Mystical secrets of the oceans and seas. Unsolved mysteries of the ocean

Inhabitants of the underwater world

Among the vast expanse of the ocean there are so many mysteries and secrets that will probably never be fully solved. One of them is

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Since ancient times, the seas and oceans have been a source of formidable mysteries. In particular we're talking about O sea ​​monsters- creatures unknown

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The mystery of the sailing ship Seabird

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The Mystery of the Sea Monsters

Even on the surface globe There are many unexplored places left. The depths of the ocean can generally be considered virtually unexplored. What mysteries are hidden under the water column?

The mystery of the ocean depths. Light underwater

According to the unanimous opinion of researchers, the world's oceans are practically unknown to people. This is not surprising, because only a tiny part of it has been studied. One of the unexplored directions

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In the vast expanses of the oceans, a huge number of ships are drifting, which for one reason or another find themselves without a crew. From year to year they

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Diving into the Mariana Trench

The British deep-sea bathyscaphe Challenger first descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in 1951. In 1960, the Trieste bathyscaphe was sank to the bottom

Underwater world of the ocean

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Underwater monsters from the ocean

The sea waters, oceans, rivers, lakes and other water areas of the globe are home to a huge variety of living beings - animals and

Underwater civilization

Most people on Earth believe in aliens from outer space, but it is unlikely that there may be an underwater civilization in the world’s oceans.

Sea monsters. Plesiosaur

Experienced sailors say that the legendary sea monsters, among which the kraken and giant snake, include other strange creatures, not

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Lake Seliger. Seliger Nessie

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Secrets of the ocean and in our century remain a mystery. We are heading into space and know much more about it than about the ocean. The life of a living organism, the world's oceans, remains a mystery to us. Many live and do not understand that the world is full of miracles. But the birth of a person is also a miracle. The oceans and the element of water have always attracted the attention of mankind. The water itself is inexplicable and mysterious. And if you look further, you can see unique natural areas where inexplicable events are concentrated.

What does the world's oceans bring to humans? The depths of the sea conceal many interesting and surprising things. Some people suggest that there is a threat to humanity there. After all, it’s much easier to declare something that you don’t understand and don’t know as a danger zone.

Bermuda Triangle

One of the brightest places on mysterious map Earth. In the 50s of the 20th century, there were cases of disappearances of ships and planes in this area. The ships that went in search of the missing disappeared after them. What happened in this place? Various theories and versions have been put forward. Some suggested that these were aliens, a huge octopus, and even otherworldly forces. What’s interesting is that no one has gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle for 30 years. Or maybe he never existed, the Flying Dutchman?

But here's one unusual detail. Earth's gravity there is much stronger than in other places on Earth.

Devil's Sea

In the Pacific Ocean there is an area similar to the Bermuda Triangle. It is shrouded in mysticism and sad news. This is the Devil's Sea. It is located not far from the Japanese archipelago, just a hundred kilometers away. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons originate here. Large ships disappear without a trace. Animals and birds stay away from the sea.

Indian Ocean

In the east Indian Ocean quite a strange anomaly of water glow. When studying this phenomenon, it was assumed that night lights are to blame for this glow. But this turned out to be wrong. The version with underwater earthquakes was also untenable. It is difficult to explain the glow of regular circles perfect shape with rays from the center. Although, modern science does not have the technical means that can explain these events.

Cape of Good Hope

A very strange and dangerous place is located near southern Africa. This is a strait Good Hope. A large number of ships were lost under the huge waves. These rough waves even have the name rogue wave. They move along the surface like a skating rink. It is not known why giant waves arise off this coast.

The secrets and mysteries of the seas and oceans have always attracted researchers and travelers. Life, hidden under the thickness of water, is different from the familiar and accessible world. The oceans are space, only they are located on earth. Pressure created by volume sea ​​water, reliably hides something under water. It is possible to study only the reliefs of the ocean floor. The pressure created by the water column will crush any daredevil who encroaches on his secret. The ocean floor is covered with basins, trenches, and depressions. Some of them are very deep.

Mariana Trench

This trench is the deepest. There is no place on our planet that can compete with this abyss. I won't talk about the size, they are impressive. The depth of the trench is about 11 kilometers. In the middle of the last century, scientists sank to the bottom of the submersible. They were able to stay there for only 12 minutes. Spotted at the bottom sea ​​fish. The area where the dives took place was called the Challenger Deep.


Scientists saw many different fish characteristic of deep-sea fauna. They have settled down perfectly at such an impressive depth, they live and develop well.

Pisces have beautiful and bright colors, many have luminous elements. But some of them are naturally blind. And quite ugly by nature. Although it seems to me that these animals are ugly or not presentable only from our human side. And according to fish, they are the crown of beauty and aesthetics.

Mysterious things also happened there. Sawed and torn iron cables, and dented bathyscaphes. Scientists and researchers have done a lot for the discovery secrets of the ocean. But the number of questions is not decreasing, but increasing. After all, new discoveries raise new questions. And the abysses know how to preserve their mysteries.


Secrets of the Ocean updated: November 14, 2018 by: cross

The endless expanses of water have always attracted and frightened people at the same time. Brave sailors set off to travel in search of the unknown. Many mysteries of the oceans remain unsolved today. Not in vain from researchers you can hear that the hydrosphere is less studied than the surface. There is some truth in this, because the degree of study of the waters of the world's oceans does not exceed 5%.

Ocean Exploration

Study depths of the sea began much earlier than the exploration of outer space and distant galaxies. Devices were created that could lower a person to a significant depth. Underwater imaging technologies and robotic systems developed. The area of ​​the oceans and its depths are so large that many types of bathyscaphes have been designed to study them.

After the first human flight in space In 1961, scientists threw all their efforts into exploring the Universe. The secrets of the oceans faded into the background because getting to them seemed much more difficult. The programs started to study the seas were frozen or reduced.

Researchers received information about the existence of underwater rivers at the bottom of the oceans. Various connections hydrocarbons emerge through cracks in the earth’s crust under the water column, mix with it and move. This phenomenon is referred to as “cold seepage.” However, the temperature of the gases is not lower than that of the surrounding water.

Underwater rivers are not the only thing interesting phenomenon. The area of ​​the oceans is so large that many mysterious things are hidden under it. On seabed 7 were discovered, larger in size than known analogs on land. This strange movement of water is caused by a number of reasons:

  • different temperatures;
  • distinguishing salinity;
  • the presence of a complex bottom surface topography.

The combination of all these factors causes the movement of water with greater density, which rushes down.

Milky seas and false bottom

The glow-in-the-dark expanses of the ocean were nicknamed “milky seas.” Researchers have repeatedly recorded similar phenomena on film. There are many hypotheses that seek to explain their essence, but no one can name the exact reason for the glow of water. According to one of them, “milk seas” are a huge accumulation of luminescent microorganisms. Some ocean fish also have the property of glowing in the dark.

A false bottom is another one that science sometimes encounters. The first mention of it dates back to 1942, when scientists using echolocators noticed an unusual layer reflecting acoustic signals at a depth of 4 hundred meters. Further research established that this layer rises to the surface of the water at night and sinks again at dawn. Scientists' guesses were confirmed; this phenomenon was created by ocean animals - squids. They find it unpleasant sunlight and they are hiding from him great depths. Dense clusters of these organisms do not transmit sound waves.

Acoustic equipment also detects strange sound waves emanating from the seabed. They were discovered in the early 90s of the 20th century. After some time, the devices stopped recording this phenomenon. Once again, the sounds appeared ten years later, becoming louder and more varied. Scientists cannot indicate their source and cause.

Bermuda Triangle

There are other mysteries of the oceans that cause panic fear at common man. IN certain places Air and sea vessels along with people disappear without a trace, giant whirlpools appear and shining circles are visible. Many have heard about the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, in which all of the above phenomena are observed. The area of ​​the zone is about 1 million km 2. Rumors about this mysterious area began after the disappearance of military aircraft in 1945. They managed to convey information that they had lost orientation in space. Over the past time, dozens of similar cases have occurred.

Various theories have been researched and put forward to try to explain them. Many of them are pseudoscientific and cannot be taken seriously. One of the most reliable was voiced by D. Monaghan. He saw the reason in the accumulation of hydrocarbon and other gases in a solid state near the ocean floor. The ongoing tectonic processes influenced them. As a result, the substances turned into a gaseous state and collected at the surface of the water.

The ships sank as the density of the water decreased significantly. The planes lost orientation under the influence of gases. The movement of hydrocarbons in water creates infrasound, which causes a state of panic in a person. Such fear could force the entire crew to hastily abandon the ship. This is not the only mysterious zone in the vast expanses of water. What other mysteries of the oceans scientists have to unravel, one can only guess.

Bizarre world

A wide variety of organisms with unusual appearance live under water. Some of them are poisonous, others are harmless. An incredible variety of sizes and shapes, as well as unusual adaptations with which ocean animals camouflage or hunt. Among the most mysterious is a huge octopus 13 m in length. This inhabitant of the underwater world was recently caught on camera. According to some reports, its size can be much larger, up to 18 m. Only sperm whales and polar sharks are equal in strength to it.

The depths of the sea have many invertebrate inhabitants and microorganisms with which the bottom is literally littered. Their food is organic matter that falls on top of them. The problems of the ocean are solved by its inhabitants themselves, for example, the issue of processing the remains of living organisms. While exploring the features of the oceans, scientists discovered a bacterium living deep under its bottom. It lives under a three-hundred-meter layer of sediment for many millions of years.


Corals living at depths of up to 6 km are a very interesting sight. Under such a layer of water the temperature does not rise above +2ºC. Their magnificence is not inferior to those that we see in the shallow waters of tropical seas. The life of these organisms proceeds slowly, and their range is very large.

It was only possible to understand the extent of their distribution after using trawls. began to be caught using such a barbaric method, which destroys the bottom eco-structure. The largest place of their settlement was discovered not far from Norway. It has an area of ​​over 100 km 2.

Hydrothermal wonders

One of the ecosystems was discovered by scientists in the area of ​​underwater hot springs, where boiling water breaks out from under the earth's crust into the ocean. The area is simply teeming with a variety of invertebrates and microorganisms. Among them there are also different types of fish. Bacteria have been discovered that can live in streams of water with a temperature of 121ºC.

The world's oceans cover 70% of the surface of our planet. Scientists have discovered many interesting and mysterious phenomena in its depth. However, the main mysteries of the oceans have yet to be unraveled.

Since ancient times, man has been interested in what happens in the depths of the world's oceans, trying to penetrate its secrets. With its vastness undersea world always attracted people.

Sometimes scientists joke that the waters of the world's oceans have been studied much worse than back side Moons. They are partly right, because currently only 5 percent of the world's oceans have been studied.

One of the Sumerian legends says that Gilgamesh went to the bottom of the ocean in search of algae that could give him immortality, but he was unlucky. Since then, interest in the ocean floor has not subsided.

Long before man began to explore space and explore the mysteries of the Universe, the study of the ocean depths began. Many bathyscaphes, autonomous underwater vehicles, and underwater surveillance cameras were built.

After Yu. Gagarin made his first flight into space in 1961, mankind’s attention switched to studying the air ocean, because its secrets began to seem more accessible than those underwater.

The study of the depths of the sea has stopped, however, scientists have learned that on the ocean floor there are real underwater rivers - areas where methane, hydrogen sulfide and other hydrocarbons seep through cracks and mix with water, after which, like rivers, they begin to move. This phenomenon is called "cold seepage", but the epithet "cold" does not mean that the temperature of these so-called rivers is lower than the water that surrounds them.

In addition to underwater rivers, there are also underwater waterfalls on the ocean floor, most of which are much larger than land-based waterfalls. Currently, the existence of 7 such underwater waterfalls is known. They arise as a result of differences in temperature and salinity of water in different parts of the ocean, as well as complex bottom topography. In the presence of underwater slopes and different conditions At the boundary of water areas, dense water tends to replace less dense water at the bottom.

Sometimes you can observe such a phenomenon as “milk seas”. These are large areas of the ocean that glow. Despite the fact that scientists managed to take many photographs of such seas, they were unable to explain their origin. One of the many versions says that the milky sea is the result of luminescent bacteria that create a long-lasting glow over large areas of the ocean.

In addition, science knows of cases of detection of a false bottom in the ocean. Such a bottom was first discovered in 1942, when a group of acoustic sounding specialists discovered at a depth of about 400 meters a strange layer that reflected sound waves. Later it was found that at night this layer rose to the water surface, and during the day it sank to depth. It was then that it was discovered that the false bottom could be formed by living organisms that avoid daylight, as was later found out - squid. In flocks, they are able to distribute themselves evenly, thus forming a dense mass that prevents the penetration of sound.

At the same time, strange sounds are periodically heard from the bottom of the ocean. These sounds can be detected using acoustic systems that came to science from the military. In the 1960s, specialists naval forces USA was installed in the ocean global network hydrophones (that is, devices that are capable of receiving sound underwater). This network was aimed at spying on Soviet submarines. Such a system made it possible to discover the site of the sinking of the US nuclear submarine Scorpio in May 1964. As a striking example of the accuracy with which a sound signal can locate the site of a tragedy, the example most often cited is the death of the Soviet submarine K-129 in the waters of Pacific Ocean. However, in in this case, as it was established, such detection accuracy is due to the fact that the American submarine Swordfish (which was a participant in the collision) recorded the coordinates of the tragedy...

In 1991 for use speaker system civilians were allowed, but no major discoveries followed, except for the discovery of the “songs” of whales, the rumble of underwater earthquakes, the friction of icebergs on the bottom and each other, and the hum of submarine propellers.

But let's get back to the strange sounds. They were caught in the ocean depths in 1991-1994. Then this phenomenon suddenly disappeared, but a decade later it reappeared, becoming stronger and more diverse.

All scientists who have tried to understand the nature of these sounds just shrug their shoulders, because neither whose signals are these nor where they come from could be established.

In general, besides these strange sounds, the ocean hides many secrets in its depths. But there are places in the ocean where fear simply goes off scale: planes and ships along with their crews disappear there, luminous circles and huge whirlpools appear.

The most interesting thing is that in the world's oceans there is a place where all these phenomena are present and exist simultaneously. This is the famous Bermuda Triangle. Its area is approximately one million square kilometers. People first started talking about the disappearance of planes and ships in this zone in the middle of the last century. In December 1945, five Avenger bombers failed to return from a flight. Before disappearing, the pilots sent a message that they were completely disoriented. A seaplane was sent to rescue them, but it too disappeared. Until the end of the century, approximately fifty cases of disappearances of aircraft and ships were recorded in this area.

Over the course of 50 years, many theories have been put forward, from fantastic and pseudoscientific to otherworldly forces and aliens. The most reliable theory belongs to Australian Joseph Monaghan, who said that there are large reserves of hydrogen sulfide and methane at the bottom of the ocean. Under conditions of tectonic activity, methane passes from a solid state to a gaseous state and breaks through in the form of a bubble to the top. Then it concentrates near the surface, which can cause problems in the control of aircraft and ships. And since the density of water in places where gas accumulated changed sharply, this led to the sinking of ships.

The Bermuda Triangle also has other oddities that are much more difficult to explain. For example, the “flying Dutchman” effect, when the ship remains undamaged, but the crew completely disappears. According to scientists, the explanation should be sought in infrasound, which is created by the same gases at a frequency dangerous to humans. Under the influence of infrasound, a person develops a feeling of unaccountable panic and fear, and sailors throw themselves overboard to get rid of this feeling. But it remains unclear why, in this case, the cases of disappearances of crews stopped in the mid-80s.

In addition, significant deviations in the force of gravity have been recorded in this zone, which is much greater here than throughout the entire planet. This is due to the formation warm current Gulf Stream and its movement to the European north. And regarding the reduction in the number of disasters in the Bermuda Triangle area, many attribute this to the improvement technical equipment aircraft and ships and the advent of space navigation.

Another anomalous place in the world's oceans is the Sargasso Sea, which is very often confused with the Bermuda Triangle. The phenomenon of this area is that ocean currents here they move clockwise, forming a giant funnel. The water temperature there is much higher than outside the sea. It is almost always calm here, sometimes you can observe mirages, for example, when the sun appears simultaneously in the east and in the west. This area is very seismically active. Of course, for a long time no sailor has been saying that the algae in this place are carnivorous and eat people, but scientists have proven that a giant whirlpool, which generates small whirlpools, generates mini-cyclones in the air that can sink small planes.

There is also a place in the Pacific Ocean called the Devil's Sea. It is not on any map of the world, but, nevertheless, sailors avoid it. Storms suddenly begin in this area, giving way to dead swells. There are no fish or birds here.

The Devil's Sea is extremely seismically active. The bottom here is in the process of formation, and the appearance of volcanic islands here occurs suddenly and very quickly. Experts attribute a large number of shipwrecks in this area to navigational errors. But there is another reason - very high cyclonic activity. Typhoons and tropical cyclones rage here, which originate in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, near the Philippine and Mariana Islands.

And here is another place that enjoys a bad reputation. It is located near the coast West Africa and is called the Strait of Good Hope. Over the course of several hundred years, many ships have been wrecked here. The main reasons for them were unstable weather and big waves, which oceanologists also call episodic. These are the waves high altitude, which can reach 30 meters. Their formation is associated with the superposition of waves on one another, and the height of the episodic wave is equal to the sum of the heights of these coherent waves. Occasional waves do not change their shape, and can propagate over long distances while maintaining their energy. Equally large depressions form in front of the waves. Of course, there are still many places in the ocean where such giant waves appear, but near the Cape of Good Hope they are especially dangerous.

There is a Maelstrom whirlpool in the Norwegian Sea. It is not as large as in the Sargasso Sea, but it also terrifies sailors. The whirlpool occurs twice a day. A depression appears in the center of the funnel, in which the water level is tens of meters below ocean level, and the energy of the whirlpool, according to oceanologists, is ten times greater than the energy of a normal current. But that's not all: about once every six months the whirlpool changes its direction.

And in the Persian Gulf there is a place where NPOs - unidentified underwater objects - have been spotted. Few people have heard about them, but history knows many cases of encounters between sailors and travelers with NGOs.

This area is characterized by the fact that giant luminous and rotating circles periodically appear on the water surface. Previously, there was a hypothesis that the appearance of these circles is associated with underwater earthquakes that excite the glow of plankton. But in recent years, this theory has been criticized due to the fact that it cannot explain the logic in the transformations of these circles; scientists cannot explain the nature of the regular circular shape and rays that emanate from one center, and the enormous speed of rotation of these formations. Therefore, the version of NGOs is being discussed quite seriously.

That's not all mysterious places and phenomena of the world ocean. Probably, you shouldn’t even dream that in the near future he will reveal all his secrets to humanity.

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On a July morning in 1850, residents of the village of Easton's Beach on the coast of Rhode Island were surprised to see a sailing ship heading towards the shore from the sea under full sail. It stopped in shallow water. When the men boarded the ship, they found coffee boiling on the galley stove and plates laid out on the table in the saloon. But the only living creature on board was a dog, trembling with fear, huddled in the corner of one of the cabins. There was not a single person on the ship.

The cargo, navigation instruments, maps, sailing directions and ship's documents were all in place. last record the logbook reported: “Abeam Brenton Reef” (this reef is located only a few miles from Easton’s Beach).

It was known that the Seabird was sailing with a cargo of timber and coffee from the island of Honduras. However, even the most thorough investigation conducted by the Americans did not reveal the reasons for the disappearance of its crew from the sailing ship. Where have the people gone?

"Mary Celeste"

At noon on December 4, 1872, the sailing ship Mary Celeste was spotted from the English brig Deia Gratia, 600 miles west of Gibraltar. The ship was then brought towards the wind, then fell again, making intricate zigzags. An experienced eye could see that no one was steering the ship.
Soon sailors from the Dei Grazia boarded the brigantine. There was not a soul on deck. The wind howled in the torn rigging of the foremast, and the tattered sails crashed against the mast and yards. There was no lifeboat on the keel blocks.

On the table in the captain's cabin there were maps, directions, and books. A brief entry in the logbook stated that the ship had safely reached almost the point where it had been spotted from the Dei Grazia.

It soon became clear that a chronometer, sextant and solar declination table were missing, and ship's compass lying broken in the corner of the cabin. A significant amount of money and a box of women's jewelry were found in the desk drawer. There was undoubtedly a woman on the brigantine: in the next cabin she was found sewing machine, on which lay an unfinished children's shirt.

An inspection of the sailors' quarters led the sailors into even greater bewilderment. The bunks were neatly removed, all the lockers were intact, and on the table lay... half-smoked pipes!

A large supply was found in the galley fresh water, flour, corned beef, potatoes, vegetables, freshly baked bread...
In the hold, the sailors saw even rows of wooden barrels - they counted exactly 1,700 of them. The barrels contained alcohol.
What could have happened to the crew? The commission appointed to investigate made many assumptions, including the most fantastic. For example, it was alleged that the crew of the brigantine became a victim of an attack by gigantic octopuses. The version about the mutiny of the crew and the murder of the captain and his family also seemed unlikely. Most likely, the commission suggested, the ship was for some reason abandoned by the crew, who subsequently either died at sea or were picked up by some ship. But several months passed, and the crew of the Mary Celeste did not announce themselves in any of the ports of the world. The commission admitted that it was unable to offer any satisfactory solution to this story. And again there is no answer to the question: what happened to the people from the Mary Celeste?

"Ebiy Ess Hart"

In September 1894, the three-masted barque Ebiy Ess Hart was spotted in the Indian Ocean from the German steamer Pikkuben. A distress signal fluttered from its mast. When the German sailors landed on the deck of the sailing ship, they saw that all 38 crew members were dead, and the captain had gone crazy.


On October 3, 1902, the German four-masted bard Freya left the Mexican port of Manzanillo. After 17 days, it was found half-submerged, with a strong list to the left side. The sailboat's masts were broken and the crew was missing. No storms were reported off the west coast of Mexico at this time. The reasons for the disappearance of the crew remained unclear.

"Carroll Deering"

At eight ten minutes on January 31, 1921, a lighthouse keeper from Cape Hatteras spotted a large five-masted schooner. She was sitting on the outer edge of Diamond Shoals. All her sails were removed and her lifeboats were gone. When the tug landed the emergency party on the Carroll Deering, it turned out that “there was no one on the schooner. The cargo, personal belongings of the team and provisions were intact. But the logbook, chronometer, and sextants were missing. The ship's compass and part of the navigation instruments were broken, and the steering was disabled. The reasons for the disappearance of the captain and nine sailors could not be explained. The only living creature found on the schooner was the ship's cat.

"Urang Medan"

In February 1948, merchant ships located in the Strait of Malacca near the island of Sumatra received a distress signal by radio: “SOS. Motor ship "Urang Medan". The ship continues to follow its course. Maybe all our crew members have already died.” What followed was a series of incoherent dots and dashes, but at the end of the radiogram it was clearly stated: “I am dying.”

Soon the Dutch ship Urang Medan was discovered by English sailors. His entire team was dead. There was an expression of horror on the faces of the dead.

The British wanted to tow the ship to the nearest port, but suddenly a fire broke out in its hold.
A few minutes later, a monstrous explosion thundered over the expanses of the Indian Ocean. Having broken in half, the Urang Medan, engulfed in thick clouds of smoke, disappeared into the abyss.

"I want"

In February 1953, the sailors of the English ship "Rani", being two hundred miles from the Nicobar Islands, discovered a small cargo ship "Holchu" in the ocean. The ship was damaged by the elements and its mast was broken. Although the lifeboats were in place, the crew was missing. The holds contained a cargo of rice, and the bunkers contained a full supply of fuel and water. Where the five members of his crew disappeared is still a mystery.
How many similar ghost ships are still floating on the ocean waves? Will we ever know the causes of the tragedies? Hardly. Time and the ocean know how to keep their secrets...
A. BOCHEK, sea captain

Well, incidents that seem to have no explanation throughout history navy has accumulated quite a bit. However, are they really so inexplicable?

Take, for example, the case of Mary Celeste. The middle of the 19th century saw the heyday of the sailing fleets of many countries in Europe and America. Ruthlessly exploiting sailors, shipowners forced them to work 14-16 hours a day. Poor nutrition, disgusting living conditions, and assault often led the teams to riot, which, apparently, happened on the Mary Celeste. Having carried out reprisals against the captain and not being able to stay on the ship, the crew, in fear of punishment, abandoned the ship, and tried to get to the shore on some lifeboat.

At first glance, the mysterious death of “Seabird” seems incomprehensible. But who was interested in the disappearance of the crew and the death of the ship? Of course, the shipowner, especially if the brig Seabird was old and unprofitable. The insurance premium is what apparently seduced the captain into deciding to stage the tragedy. It is almost impossible to sink a ship loaded with timber and coffee. To receive insurance compensation, the crew had to disappear without a trace, and the ship would mysteriously come ashore.

The most difficult case to explain is the case of the barque Ebiy Ess Hart. The death of the entire crew, with the exception of the captain, is an almost incredible event.

In 1909, I was in a group of cadets making an inventory of the islands of the Amur Estuary. A carpenter worked with us, a man about sixty years old, Estonian by nationality, very gloomy, gloomy and uncommunicative.
We knew that this man had been in hard labor for a long time, and we treated him tactfully and kindly. This softened him, and one day, sitting by the fire, he began to talk.

...The tragedy occurred in the seventies of the last century. At the age of 15, the carpenter became a cabin boy on a sailing ship sailing in the Baltic... At that time, there was a vile custom on ships. The crew usually chose one of the crew for cruel jokes and ridicule, and often for beatings. And if this person could not defend his dignity with his fists, he was driven to the most extreme despair.

This is what happened to the carpenter. Unable to leave work due to need, the cabin boy decided to take revenge on his offenders by committing a crime. He poisoned the entire crew and rode the boat ashore himself. The court sentenced him to a long exile to Sakhalin.

It is possible that something similar could happen on the barque Ebiy Ess Hart. The captain of the barge could have avoided the common fate, since, perhaps, he did not take part in the persecution of the person who went to kill the crew. And being at sea with a dead crew on board could eventually lead him to madness.
But there is nothing mysterious about the incident with the German bark Freya. Although according to weather reports there was no strong winds, the very fact of the loss of masts, the list of the ship indicate that the ship was subjected to a severe squall and, finding itself helpless, was carried into the open ocean. Radio communications did not yet exist at that time, and then there was almost no chance of meeting any ship far from the shores of America. Therefore, it was decided to leave the ship and try to get to the shore on boats...

Let us also explain the case of the American schooner Carroll Deering. The ship had an oblique rig; the sails could easily be removed behind short term. But landing a ship on a sandbank in the open ocean is very dangerous, which is why the crew left the schooner in such haste. In such cases, the ship's command takes with them a logbook to justify themselves and, of course, a sextant and a chronometer to determine their place at sea.

The fact that the ship's compass and steering were damaged is a sure sign that the schooner was exposed to the effects of ocean swell.

In the Cape Hatteras area there is a strong, constant current to the northwest. If at that time the wind blew from the shore, the boats from the schooner were carried away by the current into the open ocean, where they could die.
The death of the Dutch steamship Urang Medan looks very gloomy. But there are fewer secrets here. The ship was loaded with poisonous chemicals, flammable, and possibly mixed with some explosives. This cargo, apparently, was not hermetically sealed and began to penetrate in the form of gas into residential and office premises, as a result of which people died, and then the ship died from the explosion.

Thus, almost all of these mysterious and terrible incidents can find very real explanations.

Vladimir PSALOMSHIKOV, Ivan STEPANYUK, graduate students of the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute, Tatiana BOLSHAKOVA, engineer


All the cases described by L. Skryagin indicate the presence of a single phenomenon, characterized by the following circumstances: from a ship that is still able to continue sailing, all the crew and passengers without exception suddenly disappear. None of the disappeared people remain alive. “Something makes people disappear within a few, literally a matter of minutes, because before that everyone was busy with their own affairs, unaware of the danger. However, even the meager facts at our disposal allow us to detect the following three patterns:
1) the effect of the phenomenon is strictly localized in the sea basin;
2) almost all cases occurred in clear, relatively calm weather;
3) most cases occurred in winter (for this hemisphere) time.

In the early thirties, a play was staged in one theater, the action of which, in the middle, unexpectedly moved back three hundred years. To strengthen psychological impact on the audience and somehow depict the “heavy tread of centuries,” the director turned to the famous physicist Robert Wood for help.
Wood suggested using an ordinary organ pipe, but only of such a size that it would emit infrasound inaudible to the ordinary human ear. The effect exceeded all expectations. When the trumpet sounded, the audience panicked and they rushed out of the theater. It seemed to them that an earthquake had started and the building was about to collapse. Panic also gripped residents of neighboring houses.

It is known that when a storm arises in the ocean on the shore, the condition of patients sharply worsens, the number of suicides increases and road accidents. The culprit is infrasound.

In reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1935, Academician Shuleikin came up with a theory of the occurrence of infrasonic oscillations in the ocean. During storms and strong winds over the wavy surface of the sea, the flow is disrupted on the crests of sea waves. Not only transverse vibrations occur in the air, but also longitudinal ones. The strength of the resulting infrasound is proportional to the square of the waves. With a wind speed of 20 meters per second, the power of the “voice of the sea” can reach 3 watts per meter of wave front. A relatively small storm generates infrasound with a power of tens of kilowatts! The main radiation of infrasound occurs approximately in the range of 6 hertz. Experiments have shown very weak scattering of infrasound with distance. In principle, it can propagate without significant attenuation over hundreds and thousands of kilometers both in air and in water, and the speed of a water wave is several times higher than the speed of an air wave.

IN Lately There were reports in the press about the experiments of Professor Gavreau. New facts were presented biological activity infrasound. Professor Gavro suggested that the reason for this phenomenon is the coincidence of the frequencies of infrasound and the alpha rhythm of the brain. Infrasounds of certain frequencies can cause a person to feel tired, sad, seasickness, lead to loss of vision and even death:
“...Infrasound with a frequency of 7 hertz is fatal to humans... you can stop the heart by appropriately selecting the infrasound phase...”

So, powerful infrasonic oscillations are generated in the sea with an average frequency of 6 hertz, and already a frequency of 7 hertz is lethal to humans. But what if there are conditions under which the frequency of the “voice of the sea” will be slightly different from the usual one, with all the ensuing consequences? A ship can be caught by an infrasonic wave in a completely calm area, and if the frequency of the incoming radiation is 7 hertz, the death of the entire crew occurs suddenly, and the most careful examination will not reveal the cause of death - after all, it occurs from cardiac arrest. At frequencies other than 7 hertz, effects similar to attacks of insanity are possible. Mechanical resonance with the hull or masts of the ship is also possible, when the crew suddenly finds themselves, as it were, on a giant vibration stand. It is not without reason that many ships with missing crews have broken masts, although weather reports indicate the absence of strong winds in this area.

Now dozens of ships with missing crew or dead people on board have already been found. Perhaps this list should include some that disappeared during strange circumstances submarines, which are even more susceptible to the action of infrasound waves, since in water infrasound travels over even greater distances. Infrasound is omnipresent. It spreads almost equally well in solid, liquid and gaseous media. It would seem that emptiness, a vacuum, could become the only obstacle for it, so such a danger should not seem to threaten spaceships.

Unfortunately, it is not. Both during takeoff and when a ship returning to Earth enters the dense layers of the atmosphere, the astronauts (and the ship) are exposed to low-frequency vibrations of significant amplitude. The sizes are the same as modern ones spaceships are such that resonant oscillations at biologically hazardous frequencies may occur in them. This circumstance must be taken into account when designing them and during bench tests. Otherwise, silent ships may appear in space.

Currently, there are already stations for receiving infrasound generated by storms and underwater earthquakes. Even in the case of a tsunami with the speed of a jet plane (700-800 km/h), an infrasonic wave in water travels the same path 7 times faster.

Such stations could warn ships of the presence of infrasound at a life-threatening frequency.
In any case, if such a phenomenon actually occurs in the ocean, it requires careful and urgent investigation.

edited news Elena - 5-04-2013, 04:21
