Lesson in the preparatory group “Winter natural phenomena. Freezing rain and six more unusual winter natural phenomena Winter phenomena in inanimate nature examples

Winter - harsh time, especially in northern latitudes ah our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. Slush November weather gives way to December frosts, freezing the reservoirs and covering the earth in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun.

The shortest day falls on the period winter solstice. This is December 21 on the night of 22. The shortest day and the most long night. From this time the countdown begins and daytime increases, reducing nighttime.

The clouds descend lower, becoming heavy and gray with overflowing moisture. They are not light and compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts.

Snow is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

In calm weather, snow falls in large snowflakes; with increasing intensity, the snow turns into a blizzard - the most dangerous winter phenomenon of nature. It occurs when the first gust of wind appears. He picks up the snow cover and carries it, dragging it along with him. In nature, snowstorms are distinguished between high and low snowstorms, depending on the redistribution air masses. Typically, severe snowstorms occur in the middle of winter, at the peak of seasonal temperatures. The formation of a snowy landscape depends on this natural phenomenon: wind-blown snow takes on the bizarre shapes of snowdrifts.

Frequent travel companion winter weather- icy conditions. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost can provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear. If there are severe, long-term frosts in winter, they freeze the deepest bodies of water, which freeze to very decent depths, and this is how ice freezes begin, paralyzing shipping. The ice will begin to move only with strong warming, when the rays of the sun begin to warm up its firmament.

Frosts refer to hazardous phenomena nature. They can be installed on for a long time, if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. Usually, abnormal frosts- a rare phenomenon. Deviation from the usual norm does not occur everywhere and not always. Low temperatures can cause significant damage agriculture and provoke the appearance emergency, so all public utilities are on alert in winter.

Another indispensable attribute of winter is an icicle - a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from own weight and crumbles upon impact with the ground.

It is with the melting of icicles that a smooth transition to spring begins, when the air temperature gradually rises, the days become longer, and frost patterns disappear, seeping melt water into the warmed ground. Snow is a winter look atmospheric precipitation. It has its own crystal structure, which is based on frozen microscopic drops of water. When a drop passes through the cold atmospheric layers of air and falls to the ground, it freezes and becomes overgrown with its fellows, clinging to them, forming six-pointed snowflakes. This form is due to the physical laws of water freezing.

Hi all. The leaves have fallen from the trees, there is crisp ice on the puddles, you can’t hear the chirping of birds - these are the main signs of winter in wildlife that say that winter is coming. Do you want to know what happens in nature on the threshold of winter? How do trees, birds, animals, insects, and fish prepare for winter? Surprise your friends with your knowledge about wildlife?

How often does someone ask: “When will winter come?” Tired of this autumn slush...

Quote from Pushkin: - That year I stood in the yard for a long time, Nature waited, waited for winter..., answer - In fact, the signs of winter are already everywhere in nature.

You can only be able to determine the onset of winter in nature by observing changes in nature, where everything is interconnected - winter and summer, spring and autumn.

The first signs of winter can be detected by all living things.

It is still far from cold weather and there is no snow and frost, but it is already clear that winter is on the doorstep.

  1. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer and colder, the slanting rays of the sun cannot warm the earth during the day.
  2. The clouds hang low, become heavy, sad gray, and fill the entire sky.
  3. The air is damp and cold.
  4. An ice crust appears on the puddles.

How plants greet winter

The main signs of approaching winter are shown by trees and shrubs. Waiting for the cold winter , trees not only shed their leaves, under their bark the cork tissue has become denser in winter and added over the summer, which keeps heat inside the trunk, like a double-glazed window.

They shed their leaves, taking care of themselves: under the cover of last year's foliage, the roots will freeze less. Trees and shrubs “fall asleep” in winter so as not to waste energy and nutrients for life activities.

What signs of approaching winter are visible in herbaceous plants?

  • — Annual plants die, dropping their seeds into the ground. Next spring, in warm soil, the seeds that have lain under the snow all winter will again give life to the plant.
  • — Perennial plants store nutrients in their rhizomes all summer. Their bright summer greenery turns yellow and fades. Some herbs retain color, even fruits (lingonberries and cranberries).

How birds prepare for cold weather

It’s not easy for birds in the cold, there’s not enough food. To withstand and survive the frost, a bird needs to eat as much food as it weighs.

Bird conversations in the forests fall silent, quiet and lifeless without their hubbub. The birds scattered to the south in search of food-rich lands. Many move closer to people's homes (tits and bullfinches).

Frost-resistant species of birds “goosebumped” and prepared food.

Birds spend the night and look for food in cold weather in flocks and flocks; in winter a bird cannot be alone: ​​together and from predators it is easier to protect yourself and look for food.

What do animals do on the eve of frost?

The most characteristic features occur in the world of animals awaiting the onset of frost. Knowing that winter is coming, many animals fall into hibernation- This is an adaptive mechanism of some species of animals and plants during winter and frost. A way not to die of hunger.

During hibernation or torpor, the body temperature of animals decreases, digestion stops, heart rhythms are rare, and breathing is weak. Bears make warm and cozy dens for themselves. Other animals also hibernate: badgers and hedgehogs, raccoons and chipmunks, hamsters and dormice, the bats and snakes, frogs and lizards.

Who changes the color, insulates the fur coat? Which animal does not look forward to warm weather in winter?

  1. The hare changes the color of its skin from gray to a white, warm new thing.
  2. Squirrels put on winter outfits: their summer red sundresses are easy to see on gray tree trunks, because they turn gray, in this way they camouflage themselves from predators.
  3. And predators camouflage themselves; protective coloring will allow them to hunt more successfully. Arctic foxes change from dark gray to snow-white. The stoats and weasels turn white.

The fur coats of animals become richer not only in terms of color, but towards winter, a thick, short undercoat grows closer to the skin, which warms the winter frosts.

How do insects survive in winter?

Insects are also waiting for the onset of winter and have been preparing for it since summer.

Ants hid deep underground, closed the entrances to the house, and they are not visible. Ants huddle in groups and economically eat summer food supplies while waiting out the winter.

Wasps and bees seal the honeycombs, form swarms, and cover all the cracks of the nests with wax. They feed on honey reserves.

Flies, butterflies and beetles will only smell: winter signs- they hide under the bark of trees, huddle in cracks, wait out frosts in a state similar to the hibernation of animals, this state is also called suspended animation.

How fish and underwater inhabitants live under the ice

The water temperature in rivers and reservoirs drops every day, ice freezes - it is clear to underwater inhabitants: winter is coming according to the time of year. Under the layer of ice it becomes dark and there is not enough oxygen. All inhabitants have developed reflexes that help them survive winter time.

Crayfish dig holes in river banks and lead an inactive lifestyle, and female crayfish also bear eggs at this time.

All aquatic life awaits the onset of winter. Fish accumulate fat all summer, and spend it sparingly in winter.

  • - There are types of fish (carp and tench, catfish and crucian carp) that go to wintering pits at this time, where they bask side by side, being half asleep.
  • - Active predators (pike, perch and pike perch) do not change their lifestyle in winter.

How a person greets winter

Man is also an object of living nature, so people prepare and wait for the onset of winter, try to observe and learn from nature.

  1. Purchase and wear suitable clothing.
  2. Houses and windows are insulated different ways.
  3. Supplies of food and firewood are being prepared.

The signs of winter are conveyed to each other in sayings:

  • The year ends and winter begins.
  • A fur coat in winter is no joke.
  • In November, winter fights with autumn.

Winter is a difficult time for all living things in nature. Frosts, hard-to-get food, short daylight hours - all this forces animals, birds, insects to adapt and survive.

It is known that especially hard times animals feel sorry for each other. For example, herbivorous fish flock into schools and stand side by side in wintering pits throughout the cold season, and predatory fish don't touch them, that's how it is.

People also take care of their smaller brothers: they set up feeders near their houses for birds and in forests for animals, they drill holes in lakes so that the fish have an influx of oxygen. Then in the summer it will be more fun with the noise of birds and the fishing will be more successful.

I hope you liked mine short review the most important signs of winter in wildlife. Please write what other signs of winter you know in the comments. I will be very interested to know about them. And that's all for today. Let me say goodbye to you and see you again.

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“How snow is formed” - Let's study the properties of snow and ice. The first snowflakes are spinning in the air, They will fall to the ground, but will not lie still. Snow is white. In warm weather, snow and ice melt. The ice is transparent. The fluff flies - it dazzles your eyes, and if you catch it - it's cold. Snowflakes form high in the sky, in the clouds. For what? Not gem, but it shines.

“Inanimate nature in winter” - Inanimate nature in winter. Winter months. Snowfall. Winter phenomena V inanimate nature. Frost. Thaw. December January February. 2. January is “jelly”. Changes in inanimate nature in our region. 1. December - “windy winter”. Characteristics of winter. 1. Thaw 2. Ice 3. Snowfall 4. Blizzard 5. Frost. 3. February - “snow”.

“In the Forest in Winter” - Beautiful and sad winter forest. Let flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, as if it were home. Kinglet. Tit. And I changed my fur coat. Lots of snow in the forest! Zhelna. The nuthatch is found in mixed flocks of tits, woodpeckers, and wrens. Jay. After all, a fox in a white fur coat will not immediately notice a bunny. Feed the birds in winter!

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“Snow Winter” - Today is the day from the sun, frost has spread across the branches, winter has come. Behind the window in a white field - Dusk, wind, snow... Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight, On the fluffy branches with a snowy border, tassels blossomed with white fringe. The road is white, white. Looking at each other, Sleeping in the snow at home.

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There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

What are natural phenomena? What are they? You will find answers to these questions in this article. The material may be useful for preparing for the lesson the world, and for general development.

Everything that surrounds us and is not created by human hands is nature.

All changes that occur in nature are called natural phenomena or natural phenomena. The rotation of the Earth, its movement in orbit, the change of day and night, the change of seasons are examples of natural phenomena.

Seasons are also called seasons. Therefore, natural phenomena associated with the changing seasons are called seasonal phenomena.

Nature, as you know, can be inanimate and living.

Inanimate nature includes: the Sun, stars, celestial bodies, air, water, clouds, stones, minerals, soil, precipitation, mountains.

Living nature includes plants (trees), mushrooms, animals (animals, fish, birds, insects), microbes, bacteria, and humans.

In this article we will look at winter, spring, summer and autumn phenomena nature in living and inanimate nature.

Winter natural phenomena

Examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature Examples of winter phenomena in wildlife
  • Snow is a type of winter precipitation in the form of crystals or flakes.
  • Snowfall - profuse hair loss snow in winter.
  • A blizzard is a strong blowing snowstorm that occurs mainly in flat, treeless areas.
  • A blizzard is a snow storm with strong winds.
  • A snowstorm is a winter phenomenon in inanimate nature when strong wind raises a cloud of dry snow, and impairs visibility at low temperatures.
  • Buran is a blizzard in the steppe area, in open areas.
  • Blizzard - wind transfer of previously fallen and (or) falling snow.
  • Glaze is the formation of a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth as a result of cold weather after a thaw or rain.
  • Ice - the formation of a layer of ice on the surface of the earth, trees, wires and other objects that form after freezing drops of rain or drizzle;
  • Icicles - icing when liquid drains in the form of a cone pointed downward.
  • Frosty patterns are essentially frost that forms on the ground and on tree branches and on windows.
  • Freeze-up is a natural phenomenon when a continuous ice cover is established on rivers, lakes and other bodies of water;
  • Clouds are a collection of water droplets and ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, visible in the sky with the naked eye.
  • Ice, as a natural phenomenon, is the process of transition of water into a solid state.
  • Frost is a phenomenon when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius.
  • Frost is a snow-white fluffy coating that grows on tree branches and wires in calm frosty weather, mainly during fog, appearing with the first sharp cold snaps.
  • Thaw - Warm weather in winter with melting snow and ice.
  • Bear hibernation is a period of slowing down of life processes and metabolism in homeothermic animals during periods of low food availability.
  • Hedgehogs hibernate due to lack of nutrition winter period hedgehogs hibernate.
  • The change in color of a hare from gray to white is a mechanism by which hares adapt to a change in environment.
  • The squirrel's color change from red to bluish-gray is a mechanism by which squirrels adapt to changing environments.
  • Bullfinches and tits arrive
  • People dressed in winter clothes

Spring natural phenomena

Names of spring phenomena in inanimate nature Names of spring phenomena in wildlife
  • Ice drift is the movement of ice downstream during river melting.
  • Snowmelt is a natural phenomenon when the snow begins to melt.
  • Thawed patches are a phenomenon of early spring, when areas that have thawed from snow appear, most often around trees.
  • Flood is a phase that occurs annually at the same time. water regime rivers with a characteristic rise in water level.
  • Thermal winds are common name for winds associated with the temperature difference that occurs between a cold spring night and a relatively warm sunny day.
  • The first thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon when lightning occurs between a cloud and the earth's surface. electrical discharges- lightning accompanied by thunder.
  • Snow melting
  • The babbling of brooks
  • Drops - melting snow falling from roofs, from trees in drops, as well as these drops themselves.
  • Bloom early flowering plants(bushes, trees, flowers)
  • The appearance of insects
  • Arrival of migratory birds
  • Sap flow in plants - that is, the movement of water and dissolved in it minerals from the root system to the aboveground part.
  • Budding
  • Emergence of a flower from a bud
  • Emergence of foliage
  • Birdsong
  • Birth of baby animals
  • Bears and hedgehogs wake up after hibernation
  • Molting in animals - changing the winter coat to thorns

Summer natural phenomena

Summer natural phenomena in inanimate nature Summer natural phenomena in wildlife
  • A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon when electrical discharges - lightning - occur between a cloud and the earth's surface, which are accompanied by thunder.
  • Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur during a thunderstorm, resulting in a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.
  • Lightning - instant flashes of light on the horizon during a distant thunderstorm. This phenomenon is observed, as a rule, at night. At the same time, thunderclaps are not heard due to the distance, but flashes of lightning are visible, the light of which is reflected from cumulonimbus clouds (mainly their tops). The phenomenon was popularly timed to coincide with the end of summer, the beginning of the harvest, and is sometimes called bakers.
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon in the atmosphere that accompanies a lightning strike.
  • Hail - a variety rainfall consisting of pieces of ice.
  • Rainbow is one of the most beautiful phenomena nature, resulting from refraction sunlight in droplets of water suspended in the air.
  • Shower - heavy (heavy) rain.
  • Heat is a state of the atmosphere characterized by hot air heated by the sun's rays.
  • Dew is small drops of moisture that settle on plants or soil when the morning coolness sets in.
  • Summer warm rains
  • The grass is turning green
  • Flowers are blooming
  • Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest

Autumn natural phenomena

Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature Autumn phenomena in wildlife
  • Wind is a flow of air moving parallel to the earth's surface.
  • Fog is a cloud that “descends” to the surface of the earth.
  • Rain is a type of precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of liquid droplets, the diameter of which varies from 0.5 to 5-7 mm.
  • Slush is liquid mud formed from rain and sleet in wet weather.
  • Frost is a thin layer of ice that covers the surface of the earth and other objects located on it at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Frost – light frost in the range of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.
  • Autumn ice drift is the movement of ice on rivers and lakes under the influence of currents or wind at the beginning of freezing of reservoirs.
  • Leaf fall is the process of leaves falling from trees.
  • Migration of birds to the south

Unusual natural phenomena

What natural phenomena still exist? In addition to those described above seasonal phenomena There are several more natures that can be named that are not associated with any time of year.

  • Flood called a short-term sudden rise in water level in a river. This sharp rise may be a consequence of heavy rains, melting large quantity snow, the release of an impressive volume of water from the reservoir, and the collapse of glaciers.
  • Northern lights- glow upper layers atmospheres of planets with magnetospheres due to their interaction with charged particles of the solar wind.
  • Ball lightning- a rare natural phenomenon that looks like a luminous formation floating in the air.
  • Mirageoptical phenomenon in the atmosphere: refraction of light streams at the boundary between layers of air that are sharply different in density and temperature.
  • « Falling star" - an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere
  • Hurricane- extremely fast and strong, often large destructive force and significant duration of air movement
  • Tornado- an ascending vortex of extremely quickly rotating air in the form of a funnel of enormous destructive power, in which moisture, sand and other suspended matter are present.
  • Ebbs and flows- These are changes in the water level of the sea elements and the World Ocean.
  • Tsunami- long and high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of water in the ocean or other body of water.
  • Earthquake- represent tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface. The most dangerous of them arise due to tectonic displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or upper mantle of the Earth
  • Tornadoatmospheric vortex, arising in a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud and spreading down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud arm or trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters
  • Eruption- the process of ejection by a volcano earth's surface hot debris, ash, an outpouring of magma, which, pouring out to the surface, becomes lava.
  • Floods- flooding of land with water, which is a natural disaster.

Winter is an amazing time of year. This season presents people with many surprises - unusual weather phenomena. Some of them cause a lot of trouble, others are surprising. We will tell you what freezing rain is and whether there are thunderstorms and rainbows in winter...

freezing rain

Freezing rain - unusual precipitation, which fall out at negative air temperatures from 0 to -15°C in the form of solid transparent ice balls with a diameter of 1-3 mm. Inside the balls there is unfrozen water. Freezing rain forms when a layer warm air in the atmosphere falls between two layers of cold air. The moisture frozen in the upper cold layer melts, entering the warm layer. Continuing to fall, raindrops near the ground end up in a layer with a temperature below zero, but they do not turn into snow or ice, but into a special state of water. Falling from a height, the balls break, water flows out and forms an ice crust. For Russia, freezing rain is a rare occurrence. The heaviest freezing rains hit North America each year.

The layer of ice that covers everything after freezing rain can cause serious damage to nature and humans. When covered with crust, each tree branch is “sealed” and becomes very fragile, similar to crystal. Often large branches break under the weight of the ice, creating problems for cars and pedestrians in the city. This phenomenon is also dangerous for power lines, as it leads to their breakage. And ice on city streets causes injuries, car accidents and road collapses.


On December 25, 2010, freezing rain fell over middle lane Russia. There were numerous power line breaks in Moscow and the Moscow region. More than 400 thousand people were left without electricity, Domodedovo Airport was completely cut off. Due to falling branches and entire trees, 27 people were injured and one died. As a result of the ice, 1,350 people were injured over two days. There were cases of freezing rain and ice in other regions of Russia. In the Ural city of Troitsk, schools were closed for two days due to ice. A huge traffic jam formed on the M5 highway in the Zlatoust area due to the fact that heavy trucks could not climb the slope.

On December 26, 2010, freezing rain covered and Western Europe. In Poland, thousands of people were left without electricity due to icy wires. Electric transport has stopped working in some directions. In Germany, road patrols recorded hundreds of accidents, and serious traffic jams occurred on highways.

snow squall

A winter hurricane during which wind speeds reach 56 kilometers per hour is called a snow squall or storm. The area of ​​distribution of a snow storm can be arbitrarily extensive. If the wind speed during a squall exceeds 60 kilometers per hour, it is given its own name.


Most recently, on December 22, 2013, a snow squall swept across the United States. According to news agencies, at least 600 people were killed and five more were seriously injured as a result of the consequences of the snow storm. Almost 300 thousand homes were left without electricity in Michigan. 100 thousand buildings - in the states of New York and Maine. More than 500 flights were canceled at US airports. The next day, a snowstorm accompanied by freezing rain and wind reached Canada. Here, 400 thousand people were left without electricity, hundreds of flights were canceled at the airports of Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and other cities. This snow storm was the worst in Canada in the last 15 years of recording.

If for northern latitudes snow storms- a common phenomenon, although they cause a lot of trouble, for the southern regions of our planet it is a real cataclysm. On December 11 and 12, 2013, there was continuous snowfall in Israel, which paralyzed traffic. Snow fell in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Upper Galilee and Mitzpe Ramon. Due to abnormal weather conditions were closed educational establishments. According to meteorologists, 72 mm of rain fell on Jerusalem in a few hours.

Very coldy

Abnormally very coldy observed in Russia in December 2012. According to meteorologists, such cold weather has not occurred in our country for 74 years. They lasted for two weeks - in the Central region of Russia in 2012, a record was recorded for the duration of abnormal cold weather. But it was hardest for residents of Siberia, where thermometers showed minus 50. Due to the frost, school classes were canceled for a week in several regions.

In 2012, in Moscow alone, the number of victims of the abnormal cold numbered dozens: 21 people died, 271 people suffered from hypothermia and frostbite.


In the last century the most low temperature air on Earth was recorded in Antarctica, at the Soviet Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when a platinum thermometer showed -89.2 degrees Celsius. But just recently, scientists from the American National Ice and Snow Information Center announced a new temperature record on our planet - minus 91.2 degrees! New record- also comes from the southern continent, only now the pole of cold has become a mountain near the Japanese Antarctic station “Fuji Dome”. True, the Japanese measured the temperature from a satellite.

The lowest temperature recorded in Russia is minus 78 degrees Celsius. This abnormally low temperature was observed in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River, which is considered to be the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere.

winter thunderstorm

It is generally accepted that thunderstorms are exclusively summer phenomenon nature. But sometimes they also happen in winter, when daytime temperatures rise only a few degrees above zero. Such thunderstorms are called snow thunderstorms. This phenomenon is quite rare. The average frequency of such thunderstorms is once every 5 - 10 years. Only for very deep and fast moving cyclones wet air from sea latitudes, arriving on the continent in large masses and at high speed, causes strong electrification of the air, which gives rise to thunderstorms.


On December 24, 2013, residents of St. Petersburg observed a winter thunderstorm with snowfall. Meteorologists attribute the anomaly to warm weather, which stands in Northern capital this December - plus five degrees Celsius. Another surprise from nature: after a thunderstorm, a winter rainbow hung over the city.

winter rainbow

Winter, in addition to frosts, snowstorms and ice, also has pleasant natural phenomena. For example, a winter rainbow. This is the refraction of light rays on tiny ice crystals hanging in the air. A winter rainbow is akin to something so rare atmospheric phenomenon like a halo. The difference is that a halo occurs when ice crystals, receiving an electrical charge, line up in a certain order. But for a winter rainbow, it is necessary that the crystals, on the contrary, do not have any charge and are randomly oriented. Three components of a rainbow in winter - bright sun, severe frost and high humidity - most often coincide when the weather changes, for example, with the approach of a snowstorm or frost. And one more thing - if in the summer we see a rainbow-arc, then in the winter there is a chance of seeing a rainbow, which is a closed ring.


A winter rainbow was observed this December by St. Petersburg residents after a winter thunderstorm. And on December 6, 2012, residents of Novokuznetsk were lucky enough to admire this rare winter phenomenon. In the city of Koltsovo Sverdlovsk region On December 10, 2012, a circular rainbow was seen around the sun.

Giant snowflakes

An ordinary snowflake rarely exceeds 5 mm in size and weighs 4 mg. But there are exceptions. So in Siberia, people had to observe snow flakes 30 cm in diameter. The growth of snowflakes directly depends on air temperature and humidity. To make snowflakes neat and regular in shape, an air temperature of -5 to -20 degrees Celsius is required. At temperatures below 30 degrees, snowflakes fall in the form of “diamond dust.” Large snowflakes are formed when high humidity air, they can more often be seen near bodies of water, since the evaporation of water creates the most favorable conditions for their education.


The most large snowflakes in our country was observed by residents of Moscow in 1944. They were the size of a palm and resembled ostrich feathers. Scientists explained this phenomenon this way: from areas close to North Pole, a wave of cold air descended, and snowflakes began to form in the clouds. But they could not fall to the ground right away: they were supported by rising warm air currents from the heated earth. Snowflakes floated in the air and stuck together, forming flakes. By evening, the air near the ground cooled, the rising jets weakened, and an amazing snowfall began.

And the largest snowflake in the world was recorded in America; it was 38 cm in diameter and 20 cm thick. Such giant snowflakes fell in the city of Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1887.
