Nature, plants and animals of the world. Fauna and flora of Eurasia: description of the inhabitants, photos of the nature of Eurasia

First of all, it personifies for us the beauty of the landscape. Love for her enriches our lives, inspires artists, poets, composers, and cultivates humane feelings in people. Caring for our little brothers” is an indicator of a person’s morality.

It is generally accepted that the most important thing in living nature is vegetation. Even the names of natural zones speak about it - taiga, steppes, etc. But in terms of species composition, the animal world is richer. In our country there are 130 thousand species of animals (of which 90 thousand are insects), and higher plants only about 18 thousand. It is interesting that among the representatives of the plant world the species predominate herbaceous plants- there are many thousands of them, while there are just over 500 species of trees.

So, among representatives of the animal world, the primacy is held by insects. There are significantly fewer vertebrates, especially terrestrial ones, in the fauna of Russia. Fish are numerous, there are more than 1450 species. There are very few amphibians and reptiles - only 160 species. The diversity of birds is expressed by a figure of about 710 (including migratory species). There are about 350 species of mammals in our country.

The composition and abundance of living organisms is greatly influenced by human activities. As a result, some animal species have sharply reduced their numbers, and some have been completely exterminated. At the same time, there are species artificially introduced into our flora and fauna, for example, American muskrat, raccoon, mink, etc., and among plants - tea bush, bamboo. Remember from your botany and zoology course how plants and animals are adapted to their environment. What primarily influences the placement of plants and animals?

Think about the nature of which continents and countries is the plant and animal world our country.

The flora and fauna of our country are very diverse. Its appearance and composition are determined by two main factors: physical and geographical differences between regions (light, temperature and humidity regimes, the nature of soils, relief features) And geological history territories.

Changing the face of the Earth during geological evolution, its surface and climate and, the appearance and disappearance of continental connections was the reason that the processes of speciation proceeded differently in different regions. In the distribution of representatives of certain species of plants and animals, patterns can be traced, determined primarily by latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonality.

But all these differences are explained not only modern conditions. Both plants and animals carry in their appearance and distribution features inherited from the distant past. From Central Asia Desert and steppe plants and animals came to us. From Alaska to Far East North American conifers penetrated. The specific features of our Far Eastern flora are combined with the originality of the Manchu-Chinese fauna.

The flora and fauna of Russia were influenced by the Quaternary glaciation.

The main types of vegetation in Russia include vegetation of arctic deserts, tundras, forests, steppes, and deserts.

The vegetation of Arctic deserts does not form a continuous cover. Individual patches of lichens and individual plant stems are replaced by bare areas.

Severe climatic conditions tundra (low temperatures, large swampy area, permafrost, strong winds) determine the characteristics of the tundra vegetation cover. Mosses, lichens, and low-growing shrubs predominate here; The absence of forest is also characteristic. Typical representatives of tundra vegetation are moss lichen ( reindeer moss), green mosses, lingonberries, polar poppies, dwarf birch, polar willow.

In the temperate zone, forest vegetation of Russia is widespread, represented by dark coniferous forests from spruce and fir in the north, taiga cedar-deciduous forests in Siberia, mixed forests from spruce, pine, aspen, birch, etc. middle lane and deciduous forests in the southern regions of this zone.

The steppe zone in its virgin form, unaffected by human agricultural activity, is a sea of ​​grass vegetation. The most common in the steppe are feather grass, fescue, tonkonog, and a mass of flowering plants. Since the steppes are located in an area with insufficient moisture, representatives of herbaceous vegetation tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil well.

In semi-deserts and deserts temperate zone conditions are less favorable for the existence of plants and animals than in the steppe. Therefore, as in arctic deserts, a continuous cover of vegetation does not form here.

Think about how to explain the small growth of plants in the tundra and their tendency to spread along the ground. Which tree species form the northern border of the forest in Russia and why?

Using the map (Fig. 51), identify typical representatives of the flora of the forest zone of Russia. Remember from your botany course how plants are adapted to severe frosts.

Rice. 51. Typical representatives of the flora of Russia

Desert vegetation is well adapted to drought: the leaves of many plants have turned into thorns, evaporating a minimum of moisture, the roots are branched and very long. Prevail different kinds wormwood and solyanka.

Diversity of the animal world of Russia. The fauna of the Arctic deserts is mainly associated with the sea. Walruses, seals, polar bear, many bird colonies. In the tundra, the number of terrestrial animals increases slightly, although a small number of their species are represented here: lemmings, white hare, wolf, arctic fox, ptarmigan, snowy owl, reindeer. Huge flocks of migratory birds fly to the tundra in the summer. Waterfowl are especially numerous: geese, ducks, swans.

In the taiga, predators include bear, wolf, lynx, marten, and sable; from ungulates - elk, wild boar; Among rodents, squirrels and chipmunks predominate.

Fig.52. Typical representatives of the animal world of Russia

In broad-leaved forests the number of ungulates increases: deer, roe deer, elk. Birds are more diverse than in the taiga: blackbirds, black grouse, etc.

In the steppe the number of birds increases even more. There are many birds nesting on the ground. Some of them feed on plants (quail), others on both plants and insects (bustard, little bustard, lark), and others are predators that eat insects and small rodents (steppe kestrel, steppe eagle).

There are many rodents in the steppe - gophers, hamsters, voles. By storing large reserves of grain in their burrows for the winter, they cause significant damage to agriculture.

The fauna of deserts is dominated by reptiles (lizards, snakes), fast-moving ungulates (galled gazelles, saigas, kulans), and rodents (jerboas). Common birds include larks, pipits, desert sparrows, and bustards.

Plants and animals are perfectly adapted to their habitats. For example, in our forests birch and spruce coexist. Birch trees promote the growth of shade-loving young spruce trees under their canopy, and then the grown spruce trees leave the birch trees that helped them grow without light. Trees in forests, grasses in the steppes, dwarf and crooked forests in the tundra - all these are examples of the ideal adaptation of plants to their environment.

Vary according to appearance and adaptation to the same conditions of animals - flying, climbing, swimming.

Questions and tasks

1. What is richer in species composition - the flora or fauna of Russia?
2. What influences the placement of vegetation?
3. Name the main types of vegetation in our country.
4. How are animals adapted to life in treeless areas; in the forests?

Geography of Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 8th grade : textbook for 8th grade. general education institutions / V. P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Rom, A. A. Lobzhanidze; edited by V. P. Dronova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 271 p. : ill., map.

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The flora and fauna are often called “wildlife,” thereby emphasizing the role of these components in the biosphere. Exactly Live nature First of all, it personifies for us the beauty of the landscape. It is generally accepted that the most important thing in living nature is vegetation. Even the names of natural zones speak about it - taiga, steppes, etc. It is interesting that among the representatives of the plant world, species of herbaceous plants predominate - there are many thousands of them, while there are slightly more than 500 species of trees.

But the animal world is richer in species composition. In our country there are up to 130 thousand species of animals (of which up to 90 thousand are insects), and there are only about 18 thousand higher plants. Among representatives of the animal world, insects hold the championship. There are significantly fewer vertebrates, especially terrestrial ones, in the fauna of Russia. Fish are numerous, there are more than 1450 species. There are very few amphibians and reptiles - only 160 species. The diversity of birds is expressed by a figure of about 710. Of the mammals, about 350 species live in our country.

Contents Main types of vegetation in Russia. Arctic desert.Arctic desert.Arctic desert.Arctic desert. Tundra.Tundra.Tundra. Temperate zone of Russia. Temperate zone of Russia. Temperate zone of Russia. Temperate zone of Russia. Semi-deserts and deserts. Semi-deserts and deserts. Semi-deserts and deserts. Semi-deserts and deserts. Diversity of the animal world of Russia. Arctic.Arctic.Arctic. Tundra.Tundra.Tundra. Taiga.Taiga.Taiga. Broad-leaved forests. Broad-leaved forests. Broad-leaved forests. Broad-leaved forests. Steppe.Steppe.Steppe. Deserts. Deserts. Deserts. Animal protection. Reserves. Reserves. Reserves. Hunting. Hunting for ungulates. Elk. Hunting for ungulates. Elk. Hunting for ungulates. Elk. Hunting for ungulates. Elk. Boar.Boar.Boar. Conclusion

Main types of vegetation in Russia. Arctic Desert The main types include vegetation of Arctic deserts, tundras, forests, steppes, and deserts. The vegetation of Arctic deserts does not form a continuous cover. Individual patches of lichens and individual plant stems are replaced by bare areas.

Tundra. The harsh climatic conditions of the tundra determine the characteristics of its vegetation cover. Mosses, lichens, and low-growing shrubs predominate here; The absence of forest is also characteristic. Typical representatives of tundra vegetation are moss lichen, green mosses, lingonberries, polar poppies, dwarf birch, and polar willow.

Temperate zone of Russia. In the temperate zone, forest vegetation of Russia is widespread, represented by dark coniferous forests from spruce and fir in the north, taiga cedar-larch forests in Siberia, mixed forests of spruce, pine, aspen, birch, etc. in the middle zone and broad-leaved forests in the southern regions of this zone.

Semi-deserts and deserts. In semi-deserts and temperate deserts, conditions are less favorable for the existence of plants than in the steppe, therefore, as in Arctic deserts, a continuous cover of vegetation does not form here. Various types of wormwood and solyanka predominate.

Tundra. In the tundra, the number of terrestrial animals increases somewhat, although a small number of their species are represented here: lemmings, white hare, wolf, arctic fox, ptarmigan, snowy owl, reindeer. Waterfowl are especially numerous: geese, ducks, swans.

Steppe. In the steppe the number of birds increases even more. There are many birds nesting on the ground. Some of them feed on plants (quail), others on plants and insects (bustard, little bustard, lark), and others are predators that eat insects and small rodents (steppe eagle). There are many rodents in the steppe - gophers, hamsters, voles. Of the large animals, there are ungulates - saigas.

Reserves. To protect certain species of animals from complete destruction, reserves began to be created - specially protected areas excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preservation in intact form natural complexes, as well as certain species of plants and animals.

Hunting. Hunting is the extraction of wild animals and birds for the sake of furs, meat and other products, as well as catching them for resettlement, use in zoos, circuses, etc. Hunting is distinguished: rifle, self-catching (with traps), hound, horse (parfors), with birds of prey (falcon); depending on the purposes, commercial, amateur. In many countries it is regulated by law and controlled by government agencies. Currently, hunting in Russia is becoming more and more widespread. In 1991, the number of ungulates fell rapidly. Due to the barbaric extermination of animals, herds of elk and wild boars practically disappeared. For 1 sq. km. accounted for approximately 0.1 individuals. Such large birds, like wood grouse, stood on the verge of complete extermination.

Hunting for ungulates. Elk. Currently, hunting for ungulates, in particular elk, is regulated by law. Now, only if you have a license for this animal, you can hunt it without having any problems with the law. Moose numbers are currently recovering, so there is no need to worry about the species being wiped out completely.

Boar. In terms of popularity, wild boar hunting is quite comparable to elk hunting. This species is well adapted to the cultural landscape and avoids vast tracts of unproductive forests, clearly gravitating towards agricultural lands, i.e. to places with a fairly high population density. The wild boar is most numerous in the western and southern regions of Russia, especially in the zone deciduous forests, as well as in the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus and Primorye. In terms of popularity, wild boar hunting is quite comparable to elk hunting. This species is well adapted to the cultural landscape and avoids vast tracts of unproductive forests, clearly gravitating towards agricultural lands, i.e. to places with a fairly high population density. The wild boar is most numerous in the western and southern regions of Russia, especially in the zone of deciduous forests, as well as in the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus and Primorye.

(Nature of the Moscow city park "Troparevo")

Parks, forest belts, banks of the Moscow River and city squares make it possible to exist natural world in the close embrace of city life.

(see also Nature of the Moscow region)

Flora of Moscow

The flora that makes up the ecological flora of the city of Moscow is quite rich and colorful, despite the fact that the capital of Russia is densely populated and modern city. Parks and forest parks in Moscow were created from historically established corners of nature, around which the modern city grew.

Izmailovsky Park, National Park"Losiny Island", Filevsky, Sokolniki, Troparevsky Park and many others form green belt around the city, support the life and development of flora and fauna in the city, are the ecological shield of the city, and also favorite places recreation for Muscovites and guests of the capital.

In Moscow, many parks and green areas have been created where various types of plants grow. One of these parks is the Ostankino natural and historical park. Oak and linden trees grow on the territory of this park. The soil of these places is suitable for the growth of many plants brought to the Main Botanical Garden from different countries and continents. In 2003, a cedar grove was planted here. Ostankino Park is famous for its oak forests, among which you can find linden, elm, birch, aspen, pine and spruce.

Among the rare species of herbaceous plants found here are: lily of the saranka, May lily of the valley, broad-leaved napkin and oak anemone. The reviving moonflower and European undergrowth are also a few species of plants in Moscow.

Altufevsky and Manor parks also play important role in city greening. From tree species Here you can find: lindens, oaks, and Canadian poplars. American maples and Pennsylvania ash trees can also be seen. Brooms and birches grow near ponds.

Babushinsky Park is not distinguished by a variety of vegetation, but it is still worth noting that it was built in forest areas. People come there to stroll in the shade of perennial poplars and linden trees.

But the Biryulevsky Arboretum deserves special attention, because a huge number of plants grow in it. At the same time, here you can find both familiar to residents of Russia and exotic species vegetation, for example Amur velvet. The arboretum is famous for its cedar grove and the grove in which Sakura grow.

This is a small part of Moscow parks, which decorate the city with their greenery. A huge role in the flora of Moscow is also played by: the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden", the Artem Borovik Park, the Bauman Garden, Bitsevsky forest, Borisov Ponds and Brateevsky Park.

Fauna of Moscow

The animal world of the fauna of Moscow, despite the clustering of urban buildings, has its own peculiarity and various types found in park areas of the city. In addition to the usual city birds - sparrows and pigeons on the streets, in the parks there are hedgehogs and weasels, squirrels, bank voles and moles. Among amphibians you can find frogs and toads. Of the birds in the vast urban park area, hawks, long-eared owls, gray owls, white-backed woodpeckers, shrikes, and chickadees find a place to live.

Ecology big city plays a huge role in the life of animals, which is why many species of Moscow fauna have become rare and are listed in the Red Book. Such animals are: forest polecat, hazel dormouse, brown and hare hares, Brandt's bat, water vole, red-haired nocturnal. The wood pipistrelle, the water bat, the common shrew, the wood mouse, the brown long-eared bat and the two-colored leather bat are also endangered species in the Moscow lands.

Moscow parks serve as homes for many species of wildlife. For example, in Sokolniki Park there are moose and squirrels, as well as eagles, owls, falcons and hawks.

There are moles in Muzeon Park, various mice and voles. Squirrels and weasels are also found here. The treetops are inhabited by gulls, terns, mallards, scorches, goldeneyes, sparrows and many other species of birds.

“Kuzminki” is famous for its birds – hawks, thrushes, crows, waxwings, nuthatches, nightingales and ducks. Ermines, shrikes, hares, lizards, voles and shrews also found their refuge here.

Moscow is famous for its parks, suitable for many species of wildlife. Such parks are: Fili Park, Vorontsovsky Park, Krasnaya Presnya Park and Izmailovsky Park.

Russia is an amazing, majestic and multifaceted country that amazes with the beauty of its nature. Every corner of our country is a real abode of different representatives of flora and fauna. The flora and fauna of Russia is represented in the vast expanses of the taiga, in the royal mountains of the Urals, and in the crystal waters of lakes and seas. In terms of quantity and diversity, wild inhabitants are several times larger than Europeans.

From tundra to forest: diversity of flora

In such an extremely large country as Russia, vegetable world presented in extraordinary variety. The tundra is rich in mosses and shrubs. In its southern part you can find a fairly large number of dwarf birches and willows, low grasses, lingonberries, blueberries and blueberries. Closer to the north, the advantage of lichens and mosses increases. The harsh taiga is represented by plant species that can withstand cold weather. The best way To harsh conditions Pines, firs, maples and larches are adapted. Broadleaf maple, linden, and aspen grow in the southern part of the taiga. Due to lack of lighting, the soil of the taiga is covered with moss. Also here you can find bushes of plants such as currants, honeysuckle, and juniper.

IN forest steppe zone In such a huge country as Russia, the flora is rich. Oak, birch, aspen, and maple grow here. In the steppe zone you can find feather grass, fescue, and wormwood. The shrub family is represented by spirea and caragana. In extremely large quantities lichens and mosses grow. Due to the fact that most of the steppe territory is plowed, very little native vegetation remains.

A very rich flora is characteristic of the Far Eastern region of our country. Among the trees and shrubs, plants such as linden and maple predominate. Unique Feature local forests - lianas, which include lemongrass, vineyards, and actinidia.

The Caucasus is home to oak and beech forests, and you can also find Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean species of pine, juniper, and Pitsunda pine.

The Amur basin is one of the richest biomes in a country like Russia. The flora here, unlike the rest of the southern borders of the country, has no barriers to the settlement of various representatives of the flora.

Arctic zone

The Arctic and tundra have their own separate floristic and faunal complexes. They are distinguished by their originality in ecological terms, since they inhabit habitats with extreme conditions. Plants are characterized by a very short growing season, which is due to sudden changes illumination, frozen soil and low temperatures. Prevail in arctic tundra representatives of the plant world such as mosses, lichens, and shrubs.

"Polar Oasis"

This nickname is used to refer to the Aion Islands, where an extremely large number of flowering plants grow, which paint the meadows with colorful colors. You can also find fern thickets and a variety of mosses here. In places of congestion sea ​​gulls the soil is well fertilized, so the vegetation has many types: large-flowered chamomile, cold eyebright, sorrel, buttercup and others.

The relevance of the issue of preserving species diversity

Despite its richness, the flora and fauna of Russia constantly faces obstacles that threaten the extinction of some of its representatives. This fact overshadows the pride in such abundance and diversity of flora and fauna. Many species of plants and animals cause great commercial interest among poachers. The world's most expensive source is under threat wood material in the world. Sable, squirrel and mink have expensive fur, as a result of which they are subjected to mass slaughter. The greed and greed of people daily reduces the number of plants and animals. In view of this, the protection of the flora of Russia is currently an extremely pressing issue. Everyone should appreciate natural heritage our country. Day after day plant resources the world and Russia are declining, so it is necessary to prevent their destruction in every possible way.

Nature conservation measures

In order to preserve the diversity of the flora and fauna of Russia, as well as rare and endangered species of plants and animals, our country has adopted a number of laws and regulations on the protection environment. Effective measures have been developed to suppress the activities of poachers and punish violators. Operating reserves and wildlife sanctuaries are especially effective in protecting nature. Today there are about one hundred and fifty such protected areas. They allow you to save rare species plants and animals in their natural environment a habitat.

Having systematized data on typical representatives of various climatic zones, you can summarize the information.

Flora of Russia: table

Thus, thanks to the enormous spatial diversity of a country like Russia, the flora is represented in a wide variety. In terms of species numbers, the inhabitants of flora and fauna are significantly superior to European countries.

All the natural areas of the world are located on the territory of the largest continent, Eurasia. Therefore, its flora and fauna are very diverse. It should be noted that this is the continent that is most populated and it was here that industry began to develop first, requiring the development of new territories, new mineral deposits, as well as new transport routes. All this had a negative impact on species composition animals and plants of Eurasia. Many of them have disappeared from the face of the Earth, many are listed in the Red Book and taken under protection. Nowadays the majority plant communities and animal species of Eurasia can be found within protected areas.

Fauna of Eurasia

Among the animals of Eurasia there are many representatives of invertebrates, insects, reptiles and mammals. Since the largest area on the continent is located within the taiga zone, representatives of the fauna of this natural area occupy significant areas of Eurasia. Among the inhabitants of the taiga, the most common are wolverine and Brown bear, fox and wolf, hare and squirrel, many rodents and birds. Among them are black grouse, hazel grouse, wood grouse, crossbills, crows and tits. This list is very incomplete. In fact species diversity The animals of the taiga are quite an impressive list.

A very rich and diverse fauna of the reservoirs of Eurasia. This is a whole range of waterfowl, amphibians, and valuable commercial fish.

Despite the difficult living conditions of the tundra and desert zones, which occupy large areas in Eurasia, the animals living there have adapted to both the arid conditions of the desert and low temperatures in the tundra.

Flora of Eurasia

The flora of Eurasia is also diverse. A significant territory of the continent is occupied by coniferous, broad-leaved, equatorial and variable-humid forests. Trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation grow here open areas. Among typical representatives flora of Eurasia Siberian cedar, oak, beech, banyan, bamboo, tulip tree and the largest and most smelly flower in the world - rafflesia.

Vast steppe spaces are covered with cereal grasses and feather grass. It should be noted that most of the steppes of Eurasia are under crops and natural vegetation preserved in a fairly limited area of ​​the steppes.

The interior of the continent is occupied by deserts. The most common species here are wormwood, kurai, camel thorn and saxaul, a plant that does not provide shade. In deserts, as in steppes, there are many ephemerals, plants with short period growing season. During the spring period, the desert is filled with flowering plants different types, and with the onset of summer drought, all this blooming splendor quickly disappears without a trace.

