Message about a beast from the tundra. Fauna and plants of the tundra

Forest-tundra represents a transitional boundary from the tundra zone to the taiga. It is located in the subarctic zone (zone of the Northern Hemisphere). Forest and tundra complement each other perfectly. There is forest-tundra along the perimeter of the southern border of the tundra, starting from the territory Murmansk region and ending with the Indigirka River, which is located in the northeastern part of Yakutia.

The severity and peculiar climatic conditions of the tundra require unprecedented endurance and the ability to endure all litigation not only in people, but also in animals of the tundra . Every day there is a real struggle for life, which requires all the inhabitants of the tundra to be strong and strong-willed.

The nature of the forest-tundra resembles a tundra landscape. This area is characterized by:

  • White partridges;
  • Pestsov;
  • Polar owls;
  • A huge variety of pilgrim birds.


Despite the fact that many taiga animals can be seen in the forest-tundra, the main representatives of the local fauna are tundra animals. These include:

  • Ermine;
  • Vole;
  • White hare;
  • Brown bear;
  • Vole;
  • Wolverine;
  • Shrew;
  • American ground squirrel.

American ground squirrel

White hare

Brown bear

Occasionally, in the warmest areas of the forest-tundra, you can see a squirrel.

In addition to the “permanent” inhabitants, you can also see the following seasonal guests in this region:

  • Reindeer;
  • Arctic fox.

In these open spaces, these animals find complete food, which they can easily get out of the soft snow.

In summer, the forest-tundra becomes a paradise for birds arriving from the south. Please note that in some areas you can find more than eighty species of birds, which is much more than in the tundra. In addition to birds familiar to these areas, in the forest-tundra you can see:

  • Blackbird;
  • Cuckoo.

Deciduous and spruce-deciduous forests in the summer are inhabited by bee-eaters and three-toed woodpeckers - characteristic inhabitants of the taiga.

Insects: mosquitoes, various midges, gadflies, horse flies, etc. inhabited this region in huge numbers. The tundra has become a kind of home for them, where there is no wide variety of birds and other insectivorous predators that bring them death. Midges are a real disaster in the tundra, and only with the arrival of autumn can you breathe easy and enjoy this to the fullest. natural beauty. There are 12 species of mosquitoes found on the tundra, which are active in the summer.


Conservation of tundra wildlife

Plants and animals of the tundra are very vulnerable; they must be treated with care, since in order to restore the biotope in harsh conditions it will take years to pass.

The flora and fauna of the tundra need protection.

Today it is listed in the Red Book a large number of animals whose home is the tundra: Chukchi bighorn sheep, white-billed loon, white goose, Chukchi polar bear, red-breasted and barnacle goose, white goose, white crane, pink gull, little and American swan.

To protect tundra animals, Arctic reserves have been created: Lapland, Kandalaksha, Taimyr and others.


Item the world. Message on the topic "Flora and fauna of the Russian tundra" grades 3-4

The tundra is a region that lies not much south of the Arctic. From the north of Europe, it is located in a narrow strip, starting with the Scandinavian Peninsula, and expanding its borders closer to the Taimyr Peninsula. In the region North America the tundra takes root in Alaska.


In the tundra, the temperature is not much higher than in the Arctic; the temperature in this area rarely goes above zero. And the quantity solar heat several times less than in regions located closer to the central zone. Winter in the tundra usually means 7-8 months of continuous frost, water bodies are covered with a thick layer of ice, and the plains turn into an endless white canvas.

Most of the tundra region lies beyond the Arctic Circle, so it is not uncommon to see one of the most beautiful natural phenomena- polar night. There is practically no summer in the tundra, and if it does come, it is extremely short term. The highest temperature in summer is 10-15 degrees Celsius. Frost is a natural phenomenon for the area, as is a long period of cloudy days.

Features of the flora of the tundra

With the onset of the thaw, all the local flora (vegetation) comes to life. Here, only one month of the year is considered to be spring; this is May. Just like spring, autumn is also in no hurry to linger, and as a rule, there is only one month at the pass between autumn and winter - September. The snow cover in the tundra is very unstable, and is constantly transported by winds from place to place.

The soil is frozen by “permafrost” many, many meters deep, so that all vegetation growing in a given area is forced to take root no deeper than one meter. Permafrost is the result of thousands of years of frost; due to such a huge layer of frozen soil, plants with a large root system are simply not able to take root. Most of the tundra is moss and lichen. Huge expanses have been taken over by “deer lichen” and reindeer moss, but in some places there are not tall grasses with equally low shrubs.

The nature of the tundra is very diverse; here you can find the following plants: alpine bearberry, forget-me-nots, polar poppy, bells, speedwell, dryad, dwarf birch, dwarf willow. Closer to the taiga zone, where the influence of " permafrost", grow trees that are quite common in temperate climates, such as birch and larch.

The dwarf birch and dwarf willow are amazing. Tundra plants are low-growing, many of them creep along the ground. This is how they adapted to life in the tundra. After all, it is warmer near the surface of the earth and the wind is weaker. And in winter, snow completely covers low-growing plants and protects them from frost and winds.

In this area, the layer of frozen soil is much lower than in the rest of the Arctic, but it is still capable of influencing vegetation; here it is difficult to find a tree whose height exceeds six meters. Despite the harsh climate, plants in the tundra are predominantly “ever green,” although they grow very slowly.

The tundra is very beautiful in spring. Quickly, as if by a wave of a magic wand, everything comes to life. Many plants are in a hurry to bloom, form fruits and seeds. After all, in a few months the snow will cover the ground again.

The flowers of local plants are usually very bright and at the same time large. The extraordinary and very bright color palette of the local flora attracts a large number of pollinating insects, of which there are not so many, this ensures the continued survival of most plants as a species. In the tundra, in addition to herbaceous plants, you can also find “northern” berries: cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries.

Cloudberry Fruit-bearing plants in the tundra. Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula.

Dwarf birch


Fauna of the tundra

Numerous bodies of water, in the vicinity of which are suitable for nesting, an abundance of shrubs and berries, create favorable conditions for birds. In summer, about eighty species of birds live here. This is not a very large indicator, but the number of each species is quite large. The swans alone are enough to cover most small lakes with a white tablecloth. In the spring, when the water level in the lakes rises as a result of a thaw, the season of mass emigration of such species as swans, waders, cranes, geese and ducks begins in the tundra.

In the summer, cranes, geese, swans, and waders fly to the tundra. Here these birds hatch their chicks and fly away to warmer climes for the winter. Other birds are ptarmigan and White Owl- live permanently in the tundra.

The most stately and beautiful animal of the tundra is rightfully considered to be the reindeer. Relatively wider hooves allow it to run very quickly through the snow and get food from under the snow. When winter comes, reindeer begin to grow hair on their hooves, thanks to which reindeer are able to move on ice without any problems.

During the summer, reindeer suffers greatly from attacks from insects: midges, mosquitoes, spiders, horseflies and gadflies. But besides blood-sucking insects, the reindeer has an even more serious enemy: the wolf. The reindeer's diet includes lichen and moss; the deer is able to get it even from under the snow.

Permanent "residents" in this northern country few, only a few individuals can be noted: arctic fox, hare, ptarmigan, lemming and snowy owl. But polar owls, as well as ptarmigans, for the most part migrate closer to the forest zone of the tundra for the wintering period, but a small percentage of individuals of these species remain to winter in place.

Lemmings are small animals that do not hibernate in winter and even breed offspring under the snow.

The life of predatory animals - arctic foxes - largely depends on lemmings. Owls and Arctic foxes eat lemmings themselves and feed them to their offspring. In years when there are few lemmings, owls lay few eggs and arctic foxes give birth to few pups. But when there are a lot of lemmings, the offspring of owls and arctic foxes are large and all the babies have enough food.

Tundra, this is a place that is difficult to describe in simple words, these endless plains that look like huge oceans of grass, and every winter, as if by magic, they turn into a frosty sea shining with emerald color. The nature of the tundra is harsh. But she is defenseless before a person. When exploring the northern region, people should not forget about this.

The flora of the tundra natural zone is not rich. First of all, this is due to the harsh climatic conditions And. Tundra landscapes can be swampy, peaty and rocky. There is no fertile soil ideal for plant development here. Various types of moss grow in swampy areas. Among the mosses there are entire fields of lingonberries, cloudberries and blueberries. By autumn, many fruits ripen in these berry fields. Plants similar to moss grow on the peat and rocky soils of the tundra. One of these is moss. This plant covers vast areas of the tundra. There is so much reindeer moss that all year round Whole herds of wild deer feed on it.

Not only mosses and reindeer moss are found in the tundra. Here, in places well protected from strong winds, in the valleys of rivers or lakes, you can find large meadows where a variety of grasses reach a height of half a meter.

The tundra is also characterized by a complete absence of forests. The only trees found are polar willow and dwarf birch. These trees are more similar to shrubs. The dwarf birch is so small that its thin, curved trunk practically lies and hides in moss or reindeer moss. Only small branches with miniature leaves are raised upward. The polar willow is even smaller than the birch. During snowfalls, all its branches are covered with snow.

Animals of the tundra

The most numerous inhabitants of the tundra belong to the class of birds. Especially in summer, a large number of geese, ducks and. In lakes and rivers they look for food, mainly insects, plants and small fish. There are so many birds in the tundra that some of its reservoirs are either white with geese or black with ducks. The screams and cackling of birds can be heard everywhere.

In summer, the tundra is infested with midges and mosquitoes. They rush through the air like clouds, attack animals and people, and give them no rest either night or day. To get rid of annoying insects, people light fires or dress in special suits.

During severe winters, most birds fly to the southern regions. It is not uncommon for numerous herds of reindeer to pass through here. With the help of their hooves, they dig moss out of the ground. Sometimes you can see arctic foxes, musk oxen, lemmings and stoats here. Occasionally a polar owl is seen in the tundra. Her white, and therefore the partridges and pieds that she hunts simply do not notice her against the background of the snow.

Most of the animals of the tundra are covered with thick plumage or fur. Their winter color usually turns white, which helps them hide from enemies or sneak up on prey.

Vegetable world The tundra is less rich and diverse than the flora of other climatic zones. At the same time, it is he who arouses great interest. How can plants grow in such harsh natural conditions, and not only lower plants: mosses and lichens, but also higher ones: herbs and shrubs.

Natural tundra area

The tundra is located in the northern hemisphere on the mainland of the Arctic and on some islands (Volguev Island, Novaya Island (southern), Vaygach Island, etc.) of the subpolar climate zone. It borders on the arctic desert zone, and on the south side - on the forest-tundra zone. The name “tundra” translated from Finnish tunturi means “treeless, bare.”

The tundra is characterized by cold and wet subarctic climate. There is practically no seasonal summer. Summer is cold: it lasts only a few weeks with an average monthly temperature of no more than +15°C. Winters, on the contrary, are long. Temperatures can drop to 50°C below zero. A special feature of the tundra is permafrost.

Due to the influence of the Arctic, the climate is excessively humid, but low temperatures do not allow moisture to be absorbed into the soil or evaporate, so wetlands are formed. The soil is oversaturated with moisture, but contains very little humus. Strong, cold winds blow all year round. The most difficult natural conditions determine the poor fauna. Few representatives of the flora are adapted to the harsh climate.

Tundra flora

The tundra is a treeless area with low vegetation cover. Mostly mosses and. Both of them tolerate the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra well. They can winter even under the protection of a thin snow cover or without it at all.
Many mosses and lichens of the tundra can be found in other climatic zones: chylocomium, pleurotium, cuckoo flax. But some, such as moss, grow exclusively in the alpine tundra.

These plants also receive water from the atmosphere, so there is no need to extract them from the soil. There are no real roots, and the purpose of the thread-like processes is to attach the plant to the surface. These features explain the abundance of mosses and lichens in the tundra.

The tundra also grows low-growing perennial plants: shrubs and grasses. Among the shrubs, blueberries and cloudberries are the most common. Among the herbal plants, it should be noted: alpine meadow grass, squat fescue, arctic bluegrass.

Only occasionally, in places sheltered from the wind, are solitary dwarf trees found: polar willows, dwarf birches, northern alder. The height of these trees is no more than half a meter. There are no tall trees in the tundra. They cannot take root, since even in the warmest time of the year it thaws no more than 30-50 cm. Because of this, the roots cannot absorb the necessary moisture.

In addition, for short summer Integumentary tissue does not have time to form on the shoots, and when the temperature drops, the trees freeze.

In the tundra, all plants have xeromorphic characteristics, that is, they are adapted to a lack of moisture: many have a waxy coating or hairline, plant leaves are small and often curled. Thus, representatives of the flora are somehow adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra.

The endless expanses in the north that have no forest area- this is the tundra. A harsh climate prevails: eternal cold and low temperatures.

Animals have learned to adapt to them in order to survive. The animal world in the north is beautiful and delightful. There are many rivers and lakes filled with fish, shellfish, and plankton. In the spring, birds arrive, they rush to breed and return to warmer climes. In summer, a huge number of them gather on the rocks.

Owls, partridges and eiders are present all year round. Many animals have adapted to life among ice and snow. At the same time, they feel comfortable. The most popular: arctic fox, wolf, polar bear, seal, walrus, lemming, reindeer. Their diet contains a lot plant food, small animals, fish.

The decoration of the tundra is the reindeer. People have been using it for a long time as a means of transportation and for domestic needs. Most tundra animals are under state protection. The Red Book serves as their protection.

List of tundra animals.

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For arctic tundra very characteristic harsh winters With strong winds and short cool ones summer periods. Despite this, various animals live here.

ANIMALS SUSHI. Polar bear, muskox, reindeer, wolf, arctic fox, white hare, Parry's ground squirrel, wolverine, lemming.

SEA CREATURES. Walrus, beluga whale, northern fur seal, harp seal.
BIRDS . Raven, ptarmigan and tundra partridge, loon, king eider, snowy owl, white goose, skua, tundra swan, Arctic tern, crested lark, snow bunting.
PLANTS . Dwarf willow, dwarf birch, wild rosemary, cloudberry, crowberry, lingonberry, juniper, fescue, sedge, cotton grass, marsh heather, saxifrage, poppy, dryad, alpine sosuria, common cinquefoil, powder puff, bearberry, Spoongrass, moss.
The tundra is located in the northern hemisphere. Frosts are raging here for most of the year. Open spaces of the tundra, devoid of tall vegetation, are constantly blown by winds.
LANDSCAPE OF THE TUNDRA. Pingos are dome-shaped hills of varying sizes, usually from 2 to 23 m, with a depression at the top filled with water. These hills most likely appear after small lakes and swampy areas dry up.
Riverbeds: Flat depressions of sand, gravel, silt and other natural materials left in the place of dry rivers. Some riverbeds stretch, meandering, for many kilometers. Foxes and wolves live in dry riverbeds. Small animals find protection here from large predators.
Polygons: the surface of the swamp is divided into rectangles by cracks, formed as a result of constant freezing and thawing of the upper layer of the earth, and the cracks between them are filled with stones. Polygon sizes vary greatly. Characteristic sign This area has low grassy vegetation.
Permafrost layer: perennial frozen soils are developed everywhere. Permafrost creates an aquifer and does not allow excessive moisture to seep deep, so in the Arctic tundra there are a very large number of swamps, connected by streams and water channels.
CLIMATE. arctic tundra stretches from the northern taiga to ice-covered areas North Pole, approximately between 60° and 70° northern latitude. The climate in the Tundra is cold throughout the year. Even in the warmest month average temperature does not exceed 10°C.
Winters in the tundra very long and severe. There is neither autumn nor spring in the tundra. Snow constantly accumulates in the tundra, so at the end of winter it forms a fairly thick cover. Most of this region is located above the Arctic Circle. Large regions are very long winter months they don't receive a ray of light. Snow melts only during the short arctic summer. In summer the sun does not set for several months. After the last snow melts, the tundra blooms luxuriantly. Not in the tundra tall trees, dwarf trees grow here, there is herbaceous vegetation, as well as mosses and lichens. Since the arctic summer is fleeting, plants must also go through their development cycle very quickly. In summer, the tundra, covered with water, turns into vast swampy areas. Tundra- very vulnerable climate zone.
For many residents of the Arctic tundra, warm winds are much more dangerous than bitter frost. If frost returns after the snow melts, the water covers the plants with a thick crust, preventing animals from getting to food.
Parry's ground squirrel is the only resident of the tundra that hibernates.
The bear discovers the squirrels located in a shelter at a depth of one meter under the snow.
The Arctic Tern covers a distance of 35,000 kilometers annually, flying from the Arctic Circle to the shores of Antarctica and back.
A musk ox can be content with 1/6 of the feed consumed by a cow.
Polar bear: is at the top of the food chain. Arctic foxes, seabirds of prey, and lemmings become its prey.
Predatory skuas: like other seabirds, they hunt fish and crustaceans. In addition, they hunt lemmings.
Lemmings: feed on sparse local vegetation. Every year they give birth to numerous offspring (up to 9 cubs in a litter). This is necessary for the survival of the population, since many animals become prey for predatory animals and birds.

The tundra is located in the northern hemisphere. It is located south of Arctic zone . Tundra is a permafrost zone where polar night gives way to polar day.
Common Tundra Plants - these are dwarf trees, mosses and lichens, and some species herbaceous plants. The fauna of the tundra is more diverse than the Arctic. Most of tundra animals leads sedentary image life, some migrate, but not far. By the way, if you are interested in a presentation on any topic, then this is for you.
