processed into paper. Essential oil is extracted from the leaves, which is used in medicine and perfumery, and tannins are extracted from the bark. This tree, with many virtues, is grown in almost all tropical and sub tropical countries, including on Black sea coast Caucasus. But there are frosts, and then the eucalyptus trees die.

Eucalyptus- (lat. Eucalyptus, gummy tree, wondrous tree) - a genus of trees from the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) - tall (from 90 to 155 m), evergreen rigid-leaved, mostly resinous trees; leaves non-falling, whole, blue-green, leathery, odorous, with a plate standing on an edge, that is, located from the twisting of the petiole in the same plane with the branch, as a result of which these trees give almost no shadow.

The genus Eucalyptus belongs to the numerous myrtle family. It includes about 140 genera and probably no less than 3000 species, distributed mainly in tropical countries and especially numerous in Australia and tropical America. Of all the representatives of the family, the common myrtle (Myrtus communis) moved farthest to the north, reaching the Azores, Europe and Western Asia, and in the southern hemisphere - the umbrella metrosideros (Metrosideros umbellatus), reaching Campbell Island ( New Zealand). Myrtle - trees and shrubs; among them you can find all varieties - from giant trees, like some types of eucalyptus, to small creeping shrubs.

Only 10 species of eucalyptus lose their leaves during the dry hot season - these are the inhabitants of the northern regions of Australia. Eucalyptus leaves are whole, in young plants they are opposite, sessile, stalk-enveloping.

In adult trees, the leaf arrangement is alternate, the leaf blade on long petioles always turns parallel to the incident sun rays. That is why eucalyptus forests remain light, with a well-developed herbaceous cover. Leaves vary in shape (from round to saber). They contain many essential oil glands. The cortical layer covering the trunk can be smooth, deeply grooved, or scaly. In some eucalyptus trees, during the period of strong growth, the cortical layer is annually detached, which gives the trunk a very peculiar appearance: the crust hangs in the form of large rags or small rags.

Eucalyptus is one of the most numerous genera of the myrtle family. The spread of the species was accompanied by a change in morphological and physiological characteristics as the surviving plants adapted to new conditions for themselves, which became the reason for the diversity of eucalyptus species. The taxonomy of the genus has been revised more than once over the past seventy years. The first comprehensive classification of species was published in 1934. At present (after 2000) the genus Eucalyptus is divided into 13 subgenera, among which 6 subgenera consist of one species, and the rest are more numerous.

In a dry, hot climate, dwarf species grow, and in the deserts of Central Australia, dwarf eucalyptus trees (there are more than 130 species), barely reaching 2 - 3 m in height. Together with acacias, they form dense thickets - "malli". Mainly from shrubby eucalyptus consists of another characteristic type vegetation of Australia - "scrubs". It grows like a gnarled tree high in the mountains where snow falls, snow-loving eucalyptus, or few-flowered (Eucalyptus pauciflora).

Most known species eucalyptus trees are large trees typical of the Australian flora. They form the top tier in all types of forests. They live up to 500 years. Eucalyptus trees are ahead of all breeds in terms of growth rate: by the end of the first year, the height of seedlings reaches 2.5 m, and by 10-15 years - 25-30 m. In Russia, the first eucalyptus were planted in 1816. Since then, more than 30 species have grown in culture on our territory (mainly on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), and several dozen are being tested.

Ash eucalyptus(Eucalyptus cineria) - tree up to 25 m high. Young leaves are short petiolate, round or ovoid, up to 4.5 cm long and 5.5 cm wide. Flowers are located in axillary umbrellas.

Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus viminalis) - evergreen tree up to 50 m high. The trunk is straight, with a yellowish-white smooth bark that falls in the form of long ribbons. Young leaves are sessile, elongate-lanceolate, 3.5 - 11 cm long, 0.8 - 4 cm wide.

Eucalyptus globular(Eucalyptus globulus) - tree up to 40 m tall. Leaves with a thick waxy bloom, bluish color. Their length is 7 - 16 cm, width - 4 - 9 cm, young leaves are sitting or stalk-embracing. In young plants, bulges are formed - tree tubers (lingotubers), which increase in size with age. Numerous shoots arise from the lignotuber when the tree trunk is damaged. This species also reproduces by seeds and forms shoots.

Dalrymple Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus Dalrympleana) is one of the most attractive species of this genus. In favorable conditions, it can reach 40 m in height with a trunk diameter of up to one and a half meters. Its clean trunks with light bark and bright green foliage make it particularly decorative. This species rises along the slopes up to 1.5 thousand meters above sea level. Hence its name - mountain eucalyptus (Mountain gum). It is resistant to a pile of snow, cold, withstands short-term frosts down to -16 ° C without significant damage. The height of the largest measured representative of this species, felled near Kolas in the state of Victoria (Australia), is 105 m.

In Australia, several species are considered the most valuable. Notable among these are Eucalyptus marginata, which is also known in the timber market as yarra, and also Eucalyptus diversicolor or karri.

Eucalyptus forests are pure or mixed stands of different ages of seed or coppice origin with a predominance of eucalyptus in the composition of forest stands. These are biological forest formations in the endemic area of ​​a limited botanical-geographical zone of the Southern Hemisphere (Australia and adjacent islands, as well as part of the islands of the Malay Archipelago) with a total area of ​​about 8 million hectares. The boundaries of the distribution of eucalyptus forests have been significantly expanded by man.

At home (in Australia), as well as in favorable climatic conditions Eucalyptus forests have a high growth capacity, due to which the replacement of other tree species is extremely rare, even after large fires. Eucalyptus forests of coppice origin (after felling) usually grow faster than seed forests, but are less durable.

In eucalyptus forests, mainly clear-cut and gradual felling is carried out. At the same time, the principles of high-stock and low-stock (coppice) farming are applied. Eucalyptus forests in a ten-year (and in a very good conditions- and at the age of five) give an annual average increase in timber up to 20 m3 per 1 ha. In addition to forests, eucalyptus trees in Australia in the savannah zone form bushy thickets. Here, between individual eucalyptus, acacias and bizarre trees with bottle-shaped trunks blown out at the bottom are scattered dense thorny thickets of shrubs, called "scrub" in Australia. The greatest troubles for travelers are caused by thickets called "mally-scrub". They are formed almost exclusively by one dwarf species of eucalyptus - "mally". Its branches grow tighter than the stalks of reeds or bamboo, and the path through the mally-scrub has to be paved with an ax.

Characteristics of eucalyptus wood

Eucalyptus is a sound disseminated vascular breed. The sapwood of all species is narrow, light (from whitish to pale yellow). The kernel is brown in color with various shades (yellow, pink, orange, brown and reddish brown). Several species, notably jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and curry (Eucalyptus diversicolor), have a pink to deep red kernel in their youth, which gradually darkens and becomes reddish brown with age or after exposure in the open air. These two species are often referred to as Australian Mahogany. Moreover, two more species are known locally under the local name red mahagony (red mahogany) - these are Eucalyptus resinifera and Eucalyptus pellita, which also have a red to dark red core.

Annual layers are visible only in the cross section. The vessels are small, form groups in the form short lines located at an angle to the layer boundary. The cavities of the vessels are filled with tills and accumulations of sound substances of different colors (from yellow-brown to red-brown). Libroform fibers are thick-walled, their cavities are filled with dark-colored contents. The core rays are numerous, homogeneous, predominantly single-row, distinguishable by the naked eye in only a few species.

Usually, eucalyptus wood is straight-grained, but quite often (and in some species - very often) tangled and wavy curliness is found. Other common wood defects include resin pockets, which are often veined and in extreme cases divide the trunk into concentric regions.

The variety of eucalyptus species is manifested not only in the color and structure of wood. Physical and mechanical properties eucalyptus trees of different species also differ markedly. In most cases, the density of dry wood is 700-900 kg / m3; wood has high strength and biostability.

Eucalyptus is a very dry species. Shrinkage (swelling) coefficients are: in the radial direction - 0.21-0.29%; in the tangential direction - 0.31-0.4%. With an increase in the age of the wood, the shrinkage coefficients also increase. Plantation wood dries out 10-15% less than natural wood.

The wood of the main types of eucalyptus is highly durable. Static hardness of the radial surface y different types eucalyptus ranges from 60 to 90 N / mm2.

Drying of eucalyptus lumber is difficult because for a variety of reasons, this species is prone to cracking and warping. The stability of the shape and size of well-dried eucalyptus wood is high.

Eucalyptus can be processed satisfactorily. Difficulty is caused by the high hardness of some of its types of wood and the presence of curliness. However, the final finishing (sanding and polishing) gives reasonably good results.

Eucalyptus wood holds fasteners well, glues and bends successfully. Accepts varnishes, paints, stains and stains satisfactorily. Core wood is very poorly impregnated protective compounds... One of the most valuable qualities of eucalyptus wood is its high biostability. This material is practically not affected by fungi and insects.

Application of eucalyptus wood

The main advantage of eucalyptus today is considered fast growth and the suitability of its wood as a raw material for the pulp and paper industry. In this regard, the area of ​​plantations and forest crops of eucalyptus in the world already exceeds the area of ​​natural plantations. Above, we have already noted the ability of rapid and multiple coppice renewal of felled eucalyptus plantations. This is of interest both for the production of cellulose and for the development of bioenergy. The quality of wood as a fuel is assessed by the heat of combustion. In this respect, eucalyptus occupies one of the leading places among other breeds.

Possessing high strength, hardness and biostability, combined with an expressive texture and pleasant color, eucalyptus wood is widely used in its homeland (Australia). Details of small ships, piles of hydraulic structures, telegraph poles, sleepers, end pavements, etc. from eucalyptus wood are the most durable. After polishing different varieties eucalyptus are extremely beautiful colour- sometimes gray, then brown, then dark red tones. Therefore, eucalyptus is one of the most popular species for interior decoration and in the manufacture of furniture (especially garden furniture). Outside Australia, eucalyptus parquet is widely known for its high wear resistance and attractive appearance... Part of the eucalyptus wood is used for the production of veneer, as well as for various carvings.

Due to the harsh climate of Russia, eucalyptus is currently not of commercial interest as a tree species. Most of all, it is known in our country as a medicinal plant. Several generations of the inhabitants of our country have remembered the smell and taste of "pectusin" - cough medicine since childhood. A sore throat in childhood, many were treated with "inhalip". These and many other medicines contain eucalyptus oil, which is produced from the leaves of this wonderful tree. To obtain the essential oil, fresh one- or three-year-old eucalyptus shoots with leaves are used. They are collected during the dormant period (in October-April).

A decoction and infusion are prepared from the leaves of eucalyptus, a tincture, the drug "chlorophyllipt" and eucalyptus oil are obtained. Along with spherical eucalyptus, ash eucalyptus and rod eucalyptus, which are cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, are allowed for use in medicine.

Every avid sauna lover is well aware of the wonderful eucalyptus brooms. And finally, eucalyptus trees can also be grown in a city apartment, which, of course, will have a positive effect on the health of its inhabitants.

In conclusion, it remains to express the hope that modern methods selection will allow in the near future to see eucalyptus forests in our country. More than 150 species have been tested on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The most frost-resistant was the Dahlrymple eucalyptus, which forms very large trees.
