In what natural area does the fox live? Wild, predatory animal fox: description, photo of a fox in winter, video, funny and cool pictures

Fox- one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But the Fox, as a fairy-tale image, is endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a bushy tail that is slightly less than half the length of the body, a red fur coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. Besides Fox slim, graceful, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What does Lisa look like?

Fox They also call her a redhead, and this is actually true, only her belly is white, gray or slightly brownish, and her chest is light. The back and sides of the Fox are colored differently in different parts: from bright red to gray.

IN northern forests Foxes are fiery red and larger, in the forest-steppe they are yellowish-gray and smaller. Greyhounds, crosses, and silver foxes are common Foxes with deviations from the usual color. The most beautiful is black-brown fur: guard hairs with white upper parts give the fur a silvery tint.

Such Foxes began to be bred on fur farms many years ago; black-brown Foxes are very rare in nature.

Summer Fox fur hard and short, in it she looks lean, big-headed and even long-legged, it suits the Fox less than the winter one. And by autumn, winter fur grows - beautiful, thick. Fox Shedding once a year - in the spring.

Fox Habits

Fox is a good hunter. In addition to observation and intelligence, she has excellent visual memory, a good sense of smell and acute hearing. The mouse squeaks barely audibly, and Fox hears a hundred meters away, a vole will rustle through dry grass under a half-meter layer of snow - and hear it. It climbs well, swims well, and is extremely maneuverable on the shore. Her ingenuity on the hunt or when escaping from pursuers is admirable.

Fox will be able to climb a tree if it is slightly inclined or branches low from the ground. The fox is very active. She knows her hunting area down to the smallest detail and systematically inspects it. Patterned chains in winter Fox tracks bizarrely cross fields, copses, ravines, getting lost on roads and paths and intertwining around stacks of straw, piles of dry soybean stalks, piles of dead wood and in other places where mice and voles live.

There was, and still is, the opinion that the main Fox food - hares. Of course, the Fox loves hare meat, but she can’t often catch up with a hare - how can she keep up with such a runner.

However, Foxes get along just fine without hare meat. It is estimated that the Fox's diet includes more than 300 different animals - from insects to large birds.

And yet the main food Foxes - rodents. They take up 80-85% of her diet. To get enough, the Fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. And where fox feeding- and the area of ​​its feeding area is on average 10 kilometers in diameter - there are much fewer rodents than where there are no foxes.

After the rains, the fox collects earthworms in abundance. In shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, takes out shells. It happens that half-eaten prey remains, and then the Fox hides it, taking it away different places. Then she will certainly find these supplies and eat them.

It is characteristic that, being a typical predator, the Fox is happy to eats berries, apples, some vegetables.

Fox hunts, as a rule, at dusk and at night, during the day it can be seen only during the lean period, most often in winter, and even in summer, when the fox cubs are growing.

Norami fox It is used mainly during raising offspring, and the rest of the time it prefers to rest in an open place: under the roots of an upturned tree, in a ravine, on a haystack.

Reproduction of foxes

Mating season for foxes begins from the end of January - in February, and in the north in March, although even before that you can often see a male and female in pairs. IN wedding time, in March, several males are courting one female, and fights between them are common. During the rut, Foxes are very excited, often yapping and howling, especially single ones who have not yet found a mate for themselves.

You can tell the difference between a male and a female by their voices. Female Fox makes a triple bark and ends it with a short howl, and the male barks more often and more, like a dog. Having retired, the couples play a lot, even organize some kind of dances: the Fox climbs hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. This dance got its name from this dance. foxtrot(the word "foxtrot" is English and means "fox step").

Male foxes - good family men . They not only take an active part in raising the young, but also take touching care of their friends long before they give them adorable fox cubs: they carry food and improve their burrows.

Fox cubs There are from 4 to 12 in a litter, but most often there are 5-6. They appear after 51-53 days of pregnancy, usually at the end of April or in the first half of May. Fox cubs they are born weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow quite quickly. In less than a month, they can already see, hear, weigh about 1 kilogram, emerge from the hole, and soon begin to play and frolic. From now on, Fox's parents bring them half-dead game so that the fox cubs acquire hunting skills.

As soon as a person even accidentally stumbles upon a fox hole, the very next night The cubs will be transferred to another location, into a spare hole; Foxes usually have several of them on their site. If Fox cubs are in danger, adults discover something surprising presence of mind. Even when a person breaks a hole with a shovel, they try to the last to save their children - to get them out through one of the holes.

Fox trick

Sometimes you can notice in fox behavior actions that resemble episodes from fairy tales. For example, the Fox approaches the black grouse gathered at a lek in an open clearing in an amazingly cunning way: she pretends that she is not at all interested in them, and does not even look in their direction; sometimes he will lie down and take a nap, and the birds lose their vigilance and go about their business - very Lisa is a good actress.

Meanwhile, Patrnkeevna will move a meter or two towards them. Lisa spares no time in playing: sometimes such a performance lasts an hour or two. Then a few lightning-fast jumps - and the hunt is victoriously completed.

Not many animals are called by their first name or patronymic. But the Fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrikey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the Fox has long been considered by the people to be a very cunning beast, as the heiress of the famous prince, she received the patronymic name Patrikeevna.

Being a typical predator, the Fox happily eats berries, apples, and some vegetables.

Little Foxes They fight well against pests such as chafers.

The color and size of foxes vary in different areas; in total there are 40-50 subspecies, not taking into account smaller forms. In general, as you move north, foxes become larger and lighter in color, and as you move south, they become smaller and duller in color. IN northern regions and in the mountains black-brown and other melanistic forms of fox coloration are also more common. The most common color: bright red back, white belly, dark paws. Often foxes have brown stripes on the ridge and shoulder blade, similar to a cross. Common distinguishing features: dark ears and white tip of the tail. Externally, the fox is a medium-sized animal with a graceful body on low paws, an elongated muzzle, pointed ears and a long fluffy tail.

Molting begins in February-March and ends in mid-summer. Immediately after this, the fox begins to grow winter fur, in which it is completely dressed by the turn of November and December. Summer fur is much thinner and shorter, winter fur is thicker and more lush. Foxes are distinguished by their large locator ears, with the help of which they pick up sound vibrations. For foxes, ears are a “catcher” of prey.

The vocalization of the red fox is the same howl as that of a wolf, only lower in tone.

The significant variety of color and size of the fox is associated with the breadth of its range and the great diversity of living conditions in its individual parts. Suffice it to say that foxes inhabit, although with different densities, all landscape-geographical zones, from the tundra and subarctic forests to the steppe and deserts, including mountain ranges in all climatic zones Oh. Moreover, the fox is found not only in the wild, but also in cultural landscapes, as well as on the outskirts of cities, including large ones (such as Kyiv and Warsaw; in London, foxes are quite common on the outskirts, and sometimes appear in the central part of the city) . Moreover, at times in urbanized areas the fox finds a particularly favorable environment for itself. They often inhabit city landfills, parks and basements of houses.

In all parts of its range, the fox prefers open areas, as well as areas where there are separate groves, copses, hills and ravines, especially if in winter the snow cover in them is not too deep and loose. Therefore, of all the climatic zones, most foxes live in the steppe and forest-steppe, and not in the forest.

The fox is a fairly sedentary animal. In most areas it is not characterized by regular migrations. Cases of such are observed only in the tundra, deserts and mountains. For example, one of the foxes tagged in the Malozemelskaya tundra (Arkhangelsk region, Russia) was later killed 600 kilometers to the southwest. Young animals that disperse from the parental den are usually located at a distance of 2-5 to 15-30 km from it.

The number of foxes fluctuates noticeably from year to year. Its condition is influenced by factors such as the number of rodents, weather conditions, the presence of infectious diseases in the population. In hungry years, not only does the fertility of females decrease and fewer puppies survive, but conditions also arise that are favorable for the spread of epizootics, which sometimes cover large areas. Typical epizootics for foxes are rabies, predator plague, and scabies.

In the wild, foxes rarely live more than seven years, often life expectancy does not exceed three. In captivity, animals live up to 20-25 years.

The fox, although it belongs to typical predators, feeds on a very diverse diet. Among the food it eats, more than 400 species of animals alone have been identified, not counting several dozen species of plants. Everywhere, the basis of its diet consists of small rodents, mainly voles. One can even say that the state of the population of this predator largely depends on the sufficiency of their number and availability. This especially applies to the winter period, when the fox lives primarily by hunting field mice: the animal, sensing a rodent under the snow cover, listens to its squeak, and then quickly dives into the snow or scatters it with its paws, trying to catch its prey. This method of hunting is called mouseing.

Larger mammals, in particular hares, play a much smaller role in nutrition, although in some cases foxes purposefully catch them (especially hares), and during the hare pestilence they can also eat corpses. Sometimes large foxes can attack roe deer cubs. Birds in the fox's diet are not as important as rodents, although this predator will never miss an opportunity to catch a bird that ends up on the ground (from the smallest to the largest, such as geese and wood grouse), as well as to destroy a clutch of eggs or flightless chicks. The fox can also kidnap domestic birds, but, according to the observations of zoologists, it does this much less often than is commonly believed.

In deserts and semi-deserts, foxes often hunt for reptiles. In Canada and northeastern Eurasia, foxes that live along big rivers, eat seasonally almost 100% salmon fish, which died after spawning. Almost everywhere in the summer, foxes eat a lot of beetles and other insects. After all, they willingly use carrion for food, especially during periods of hunger.

Plant food - fruits, fruits, berries, less often vegetative parts of plants - are part of the diet of foxes almost everywhere, but most of all in the south of the range; however, nowhere do they play a key role in feeding representatives of this species.

An individual plot occupied by a pair or family of foxes must provide them not only with a sufficient amount of food, but also with places suitable for making burrows. Foxes dig them themselves, or (which happens often) occupy empty holes of badgers, marmots, arctic foxes and other burrowing animals, adapting them to their needs. There are cases when a fox lives in a hole at the same time as a badger, but in different parts of it.

Most often, foxes settle on the slopes of ravines and hills, choosing areas with sandy soil, protected from flooding by rain, groundwater and melt water. Even if the hole is dug by yourself, not to mention badgers and others, it usually has several entrance holes that lead through more or less long tunnels into the nesting chamber. Sometimes foxes use natural shelters - caves, rock crevices, hollows in thick trees. In most cases (but not always) the housing is well covered with dense thickets. But it is unmasked by long paths, and nearby there are large outbursts of earth near the entrances, numerous food remains, excrement, etc. Lush weed vegetation often develops in fox “towns.”

Like the wolf, the fox is a monogamous animal that breeds only once a year. The time of the rut and its effectiveness depend on the weather and the fatness of the animals. There are years when up to 60% of females are left without offspring.

Even in winter, foxes begin searching for places to breed their young, and jealously guard them. There are practically no ownerless holes at this time; in the event of the death of one female, her home is immediately occupied by another. A female is often courted by two or three males, and bloody fights occur between them.

Foxes are good parents. Males take an active part in raising their offspring, and also take care of their friends even before the cubs appear. They improve the burrows and even catch fleas from females. If the father dies, another single male takes his place; sometimes the foxes even fight among themselves for the right to become a stepfather.

Pregnancy in foxes lasts 49-58 days. The litter contains from 4-6 to 12-13 puppies, covered with dark brown hair. Outwardly, they resemble wolf cubs, but differ in the white tip of the tail. At two weeks of age, fox cubs begin to see and hear, and their first teeth erupt. Both parents take part in raising fox cubs. The father and mother show extreme caution at this time, and if there is a threat, they will immediately transfer the cubs to a spare hole. They are also forced to hunt around the clock to feed their offspring. Growing puppies begin to leave their “home” early and are often found far from it, while still very small.

For a month and a half, the mother feeds the foxes milk; in addition, parents gradually accustom their cubs to regular food, as well as to its extraction. Soon, the grown-up fox cubs begin to go hunting with their father and mother, playing with each other, pestering their elders, and sometimes endangering the entire family. From the time of the rut to the final exit of the fox cubs, about 6 months pass. By autumn, the fox cubs are fully grown and can live independently. Males go 20-40 kilometers, females - 10-15, rarely 30 kilometers, looking for a site and a mate. Some females are already next year They begin to reproduce, or at least reach sexual maturity at the age of two. The fox weighs 5-8 kg.

A fox, moving calmly, walks in a straight line, leaving behind a clear chain of tracks. A frightened animal can run very quickly, at a gallop, or literally spread out over the ground, with its tail fully extended.

Among the fox's senses, the most developed are smell and hearing; vision is much less developed - therefore, for example, a fox can come very close to a motionless person sitting or standing from the windy side.

During the rut and simply in a state of excitement, the fox emits a sharp, loud bark; foxes squeal piercingly when they fight. The female and male differ in their voices: the female makes a triple “bark” ending in a short howl, the male barks like a dog, without howling.

Many foxes, especially young ones, lie down for the day in a field if it is located near a forest and is rich in rodents. Before settling down under a bush or hillock, the fox, frozen in place, examines the surroundings for a long time for danger. Then he curls up, covering his nose and paws with his tail, but before falling asleep, he looks around the area several more times. Foxes also like to relax in dense thickets, ravines and other hard-to-reach places.

Foxes hunt in different time day, preferring, however, early morning and late evening, and where they are not pursued, they meet during the day, and without showing anxiety when meeting a person. Otherwise, these animals are extremely cautious and amazing ability to hide and throw off the chase - this is why in the folklore of many peoples the fox is the embodiment of cunning and dexterity (see reflection in art).
Foxes living near hiking trails, boarding houses, and in places where hunting is prohibited quickly get used to the presence of humans, are easy to feed and can beg.

Foxes are supposed to have feelings

Ordinary Red fox is a predator that belongs to the canine family. The body length of the animal is from 60 to 90 cm, the tail is from 40 to 60 cm, and the weight reaches 10 kg. The fox is a fairly common animal that can be found in Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America and even Australia. Next, we will look at this animal in more detail, and also find out how many years a fox lives.


IN different corners Around the world, the size and color of foxes differ. In total, there are about 50 subspecies of this animal, excluding its small forms. If you move north, you will notice that the foxes become lighter and larger, while in the south they are dull colored and small. In the mountains and northern regions you can find the black-brown fox. The most common color: dark paws, white belly and bright red back. Often the animal has brown stripes on its shoulder blades and spine, which are arranged in a cross. To general distinctive features This includes a white tail at the tip and dark ears. Despite this a large number of various types animal, the life expectancy of a fox in every corner of the planet is approximately the same.

The fox is a medium-sized animal with an elongated muzzle, graceful body, fluffy long tail and pointed ears. In February-March the animal begins to shed, and this process ends in mid-summer. It is then that the fox begins to develop winter fur, which it acquires by November-December. In winter the fur is very lush and thick, and in summer it is short and sparse. For the fox, the ears are assistants in catching prey; they are large and resemble locators. With the help of these organs, the animal detects sound vibrations that come from a potential victim.


Of course, for the lifespan of the fox big influence provides nutrition. Although the animal is a predator, it can eat different foods. The main food that a fox eats includes more than 400 species of animals and several dozen plants. The diet of this animal is based on field rodents. The population and life expectancy of the fox depend on the availability and sufficient quantity of such food. This is especially important in winter period when the animal hunts voles. The fox catches the scent of a rodent, listens to the slightest rustle, and then suddenly dives into the snow and grabs it with its teeth.

Larger animals, such as hares, are not so attractive to the fox, although they also sometimes fall into her paws, especially little hares. During the period of hare pestilence, a fox may not disdain even a corpse. There have been cases when large individuals attacked a baby roe deer, as well as large birds that found themselves on the ground. Foxes can also destroy a clutch of eggs and steal poultry. In Canada, for example, these animals feed on salmon that died after spawning, and in the summer they are content with insects and various beetles. Among plant foods, berries, fruits, fruits, and vegetative parts can be noted. Foxes often cause significant damage to oat crops, as they eat them during the period of milky ripeness.


The lifespan of a fox is influenced by the condition of the area where a pair of animals or a whole family lives. This area must provide for the animals required quantity food, and also be suitable for creating burrows. Foxes dig them on their own, but sometimes they can occupy the empty homes of arctic foxes, marmots and badgers. However, there were cases when the animal lived together with the badger, but in separate burrows.

The fox prefers to settle on the slopes of hills and ravines with sandy soil. This place must be protected from melted and groundwater, as well as from heavy rains. As a rule, a fox hole has several entrances, each of which leads to a nesting chamber. Often the animal uses natural shelter: a hollow, a rock crevice, or the hollow of a thick tree. The fox's home is densely covered with thickets, but it is revealed by long paths, large soil emissions near the entrances, excrement and food remains.


Like the wolf, the fox is a monogamous animal that breeds only once a year. The effectiveness of the rut, like the lifespan of a fox in nature, depends on the fatness of the animal. There are periods when more than half of the females cannot have offspring. Even in winter, the animal begins to select a suitable place for breeding its young. The female is usually courted by several males, between whom fights often occur.

The fox bears offspring from 49 to 58 days. As a rule, from 4 to 13 puppies are born, which are covered with dark brown fur. Outwardly, they look like wolf cubs, only the white tip of the tail differs. Both parents raise the cubs, and in case of threat, they quickly move the babies to another shelter. After six months, the fox cubs are ready to independent life, they leave, and some of them are already preparing for the appearance of their offspring. It should be noted that sexual maturity in a fox most often occurs at the age of two years. Next we will consider the question of how long a fox lives.

Lifespan of a Red Trickster

Unfortunately, these cute animals age very quickly, just like their gray counterparts. The life expectancy of a fox and a wolf are slightly different. As a rule, a fox in the wild can live up to 5-6 years, while a wolf can live up to 6-9.

However, many individuals do not live up to three years, which is associated with poaching, poor nutrition and various diseases. Scientists have determined that on average foxes live from 3 to 5 years, provided there is sufficient food and a favorable environment.

Life in captivity

Although wild nature- This habitat for animals, it is worth noting that in captivity the life expectancy of a fox is 20 years. This figure is impressive and depends primarily on proper care of the animal and quality nutrition. Today, many people keep various predators as pets, including the fox. But is it possible to keep this animal in captivity?

First of all, it is necessary to obtain permission to keep such an animal. In addition, you should take him to the veterinarian regularly for checkups and appropriate vaccinations and take precautions. The animal must have its own living space, den and place to relieve itself. The fox is easy to train and quickly gets used to walking on a leash and following various commands.

In order for your pet to feel good and live long life, you need to feed him a balanced diet. For this purpose, high-quality dog ​​food is suitable, which is recommended to be supplemented with berries, fruits and vegetables.


So that animals have full life, people should take care of them, no matter whether they are wild or domestic. After all, these are our smaller brothers, without whom the existence of humanity as a whole is impossible.

Vixens, or foxes - group carnivorous mammals from the canine family. Systematically, these animals occupy an intermediate place between wolves and wild cats. There are 18 species of foxes in total, the most famous of them are red fox, arctic fox and fennec fox.


Outwardly, foxes are more similar to wolves: they have a wolf-like elongated, pointed muzzle, rather large pointed ears, a long fluffy tail and paws with non-retractable claws. At the same time, the pupils of foxes are vertical, like those of cats.

All types of foxes have long fur with a thin spine and thick undercoat. The color of most species is uniform red, gray, brown. Often the lower part of the body is lighter in color, while the tips of the ears and tail, on the contrary, are darker. Dimensions different types vary from 30 cm in length and a weight of 1.5 kg for the fennec fox to 1 m in length and a weight of 10 kg for the red fox.


Foxes are found on almost all continents except Antarctica. These animals were not previously found in Australia; now the red fox, brought to the continent by people, lives there. Foxes inhabit a variety of landscapes - coniferous and broadleaf forests, tundra, steppes, mountains and deserts. Unlike canines, they lead a solitary lifestyle and never form packs. Each animal has its own individual area, which protects it from the invasion of fellow tribesmen. Foxes live in the same territory for most of the year and leave it only in case of hunger. However, their migrations are small. Animals communicate with each other using short barks or yelps.

Skilled builders

These animals usually live in burrows. Foxes are skilled builders and dig complex burrows with several additional exits (burrows). Foxes use these exits to escape when other animals (hunting dogs) enter the hole or when the hole is flooded during a flood, for example. However, foxes are happy to occupy suitable burrows of other animals. Thus, a large red fox often inhabits badger holes, and does this even when there is an owner in the hole! The badger is famous for its cleanliness; it cannot stand the fox smell and food debris scattered near the hole, so it leaves its home and digs a new hole. Thus, the fox becomes the owner of a comfortable home.

Night hunters

Foxes that live in deserts and steppes usually go hunting at night, waiting out the heat of the day in a hole. In cooler regions, these animals can often be seen during the day. Foxes are both cautious and curious. On the one hand, they are sensitive to suspicious sounds and smells (both their hearing and sense of smell are excellent), on the other hand, they often hunt in the presence of humans, approaching homes and roads. These animals move by jogging or mincing steps, but in case of danger they are able to run quickly. Red foxes are quite hardy and can withstand being pursued by hunters for a couple of hours. Despite external resemblance with wolves, foxes are able to... climb trees. Of course, not all species do this, but those that live in forests. Even an ordinary red fox is able to climb shallow tree branches, and gray foxes North America they just spend a significant portion of their time there. For this they are also called tree foxes. Such abilities indicate kinship with cats.

Foxes even large species They prefer to hunt small rodents and only in case of a shortage of this food do they turn their attention to other animals. On occasion, they catch hares, marmots, various birds, frogs, pick up dead fish and other carrion, sometimes foxes even manage to catch a hedgehog. In summer they can eat herbaceous plants and berries. Only the smallest desert species (fennec fox, bat-eared fox) specialize in feeding on insects, but they are also capable of catching a small lizard or destroying a bird’s nest. Foxes do not attack poultry as often as is commonly thought. The method of obtaining food in these animals is intermediate between the hunting style of wolves and wild cats. On the one hand, foxes never hide and approach their prey almost openly; on the other hand, although they try to chase the victim, they are not capable of long-term pursuit. When hunting rodents, the fox usually listens, thanks to its very fine hearing, determines the position of the prey with an accuracy of a centimeter, and then overtakes it with a deft leap. Moreover, the fox is able to determine the exact location of a mouse or vole even under the snow, without seeing it.

Foxes reproduce once a year. The rut occurs in December-March. At this time, several suitors may be around one female. If the forces are equal and none of them wants to give in voluntarily, the males get involved in a fight.


Most often, the same male living in the neighborhood mates with the female. Thus, pairs of foxes are almost constant, but not as stable as those of wolves. Married couple does not communicate all year round and disintegrates a couple of months after whelping. Pregnancy lasts about two months. The female gives birth to 2-7 fox cubs in the hole. The babies spend the first time in the den; in case of danger, the mother takes them to another den. They feed on milk for 1.5 months, then gradually switch to adult food.

The mother brings them wounded animals and the kids learn to hunt. During this period they are very playful and curious. Families finally break up by autumn and the young begin an independent life.

Enemies of foxes

The enemies of different types of foxes are mainly food competitors - wolves, lynxes, hyenas. The number of northern species strongly depends on the abundance of food; in years with a small number of rodents and hares, foxes often die of starvation. Southern species have more stable populations.

Types of foxes

Such types of foxes as the red fox, corsac fox, and arctic fox are famous for the quality of their fur and have been the object of hunting since ancient times. They get them different ways- tracking (following tracks), baiting with hounds, miners or greyhounds, using traps. To this day, horse-drawn fox hunting, which used to be the preserve of the nobility, has been preserved as an old tradition in England. This gambling activity brings together several dozen hunters and beaters, each of whom has his own pack of dogs and a couple of spare horses. This whole cavalcade goes into the forest to hunt one fox all day. By the way, foxes steadfastly withstand pursuit, not only running quickly, but also resorting to various tricks to confuse their tracks.

Several breeds of hunting dogs were bred specifically for fox hunting - beagle, fox terrier, foxhound. There is no particular economic sense in modern fox hunting since these animals are domesticated and successfully bred on fur farms. The red fox has developed several color forms not known in nature (platinum foxes).

Carnivores are a group of mammals, most of which are carnivores, but there are also omnivores and those that eat plant foods. The fox is one of the most popular wild predatory animals. In terms of body type and jaw shape, foxes are similar to wolves, dogs and jackals. However, they differ from them in their lower landing, bushy tail and elongated body.

The cunning and resourcefulness of foxes, glorified in many fairy tales, sayings and fables, are greatly exaggerated. In terms of its intelligence, a fox is not much different from the same predator, a wolf. She can repeatedly fall into the same traps set, is afraid to run past the flags placed by hunters, and does not immediately identify a person standing motionless. Her sense of smell and vision are not very well developed. What she cannot be denied is the ability to navigate the terrain well, escaping persecution.

Based on the color of their fur, they distinguish between snow-white albino foxes, black-brown, gray steppe foxes, and bright red foxes. The distribution range of foxes is Europe, North Africa, North and West Asia. The worst enemies foxes are wolves. Foxes make their lair between the roots of trees or under stones. If possible, foxes occupy abandoned badger lairs or even settle in the same hole with them. In the treeless warm countries foxes set up holes only for their offspring, while they themselves remain on the surface.

Foxes can be considered omnivores. They can feed on berries, chafers, small rodents, hares, and poultry. Foxes run very fast, but they also crawl well, climb low trees and are not at all afraid of water.

In mid-spring, a female fox gives birth to four to six cubs. After twelve days, the blind fox cubs gain sight, and by about a month they stop feeding on their mother’s milk, gradually switching to prey brought by the fox.

Foxes are susceptible to many canine diseases, including rabies.

Short video: Cat and fox. Acquaintance. ( Full version) cat and fox. Meeting.

Video: Living encyclopedia: Foxes.

Big-eared fox.

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