Winter signs: what to look for. Folk signs of winter Winter folk signs - February

More snow means more bread.
Large frost all winter means summer is difficult for health.
Rapid thaw - there will be little rain in the summer.
On Epiphany there is a snowstorm - and on Easter there is a snowstorm.
On Epiphany the ice hole is full - there will be a big spill.
On Tatiana's day the sun will shine through - for the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
At the beginning of winter there was heavy snow, at the beginning of summer there will be heavy rain.
Sparrows chirp in unison - to the warmth.
Crows and jackdaws land at midday with their noses towards the warmth, and to the north - towards the cold.
Thunder in winter means severe frosts.
December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.
Long icicles at the end of February - for a long spring.
During the day it was bitterly cold, but in the evening it got warmer - expect a long cold.
Smoke from the chimney in a column means cold weather.
If the large frost on the trees hangs smoothly, the summer will be fertile with good weather.
If there are frequent winds in December, then in March and April there will be slush in the yard.
If on the evening of February 1 there are many stars in the sky, then winter will last a long time.
If there are blizzards in winter, there is bad weather in summer.
If in winter the recostav is rough and torsy, then the summer will be good. Rekostav with polynyas for wet summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, then it will be dry and hot in summer.
If it is warm in winter, it will be cold in summer.
If there is frost in winter, there is dew in summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
If it's warm in winter, it's cold in summer.
If on Efimiya (February 2) the sun is sunny at noon, it means early spring; if there is a snowstorm, the whole Shrovetide week will be snowy.
If the road is swept on Candlemas, spring will be late and cold; if it is warm on this day, spring will be early and warm.
If there was frost at night, then there will be no snow during the day.
If the windows begin to sweat with double frames, this means increased frost.
If snow falls when the leaves do not fall from the tree, then the winter will be severe.
If the snow is shallow and does not disappear soon, it will be a rainy year.
If the snow is dense and wet, there will be a rainy, fruitful summer.
If the snow is dry and light, there will be a dry summer.
Winter without snow, summer without bread.
Frost is a harbinger of snow.
Frost on Nikola - for next year's harvest.
As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall.
If the weather is clear on February 1, spring will be early.
If Dimitri's Day is snowy, then Easter is snowy.
If winter covers the road on Nikola's day, the road will not stand.
If he shackles for Michaelmas, he will uncloth for Nikola.
If there is severe frost on Haggai, he must stand until Baptism.
A ring around the sun means bad weather.
A cat on the stove means cold, and a cat on the floor means warmth.
A red fire in the stove and the wood burning with a bang means frost.
Epiphany for a full month - there will be great water.
Kurzhevina on trees - for the harvest.
The ice has turned black, the forest is noisy - wait for the thaw.
The ice is cracking a lot - it will be frosty.
On Epiphany, snow flakes mean a harvest, a clear day means a bad harvest.
Winter is hard on Nikola.
At Christmas, frost means a harvest for bread; a snowstorm means bees will swarm well.
On Candlemas, drops indicate a harvest for wheat.
At Candlemas, a caftan and a fur coat met.
There is snow on Candlemas - rain in the spring.
On Candlemas morning, snow means a harvest of early grain; if at noon - medium, if in the evening - late.
At Candlemas, gypsies sell fur coats.
On Tryphon it is starry - by late spring.
The first snow in December is dense, wet and heavy - a wet summer, and dry and light - a dry summer.
The first snow falls forty days before winter.
Before the cold, winter is bright.
Bad winter roads mean a fruitful summer.
After a big harvest - a strict winter.
Varvara will come and there will be frosts.
If Vlasiy spills oil on the roads, it’s time for winter to put off its feet.
The bird is cocked - to bad weather.
The sun shines five times a year: on Christmas (01/07), on Epiphany (01/19), on the Annunciation (04/7), on Bright Resurrection and on Midsummer's Day (07/7).
The stars shine strongly in winter - it means frost.
A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw.
The bullfinch chirps under the window - the thaw.
Warm December means a long winter and late cold spring.
Warm February is deceptive: it will be a cold spring with frosts.
A foggy circle near the sun or a broken circle near the moon - a blizzard.
Fogs in February foreshadow a rainy year.
Clear days during Christmas week mean a good harvest.
New Year's signs:
On New Year's Eve with new clothes, wear new clothes for a whole year.
How New Year when you meet him, you will see him through.
On New Year's Day, the sky is starry - for the harvest.
You cannot give money away before the New Year, otherwise you will have to give it away the whole year.
New Year - a turn towards spring.
Signs about December
If in December there is a lot of frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.
If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left, it will be fruitful.
Signs about January
In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.
If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky frosts, then there will be a fruitful year.
If in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there is frequent rain.
If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, don’t expect mushrooms until autumn.
If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.
Frosty January is a fruitful year.
Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
Cold Januarys almost never happen in a row.
Signs about February
In February there is a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.
If a cat stands on hind legs and starts to scratch the wall - there will be a blizzard.
If February is rainy, then the same can be expected for spring and summer, and if it is weathery, it foreshadows drought.
The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, beautiful spring.
Snow sticks to trees - to warmth.
In the morning tits scream - it means frost.
Snowfall is indicated by:
pale color of the sun, thunder and lightning in winter time, stars in the fog, a ring around the sun and moon, a month in a circle, the position of the month on the back, with its horns up, an interrupted circle near the moon, a foggy circle near the sun, a clear sunrise, soon obscured by clouds.
Frosts persist or intensify if:
crow hides its beak under its wing
the crows cawed in the whole flock, the geese flapped their wings, tucked one leg under them
smoke rises from the chimney
clear dawn
stars are frequent (they say: “the sky is starry”)
indoor birds sit quietly
chickens twist their tails
the moon is round, full, the moon is on its hooves, its horns are steep and bright
the splinter cracks, and ardor runs through it in a zigzag
month, moon in mittens (with side pillars)
there is a lot of soot on the wick and on the splinter, and the coal on it crumbles
fluffy frost on the trees
small clouds in the sky
near the moon there are two red circles or one dim one
sun with ears
the sun has white circles and pillars
The tit squeaks loudly in the morning
The frosts will subside, the weather will become warmer, and with the warming it may snow if:
the house spider will descend on the web to the floor in the evening
the forest is noisy
the new moon lies on its back
night earlier than usual, at the wrong time, the rooster crows
clouds go against the wind - towards the snow
thawed patches that appear on frozen windows, through which distant houses are clearly visible on the street, indicate the approach of warming (in January), the frames or windows are sweating
For cold or storm:
white clouds in winter - to the cold
low clouds - to the cold
if a frosty day gets warmer by night - to a long cold
the sun sets into a cloud - towards a snowstorm
coal in the firebox lights up on its own - to frost
trees in the forest are cracking - before a strong cold

Winter is an incredibly wonderful time of year, combining bone-chilling frost and the warming warmth of rare winter sun. Using the ancient signs of winter, people usually guessed what kind of summer lay ahead, and how long it would be until spring.

  • The later the cranes leave their native lands, the later winter will come.
  • Warm winter? Expect a cold and rainy summer!
  • Deep snow portends a bountiful harvest.
  • If a blizzard creeps across the snow, it means that the coming harvest will be meager.
  • If all the birds fly away at once and in a short time, the winter will be very harsh.
  • The sooner the snow falls, the more like spring will knock.
  • Little snowy winter leading to dry summer.
  • If at the very beginning of winter there is a lot of snow, the summer will be rainy, and in general than more snow in winter, the heavier the rain in summer.
  • The starry sky is a guarantee of a frosty day.
  • The snow that falls before the leaves fall will still melt.
  • A chilly February and a cold and cloudy summer threatens.

Folk winter signs by month

Winter is divided into several periods:

  1. First winter. It lasts 25 days starting November 27th.
  2. Root winter. Lasts 55 days, starting December 22.
  3. The turning point of winter lasts 31 days, starting on February 15th.

If you look at the astronomical calendar, winter begins in the northern hemisphere on December 22-23 (December solstice) and ends on March 21-22 (March equinox).

Common names for winter:

Winter, Zimushka (heavy snowfalls), Zimishcha (very cold and harsh), Zimochka (soft and warm), Gray-haired Enchantress (reference to Russians) folk tales). By folk calendar winter begins with the first frosts and ends with a spring drop. From this moment the countdown of signs of spring begins.

Proverbs and sayings about winter:

  • Winter and summer - there is no change (union).
  • In the winter cold everyone is young.
  • In the spring there is no road, in the summer there is hard work, in the fall there is no road, in the winter the winter is freezing.
  • There will be no winter without water.
  • It becomes winter overnight.
  • After a big harvest there is a severe winter.
  • The grain is harvested, the winter is so cold.
  • It's green in the fall, and in the winter, pray to God!
  • This is not winter, but summer in a winter dress (if the winter was warm).
  • Winter for the wolf's custom.
  • The forest is no wonder to the falcon, winter is a custom for the wolf.
  • The wolf saw winter, and the devil saw the schema. This is not the first winter for a wolf to spend the winter.
  • Winter is one night for black grouse.
  • Remember this: winter is not summer! Fear the wolf in winter, and fear the fly in summer.
  • In winter, fur coats are not worn.
  • What you push with your foot in summer, you pick up with your hand in winter.
  • No matter what is harvested in summer, everything is harvested in winter.
  • Summer gathers and winter eats.
  • Winter has a priestly belly.
  • Summer soberikha (prepasikha), winter podberikha (priberikha).
  • Graze hay not for the winter, but for the winter.
  • The matchmaker had to sit on the stove; Winter found me in a summer dress!
  • One color in winter and summer.
  • Winter is not his thing here (out of favor, going abroad).
  • There are devils in the water, worms in the earth, Tatars in the Crimea, boyars in Moscow, twigs in the forest, hooks in the city: get into the man’s (gelding’s) belly; You’ll put a window there and you’ll be able to spend the winter

The weather for the winter months can be predicted by the amount harvested summer and autumn. People predict a decrease in temperature and precipitation based on the behavior of animals, insects, birds, as well as the direction of the wind, clouds and celestial bodies.

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Folk signs on the winter theme are based on centuries-old observations of people of natural phenomena and their interrelationships, and some beliefs have a logical basis.

How to determine the beginning of a cold winter?

Russians folk signs about winter, which will tell you about the weather and help determine the onset of frost, are presented in the table.

For animals and birds
  • Birds circle low in October - a sign of a sharp cold snap.
  • The cat scratches the walls with its paws - cold weather will come soon.
  • The dog has thick fur after molting - for a snowy winter.
  • The cat sleeps all day, curled up - severe frosts are already approaching
By harvest
  • In summer there is a generous harvest of berries - in winter there is a lot of snow.
  • There are a lot of mushrooms in September - for a long and harsh winter
Through the trees
  • If leaf fall begins late, then winter will be severe.
  • If oak and birch are in different time in October they fall off - to the onset of early frosts.
  • There are a lot of berries on the rowan tree - for harsh December.
  • If it starts snowing when all the leaves have not fallen from the trees, it means the onset of severe frosts
By the stars and the moon
  • If the stars shine brightly at night in November, and there is a thin layer of snow on the ground, then it will be fierce December.
  • At night there is a cloudy moon in the sky - the weather will soon change and a sharp cooling will begin
  • A wind blowing from the north in November means a sharp cold snap.
  • Weak wind at the end of autumn - a change in weather conditions
Through the clouds
  • Clouds float low and very slowly in mid-autumn - to severe frosts.
  • If the clouds are moving against the wind, it will soon become much colder and the first snow will fall.
According to everyday phenomena
  • If the kettle makes a loud noise when boiling, then frost will soon begin.
  • Firewood crackles loudly in a fireplace or stove - a sign of severe frost.
  • Strong stove draft and coals in the stove glow brightly - a sharp cold snap

Weather signs for December

Folk signs for December:

  • Dry and sunny December means a meager harvest in June. If the first winter month turns out to be cloudy and cold, the harvest will be rich.
  • No precipitation at the beginning of winter - there will be little rain in the summer.
  • If there is no snow in December and January, then spring will be late.
  • Heavy snow and bitter frost in the first winter month - you can expect a fruitful year.
  • The trees are silver with frost - there will be a lot of oats.

Winter signs for December by day of the month are presented in the table.

1 As is the first day of winter, so will be the first day of spring.
3 If it snows on Proklos, then the first summer days will be rainy
4 If heavy snowfall begins on this day, then the winter months will be snowy
5 There is a lot of frost - for a fruitful July
6 On Mitrofan there will be a north wind and snow - the first week of June will be cold and the summer will be short
7 It’s clear and dry for Catherine - for frosty December
9 The noise from the well on St. George's Day is a sign of bitter frosts in January and February. Still water in a well - the weather in the winter months will be dry and warm
12 It's snowing on Paramona - it will snow for seven days in a row
13 If a magpie hides under the roof and a bullfinch sings, then a blizzard will soon begin
15 Heavy snowfall on this day means spring flood
16 Thick fog and wet snow - to strong gusty winds and heavy snowfalls
17 On Varvara, the sun is shining brightly and the dogs are barking loudly - a thaw
19 Cloudy weather and wind from the south blowing towards Nikolai - it will soon become much warmer
22 A lot of snow and severe frost on this day - to persistent frost
25 If the sun shines brightly on Spiridon, clear weather is predicted for the entire Christmastide period
26 On Eustrata it is sunny and clear - by frosty January
27 Frosty morning on Firsa - February will be very cold and snowy
31 If the day is dry and warm, it means cloudy and wet June. If it's cloudy and snowing, June will be fine

Signs for January

Weather signs for January:

  • Frosty January - hot July.
  • The month of January is warm and clear - spring will be cold and cloudy.
  • Large icicles on the roofs - there will be a large harvest of vegetables and fruits.
  • The mole crawled out of his hole - to the stormy and cold May.

The table shows signs for January by day of the month.

Day of the monthSigns
1 As is the first day of the New Year, so will it be summer months: slush and thaw - to damp and rainy summer, sun and frost - for a dry and hot July
3 It's cold and dry outside - there will be severe frost on Epiphany
6 Starry sky on Christmas Eve - for fine and sunny days
7 Heavy snowfall on Christmas - the year will be fruitful
8 If there is wet snow on this day, then there will be no frost on Epiphany
14 If it blows on Vasily at night South wind then summer will be hot
18 Heavy snowfall on Epiphany Eve means a good harvest of buckwheat and bread. Blizzard and gusty wind - there will be a lot of honey; the weather on Maslenitsa will be the same
19 The bright moon and stars this night promise stable frosty weather until the end of the month
21 Calm weather on Emelyan - for a warm and sunny August
22 It's a fine day for Philip - a rich harvest of grain crops in the summer months
25 Snowy and cloudy weather for Tatyana promises a cold and stormy summer
28 If clouds are coming towards Pavel from the north, then the thaw will not come soon
29 On Peter's Day the weather is frosty, but there is no snow - July will be very hot, without rain
30 Cloudy weather on Anton - expect strong snowstorms
31 If Afanasyev is a blizzard day - spring will come not soon

Beliefs for February

Signs for February:

  • The rainy month of February means rainy August.
  • Warm and sunny weather in February - in spring it will be cold and damp.

Weather signs for February by day of the month are presented in the table.

Days of the monthSigns
1 On Makaryev's day there is a thaw - towards early spring
2 It's cloudy on Groundhog Day - winter will end soon
3 If the moon shines through the clouds in the night sky, “life will be good”
6 Like Aksinya, like spring
10 Strong wind on Ephraim - summer will be windy and rainy
12 If there is a red moon on the Three Saints - to sudden change weather conditions
15 If it is clear and snowy on Candlemas, then March will be frosty. Drops - to a generous harvest of wheat and flax
18 Frosty Agafya - friendly spring and fine summer
20 Thunder on Luka - to bad haymaking
22 The colder the weather on this day, the warmer it will be in March
26 Thaw in Martiniana - towards a sunny and warm March
27 Good weather on Spring Pointer - to stable frosts in spring
28 If there are a lot of icicles on the roofs on the last day of winter, then spring will be cloudy and long

Beliefs in different regions of Russia

Weather signs vary depending on the region of Russia, since each region has its own characteristics. climatic conditions: V Krasnodar region winter begins no earlier than January, and in Yakutia - in October. Basic signs in different regions:

  1. 1. In Kuban determine the weather in winter by the behavior of pets: cats lick their paws and do not leave the stove - cold weather will soon come.
  2. 2. In Bashkiria people believe that Cold winter promises early flowering of bird cherry and a generous summer harvest.
  3. 3. In Ryazan and Moscow regions The climate is practically the same, so the beliefs in these regions are the same: snow-covered St. Nicholas - for a fruitful autumn.
  4. 4. In the Leningrad region It is believed that windy weather on Old New Year's Eve foreshadows the dry summer months, but the apple harvest will be rich.
  5. 5. In Tatarstan The yield is associated with the thickness of the ice on the river: the thicker the ice layer, the more abundant the harvest of vegetables and fruits will be.
  6. 6. In the Urals a thaw in the winter months is associated with stormy summers and poor grain harvests.

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which both schoolchildren and teachers may need when writing stories and reports about this time of year primary classes to familiarize students with the topic “Winter. Winter months. Winter phenomena nature. Winter signs about the weather.", in this case the story can be presented as a presentation. It will turn out to be a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last colorful leaves finish falling and envelop the earth with their motley carpet, and gray raindrops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its severe cold. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and calmed by the discordant but melodic tune of the blizzard. However, this exciting time of year announces itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius, and makes you chilly to wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, unlike the mild autumn of November, very rarely pampers nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold weather and frosts, lowering the temperature on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm blanket of snow. Thanks to such care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of the timid rays of the sun. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the more sonorous its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to lose its ground, and the cold December nights become longer and longer. Short-term frosts are already beginning to show their harsh character and a thin crust of ice hinders the movement of winding rivers. Sometimes December indulges in slight thaws and a pleasant increase in temperature, but it can remind itself of sharp frosts, and the Arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. In a day winter solstice On December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon all year.

With the onset of December, there are many folk signs about the weather. Here are some of them:

  • If in December the sky is cloudy and the clouds hang low, then you should wait in next year big harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles often this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The lack of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • A lot of snow, frost and frozen ground mark good harvest in the fall.
  • If bullfinches arrived this month, then winter will be frosty.

In Rus', at the beginning of December, they already began to make sleigh tracks and organized troika rides. From December 9, in the evening it was worth staying close to houses, as the wolves began to approach closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also the eager anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of a new year, but also a time of finding new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Every person on this holiday becomes a child and looks forward to the advent of a bewitching fairy tale and the fulfillment of all dreams. The smell of pine needles and the unique taste of tangerines awaken warm memories and make the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


In January, winter fully comes into its own. She serenely reigns over nature and continues her snowy and frosty march. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter's tale from the intricate patterns on the windows, they sing about her, whirling in a whirlpool of a blizzard, and boldly look into the cloudless blue sky. The bitter cold makes itself felt with clouds of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling sensation on the cheeks and nose. All this magic is supported by a temperature already established within -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually becoming longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing its position. However, the piercing light bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold asserts its rights even more firmly and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, at night you can admire the clear sky and sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind is not as strong as in December and does not shake the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for the onset of... important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This bright holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together to the sound of bells.

The days from January 7 to January 19 are called Christmastide. They are illuminated by the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune telling and carols. Most often fortune telling occurred on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to know who their betrothed would be, and married women We tried to find out what the weather would be like in the summer and whether we should expect a big harvest. Christmastide was also a period of noisy weddings. In Rus' these days they organized sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if the south wind blows on January 21, then the summer will be stormy, and if there is frost on the stacks on the 23rd, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the thick gray sky, which continues to cover the sleeping earth with a soft cap of a blanket of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows the bright rays of the sun to often peek through the dense clouds. Winter still reminds us of itself with the discordant tune of a blizzard and a cheerful carousel of snowflakes swirling in a blizzard, but the premonition of spring is gradually beginning to revive everything around. Cheeks pink from the biting frost gradually begin to warm up with the timid warmth of the sun. The snow becomes covered with a thin crust and begins to slowly give way, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer and clear sky It increasingly pleases the eye with its unique blue.

In the southern regions of Russia, buds appear on willows - the first harbingers of spring, and thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with long-awaited thaws. However, the mesmerizing snowstorms and stubborn cold will not soon surrender to the mercy of the beautiful spring.

There are many folk superstitions about the weather associated with February.

  • If the weather is very cold and frosty this month, then summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a poor harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles, then you should expect strong winds.
  • Rainy February indicates the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frost, and dim stars predict thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very severe, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low-hanging clouds. They, like a fur blanket, envelop the sky and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their curtain and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and does not warm up so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this with sparkling snowflakes, neatly covering everything around, as if sparkling silver.

Thick blanket of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of year fluffy snowflakes do not melt under timid sun rays, and, gradually increasing, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is also famous for its frosts. It's gradually getting colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle your cheeks and nose and force you to wrap yourself more tightly in winter clothes. TO warm jacket her permanent companions are added - a hat and mittens.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves. However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees they don’t want to part with their green needles and continue to delight them even in winter.

In winter there is little food, so some animals hibernate, and those that continue to stay awake grow fluffy and thick fur. The hare, for example, turns white, and the hedgehog and bear hibernate.

It is also not easy for birds to tolerate cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly away to warmer climes, and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of year there are such interesting and unusual phenomena nature like:

  • Blizzard
  • Black ice
  • Icicles
  • Frost patterns

A blizzard appears with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, carries it away into a mysterious winter dance. This is very harsh a natural phenomenon, which it is better not to meet on the way. The blizzard boldly controls the snowy landscape and arranges fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold reign supreme.

Black ice, like sweet winter dream, binds water bodies and covers not only the continuous flow of rivers, but also all roads with a thin crust of ice. This happens if, after rain or sleet, the temperature drops below zero. Ice on the rivers prevents navigation, but gives wide scope for all kinds of winter activities such as sledding, skating or skiing.

One more interesting phenomenon winters are icicles. They, like ice daggers, fall into the ground and crumble into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow on roofs or other flat objects begins to melt, and the resulting water freezes at low temperatures at night.

Frosty patterns, like frost, are an incredible lace creation of winter. Their whimsical design and mesmerizing beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse you in a snowy fairy tale. This becomes possible due to the formation of ice crystals settling on the irregularities of the glass. They overlap each other and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only beautiful time year, but also very unusual. She is like a big mystery that has yet to be solved. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and there are no two identical snowflakes in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they fall to the ground so slowly.
  • In Antarctica you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • IN different countries and parts of the world ice has different temperatures. For example, the coldest ice is found in Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, and the warmest (0 degrees) is on the tops of the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the world's inhabitants have never seen real snow.
  • On February 18, 1979, snowfall was recorded in the Sahara Desert, which is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • Enjoy yourself warm winter possible in North Sudan. There at this time of year the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the air temperature there averages -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of year, when, despite the short days and frosty air, life does not freeze, but is filled with new light and sound. The snow-white blanket of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, the unique patterns on the glass and the ice crust that binds rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly touching your cheeks, reminds you of how many games there are fresh air conceals this time of year and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.


Happy child 08.01.2018

Dear readers, and again on our blog winter theme. By folk beliefs, Mother Winter arrives on earth on a beautiful pinto horse and begins to conjure: covering rivers with ice, covering fields with snow furs. And if winter is kind to people, then there is a lot of snow and it covers the ground in a thick layer. This means the harvest will be good.

People watched the weather, the behavior of birds and animals every day. This is how winter signs were created, according to which weather forecasts could be made. Signs were passed down from generation to generation, helping good owners prepare for the cold and survive the winter without feeling lacking in anything.

Previously, not only adults, but also children knew about signs. But even now it can be so interesting to observe nature with children. This way we become closer to it, and such knowledge can sometimes be useful in practice. Find out more about winter from folk signs with your children, and let the children learn to predict the weather themselves.

Folk signs of winter for preschoolers

For kids kindergarten It will be very interesting to hear about the folk signs of Mother Winter. Her voice is young and clear, and her eyes sparkle clear ice. There is snow in one sleeve, frost in the other...

For kids, winter is a fairy tale about the New Year, outdoor games, fluffy snow and red bunches of rowan. But, in addition to these ideas, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Signs of winter that predict the weather for the next day are suitable for children who are still in kindergarten.

If frost covers everything overnight, then it will snow during the day.
A scattering of stars in a clear winter sky foreshadows severe frost during the day.
Fluffy frost in the morning foreshadows a sunny day.
If the frost weakens in the evening, then you can expect snowfall or rain.
Sunset in the clouds means snowfall.
It's getting light sooner than usual - towards the snow.
If there was frost at night, don’t expect snow during the day.
The day will begin with fog - there will be a thaw.
Clear sky means frost.
Clouds are moving quickly - good weather.
Firewood in the stove does not light well - it means there will be a thaw.
Frequent stars mean warmth and snow, rare stars mean bad weather and blizzards.
The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - the frost would strike.

Bright stars mean frost.
Smoke from the chimney in a column means frost.
If the ice on the river is cracking, there will be severe frost.
Cat on the stove - cold in the yard.
If the dog is lying around, then you should wait for a snowstorm.
The titmouse squeaks in the morning - expect frost at night
If a crow sits on the top of a tree and caws loudly, then there will be a blizzard.
If flies fly in the room, then there will be warming.
If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.
If a dog walks with its tail between its legs, it means cold weather.
Birds on the street hide their beaks under their wings - to extreme cold.
If in winter, when entering the hut from the yard, you notice a lot, it means there will be a thaw (the snow is soft, sticky).
Smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
The reddish hue of the moon means that the next day the wind will bring warm weather and snow will fall.
Sharp, brightly glowing horns of the moon foretell rain, and steep ones foretell frost.
When the trees are covered with frost, expect warmer temperatures.
If you can hear a tit on the window in the morning, then the night will be frosty.
If the clouds move against the wind, expect snow.
If at night or early in the morning with weak the wind goes heavy snow, clear and sunny weather during the day.
If the weather changes during the day (very cold during the day, and warmer in the evening), then there will be a strong blizzard for several days in a row.

If during a winter roost a crow sits on the top of a tree, facing the wind, then the next day the weather will be calm; when she sits at the bottom of the tree and hides between the branches, then bad weather should be expected at night or the next day.

Watch the daytime weather with your kids, and in the evening let your child remember once again what he noticed interesting during the day.

Signs of winter for schoolchildren in grades 2-3

Primary schoolchildren already know some winter signs and, during lessons or on a walk with their parents, notice something interesting in winter nature. And you can write down signs for next spring or summer and check whether they will correspond to the forecasts.

Winter signs for spring and summer

If at the beginning of winter it blows strong winds, then the beginning of spring will be slushy.
Dry and light snow - for a dry summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
Winter is snowy - summer is rainy.
If there are blizzards in winter, there is bad weather in summer.
If there is frost in winter, there is dew in summer.
Big frost for the whole winter - hard summer for good health.
If it is warm in winter, it is cold in summer.
Winter is frosty - summer is hot.
Winter without snow, but with severe frosts portends a dry, hot summer.
If it snows at the very beginning of winter, then the beginning of summer will be rainy.
On which day of winter there will be a storm, on the corresponding day of summer there will be rain.

If the snow is swept right up to the fence in the very first month of winter, then summer will not please you with good weather. If there is a lot of snow, but there is a gap before the fence, then this indicates that the harvest this year will be good.

Winter weather signs

Clouds float high - for good weather, low - for bad weather.
A cat on the stove means it’s cold; and a cat on the floor means warmth.
The pig is itching - for warmth; squeals - to bad weather; carries straw - to the storm.
Long dry spruce branches bend before a blizzard, but straighten out in good weather.
Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
The oak grove turned black in winter - due to a thaw or a storm.
The horns of the moon are sharp and bright - towards the bucket, steep - towards the frost.
The month is born lying down - for warmth, standing - for frost.
When there is a foggy circle around the sun, it is a blizzard, and if it rolls into a cloud, then there will be a snowstorm.
On a frosty day it began to snow - it means there will be a thaw. If it snows, it will warm up.
A crow cries at noon - for warmth, to the north - for cold.
Crows sit on the tops of trees - towards the frost (the cold begins to creep in below), on the lower branches - towards the wind (the upper ones will sway more strongly).

Crows hover in the air - in front of the snow, if after that they descend and sit on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit on houses and treetops - there will be frost, if they sit on the lower branches of trees - there will be wind.

If in winter spiders very actively weave their webs, run back and forth, fight with each other, hang themselves on new threads, then this means that in 9-10 days the cold will set in; if spiders are hiding, there will be a thaw.

Winter signs for the thaw

The forest is red in winter - for the thaw.
If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.
The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - for warmth.
The cuckoo will begin to crow - there will be no more frost.
Birds early in the morning whistle cheerfully and loudly - for warmth, for spring.
Sparrows chirp in unison - to the thaw (warmth).
A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw.
Crows and jackdaws land at midday with their noses towards the warmth.
In winter, a horse rides, sleeps on the ground (on the ground) - they say, for warmth.
A dog eats hay from a tub - for warmth.
When windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
Evening dawns quickly fade - towards the thaw.
Large flakes of snow mean a thaw.
Snow pellets are a sign of an imminent thaw.
Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.
When it's cold, water appears on the ice - a thaw will come soon.
If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then you need to wait for warmer weather.

Signs for a blizzard (blizzard) or storm

If your dog starts wallowing in the snow, don’t go hunting, a snowstorm will catch you on the way.
A cat scratches the floor - to the wind and snowstorm.
A chicken standing on one leg means it’s cold.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.
Sparrows scream - to a blizzard.
A magpie climbs under the eaves - towards the blizzard.
A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.
The sun sets into a cloud - towards a snowstorm.
A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.
In winter, the sky becomes clouded - a blizzard.
Thunder in winter means strong winds.
Lightning in winter means a storm.
Light frost and noticeable warming mean a storm.
A circle around the sun or the month in winter foreshadows prolonged snowstorms with frosts.
A cat covers its face with its paw - to a blizzard.

Signs for frost and cold

Wolves howl near housing - it means frost.
Hares stay near housing - in anticipation of frost.
A crow hides its beak under its wing - to the cold.
If the windows begin to sweat with double frames, this means increased frost.
If the samovar hums, it means frost.
Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.
Rapid thaw – long frost.
The sun is in mittens, like a rainbow, like pillars on both sides - to the cold.
In winter, a month with horns up means frost.
A generous harvest of rowan berries indicates a frosty winter ahead.
In winter, the wind blew from the north - causing great frost.
The crackling of trees in the forest foreshadows long frosts.
If thunder rumbles in winter, severe frosts will soon be expected.
Red fire in the stove means frost.
A large number of acorns on oak trees means a cold winter.
Chickens roost early, which means there will be frost, and the higher they climb, the lower the temperature will be.
The indoor birds are silent - the cold will still remain.

Signs for snow and snowfalls

Snow falling before all the leaves have fallen heralds a severe winter.
There is no snow during the day, and the first reliable snow falls at night.
The first snow falls 40 days before the onset of winter.
If snow that falls at night remains on tree branches, it will not melt on the ground.
If the snow creaks very much under your feet, it will soon get colder.
Snow falls in large flakes - a sign of bad weather and wetness.
The snow bent the branches - there will be a good harvest.
Clouds move against the wind - towards the snow.
The more snow on the fields, the larger the harvest will be.
At dawn the sun is red - a blizzard.
Clouds at sunset will indicate imminent snowfall.

Signs of December

A cold and snowy December heralds a rich harvest.
If the first snow that falls in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.
Large icicles portend a good harvest of vegetables in summer and autumn.
If December turns out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.
Warm weather in December foreshadows a long winter and a late, cold spring.
Heavy frost, large snowdrifts, and deeply frozen ground promise a good harvest.
If the first month of winter is very wet and cloudy, then summer will be rainy.
Frequent strong winds in December indicate that spring will be late. Most likely, there will be a lot of rain in March, and April will be cold.

Signs of January

Frosty January is a fruitful year.
Snowy weather throughout the month with frequent snowfalls and snowstorms promises occasional showers in mid-summer.
In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.
Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.
If January is warm, then expect severe cold in March.
If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
If in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there is frequent rain.
Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

Signs of February

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will continue for a long time.
Based on the weather on February 15, you can judge what spring will be like. If it snows on this day, then spring will be late.
Foggy February suggests that the whole coming year it will be rainy.
Warm weather throughout the month means it will be a cold spring, even with frosts.
Abundant frost on the trees means a honey harvest.
If long icicles hang at the end of the month, then spring will be long.
Rain in February means a wet summer, a dry month means drought.
The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, pleasant spring.
If at the end of the month there is heavy snow that sticks to surfaces, it will be warm.
If you hear the calls of tits in the morning in February, then expect frost.

Signs for winter holidays

Many stars in New Year's Eve- a harbinger of a good harvest.
If frost appears at Christmas, it’s a sign of the grain year.
When there is a snowstorm on Christmas Day, it promises that there will be a good swarm of bees.
Clear weather throughout Christmas week means a good harvest.
Sunny weather on Tatiana's day promises an early arrival of birds, and if snow falls, there will be a lot of rain in the summer.
There is a blizzard on Epiphany - and a blizzard on Easter.
Full ice holes on Epiphany foretell a big flood.
A full month during Epiphany also promises a lot of water in the spring.
If snow falls in large flakes on Epiphany, then there will be a fertile year, and a clear day means a crop failure.
When the frosts on Epiphany are stronger than on Christmas and Candlemas, then a good harvest, prosperity and well-being are expected.
If Epiphany falls on a full moon, then expect heavy rainfall.

Unusual winter signs

What can cause surprise and admiration in winter? Something unusual, unexpected for winter: a rainbow in the sky, a butterfly or ladybug flying into the house...

What's a rainbow in winter? Signs

It is not always possible to see a rainbow in summer, but in winter it is considered simply a miracle. In the old days, it was considered a good sign to see a rainbow in winter. Those who saw her tried to quickly make a wish.

Seeing a rainbow in winter promises good luck and luck for the whole year.
The rainbow in winter is very bright and low, which means you need to prepare for prolonged bad weather.
If a rainbow appeared on a frosty and sunny day, severe frosts were expected.
If a rainbow peeked out from behind the clouds on a cloudy and gloomy day, blizzards and snowstorms were expected.
If red colors predominated in the rainbow that appeared, windy days were expected.

Sign “Butterfly in the house in winter”

A butterfly in winter in our cold climate is strange and unusual. After all, these summer beauties are accustomed to sleeping under the bark of trees or in the cracks of wooden houses in winter. And suddenly they fly into the house...

If the butterfly is white and cream, it means a new addition to the family.
If the color of the butterfly's wings is orange, gold, brown, there will soon be financial profit.
A butterfly flies around the room - you will live in joy and prosperity.
A butterfly lands on the wall - you will hear from your relatives.
If a butterfly lands on the right shoulder, it prophesies a quick meeting; on the left, it warns of enemies and envious people.
A pestle sitting on its head portends have a nice meeting with an old friend or a trip to distant lands.
It is considered a good sign to see three moths sitting next to each other at once.

Sign “Ladybug is at home in winter”

People believe that the ladybug is a servant of the Virgin Mary. And the ancient Slavs considered her the messenger of the Sun goddess. Therefore, you can’t not only kill her, but even roughly shake her off her clothes. You can only slightly push the ladybug with a blade of grass or with your breath so that it flies further.

If the wings of a ladybug yellow color, this promises positive changes and speedy happiness.
An insect with white spots is a harbinger of good news.
A black ladybug with red dots speaks of success in all matters.
A single-colored bug without spots is itself a newborn, so it portends a speedy addition to the family.
A few red cows promise a rich harvest for farmers, and ordinary peoplea good relationship in family.
The appearance of a ladybug in a home indicates the favorable energy of the apartment: it will never be in a house in which there is a lot of negativity.
If a ladybug crawls in a baby's crib, this indicates that the baby will grow up healthy.
If a cow flew into the house through an open window or door, this is a sign that lost item will show up quickly enough.

So that the signs about someone flying into the house come true ladybug in the cold season, you need to leave it indoors, planting it on an indoor flower.

Sign “Fly in the apartment in winter”

Few people can say why flies suddenly wake up in winter and fly around the house. And what could their unexpected appearance lead to?
