Where is it better to go to the sea in June? Best places to shop in June

June, as you know, directly announces the beginning of the most long-awaited period in the life of Russians - summer!

We are intensely enduring the winter cold with its intricate patterns on frozen glass, through which a fluffy sheet of snow can be seen, covering forests, fields and bustling cities with its body. Then, through gritted teeth, we wait for the arrival of spring, which from year to year for some reason is in no hurry, which, in fact, is what the winter-winter takes advantage of, throwing nature in the month of March with more and more snowdrifts.

But as soon as 01.06 flashes on the calendar, we immediately want to get into summer, but it can be delayed just like spring! At the beginning of the month, in most of Russia, the water in rivers and lakes has not yet warmed up, few people want to swim in barely warm water, but the ubiquitous midges and mosquitoes have long woken up. Although, at this time in the south of Russia they are already free to swim and the tourist season has long been open.

Therefore, many Russians strive to quickly “set sail” from their boring native shores and move somewhere to the south. The season of total vacations begins, and every vacationer wants to spend these few days as best as possible in order to at least take a little break from all this fuss and work red tape.

And a completely reasonable question arises: “Where should I go on vacation in June?”

The choice is quite large and varied. By June, a favorable period for relaxation begins in the resort regions of Turkey. The water is well warmed up, the sun has not yet had time to “get stronger”, therefore, it does not act too violently, instantly pouring heat on all vacationers and local residents. And in Vietnam it’s also quite comfortable at this time.

To ease the pain of choice, let’s start looking at everything in order!

Where to go on vacation in June at the seaside

Here is our simple list of those countries where you can combine business with pleasure: soak up the sun; swim in the sea; go on several interesting excursions; connect with nature and get a lot of indelible and enchanting impressions.

Seaside holidays in June are possible:

Holidays in the south of Russia and on the Crimean peninsula

By June, the powerful body of Russia has warm places where you can warm up well and find shelter. Welcome to the south of Russia! Why should we invest our capital in some Turkey? We're good here too! Where exactly? Yes, on the Black and Azov Seas!

By this time, the Azov Sea is already warming up quite well to +20°C, the air temperature pleases with its +25°C. And to dispel some of the doubts, here are a few advantages of a holiday on the Sea of ​​Azov in June:

— Nice warm weather. At the beginning of the month it can sometimes be cloudy, but this does not spoil the holiday experience. (cm. )

— Most of the sea coastline is strewn with fine sand, which makes entering the sea more pleasant.

— The Sea of ​​Azov is shallower than its closest friend, the Black Sea. In this regard, it warms up faster and creates favorable conditions for good family vacation, where everyone's attention is attracted by restless little pranksters who strive to splash around in the water all day.

— The peak tourist season has not yet begun, so there is not the same number of curious tourists that goes off scale between July and September. Most of the boarding houses, holiday homes, camp sites, hotels, and spa centers are already ready to receive their first vacationers. For the “pioneer”, in order to attract tourists, special offers are activated and discounts are made on most services.

A similar picture emerges in the Black Sea, which, unlike the Azov Sea, is already deeper, cleaner, and for many tourists it turns out to be more attractive. Therefore, in Black Sea hotels there will be many times more tourists and prices here are a little higher, and in light of recent events, holidays in Crimea have become more affordable for Russians.

Currently, Russia is doing everything possible to attract as many tourists as possible to Crimea. In 2014, by June, it is planned not only to reduce prices for air, railway and auto transport, but also, in the literal sense of the word, to rebuild the resorts of Crimea. We are all for it! A program is already starting, thanks to which you can purchase a special ticket, which allows for multiple trips on both buses and trains, including air travel to the Crimean peninsula. For now, there are only two ways to get to Crimea:

1. This is by ferry (in the near future it is planned to build a bridge across the isthmus, along which not only vehicles will travel, but also a railway track will be laid)

2. By air with a transfer to a bus or train on Ukrainian territory, which for many tourists turns out to be impossible due to the unstable situation in this country.

However, now the number of people wishing to holiday in Crimea has increased noticeably. Of course! Unlike the southern half of the Russian mainland, Crimea has a much more pleasant climate. It is much warmer here, the prices are pleasantly surprising, thanks to special government programs to improve the quality of recreation, and the very thought that you are relaxing at home pleasantly caresses your soul and heart.

But so far, some resort towns in Crimea are not ready to offer services that meet European standards. Therefore, the choice may fall on foreign resort countries, where the holidays will be both cheap and quite good.


This is the custom among most Russians who want to save money: “ Best vacation this is the one that allows you to enjoy warm sea and doesn’t empty your pocket too much.” Therefore, in June Turkey is almost always in the lead, which was much less popular last month (in May).

No wonder. Prices for tours to Turkey in June are still relatively inexpensive, you can buy a last-minute tour at ridiculous prices, and a regular tour with early booking is several times cheaper than the July one. If you go to Turkey on your own, then at the beginning of the month the flow of tourists is minimal and renting a hotel room is not difficult. Prices for all types of services are reasonable and affordable.

But this is not all the advantages of holidaying in this country. Sama favors tourists who want to spend their holidays here. All kinds of entertainment are available to tourists, the prices of which have not yet skyrocketed in price. And the sea warms up to a comfortable +25°C.


But not only Türkiye is ready to accommodate long-awaited tourists. The second country that literally always breathes down Turkey’s back is Egypt.

Egypt occupies this position on our list for only two reasons.

Firstly, this is the price of the tour.

Prices for tours to Egypt in June are higher than to Turkey. The difference in price reaches about 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. Of course, everything depends on the specific holiday destination (resort), on the hotel in which it was decided to spend the holiday and on the “mental kit”, by which we mean tourist entertainment, excursions and shopping. In other words, “spiritual repair kit” is everything that helps us fully relax, have fun and get as far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday work as possible. So, in Egypt you will have to pay more intensely for all this pleasure and it will cost you a little more money.

Secondly, it's the weather. Egypt is much hotter than Turkey. will give heat to anyone! Although the heat is relatively easy to bear due to the dry climate, not everyone will like it. In a cloudless sky, the solar disk will literally heat up the air to +34°C, so much so that the sea water, looking at the general hot boom, will warm up to +27°C.


There is, of course, one point worth noting here. Holidays in Bulgaria in June are not as comfortable as in July, since in June the weather is a little cooler. But in the second half of June it’s quite comfortable. In this regard, tours to Bulgaria in June are very attractive. Next summer the prices will be completely different. And the living conditions and service are incomparable in Turkish or Egyptian. It's like heaven and earth. Therefore, I am ready to receive tourists hungry for relaxation.

But remember that the June weather in Bulgaria can bring one unpleasant surprise - rain. June is the rainiest month of the year. During the day, the air temperature rises to +25°C, in some places there are higher air temperatures, but in the evening the picture changes. At night the temperature drops, and the thermometer shows a modest +15°C/+17°C.

Do you want warmer weather? Then welcome to Cyprus!

Cyprus and Greece

In Cyprus, by the month of June warmer weather reigns, which pleases with pleasant solar heat and even if it’s not quite a warm sea, warmed up to +23°C, but all this pleasure is offered at reasonable prices, but of course it will be comparatively more expensive than a holiday in Bulgaria.

During the day the air temperature warms up to +27°C/+30°C. At night it drops to +18°C. Almost the entire month the weather is sunny without rain clouds to darken the mood. There may be no rain at all, and even if some crazy cloud flies in and hangs over the island, it will most likely spill onto the ground as a quick rain, and its menacing body, covering the bright sunny face, will instantly melt.

The United Arab Emirates offers the most luxurious holiday in the month of June. However, in some areas of the country it can be unbearably hot up to +39°C. Even at night the air temperature does not drop below +27°C. But sea water warms up to a comfortable +27°C.

If you are not comfortable with the intense heat, then you can find the best option and spend your vacation in the resort of Fujairah. Despite the high air humidity, there will be no rain here at all, but the air temperature is not so high and the sea water is comfortable for swimming. Swimming in the cooler waters of the Gulf of Oman, where the water temperature in June reaches +25°C, is also no less comfortable than swimming in the warmer waters of the Persian Gulf.

Be that as it may, however, a holiday in the UAE in June will be rejected by many due to the heat, and by others due to the high cost of both accommodation and the high cost of all types of services. Therefore, maybe it’s better to spend time profitably and not only relax, but also improve your health in Israel?


As soon as the month of June creeps up on Israel, we can safely talk about the beginning of the hot period. Many tourists plan their vacation in advance before the 25th of the month, because I know that with the approach of July, a real sultry torture will begin in Israel. Not everyone can withstand the heat of 40°C plus, and even in an area of ​​high humidity.

However, in June there is no need to be afraid of such a test. Cloudless, sunny weather reigns throughout the month. The sun shines all day and there is not even a hint of rain. This is the ideal time for swimming, because... The water is warm, heated to +24°C/+25°C, and for sunbathing. In addition, the weather remains comfortable during the day, when the air temperature warms up to a pleasant +25°C; in some areas, of course, the thermometer can creep higher, but on the coast it is quite comfortable. You can even afford short-term excursions around Israel, but it’s best to plunge headlong into spa treatments and try to throw out of your head unnecessary ballast in the form of work, vanity, minor problems and other rubbish, because a holiday in Israel is the best relaxing and therapeutic holiday !

While someone is pondering the possibility of joining a health or therapeutic holiday, we will move on to other alternative options. Let's look at the Spanish weather.


Spain also attracts quite a few tourists in June and there are several reasons for this.

The first reason is the weather. Acclimatization will be easy and effortless, since in Spain there is no heat in June and in general we can say that the weather here is reminiscent of our rather warm Russian summer, which lasts only 3 months a year! Daytime air temperatures range from +19°C/+26°C, and at night they do not fall below +15°C. During the day we enjoy the gentle sun “licking” our little white body, and in the evenings the coolness descends on Spain, bringing peace and tranquility. Although, for whom it depends. For some, the night promises a storm of impressions and incendiary emotions!

If you are worried about swimming in the sea, saying it’s somehow cool here, then you shouldn’t worry ahead of time. The water in Spain is, of course, cooler (in some places from +18°C to +°21C), but it is quite possible to refresh yourself. Although, it will still not be possible to organize long-term swims.

Holidays in this incendiary country are also attractive due to the fact that several exciting festivals are held this month, at one of which, in the literal sense of the word, streams of Spanish wine flow like a river. We are talking about Bonfire Nights of St. John's. The holiday is held in Alicante (Valencia) and is deeply rooted in pagan beliefs that are associated with the summer solstice - a special period with its own magical meaning and power.

For these reasons, a tour to Spain should be booked in advance, otherwise there is a high risk of being left without comfortable apartments in one of the many hotels in Spain.

If all these holidays and music festivals are a bit boring and you really want a warm sea, then you can safely book a tour to Vietnam or Thailand.

The first Asian comrade is happy to welcome any curious tourist to his open spaces, because in June in Vietnam there is where to roam. However, it is worth remembering that not everyone will like it. Still, this country cannot boast of elite and comfortable service, but this makes it different from all the others and gives it a special flavor. Vietnam is interesting for its originality. Its face is diverse due to the numerous nationalities inhabiting certain regions of the country and their specific way of life. Therefore, a full-fledged vacation in Vietnam should be teeming with events that are only possible from a leisurely trip around the country.

If the priority remains exclusively a beach holiday, then the central half of Vietnam and part of the southeastern part are quite suitable for these purposes. By this time, the wet season has come into its own over most of the continent, covering the northern and southern halves of the continent, but in the center there is not much rainfall over the entire month. It is also worth noting the fact that although there are rains, they are generally not prolonged and, spilling onto the ground, quickly disappear under the warm Vietnamese sun.

If a Vietnamese holiday has any shortcomings, then a holiday in Thailand will have fewer such shortcomings.


Needless to say, Thailand, according to some data, is becoming more and more popular every year, and not only due to its spicy and specific recreation and entertainment. It's really quite interesting here and there's always something to do. But we also note that due to the growth of its popularity, holidays in Thailand are becoming less attractive, since universal tourist attention has an extremely bad effect on both the ecology of Thailand and the attitude of local residents towards tourists, in whom they see walking bags with money. But this is purely our opinion; perhaps someone will want to argue with us.

Thai June allows you to combine both a beach holiday and an excursion. The beach, however, may be somewhat damaged due to strong winds, but this does not frighten all those who come to Thailand in June.

Tourists are also attracted by one unique event, which is held solely with the aim of attracting as many tourists as possible - this Shopping Festival. In large stores shopping centers and other retail outlets, a season of total sales is announced, during which you can purchase goods at very attractive prices. And a tourist, pampered in the sun, is the most profitable client, who is happy not only to enjoy swimming in the sea, but also to profitably invest his money in a much-needed and necessary product. Therefore, they buy literally everything that is bad. The helpful and smiling Thais take advantage of this and manage to appease their clients with various delicious festivals such as Pineapple Festival, held in Lampang province in the northern half of the country.

But if you are already tired of your holiday in Thailand, then you can go on holiday to Italy, where you can not only have a full-fledged comfortable beach holiday, but also an equally wonderful excursion holiday.


Italy at the beginning of June is the perfect place to relax! Almost the entire territory of the country is dominated by comfortable weather, which allows you not only to enjoy fairly warm water, but also to spend part of your vacation getting acquainted with local attractions, of which there are more than enough in the country.

Comfortable weather similar to our warm summer settles down in the western half of Italy along most of the Adriatic coast, where during the day the air warms up to a comfortable +20°C/+24, and the water pleasantly refreshes the body, pampered in the friendly Italian sun. The nights bring pleasant coolness to the mainland, so during evening walks a lot of pleasant memories will emerge from such an exciting and romantic holiday in Italy.

If you want to add heat, you can smoothly migrate to the southern half of the country, where warmer weather reigns. Daytime air temperatures warm up to +26°C/+28°C. It practically never rains. Over the entire month there may be from 4 to 7 rainy days. However, the weather is one of the most harmful and unpredictable vagaries, the mood of which is very, very changeable.

As for the northern half of Italy, holidays here will be less comfortable only due to the fact that, in addition to the heat, it will also be very humid. Although, this does not scare many tourists, because at the beginning of June, comfortable weather reigns throughout Italy for a good rest.

Whatever your choice, wherever you go on vacation, we wish you an enchanting holiday and a positive mood!

Travel and discover new horizons!

There are not as many tourists in June as in July and August, so the beaches, museums or water parks are not as crowded. Some resorts offer more at this time low prices than in the off-season, and the air temperature is very pleasant and contributes to a pleasant stay.

The beginning of June is the last chance for a relaxing holiday before the influx of tourists.

It is important not just to go on vacation, but also to take into account a complex of absolutely all factors:

  1. Climate. You need to decide which climate is preferable. In Morocco it is hot, in Romania it is satisfactory, on the European coast it is cool (compared to other resort countries). You need to understand your body and its characteristics in order to choose the place that suits you perfectly.
  2. Price– this is one of the factors that all those who are planning to go on vacation will have to face. Don't let your budget stop you from traveling. Even the most expensive countries have budget options, such as hostels where you can cook meals, free city tours and public transport and you can choose the best options:
    • book a flight in advance;
    • You can find sites on the Internet with cheap tickets, but it is advisable to do this on recommendation;
    • Every country has a “second city”, and it is often much cheaper - this is a unique alternative to the capital.
  3. Resorts. Once all the above factors are ready, the next step is to choose the final resort and go on vacation. There are many resorts around the world, you just need to choose based on distance, budget, time and type of trip. You can then use travel specialist companies or online communities to select a resort.

Sea holidays abroad

Every New Year provides many reasons to choose a destination. Whether you're on the hunt for beaches, culture or countryside, the weather is great in June and long days make it an ideal month to go abroad to the sea.

Tourists are interested in flights and tours to the following destinations:

  • Greece,
  • Portugal,
  • Bulgaria or Croatia.

It is also worth visiting Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, Canary Islands and Madeira.

June is a great time to travel to Scandinavia. Northern capitals: Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen are partly very promising.

If you're looking for an exotic destination, look no further than Cabo, where average temperature is 30 ° C. You can also go to Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius and Hawaii. But if you prefer Asian destinations, then Bali, Indonesia, Thailand and India are strongly not recommended at this time - since at this time it is the rainy season there.


Bulgaria has long been listed as one of the cheapest holiday destinations in Europe. Relatively low prices on the coast, tempting sandy beaches. In June, the tourist season is considered average. Accommodation costs can range from 918 €/week.

Weather conditions in June make Bulgaria an attractive destination:

  • the average temperatures you will encounter will be between 16.0°C and 25.7°C
  • lowest temperature drop – up to 4 ° C
  • high – 41 °C, based on observations from previous years.
  • in June, July and August, the water temperature rises to 23 °C.

Depending on the destination you may encounter rain, the average amount of rain observed in June in Bulgaria is 43 mm, and there may be between 10 and 12 rainy days.

If you want to avoid the rain, it is preferable to go to Varna - it is the third largest city, after Sofia and Plovdiv. Varna is called the “sea capital”. There is a long strip of sandy beach here. The most popular resort is Sunny Beach.

Summer days provide 10 - 11 hours of sun, and the sea is surprisingly calm, there are no dangerous waves or currents.


  • low prices
  • few vacationers
  • clean and comfortable beaches


  • few attractions
  • expensive travel
  • no choice of souvenirs


Egypt, home of the pharaohs, the pyramids and the great Nile Delta, sits at the top of Africa. It borders Libya to the west, Sudan to the south, and Israel and the Gaza Strip to the east.

Egypt lies on the Mediterranean coast to the north and is bordered to the east by the Red Sea, which is a popular diving spot. Much of the country is desert, part of the vast Sahara that dominates North Africa. As a result, most of the population lives in the coastal areas and fertile Nile valleys.

With deserts, mountains over 2500m and long coastlines, Egypt experiences a lot different types weather. June is usually one of the hottest months, and December to January are classified as winter, but even in winter it does not get cold here, during which time the country experiences rain.

The popular resort of Sharm l-Sheikh is located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, on the shores of the Red Sea. This is a fantastic diving site.

The climate is generally hot and dry:

  • in summer temperatures reach 40°C
  • winters are much cooler - an average of 18 ° C
  • recorded minimum – 13°C
  • maximum – 22 ° C.
  • precipitation levels are very low.
  • The hottest months are June, July and August


  • the extraordinary underwater world of the Red Sea
  • many attractions
  • budget holiday


  • road accidents
  • bad service
  • The climate allows you to relax at any time of the year

June is the beginning of the tourist season in Spain. Most hotels, restaurants and pubs are preparing to welcome a large number of tourists who will come to relax in droves in the coming summer months.

The average maximum temperature is 25°C and the lowest 18°C, sea water 20°C.

Spain is known for its Mediterranean resorts, all of which are drenched in sunshine between May and October and offer plentiful beach activities. In June you can go to one of the main resorts on the mainland or an island, for example, Ibiza or Mallorca. Tenerife is perfect for a family holiday.

Gran Canaria and its abundant beaches, moonlit Lanzarote and the vast sand dunes of Fuerteventura all make up the main islands in this chain, known as the “Islands Eternal Spring", mainly because they are always sunny, always warm and it very rarely rains here.

Barcelona is located on the Mediterranean Sea and, as a result, has a temperate climate throughout the year:

  • June is the best weather conditions with pleasant temperatures and plenty of sunshine. At this time of year, tourists flock to the city - it's the perfect time for a wonderful holiday.
  • The warm season in Barcelona officially lasts from June 22 to September 19, with average daily high temperatures above 25 °C. During June, even average maximum temperatures can exceed 28 °C every few days.

Spain is a diverse country. In June, in addition to the warm weather, you can find beautiful landscapes, interesting cultural events, including a festival of avant-garde music and International festival guitars.


  • best beaches in Europe
  • rich excursion program
  • delicious national cuisine


  • additional fee for sun loungers and umbrellas on the beaches
  • thin walls in hotels
  • noisy streets until the morning


Traditionally, those who seek peace are going to Montenegro, natural beauty and a relaxing holiday. The weather in early June is considered quite comfortable, the water temperature is about 24 ° C and the air temperature is 30 ° C. The climate is mild. June is an ideal place in Montenegro to go on vacation with children.

Pros of holidays in Montenegro in June:

  • a small number of tourists;
  • quality of service;
  • low prices for services and comfortable rooms;
  • no delays in hotel bookings;
  • suitable weather for families with children;
  • buses run along the coast almost until dawn.


  • queues to attractions
  • poorly maintained beaches
  • inconvenient entry into the water

The water in the sea is already warm enough to enjoy swimming. Rest is facilitated by long sunny days, which last nine hours. When sunbathing on the beach, be sure to take cream, sunglasses and a hat.

Thanks to the subtropical climate in Abkhazia, summers are usually very hot and humid. Thus, it is better for children and the elderly to go on vacation to Abkhazia in June. At the beginning of June the sea had already warmed up to 20°C, the air to 28°C, and the sunny weather was stable.

Starting in June, the swimming season opens, which allows you to fully enjoy your holiday in this beautiful country. It can be chilly in the evenings.

Pros of Abkhazia in June:

  • The currency in the country is the Russian ruble;
  • To enter the country, an internal Russian passport is sufficient;
  • this is the time when you can enjoy the fruits of Abkhazia (cherries, medlars, peaches, tangerines, strawberries and others);
  • The waterfalls are still active and are definitely worth seeing;
  • there is no language barrier.


  • bad service
  • lack of entertainment
  • housing and food prices have increased

Abkhazia is a place for every taste. The holiday will be unforgettable and complete, as in Pitsunda and Gagra, as well as in other places on the coast. Gagra has a mild climate, Sukhum has long beaches, Pitsunda has a protected bay and no storms, and Mussera has relict chestnuts and beeches.

You can spend unforgettable moments almost anywhere on the coast of Abkhazia.

Dominican Republic

The most visited country in the Caribbean is the Dominican Republic. It's a classic kind of paradise, with coconut palms swaying over pearly white sands and the sun bouncing off clear turquoise waters.

Punta Cana

Framed Caribbean Sea to the south and the Atlantic to the north, the country's coastline is dotted with hidden coves, fishing villages and long stretches of beautiful sand. But beyond the beaches, the island also offers a natural wonderland of waterfalls, deserts, mountains and jungles covered in wild orchids.

June offers ideal conditions to travel to the Dominican Republic - an average temperature of 28°C, no rain and plenty of beach space. Best season usually lasts from mid-December to February, with prices rising in July and August. Hurricane season occurs from August to December.

Punta Cana, located on east coast The Dominican Republic is one of the most popular destinations in the Caribbean where families and newlyweds want to go on vacation.

This resort has tropical climate and a large number sunny days:

  • during June the average temperature for the resort increases slightly to 27.5°C
  • daily maximums– 31°C
  • highest temperature ever recorded at the resort in June was 36°C
  • lowest temperature ever recorded at the resort during that month was 19°C.

VPunta – Cana, June experiences quite a lot of rainfall compared to April and May. At this time of year, the average rainfall for the resort is 99 mm. The most common types of precipitation you will experience in Punta Cana in June are thunderstorms and light rain.

The average sea temperature in Punta Cana in June is 28 ° C.


  • clean coastline
  • established tourism business
  • low prices for coffee and cocoa


  • high prices


Israel is one of those interesting countries to visit, although it occupies a relatively small area and exhibits a wide range of geographical conditions.

Bordering Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east and Egypt to the southwest, you can experience a variety of climates as you move through the country.

The weather in June is cooler than in July and August:

  • average daytime temperature is around 29°C and up to 20 – 25°C at night
  • water temperature 24 – 27 °C
  • in the end of the month the sea can warm up to 29°C.

Israel's Mediterranean coast boasts a glorious 300 days of sunshine throughout the year - the country as a whole is known for receiving copious amounts of sun throughout the year, which is why it has become a world power in per capita solar energy usage.

The temperature in these places is around 32°C during the day. On the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea in Eilat, sometimes reaches 44 ° C, and the water warms up to 30 ° C.


  • pleasant climate
  • historical places
  • amazing nature


  • Shops and public transport are closed on Saturdays
  • very hot summer
  • unfriendly airport security

Below is an overview of the sights of Israel.


Going in June means experiencing the peak tourist season, when crowd sizes and prices are at their highest. Temperatures will rise later in the summer, but throughout Italy June is already warm.

No matter what time of year you're planning to go on holiday, temperatures usually rise as you head south into Italy. In June this means that if it is hot in northern Italy, then the south is even hotter. This is the time when the beaches start to get crowded, both with Italians and foreigners.

It is worth noting that in many cases the humidity is accompanied by higher temperatures throughout Italy. High humidity can make a reasonable 30°C feel uncomfortable, especially when you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Temperatures in June vary depending on where you are:

  • Northern Italy– 13-27 ° C;
  • Central Italy– 16-27 ° C;
  • Southern Italy– 21-30 ° C.

There are many reasons why so many people want to travel to Italy - to see the Tuscan hills still green from the spring rains glowing on a summer day and to visit Sicily.

The beginning of June is the best time to visit Sicily, as it is not yet very stuffy, as in other months of summer. The tourist boom begins in mid-June, when Italian schoolchildren go on vacation. From late June to mid-September, coastal areas are crowded.

Sicily has a relatively mild climate, although summers can be very hot and dry. The humidity is not stifling, except in large cities, there is one element that can be unpleasant - the wind.

Surrounded by three seas, Sicily is exposed to all of them, from the scorching sirocco from the Sahara to the stormy north winds that cause serious damage.

In Sicily, it is worth visiting the Acqua Verde water park, located in Cefalu. It stands out from the many smaller water parks and offers children's games and lots of fun for the whole family with water slides and shallow pools. This is an ideal place for families with small children.

Scaladei Turchi in Realmonte is a group of stunning rock formations lining the coast. After soaking up the beauty of your surroundings, you can take a swim in the sea or go relax on the sandy shore.


  • rich historical heritage
  • varied climate
  • great beaches


  • locals don't speak English
  • bad gray in budget hotels


China is considered the third largest country in the world:

  • covers many latitudes
  • has incredibly diverse landscapes from desert to mountains
  • covers many climate zones

China is mainly located in the northern temperate zone, which represents all four seasons of the year, avoiding extreme temperatures.

In many parts of China, especially the southwest, large areas of flowers bloom in June. These places are best to visit in June. The weather varies by month and region, but most are hot, reaching 30°C during the day.

The small city of Xiamen in the northwest, most favorable to visit in June, has a very good beaches V calm atmosphere. Seafood lovers and sun worshipers will be very happy here.


  • rich culture
  • exciting excursions
  • ancient cities


  • bad ecology
  • many people


It is worth going on vacation to Morocco in June, the month in which the good tourist season begins:

  • is 24°C
  • lowest– 16°C
  • the ocean water is already warm, has an average temperature of 20°C. This is a good time for sunbathing and swimming.

In June, Morocco begins to warm up intensively in many areas, especially in the south. The amount of precipitation is minimal.

Classic places to visit in June include: the imperial cities of Meknes, Rabat, Fez and Marrakech, with average temperatures around 30°C.

Additionally, the coastal resorts of Oulidia, Essaouira and Agadir enter their prime in June, with average temperatures in the early to mid 25°C and the water warming to an average of 23°C, so time on the beach can be very pleasant.


  • delicious cuisine
  • budget holiday
  • well-groomed coast


  • foggy hike
  • cool ocean
  • Ramadan


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) presents an arid climate ranging from subtropical regions on the coast to large desert areas inland. The entire area is regularly in a state of drought. Strong sandstorms distributed throughout the year.

In the mountains in the southeast the climate is slightly cool all year round.

Only the most notorious heat lovers can vacation in the UAE in June:

  • average temperature internal regions – 40°C
  • average maximum in Al Ain– 46°C.

It is actually a city of oases, nicknamed the "Garden City", but still suffers from dry air due to the desert that surrounds it. In coastal areas, this terrifying heat is slightly weakened by the sea. The temperature in Abu Dhabi, a city on the central coast of the Persian Gulf, in June is 41 ° C.


  • excellent service;
  • mass cultural events;
  • huge selection of entertainment.


  • expensive vacation;
  • long flight;
  • ban on drinking alcohol.


Thailand's capital attracts around 45 million tourists each year and is ranked by several travel publications as one of the best cities in the world.

It's easy to see why travelers are drawn here, with its colorful patchwork of Buddhist temples and state-of-the-art hotels, shiny taxis and three-wheeled tuk-tuks.

June is the low tourist season due to the rainy season. Access to smaller islands can be quite limited in June. Some places, especially on the southern Andaman coast of Thailand, are suspending ferry services entirely.

June represents the monsoon season in Phuket, but many who venture during this time will find the mesmerizing nightlife and festivals that take place throughout the year. In June the rain turns into heavier and shorter showers with the advantage of sunny weather. The average rainfall is 240 mm, which lasts approximately 18 days.

Don't worry about the number of rainy days as there are plenty of museums and activities available to you.

Although the climate is humid, the weather here is rarely cold due to its proximity to the equator:

  • average temperature is 29°C
  • minimum– 25°C
  • maximum– 32°C.

Warmer night temperatures are ideal for indoor visits. open air and varied nightlife. Combined with an average humidity of 85%, temperatures may seem hotter than they actually are.

Many resorts have hotels with air conditioning, but even a fan makes you feel more comfortable. Humidity remains relatively stable to a maximum of 90% during June.

The average duration of sunshine is 7 hours, which is the lowest of the entire year and is associated with cloudy conditions from the monsoon. In June the average water temperature is 30°C.

It is possible to swim at this time of year, but some beaches have larger waves and stronger impacts due to the monsoon, so it is recommended to follow the advice of lifeguards.


  • interesting excursions;
  • low prices;
  • Thai massage.


  • long flight;
  • high humidity;
  • You cannot drink tap water.


From June to September the temperature in Tunisia increases significantly:

  • average maximum temperature is 29°C
  • lowest average temperature is 19°C
  • The Mediterranean Sea is already warming up well– 21 ° C, so you can safely come to relax and enjoy the warm waters.

June is the time when there is more opportunity to explore the area. Tourists mainly arrive in Tunisia during the hottest months - July and August.


  • delicious food
  • good wifi
  • great service


  • a lot of jellyfish and algae in the sea
  • no entertainment for children
  • tasteless water


Croatia is a country where the climate is very diverse:

  • average maximum temperature in June around 25°C.
  • average water temperature reaches 20°C.

June - good month to come and relax on the Croatian coast. Prices in June are lower than at high season. Those planning a beach holiday should come here in July or August.


  • warm sea;
  • pine parks;
  • developed towns.


  • no water parks;
  • no sandy beaches;
  • high prices.


Vietnam is a country that benefits from three different microclimates, making it a great year-round destination. November – April is considered the peak time for travel, with little rainfall during this time. However, when the rains fall to the north and south of the country during the rest of the year, the weather in the central region of Vietnam becomes hot and dry.

June is an unpredictable time as the season changes from spring to summer:

  • in June the temperature and humidity rise;
  • central Vietnam remains humid with mild weather;
  • the southern coast by this time is already enjoying a hot and dry summer.


  • easy to obtain a visa;
  • cheap prices;
  • beautiful women.


  • deception of tourists;
  • dangerous road traffic;
  • inexpressive national cuisine.

Cyprus is an ideal place to spend your holiday, regardless of the current season. The tourist season lasts all year round. There are already a lot of tourists here in June.

  • average maximum temperature this month is 32°C;
  • minimum– 18 ° C;
  • sea ​​water heats up to 24°C.

June is a wonderful time to go on holiday to Cyprus and swim in the sea. In addition to the resort program, here you can also see numerous architectural monuments, museums, zoos and have fun with the whole family in water parks.


  • you can get acquainted with Greek and Turkish cultures;
  • diverse nature;
  • leisurely way of life.


  • expensive food;
  • You cannot take photographs without permission;
  • expensive medicine.


The average maximum temperature in June is already 29°C, this is the time when the tourist season is in full swing. The sea water is around 22°C.

  • The best time to go on vacation on the islands or beaches of Greece– from the end of May to the beginning of October, when the weather forecast is good and there is little rain.
  • Sea temperature It heats up throughout the summer and swimming is best in July, August and September.
  • August is the busiest and most expensive month, but best for nightlife and parties.

IN good year there are more than two million visitors here, not counting the short stops of numerous cruise ships.

The quaint old town of Rhodes rarely fails to impress with its sandstone architecture, running buttresses along its cobbled streets. There are more than 300 sunny days in Rhodes.

It has one of the longest beach holiday seasons and a lot of interesting things to see: elegantly frescoed village chapels from the 14th and 15th centuries, ruined Minoan palaces and cities.


  • historical significance;
  • clean sea;
  • magnificent nature.


  • no signs in English.

Below is a video showing the nature of Greece


June is the month when you should go on holiday to Mallorca and the period high temperatures. The average maximum is 27°C and the lowest is 15°C. The sea water warms up and averages 21°C.

This is a good time for sunbathing - the sun is at its zenith 11 hours a day. The beaches on the largest island in the Balearic Islands are the most beautiful (wide sandy in the south, rocky in the north), the water in the sea is crystal clear.


  • warm sea.


  • expensive car rental.


In Turkey, at the beginning of June, the water and air temperatures increase significantly:

  • average maximum is 30 °C;
  • the average minimum is 19 °C;
  • The sea water is already 23°C.

This is the time when the tourist season officially begins throughout the country. Despite this, there are still not as many tourists in June as in July or August, which contributes to a relaxing holiday on the beach.



  • number of tourists;
  • rudeness of the local population;
  • It's better for girls not to walk alone.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a destination that is becoming increasingly popular among travelers. The local population captivates with their hospitality, kindness and care for others. The smell of curry and spicy aromas of a beautiful country showed their best side.

Sri Lanka has a lot to offer:

  • beautiful national parks;
  • the intensely green center of the island, covered with tea plantations;
  • pleasant golden beaches in the south;
  • interesting religious buildings;
  • incredible hospitality;
  • homemade food.

June is the time of the monsoon, which comes from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, affecting the western and southern coasts of the island, as well as the Country of Tea. The wind hits the hills, creating increased precipitation. Despite this, there are often days without rain.

Temperatures remain high along the coast (average 30°C), while the hills can get cold, especially at night. Swimming in the sea on the south and west coasts is not recommended in June. Many hotels post red flags indicating that swimming may be dangerous.


  • beautiful temples;
  • beautiful nature;
  • tasty food.


  • long flight;
  • inconvenient public transport;
  • unsanitary conditions.


In June, tourism stops due to weather. This month marks the beginning of the rainy season, with the possibility of hurricanes in some areas.

However, for those who dare to go on vacation to Cuba, hotels and car rental agencies are organizing a discount season. Given that the likelihood of a hurricane in June is low, it may be advisable to soak up the hot summer days in Havana for a low price.

Overall, June has an average of 15 rainy days during the month, which is the most a large number per year. In addition, humidity in June is high.

  • Havana is located directly on the Gulf of Mexico, and during June the sea temperature reaches 28 ° C
  • the air warms up to 30 ° C, and will remain the same throughout the summer months.

The afternoon and late evening can be especially warm and muggy for vacationers. However, an almost constant wind blows through Havana to provide some assistance to sailors and those exploring the Old City. Nighttime temperatures similarly drop, with average lows reaching 20°C.


  • comfortable views;
  • carnivals and parties;
  • friendly people.


  • high prices.

Seaside holidays in Russia

Southern Russia is an ideal place to go on a seaside holiday. Daytime temperatures in early June in the southern regions can reach 40 °C.

The Black Sea is one of the most famous resort and recreational places in the Russian Federation, favorable for summer holidays in the territory. From year to year, a considerable number of vacationers from many domestic regions of Russia and neighboring countries come to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea.

The Russian part of the Black Sea coast is located on the Crimean Peninsula and in Krasnodar region. The length of the Black Sea coast of Russia is more than 400 kilometers.

In this area between the Black and the Bolshoi Caucasian ranges are the most visited resort and health cities in Russia:

  • Gelendzhik;
  • Tuapse;
  • Sochi.

The largest cities of Crimea:

  • Sevastopol;
  • Simferopol;
  • Kerch;
  • Evpatoria;
  • Feodosia.

The tourist season in most areas of the Russian Black Sea coast begins in early June and lasts until the end of September. The Russian part of the Black Sea coast is located in areas of the Mediterranean and subtropical climate.

The climate of the region partly depends on the Caucasus Hills (the mountains protect from cool northern winds) and the sea (the sea makes the air cooler in summer and warmer in winter).


Crimea is a fascinating region to explore as well as a wonderful holiday destination.

Its rich history is still alive today in its fabulous palaces and historical sites, as well as in the culture and way of life of the modern Crimean people. Crimea, for last years, has become the most famous tourist destination, it is not only popular among the Russian-speaking population, but has also become popular among foreigners. Tourists flock to Crimea to visit the Khan's Palace, the Grand Canyon and enjoy the beaches and caves in the region.

The climate on the Crimean peninsula is a combination of marine and continental climates:

  • average temperature in June 25° C
  • Daytime temperatures can be over 26°C and drop to 13°C in the evening.


Sochi is the only subtropical resort city in Russia, which stretches along the picturesque Black Sea coast.

  • average temperature and in June it is 25 ° C
  • the water is warming up up to 23°C

With a permanent population approaching 350,000 people, it holds a record as the largest resort town in Russia.

As the unofficial capital of the Caucasus Riviera, its many beaches make the city popular in the summer, and skiing on the nearby mountain is ideal for winter holidays.

The city is located in the Krasnodar region, which stretches 145 km (90 miles) across the Black Sea, making Sochi the second longest city in the world. The resort has a long history that dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times.

It is here that many Russians go to recover at one of the most popular healing mineral springs in Russia. The most famous of these colorful resorts is Matsesta, known since ancient times as the “river of fire” due to the hue of its water.

Natural mineral springs are part of Sochi's extensive collection of natural attractions, covered in the nearby Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

The Agursky and Orekhovsky waterfalls are, most strikingly, beautiful images These attractions, the mountains hide mysterious caves, where there are traces of the first people who migrated north about 35,000 years ago.

Sochi has a large trout farm, as well as a magnificent dolphinarium and reservoir, and a beautiful coast Black Sea coast rarely empty.

One of the most popular summer tourist destinations in Russia is Anapa, a port city in the Krasnodar region, located at the mouth of the Anapka River on the northern coast of the Black Sea.

This ancient port, built by the Pontic Greeks, is located in a beautiful bay, where the steppe ends and the amazing mountains of the South Caucasus begin.

Archaeological and natural resources, with rich deposits of mud and mineral waters with medicinal properties, this is what makes it an ideal holiday destination.

  • average temperature in June 26 ° C
  • By the evening it can drop to 18°C
  • the water is warming up up to 23°C.

The end of May, the beginning of June is the ideal time to go on vacation to the shores of Anapa, it is not so hot yet, but you can already enjoy the rays of the warm summer sun.

The beaches of Anapa are without a doubt the best on the northern Black Sea coast. Many of them are sandy. Sea water temperatures are 2 – 4°C warmer than neighboring towns, which is conducive to water sports such as diving.

The central beach, located near the city, is usually the most frequently visited by tourists, but there are other alternatives - the less crowded beaches of Dzhemete or Vityazevo.


Summer in the south begins in May, but a more favorable time is June, there are not so many tourists yet, and it is not as hot as in July.

  • temperature fluctuates 18 to 30°C
  • the water is warming up I up to 23°C
  • by the middle of the month it is getting warmer.

It's time to go on vacation to Gelendzhik , city , located on the Black Sea coast in Russia. It's ancient urban settlement, whose origins date back to the Stone Age. The population is 54,980 inhabitants, according to census data.

Today Gelendzhik is one of the most important tourist destinations in the country. It has several major resorts and various entertainment options for the whole family.

Due to its location on the seashore and mild climate, Gelendzhik has one of the largest water parks in the country - Golden Bay, which occupies at least 15 hectares of land.

In addition to amazing water attractions, the Gold Coast has sports and dance halls and a special water attraction center for children.

Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea on Earth. It is quite warm, the climate is temperate continental. Relatively low air humidity, low wind strength and fresh breezes make it possible to easily and easily endure the heat. The duration of a sunny day is more than 2315 hours during the summer. Due to this, the sea warms up quickly, and the water temperature throughout the summer season is higher than the Black Sea.

Sea water warms up to 32° C. As a result, the swimming season opens in early June.

Main resorts:

  • Stanitsa Golubitskaya;
  • Debt;
  • Sprinkle;
  • Yeisk;
  • Kuchugury.


There are many cozy places for an exciting holiday. The flat sandy bottom of the sea creates an impeccable environment for children to swim. The placement of the village provides the opportunity to visit the beach many times during the day and relax whenever you want.

In street restaurants you can drink soft drinks and enjoy the sound of the sea waves in the evening.

On the shore you can rent umbrellas, sun loungers, diving equipment, catamarans, and wave guides.

Where to go abroad in June?

June is a good month not only for visiting resort places, but also an ideal month for traveling abroad:

  1. Iceland. A trip to Húsavík, south of the Arctic Circle on Iceland's north coast, offers the chance to see some of the greatest creatures on earth under the midnight light - whales. The area is known for minke whales, but occasional sightings include humpbacks, killer whales and the phenomenally large blue whales, which are usually spotted in June. There is also the opportunity to see snow-white dolphins.
  2. Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Park is the largest and oldest national park in the United States, founded in 1872. June is one of the best times to go there and discover wildlife, here: Long-tailed crimson lambs and a moose pup take their first steps, grizzly bears stroll calmly along the river, and wildflowers spill across the lower mountain slopes. Yellowstone also has many year-round geothermal attractions (the park contains more than half the world's geysers), of which Old Faithful is perhaps the most popular.
  3. Kauai. June is a great month to go on vacation to the "Garden Island" - Kauai, which stays away from the rest of the Hawaiian Islands - only seen off its private neighbor, Nihau. The oldest of Hawaii's main islands, Kauai was formed millions of years ago and boasts dramatic scenery and miles of beautiful sandy beaches. A good road circles most of the island, but leaves the Na Pali coastline magnificently unspoiled. This vibrant, lush landscape has been the backdrop for many films, including Jurassic Park.
  4. Suffolk. The Suffolk coast, just a few hours from London. It's far from the bustle of the capital and boasts some of the most unspoiled locations in the UK. The region has two hours more sunshine on average per week than the rest of the country, increasing your chances of pleasant days at the beach or some dreary coastal walks. The Aldeburgh Music Festival takes place over three weeks in June, showcasing the very best classical music in the country.
  5. Andalusia. Andalusia is famous for its abundance of sunny days, and is one of the best places to visit in June. It's worth a detour to the Costa del Sol to explore the region's cities: Seville, Cordoba and Granada, home to the majestic Alhambra Palace. You can lose yourself among the wine cellars. In the Costa de la Luz, moving down towards Tarifa, the Levantine wind blows from the east in June, creating excellent conditions for windsurfers.
  6. Summer Solstice Festival. In June it is worth going to Sweden for Midsommar (in Russia this is the holiday of Ivan Kupala), celebrated on June 24. This celebration of the summer solstice has its roots in pagan celebrations, and the current tradition of erecting a midsommarstång (May pole) is believed to originate from this time. It's ideal to spend this day in the countryside with a Swedish family. Midsommar is a holiday for all generations, a long evening of fun fueled by meatballs, pickled herring and copious amounts of Aquavit (a Scandinavian alcoholic drink). In the far north of the country the sun almost never sets.

Below is a video about the Swedish Midsommer holiday

Excursion destinations and active recreation

For those who like other experiences, we can offer active recreation and excursion destinations. From relaxing sightseeing trips to safari park rides or paragliding.


The Baltic states are an indispensable treasure for everyone associated with history, art, architecture and culture. For a long time, the starting point of the battles between East and West in Europe, their cities, heritage and large swathes of the countryside remained remarkably intact.

In the Baltics you can:

  1. Visit historical cities– Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, as well as beautiful Kaunas and Tartu.
  2. Travel to well-preserved medieval castles and cathedrals of the German Teutonic Knights.
  3. Visit medieval architecture, city landscapes, merchant houses of large Hanseatic centers.
  4. To know, as centuries-old interaction between Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Jewish and Protestant traditions, defines the art, architecture and culture of each city.
  5. Explore unique and vast architecture Art Nouveau in Riga.
  6. Go to the monuments of the great Polish, Swedish and Russian empires who fought for dominance in the region.


Going on vacation to Austria means visiting Salzburg, a city located in the west of the country. In the immediate vicinity are mountains, meadows and the magnificent landscape of the Austrian Alps. Activities in Salzburg are varied - you can enjoy a wide variety of excursion destinations.

In Salzburg, you will enjoy many benefits of an active holiday:

  1. Holidays with a motorcycle.
  2. Bicycles.
  3. Hiking and trekking.

Alpentherme Gastein is a spa in the Gastein Valley in Austria, near Salzburg, which has impressive thermal lakes (1300 and 370 square meters), which are kept clean using an organic cleaning system, which means no chlorine.

The resort's family-friendly area features fun new additions, a four-lane, 28-meter wave slide and a new toddler and infant pool.


Holidaying in Tenerife means: practicing almost any summer sport. Favorable temperatures (especially in the south of the island) throughout the month make this possible. Here you can organize barbecues in the parks or walks along the coast or mountains.

  1. In Tenerife you can go to some of the best water parks in the world. You can bring your whole family or friends to the water park as there are several attractions suitable for all ages.
  2. Diving- one of the best in Tenerife, located especially in the south and west of the island - in places such as Costa del Silencio, Los Cristianos and Puerto Santiago. Because people from all over Europe and other parts globe They come every year for the holidays, the demand is high, and at the same time the supply. There are a number of schools that can teach you the basics of scuba diving and provide equipment.
  3. Water sports. There are many water sports here that you can practice. For example, go fishing, water skiing, kayaking and others.
  4. Sailing and paragliding– the unique coast of Tenerife will allow you to gain great experience when exploring the waters of the Canary Islands.
  5. Underwater safari.
  6. Jeep Safari– Explore the parks and forests of Tenerife.
  7. Golf in Tenerife– excellent golf courses are located throughout the island (north and south).


If you go on holiday to the Czech Republic, you can enjoy the following excursions:

  1. Take a rafting trip along the Morava River.
  2. Visit the Kladrub horses at the oldest horse farm in the world.
  3. Take a carriage ride.
  4. No less popular are long-distance routes for cyclists that go along rivers and canals.
  5. Go for a walk along the Elbe, along the Ogre on foot, by bike or on the deck of a cruiser.

Cruises in June

Five best cruises where you can go in June:

  1. Alaska, USA. You can only go on a cruise to Alaska during the spring and summer months. The season starts in May and ends in September. If you're a fan of spectacular glaciers, wildlife, fascinating history and adventure, head north in June.
  2. Scandinavia and Russia. If you want to see Europe without the record high temperatures, a Baltic Sea cruise might be the perfect June sailing. You will visit the largest cities of Scandinavia and Russia - highlights typically include two nights in St. Petersburg. These cruises are not for travelers who just want to relax. You'll be on the move every day, so pack your best walking shoes and get ready to explore.
  3. Bermuda. For fans of golf, beaches, shopping or naval history, the best option is a cruise to Bermuda in June. Most ships will spend one or two nights docked in port, giving plenty of time to experience the island and enjoy the nightlife. Bermuda is a good choice for travelers who want to go on vacation and explore the sights closer.
  4. Southern Caribbean. A quintessential Caribbean cruise is always a great choice, but if you want to reduce your risk of encountering a hurricane, go south. The southern islands experience storms less often than the western or eastern ones. The Caribbean islands offer white sand beaches, fantastic snorkeling and diving, and delicious seafood and other regional dishes.
  5. Arctic. For adventure lovers and those who are not afraid, this is a cruise north of the Arctic Circle. You'll be rewarded with endless sunshine, views of wildlife (polar bears, reindeer and more) and unique scenery.

Festivals and holidays

June is famous not only for trips to the beaches, but also for the opportunity to go to holidays or festivals that take place at this time in different parts of the world:

  1. A folk festival is held in Morocco in June.(in the El Badi Palace in Marrakech), and also very interesting, especially for music lovers, the Gnaoua festival (deep, hypnotic sounds combined with melodious dialogue and the sound of cymbals).
  2. Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, is home to the famous pungent slang and giant pandas. Seeing giant pandas hugging closely is a unique experience.
  3. The main holiday that takes place in June in Italy– Republic Day, or Festadella Repubblica, June 2. This is a national holiday throughout the country, in honor of the founding of the Italian Republic, usually celebrated with parades and fireworks (especially in big cities) on this day all attractions are closed.
  4. June marks the start of the summer opera festival, which takes place in the Roman Amphitheater in Verona, which can be fun even if you're not a big opera fan.

Verona Opera Festival

Visa-free countries

As of January 1, 2017, Russian citizens have the right to visa-free entry or visa on arrival to 106 countries and territories:

  1. Permitted to enter and stay indefinitely- Ukraine.
  2. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 4 months- Fiji.
  3. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 3 months:
    • Bahamas;
    • Salvador;
    • Guyana;
    • Honduras;
    • Kenya (entry fee: US$50);
    • Morocco;
    • Namibia;
    • Uruguay.
  4. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 90 days:
    • Argentina;
    • Azerbaijan;
    • Bolivia (country entry fee: US$52);
    • Botswana;
    • Brazil;
    • Chile;
    • Colombia;
    • Guatemala;
    • Moldova;
    • Nicaragua (entry fee: US$10);
    • Peru;
    • Venezuela;
    • Zambia (entry fee: US$10).
  5. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 2 months– Türkiye (landing fee: USD 20).
  6. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 1 month:
    • Antigua;
    • Barbuda;
    • Lebanon;
    • Malaysia.
  7. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 30 days:
    • Egypt (entry fee: US$15);
    • Indonesia (country entry fee: USD 25);
    • Serbia;
    • Thailand.
  8. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 28 days- Barbados.
  9. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 21 days:
    • Dominica;
    • Philippines.
  10. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 15 days:
    • Bangladesh;
    • Vietnam.
  11. Visa-free entry (or visa with expiration date) is valid for 14 days:
    • Bahrain;
    • Hong Kong.

And other directions. To go on vacation to other countries or stay for longer long term, you may need a visa. Please contact the embassy or consulate of the country you will be visiting.

Where to go on vacation without a passport?

List of countries where you can go on vacation without a passport:

  • Belarus;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Tajikistan.

Inexpensive holiday in June

When planning to go on a June trip, you can find an inexpensive vacation:

  1. Northern Vietnam– a great inexpensive place to travel. Rent a motorbike to experience impressive scenery and culture. Paradise terraces, towering mountains, winding roads and ethnic minority people add an exotic touch to the adventure. For travelers on a budget, private accommodations can be found for an average of $20 per night or hostels for as little as $5. Food ranges between $0.50 – $2.
  2. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, is one of the most interesting and underrated countries in the world. The capital, Bishkek, is suitable for lovers of Central Asia, with remnants of the Silk Road such as the Burana Tower. For the budget traveler, Kyrgyzstan is surprisingly affordable. Private accommodation in the city costs only $10 per night, and good food costs about $2. Even a traditional yurt stay with 2 meals can be just as cheap, at around $20 per person.
  3. Worth going to Lisbon, Portugal, he offers good combination museums, historical buildings, eclectic music and nightlife, as well as squares and cafes. It's also much cheaper than many other European countries, with budget accommodation starting around $25.
  4. Bucharest, Romania– centuries-old architecture, many museums, cemeteries, historical places to explore. Quite cheap accommodation and food.


Where to go on vacation in June by car?

Traveling by car has many advantages - big budget savings, the opportunity to see cities and enjoy nature. When planning where to go on vacation, you need to stock up not only with a travel route, but also with a climate map. The climate in the country is varied, but the most favorable time is the end of spring and the beginning of summer; in the southern regions the heat has not yet reached its peak, and in the northern regions it is no longer so cold.

The only downside is the time it may take to get there.

  1. Lake Baikal, majestic and beautiful. There are not many tourists in June, but the month is already quite warm, and with the latest temperature fluctuations, in some areas the air can warm up to 40° C. Baikal has not yet warmed up, the ice has recently melted off it, but it can delight you with its taiga beauty.
  2. One of the popular routes is St. Petersburg. A beautiful city of canals and impressive architecture, a completely atypical Russian city. As the closest Russian city in Europe, St. Petersburg expresses everything that European Russia has to offer, but blends with old traditions in a unique and strange way. The best time to visit is June, when many events take place: carnivals, exhibitions, concerts and other special events. At the end of June – beginning of July, St. Petersburg plunges into the period of “White Nights”.
  3. The “Russian province” can be a real trip by car - Golden ring , is the name of a trip that extends approximately 200 km northeast of Moscow and back, through Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Pereslavl. Each of these cities offers a unique insight into Russian provincial life - laid-back and full of unusual contrasts. The land where ancient Rus' began, where many live beautiful churches and cathedrals.

Below is a video about the sights of the Golden Ring.

Where to go on vacation in June when pregnant?

If there is no threat to your health and you feel quite well, you can think about where to go on vacation in June. The beginning of the month is not so hot and there is not such an influx of tourists as at other times, therefore, a pregnant girl can safely go on a trip around the world. Most airlines restrict travel after 36 weeks of pregnancy.

It is not advisable to go on vacation to countries such as Mexico, India, Brazil or the Philippines, as there is generally unsanitary conditions there; in some areas, there is a possibility of contracting malaria or Zika fever, which is dangerous for pregnant women.

The countries of Europe, Russia or Asia are more favorable, the reason is that the flight takes little time, therefore, there is little stress on you and the child. Suitable flight time is no more than 5 hours. The climate should be selected close to local or mild continental.

Places that are more suitable for these criteria for expectant mothers:

  • Croatia;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Switzerland;
  • Crimea;
  • Greece;
  • Türkiye.

By following all the rules and caution, you can have a good rest and enjoy the period of waiting for your baby.

Where to go on vacation in June - reviews

Where should one girl go on vacation in June?

The opportunity to go on vacation alone is the greatest gift for a girl and a way to learn a lot about herself.

  1. Reykjavik, Iceland is one of the safest places in the world to travel to. In fact, it ranks first in the Global Peace Index, a report published by the Institute for Economics and Peace. Summer in Iceland is quite magical. June is the first official summer month, not as warm as July - August, but there is little precipitation. The best thing about this time is the midnight sun and an endless supply of daylight. You can take incredibly long day tours along the Golden Circle, a popular route in Iceland that covers three main attractions: Gullfoss waterfall, Pingvellir National Park and Haukadalur, which has many geysers.
  2. Taipei, Taiwan- an interesting and amazing place, suitable for a girl to go on holiday alone, the reason is friendliness, the locals are very welcoming. “Any time I had a problem, or looked lost, people came to help,” explains Christine.
  3. Zermatt, Switzerland– mountains. At the beginning of June there are not many tourists yet and thanks to this, you can stay in small huts in the mountains owned by local residents.
  4. Melbourne, Australia. It's a fairly safe place to walk around at night. June – considered the first month of winter, temperatures rarely exceed 19°C and this time is favorable for traveling and visiting the hipster zone. There are many bars, restaurants and vintage shops there.
  5. Swakopmund, Namibia. The reason why you should go on holiday to this place is the warmth, both in terms of air temperature and from the point of view of people.
  6. Waiheke Island, New Zealand. This is a quiet island close to Auckland. Going alone means you have more time to stop, think and appreciate your surroundings, and enjoy the area.
  7. Belfast, Ireland is famous for its hospitality. The Northern Irish are friendly and welcoming. It will be interesting to go to the Titanic Museum.
  8. Granada, Spain.“You don't have to go on holiday with someone else to enjoy beautiful architecture. It's a cool combination of Eastern and Christian influences,” says Addis. Moreover, it is safer than Madrid and Barcelona.
  9. Hoi An, Vietnam– this is freedom and ease, starting from ordinary clothes and ending with communication with local residents. Low prices and fairly good and inexpensive things. Hoi An is as safe as Vietnamese cities can be.

Tourism experts not only told us where the best places to go on vacation with children in June are, but also shared their life hacks on how to make this vacation a safe and complete experience.

We have selected for you the 10 most suitable destinations for holidays with children in June - both in Russia and abroad - and described each of them in detail:

Russia: sea holidays

For those who do not want to go abroad, but prefer sea ​​holiday, Olga Anisko, sales director of Level.Travel service(sale of tours online by more than 20 leading tour operators in Russia) tells what those planning such a trip should remember.

Krasnodar region. It’s better to go here to relax with your child at the seaside in Russia - there is excellent infrastructure and many recreation areas. However, remember that in the Greater Sochi area there are pebble beaches and there are always a lot of people.

This is why it is recommended to travel with children to Anapa or Azov. These places have sandy beaches and a gentle entrance to the sea - you can walk 200-300 meters, and the water will always be knee-deep. Adults may find this type of swimming boring, but it is safe for children.

It was at these resorts that children's holiday camps were located. Moreover, the shallow sea warms up well, and it’s quite possible to go there with children over one year old.

The infrastructure there is quite suitable for recreation for the youngest children, but at the same time, older children may not find such resorts as interesting as in Greater Sochi, where there is all sorts of entertainment.

That's why with children over 8 years old I recommend considering a holiday in Gelendzhik and the Imereti Lowland. The entire infrastructure there is completely new - there is Sochi Park with a scary roller coaster, and there is a rental of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and Segways on the embankment.

In general, there are water parks, dolphinariums and attractions in almost every resort in the Krasnodar Territory. For example, there are two water parks in Lazarevskoye.

Advice. Many people make the mistake of overpaying for visiting water parks if they buy tickets on the street. I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the promotional offers at the hotel reception. Many water parks cooperate with hotels and offer good discounts, almost half the price than on the street.

Crimea. You can go on vacation with your child to the sea in Russia and to Crimea. But not everything is good here with the infrastructure, and people who are going to go there on vacation with small children should be aware of this.

You will find yourself in a dilapidated atmosphere Soviet Union. However, there are good sandy beaches on the peninsula - for example, in Feodosia or Yevpatoria, where it is recommended to go with small children.

In Evpatoria, as in Anapa, the sea is very shallow. In Soviet times, children's health resorts were also located in this place. Nearby there is a salt lake, thanks to which a special microclimate is created at the resort, allowing treat asthmatic children.

And in Yevpatoria there are entertainments for children, but there are very few of them compared to, say, Sochi. Feodosia also has sandy beaches, but there is even less entertainment for children there than in Evpatoria, but in Feodosia it will still be more interesting for the parents themselves.

In general, we need to take into account that in Crimea there is no new infrastructure of the level to which we are accustomed. If, for example, there is an attraction, then it has been standing since Soviet times, and for me, for example, its safety is in question. There are very few good accommodation facilities - there are not even five hotels of a decent level on the entire peninsula.

Advice. The main recommendation is to choose a hotel responsibly. You don’t have to rely on anyone’s opinion, even if a professional agent recommends a place to you. You need to understand that inexpensive accommodation facilities in Russia are not of the highest level, and many of them are downright bad. And with small children in such conditions it will be uncomfortable. You need to view all the information about the hotel, read all the reviews, study the area where it is located. In some cases, it is better to call the hotel and find out what the menu is in the restaurant, whether they can provide a crib, etc. And only after that make a reservation.


Resorts in Greece are very popular in the first month of summer. Heatwave has not yet arrived, but the air and water have already warmed up enough for an unforgettable beach holiday. By mid-June the air reaches +30°C, and the water temperature is about +23°C. Greek resorts are great for holidays with. From a wide variety of hotels, you can choose the one that meets the requirements of each family member. Many of them operate on an all-inclusive basis and offer children's menu, animation and an interesting excursion program. However, it should be noted that the weather on the Greek islands can be a couple of degrees cooler than in mainland resorts.

A vacation in Italy is perfect for those who like to combine a beach holiday and educational excursion programs. In June, the air in Italian resorts warms up to +27°C, and the water temperature reaches +24°C. Pamper yourself with the gentle sun, enjoy the beautiful sea views, try delicious cuisine and expand your horizons by touching the great culture of this country.

For those who want to improve their health and restore strength after a busy working year, you can visit Croatian resorts, which are famous for their environmentally friendly beaches and fresh mountain air. However, the second half of June is more suitable for comfortable swimming, when the air temperature reaches an average of +25°C and the water warms up to +23°C. The mild climate of Croatia is perfect for holidays with.

Red Sea resorts are also popular in early summer. In Egypt there is not yet that sweltering heat that is so acutely felt in other summer months, and you can more than enjoy the warm sea, the gentle sun and a rich excursion program. Diving enthusiasts will especially enjoy a holiday in Egypt, because the beauty of the depths of the Red Sea is breathtaking. The air temperature in June is approximately +32°C, the sea warms up to +27°C.

Turkish resorts are popular in June. In the second half of the month, the air and water are already warm enough for a full-fledged beach holiday. However, there is not yet such an influx of tourists on Turkish beaches as in July and July, and the prices for tours will pleasantly surprise you. Turkey has all the conditions for a great holiday: big choice all-inclusive hotels, a rich excursion program adapted for the youngest guests, specialized meals and interesting animation.

It is very comfortable in June in Cyprus, especially in the second half of the month, when the air warms up to +30°C and the water up to +25°C. During your vacation, you can enjoy the unforgettable beauty of the island, try healthy and tasty local cuisine, and visit interesting local attractions. The cost of trips to Cyprus in June is significantly lower than in the other summer months, which will also be a pleasant surprise when forming a vacation budget.

If you have planned not only to relax on the seaside, but also to improve your body’s health, then it’s time to visit Israel. Dead Sea mud has different healing properties. They contain a large number of useful minerals, which, when applied to the skin, promote its rejuvenation, remove toxins, and help in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. The first month of summer is already quite hot in Israel, but it is significantly inferior to July and August. The air in June warms up to +35°C, and the temperature waters of the Dead the sea already reaches +28°C.

In June, you can go on an unforgettable trip to the island of Bali in Indonesia. This is a real “paradise”, which is surrounded by the greenery of exotic plants, amazes with the splendor of well-maintained beaches, gentle sun, the beauty of ancient temples and stunning views. The water temperature in June is about +28°C, and the air warms up to +31°C during the day. Vacations outside of Bali, as a rule, are not budget-friendly, but the unforgettable impressions that will remain after visiting it are worth it.

"Where should I go to the seaside with my child?" - every parent asks this question on the eve of the holiday season, deciding to go to the sea with their children... When choosing the best country for a trip to the sea with a child, it is necessary to take into account many factors. Among them: flight duration, climate, quality of beaches, cleanliness of the sea, infrastructure for children, food, level of medical care and much more... When creating this ranking of the TOP 10 countries, we tried to take into account all these factors, and also noted the countries on the map.

It is not so important whether you go to the sea with one child or with several children, on a tourist package or on your own, for a couple of weeks or the whole summer... It is important that the flight, accommodation and holiday at sea for the child are comfortable, safe and favorable for baby's health! And for this, the most important thing is to choose the right country to travel...

It is very important that the flight is as short as possible and preferably direct, that there is a mild climate, preferably no or minimal time zone shifts, that there is good nature, a clean sea and a beach with comfortable entry into the water. It is also very important to pay attention to developed infrastructure and public transport, the availability of entertainment and amenities for children, food suitable for children, and high-quality and affordable medical care. And don’t forget to take out travel insurance for yourself and your child abroad! Apply for a policy travel insurance online can be done in just 5 minutes, it costs from 0.50 euros per day, but it can save the life and preserve the health of your child, ensuring medical care and treatment for 50,000 euros!

Last minute tours to Cyprus

2 Greece

The Greek islands such as Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, as well as the Halkidiki peninsula, covered with pine and olive trees, are very suitable for a family holiday with a child at sea... Most beaches are excellent fine sand. Many beaches in Greece are marked with a blue flag. The cuisine in Greece is very good!

The best time to travel with a child to the sea to the above-mentioned places in Greece: June, August, September. At this time, the climate is milder and the sea is warm. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +30/+20, water: +23.

Nuances. Due to the protracted crisis in Greece, the crime situation in large cities on the Greek mainland has slightly increased, but prices for vacations have been reduced, including on the islands...

How to get there. A direct flight to Greece lasts less than 4 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4,5
Nature and climate: | 5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 4
Service: | 4
Nutrition: | 5
Medicine: | 4,5
Costs and prices: | 4

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3 Bulgaria

For a family holiday with a child at sea in Bulgaria, the beaches in the Varna area are ideal: Golden Sands, Kubakum, Albena. All the beaches here are sandy, with a comfortable entrance to the sea. Many beaches in Bulgaria are marked with a blue flag. It won't take long to get from Varna airport. In addition to the sea in Bulgaria you will also find wonderful thermal mineral springs!

The best time to travel with a child to the sea to the above-mentioned places in Bulgaria: end of June, July, August. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +27/+18, water: +23.

Nuances. In Bulgaria, the bulk of the population are Orthodox Slavs who call Russians friends and write in Cyrillic, many of whom speak Russian fluently.

How to get there. A direct flight lasts less than 3 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4,5
Nature and climate: | 5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 4
Service: | 3,5
Nutrition: | 4
Medicine: | 3,5
Costs and prices: | 5

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4 Türkiye

Turkey for seaside holidaymakers is the resorts of the Mediterranean coast: Antalya, Alanya, Kemer, Belek, Side, Demre, Fethiye, etc. Here, very close to Russia, you will find almost unchanged All-Inclusive with a slightly intrusive Arabic service, good nature, a fairly mild climate, and oranges, of course. The beaches in Turkey differ at different resorts: there are both sandy and pebble. Ideal for children, probably in terms of sandy beaches and short distance from the airport, would be Side. But Kemer and Belek, I’m sure, won’t disappoint you either... The gorgeous Cleopatra Beach in Alanya is also perfect for families with children, especially if you get there from Gazipasa airport.

The best time to travel with a child to the sea in Turkey: June, end of August, September. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +30/+19, water: +25.

Nuances. The beaches in Turkey are mixed with sand and pebbles. Please take this into account when choosing a hotel.

How to get there. A direct flight to Turkey lasts 3 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4,5
Nature and climate: | 5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 4,5
Service: | 4
Nutrition: | 4
Medicine: | 4
Costs and prices: | 5

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5 Spain

Spain for seaside holidaymakers with children has a huge selection of resorts on the Mediterranean coast, including Balearic Islands(Mallorca), and of course the most famous Atlantic islands (Canary Islands and Tenerife). There are simply no ugly cities or bad resorts in Spain. Here you will find sandy beaches, hospitable Spaniards, good cuisine and a European level of service for very reasonable money. The infrastructure for children is also very developed here!

The best time to travel with a child to Spain differs in different resorts, but as a rule it is: end of June, July, August, beginning of September. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +28/+18, water temperature: +23.

Nuances. Prices for holidays in the Canaries and Tenerife are a little more expensive, and the flight is longer than to the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea...

How to get there. A direct flight to the Mediterranean resorts of Spain lasts 4.5 hours, and to the islands of the Atlantic Ocean - 7 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4
Nature and climate: | 4,5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 4,5
Service: | 4,5
Nutrition: | 4
Medicine: | 4,5
Costs and prices: | 3,5

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6 Montenegro

Montenegro will welcome vacationers with children with crystal clear seas and magnificent forests of four national parks. Many beaches in Montenegro are marked with a blue flag. Vacationers will also be pleased with the low prices compared to most European countries.

The best time to travel with a child to the sea in Montenegro: end of June, July, August, September. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +27/+18, water: +23.

Nuances. Montenegro has a largely Orthodox Slavic population, calling Russians friends and writing in Cyrillic. The beaches are mostly small pebbles... There are good wide sandy beaches in Budva, Becici, Sveti Stefan. However, the small number of sandy beaches is compensated by the clearest sea and magnificent nature. Because of the pebbles, special children's shoes will be useful. Prices in Montenegro are noticeably lower than in neighboring Catholic Croatia.

How to get there. A direct flight to Montenegro lasts about 3.5 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 5
Nature and climate: | 5
Beach and sea: | 4
Suitability for children: | 4
Service: | 3,5
Nutrition: | 4
Medicine: | 4
Costs and prices: | 4,5

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Last minute tours to Montenegro

7 Croatia

Holidays with children at the seaside in Croatia are excellent both on the numerous islands and on the mainland of Croatia. As in Montenegro, here you will be greeted by stunning nature, pine forests, crystal clear sea and the pearl of Croatia - the beautiful Plitvice Lakes... Plitvice Lakes are 16 lakes in the national park and 92 cascades of waterfalls with blue and emerald hues clear water. Croatians call Plitvice Lakes the eighth Wonder of the World. Most of the beaches in Croatia, as in Montenegro, are made of small pebbles. Many beaches in Croatia are marked with a blue flag.

The best time to travel with a child to the sea in Croatia: end of June, July, August, beginning of September. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +27/+16, water: +23.

Nuances. Prices for holidays or food in Croatia are noticeably higher than in Montenegro, which is justified by a higher, even sometimes luxurious, level of service. And most of the beaches, as in Montenegro, are pebbly. Special children's shoes won't hurt.

How to get there. A direct flight to Croatia lasts 3.5 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4,5
Nature and climate: | 5
Beach and sea: | 4
Suitability for children: | 4
Service: | 4,5
Nutrition: | 4,5
Medicine: | 4,5
Costs and prices: | 4

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Last minute tours to Croatia

8 Israel

In Israel you will find excellent sandy beaches, warm seas, a variety of medical or SPA treatments, and a huge selection of excursions. The resorts of Netanya and Haifa are most suitable for families with children. Here you will not be disappointed by the beaches, the sea, the nature, or the well-developed infrastructure for children!

The best time to travel with a child to the Mediterranean coast of Israel: June, September, October. Only during this period will your stay here with your child be comfortable. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +29/+20, water temperature: +26.

Nuances. You should not go to the Dead Sea with your child - it is very hot there. Mediterranean resorts are much better for this!

How to get there. A direct flight to Israel lasts 4 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 4,5
Nature and climate: | 3,5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 4,5
Service: | 4,5
Nutrition: | 3,5
Medicine: | 5
Costs and prices: | 3,5

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9 Thailand

Thailand, contrary to popular belief, is suitable for relaxation not only for adults, but also for children. Not Bangkok, of course, and hardly Pattaya... But on most of the islands of Thailand, excellent beaches, warm clean seas and low prices await you and your child. We recommend Krabi, Ao Nang, Phuket, Koh Chang, Samet, Phangan and other islands... But Samui is best for families with children! On Koh Samui, the rainy season is minimal, and moreover, direct charter flights have recently begun flying to Koh Samui from Russia.

In Thailand it has been very good and popular lately to spend the winter, and children can completely replace winter with 2-3 months of summer... Our winter in Thailand coincides with the hot beach season without rain (from November to March). However, during short trips, so abrupt change climate is not always good for the baby. That's why, best time for a trip with a child to almost all resorts in Thailand: March and April. Exception: Koh Samui! You can go to Koh Samui from April to September! At this time, the average air temperature day/night: +31/+23, water: +28, and precipitation is minimal. From May to October is the so-called rainy season on most islands. And on Samui the rainy season is only in October and November.

Nuances. When traveling with a child to Thailand, consider the length of the journey and the distance of the islands from the main Bangkok airport, as well as differences in rainy seasons different regions Thailand.

How to get there. A direct flight to Thailand lasts about 10 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 3
Nature and climate: | 3,5
Beach and sea: | 5
Suitability for children: | 3,5
Service: | 3,5
Nutrition: | 3
Medicine: | 4
Costs and prices:

The best time to travel with a child to the Maldives: March and April. During this season, the average air temperature day/night: +31/+26, water: +29, and precipitation is minimal. From May to November is the so-called rainy season.

Nuances. On different Maldives islands, or even on different sides of the same island, sea and beach conditions can vary dramatically! Depending on currents and winds, the beach and coastal water can be very littered with algae, branches, leaves... On seabed There may be stones and corals instead of white sand... Study all these questions when choosing a hotel!
Please note that on most Maldives There is only one hotel. Accordingly, you will have an assortment and price monopoly within one island. For example, a can of beer can cost you 7 dollars with absolutely no choice.
You should not be too afraid of tropical showers during the rainy season: they are rare, short-lived and usually occur at night... All year round, the air and water temperatures in the Maldives are practically unchanged. Accordingly, recommendations for the season to visit are quite conditional...

How to get there. A direct flight to the Maldives lasts about 9 hours.

Flight and transfer: | 3
Nature and climate: | 3,5
Beach and sea: | 4,5
Suitability for children: | 3,5
Service: | 4
Nutrition: | 3,5
Medicine: | 2,5
Costs and prices: | 2
