When is the best time to relax in Goa. When is the best time to go on vacation to Goa: what time of year

Goa - Indian state

Curiously, thousands of people have heard about the name "Goa", but did not think to relate it to India, although it is an Indian state. Tourists have been flying there for many years, planning their vacations. This a nice place rich in exotic corners where people can learn more about the vibrant and ancient culture of the country. After all, the producers and directors of those most beautiful dramatic films, colorful TV series were inspired by it.

It seems that the Indians really spend time in constant dances, singing under the pouring rains about their immortal love, and the crowd of passers-by is happy to be in a dance with the main characters.

Goa - weather

There tropical climate, where instead of a full winter there is a rainy season and, accordingly, a dry season.

The dry season is also known as high, its duration is from October to May (this is inclusive).

Monsoon season - hot summer period, plus the first of the autumn months.

May is the hottest month, and January is the coolest month. Yes, the climate of Goa differs significantly from the usual sharply continental, with winter and autumn. Therefore, before the flight, it is better to look not outside your window, but behind the weather there, in order to get into the right time and plan a vacation for Goa in advance, although even in January it is not so cold in India, and summer, as such, according to the calendar, is not there.

Recreation opportunities (by months)

The best and most favorable time for mass recreation is considered to be the time from November to March. It was then that European tourists, already familiar with the peculiarities of the local climate, flock to the state. Russians, on the other hand, discover Goa in October, then rest all April - plus the beginning of May. Then there is little precipitation, sometimes there is no precipitation at all, the humidity is extremely high, up to 70%, these are the optimal indicators of human comfort. The sea is pleasant, warm - +28 or +29.


It's a good time to rest, because the weather is sunny, there is practically no wind. During the day, the air warms up to about +34, the nights are clear, cool +24, sometimes there is a slight cloudiness. There are short rains, but precipitation is not more than 70 mm, this is only 4-5 rainy days per month, which is extremely convenient.

By the middle of this month, the sea gradually calms down, clears up and divers can safely dive. Visibility from the coast of the local, Arabian Sea is not too high - about 12 m, so local schools are more likely to focus on newbies.


The beaches are already filling up little by little with vacationers: there is less and less rain (apparently, precipitation is shifting to other countries, where it is time for heavy rain in autumn), there are only 1-2 days full of precipitation, the temperature is the same as in October, and the water is already +29 with a weak wind. Daylight hours about 10 full hours, almost always clear and sunny. Humidity 67%.

Ideal for amateurs, however, clear weather is conducive to long walks, various excursions, local trips to attractions, shopping. The clear sea is convenient for divers. Of course, people from other countries are usually chosen for their vacation in the summer, but Goa lovers are already used to a different schedule. After all, you can take a vacation in the fall, at the same time, most of the colleagues have already returned to work.


High season. After all, this is a winter vacation, why not arrange yourself a tropical, warm New Year, even without a Christmas tree with Santa Claus, but at sea? Dabolim Airport then works hard, transporting thousands of tourists. The sun is all days, the street is striking with clear and dry weather, also calm. In the daytime up to +34, at night +22. Humidity also drops to 62%.

January to February

For whom the continuation of the winter holidays, for whom it is just a winter vacation. These months are the driest and windless months for Goa. Precipitation is almost zero, in the air up to +33, at night +21 with a light and refreshing sea breeze. Such a period is always loved by compatriots, the New Year holidays continue, so there is a real boom in India. People do not just fly here, they fly, taking their families: dozens of world-famous hotels have opened for them in Goa. There, the service and comfort are real, according to recognized European standards, which began to increase the trust factor.

January nights are a little colder, the temperature, the usual +22, lowers to +18 and even +16, so people are better off taking not only summer wardrobe, and add a pair of warm sweaters with pants there. After all, who doesn't like evening, night walks? But in cool nights Sleep so well and sweetly! January and February are celebrated by connoisseurs as really the best time, however, the influx of tourists and high prices can certainly confuse.

March to April

During the day, temperatures are still high, about +34, at night +24 already, the sea is +29. Great, you can swim all day long. There is no rain, the sun fills with warmth all day, although strong winds happen, they wake up a sea storm and rise big waves. Cloudy days there are, but very few.

It's getting hotter at night, already +26, in the daytime it's also good +35. Such a heat is certainly good for people who are tired of frost, but only the most frozen or thermophilic people prefer it. The sun remains active, although the wind increases, it often provokes storms at sea, cloudy days as if spring, instead of awakening nature, brought autumn temperature and rains. The humidity is already 75%, the rains are frequent. After all, this is the last month before the coming rainy season. The bulk of tourists is starting to decline.

Rain season

In India, the climate is different; here, instead of the traditional summer or autumn, there are only two seasons. In summer, strong monsoons come, the sea is often restless, and the annual rainy season gradually begins. The rains are real tropical, it happens during the day, the temperature is kept at +30 during the day and +26 at night. Extremely damp, humidity up to 85-87%. Of course, rain lovers can come, but such humidity for people who are not accustomed to it sometimes brings colds.

Experts advise not to choose a rainy season for relaxation, even for those who like rainfall, especially those who like the beach. Yes, the weather is warm, but not enough sunny days more suitable for bathing.

Many seasonal establishments are closed, because there are few tourists, there is no one to serve. True, prices for temporary housing are falling, tending to a minimum. Of course, you can come wanting to save money, but it is difficult to guess the weather in summer.

June-August are extremely rainy, humid months, sometimes it pours up to 22-25 days in a row. Over the summer plus September, up to 90% of the total precipitation calculated for a year. The sea remains warm, but precipitation turns it into a turbid, turbid body of water, where swimming is unlikely to bring much pleasure. Strong winds are still frequent, raising waves, they bring algae and other debris to the shores.


The rains will begin in June, they usually last 1.5-2 hours, but can last all day. Strong humidity makes it difficult even to breathe normally, there is little difference between the temperatures during the day and at night, this is especially difficult for unusual people to endure. The number of sunny days is equal to the number of cloudy ones.


Wet, windy and humid month, which receives most of the annual rainfall. It turns out that there are fewer sunny days than there were in June. It rains every day with 87% humidity, which intensifies at night. Here is such a seasonal summer month for vacations.


The number of clear, sunny days is increasing slightly, although the monsoons are still violent, but the amount of precipitation is slowly decreasing. During the day, about +29, at nights +25, although the humidity is still 88%.
It is the night heat that slowly subsides, and in the daytime, on the contrary, the temperature is above +31.


The humidity is maintained at 86%. The weather will only improve by October, when the sundial, more and more often pleasant, fine days will slip by, when a clear sky is visible behind heavy clouds full of precipitation.

Where to rest - Goa

The rest itself, if you imagine Goa, will be divided into two conditional type: southern with northern, where southern Goa is a luxurious, comfortable and expensive vacation at 4-5 star hotels, which are intended rather for a calm and safe holiday for people with children.

North Goa is a fun, trance party world with infectious psychedelic music.
To find your golden mean, when there is a good ratio between price / quality and there is no crowd of mad tourists accompanying, it is better to choose Goa closer to the end of the official season October-November, also March-April. The weather is good, not so humid and hot, but there are no crowds either.

For those who love sea and beach holidays, it is better to choose periods until February. After - of course, it's still warm, but the winds are such that the sea literally "boils" like a boiler over a gas stove.

The best places

Where is it more interesting to relax, what to choose for lovers of colorful Indian culture, so as not to limit yourself to a simple beach, calm rest?

Calangute is a city located in the northern part of Goa, with a population of only 15,783 people. It is best known for its beaches, which are considered the largest for northern cities. Calangute next to the Arabian Sea. During the season, thousands of tourists visit it, gathering from different countries, also from other parts of India itself.


Better known for its beaches, a variety of shops, which will undoubtedly appeal to shopping lovers, there are also casinos, there are ancient temples and a church. Can be combined beach vacation with active trips to get acquainted with the culture and life of the country.

Popolem beach

For fans of yoga, avid fishermen, kayakers, he is undoubtedly more suitable than others. There are dolphins here, it is very beautiful around.


Also a place for a comfortable and memorable beach holiday, you can go in for various sports, parasailing, many shops and markets for shopping.

Old goa

Suitable for those wishing to learn more about the country itself, its history, culture. There is a church with a cathedral, as well convent, there is a museum and temples. Lot interesting places for excursions.

The climate of the state is considered subtropical, regardless of whether you are planning a trip to southern or northern Goa. The usual change of seasons is not here. Goa climate can be divided into two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

High season (Dry season)

The dry season in Goa lasts from October to May and is considered the best time for an active tourist rest... The amount of precipitation at this time of the year is reduced to almost zero, which attracts a huge number of swimmers and sunbathers here. Air humidity during these months is on average 60-70 percent, which is quite comfortable for residents. middle lane Russia and Europe.

While vacationing in Goa in high season, you must definitely use sunscreen with a high UV protection factor. The sun in the tropics is very active and you can get burnt here very quickly in the first days of rest. Also carry a bottle of clean drinking water, it will relieve you of thirst.

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Early booking and last minute tours

Bookmark this page and you will always be aware of the most advantageous offers in Goa. Here are all the last-minute tours and tours with early booking for different months. Follow the links below to find offers for a specific month.

Rainy Season (Low Season)

From June to September, monsoons begin to blow in Goa, waves appear on the sea and the rainy season begins. This is the worst time for a vacation in India. It rains during these months almost all the time, sometimes for several days without a break, and the humidity is often around 100 percent. Tourists usually prefer to travel to other regions during this time of year, so many restaurants, bars and hotels close during these months until the start of the new tourist season. Rental prices in Goa plummet during the rainy season.

Despite the fact that during the day average temperature air is about 25 - 35 degrees Celsius, at night it can quickly drop to +20. If you are planning an evening walk on the beach, it will not be superfluous to put something like a windbreaker in your suitcase.

Average temperature in Goa at night all year round keeps in the region of 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Water temperature in Indian Ocean on the coast of Goa (Arabian Sea) remains unchanged almost all year round - about 26-28 degrees Celsius. On some days, it can warm up to +35.

When is the best time to visit Goa?

Citizens of European states usually rest in Goa from October to March, and our compatriots and Israelis tourist season lasts a little longer - from September to April. It is worth warning you that in Lately, the climate on planet Earth is changing and the change of seasons in Goa can easily shift by a month in any direction.

Goa is a tropical region of India that enchants every traveler with its beaches and nightlife. But the beaches and night life in Goa are not always attractive, like the weather. Therefore, it is also important to think about when is the best time to go to rest in Goa. Many tourists from Russia go to Goa only when there are charters to this region of India, that is, from October to the end of April.
If someone tells you that it is undesirable to go to Goa between the end of May and the middle of September, then, in general, this person will be right. Still, even this season in Goa has some advantages.
When is the best time to go to Goa? In general, you can relax in this region of India all year round, but the answer to this question depends on what your the main objective travel to Goa. If the main goal is swimming in the sea or hanging out in clubs and bars, then, definitely, you should not go to Goa between May and September. But if you want to enjoy a relaxing holiday, visit various attractions and see waterfalls, rivers and lakes filled with water, then the monsoon season, on the contrary, will be the right time to travel to Goa. But you will have to get there with at least one change, since there are no direct charter flights from Russian cities to Goa during the monsoon season.
Now let's take a closer look at all the seasons in Goa and try to decide when is the best time to go to rest in this state of India.

Peak season in Goa

Tourists generally consider the time between the months of November to March as the best time to visit Goa. The weather is generally calm and cool this season, and all amenities are available to travelers. This is the perfect time to relax on the beach as the weather isn't too hot yet. Moreover, during peak season Goa hosts numerous festive events, festivals and other events.
The peak season in Goa is in December and January, and between Christmas Eve and New Year's, hotel prices skyrocket. In addition, the disadvantage can be a large number of people on the beaches. Of course, there will always be those people who, on the contrary, want a lot of people nearby, but still there are so many people on the popular beaches of Goa during the peak season that the beaches turn into some kind of booth. In general, high prices for accommodation and a large number of people are the two main disadvantages of traveling to Goa during the peak season.
The climate during the peak season in Goa is almost ideal. The approximate daily temperature is around 32 degrees Celsius, making it ideal for sports and sightseeing. Relative humidity fluctuates between 33% and 85%. At the same time, there is almost no precipitation in December and January.
It is worth expecting that attractions, restaurants, cafes and other places will be overcrowded, so prepare yourself mentally for the queues.

Why travel to Goa during peak season

1. Nice weather... There is no doubt that the weather in Goa in December and January is the best of the year. Even if you are a heat lover, you are unlikely to enjoy hot weather in Goa considering the high humidity here. So 99% of tourists find the weather in December and January ideal for both beach holidays and sightseeing.
2. Calm sea water... The water in the Arabian Sea during the peak season is indeed very calm, so this season can be considered ideal for swimming. The beaches at this time of year are also ideal for morning walks.
3. Celebrating Christmas and New Years... New Year's and Christmas parties are impressive and amazing. Beach necks and nightclubs during new year holidays filled with people and offer an atmosphere of real fun. Some churches in Goa, namely the Basilica of Bom Jesus, the Cathedral, the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, are becoming local celebrations.
4. Carnival... This festival takes place in late February or early March and is one of the best events you can attend during the peak season. This holiday is filled with music, dancing, competitions and parades. In addition, the Goa Tourism Division organizes various events for tourists.
5. Ideal conditions for many sports and entertainment... During the peak season, Goa offers excellent conditions for sea fishing, snorkeling and other water sports. Alternatively, you can witness the nesting of olive turtles or go shopping at one of the famous flea markets.

Why you shouldn't go to Goa during the peak season

1. High prices for hotel accommodation... If you are planning on staying in a luxury 4- or 5-star hotel, then you should be aware that during the peak season, room rates in luxury hotels are at a high level. If you wait a little and go to Goa, for example, in April or May, you can save a decent amount on accommodation. The cost of living in inexpensive hotels and guesthouses is also increasing, but in absolute terms, the difference in price compared to other seasons is not so great.
2. Crowds of people on popular beaches... If you want to go to one of the most popular beaches in Goa, then remember that during the peak season, these beaches are so crowded that they look more like some kind of huge Indian city, and not like a resort area. Honestly, I don’t know if it is possible to call it a vacation being on the beach among a huge number of tourists and standing in lines. If you do not want to relax among the crowds of people, then you have two options: choose a less popular beach in South Goa, or wait at least until April, when there are noticeably fewer people on popular beaches.

Off season in Goa

In Goa, it is customary to distinguish two transitional seasons. The first one falls on April and May, and the second one falls on September and October. Visiting Goa during the off-season is a good and profitable option if you want to spend an inexpensive vacation in a luxury hotel and not feel the discomfort of the huge number of people. Many luxury Goa hotels offer big discounts on stays between April and October.
However, off-season weather is not as good as during high season... Although there is usually little rainfall during the transitional periods, hot weather with high humidity is observed during this time. Such weather not everyone will like it. In addition, some establishments and markets may not be open during this time of year, although the selection of cafes, restaurants, shakes and clubs is still large.

Why go to Goa in April, May, September and October

1. Low prices for hotel accommodation... This is especially important for those who are going to stay in a really expensive hotel. A discount of even $ 50 per room per night already provides $ 500 saved for stays for 10 days.
2. Lack of crowds to people... Even on the most popular beaches of North Goa, you can relax in more or less normal conditions... There can be queues only in the most popular establishments.
3. Small amount of precipitation... Transitional rains are possible, of course, but do not expect the same frequent and prolonged showers as during the rainy season.

Why you shouldn't go to Goa during the transition period

1. Hot and humid weather... Although, in general, the weather in Goa in April, May, September and October is not bad, it is still not as comfortable during these months as in the period from November to March.
2. Not all establishments work... For instance, night market in Arpora will not work during the transition period, like some other establishments.

The rainy season in Goa

We can say that the rainy season is simply necessary for Goa, since without it there would be a desert here. The rainy season brings much needed moisture and salvation from high temperatures... Of course, tourist activity in Goa is greatly reduced during this season. The sea is very rough between June and August and the red flags are never removed from the beach. Swimming in the sea near Goa during the rainy season is very dangerous. It would seem, why visit Goa during the rainy season? But in fact, many travelers come to the popular Indian state at this time of year. New opportunities open up for them during the rainy season. This is the best time to visit Goa if you want to enjoy nature in full color, explore the lush countryside and admire the abundant waterfalls.
Although the weather remains pleasant during the rainy season in Goa, this season the state receives over 90% of the annual rainfall. Humidity at this time of the year is very high, so at daytime temperatures of + 32 - + 34 ° C, you can sweat quickly. The rains at this time of the year are usually long and occur almost every day. However, it is thanks to this abundance of rainfall that Goa has tremendous biodiversity, beautiful waterfalls and picturesque landscapes this season. This is the time when the rains refresh the earth and bring an aura of romance into the air.

Why travel to Goa during the rainy season

1. Unusual beautiful waterfall Dudhsagar... One of the tallest waterfalls in India comes alive during the monsoons, so it looks much more beautiful than during the dry season.
2. Many animals in the Kotigao nature reserve... During the rainy season, the animals in this reserve become more active. Therefore, when visiting Kotigao, you will have a better chance of seeing various interesting animals.
3. Excellent conditions for rafting... Fans of extreme sports can enjoy rafting on the White River. The rains cause rivers to swell with frothy waters, making them ideal for rafting.
4. Deserted beaches... Although many of the beach necks are closed during the rainy season, you can still have a good time on the uncrowded coasts. Swimming here is not recommended, but no one will forbid you to sunbathe or relax in the neck.
5. Low prices for hotel accommodation... If a hotel in Goa is open during the rainy season, then rest assured that the cost of living in it during this time of the year will be as low as possible.

Why you shouldn't go to Goa during the rainy season

1. Huge amount of precipitation... Even Thailand offers charter flights during the rainy season. There are no such flights to Goa, because it rains very often in this area.
2. High humidity... Relative humidity ranges from 50% to 88%. You can expect your clothes to be almost always wet, even if you don't sweat.
3. Lack of charters... During the rainy season, Goa can only be reached on flights with connections to other countries.
4. Many establishments are closed... Already in mid-May, most of the establishments in Goa are closed, and workers go on vacation.

Best season for vacation in Goa

As you already understood, it is impossible to single out the best season in Goa, as each season has its pros and cons. Most tourists think the best season in Goa the period is from November to March, but I, for example, adore April and early May. During this period, prices for good hotels are no longer as high, the crowds are no longer as large as during the peak season. However, the weather in April and early May is still pretty good.

Holidays in Goa are always beautiful, but throughout the year you can find three periods here - winter, summer and rainy.

Travelers go to the famous resort all the time; they are not even afraid of the rainy season in Goa, which usually lasts from early June to late September. At this time, the tourist flow is slightly reduced, charter flights do not fly. The big plus of this period is a significant reduction in prices for tickets and hotel accommodation.

And although it is possible to get to Goa from Russia only with transfers during the rainy season, tourists use every opportunity to spend their vacation inexpensively.

While in Russia and in many other countries, the most favorite time years - summer, Goa is getting rainy season ... It starts at the beginning of June and ends at the end of September. The locals call him "Munsun".

The rainy season in Goa is not much different from month to month. The air and water temperatures are practically the same throughout the entire time. In some periods, precipitation increases and then gradually decreases.


Starting in June, charter flights will cease flights to Goa. The tourist season closes , and you can only get here with transfers. At this time, strong winds come to the territory of the famous resort and bring a lot of rainfall.

Heavy tropical showers are coming. It is not recommended to go outside, as the water level can rise to the ankle. Umbrellas and raincoats will not help keep you from getting wet. For most of the month, the sun is practically invisible, the sky becomes milky gray.

For this period, you should choose a hotel with a large territory and a varied leisure program. June is a great time to devote yourself to spa treatments.

The likelihood of getting sunburn in this weather is minimal. Frequent rains make the air stuffy and uncomfortable. Therefore, when checking into the hotel, you need to inquire if the rooms are equipped with air conditioning.

People who have problems with cardiovascular system, it is better to refrain from traveling in June and others summer months... The sticky, stuffy air will be unbearable for them.

It is very hot during the day in June. The air temperature can reach the mark + 33 ° C, and at night + 30 ° C.

The sea is exposed this month strong storms... The waves are high, so swimming at such a time is very dangerous.


In July, Goa is in the midst of the monsoon ... This month is considered the wettest and most unfavorable for rest. It rains almost every day. The weather is hot and the humidity is high.

The daytime temperature reaches an average of + 30 ° C, at night - about + 25 ° C... Strong winds blow here in July, so tourists need to be as careful as possible. Wind gusts can reach an average of 13 km / h and this is far from the maximum.

The sea, unfortunately, becomes very dirty and constantly storms, so swimming during this period is excluded.

It is also important to remember that in July various animals and insects, including poisonous ones, begin to actively reproduce. Tourists should be very careful not to accidentally step on anyone.

Goa hosts several interesting holidays... For example, the Mango Festival or the Hemis Buddhist holiday is very popular in these parts.


August is considered the coolest month of the year, despite the fact that the air temperature does not drop below + 30 ° C in the afternoon and + 24 ° C at night. Overcast days, high humidity and heavy cloudiness persist this month. It rains constantly, sunny days are extremely rare.

The sea is very warm, but it is still impossible to swim in it. At this time, it is not entirely clean and very dangerous. The waves are getting higher and stronger. They can easily carry a person into the ocean, so it's not worth the risk.

There are few tourists in August. Most often these are curious travelers or local vacationers. Residents of Goa usually rest in the summer and prepare for the next busy season. They are welcoming and friendly with foreign guests.


September smoothly ends the rainy season in Goa. Gradually, the territory begins to revive, the number of tourists from different countries is increasing. This month precedes the start winter period... The number of rainy days is decreasing, but there is no need to talk about their complete absence. Compared to July, the amount of precipitation is halved, and the duration of sunny days is increasing.

During the day, the air temperature is kept at around + 31 ° C, and at night it cools down to + 23 ° C... Daylight hours lasts eleven hours.

September is also not a good month for a beach holiday. The sun often hides behind clouds, and the sea is still restless. High waves bring a variety of debris and algae to the shore. The maximum that tourists can afford is to timidly wet their feet while walking along the shore.

At the beginning of the calendar autumn in India, important Religious holidays... On the occasion of the birthday of the God of wisdom and abundance, Ganesh Chaturchi, a ten-day festival is held here. Also this month it is customary to worship the Goddess Durga. The Navaratri festival lasts nine nights. During this period, the Indians observe strict fasting.
Local residents are gradually starting to prepare for the tourist season. After all, soon the rainy period will end and October will come, and with it the dry season will begin.

To go or not to go?

Before purchasing a tourist package, you should carefully consider your trip in the rainy season, weighing all the pros and cons. After all, for some people torrential rains and the dark sea is exotic and romantic, while for others it is apathy and melancholy. During this period, you need to take umbrellas, raincoats, warm clothes. Despite the fact that the sea remains warm, it is unlikely that it will be possible to swim in it. The sun is rarely shown, the sky is often overcast.

The markets are calm in the summer, so there may be problems with buying food. Traders do not like to sell in the pouring rain, because it will not bring them much profit anyway. During the rainy season, schoolchildren are given a vacation so that they have the opportunity not to leave the house.

Benefits of a rainy season vacation in Goa

For those not interested in a beach holiday, the summer months can bring a ton of positive emotions... In the rainy season in Goa, all nature seems to be transformed. There is a lot of greenery everywhere. All colors of nature become saturated and bright, and the waterfalls are full of water.

Some travelers are not afraid to go on a one-day river cruise at this time to see all the picturesque local nature.

Shops, bars, restaurants, clinics and other institutions operate as usual. The rainy season does not affect their activities in any way.

The nature of Goa is beautiful at any time of the year, and in the rainy season it becomes more juicy and fresh. It is not necessary to be bored all the time at the hotel; you can visit several interesting excursions. Despite the fact that Goa is considered a tourist state, there are numerous historic temples on its territory.

In addition, at such a time, you can organize a trip to the famous Dudhsagar waterfall, which impresses with huge water flows.

Arriving in Goa in the summertime, do not be upset. After all, any vacation can be made unforgettable.

Conversations often begin with a discussion of the weather. So we will first talk about the climate in Goa and the favorable time to visit this wonderful land.

The climate in Goa is tropical and pronounced. The tourist season lasts exactly six months: from mid-October to mid-April. Goa is almost always good at this time! Moreover, even in these 6 months the weather is noticeably different.

The most fertile time for a visit to Goa is almost three months: from November 10 to February 5. During this period, the weather in Goa is incredibly stable and comfortable! There are almost no clouds in the sky for three months. Daytime temperature all the time in the region of 28-30 degrees; nighttime 20-22 degrees. Strong wind, rains, storms and other bad weather at this time of year in Goa does not happen. The ocean is calm, clean, transparent, warm, gentle; small waves only slightly sway, without interfering with swimming as much as your heart desires! The water temperature is 25-30 degrees.

All those who came to Goa for the first time in the period from mid-November to early February, always believe that Goa is Paradise! I myself belong to them. The fact is that the air temperature, humidity, Atmosphere pressure and all other indicators of the climate at this time of the year in Goa are so comfortable that the body never experiences conflict with environment, he is always good: day and night; on land and in water.

But Paradise lasts exactly a little less than three months: from November 10 to February 5. At other times the weather is not so perfect. I'll tell you more about this.

Second half of October. Goa is set in October good weather and the tourist season begins. At the same time, there are still showers in October, the sky is often overcast, and the air is quite hot. Daytime temperature - 32-34 in the shade; at night - 30-32 degrees.

November. It is still hot until about November 10th. Incidentally, I am writing these lines on November 6th. The thermometer outside the window shows 32 degrees. At night, its scale does not drop below 29. It's hot!

From 6 February. Coming strong winds... Waves are constantly moving along the surface of the ocean: small but disturbing, sometimes more, but still not dangerous for bathers. At this time, sky surfers appear on the beaches of Goa, for whom the wind and waves are the perfect combination.

After a period of strong winds, in the second half of February the temperature rises and becomes hot during the day.

March. In India, summer time is different from Russian. Summer in India is March, April and May. March is the first month of Indian summer. As you might guess, summer is hot in the tropics. Goa in this sense compares favorably with many other places in India. And yet Goa is part of India. The daytime temperature in March is 32-34 degrees in the shade. At night - 28-30 degrees. The sky is still without clouds! The sun is becoming more active.

April. Everything is the same as in March, but the heat is intensifying. During the day - 34-36 degrees in the shade, at night - 30-32 degrees. However, many tourists from Russia do not even notice that it is hot in Goa in March or April. They say that after cold winter in Russia the Goan summer is just right! There is definitely nothing critical. You can swim and sunbathe. The main thing is not to spend time in the open sun from 12 to 16 hours.

May. Everything is the same as in April, but the heat is intensifying even more. During the day, 36-40 degrees, at night - 32-34. It is almost impossible to sleep without air conditioning this month: it is very hot!

June. The sky is overcast. The sun hides for 4 months. Munsun begins. Streams of water descend from heaven to earth, like from armored boats. Water floods everything around. It is impossible even to leave the house for weeks. Heat is replaced by freshness.

July. Water from heaven falls in full force. Water streams wash away all the dirt and debris accumulated by the Goans and tourists into the ocean. There are almost no beaches in June, July and August. They are flooded dirty water rivers, lakes and rains mixed with the ocean. They form a mess, entering into which is very life-threatening! The sun is thermonuclear active at this time of the year. If it looks out from behind the clouds, you need to hide from it so as not to burn out. But the sun comes out very rarely in July!

August. Goa is still deserted, there are almost no tourists. From June to September, almost all restaurants, hotels, guest houses and discos are closed in Goa. The sun is not visible behind the clouds. The rains are pouring down. It's stuffy. The beaches are littered with an incredible amount of mud and look like garbage dumps... At this time of year, no one would call Goa Paradise, but rather hell!

September. Showers are still very strong! Sometimes it pours from heaven, as if from a bucket, without stopping, for four days. People, at times, cannot even go to the store, because the streams of water knock down and knock down motorcycles. Casual tourists have absolutely nothing to do in September, except to sit in rooms and slap mosquitoes on themselves.

First half of October. Munsun (rainy season) ends. The sky clears at times, the sun peeps out. After abundant watering, all vegetation in Goa becomes juicy, bright green. The nature of the tropics flourishes with wild colors. Goa is ripe for a new tourist season!

What is the weather in Goa. When is the best time to go:
