Pine cones medicinal properties and contraindications. Treatment with green pine cones

People who grew up in Siberia know it firsthand. Our ancestors used it in ancient times unique properties pine trees in medicinal purposes.

Pine is amazing tree, it gives wood, heals and feeds. Its extraordinary scent alone can work wonders. This aroma contains phytoncides necessary for the human body.

Interesting! Even in ancient times, the opened cones were used to make a very effective massage for the legs and back.


Most often, for medicinal purposes, they are small in size, resinous and with a rich green color. A variety of tinctures and various healing decoctions are made from it.

Interesting! It is not difficult to prepare and use for treatment; you can read in detail in our article.

Procurement of raw materials

Cones, for medicinal purposes, are collected from May to the end of July. An important condition is the distance of trees from the city and highways. The tree must be healthy and mature. The cones should be torn special gloves, which will protect your hands from resin.

Advice! Cones that have not yet opened and have greenish shoots have special properties.

These products can be stored for a year in a ventilated and dark place. After this period, the cones may lose their properties.

During ripening, they accumulate a maximum of useful substances. These properties can be maintained quite long time.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of cones became known in ancient times. They are used to prepare balms, tinctures and various jams.

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins A, C, B, PP;
  • tannins, especially useful for restoring cellular structure;
  • a variety of essential oils that have a stimulating effect.

Due to the presence of tannins, preparations based on cones have the ability. These substances can have a positive effect on brain cells during acute coronary events and prevent their death.

Also, this pine product has a tonic effect on the body and remarkably improves abilities. immune system.

Important! Medications based on cones are useful specifically during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, or as a preventive measure.

You should not try this remedy in the acute stage of the disease. It will show the greatest effectiveness in pre-stroke conditions and ischemic attacks. It is better to use infusions from cones as an addition to the main treatment.

Preparations based on pine cones have the following properties:

  1. Reduce sensitivity to small blood flow and increase resistance to oxygen starvation.
  2. They restore brain cells that have not been completely destroyed by stroke processes.
  3. Slows down the irreversible death of neurons.
  4. Effective for prevention various types stroke.

Pine cones are also used for various colds, including pneumonia. Medicines based on cones are used for low hemoglobin and vitamin deficiency. The extract from this product is a powerful antioxidant. This product also helps with diseases of the joints and blood vessels.

Don't forget about contraindications. There are few of them, but it is better to know about them. It is not recommended to use pine cones for allergic reactions and severe liver and kidney diseases. They should not be taken by pregnant, lactating women and people over 70 years of age.

Interesting! Mature buds are sensitive to humidity. They contract when air humidity is high and open when this indicator drops.

Medicines based on cones can be used internally and externally. For example, baths and lotions are very effective for joint pain.

The beneficial properties of pine have been known for many generations. But many people don’t even imagine that incredibly tasty, sweet jam can be made from pine cones, which contains a large number of vitamins,...

Pine is considered the most widespread plant throughout the world and many are familiar with its beneficial and medicinal properties, including pine cones. Visit pine forest always provides beneficial effect for the whole body. Many people, when going for a walk in the pine forest in the spring, try to stock up on pine cones. Young green pine cones can be used to treat not only coughs and respiratory diseases, but also be used to treat other diseases.

Useful properties of pine cones

From a medicinal point of view, all parts of the tree are valuable material. For treatment, you can use everything: tree bark, pine needles, buds, pollen. Of particular interest among all these components of the tree are the cones, both green and already ripe red.

When and who first began to use pine cones for medicinal purposes, history has not preserved. But what is their beneficial features people noticed a long time ago, that’s for sure. Decoctions, infusions are traditionally prepared from the cones, alcohol tincture, cook delicious and healthy honey and jam.

Pine is known for its phytoncidal properties. Air samples taken where pine trees grow showed that there are 10 times fewer pathogenic organisms in the air than in a birch forest. Therefore, the best sanatoriums for the treatment of respiratory diseases are always located in pine forest, where spruce and pine trees grow. If we talk about the chemical composition, pine buds contain:

Monoterpene compounds;

Lipid compounds


Organic acids;

Vitamins C, group B, carotene;

Essential oils;



Cones contain selenium, iron, magnesium.

The highest content of nutrients is in green cones.

Vitamin C, in addition to protecting the immune system, is involved in hematopoiesis processes, nervous system, protects against scurvy.

B vitamins take part in many metabolic processes, the nervous system, and improve brain function.

Carotene, from which vitamin A is produced in the body, is important for maintaining muscle tone, preserving vision, and is involved in strengthening the immune system. This is one of the powerful antioxidant vitamins.

Medicinal properties of pine cones

All the medicinal and beneficial properties of pine cones are due to their chemical composition and have long been used in folk medicine. They are also recognized official medicine. Due to their unique chemical composition, pine cones have the following properties:












All these medicinal properties have a very beneficial effect on the body. Medicinal Products based on pine cones are very effective for treating:

Colds (ARVI, ARI);

Vitamin deficiency, including scurvy;

Sore throat;

Bronchial asthma;



Polyarthritis, gout and arthritis;


Low hemoglobin.

Pine is famous for its phytoncidal properties and, therefore, can inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria. Decoctions of cones can be used for inhalation and medicinal baths, or taken orally.

Green pine cones medicinal properties

Green pine cones are young pine cones that develop from pine buds. Pine buds appear at the end of winter and at the very beginning of spring. After flowering, young green buds develop from them, which at first are very small, no larger than a fingernail.

Gradually the cones grow and gain their healing power. Young pine cones are used to make jam, pine honey, and prepare an alcohol tincture.

All drugs that can be prepared from such cones have a powerful healing effect. They are part of a chest collection for the treatment of coughs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, decoctions and infusions are used for influenza and viral diseases, sore throat. Excellent for adults and children medicine for cough - a decoction of young cones with milk.

They are taken for joint diseases, to restore strength and increase vitality.

Extracts from green young buds are widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the production of lotions, creams, toothpaste, mouth rinses and other cosmetic products. They help improve skin condition and relieve inflammation.

In folk medicine, green cones are even used to treat tuberculosis.

When to collect green cones

In order for young green buds to have medicinal properties, they must first become hydrated and acquire healing powers. Therefore, very small young cones should not be collected. You need to wait until they acquire some rigidity, but still remain soft inside.

Depending on the region, this may be the end of May or June. In some places, for example, in the Urals or Siberia, young pine cones can be collected in early July. By the end of summer, in August, pine cones accumulate maximum amount valuable substances.

Green pine cones, like medicine, should reach a size of about 4 centimeters. When collecting, you need to pay attention to them appearance: They must not have any visible insect damage, rot or other marks indicating deterioration and inadequate quality of the buds.

For medicinal purposes, they need to be collected early in the morning. At this time, sap flow begins, which fills the cones healing properties.

In June-July, the green cones become coarser and woody.

Such cones are no longer suitable for making jam. You need to collect them until they can be cut with a knife and the middle of the cones is still soft.

The collected cones are used to make jam, pine honey, and fresh tincture. If the cones are collected for preparing decoctions and infusions, then they need to be dried. You need to dry the pine cones in the shade, in a ventilated area, in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Dried young buds become dark. They should be stored in a linen bag, cardboard box or paper bag. Shelf life is one and a half years.

For cooking medicinal tincture You can also collect harder buds, but by increasing the infusion time. The healing properties of such a tincture are still preserved.

At the end of August and September, the cones begin to darken and become brownish-red in color. By mid-winter, in March, the seeds will ripen.

Red pine cones

Red pine cones are an excellent remedy for treating and cleaning blood vessels. They are also used after a stroke.

By the time they ripen, they accumulate a large content of useful substances: vitamins, essential oils, tannins. All these components give them the ability to stop the death of brain cells, which is often inherent in the post-stroke state.

Studies have shown that tannins contained in red buds reduce the death of brain cells, cleanse blood vessels and can help cope with the consequences of a previous illness.

Tincture of red pine cones is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancerous tumors. The addition of pine buds and pine pollen makes the tincture even more effective and healing when used against tumors and other diseases.

In addition, the tincture of red cones is recommended for use in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The use of pine cones in folk medicine

The healing properties of pine cones are unique. They can be used to treat a range of diseases. Moreover, both young green cones and ripe red ones have healing properties. You can use pine cones in various forms. These can be decoctions or, jam or honey.

Infusion of pine cones

An aqueous infusion of green cones can be used to treat cough and bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, edema, scurvy, rheumatism, gout or arthritis, heart pain, as a hemostatic agent.

To prepare the infusion you need to take:

1 tablespoon of pine cones

2 cups boiling water

Brew the pine cones with boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for 12 hours. Drink the infusion 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of young pine cones

The decoction can also be taken for colds, coughs, bronchitis, joint diseases and other diseases.

To prepare the decoction, pour 10 grams of cones into a glass hot water and place in a water bath. Boil for 10-15 minutes and remove from the stove. Cool and take 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day.

Tincture on young pine cones

When preparing the tincture, you can add pine buds and/or pollen. It is allowed to add herbs if the tincture is prepared for a specific disease.

Sort out the collected young green pine cones and remove all debris (adherent pine needles, bark). Cut into several pieces and put in a jar. Vodka is taken at the rate of 1 part cones and 10 parts vodka.

Leave in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks. Shake the jar periodically during infusion. After infusion, strain the tincture, squeezing the cones well. Pour into a dark glass bottle.

Take tincture from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.


The other day my son was walking through school To the world around us flowering and non-flowering plants. What is the difference between a fern, a spruce and, say, an apple tree (or cabbage)? That apple tree and cabbage are blooming. That's what it says in the textbook. From a botany point of view, everything is correct, however... I have seen more than once blooming spruce.

Spruce blossom

Strictly speaking, gymnosperms (conifers) do not flower. But what happens to them in the spring performs the same function as the flowering of angiosperms. Therefore, at the everyday level, I think we have the right to talk about spruce flowering. Everyone has probably seen how the spruce blossoms. Not everything is possible realized

At the end of spring, red cones sticking up appear at the ends of spruce branches. This female cones. They'll turn real brown in the fall fir cones. male cones, staminate, smaller, yellow-red or simply yellow. They dust with yellow spruce pollen in the spring.

Female cones are formed on the upper branches (from there the ripened seeds can fly further away). Males prefer lateral branches.

This is how a spruce tree blooms. In the picture there are female “flowers” ​​- reddish bumps:

And here are men's, yellow.

Some years the spruce trees bloom so abundantly that the pollen covers the surrounding area with a yellow coating. By the way, last year, in late spring, a yellow cloud covered the Moscow region - the birches were blooming especially well. We, the villagers, were not at all afraid, we have birch trees growing under our windows, we saw with our own eyes saw how they gather dust

Reproduction of spruce

In fact, in botany, the reproductive organs of conifers are called strobiles. These are modified shoots. Male strobili are called microstrobilae, female strobili are called megastrobilae.

On the strobili (both male and female) are formed disputes, macrospores are female spores or microspores are male spores. Female spores develop into an embryo sac, male spores into pollen.

Spruce trees have strobiles collected in cones. A tuft of megastrobilus is a female cone, a tuft of microstrobilus is a male cone. Both male and female cones in spruce, like most conifers, can form on the same tree, that is, monoecious plants.

How spruce grows

Let's return to our spruce trees. In spring they not only have flower cones, but also open shoots buds from which paws grow. At first they look like cones, covered with light brown scales. But inside they have resinous greenery. I love, while walking through a coniferous forest in the spring, to chew the young shoots of a Christmas tree or pine; they have a pleasant resinous taste.

They write that forest spruce trees bloom in 30-50 years. My spruce plantings began to bloom when I was 10 years old. When a spruce grows in an open place, it does not have to fight so intensely for light, so it thinks about propagation much earlier.

Spruce does not bloom every year, but approximately once every 3-5 years. Spruce grows all its life until old age, although most quickly in youth, from about 10 years old. Spruce trees are not long-lived trees. They live 250-300 years. Due to the fact that adult spruce does not have a taproot, root system superficial, they are easily blown over by the wind, forming windbreaks. Bark beetles are even worse for our spruce pine forests. In outskirts of Moscow recent years 10 a disaster has unfolded - bark beetles are destroying coniferous forests. But this is a separate unpleasant topic.

How can you determine the age of a spruce tree?

It is known that the age of a tree can be easily determined by its annual rings, since a new ring grows every year. By the relative width of the annual rings, you can determine the direction to the south (the rings are wider there), as well as the comparative “productivity” different years. Sometimes, in order to determine the age of a living tree, without cutting it down, its trunk is drilled and a “puncture” is taken.

With spruce everything is simpler. To determine the age of a spruce tree, you do not need to cut it down or drill it. Just count number of tiers of branches. On spruce trees the branches grow in rings, whorls. Every year a new tier is added. They do not form for the first three or four years, so the formula for calculating the age of a spruce is simple: the number of tiers of branches plus 3. This, of course, if you did not shape the tree and did not cut down the top.

By the way, you can easily distinguish spruce lumber from pine: on spruce logs or boards, knots are never staggered, but follow the same annual tiers.


Although spruce evergreen tree, but her needles, like other conifers, do not last forever. The needles live from 6 to 10 years, depending on the species. The fallen needles are renewed. When used in landscape design garden plot In a hedge, you can use the shade tolerance of this tree. In partial shade, the spruce does not wither and remains green right down to the ground. It is possible to make a hedge with vertical sides from spruce trees, but I prefer a more natural tree shape - easier to maintain and less violence to nature.

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Today I’ll tell you how my family protects itself from colds. This is important not only for gardeners, it is important for everyone. Especially now, because doctors promise that the new flu virus, which has made people sick all winter, and more than once, will cause a pandemic in the new year. This means that the disease will cover the entire planet, it could become like the Spanish flu.

How to protect yourself? Just! You need to dial ordinary Pine cones.

Where to collect pine cones.

In a pine forest. In this forest, a person feels very comfortable: the air is sterile, because phytoncides destroy microbes, the trunks in brown-coffee tones with a carpet of gray lichens and the transparency of the sun create a festive mood.

Sanatoriums are built in such forests to treat people with lung diseases. There is a tuberculosis hospital in our city, it is located in a pine forest.

Gather Pine cones very problematic, because pine trees tend to give birth to children at a certain age. In the forest, all the trees are old, that is, they are tall and even a ladder that can be loaded into the trunk of a car will not help you get the cones. Well, not everyone can become a squirrel, even in their fantasies.

Therefore, we are looking for plantings of young pines or lonely trees, or pine forest belts. We were able to find a pine forest belt near our house. In it, even the mature trees are thick, they do not have a bare tall trunk, the branches look like the paws of spruce trees, and you can pick cones simply by standing on the ground.

What pine cones should you collect?

Since I told you in such detail where you can collect it, it is clear that old, cracked pine cones are not needed. They used to heat samovars. Although it makes sense to collect these spreaders if you have grandchildren or children from your neighbors. They need such cones for crafts. And adults themselves can make home decorations for the New Year holiday.

And we need new cones, green, resinous, small.

We collect cones like this.

Candles have already appeared on the pine branches; these are young shoots; they have yellowish tones in color. But pine trees don’t have flowers; they don’t know how to bloom. She has strobili: the male ones are called microstrobilae and they produce pollen, and the female ones are called megastrobilae. And cones are infructescences in which seeds are collected.

Young shoots, young green cones, an old cone that has not yet opened, and microstrobiles are clearly visible here.

We collect cones.

When to collect pine cones.

This is the time when the article was written. From mid-May to the tenth of June. If spring is late and cold, with long snow melting and long frosty days, then you can slightly extend the period for collecting cones. In a warm early spring, it is better to finish collecting cones in the first week of June.

Let's prepare the potion.

Preparation requires a lot of sugar and three-liter jars, absolutely dry and clean, as well as plastic lids.

Wash and dry the cones.

Pour a little sugar into the bottom of the jar to create a sugar cushion. Place a layer of cones on it and shake well so that there is sugar between the cones. So fill the jar completely with cones and check that there is no empty space between them. Close the jar with a lid and place it in the sun. After a few days, liquid begins to release from the cones, which begins to dissolve the sugar. There is less dry sugar, we need to add it on top, we can add cones if there are any left, and close the jar again and leave it in the sun.

There are no specific dates, the time depends on day and night temperatures, on the abundance of sun. My jars have been sitting in the oven for almost a month. During this time, almost all the sugar will dissolve. Then you need to separate the sugar syrup from the buds through a colander. Stir well to completely dissolve the sugar and pour into jars for storage.

After this procedure of pumping the juices out of it, the cone will become a little sad and wrinkle a little. It will change color a little. You can use it afterwards, for example, to brew tea.

Pine cone and syrup.

The resulting syrup should be stored in a dark place. I have a shelf in my pantry that works well for this. There is heating in my pantry, but the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. I keep it like this all year, until new buds appear.

This is a very tasty and aromatic medicine, so there is no need to get carried away. 3 dessert spoons per day is enough. Pine taste and pine aroma. This yummy food helps you not get sick and helps improve your immunity.

Evergreen pine grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and this species has more than a hundred plant varieties. In our climate, Scots pine is ubiquitous and has a huge number of beneficial properties for humans, and not only its buds and needles, but also essential oil, cones and even pollen are endowed with potential benefits. The cones are most often used for medicinal purposes, and some even make jam from them to enjoy not only the taste, but also the great benefits at any time. right time. Let's find out how to properly use green cones to cope with various diseases.

The benefits of green pine cones

Young green cones differ from their woody, older “brothers” in their high content of essential oils and resinous substances. In addition, such wood elements contain vitamins (C, B, K, P), iron, magnesium, tannins, flavonoids, selenium and other substances. Each of the described components can benefit the human body:

  • phytoncides, or pine essential oils, can have a pronounced bactericidal effect, as well as destroy fungal pathogens. This substance has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • tannin is endowed with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, it is thanks to this component that the cones are recommended as a means to combat stroke;
  • Vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increases the level of immune defense and is indispensable for problems with the nervous system;
  • vitamin K is indispensable in the process of bone tissue production, and also promotes blood clotting, thereby minimizing the risks of dangerous bleeding;
  • rutin (vitamin P) – an element that strengthens vascular walls and helps relieve swelling, etc.

Indications for the use of cones in folk medicine

Experts say that the use of pine cones is possible for problems with respiratory system, for diseases of blood vessels and joints and as a means for active cleansing of the body. Thus, medications based on this product can be used for the following diagnoses:

  • inflammation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative formations in the stomach or duodenum;
  • state of reduced immunity;
  • arthritis;
  • prevention of stroke and assistance with rehabilitation after;
  • gout;
  • hypertension;
  • post-infarction state;
  • avitaminosis;
  • various colds, etc.

When to collect cones to prepare medicinal medicines

In order to determine the timing of product assembly, it is important to understand exactly how the buds develop and why they are needed at all. Pine cones come in two types: male and female. Males produce pollen and females produce seeds. Latest for a long time remain on the tree, gradually developing, while the male “individuals” simply fall off immediately after pollination.

So, at the end of spring, small resinous balls form on the pine trees - these are young cones. Pollen falls on them, after which all the scales close, and a long development process begins. After a year, the cones are much larger in size, they are green, contain a lot of resin, and can be cut with a knife without much difficulty. It is at this stage that the cones can be collected for use. They should be about four centimeters in size. Undoubtedly, it is better to collect on those trees that are located away from major roads or factories.

How to Preserve Green Pine Cones for the Winter

An important issue is storing cones at home. The main danger remains that they can simply become moldy and be completely ruined. To avoid this, it is recommended harvested lay out in one layer on paper and dry for several days. After the cones can be placed in fabric bags and stored in a cool, dark place with normal level humidity. The product should not be stored for more than two years.

Another pressing question - is it possible to freeze buds? Some people resort to this method, but they also dry the product first so that there is no excess moisture left in it. If necessary, the cones can be thawed (they should not change their appearance in any way) and a fresh portion of the medicine can be prepared from them.

What can be made from green pine cones: recipes

Considering the wide beneficial potential of green pine cones, it immediately becomes clear that a large number of recipes are provided for them, both mono- and polycomponent. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and frequently encountered ones.

How to make a vodka/alcohol tincture and take it for stroke

It is widely believed that alcohol tincture of pine cones helps people recover from a stroke due to its ability to strengthen blood vessels and normalize circulatory processes. It is immediately worth noting that from a medical point of view, the effectiveness of such a prescription has not been proven, and you should not rely solely on its effect and neglect medical recommendations.

To prepare the tincture, you only need two components: 6-7 green cones and a glass of vodka. The components must be placed in a jar and covered tightly with a lid so as to avoid the evaporation of alcohol from the liquid. The jar is placed in a cool, dark place and shaken every day, continuing this action for two weeks. After this period, the tincture is considered ready for use.

If we're talking about about the need to prevent stroke, then you need to take only a teaspoon of the composition once a day for 5-6 months without breaks. If the tincture is used during the recovery period, the dose is increased - a teaspoon three times a day.

Alcoholic pine tincture with vinegar

Very often, in order to cope with the consequences of a stroke or prevent its occurrence, a tincture with the addition of apple cider vinegar. The recipe in this case is as follows: you will need 5-6 pine cones, 250 ml of vodka and a teaspoon of vinegar. The process is practically no different from that described above: the cones and vodka are mixed, placed in a jar, tightly closed and left in a dark place, but for 10 days. But after the tincture is ready, it is filtered and the specified amount of vinegar is added. To use it, it will be enough to brew weak tea before bed and add a teaspoon of tincture to it. The duration of the course is six months.

Syrup with sugar to treat cough

The syrup is prepared in two stages. First, you need to prepare the main product - sort through the cones, throw away all the spoiled ones, rinse in clean water, and then cut into thin slices. The blanks must be covered with granulated sugar, the weight of which should be half the weight of the main product. At the second stage, the components are placed in a tightly closed container for 10 days. During this time, the pine resin will gradually be released and help dissolve the sugar, which will produce a sweet syrup. During the day you need to take no more than 30 ml of this syrup.

The finished product will help relieve attacks of painful cough, and also help remove phlegm and destroy pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the disease.

How to prepare a medicinal decoction

A multicomponent medicinal decoction is used to improve the condition of blood vessels. To prepare it, you need to chop green pine cones (2 pieces), add a couple of tablespoons of rose hips and the same amount of onion peels. The mixture is poured into 600 ml of water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling. During the day you need to drink a glass of strained broth, the course consists of three months of use.

How to make jam using pine cones

There is far more than one recipe for such an exotic drug, but the following can be considered the simplest. You should immediately prepare for the fact that such jam will take much longer than the classic one made from berries and fruits. So, you will need a kilogram of cones and the same amount of granulated sugar, and two liters of clean water for this amount of ingredients.

The cones need to be rinsed very well, then pour cool water (two liters) over them overnight so that the liquid covers them by a few centimeters on top. The next morning, you need to drain the water from the cones and add all the necessary sugar to it, then bring to a boil and ensure that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. After this, you can add the soaked pine cones and continue the cooking process with frequent stirring. The resulting foam must be removed. After cooking for 2-3 hours, the composition should acquire a pleasant amber color - this is a signal that the pine jam is ready and can be rolled into jars.

Recipe for honey from young pine cones

Making pine “honey” is similar to making jam, but has some differences in proportions and the process itself. So, the washed pine cones are placed in a pan and filled with water until they cover a few centimeters. When the mixture comes to a boil, you need to add a kilogram of granulated sugar to it for each liter of liquid used. After the sugar has dissolved, reduce the heat and simmer everything together for an hour and a half. After cooling, you can separate the liquid from the cones themselves to make it more convenient to use the product in the future. Take this honey on an empty stomach, diluting it in a small amount of water.

Contraindications to the use of pine cone products

Despite the fact that pine cone-based products have helped a huge number of people, it is important to consider that each body is unique and can accept this or that product in its own way. Before using buds, it is important to take into account that there are some contraindications, neglect of which can have a negative impact on a person’s health:

  • There are age restrictions. You should not use “cone” drugs before reaching 12 years of age and for people over 75 years of age;
  • gestation period and breastfeeding baby;
  • severe conditions associated with insufficient functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • intolerance to product components, allergies;
  • Alcohol is used in the preparation of some products. Therefore, if your health condition has contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing products, then such traditional medicines will also have to be abandoned.

Video: collecting pine cones to make healthy jam

In order for bud-based products to be truly useful, you need to correctly collect the main ingredient and catch it at the right period of development. This video will help you choose the right cones.

The healing properties of the pine cone can work wonders. They slow down destructive processes in brain cells, restore vascular patency, and improve motor performance during the rehabilitation period after a stroke.

By using amazing “coniferous storehouses” in the form of fragrant honey or jam, the infusion can activate the immune system, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, and alleviate colds, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

Composition of the “coniferous medicine”

Resinous green cones are coniferous shoots, the full ripening of which occurs in two years. The fragrant gifts of nature are characterized by a powerful healing power, since they are a container for:

  • Lipids;
  • Gland;
  • Linolenic and oleic acid;
  • Monoterpene hydrocarbons;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Pinicrin with a characteristic bitter taste.

Young specimens are rich in tannin, bioflavonoids and other nutritional components. They also contain vitamins B and C, K and P, carotene and essential oils. Note that back in the 18th century, their balsamic and antiscorbutic properties were known. Pine cones(green, young!) in folk medicine occupy a leading place in getting rid of the consequences of a stroke.

Therapeutic features

Official medicine has confirmed that infusions and balms, decoctions and honey from cones help in the treatment and prevention of:

  • Bronchopulmonary anomalies;
  • Stroke;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Colds and viral diseases;
  • Arthritis.

Young dried (using a special technology!) cones are especially highly valued. Traditional healers often call them pine buds. Various medicinal compositions are prepared from them, which are valuable:

  • Natural mineral and vitamin complex;
  • Diuretic manifestations;
  • Analgesic, antiseptic and expectorant properties.

Pine cones, having amazing healing properties and a rich aroma, are successfully used for inhalations, healing baths, foot and hand baths.

When to start collecting pine cones

Traditional healers use both old and young specimens to get rid of various ailments, including cell death during a stroke. Young bumps throughout summer period remain green in color, their scales are tightly fastened to each other.

When to collect? It is better to “hunt” for them in May-June. Which ones to choose? The most popular are shoots 1-4 cm long.

And the unaged cones collected on the day of Ivan Kupala are considered especially valuable and most suitable for treatment. Please note that the shoots of the first year should be soft, easily cut with a knife, and have a pleasant pine aroma. If you don’t have a knife with you, but want to make sure the pine cones are suitable, you can try to bite them through and scratch them with your fingernail.

Since coniferous gifts have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, people often wonder when is the best time to collect and prepare pine cones for stroke. Take a bucket and go to the forest in June-September. At this time, the cones are rich in tannins (it is these substances that prevent the death of brain cells), but still remain closed, full of seeds.

When collecting pine gifts, we advise you to take a closer look at the trees - if the pine tree is sick or damaged by pests, then medicinal fruits It’s better not to collect from it. Also keep in mind that there are male and female pine shoots. It is the reddish female fruits that have healing qualities - they are located on the tops of the branches.

Medicines from pine cones to prevent stroke

“Forest healers” are able to protect against stroke – a “quick disease” characterized by a pathogenic circulatory disorder in the brain, which is manifested by neurological changes. Various alcohol products are especially valuable, since alcohol helps to “unlock” the properties of tannins.

Also, drugs using alcohol strengthen the heart muscle, eliminate arrhythmias in its work, improve memory, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate buzzing (ringing) in the ears, and improve the functioning of the visual organs. It’s not at all difficult to prepare healing tinctures from pine cones for insidious strokes on your own.

So, we protect ourselves from stroke with tinctures:

  • Recipe 1. Alcohol tincture of whole cones. Prepare: 12 pieces of mature cones and 1 liter of high-quality alcohol. Fill the raw materials with high-degree liquid and set aside to infuse in a dark (not hot!) place for 12-14 days. Strain the fragrant tincture and use no more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Recipe 2. Tincture with the addition of apple (tea, grape vinegar). Prepare: 5 pieces of pine fruits, 200 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, 1 teaspoon (preferably homemade) apple cider vinegar. The fruits are filled with vodka (alcohol) and infused for 10 days. Next, the liquid must be poured into a glass container, add vinegar, and shake well. Add a teaspoon of tincture to a cup of any herbal (black, green) tea and drink before bed.
  • Recipe 3. Tincture from crushed raw materials. Grind 6 cones and pour a glass of high-quality vodka. Leave for at least 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. For preventive purposes, take a teaspoon 1 time/day strictly after eating.

In medical books there is also the following recipe for an infusion of pine cones after a stroke: grind 10 greenish hearths (female) using a meat grinder to a puree, pour in alcohol (vodka) and leave the composition to “ripen” in a dark place. After 10 days, filter, add alcohol tincture of verbena or sweet clover (1:1), take a teaspoon three times a day.

Medicines from pine cones for stroke

There are many recipes for using “coniferous pantries”, which benefit from a huge national glory with a stroke. It is known that with such a serious illness, the process of cell destruction does not stop during the recovery period. Tannins present in buds perfectly solve this problem and reduce the number of destroyed cells significantly. Medicinal preparations prepared from the cones are used in rehabilitation therapy, promote the return of speech, improve impaired coordination of movements, and have a beneficial effect on general state body. We wrote about alcohol tinctures above. It is no less easy to prepare an infusion of water, honey and even jam.

Preparing water infusion and honey

  • Infusion of pine shoots on water. Rinse 5-7 pine shoots in running water, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add 1 liter of cool water and put on fire. Wait until it boils and simmer on low heat for another quarter of an hour. Leave in a warm place, consume 100-150 ml three times a day.
  • “Honey” made from pine cones. Pour a liter lightly warm water 80 pcs. green cones, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 24 hours. Add 1 kg of sugar to the future delicacy and cook for another 1.5 hours until the mixture becomes thick. Add 5-7 drops lemon juice, pour into prepared (preferably sterilized) jars. Store (at all times!) in a cool, dark place.

Making healing jam

Method 1. For a 0.5 liter jar of young buds you will need 2 cups of water and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Rinse the cones, add water (preferably spring or bottled) and boil for 15-20 minutes. The apical shoots should become softer, but not lose their shape. Using a slotted spoon, remove the lumps from the boiling syrup. Add sugar to it and continue cooking for another 25 minutes. Pour the hot fragrant emerald mixture into glass containers and seal tightly.

Method 2. For this recipe, the cones should be more ripe, but not yet open. Boil sugar syrup from 10 cups of water and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Place 2.1 kg of green raw materials into boiling syrup and cook until the cones begin to open and the composition becomes thick. The foam that forms during cooking does not need to be removed. This jam can also be cooked in 3-4 steps: bring to a boil, boil for 4-5 minutes, set aside for 5-6 hours, repeat the process again.

It is important not to forget that although the brewed pine product has a pleasant aftertaste and amazing aroma, it is not a delicacy, but a rather strong medicinal composition. It is important to adhere to the dosage: to improve the condition of any ailments - 2 tbsp. spoons/day, for prevention – 1 tbsp. spoons/day. For children, the dose is halved.

Other recipes from the folk treasury

Do you know that with the help of tinctures from pine apical shoots you can cure a whole “greenhouse” of diseases?

For the treatment of goiter

Grind the cones, place them in a suitable glass container and completely fill them with alcohol (vodka). Leave for 90 days, remembering to constantly shake and filter. Take according to the following regimen:

  • 1-3 days – 1 drop three times a day;
  • 4-21 days – 5 drops three times a day.

To overcome bronchitis

Mix crushed pine cones and pine needles, taken one tablespoon at a time. Pour 350 ml of ordinary (spring, bottled) water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Filter, add the same amount of boiled chilled water and drink three times a day after meals.

For joint pain

An infusion that relieves joint pain can be prepared in just one night.

In an enamel saucepan, pour boiling water (so that the liquid slightly covers) two large old cones, cover with a lid.

Wrap it up well and leave it until the morning. Drink the prepared pine medicine 25-30 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment lasts 45-60 days.

For thyroid nodules

Chop 15 pine buds with a knife, pour in 50 ml of high-quality vodka, leave for 10 days. Take 5 drops three times a day.

For gastritis

Pour 0.1 kg of green specimens into 0.5 liters of alcohol and leave for 12-14 days. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

For frequent headaches

Rinse the cones well, cut into slices, and dip in sugar. Place the slices in jars in layers (about 1.5 cm), crushing with sugar. Cover with a napkin, place in a sunny place, shake well 1-2 times a day. The jam will be ready when there is no sugar left, the cones will float in the syrup.

In what cases are pine cones prohibited?

Note that pine cones, famous for their unique medicinal properties, unfortunately, also have contraindications. They should not be used:

  • For kidney dysfunction;
  • For chronic hepatitis;
  • For stomach intolerance;
  • For allergic reactions to pine materials.

Use with caution when carrying a baby, as well as for children under 12 years of age.

Discover the healing power of pine cones to feel great and stay healthy!

Pine is considered the most widespread plant throughout the world and many are familiar with its beneficial and medicinal properties, including pine cones. A visit to a pine forest always has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Many people, when going for a walk in the pine forest in the spring, try to stock up on pine cones. Young green pine cones can be used to treat not only coughs and respiratory diseases, but also be used to treat other diseases.

Useful properties of pine cones

From a medicinal point of view, all parts of the tree are valuable materials. For treatment, you can use everything: tree bark, pine needles, buds, pollen. Of particular interest among all these components of the tree are the cones, both green and already ripe red.

When and who first began to use pine cones for medicinal purposes, history has not preserved. But the fact that people noticed their beneficial properties a long time ago is certain. The cones are traditionally used to make decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and delicious and healthy honey and jam.

Pine is known for its phytoncidal properties. Air samples taken where pine trees grow showed that there are 10 times fewer pathogenic organisms in the air than in a birch forest. Therefore, the best sanatoriums for the treatment of respiratory diseases are always located in the pine forest, where spruce and pine trees grow. If we talk about the chemical composition, pine buds contain:

Monoterpene compounds;

Lipid compounds


Organic acids;

Vitamins C, group B, carotene;

Essential oils;



Cones contain selenium, iron, magnesium.

The highest content of nutrients is in green cones.

Vitamin C, in addition to protecting the immune system, is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, in the functioning of the nervous system, and protects against scurvy.

B vitamins take part in many metabolic processes, the nervous system, and improve brain function.

Carotene, from which vitamin A is produced in the body, is important for maintaining muscle tone, preserving vision, and is involved in strengthening the immune system. This is one of the powerful antioxidant vitamins.

Medicinal properties of pine cones

All the medicinal and beneficial properties of pine cones are due to their chemical composition and have long been used in folk medicine. They are also recognized by official medicine. Due to their unique chemical composition, pine cones have the following properties:












All these medicinal properties have a very beneficial effect on the body. Medicinal preparations based on pine cones are very effective for treating:

Colds (ARVI, ARI);

Vitamin deficiency, including scurvy;

Sore throat;

Bronchial asthma;



Polyarthritis, gout and arthritis;


Low hemoglobin.

Pine is famous for its phytoncidal properties and, therefore, can inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria. Decoctions of cones can be used for inhalation and medicinal baths, or taken orally.

Green pine cones medicinal properties

Green pine cones are young pine cones that develop from pine buds. Pine buds appear at the end of winter and at the very beginning of spring. After flowering, young green buds develop from them, which at first are very small, no larger than a fingernail.

Gradually the cones grow and gain their healing power. Young pine cones are used to make jam, pine honey, and prepare an alcohol tincture.

All drugs that can be prepared from such cones have a powerful healing effect. They are part of a chest collection for the treatment of coughs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, decoctions and infusions are used for influenza and viral diseases, and sore throat. For adults and children, an excellent cough medicine is a decoction of young cones with milk.

They are taken for joint diseases, to restore strength and increase vitality.

Extracts from green young buds are widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the production of lotions, creams, toothpaste, mouth rinses and other cosmetic products. They help improve skin condition and relieve inflammation.

In folk medicine, green cones are even used to treat tuberculosis.

When to collect green cones

In order for young green buds to have medicinal properties, they must first become hydrated and acquire healing powers. Therefore, very small young cones should not be collected. You need to wait until they acquire some rigidity, but still remain soft inside.

Depending on the region, this may be the end of May or June. In some places, for example, in the Urals or Siberia, young pine cones can be collected in early July. By the end of summer, in August, the maximum amount of valuable substances accumulates in pine cones.

Green pine cones, like medicine, should reach a size of about 4 centimeters. When collecting, you need to pay attention to their appearance: they should not have any visible damage by insects, rot or other traces indicating damage and inadequate quality of the buds.

For medicinal purposes, they need to be collected early in the morning. At this time, sap flow begins, which fills the cones with healing properties.

In June-July, the green cones become coarser and woody.

Such cones are no longer suitable for making jam. You need to collect them until they can be cut with a knife and the middle of the cones is still soft.

The collected cones are used to make jam, pine honey, and fresh tincture. If the cones are collected for preparing decoctions and infusions, then they need to be dried. You need to dry the pine cones in the shade, in a ventilated area, in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Dried young buds become dark. They should be stored in a linen bag, cardboard box or paper bag. Shelf life is one and a half years.

To prepare a medicinal tincture, you can also collect harder cones, but by increasing the infusion time. The healing properties of such a tincture are still preserved.

At the end of August and September, the cones begin to darken and become brownish-red in color. By mid-winter, in March, the seeds will ripen.

Red pine cones

Red pine cones are an excellent remedy for treating and cleaning blood vessels. They are also used after a stroke.

By the time they ripen, they accumulate a large content of useful substances: vitamins, essential oils, tannins. All these components give them the ability to stop the death of brain cells, which is often inherent in the post-stroke state.

Studies have shown that tannins contained in red buds reduce the death of brain cells, cleanse blood vessels and can help cope with the consequences of a previous illness.

Tincture of red pine cones is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer. The addition of pine buds and pine pollen makes the tincture even more effective and healing when used against tumors and other diseases.

The use of pine cones in folk medicine

The healing properties of pine cones are unique. They can be used to treat a range of diseases. Moreover, both young green cones and ripe red ones have healing properties. Pine cones can be used in various forms. These can be decoctions or tinctures, jam or honey.

Infusion of pine cones

An aqueous infusion of green cones can be used to treat cough and bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, edema, scurvy, rheumatism, gout or arthritis, heart pain, as a hemostatic agent.

To prepare the infusion you need to take:

1 tablespoon of pine cones

2 cups boiling water

Brew the pine cones with boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for 12 hours. Drink the infusion 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of young pine cones

The decoction can also be taken for colds, coughs, bronchitis, joint diseases and other diseases.

To prepare the decoction, pour 10 grams of cones with a glass of hot water and place in a water bath. Boil for 10-15 minutes and remove from the stove. Cool and take 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day.

Tincture on young pine cones

When preparing the tincture, you can add pine buds and/or pollen. It is allowed to add herbs if the tincture is prepared for a specific disease.

Sort out the collected young green pine cones and remove all debris (adherent pine needles, bark). Cut into several pieces and put in a jar. Vodka is taken at the rate of 1 part cones and 10 parts vodka.

Leave in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks. Shake the jar periodically during infusion. After infusion, strain the tincture, squeezing the cones well. Pour into a dark glass bottle.

Take tincture from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Edge. Dark times have come for the forest spirit. The forest was on fire. The flame destroyed everything, leaving behind a black shadow. Pine the trunks cracked, the cones, sparkling, scattered across the ground.

Despite the night time, the light of the flame illuminated even the starry sky, causing the heavenly bodies to disappear. The red glow of the fire could be seen all the way to the horizon.

Man created this hell on earth. Forgetting about his past, he neglected what gave him life. The forest ceased to be his friend.

It was as if someone was whispering these thoughts into the wanderer’s ear. He had no doubt that the words belonged to the wolf.

Another picture opened up before the stranger: everything was quiet, early morning, smelling of ashes and death. An endless conflagration appeared before the traveler. There are no animals, no birds, no trees. Everything was destroyed by an all-consuming fire.

Continued at the end of the article.

New life.

The harsh winter is long behind us, the snow has almost melted, and snowdrops have already appeared in the forests. Nature comes to life and prepares to bloom. The first starlings wander through the fields in search of food.

If you close your eyes and expose your face to the spring sun, you can hear the still timid and quiet whisper of nature - the buzz of flies, the rustle of last year's grass, the singing of the first birds.

The pine cones dried up in the spring wind. The time has come to open up and release seeds into the light to give life to new shoots.

What is a pine cone?

Ancient times Pine cone symbolized courage, fertility and immortality.

A cone is nothing more than the fruit of a Pine. This fruit ripens on the tree for many years and throughout its life it accumulates a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

The life of a cone begins in early spring from a small pinkish shoot, similar to a pea. In two summers the cone reaches maximum sizes, after which it becomes brown and woody, only to open up and get rid of the seeds the next year.

Young big shots are rich essential oils, iron, magnesium and other trace elements.

Few people know that there are male and female Pine cones.

The male fruits produce pollen and bloom in early summer, while the female fruits are the same fruit we used to call the Pine Cone.

The benefits of pine cones.

Male cones contain pollen, which is truly a storehouse of microelements. Pollen contains many proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It contains several dozen amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Pollen successfully fights the pathogens of pulmonary tuberculosis and in the treatment of cancer.

Pollen from male pine cones helps strengthen the immune system.

Pollen is known to contain high levels of antioxidants, which is why it is used in face masks.

Young female cones cope well with colds. Cone syrup is an excellent remedy From cough.

Rich in Pine resin, the cone successfully helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent stroke.

The cone contains a lot of iron, which helps increase hemoglobin levels

Use of pine cones.

Pine cone jam is a pleasant and tasty remedy for flu, bronchitis, sore throat and other colds.

Decoctions, honey, jam and tinctures are made from the cones, which are successfully used for various diseases.


When he woke up, the young man found himself sleeping near a fire. It's morning. The beast disappeared along with the obsession. Was this a dream? Or did the traveler see the future of this forest?

Having finally recovered from sleep, the stranger went to the river and brought water, putting out the remains of the fire, covering everything with earth to be sure.

“If such a future is destined to come, it won’t be now,” thought the stranger and set off on a long journey.
