Where sea turtle eggs are laid. Do red-eared freshwater turtles breed in captivity?

Breeding turtles

Turtles lay eggs, which hatch after a certain period of time. Newborn turtles do not need parental care and are able to take care of themselves on their own.

Captive turtles rarely breed. Breeding turtles is a painstaking and responsible work that only experienced specialists can do. However, the first to achieve good results was an amateur who devoted many years to his work, so don't despair if you don't get offspring right away.

Patience will be one of the keys to success in reptile breeding.

In order for the turtles kept at home to start breeding, you need to provide them with the proper conditions: proper nutrition, hibernation, suitable habitat, and relative freedom of movement.

For successful reproduction, in addition to observing all conditions of detention, it is advisable to place several individuals of the same species in one pen or terrarium. When forming a group, the correct ratio of the number of females and males is important, which contributes to the manifestation of elements of mating behavior in these animals. In freshwater turtles, this ratio is approximately 2: 1, and in land turtles, in most cases, it is 3: 1.

In addition, when choosing animals, their age must be taken into account - sexually mature, but not old individuals should be selected, which must first be checked with a veterinarian. Sick or weakened animals most likely will not produce offspring.

The red-eared turtle can mate throughout the year. In a terrarium, the mating season usually occurs at the beginning of spring; the female lays eggs from July to September.

A group of selected turtles should be carefully observed for some time to determine how ready they are for mating games and breeding. If a relationship has been established between opposite-sex individuals, the rest of the turtles need to be moved to another place.

It is interesting to watch the mating games of turtles as in natural conditions, and at home. Both water turtles and land turtles often manifest themselves from a completely different side during the breeding season than in ordinary life.

Males terrestrial species they often fight among themselves, seeking the favor of the female of their choice. They push, trying to pry each other with their shells in order to turn over onto their backs. Female turtles do not always prefer those males who won the fight. They can choose both the defeated and the male who did not participate in the battle.

Turtles, like other reptiles, after building a nest and laying eggs, do not take care of the offspring at all, and little turtles appear already completely ready for independent life.

In nature, water turtles lay their eggs in the coastal sand, burying them near the reservoir. Land turtles bury their eggs in a hole dug in the ground. Under natural conditions, mating in most species of turtles occurs in April-May, and the offspring are born the next spring.

When preparing for breeding, foods containing vitamin E must be added to the turtle's feed. In nature, in most species of turtles, the breeding period begins immediately after the end of hibernation, so it is recommended that animals be hibernated for several months.

Little turtles, just hatched from eggs, already see well and orient themselves mainly with the help of sight. Under natural conditions, baby water turtles, a few minutes after birth, independently reach the water, being guided most likely by the level of water illumination, which is higher than the illumination of land, even at night.

During the breeding season, turtles need to create comfortable conditions: do not disturb them, exclude all extraneous noise and vibration, try to touch the animals as little as possible. At home, if you decide to breed offspring, you need to take care of the place where the eggs will be located in advance.

For freshwater turtles to begin mating games, the water temperature in the terrarium or aquarium must be 22-26 ° C. On land, prepare a place where the female will lay eggs. You can dig a small depression in the sand or soil and place a container with sphagnum moss there so that it is level with the land. After the female has laid the eggs, the container should be removed and placed in the incubator. The incubator temperature should be kept between 28-30 ° C.

After 2-3 months, depending on the type of turtle, small turtles will emerge from the eggs. They must be placed in an aquaterrarium or aquarium immediately. They eat almost the same way as adult turtles, with the exception of plant foods.

The birth of a baby Balkan tortoise

Newborn baby turtles, like other reptiles, have the remains of a yolk sac that disappear a few days after birth, as well as a special egg tooth with which they cut through the shell. In addition, in the first days after hatching in turtles, a transverse fold can be seen on the plastron - a consequence of the bent position of the calf inside the egg.

Eggs land turtles should be placed in a container of sand and kept in an incubator at 28–32 ° C. If you do not have an incubator, you can use the regular glass jar or an aquarium filled with sand, which should be moistened regularly. You can heat such an incubator using a conventional incandescent lamp. You can put the incubator next to the central heating battery.

Turtle eggs have a calcareous, sometimes leathery shell, oval shape... Their sizes differ depending on the type of animal. The number of eggs in a clutch can be from 2 to 8 in the Mediterranean and up to 70 in the Far Eastern tortoise.

Eggs laid by turtles are not always fertilized. In order not to keep empty eggs in the incubator for several months, they need to be checked. To do this, you can build a primitive ovoscope: put a small electric light bulb, for example, from a flashlight, in a small cardboard box, and cover the box with a lid in which an egg-shaped hole is cut, but a little smaller. To check the egg, you need to put it, without turning it over, on the hole and turn on the light bulb. Darkening will be noticeable in the middle of the fertilized egg, and the empty one will transmit light evenly. When checking, it should be remembered that the longer the maturation of the eggs, the more accurate the result will be.

The eggs of land and water turtles, unlike birds, should never be turned over, so they should be very carefully transferred to the incubator.

After the female has laid her eggs, she should be kept separate from other animals for some time. The female's nutrition for several weeks should be enhanced, since during this period the turtle's immunity is weakened and they are more susceptible to various diseases.

If turtles appear, you need to try to keep them all. In no case should they be placed in the same pen or terrarium with adult turtles, since these reptiles have no maternal instinct and they can harm the young.

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Breeding turtles Turtles lay eggs, which hatch after a certain period of time. Newborn turtles do not need parental care and are able to take care of themselves on their own. Captive turtles rarely breed.

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Turtles are a common pet species. They are ideal for families with older children, but are not recommended for families with small children, as they can drop them, forget to feed them, or forget to wash their hands after contact with a turtle (and for this there is a very important reason, which you will learn more about). If you are thinking of owning this exotic animal, there are some turtles facts and characteristics you should know. Having studied all the necessary information, you can do right choice and decide if the turtle is the right pet for you.

Not all turtles swim

Land turtles, unlike sea turtles, live on land, as their name implies. However, did you know that not all sea turtles live in water? Some species sea ​​turtles need access to water to constantly hydrate their bodies, but they spend most of their time on land. Many people believe that sea and land turtles are not much different. But in reality, the differences between them are striking. In sea turtles, webbed feet are most common, while in land turtles, the toes are located separately from each other. Also, many sea turtles are omnivores, that is, they eat both plant and animal food, while land individuals are herbivores.

Turtles are long-lived

Many turtles, which are at the right temperature and humidity, are exposed to ultraviolet rays and receive the nutrition that is appropriate for their species, can live for decades. A large number of turtles live longer than their owners and are passed down from generation to generation. Long duration the life of a reptile is something that the future owner of the turtle must take into account.

All turtles carry salmonella

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that many reptiles, including turtles, often carry in their intestines without being exposed to it. They periodically excrete this bacterium along with feces. In humans and other mammals, such as cats and dogs, Salmonella bacteria can cause severe gastrointestinal distress such as severe nausea and diarrhea. That is why it is very important that everyone, after contact with a turtle, and especially turtle feces, thoroughly washed their hands with soap and water. This is especially important when it comes about children who usually put their hands in their mouths with which they have just held a turtle. This is why turtles are not recommended as pets for families with small children.

You can distinguish between a male and a female turtle

In the case of most exotic animals, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between male and female. However, in the case of turtles, there are several reliable methods. For example, males tend to have a longer tail and a farther rectal opening than females. In some species of turtles, differences may be visible to the naked eye, such as in the shape of the shell or the color of the eyes. In addition, some males have longer claws.

Females can lay eggs without males

Like chickens, female turtles can lay eggs without fertilizing them, and none of these unfertilized eggs will hatch. Many wild turtles lay their eggs in the spring to respond to shifts. temperature regime and light cycles. That is why you can often see turtles on the roads in spring - they are looking for a place where they could lay their eggs. However, if we are talking about domestic turtles, then this does not happen with them, since their living conditions do not change depending on the season.

Sea turtles need dry land

Most often, turtles live in rectangular aquariums filled with water, but even sea turtles sometimes need to go ashore. That is why every aquarium should have a land area, such as a rock, where the turtle could lie down and rest.

Even small turtles need a lot of space

The length of the aquarium should depend on the length of the turtle. Each breeder will tell you that the basic rule is that the tank should be five times the length of the turtle that lives in it, and the depth of the water should be two and a half times the length of that turtle. How more turtle, the larger the aquarium should be.

Turtles need vegetables

Turtles really need vitamin A, as they cannot store it in the body. As a result, they need to get it from food.

Turtles know their masters

Many people are not aware of this, but turtles can recognize as appearance and the sounds that their owners make. Moreover, many owners report that turtles swim out of the depths specifically to greet a person who has approached. You may not suspect this, but some turtles may even come to you if you call them by name.

Sea turtles are reptiles of the turtle family, which includes 5 genera.

Turtles live in warm waters Indian and The Pacific as well as in the Atlantic. These animals are tireless swimmers who spend their entire life in the water. On the shore, the turtles are clumsy and go there only to lay eggs.

Sea turtles choose small islands lost in the boundless waters of the ocean as a place for procreation. However, animals unmistakably find pieces of land, swimming huge distances. Scientists have put forward many hypotheses commenting on how it is possible to perfectly navigate the water space. One hypothesis is that sea turtles can be used for orientation magnetic field land.

Features of the structure and size of turtles

All sea turtles are fairly large creatures. The largest in the family is the green sea turtle, which has a body length of 1.5 meters and weighs from 80 to 190 kg.

The shell length of such a turtle is 80-120 cm. There are very large representatives of this family, whose weight exceeds 300 kg. Turtle most large sizes, which the scientists managed to measure, had a shell length of 153 cm and weighed 395 kg at the same time. Small representatives of this family also live in nature.

Sea turtles are large reptiles.

The smallest turtle is the Ridley olive sea turtle. This leisurely creature weighs no more than 50 kg, and the length of the shell is 60-70 cm. Females usually weigh less - 25-48 kg. The weight of the heaviest representatives of this male species does not exceed 35 kg. The rest of the species of sea turtles, in terms of their size, are between these two species. What all members of the family have in common is that the limbs in the form of fins and the head do not retract under the shell.

The dorsal-abdominal shell of great sea turtles is flat. Developed much better than the hind legs, the front legs are flippers. The turtle has a large head, sitting on a short neck. The head is not retracted into the shell, as are the limbs. The shell of the sea turtle, called the carapace, has a bony base and is covered with horny scutes. The color of the shell is different - black, light brown, greenish.

Nutrition, headcount situation

Small sea turtles feed on zooplankton and small nekton, while adult turtles prefer plant food. Despite the fact that during the mating season these animals migrate far into the ocean, the main habitat is in coastal zone.

Sea turtles are omnivores.

At a depth of ten meters, the sea turtle finds itself a variety of plant foods. In addition to various algae, the diet of turtles includes molluscs and jellyfish. Sea turtles attack those inhabitants of coastal waters that are even slower than themselves. For recreation, this species chooses sea caves.

Since ancient times, the main exterminator of sea turtles has been a man. People have always had a huge commercial interest in these leisurely inhabitants. deep sea because of their delicious meat... Sea turtle eggs were considered a delicacy and a huge number of clutches were destroyed.

All this, along with the low survival rate of young animals, led to a sharp decline in the population of these unique armored animals. Currently, there is a ban on hunting sea turtles, however, this law is difficult to control in large ocean areas. In this regard, the population of sea turtles is not high and leaves much to be desired.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Juveniles of sea turtles reach sexual maturity by the age of 25-30. All the time until the beginning of the breeding season, turtles swim in the salty sea spaces. But in the year of nesting, mature age sea ​​turtles rush to that piece of land where they once hatched from an egg.

Having reached small islands scattered in the ocean, the turtles mate near the coast. The females then begin to prepare the nests. They crawl out onto the shore and shovel the sand with their hind legs. There are pits-nests, about 40-50 cm deep. The female lays eggs there.

Sea turtles are long-lived.

The number of eggs in one clutch can be up to 200 pieces. After laying eggs, the female buries the nest and tamping it carefully so that the hole looks as invisible as possible. During the year of nesting, the female makes 5-7 clutches of eggs. Next period reproduction will occur only after 3-4 years.

After the female sea turtle lays eggs, she leaves to plow the sea and does not care about the offspring at all. What will become of the masonry does not interest her. The development period of turtle cubs in an egg occurs within 2 months. Moreover, the sex of the hatched turtles depends on the ambient temperature.

If the temperature was quite low, males are born. With more high temperature females will hatch from the eggs. But if the temperature drop is too sharp, the masonry may die completely.

The shell of the turtle's egg is pierced with the so-called egg tooth. Newborn baby sea turtle rake the sand and get out of the nest hole. Here comes the most dangerous period in life. They are hunted both on land and in water, and from the air. As a result, it does not live up to adulthood at all a large number of reptiles of this species. But if little cub the tortoise still managed to survive, its life expectancy could be 80 years.

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The red-eared (aka yellow-bellied) turtle is one of the most popular pets. Many owners of these wonderful reptiles are thinking about breeding them. The reasons for this are very different: someone wants to increase the number of pets, not buying them, but growing independently from birth to an adult.

Someone is thinking of starting to sell grown turtles, others are planning to give them to friends and acquaintances. The motives can be very different, but people often make the same mistakes. To avoid them, you need to know a few of the most key things (this is the required minimum):

  1. What to create conditions for the breeding of turtles
  2. How to determine their gender
  3. How turtles mate in captivity
  4. What to do with eggs. Incubator for eggs.
  5. How to care for and feed newborn turtles.

If man decided to breed turtles, we can assume that he already knows the basic things: how to equip an aquaterrarium, how to feed the pets, how often to change the water, etc. I don’t want to re-read a huge amount of material, it’s easy to find short but informative videos on the Internet about how everything should be arranged.

It is important to understand that the conditions necessary for the survival and growth of turtles may not be sufficient for their reproduction. What needs to be considered to make it work?

Necessary nuances

Males reach sexual maturity earlier. at about the fifth year of life, while in females at the sixth year. Many people either do not know this difference or forget about it. Naturally, in this case, nothing happens.

If there are several turtles, then it is better when there is one male for several females... This will help to avoid conflicts between "boys" and possible trauma. It is possible to understand which sex reptile is not earlier than one year old. Males are smaller in size, but at the same time have larger claws and a tail. The lower part of the shell also helps to understand the gender - in boys it has a very noticeable "dent".

For mating it is recommended to place the female and male in a separate aquarium... You need to fill it with clean, settled water. The temperature is extremely important - it should be warmer than the water in the "main" aquaterrarium. The fact is that changing water and increasing its temperature are an important additional stimulus for mating for red-eared turtles.

Water is essential for turtles to mate., but at the same time the male can get carried away, and not let the female float up. Therefore, the depth in this "special" aquarium should be small, about 10-12 centimeters.

Before mating interesting "mating games" take place: the male swims near the female, periodically tickling his face with his claws and hitting her shell with the front edge of his shell. On YOUTUBE you can find a video of how exactly the "flirting" of red-eared turtles occurs.

The duration of intercourse is on average 7-15 minutes. If, after "relocation" to a separate aquarium, the reptiles do not pay attention to each other, then they need to be resettled for a couple of days.

It is better to separate a pregnant female from the male, as he can unwittingly injure her.

Masonry and newborn care

Red-eared turtles lay their eggs in sand or ground... It is better not to leave the clutch unattended: leaving everything as it is, it is more difficult to control development and the risk of losing all eggs increases. They can be accidentally damaged by the turtles themselves, or mold can develop on the eggs.

Eggs are best transferred to an incubator.... This must be done very carefully, trying not only not to damage, but not even turn them. Some experts advise marking the top of the eggs with a marker to help control their position.

The temperature in the incubator is set in the range of 21-30 degrees... Differences are unacceptable, so I did not go to place the incubator in a place that does not allow:

  • direct sunlight
  • drafts

The development of the embryo lasts from two months to six months... After the babies hatch, they must be removed from the adult turtles. If it is not possible to attach them to a separate aquaterrarium, you must at least protect them separate territory inside the main one. In order for the "young" to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to periodically let them "warm up" under the rays of UV lamps.

The ideal food for newborn red-eared turtles is raw, lean fish. In order for the food to be exactly balanced, it is worth periodically feeding the babies with special food for newborn turtles.


Without following these rules it will be impossible to get offspring from these wonderful reptiles. It is important to understand that, like any other animals, red-eared turtles in captivity reproduce worse than in wildlife... To be successful, you will have to make a lot of effort and create the most comfortable conditions for the turtles.

Turtles mature late, for example, females of Central Asian turtles over the age of ten, males at the age of five or six. Other species become sexually mature at about the same or later age. The information available in the literature on this issue is very scanty. Males of all species have a more or less noticeable "dent" on the plastron, which helps them to fulfill their conjugal duties, and in many species also femoral spurs. Males of many species have a longer tail than females, and the anus is almost at its very end.

During the breeding season (in nature it usually occurs in spring), the turtles become more active. Males make yapping sounds (in a number of species, females also have the right to vote) and engage in fights with rivals, sometimes ending in injury and death of weak animals. The mating period usually lasts one to three weeks. Two to three months after it, females lay from one or two (Egyptian turtle) to 30 (panther and spurred turtle) eggs. Before this, the turtle digs a hole in the ground, after having abundantly irrigated the place of oviposition with the liquid accumulated in the bladder and two anal bladders. After a while, the female can re-lay eggs. Then the female buries a hole and compacts the soil, rising on outstretched legs and down with force.

Turtle owners often ask: is it possible to breed land turtles at home? Captive female turtles often lay eggs. But often (like in birds) eggs are unfertilized (fatty). And if your pet, living alone with you, has laid eggs, then there is no point in incubating them. Apart from disappointment, you will have nothing

If you have several turtles, and you are sure that there are both males and females in the "herd", and even more so mating is noted, then it makes sense to start incubating the eggs laid. Captive turtles can mate and lay eggs. all year round... To stimulate mating, many species need several males: without fighting, they do not show interest in females. During the period of "pregnancy", females need to increase the amount of vitamins D and E, as well as feed and supplements with a high calcium content. We must not forget about the irradiation of animals with ultraviolet light. Stimulates sexual activity and lighting enhancement.

Turtles can lay eggs even on the floor, but it is advisable to make a special nest box for this purpose. It must be of sufficient size so that the animal can choose a place to dig a hole in it. For large species(red-footed and other turtles) it should have dimensions of 1.2 1.2-0.6 m.In order for the animal to get into it, a gentle gangway with slats stuffed on them is attached to one of the sides of the box or it is installed in a special hole in the floor terrarium. For smaller or larger animals, the size of the nest box must be changed. The necessary substrate is placed almost to the top in the nesting box: for desert species - sand, for forest species - a mixture of sphagnum, peat and sand. The substrate must be kept moist.

The laid eggs should be transferred to the incubator as soon as possible. Unlike birds' eggs, turtle eggs, like all reptiles, cannot be turned over. To avoid confusing the orientation of the eggs, carefully draw a dash or cross on the top of the egg, or write the number using a soft pencil or felt-tip pen.

In the simplest case, you can use an aquarium as an incubator or adapt a foam box. The incubator is equipped with a lid with ventilation holes (in the foam version - with a transparent plexiglass door). Ventilation is required - stale wet air can lead to mold. But it is important not to overdry the eggs; for this, containers with periodically topped up water are placed in the incubator. Do not spray eggs from a spray bottle! Condensation on the incubator lid should also not get on the eggs being hatched.

Regardless of the device of the incubator, it must have a heater (in extreme cases, an ordinary incandescent light bulb) and a thermostat. Heater power should be within 15-40 W. It depends on the temperature in the room where the incubator is installed and on its size. The incubation temperature for most species should be between 28-30 С. At higher temperatures in newborn turtles, various deformities may occur. In a number of species, the sex of the born animal depends on the incubation temperature. So, at a high temperature, only females are hatched, and at a lower temperature, males. The air humidity in the incubator should be 80-100%. The incubator must be ventilated at least once a week.

Rice. The device of the simplest incubator: 1 - a container with water for air humidification; 2 - ventilation holes; 3 - incubator body; 4 - thermometer; 5 - incandescent lamp; 6 - thermostat; 7 - eggs; 8 - a cuvette with a substrate

The development time of the embryo depends on temperature and lasts from two to fourteen months (in Central Asian tortoise- about two months). If the incubator contains eggs from different clutches or from different types animals, it is better to place them in separate plastic containers with lid. To prevent air from stagnating in them, a large number of holes must be made in the walls of the containers, and when ventilating the incubator, briefly remove the covers from the containers.

The turtle makes a hole in the shell before hatching. For about a day (sometimes longer), he is in the egg, feeding on the contents of the yolk sac. In no case should you take the baby out of there! Let him leave his cradle himself. So that the kids, having left the shell, do not accidentally damage the remains of the yolk sac, some American breeders recommend carefully washing the bag with a betadine solution ( pharmacy drug) and gently bandage with a soft cloth to the turtle's shell. Remove the napkin after the bag is completely resorbed. Newborn turtles are kept at the same temperature as adult animals. A wet mixture of peat and sand should be poured onto the bottom of a small aquarium or terrarium. You can also use slightly damp paper towels. Toddlers forest species do not tolerate dry air!

In nature, newborn turtles of some species usually remain in the nest until the next spring, but in captivity they are usually not hibernated. They feed the babies with a variety of plant food... It is important that it is soft and nutritious enough.
