How pressure changes before rain. Fasting day on lemon for high blood pressure

Atmospheric pressure means the pressure of the mass atmospheric air on the surface of the Earth and objects located on it. The degree of pressure corresponds to the weight of atmospheric air with the base a certain area and configurations.

The main unit of measurement of atmospheric pressure in the SI system is Pascal (Pa). In addition to Pascals, other units of measurement are also used:

  • Bar (1 Ba=100000 Pa);
  • millimeter mercury(1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa);
  • kilogram of force per square centimeter (1 kgf/cm 2 =98066 Pa);
  • technical atmosphere (1 at = 98066 Pa).

The above units are used for technical purposes, with the exception of millimeters of mercury, which is used for weather forecasts.

The main instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure is the barometer. Devices are divided into two types - liquid and mechanical. The design of the first is based on flasks filled with mercury and immersed with the open end in a vessel with water. The water in the vessel transmits the pressure of the atmospheric air column to mercury. Its height acts as an indicator of pressure.

Mechanical barometers are more compact. The principle of their operation lies in the deformation of a metal plate under the influence of atmospheric pressure. The deforming plate presses on the spring, which, in turn, sets the needle of the device in motion.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on the weather

Atmospheric pressure and its effect on weather conditions varies depending on place and time. It varies depending on the altitude above sea level. Moreover, there are dynamic changes associated with the movement of areas of high pressure (anticyclones) and low pressure (cyclones).

Changes in weather associated with atmospheric pressure occur due to movement air masses between areas of different pressure. The movement of air masses is formed by wind, the speed of which depends on the difference in pressure in local areas, their scale and distance from each other. In addition, movements of air masses lead to temperature changes.

Standard atmospheric pressure is 101325 Pa, 760 mm Hg. Art. or 1.01325 bar. However, a person can easily tolerate a wide range of pressures. For example, in the city of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico with a population of almost 9 million people, the average atmospheric pressure is 570 mm Hg. Art.

Thus, the value of the standard pressure is determined accurately. And comfortable pressure has a significant range. This value is quite individual and completely depends on the conditions in which a particular person was born and lived. Thus, a sudden movement from an area with relatively high pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure can affect the work circulatory system. However, with prolonged acclimatization, the negative impact disappears.

High and low atmospheric pressure

In zones high pressure The weather is calm, the sky is cloudless and the wind is moderate. High atmospheric pressure in summer leads to heat and drought. In low pressure areas the weather is predominantly cloudy with wind and precipitation. Thanks to such zones, it is cool in summer cloudy weather with rain, and in winter there are snowfalls. The high pressure difference in the two areas is one of the factors leading to the formation of hurricanes and storm winds.


Weather-sensitive people often know when atmospheric pressure they have a headache and how best to deal with the symptom. At the same time, only a few pay attention to the prevention of the condition. Although it will not help to completely get rid of unpleasant manifestations, it can significantly improve your well-being during difficult periods. A sharp change in atmospheric pressure indicators is fraught with the appearance characteristic features even in those people who usually do not react to weather changes. If you don't know how to act in such situations, you can lose your ability to work for several hours or even days.

Migraine and weather sensitivity

Medicine has not yet officially introduced such a diagnosis as “meteosensitivity”, but the presence of the human body’s reaction to change weather conditions scientifically proven.

Initially, the reasons for the development of the condition were attributed to old age and weak immunity. For some time it was even considered one of the triggers of migraines, because headache is one of the main symptoms of the problem. Over time, experts have added to the list of provoking factors.

Dependence on the weather, which manifests itself in the form of headaches, can arise for a number of reasons:

  • heredity - characteristic of 10% of all cases, usually manifests itself through the female line;
  • decreased vascular functionality - patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia and pathology of blood channels account for about 40% of cases of the disease;
  • Diseases accumulated over the years of life are considered the cause of weather dependence in 50% of situations. Of particular risk are hypertension or hypotension, vascular atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, chronic diseases respiratory organs;
  • problems during pregnancy and childbirth lead to weather dependence in children. Attention should be paid to babies with a history of prematurity, birth injuries, fetal hypoxia, difficult maternal pregnancy.

You will learn more about cephalalgia during pregnancy from

Changes in atmospheric pressure occur constantly due to the emergence and movement of cyclones and anticyclones. The result is a change air temperature, precipitation falls, the wind direction changes. Normally, the physical indicator is 760 mm. rt. Art., but it may vary depending on the area. More important has a rate of change. Even if a sharp jump or decline occurs within 15-20 units, this greatly affects the condition of a weather-sensitive person.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on well-being

It is difficult to say unequivocally what type of indicator causes a headache. Negative influence high atmospheric pressure manifests itself sharply and clearly, but a decrease in numbers below normal can become a source of problems. With sharp changes in data, characteristic symptoms are observed in a third of the world's population.

The severity of the reaction to atmospheric pressure is assigned one of the following degrees:

  • I (meteosensitivity) – mild, characterized by malaise that does not lead to a decrease in performance and quality of life;
  • II (meteor dependence) – even minor changes in the atmosphere are fraught with serious disruptions in the body’s functioning. Possible heart rhythm disturbances, inability to do usual activities;
  • III (meteopathy) is the most severe scenario of the disease, which leads to disability and requires professional medical care.

Low atmospheric pressure is characteristic of increased temperature and humidity, precipitation and cloudiness. The processes are accompanied by a decrease in the volume of oxygen in the air, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system. If the drop in indicators occurs sharply, weather-sensitive people note difficulty breathing, severe headache, shortness of breath and weakness, diarrhea. The clinical picture is more pronounced in hypotensive patients.

High pressure is typical for clear weather without wind. The combination of these factors leads to an increase in the volume of harmful substances in the air. Patients report worsening general condition, the appearance of headaches, decreased performance, discomfort in the heart. The influence of high atmospheric pressure has the greatest impact on the condition of hypertensive patients, asthmatics, and allergy sufferers. Against this background, weather-sensitive people's immunity decreases, and the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of infectious diseases increases.

Why do you get headaches when the weather changes?

The constant movement of cyclones and anticyclones leads to systematic changes in weather conditions
conditions. If all this happens smoothly and gradually, the negative response of the sensitive body will be minimal. This type of addiction is permanent. Its severity may weaken with specialized prevention, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease.

Causes and characteristics of headaches when the weather changes:

  • sudden cold snap - a decrease in temperature by 12 degrees or more leads to deterioration general well-being person. The colder it was initially (for example, below 0°C), the more violent the body’s manifestations will be. The hardest time is for people with a history of heart attack, stroke, or heart or vascular disease. To avoid problems, on the eve of the event you should avoid salty foods, significant mental and physical activity;
  • snowfall - for 70% of people this phenomenon contributes to a surge of energy, for 30% a headache begins. At risk are patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. If you do not take care of vascular drugs, products based on succinic acid, eleutherococcus or ginseng, you may experience cephalalgia, nausea and dizziness;
  • wind is a difficult time for children under 3 years of age and women with a history of migraines. The latter is recommended to mix lemon, flower honey and nut oil in equal proportions and take several times a day in small portions. On windy days, asthmatics feel good - they no longer experience breathing problems;
  • complete calm - the peculiarities of atmospheric pressure during this period lead to a feeling of anxiety in people over 45 years of age, especially women. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and increased concentration harmful substances in stagnant air. Using a ventilator may provide relief;
  • extreme heat - under the influence high temperatures blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops, blood supply to organs and systems is disrupted. If at the same time on the street high humidity or strong wind, even healthy people will feel discomfort.

A single appearance of symptoms does not indicate weather dependence, but may be a signal from the body. Perhaps some malfunctions occurred in it, the result of which is not yet obvious. It is better not to wait for the problem to recur and undergo a preventive examination. It would not be superfluous to carry out the prevention indicated for meteosensitivity.

Why does my head hurt before it rains?

Rainy weather is accompanied by a decrease in atmospheric pressure. Abrupt change in conditions environment It is especially poorly tolerated by weather-sensitive people.

Persons with impaired intracranial pressure suffer from severe headaches. Depending on the individual characteristics they get headaches before or during rain. Moreover, the sensations are pronounced, bursting, they do not allow you to concentrate on performing your usual actions. Any active movements lead to increased symptoms.

Why does my head hurt before a thunderstorm?

Even people who don't suffer from weather-related headaches can feel a storm approaching. This is due to change chemical composition air, increased electromagnetic field in the atmosphere.

Signs of deterioration in well-being are most pronounced in people with an unstable psyche and women during menopause.

There is no way to escape from the condition; you need to wait it out. According to scientists, this is easier to do underground (in a basement, subway, or passage).

What to do if you have a headache due to the weather

People who have a headache due to the slightest change in atmospheric pressure often use analgesics and NSAIDs without a doctor's prescription. Experts themselves recommend trying to use natural medicines first. Hypertensive patients can take a decoction of viburnum.

If blood pressure is normal, it will help hot bath With essential oil. For mild or moderate pain, apply a lemon peel with the light side to your temples and rub lightly.

Treatments for head pain and other symptoms are selected depending on its causes:

  • at low atmospheric pressure - it is recommended to lie down, do not make sudden movements. You should calm down, restore your breathing, drink water with lemon. The Citramona tablet can simultaneously reduce intracranial pressure and normalize blood pressure. If there are no contraindications, you can take Glycerin, ginseng tincture or Eleutherococcus.
  • with high atmospheric pressure - symptoms due to hypertension are relieved by taking natural diuretics (bearberry, lingonberry leaves). Additionally, they take mild sedatives, which also reduce the severity of headaches (valerian, motherwort).

If the severity of the headache is such that it does not allow you to do your usual activities, you need to call ambulance. In some cases, such symptoms increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. It is strictly forbidden to exceed therapeutic doses of medications, even if they are natural products. It is better to seek help from professionals.

How to reduce the level of weather sensitivity

When a person’s well-being directly depends on the weather, it is very unsettling. There are a few simple rules, compliance with which will reduce the degree of influence of environmental conditions on the state of the body. You just need to adhere to them constantly, and not just during exacerbations.

To reduce weather dependence you need:

  • get more rest before expected weather changes;
  • develop a clear sleep and wakefulness schedule, i.e. wake up and go to bed at the same time and refuse daytime rest;
  • exclude hasty meals from your schedule, do everything measuredly and efficiently;
  • introduce sports activities that will help improve the condition of blood vessels;
  • take at the change of seasons vitamin complexes in consultation with the doctor.

If you are weather dependent, it is better to refrain from strict diets, the body must not be exhausted. It is necessary to monitor water-salt metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body, for which it is recommended to follow a drinking regime.

You will learn about home methods for eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Reduces the frequency and severity of headaches proper nutrition. It is better to give up citrus fruits, spices, alcohol, salty and fatty foods in favor of nuts, legumes, dried fruits, and baked potatoes.

If changes in atmospheric pressure cause headaches, you should consider starting to take natural medications. A course of using decoctions based on St. John's wort and linden will have a general strengthening effect on the body. Echinacea and Eleutherococcus will strengthen the immune system. Tea with lemon balm or mint will help calm your nerves, and nettle and plantain will improve the condition of blood vessels.

Why does blood pressure rise after eating? Some people when promoted blood pressure(BP) do not think about how food intake and the activity of the cardiovascular system are related. If such a symptom manifests itself with regularity, then you should listen to it and adjust your diet.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force with which blood flow acts on the walls of blood vessels throughout the circulatory system. It is determined not only by the volume of blood passing through the vessels, but also by the speed of its movement, viscosity and many related indicators.

Blood pressure tends to fluctuate throughout the day. When the body is in a state of sleep, wakefulness, in the stage of physical activity and overexertion, change of environment, sexual arousal, eating, bowel movements and bladder, blood pressure may change. Each person has his own individual mechanism for regulating blood pressure, bringing it to the proper level. The normal pressure level is different for each body. By virtue of anatomical features, lifestyle, nutrition, availability bad habits Blood pressure is kept at a certain level, which is an individual norm for each person.

Causes and symptoms of increased blood pressure

There are many reasons for blood pressure fluctuations:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • mobility of the nervous system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased physical activity;
  • stress;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • renal failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart diseases.

At moments when blood pressure rises, a person experiences symptoms, the intensity of which is determined by the level of hypertension:

  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head and neck area;
  • noise in ears;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • insomnia;
  • redness of the face and neck;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pulsation in the crown;
  • swelling;
  • nausea;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fatigue;
  • increased heart rate;
  • shortness of breath.

Unfortunately, many are accustomed to not taking situations seriously when their blood pressure rises. Sometimes it is precisely this attitude to the first symptoms that leads a person to persistent arterial hypertension. The disease has the ability to progress over time and lead to severe complications.

What causes high blood pressure after eating?

Why does blood pressure rise after eating? Some people experience increased blood pressure during and after meals. A number of factors contribute to this:

  1. A large number of spices in food. They affect the water balance in the body, retaining fluid and causing a feeling of thirst.
  2. Alcohol. Ethanol has the ability to expand the walls of blood vessels, but as soon as this happens, they immediately spasm and blood viscosity increases.
  3. Tea or coffee at the end of the meal. Tonic drinks contain tannin and caffeine, which increases heart rate.
  4. High oxygen consumption for processing incoming food.
  5. Too high in calories. It is difficult and prolonged to be absorbed during the breakdown of fats, affecting blood viscosity and heart rate.
  6. Lack of fiber in the diet. It retains liquid in its fibers, which facilitates the process of digesting “heavy” foods.
  7. "Harmful" products. Animal fats and oily ingredients can increase the level of fat in the blood, inhibiting its movement through the blood vessels.
  8. Large volumes of liquid. All liquid consumed at the time of eating long time remains in the body, changing the water balance.
  9. Abuse of sweets. Sugar-containing foods cause hormonal changes, and carbonated drinks with sugar also cause harm to the body.
  10. Binge eating. Large portions affect the functioning of all internal organs. After acceptance large quantity food exerts pressure on internal organs, especially the inferior vena cava, located in the abdominal cavity.
  11. Lots of salt in dishes. Salt changes the sodium-potassium balance in the body, retains fluid.
  12. Eating at inappropriate times. Eating late dinners or snacking at night fills the stomach with food that it begins to digest as the body prepares for sleep.

From all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that the increase in blood pressure after eating depends on the quality and volume of food consumed.

What to do?

People who have a tendency to high blood pressure need to independently regulate their diet and meal times. You should not eat food randomly during the day, on the go, dry food, or before bed.

Meals should be fractional, i.e. you can eat in small portions up to 5-6 times during daylight hours; their volume can be reduced to 200–300 grams of products. Overeating, accompanying meals with television programs and computer games. It is necessary to include products with low level cholesterol. Try to eat more fiber, fortified foods. Foods rich in animal protein must be “diluted” natural juices and vegetable dishes that will facilitate easy digestibility.

Hypertensive patients should give up alcohol and smoking. The consumption of tonic drinks - tea, cocoa and coffee - should be limited, or at least avoided in the evening, when blood pressure tends to rise.

You should also give preference to foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which will help neutralize excess cholesterol in the blood.

The intestines must be emptied in a timely manner. Congestion in the large intestine leads to increased blood pressure, since this part of the body is essentially a “depot” of blood. Slags and toxins formed during the processing of difficult-to-digest food and the presence of stagnant processes in the system gastrointestinal tract, also provoke an increase in blood pressure. If the act of defecation has not occurred for a long time, and the person continues to eat, then blood pressure tends to increase.

Hypertension and menopause

Hormonal changes have a negative effect on various organs, as a result, a woman’s water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. During menopause, fluid retention in the tissues may occur, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.

Causes of increased blood pressure during menopause

There are various causes of arterial hypertension during menopause:

  • The presence of chronic diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system organs.
  • Late pregnancy.

In some cases, blood pressure increases due to the presence of a benign tumor in the adrenal gland area. The appearance of hypertension is also provoked by long-term stress.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension during menopause

Signs of hypertension during menopause may appear several years after the cessation of menstruation. Representatives of the fairer sex with high blood pressure The heart rate often increases, so a woman needs to take medications that improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

With a sharp increase in blood pressure during menopause, a woman may experience strong pain in the head area, blurred vision. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance. These symptoms are often observed during a hypertensive crisis.

Hypertension during early menopause

For some women, menopause occurs several years earlier than for other representatives of the fair sex. During treatment cancer They use potent medications and administer chemotherapy. As a result, ovarian function is suppressed, and menopause occurs quite early.
There are other reasons for early menopause:

  • Presence of autoimmune diseases. With these diseases, a woman’s body perceives her own ovaries as a foreign element, and as a result, their functions steadily fade away.
  • Medical manipulations.

In order to cope with problems such as hypertension and early menopause, hormonal replacement therapy. It helps normalize blood pressure, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, increases skin elasticity, eliminates unpleasant symptoms menopause. But these drugs must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicines to lower blood pressure during menopause

Treatment of hypertension during menopause involves taking medications. Often, the doctor prescribes medications to the patient that contain hormones (estrogens and progestins). They saturate the woman’s body with essential substances and eliminate the symptoms of hypertension. But hormonal drugs have an impressive list of contraindications; not all women are allowed to use them. Side effects often occur when using them.

For hypertension during menopause, the attending physician may prescribe medications to the patient consisting of herbal ingredients. Such drugs improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce blood pressure. Remens helps get rid of tension and nervousness. In women who use this drug, blood pressure gradually normalizes and the frequency of hot flashes decreases.

Hypertension during menopause can also be treated with sedative medications containing valerian or motherwort. They are endowed with sedative properties and eliminate vascular spasm. But in severe cases of hypertension, these pills are often useless.

Fasting day on lemon for high blood pressure

Hypertension that occurs during menopause can be treated with folk remedies. Once a week, women can arrange for themselves such an unusual fasting day:

  • Two medium-sized lemons should be minced through a meat grinder, before all seeds are removed from the fruit.
  • Add 0.2 kg of powdered sugar to the resulting mass.
  • The mixture is kept in a place protected from light for at least a week. It needs to be shaken periodically. After seven days the product is ready for use.
  • During the day you are allowed to eat only this dish.

Many women have an increased appetite during menopause, so not all women fair half of humanity will agree to eat one lemon flavored with powdered sugar all day. You can also try this recipe:

  • The lemon is grated along with the peel.
  • Add 5 grams of finely chopped rose hips, 10 grams of cranberries and 200 grams of honey to the mixture.
  • All components must be mixed thoroughly.

Foods to lower blood pressure during menopause

The wisdom of old people is inexhaustible. Many sources mention beneficial properties garlic It is used in the preparation of various decoctions and tinctures. For high blood pressure in menopausal women, it is recommended to eat two cloves of the vegetable daily.

The diet of the fair sex should also include dairy products. They are rich in substances such as calcium and potassium. Quite often, the appearance of arterial hypertension is associated with a deficiency of magnesium and calcium in a woman’s body. Magnesium is found in the following foods:

  • Spinach.
  • Wheat bran.
  • Nuts.
  • Bread made from wholemeal flour.
  • Muesli.
  • Oatmeal.

You can start your morning with such an invigorating drink: add 10 grams of honey and five drops to 200 ml of tea apple cider vinegar. This remedy helps lower blood cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure.

How to prevent the occurrence of hypertension during menopause?

Experts advise limiting salt intake and quitting smoking. A woman needs to monitor the level of calcium in the body; this substance has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. During menopause, the fair sex is recommended to attend procedures that help relax muscles and give up alcoholic beverages. In order to reduce the likelihood of hypertension during menopause, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes and perform simple physical exercises.

Hypertension during menopause often occurs in overweight women, therefore, representatives of the fair sex who have excess weight, you need to measure your blood pressure regularly. They should monitor blood glucose levels, drink decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs endowed with diuretic properties.

Scientists have proven that weather greatly affects health. When there is a sudden change in weather conditions, many people experience:

  1. Blood pressure increases,
  2. Heart palpitations begin;
  3. Insomnia and bad mood appear;
  4. Fatigue, depression, laziness.

People suffering from weather sensitivity should take their health more seriously. Sometimes a normal increase in air temperature can not only increase upper blood pressure, but also cause a heart attack.

A sharp increase or decrease in degrees outside can lead to the development of complications for those who suffer from chronic diseases. For such people, weather forecasting should become a daily monitoring item. It is necessary to monitor air temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure, and wind speed. It is very important to prepare for weather changes!

Symptoms of weather sensitivity in hypertension

How does weather affect blood pressure? Hypertensive patients experience severe headaches when weather conditions change. Sometimes cases of severe dizziness and fainting occur.

Starting from the second stage of hypertension, symptoms may appear:

  • Heart pain;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Shortness of breath and nausea;
  • Depression and stress.

In patients who suffer from a nervous system disorder, it often happens! To a greater extent, such cases are diagnosed in the spring.

Heart attack and stroke occur more often in hypertensive patients and heart patients during the passage of a weather front or during a full moon. At this time, people's vascular tone changes, blood begins to clot more intensely, and blood clots form. On such days, you need to keep yourself in good shape, give up alcohol, drink decoctions medicinal herbs, eat healthy foods.

Magnetic storms are another enemy of hypertensive patients. During this period, 70% of people diagnosed with hypertension experience changes in blood pressure, drowsiness, vision deterioration, and heart pain.

Doctors advise eating fish, milk, peas and lentils if you have magnetic sensitivity.

Prevention of meteopathies

If a person is sensitive to changes in weather conditions, then you should remember simple recommendations:

  1. Don't overwork yourself in early spring and late autumn.
  2. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  3. Spending several hours a day on fresh air away from the city and highways.
  4. Need to lead active image life. Morning exercises, evening jogging or walking, swimming in the pool on weekends.
  5. Shower daily with cool water.

Spring and autumn are the best reasons to go to a sanatorium or resort vacation. For hypertensive patients, it is useful to go closer to the mountains.

Table: medical assessment diagram of weather conditions

Estimated indicators


Type I (favorable)

II (moderately favorable)

III (unfavorable)

atmospheric pressure difference, hPa

with a gradient of it
falls in 3 hours

up to 5 hPa (up to
4 mm Hg) not more than 1.0

5-10 hPa (4-8 mm
Hg) 2-3 (1.5-2)

>10 hPa (>8 mmHg)

Interday difference
average daily air temperature,
0 C

humidity, %

Travel speed
air, m/sec

up to 5 m/sec


Cloudiness, points

5-8 points

8-10 points

Precipitation, mm/day

Weight fluctuations
oxygen content in air, g/m 3

g/m 3

Chromosome flares
in the Sun, points


up to 1 point

2 points and

Geomagnetic field,

unipolarity of ions, q,

Total index by
meteorological and heliophysical

50 or more

Useful herbs for weather-sensitive people

During periods of sudden weather changes, herbalists advise drinking decoctions or adding medicinal plants to tea:

  • To normalize blood pressure in hypertension: arnica, mistletoe, cudweed, sedge, chokeberry, periwinkle.
  • For falling asleep quickly and in cases of emotional unrest: valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, oregano.
  • Diuretics: birch, knotweed, lingonberry, cranberry, St. John's wort.
  • To reduce intracranial pressure: cornflower, birch, blueberry, knotweed.

It is important to monitor your blood pressure throughout the day! Strong surges can cause a stroke or heart attack, so you should not delay the fight against the disease.


Author of the article Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, general practitioner

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Why people react to the whims of the heavenly office and how to reduce this influence. The city's chief therapist, doctor, answered these and other questions for our newspaper highest category Lyudmila Dorozhkina.

Lyudmila Evgenievna, there is slush in the yard, there is no sun. Many Kaliningrad residents claim that they do not feel well in bad weather. Is there such a disease as weather dependence?

This is not a disease. But according to statistics, a third of Russians actually react to changes in atmospheric pressure, sudden change weather, solar activity. Most often, patients with chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases complain of worsening well-being. People with unstable psyches also react to weather disasters. On bad days, they complain of feeling unwell, but no negative changes occur in their body.

- How does a person react to celestial disasters?

Differently. Some people's blood pressure decreases, others, on the contrary, increases. There are headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and loss of consciousness may occur. Emotional people complain of worsening mood, apathy, or, conversely, unmotivated aggression.

Why does the human body react this way to weather changes and how to explain that not all people are weather dependent?

More often, people with unstable vascular walls suffer from changes in atmospheric pressure. At sudden change weather, there is a redistribution of blood in the body. When the vessels do not keep up with this process, crises occur - a sharp drop or increase in blood pressure. Both of these conditions are extremely dangerous. The consequences are strokes and heart attacks.

- What to do to avoid deterioration of health on rainy days?

Watch weather forecasts in newspapers or on television. While tracking this information, prepare (including mentally) for unfavorable day. People with heart disease need to stock up on medications to help avoid critical conditions. If you know that your blood pressure may increase, take medications that regulate this process. Hypotonic patients should definitely have breakfast in the morning and drink sweet, strong tea or coffee. These drinks or tablets containing caffeine will help cope with low blood pressure at work. You can also take 25-30 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin. They raise the blood pressure a little. I want to warn you that hypotension can occur not only from weather changes. This is a symptom of thyroid diseases and vascular disorders. If you often suffer from low blood pressure, be sure to see a doctor.

What should we do for those whose symptoms of weather dependence arise not due to chronic illnesses, but at a mental level?

Such people also need to monitor the weather and take the day before. bad days sedatives, drink tea with mint and valerian. Try to convince yourself that a magnetic storm, rain, snowfall are not eternal. A day or two later the weather will improve and the sun will come out. At home and at work on gloomy days, turn on more light, this will help get rid of autumn depression. If the blues do not go away, consult a psychotherapist. If you feel a loss of strength, take a monthly course of multivitamins. Spend more time outdoors. Rain is no problem for this. Dress in warm clothes, waterproof boots and then you will be convinced that nature has no bad weather.

What to do if the weather changes suddenly:

Limit physical activity, try to avoid additional physical (psycho-emotional) stress;

Take medications that help you if your condition worsens or symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases appear;

At the initial manifestations of an increase or decrease in blood pressure, you should do a light massage of the neck and shoulder girdle, mustard foot baths, put mustard plasters on the back of the head;

Take anti-anxiety medications nervous system, - tincture of valerian, motherwort, mint tea, as well as drugs that lower or increase blood pressure;

If there is little oxygen in the air (this happens with warming and the accompanying low atmospheric pressure), those suffering from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases need to spend more time in the air. Therapeutic exercises, especially breathing exercises, will help.
